• The best time for training. What is the best time to go to the gym? Morning, afternoon or evening? Temporal organization of man


    Every person who starts doing fitness at some point asks the question: What is the best time to exercise? This question depends on many factors, but we will try to answer it as clearly and accessible as possible.

    I would like to note that everyone who has pulled himself together and is engaged in any kind of sport is already on the right track, and no matter what time of the day he practices. The important thing is that he does it! You need to understand that even after reading our recommendations, you yourself choose the time of training in accordance with your busyness and your desire.

    Scientists have proven that the best time to train in the gym is 4-5 pm (Based on a scientific study published in the journal “Sports medicine”). But who said that you can't do it at other times? Let's look at the pros and cons of exercising at different times of the day.

    morning workout

    Morning workouts are incredibly enjoyable! For example, Dwayne Johnson always trains in the morning. Before dawn, at four in the morning, Dwayne goes for a run so intense that after it you can wring out your clothes. Such early cardio helps him cheer up and sets the right mood for the rest of the day. Let's look at the pros and cons of morning classes.


    • Exercising in the morning speeds up metabolism (metabolism).
    • You get a charge of vivacity and positive energy for the whole day.
    • Morning workouts are very disciplined. As practice shows, it is much easier to accustom yourself to morning workouts than to afternoon or evening ones.
    • Since everyone is still sleeping, you will have much less time for distractions.
    • In the morning, during exercise, the fat stores in your body are burned first of all, which means that this time is great for cardio training.


    • If you don't like or are not used to getting up early, it will be difficult for you to force yourself to exercise at such a time.
    • In the morning, the muscles are not yet warmed up, so without a good warm-up, there is a high probability of injury.
    • If you have a strength training scheduled, then you will have to get up even earlier to have a good breakfast or take a portion of a gainer, otherwise you will not have energy.
    • If you are exercising at a high intensity, then by the evening you will feel very tired and your efficiency will greatly decrease.

    If your goal is to lose weight and it's easy for you to get up early, then the best time to train is in the morning. You can see the training program for weight loss in our article High Intensity Interval Training for Fat Burning. Also for this time of day, yoga or meditation is suitable. It should be noted that in the morning our joints are not very elastic, so active exercises should be avoided. If you still decide to conduct strength training in the morning, do not neglect the warm-up and be sure to eat 1-1.5 hours before training.

    Let's take a look at what scientists say about the ideal time to exercise. Consider the opinion of scientists from Williamsburg - a US city. Here, the scientists selected 100 untrained men for the experiment, who trained at 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 8:00 pm.

    The results showed that activation of fast-twitch muscle structures, which is responsible for lifting weights, is better when the body temperature is higher, which occurs in the afternoon. Thus, they set the best time for training: from 16:00 to 20:00.

    Now let's turn our attention to the study of scientists from Washington. They argue that it is necessary to train depending on the type of physique and metabolic rate. Endomorphs, who have a slow metabolism, should train in the morning in order to use internal energy and fat stores.

    Ectomorphs with a lean physique are forced to train in the evening so that at the time of training they have the necessary supply of energy and nutrients obtained from food. Mesomorphs, people with an average build and metabolism, can train both in the morning and in the evening. You can learn more about body types in the Body Types article.

    Scientists from Washington say that you should listen to your own biorhythms, and also note that if you train at about the same time, your body will get used to it.

    Daytime workouts

    Daytime workouts are more suitable for schoolchildren or students, as well as those whose work schedule allows you to devote 1-2 hours to training in the afternoon.


    • The body temperature is slightly higher than in the morning. It will be easier and more comfortable for you to get started.
    • Muscle glycogen stores and blood sugar levels are good.
    • Improves blood flow to the brain. After training, you will be able to work even more productively.
    • Reduces stress levels after work, study. You can throw out all the negative energy in the hall.
    • At this time, endurance increases. It is she who is important for weight training.
    • Research shows that our lungs are at their most efficient at this time.


    • Distractions that may keep you from exercising at your scheduled time.
    • If you train during your lunch break, then the time limit will be a minus, the workout may turn out to be unfinished.

    Summing up, it should be said that at this time, strength exercises, stretching, crossfit and other exercises that require endurance and strength will be most effective. Before such training, you should definitely take care of eating.

    Evening workouts

    Who is evening training for? They are ideal for those who feel sluggish and sleepy in the morning. They are also suitable for swimming and team sports.


    • Body temperature in the evening is ideal for training.
    • In the evening at a workout, you can get rid of the stress accumulated during the day.
    • Your energy is at its peak from 6 to 9 pm. Arrange the main part of the workout during this period, for a later time you can leave a hitch and stretching.


    • Evening workouts can cause sleep disturbance, then you will have to change your workout schedule.
    • Until the evening, you can come up with a number of excuses for not going to the gym. The habit of evening classes takes longer to form than at other times of the day.
    • Fat burning will have low efficiency due to high blood sugar.

    The best time for strength training and mass

    Evening is the perfect time for strength training. You can find mass training in our article Weight training program. However, dinner should be provided 1.5-2 hours before training, so that before going to bed you do not burden your body with a dense meal.

    It should also be remembered that there are many other equally important components of successful training. The most important of them are:

    • regularity of training
    • good and proper nutrition
    • rest
    • desire and faith in the result

    If you have the opportunity to engage in the type of physical activity that is most suitable for this at the recommended time, then this is great: you will naturally help your body achieve the desired result faster. If you don’t have such an opportunity, then don’t be discouraged, your body will choose the best time for training itself, the main thing is to listen to it well and help it find this time.

    And in conclusion, a generalizing video on this issue from the leaders of fitness and bodybuilding in Russia.

    We have analyzed all the pros and cons of training at different times of the day. Adjust the time of your workouts to your goals and how you feel, so it will be easier for you to organize yourself and you will not want to miss a workout. One way or another, the main thing is not the time of training, but its content and constancy. Always work out at the same time, then your body will get used to the loads and adapt to your training schedule.

    When is the best time to train in the gym - this is one of the most frequently asked questions. While some people lace up their sneakers at dawn and go to work out, others can't get themselves out of bed until noon.

    Opinions also differ among connoisseurs. Someone claims that it is better to do it in the morning, and someone - in the evening. Everyone is trying to make their own arguments. But what does science say about this? Let's try to figure out what is the best time to work out in the gym? Morning, afternoon or evening?


    The circadian rhythm is governed by the 24-hour rotation of the Earth. This affectsbody functions that play an important role in its readiness for physical activity: blood pressure, temperature, hormone levels, metabolism and heart rate. These fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes in connection with the cycles of sleep and wakefulness of a person are called circadian rhythms.

    The circadian rhythm of our body determines whether we are an owl or a lark. Therefore, our chronotype plays a big role in deciding when to train. Owls find it easier to train in the evening, while larks do it in the morning. If you have such a clear preference, then it's pretty easy to decide which schedule is right for you. Although it is interesting to know that no matter what time we consider the best, almost all of us are physically stronger and more resilient at the end of the day.

    Scientists have found that while circadian rhythms are innate, we can change them based on our behavior. For example, using an alarm clock, meal planning and workouts. Research shows that our ability to maintain a high intensity workout will adapt to the timing of our workouts. People who constantly train in the morning have accustomed their body to work at this time of day. And when they switch to evening exercises, they do not feel so strong. Therefore, if circumstances do not allow you to train at your preferred time, this is not a reason to be upset. You can change your rhythms and your body can adjust to the new workout times. However, it may take about a month for the internal clock to reset.


    Body temperature is an important factor inquality training. A cold body is a rigid muscle that does not allow you to work as efficiently as possible, and they are also susceptible to sprains. Elevated body temperature makes muscles more elastic. It increases, as a rule, during the day, reaching a peak in the evening. In the afternoon, everything else, better reaction time, speed. Heart rate and blood pressure are low. All this improves performance and reduces the chance of injury.

    This is also supported by scientific data. For example, a study published in 1998 in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise looked at the effect of time of day on muscle performance in a group of young untrained men. Each of them performed a series of endurance exercises at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00. performance was morehigh in the evening.

    And in a study published in 2009 in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, a group of young men over 10 weeks showed greater gains in both muscle (3.5% versus 2.7% in the morning group) and strength during classes in the evening (from 17:00 to 19:00).


    Research shows. That the best time to exercise is in the evening. But if you have problems with planning and sequencing in your training regimen, then it is better to choose the morning. In the afternoon and evening, training often conflicts with other responsibilities and activities. Plus, a whole day of stressful work can wreak havoc on your willpower.

    Morning workouts can also be a good option for improving sleep quality. If you have trouble sleeping, read the article "". Because exercise increases heart rate and body temperature, exercising too late can disrupt sleep, while a 2014 study published in the journal Vascular Health And Risk Management found that exercising at 7 am (compared to 13 :00 or 19:00) can help you sleep more soundly at night.

    And an experiment published in 2011 in The Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research tracked blood pressure and sleep levels in people aged 40 to 60. Each participant did moderate walking on a treadmill at 7:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 7:00 pm for 30 minutes three times a week. The researchers found that all participants who exercised at 7 am experienced a 10% overall reduction in blood pressure and a 25% reduction in nighttime blood pressure.

    Morning cardio - one of the first assistants in burning fat. A study published in 2013 in The British Journal Of Nutrition reports that people can burn up to 20% more fat by exercising on an empty stomach, which is much easier to do in the morning than in the evening. This once again confirms the popularity of hungry cardio. So if you are a morning person or prefer to work out in the morning for some other reason, feel free to head to the gym, just make sure your muscles are warmed up.


    A great way to take a break from mental work in the middle of the working day if there is a gym near your work. Training in the daytime is good because you have already managed to wake up, but have not yet had time to get tired mentally and physically. Also, this training option is suitable for those who work late or are too tired after work.

    Hormonal levels are also important in determining optimal workout times. Hormones like testosterone and cortisol change throughout the day. Testosterone peaks in the morning and falls at the end of the day. But despite the fact that the level of this hormone reaches its lowest point in the evening, its level after training is higher in the evening than in the morning. In addition, the stress hormone cortisol, which plays a big role in fat storage and muscle burning, peaks in the morning and decreases throughout the day.

    In other words, the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio (when testosterone is highest relative to cortisol) is better in the early evening than in the morning.

    Since testosterone is so important for muscle growth and strength, in theory this makes the evening less of a "catabolic" time to train. But that's just in theory, because short-term changes in hormone levels don't really say much. Our body is very highly adaptive, and everything is very individual. Moreover, in addition to this, there are many much more important factors affecting the final result.


    You don't have to be a circadian expert to determine the best times to hit the gym. Just try to work out in the morning, afternoon or evening and choose what suits you! The most important thing, according to experts, is the choice of the time of day when it is easiest for you to stick to the regime.

    Is there a better time of day to exercise?

    Before answering your question, what is the best time to workout - morning or evening, let me note one thing, that physical activity, regardless of time, place and duration, is in itself extremely beneficial for your physiological and mental health.

    Yes! After all, not only the body becomes more toned after training, but physical activity also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, expanding its functionality.

    Studies of respiratory functionality, daily biorhythms, body temperature and hormone levels say one thing - the most favorable time for training is about 4-5 hours after lunch. But in the modern pace of life, it is sometimes not possible to allocate time for training clearly according to the schedule. There are many people who perform late in the evening or even at night.

    Thus, let's discuss the benefits of training at different times of the day in this article, this will help you choose your own "best" time for sports.

    The best time to train: expert opinion

    morning workout


    For most people who have chosen morning time for training, it is easier to form a constant “need” for physical exercise (that is, adaptation to stress is faster).
    Fewer distractions and, as a result, forced breaks.
    You can increase your exercise time by getting up a little earlier.
    Yours is perfectly accelerated, which makes it possible to burn more calories throughout the day.
    Gives a feeling of physical energy for several hours after class.
    Lower temperatures in summer.
    Air pollution is lowest in the morning.
    In the morning, during exercise, the fat stores in your body are burned first of all.


    Body temperature is at its lowest level after waking up, thereby reducing energy expenditure and blood flow.
    "Cold" muscles can be more prone to injury - be sure to do a good warm-up and stretch the major muscle groups before increasing the intensity of your workout.
    If you don't like morning workout time, you'll have a hard time getting into the habit of morning sports.
    Since the body temperature is higher at the end of the day, the rate of burning calories in the morning will be less effective.

    At noon


    Exercising at lunchtime at a fixed time can easily become a habit.
    You can conduct joint training with colleagues at work, study.
    Body temperature and hormone levels are higher than in the morning.
    Exercising will help regulate the amount of food for lunch and help you avoid overeating.
    Improves blood flow to the brain, that is, makes you smarter.
    Removes from work, classes at the university, school.


    Time limits do not allow you to get a full workout. Any length is good, but it's better if you can do 30 to 60 minutes or more.
    Studies show that lung function is at its worst at noon. On a light walk, you may not notice the difference. But for a vigorous workout, a 15-20% difference can be felt.

    After lunch

    Research shows that between 3 pm and 7 pm is the best time for endurance and muscle building exercises.


    For most people, body temperature and hormone levels peak at 5 p.m., so training 2 hours before or after the peak is best for endurance and muscle building.
    Studies show that the lungs are most efficient at 4-5 pm.
    Muscles are warm and flexible.
    The perceived tension in the muscles is the lowest - thus, you will be able to perform more complex or faster exercises in the afternoon.


    Distractions that may keep you from exercising at your scheduled time.

    Evening workout


    Muscles are warm and flexible.
    The load helps to regulate the amount of food for dinner.
    Relieve tension after a working day, training sessions.


    Distractions that may keep you from exercising at your scheduled time.
    It takes one to three hours to relax after exercising in order to be able to fall asleep normally.
    If you find sleep problems, you need to schedule your workouts ahead of time.
    Psychological and physical fatigue accumulated over the whole day.

    So, what is the best time to exercise? The benefits of exercise will only be when they are performed consistently and regularly.

    Therefore, the best time to exercise is the one that fits perfectly and fits into your daily schedule. Experts agree that the duration and regularity of training will be decisive, not the time of day. Good luck to you!

    It has long been known that the functioning of the human body directly depends on the time of day- at some hours it works as productively as possible (at this time you can carry out the best workouts for losing weight and gaining muscle mass), while at others it is almost completely turned off (this is not a fitness time, but a time for sleep and rest).

    With a good understanding of this topic, correctly plan the day, and choose the most optimal time for sports. With this approach, you will only conduct really effective workouts.

    What time can you do the most effective workout: morning

    • 5-00 - The excretion of urine by the kidneys stops. Waking up at this time, a person feels alert all day, and can conduct effective strength training for weight loss (this rule applies to both girls and men)
    • 6-00 - the pressure rises, the heart begins to beat faster
    • 7-00 - the body's immunity is greatly enhanced
    • 8-00 - toxic substances are almost completely dehydrated in the liver
    • 9-00 - the heart begins to work better, sensitivity to pain decreases

    What time of day can you do the most effective workout: evening

    • 17-00 - the working capacity of the body increases, endurance increases significantly. Great time for fitness and heavy strength training
    • 18-00 - the functioning of the nervous system slows down, the threshold of pain sensitivity increases
    • 19-00 - pressure rises, irritability and irascibility appear. At this time, not the best (in terms of effectiveness) workouts come out
    • 20-00 - the maximum daily body weight is observed, the reaction improves
    • 21-00 - the ability to memorize information improves, the work of the nervous system returns to normal. This time is more suitable for training than for fitness.

    Late evening is the best time for workouts aimed at relaxing the body. The best workout program for the evening is yoga, stretching, breathing exercises

    Choose a time for fitness: night

    22-00 - the level of leukocytes in the blood rises, the body temperature decreases

    • 23-00 - the body is actively preparing for sleep. At this time, it will not be possible to conduct the most effective and efficient training.
    • 24-00 - the end of the day. At this time, you need to sleep, and not do home workouts for weight loss
    • 1-00 - significantly increased sensitivity to pain. Sleep shallow
    • 2-00 - internal organs slow down
    • 3-00 - the body is resting, the pulse and breathing slows down
    • 4-00 - hearing worsens, blood pressure drops very much.
    • Night is not the time for sports.An effective training program for weight loss should be carried out in the afternoon or evening.

    But do not get hung up on the time of day - this is just an additional advantage that allows you to conduct more effective workouts. If you can’t pay attention to training at the specified time, then go in for sports in any free minute.The most important thing in any workout is regularity.. Train properly, do not miss classes - and you will succeed. The doctor promises!

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    Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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    Date of: 2014-08-15 Views: 34 422 Grade: 5.0 This question is asked quite often, both to me personally and in general on the Internet. It is understandable. Indeed, for many people, the importance of the time of day for training is greatly exaggerated. This is due to the fact that many coaches quite categorically outline the intervals of 2-3 hours when you need to train. And the rest of the time, like, training will be down the drain. Let's see if this is the case. Of course, day and night are the same for everyone. The sun rises and sets for everyone at the same time. But the biorhythms of each individual person are individual. I think that you have already heard about “owls” and “larks” even without me. For this fact alone, it is impossible to strictly outline any identical framework for everyone. But there are also fluctuations in activity during the day. Some hours are less active, some more. And this activity largely depends on what time a person goes to bed and gets up. Yes it is. I agree. But, firstly, it is impossible to accurately calculate the time of this activity, since it also depends on other factors and constantly fluctuates. Secondly, few people have the opportunity to adjust their workouts to the peaks of activity. Since besides training there is also work, family and many other important and urgent matters. Yes, by the way, these peaks of activity themselves do not appear just like that at one particular time or another. You yourself, with your daily routine, accustom your body to one or another chrono-biological cycle. Why am I saying all this? Moreover, if you constantly train at the same time, then the body itself will adapt to you over time. And the peaks of your activity, in a few months, will coincide with the time of training. But, I repeat once again, for this to happen, you need to constantly train at about the same time (+ - 1 hour) for at least 2 months. The second important note: you can not exercise during the first hour after waking up. No matter how hard you try, the peak of activity cannot come immediately after you wake up. It must take at least 1 hour for all body functions to fully engage in work. And better 1.30 -2 hours. Of course, here, too, everything is individual. But from waking up to starting a workout, at least 1 hour should pass. And third: you need to finish your workout no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The body needs time to tune in to a calm mood. And he can't do it in 10 minutes. Yes, no matter how late you train. You can, of course, work out right before bed. But you still won't fall asleep before 1.30 - 2 hours. 1. Train always at the same time. 2. There should be at least 1 hour between waking up and starting a workout. 3. Between the end of the workout and sleep should be at least 2 hours. 4. Everything else is up to you and doesn't really matter.

    By the way, you can order yourself from Timko Ilya - the author of this article and this site.

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