• Julia Vins before and after photo, biography, instagram. Julia Vince: Muscular Barbie Julia Vince VK


    Hello my friends and readers! I wonder what associations you have when you come across Yulia Vins whose photo is far from uncommon now? Yes Yes Yes! Was! In the fall of 2013, all the newspapers suddenly started talking about a Russian woman with powerful body proportions and a pretty doll face.

    The combination blew up the sports and non-sports communities, and social media was buzzing. Some were indignant: informal, down with it! Others said: What? Wow so!

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    What makes powerlifting life-giving

    A fifteen-year-old notorious girl came in 2011 to the gym to do ... powerlifting. Who thought? For what? She came, as Julia herself says, for self-confidence, for emancipation, harmony and beauty of the physical body. I took up this sport as a self-affirmation.

    Even the first photo session of Yulia before and after powerlifting, and the subsequent ones in a swimsuit, made it possible to talk about her as a subverter of established ideas about how a girl should look like and what she should do and what not.

    By 2016, when Vince was hired by the Primeval Lab team, her weight fluctuated between 60 and 65 kilograms at a height of 165 centimeters, and she bench press 100 kilograms, deadlift 165 kilograms, squat with a barbell 202.5 kilograms. Impressive?

    And at the end of January 2015, Yulia became the owner of the title of master of sports of international class.

    At first Yulia rocked. Julia went to all these amazing results on her own. The first year showed minor achievements, which, moreover, stopped in one place.

    Then she took up powerlifting. Thought out the power plan. Vince added three more meals to her three meals. The diet began to be dominated by cereals (buckwheat, rice), cottage cheese, eggs, necessarily fish and chicken breasts. Of course, sports nutrition.

    She can afford sweets. These components helped to build muscle mass, and Yulia began to weigh 65 kilograms instead of 48. The volume of the biceps is 40.5 centimeters.

    The more a person works, the better his testimony, the louder they talk about him. Alas, there are envious people who cannot restrain their emotions. Same with Vince.

    Her unusual extraordinary image - beautiful girls with a masculine body, success in performances and, as a result, being in demand by sports nutrition companies (and this is a good income), caused a reaction in her rival Yulia that she could not restrain.

    In March 2014, Svetlana Smirnova sprayed pepper spray in Yulia's face at the Russian Championship according to the International Powerlifting Association (IPA). And although everything ended with stress, poisoning, suffocation and reduced vision, Yulia does not lose heart.

    She works as a trainer, loves to train with beginners, records videos of her workouts and posts them on the World Wide Web.

    About Yulia, conversations do not stop in European sports and other parties. She is admired, documentaries are made about her, they talk on television and write in newspapers. And they note that every year, women in gyms are added.

    Julia knows how to bring the figure into tone, while not turning the muscles into mountains. Here are her recommendations:

    • twisting (for the press):
    • lying on the mat, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head in the castle. Half raise the body. Do 20 times, three approaches; 2) Fully raise the body to a sitting position; 3) Raise the body to a sitting position with a turn to the right, to the left;
    • for the buttocks:

    we do lunges with the right, then with the left foot. The right leg touches the floor with the knee, the emphasis is on the floor with the toes, the left leg is bent at the knee, at an angle of 90 degrees. To load, we take dumbbells in our hands. We do lunges;

    • stretching:

    sitting on the floor, legs apart as wide as possible. Arms outstretched in front of you, back straight. We stretch our arms in a straight line in front of us;

    • chair exercise:

    we sit on an imaginary chair, turning our legs to the sides with our knees (almost a full 180 degree turn). You need to sit as low as possible.

    Needed where was born

    In the Saratov region in the city of Engels in 1996, Julia Vins was born, a girl with huge eyes on a thin, spiritual face. She did not play sports as a child. The more striking results that she showed in just three years of training.

    Parents have come to terms with what their daughter does from her body. However, at first they were shocked. Like Julia's classmates. In the hall, Julia appeared like-minded people and a beloved friend. She makes good money and does what she loves. And she is improving in self-realization, although she is still shy.

    Subscribe to updates on my blog. I am happy to tell you a lot of interesting things that happen in life. Share with your friends on social networks your opinions about what you have read, recommend our topics to your friends. All success and achievements. And if you have something sporty in mind, then do it by all means. Straightaway.

    How did it happen that you, a slender girl weighing 48 kilograms, came up with the idea to transform your body with the help of an “iron” sport?
    Yu. V .: Like many girls, I saw a huge number of shortcomings in myself and tried to correct them. It seemed to me that I was weak-willed, so I decided that only sports would help me. When I came to the gym, I didn’t know at all how to train ... Therefore, I spent a year almost in vain. But I prefer to call it the year of preparation.

    Wasted year? So how long did it take you to get that shape, even though you're only 18 years old?

    Yu. V .: I have been training for a little more than three years. The goal of my training is to lift as much weight as possible in competition. At the moment, my training indicators are: squat - 200 kg, bench press - 115 kg, deadlift - 190 kg.

    Wow! Surely not everyone understands such a hobby ...
    YV: As they say, how many people, so many opinions. Fortunately, not all other people's emotions reach me, and I read comments on my photos only on my page. Personally, I don't like girls who are too thin or too fat, but I don't think it's necessary to tell them about it until they ask me. And I am not at all worried about how they look and how they will look in the future. Each person should take care, first of all, of himself, because not all of us are as perfect as we would like.

    Have you ever faced aggression?
    Yu. V.: Yes, I had to, and more than once. There were very unpleasant situations. Most of all, insults happen only on the Internet, but once, at the weigh-in before the competition, my thirty-year-old “competitor” attacked me.

    She began to spray me with pepper spray... At first I had a severe spasm of the lungs, the doctors of the ambulance said that if the trainer had not helped me breathe and I would have lost consciousness, then I would most likely have died.

    It was very painful, I could not wash off the pepper from my face for a long time (she sprayed pepper spray at a distance of 10 centimeters from my face, although this cannot be done even in self-defense). The next day I had a severe poisoning and a high temperature, there were big problems with the skin and my vision deteriorated significantly after that. But I do not want to believe until the last that it was just envy.

    And, nevertheless, after that you decided to compete?
    Yu. V.: I still took part in the competition, and all this did not prevent me from winning the Russian championship, but of course, the results were not as excellent as I would like.

    To provide the body with the strength for such intense training, you probably need special nutrition ...
    Yu.V .: I eat 3 to 5 times a day, depending on training. The diet includes: buckwheat, rice, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, a lot of chicken breast and a huge amount of sports nutrition.

    How do you feel about diets?
    Yu. V .: Diet is a mockery of the body. The only acceptable option is Proper nutrition Until now: Many diets mean delusional hunger strikes, buckwheat mono-diets, etc. : Many girls simply DO NOT know what they are doing, and what the consequences of this can be ...

    For example, before a competition, we often use a diet that we call "emergency cutting", it helps to lose 5 kg in a week, but this weight returns in a few days.

    What are the main mistakes in nutrition for beginners?
    Yu. V .: Consuming fast carbohydrates in large quantities, eating "healthy" dried fruits and cereals for breakfast, or, worse, eating once or twice a day.

    Julia Vins is one of the strongest girls from the city of Saratov who started her training at the age of 15 after she was so thin she decided to gain muscle mass but this did not happen after a year of training she changed the type of training to a more difficult one and took up Powerlifting - in other words, powerlifting where the main base is squats, bench press, deadlift, where she achieved significant results in weight lifting, having received International Class Master of Sports (MSMK) Powerlifting at the competitions and made Yulia Vins famous all over the world as she shook her muscles like Hulk's muscles of the shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs, back, chest, as if they were not hers and it was a photoshop, but all the muscles were hers through diligent long training, she managed to gain weight and become a famous person in the world of sports fitness bodybuilding powerlifting.

    Julia Vins

    • Weight 60-65 kg
    • Height 165 cm
    • Barbell Squat 202.5kg
    • Deadlift 165 kg
    • Bench press 100 kg

    Julia Vins before and after photos, biography, instagram, training programs in a swimsuit

    Julia Vins before and after photo, biography, instagram training program

    The star's Instagram has 500 thousand followers with various photos of how she lives and travels around the world.

    Effective press training on the site “Your press trainer”

    For girls and men

    Workout #1

    Workout #2

    Workout #3

    Youtube channel with 36 thousand subscribers where she uploads her training videos and moments from life.


    Exercise 1 (superset):

    • : 5 sets of 15-20 reps. This exercise is performed at the beginning of a workout due to the fact that it warms up the muscles well. If the exercise is too easy, then additional weight can be used to increase the load.
    • Fitball: 5 sets of 15-20 reps. While lifting your legs, squeeze your buttocks and bend your lower back well. The higher you rise, the better the work of the buttocks is felt.
    • Butt Blaster Trainer: 5 sets of 15-20 reps. A word of caution, if you don't want to build leg muscles, then don't choose too heavy weights.

    Exercise 2 (superset):

    • Retraction of the leg back on the lower block: 5 sets of 15-20 reps. In this exercise, the body must be kept parallel to the floor, and the leg must be thrown as high as possible. The upper part of the buttocks is trained.
    • Leaving the leg to the side on the lower block: 5 sets of 15-20 reps. In this exercise, you also need to try to raise your leg as high as possible.

    Exercise 3 (superset):

    • 5 sets of 15-20 reps. During squats in the Smith machine, we pull the buttocks to the floor. Also, make sure that your knees do not go beyond your toes.
    • Balancing platform BOSU: 5 sets of 15-20 reps. Try to take the buttocks as far back as possible, squatting as low as possible.

    Performing all these exercises, make sure that it is the buttocks that work. Concentrate on their contraction and in the end you will have the most beautiful, toned and sexy buttocks.

    Russian Julia Vins (22) has powerful muscles and a feminine sweet face, for which she received the nickname "Muscular Barbie".

    Julia is well known not only in her homeland, but also abroad. More than 700 thousand people have subscribed to her Instagram page!

    The height of the "Muscular Barbie" is 165 cm, and its weight ranges from 60 to 67 kg.

    Once upon a time, powerlifting was only a hobby for a girl, with the help of which she could earn some extra money. Well, now she devotes most of her life to him.

    The first time Julia came to the gym when she was 15 years old. But then she did not achieve any noticeable results. And only after the girl changed the usual strength exercises to powerlifting, she was able to achieve noticeable success.

    Recall that powerlifting is three combined disciplines: squats with a barbell, bench press and deadlift.

    “I train 5 times a week. The load, as a rule, depends on the form in which I am at the time of training. The diet also changes frequently. When I prepare for a competition, I always follow a strict diet. But once a week I allow myself to eat whatever I want, ”said Yulia.

    Julia is sure that if an athlete really wants to succeed, then he must train properly and also eat right.

    Julia categorically denies taking any anabolics or other potent drugs. She uses only sports nutrition: Omega 3, amino acids, Animal Pak and fat burners.

    I must say that the relatives and friends of the bodybuilder at first did not support her hobby. Julia says: “Many people close to me did not understand what I was trying to achieve. My friends told me to quit everything, some advised me to get a job. Several years have passed and I can say with full confidence that I made the right choice, despite the difficulties that I had to overcome.”

    Speaking of bodybuilding, few people imagine pumped-up women provocatively playing with muscles in public. On the contrary, images of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Dwayne Johnson and others often come to mind. Yes, women also train and compete in international tournaments, but the heroine of our article is a unique character. Why? Read more about it.

    brief information

    Yulia Viktorovna Vins is a well-known athlete in powerlifting circles, who became popular thanks to a series of photos posted on the Internet in 2013. She was immediately dubbed "the girl with the body of the Hulk and the pretty face of Barbie", which is not surprising, because Yulia's angelic face contrasts strongly with her pumped up muscles.

    Julia Vins was born on May 21, 1996. The girl's hometown was Engels (Saratov region), where she lives to this day. Before bodybuilding, her biography did not differ in interesting data for readers: she was born in an average family, went to a regular school and led a measured lifestyle. And only at the age of 15, Yulia suddenly woke up a love for iron sports. As the athlete herself says, she began to engage in bodybuilding for self-affirmation, because she was always insecure about herself. Success in sports allowed her to get rid of this problem, thanks to which she became much stronger, bolder, and purposefulness increased. To date, Yulia Vins has the status of an international master of sports in powerlifting.

    Start training

    As mentioned above, the young athlete began bodybuilding at the age of 15. Regularly attending training, Yulia Vins was engaged in one of the programs, which was not at all suitable for a girl who wanted to gain muscle mass. As a result, she practically lost a year in vain, during which there was no good progress.

    In September 2012, Julia Vins, whose photo you can see in our article, replaced bodybuilding with powerlifting. The following months became a real breakthrough in Julia's sports life. As the girl herself comments on her experience in powerlifting, she has a lot of fans who consider her attractive, and even more haters, whom Yulin simply annoyed with success. But the progress earned began to inspire further conquest of heights, participation in championships, taught me to understand people a little. Now she sets goals for herself and does everything to achieve them, and at the same time her body is changing dramatically. And most importantly - she herself likes her appearance.

    Birth of the She-Hulk

    Hard work with iron could not pass without a trace for a fragile girl. A year of hard work in the gym gave Yulia a pumped-up body, dozens of new friends, admirers and, of course, envious people whom she likes to make fun of on social networks. The achievements gained have strengthened the fighting spirit and determination in the girl, which is why she herself can now solve the tasks and problems she has set for herself.

    Julia's height is 165 centimeters. At the same time, before playing sports, she weighed 48 kilograms, and has now changed this figure to 65. Looking from the side at her body, you readily believe in this figure, because a lot of muscle mass was gained. the girl is 40.5 centimeters. At one of Yulia’s championships, a barbell weighing 100 kilograms succumbed to the bench press exercise, 165 kilograms to the deadlift, and 175 kilograms to the squat. An interesting fact is that the girl uses heavy weights in her training, but in competitions, due to medical reasons, she is not allowed to deal with them.

    Personal life

    Powerlifting affected all aspects of the athlete's life, including personal. More recently, Yulia Vins began dating a guy named Sergei, who is 29 years old. Together with his girlfriend, he spends his free time in the gym, doing what he loves. Parents do not blame their daughter's choice, supporting her in all endeavors, including a sports career that promises Yulia good earnings. Today, the girl glorifies her city of Engels (Saratov region), often being a guest in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv.

    Sportswoman nutrition

    How did such a young girl manage to achieve amazing results? There are no secrets: hard training, adherence to the regimen and a balanced diet are the main engines of progress. Julia Vins talks quite a lot about her preferences in the kitchen, so we are happy to share useful information.

    The athlete eats 5-6 times a day, which has long been considered the "golden rule" for a bodybuilder or powerlifter. Fractional nutrition in small portions is the key to success, because such a meal plan accelerates metabolism, and also allows you to assimilate most of the nutrients and minerals. The usual diet of a girl is made up of all kinds of cereals (rice, buckwheat), fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish and lean meat. Plus, she adds sports nutrition, among which the place of honor is given to protein, creatine and amino acids. This prevents catabolism (destruction) of muscle tissue and helps to build mass, devoid of fat deposits.

    Powerlifting classes somewhat simplify her nutrition, because Yulia does not need to strive for maximum relief and venousness, which is what all athletes in bodybuilding want. That is why the girl is not alien to various indulgences, commonly referred to as “chit-mil”. This term refers to planned (1-2 times a week) diet violations that allow you to relieve psychological stress. The girl occasionally allows herself a sweet or a small snack at McDonald's.

    Steroid use

    Many haters and ill-wishers convict the girl of taking anabolic steroids to accelerate muscle growth. Julia Vins, whose photo is often discussed on forums and social networks, denies taking anabolic steroids. In 2014, she competed where she was awarded the title of Master of Sports of International Class by the Amateur World Powerlifting Congress (AWPC). At the event, Yulia underwent a strict doping control, which did not reveal any prohibited substances in the girl's blood.

    Of course, it can be argued that Yulia Vins "cleaned" her body before the competition, but this is far from the most important thing. Absolutely all bodybuilders and powerlifters of the "PRO" level take steroids, growth hormone and other substances that contribute to the "break" of the natural plateau in humans. However, no one can admit this, since they are all bound by the terms of contracts with various sponsors and the imperishable rules of iron sports. But anabolics are far from everything. Only hard work in the gym, proper nutrition and adherence to the regime allow you to build beautiful muscles, and steroids only help speed up this process. Therefore, all the hype around anabolics is just the envy of people who are not able to start working on themselves.

    First successes

    March 2014 was the starting point for sports competitions, where Julia took part. This tournament was the Russian IPA championship, during which an unpleasant incident happened. One of Julia's competitors, 30-year-old Svetlana Smirnova, splashed in the face of our heroine, as a result of which Vince survived severe poisoning, and in the first minutes she could die from suffocation due to lung spasm. The athlete's vision also deteriorated. This scandal ended in a trial in court that continues to this day.

    The above incident did not prevent the young athlete from continuing to train. In the same 2014, she took part in the AWPC World Championship, where she showed the best result in triathlon - 440 kilograms. Julia Vins, whose weight is 65 kilograms, became not only the best athlete of the season, but also the youngest. This allowed the girl to find sponsors and gain considerable fame in sports circles.


    In her 20 years, Julia Vins, whose biography was described in this article, has gained some fame in the world of sports, achieving excellent results in powerlifting. An important role in the popularization of the young athlete was played by social networks, where her photos and personal life are hotly discussed. Be that as it may, the Saratov girl already has achievements that she can boast of. And her career promises to be rosy.

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