• Standup victor mosquitoes new


    Russian humorist and permanent resident of the comedy TV show "Stand Up".

    Victor Komarov Biography

    Viktor Komarov- a native Muscovite. Even at school, he became known as a prankster and lover of practical jokes, but this did not stop him from doing well in a class with in-depth study of mathematics. After school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. Having received a diploma, Victor began working at Mosfilm as an engineer of digital cinema, as well as security systems. Humor continued to be present in his life all this time, including in performances in KVN, but Victor was not able to really gain a foothold on the stage and change the type of activity. Everything was decided by the stand-up performance of the actor and comedian Eddie Izzard seen on the internet. Komarov realized that this was his genre and left his unloved work for the sake of his own development on stage.

    In 2015, Victor married his girlfriend, whom they dated for a long time, and soon they had a child.

    Viktor Komarov on TV

    Victor's first television experience took place in the program " Battle for Ethereum "on the MUZ TV channel in 2012. The next humorous program with his participation was the show " Comedy Battle ”, where the comedian was just a little short of winning in the final of the program. But Victor was already noticed, and when the television project started the next year, “ stand up ", he became one of its first residents, along with

    Viktor Komarov is a Russian comedian, a regular participant in the comedy TV show "Stand Up". He acts as a “positive loser”, has no clear boundaries in the subject - he jokes about everything that worries him.

    Childhood and youth

    Viktor was born on May 9, 1986 in Moscow. He studied in the economic and mathematical class of school No. 843, and after receiving a certificate of secondary education, the guy entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, at the Faculty of Computers and Systems.

    After graduating from the institute in 2009, Viktor worked for some time as a security systems engineer and a digital cinema engineer at Mosfilm. At various times, he also sold Kirby vacuum cleaners, handed out flyers, and made pizza. “I don’t miss the past,” says the comedian.

    Comedian career

    Komarov from his youth tried to prove himself in the world of humor, tried to play KVN, but did not achieve much success in this path. Once Komarov caught the eye of a recording of a speech by the English stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard, who inspired the young man to write a monologue in a similar genre of chaotic-eccentric monologue. At that moment, Victor decided on what he would like to do in life and began to work hard in this vein.

    For the first time as a stand-up artist, Komarov tried himself in 2010 - these were live performances in the capital's Comedy Cafe, where the artist learned to interact with the audience. Soon, the comedian, who gained experience, began to perform at other venues in Moscow, and also read his monologues to the residents of Samara and Baku.

    In May 2010, Komarov gave his first solo concert, and the following year he took part in the TV show "Battle for the Air" on MUZ-TV - a humorous battle between comedians from all over the country. At one time, such well-known comedians as Ilya Sobolev, Arseniy Popov and Sergey Matvienko were participants in this program.

    Victor Komarov in the program "Battle for the air"

    Soon, Victor became a co-organizer of the stand-up project "Funny for Money", with the participants of which (Sergey "Sergeich" Kutergin, Karen Arutyunov, Vyacheslav Komissarenko) performed at various venues in the capital until the end of 2012. In addition, in 2012, the artist could be heard at the Central Park show in Moscow.

    The next important step in the artist's career was participation in the Comedy Battle-3 humorous competition, in which the guy successfully reached the final and received the right to permanent participation in the Stand Up show on TNT. Also, Sergey Kutergin and the Sochi duet "20:14", which became a resident of the Comedy Club, reached the final of the competition.

    Victor's monologues touched on a variety of topics: relationships and money, sports and raising children, social activities and religion, the evolution of man and technology ... The jokes were reinforced by gestures and Komarov's trademark facial expressions.

    Participation in the show "Stand Up" glorified Komarov throughout the country and gave him an acquaintance with such talented comedians as Ruslan Bely, Stas Starovoitov, Timur Karginov, Ivan Abramov, Yulia Akhmedova, Nurlan Saburov and many other artists of the colloquial genre.

    In 2014, Viktor appeared in Roman Karimov and Yevgeny Tkachuk's film Startup, a biographical drama about the history of creating a large Russian IT project from scratch, and also took part in the comedy show Don't Sleep! on the TNT channel, where he shared funny episodes from his youth.

    Personal life of Viktor Komarov

    Victor's heart is busy: since 2015, the comedian has been an exemplary spouse. Two months after the modest wedding, the couple had a son. Komarov does not hide the fact that he got married "by flight", and even believes that only in such cases it is necessary to propose to the girl, as he said in one of the episodes of the Stand Up show.

    The wife in general often appears in the comedian's monologues, but there are no joint photos of the married couple in the public domain. However, fans of the stand-up comedian found Ella Komarova on his VKontakte friends list - on her page there are joint photos with Viktor, added back in 2013.

    At the end of 2017, an addition appeared in the artist's family - the couple acquired a Pomeranian named Koko.

    The comedian's favorite sport is hockey.

    Viktor Komarov now

    Victor continues to perform in Stand Up and at various Moscow venues, in particular, in the Defacto bar. You can also listen to Komarov’s monologues in the new club from the Stand Up stars at the TNT Standup Store Moscow, which opened in October 2017. The permanent host of the show of famous comedians is Kirill Seetlov, a participant in the third season of the Comedy Battle and the Central Microphone on STS.

    Viktor Komarov is a Russian comedian, a participant in the TV show "Stand Up" from the day the project was founded. He fell in love with the audience not only for his funny and witty jokes, but also for his unique performances, which are compared with a mini-theater played by one person.

    Viktor Komarov was born in the spring, May 9, 1986, in Moscow. The boy grew up here, in the capital of Russia. From early childhood, he loved to play pranks on friends and relatives, arranged pranks and staged situations that came out unexpected for others.

    At school, Komarov studied very well, and since Viti's class was with an in-depth study of economics and mathematics, even after receiving a matriculation certificate, the young man remained in the exact sciences. The young man's choice fell on the Faculty of Computers and Systems at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

    As a result, Victor even worked for some time as a security systems engineer and a digital cinema engineer at Mosfilm. But even from the student bench, Viktor Komarov was attracted by the stage. He tried himself in the famous Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, played comical skits with a partner, but it was all in vain.

    One day, a young man saw a video of a performance by British stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard on a website. Victor tried to write the text on his own and realized that he had found what he needed! As a result, Komarov quit his lucrative but unloved job as an engineer and plunged into the vague and dubious prospects of humor.

    Humor and creativity

    Victor Komarov began performing with author's numbers as soon as "open microphones" appeared in Moscow. It was 2010, and at first there was no talk of television concerts, but only live performances, where the aspiring artist learned to interact with the audience.

    And the following year, Victor appeared on the TV show "Battle for the Air" on MUZ-TV. The first shooting experience gave Komarov confidence, and he went to a kind of competition in the Comedy Battle, where he reached the final. Victor failed to win the show, but he was convinced that he had found his business. At the same time, the comedian, together with Marat Sekaev, organized a specialized project “Funny for Money”, and together with him went on tour in Russian cities.

    And when a new comedy TV show "Stand Up" was launched on the TNT channel, Viktor Komarov, along with, and, became one of the first residents.

    He is one of those few participants who does not have a clear role and a narrow theme of jokes. Victor writes sketches on various topics, talking about the events he has experienced, and in a comical, but at the same time in a positive way, charging the audience with optimism.

    The comedian attracts attention not only with jokes: each scene of the artist is a mini-performance played by one actor.

    In April 2014, the premiere of the biography film "Startup" was held, where the main roles were played by and. This is a story about the creation of the largest Russian search portal. In the center of the plot are two friends who have become business partners. The prototypes of the guys were and. Viktor Komarov played a minor role in the film. The humorist's hero's name was Roma.

    Then he participated in the show "Do not sleep!". He was the leader of the project. The essence of the program is that each participant contributes 10,000 rubles. This is the prize fund. Then the comedian jokes. And the jury decides whether the performance was funny.

    Personal life

    In the TV project "Stand Up" Viktor Komarov is presented as "a positive loser who is constantly abandoned by girls." But in fact, the Moscow humorist met with his beloved for a long time, and in 2015 he officially married her. The comedian's wife is not a public person, and he himself does not like to advertise his personal life.

    The wedding was attended only by the groom, the bride and the registry office. Victor believes that it is pointless to spend money on a celebration with the hope that the money will be repaid with gifts. It is better to leave funds for the child. And the appearance of the baby was not long in coming. At the time of marriage registration, the girl was 7 months pregnant, so she didn’t even put on shoes, but came to the registry office in sneakers.

    So soon a son appeared in a young family, and now the comedian is a happy husband and a loving father.

    Like many modern people, Victor is registered in " Instagram". There, the comedian uploads photos from performances and backstages, funny videos and footage from performances. Less often - personal pictures.

    Viktor Komarov now

    In February 2018, the 4th season of the program "Where is the logic?" started. The rules of the competition are to link incoherent things, characters and phenomena into a semantic unity. He became the host of the show.

    In the new season, not just groups, but teams defending the cities oppose each other. So, on February 26, Voronezh and Moscow met in a battle. Voronezh was presented by Ruslan Bely and, and the capital of Russia - Viktor Komarov and. As a result, the Voronezh team beat the Muscovites by two points.

    A year before, in September 2017, Komarov, together with a fellow comedian, defeated Artyom Umrikhin and Anna Dzyuba from the Artik & Asti group. Then Viktor and Nurlan represented stand-up, and Artyom and Anna represented their team.

    In March 2018, Viktor gave a solo concert in Bryansk. And already in April, he is waiting for the audience of Moscow to visit, and then he will go with a program to the city of Volzhsky.


    • 2010 - "KVN"
    • 2010 - "Comedy Battle"
    • 2012 - "Battle for the air"
    • 2013-present temp. – "Stand Up"
    • 2014 - "Do not sleep!"
    • 2014 - "Startup"
    • 2017 - "Where is the logic?"
    • 2018 - "Where is the logic?"

    Member Name:

    Age (birthday): 9.05.1986

    Moscow city

    Education: Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation

    Family: married, have a child

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    Reading this article:

    Victor Komarov was born and raised in Moscow, traditions and obedience have always been welcomed in his family. The childhood of little Viti was no different from the others - school, lessons, further preparation for admission.

    Komarov went to study at MIREiA of his own free will, and after graduating, he worked for some time in the profession.

    At the same time, the guy has always been distinguished by an unusual sense of humor, the ability to amuse the company with grimaces, as well as a rich vocabulary - Vitya always loved to read, and does not give up this activity even today.

    When Komarov realized that you can make good money on television projects, he got a job at Mosfilm digital cinema engineer.

    At the same time, he continued to develop in terms of humor, and at that time he understood that a little more, and the desire to change his profession would turn into a reality.

    Komarov performed a little in one of the KVN teams, but, realizing that the scope of the project and team play limit him, he began solo development.

    According to Viktor, the stand-up genre allows you to speak on any topic, catch the mood of the audience, improvise depending on the reaction of the public. And most importantly, develop and learn from your own mistakes.

    Komarov even has a role model - his favorite comedian is Chris Rock.

    Before coming to the Stand Up project, the comedian performed at the Comedy Cafe- his first appearance on stage happened in 2010, and the guy then caused a flurry of emotions. In the same year, after returning from a tour as part of Comedy, Komarov gave his first solo concert.

    Then Komarov was invited to participate in the Funny for Money project, and he became its co-organizer. He performed a lot at the Central Park show in Moscow, gaining crazy popularity and valuable experience. On account of the comedian, participation in the project of the MUZ-TV channel “Battle for the Air”, and in 2012, Victor became a finalist in the Comedy Battle show.

    It is not surprising that when he organized the Stand Up project, Komarov appeared among its participants. Victor still performs as part of the show, goes on tour, gathering full houses.

    A young man attracts not just with jokes told, but with the same grimaces and actions - each scene is a mini theater played by one person. Watching what is happening on stage performed by Komarov is always interesting!

    As jokes, Victor uses the life experience of his friends, while he never offends anyone - as he says, there is no need to substitute. However, none of the friends have yet recognized themselves in the speeches, respectively, and were not offended.

    In the personal life of the comedian, everything is very good - he has a wonderful wife who does not seek to brag that her husband is a celebrity. It was the decision of the couple to hide their personal lives, so no one has seen their joint photos so far.

    At the wedding of the Komarovs, only he, the bride and the registry office employee were present, since it seems strange to the comedian to spend money in the hope of justifying the expenses with gifts.

    It is better to spend money on a child, and he was already born to him - the wedding event took place when the wife was in her 7th month. For this reason, she didn’t even put on shoes, but came to the registry office in sneakers.

    Viktor Komarov is a very interesting and versatile humorist, cool guy, cool guy, killer joker - whatever you call him, but his performances always cause positive emotions. You can see them on the TNT channel, just follow the releases of the Stand Up show!

    Victor's photo

    Victor leads Instagram, and his Vkontakte page also contains many photos from life, even from school times.

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