• How to make a bird out of plasticine. Angry birds from plasticine. The sequence of execution of the figure of a bird


    Modeling is one of the most popular creative activities for children. Plasticine remains among the favorites, but you can also create beautiful crafts from mastic or salt dough. The right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the ability to think creatively, it can be gradually developed by drawing or creating sculptures with a baby. Such classes are quite accessible for children who are already 1 year old. Gradually, crafts can become more complex in order to arouse cognitive interest.

    Together with children, you can learn colors, shapes, various breeds of animals, for example or. And bird species. For example, you can create a woodpecker from plasticine, talk about the benefits that this bird brings.

    How to mold a Woodpecker bird from plasticine - step by step photo lesson:

    1. Stock up on bright plasticine. One kind of colored blocks will cause the child to delight and desire to be creative. For convenience, you will also need a small spatula, it is usually included in a ready-made kit.

    2. Roll a small ball out of black material, then make it oblong. Make the bird's body in the form of a large black drop.

    3. Form two cakes resembling a boomerang in shape. These will be the woodpecker's wings. Decorate them with white longitudinal stripes. Roll up a very thin white sausage and cut into small pieces with a spatula.

    4. Assemble the prepared parts together.

    5. Decorate the woodpecker's chest with white plasticine. Also place white cakes on the front part, add black pupils.

    6. Make a sharp beak from an orange droplet, cut it and insert a small worm.

    7. Add some bright colors. Decorate the chest with yellow and red shades, place a red crest on top of the head.

    8. To create a tail, blind a lot of black and white flat droplets.

    9. Connect them alternately with each other, attach the tail in its place. Taking matches or wire as a basis, blind two paws.

    10. It remains to plant a woodpecker on a tree. You can mold it from plasticine or use real branches.

    Bird Woodpecker from plasticine, ready.

    To make a bird out of plasticine, you need to prepare a stack, plasticine, a board or a modeling mat, and the workplace itself. Plasticine will need black, gray, red, yellow, white.

    We sculpt a bird

    First you need to take a small piece of black plasticine. Its dimensions depend on what kind of bird you want to make - large, medium or small. Then the plasticine is rolled into the shape of a sausage. Further, the workpiece is bent, dividing into the trunk and neck.

    After that, you need to bend the figure again - this is the future head of the bird. The ends of the craft must be pointed - the part of the body, which is the basis for the tail, and the head.

    After that, two balls are made from a contrasting piece of plasticine, which are proportional in size to the bird's head. Ball eyes are attached to the head on both sides. Next, they must be flattened to discs.

    A beak is molded from a ball of red plasticine, having the shape of a cone or pyramid. When the beak is ready, it is carefully attached to the bird's head so that its shape does not change.

    At the next stage, the bird's wings are molded. Two balls of gray plasticine are taken, flattened, with the help of fingers a notch is made on them in the form of a droplet. After that, they are carefully attached to the body of the craft.

    To make a tail, you need to roll out a part in the form of a sausage from black plasticine. This element is made flat. If there is a desire, then it can be rounded, in the form of two teeth or with a notch.

    The tail is attached to the body. If desired, this part can be highlighted with white plasticine. Small feathers in the form of flat droplets are made from it, which are attached to the tail. The plasticine bird is ready.

    If it was planned to make a bullfinch, then the belly of the bird is highlighted with red plasticine. To do this, a small ball rolls up, flattened and attached to the body of the craft. Its edges are neatly smoothed.

    We make a nest

    To complete the action, you can build a nest for a bird. From plasticine it will be necessary to roll out long thin sausages in the amount of 3 pieces. When they are ready, it is worth twisting them into a snail, which needs to be shaped into a nest.

    Complement the picture of the eggs on which the bird will sit. So that she is not alone, you can make a couple more bullfinches, which can be placed on a pre-prepared plasticine stump.

      Let's make such a cute bird:

      1) First, we form the body of the bird - we make a regular ball and give it a slightly oval shape.

      2) For the head, roll up a smaller ball and attach it to the body. It should look something like this:

      3) The tail can be made of plasticine in a contrasting color or the same. To do this, roll out plasticine, form a triangle and draw hairs on it:

      4) Wings: we also make triangles, smoothing a little, draw hairs, attach to the body.

      5) Complete the image of the legs, beak and eyes.

      Now our bird can be planted in a nest or on a branch. Everything, the craft is ready.

      I propose to mold such a bird from plasticine:

      To work, you will need plasticine in black, white, red, black, gray, brown.

      from black and red plasticine we make the following blanks:

      connect them, and attach the ball on top.

      now you need to smooth everything:

      from black gray and white plasticine we make wings:

      wings must be attached to the body:

      the paws of the bullfinch will be made of brown plasticine:

      from black and gray plasticine we sculpt a tail:

      now we make a beak and eyes:

      our bird is ready:

      Blind a bird out of plasticine even with a small child.

      However, the complexity of this task depends on the number of various details.

      For example, birds - cartoon characters of Angry Birds are generally easy to sculpt, since their body, together with their head, is either a ball. or some other simple form.

      More complex birds must be sculpted from plasticine from separate parts, while it is highly desirable to maintain the correct proportions.

      When sculpting individual parts, to make them neat and clear, you can use stacks, manicure tools, toothpicks.

      A selection of step-by-step photo schemes for sculpting birds from plasticine will help you and your child cope with this task perfectly!

      Happy creativity!

      Making a bird out of plasticine is quite simple, the main thing is to first make the right blanks and keep the proportions. Then the bird will turn out beautiful and believable.

      According to the schemes below, you can make birds not only from plasticine, but also from modeling mass.

      How to make a plasticine crow:

      How to make a blue bird from plasticine:

      How to make a rooster from plasticine:

      How to make a plasticine duck:

      And where without angry birds. How to make a bird from Angry Birds:

      In order to make a plasticine bird You can use the following very detailed tutorials:

      • Firebird:

      • parrot:

      • owl or owl:
      • chicken or cockerel:

      • penguin:

      The colors of plasticine can be changed and varied among themselves to your taste, or you can generally create a fabulous bird that will arise only in your mind and with the help of your imagination.

      Let's try to make a large little owl out of plasticine.

      To do this, we need plasticine of the following colors:

      • beige (for the eye and for the breast);
      • black (for pupils);
      • brown (for body and wings);
      • light brown (for eyebrows and paws);
      • mustard (for the beak).

      You will also need a set of tools for modeling in the form of different sticks.

      You can also make flat birds from plasticine (see below).

      As an option, I suggest watching a master class on modeling a peacock from plasticine. Quite simple, interesting and colorful video. And the body of the bird, its paws and beak, the most beautiful tail - the girl tells and shows everything step by step. It remains only to repeat!

    In this article we will tell you about how to mold a beautiful bird from plasticine with your own hands. You will need different color sculpting clay, a sculpting surface, stacks and patience.

    The simplest plasticine bird

    If you are sculpting with a child or have never taken plasticine in your hands, then it is better to start with simple models:

    • Take the mass for modeling blue, yellow and white. First, form two balls from the blue mass. Blind the head from one, and form the body from the other.
    • Stick the head to the body.
    • Seal the seams.
    • Then roll one small ball and two large ones from the yellow mass.
    • Form an elongated beak from a small ball, and drop-shaped wings from large ones.
    • From a white piece of plasticine, also roll two small balls. Flatten them and make eyes by sticking them to the head.
    • Form the pupils from the blue or black mass.
    • Glue the beak to the head and wings to the body of the bird.

    Ready! Now you know how to mold a plasticine bird.

    More complex model

    If you are no longer a beginner in modeling, then you can try your hand at creating more complex crafts.

    Prepare plasticine in black, orange, blue, red, yellow, orange, brown and green. And now let's start sculpting:

    1. First, from the black mass, form the torso with the head.
    2. Then blind the beak and breast from the yellow mass.
    3. Attach the beak to the head.
    4. Please note that the breast should be thin. Gently stick it to the body under the beak.
    5. From blue and black plasticine, make the eyes of a bird.
    6. From yellow, blind two thin short sausages and stick them over the eyes.
    7. Decorate the beak with blue, red, green and orange plasticine as shown in the photo in the article. And from black plasticine, make thin black sausages and also stick them on the beak.
    8. To make the legs, roll six orange balls. Form a droplet from each, and then connect them together in threes. Got legs!
    9. Stick them to the body of the plasticine bird.

    We seat the bird on a branch

    Now we need to make a twig and leaves. To do this, take a brown mass and roll a sausage out of it. With a stack, make a texture on it that resembles the bark of a tree. From green plasticine, you need three or four balls, which need to be shaped into droplets and then flattened. Draw veins on the leaves with a stack. Stick the leaves to the branch, and the bird itself to the leaves. Ready!

    We sculpt birds from plasticine: panels

    If you want to create or another mass for modeling, then you first need to find a suitable base. For such work, cardboard, glass or canvas on cardboard is suitable. If you are using glass, then first make a drawing on paper, and then put it under the glass. So you can more accurately lay out the picture.

    Let's get started:

    • Make a blue background first. You can immediately fashion clouds from white plasticine.
    • Then roll up a lot of thin sausages from the green mass for modeling, from which lay the grass. Blind reeds from brown plasticine. If desired, you can also blind the river from the blue mass.

    After that, proceed to create the bird itself from plasticine:

    • Take a light gray mass for modeling and roll it into a thin layer. With a stack or knife, cut out the body of a heron without legs and a beak from it.
    • Stick the body to the panel.
    • Then, from orange plasticine, blind the legs and beak. With a stack, make the skin texture on the legs and the mouth on the beak.
    • From black, blue, white and light gray plasticine, roll up many small balls. Flatten each ball then. From the resulting parts you will get excellent feathers. And from the black mass for modeling, make a crest and an eye.

    If you wish, you can use not only plasticine for modeling, but also polymer clay, mastic, salt dough, self-hardening mass.

    Titmouses are small and nimble birds with a beautiful bright yellow breast color. These birds are quite common and are very fond of deciduous forests. But also the titmouse is a frequent guest of city squares and parks. Especially often they visit places mastered by man in the winter, when they need to be fed. Tits are absolutely picky in food, but most of all they love sunflower seeds, pumpkins and unsalted lard. Birds living in city parks are not shy, so they easily make contact with people and can be well seen, which the child will be delighted with. By the way, the titmouse is an excellent plot for modeling from plasticine. Our step-by-step photo lesson will help you master the technique of creating this bird.

    You will need the following materials:

    • plasticine;
    • stack with a sharp end;
    • toothpick;
    • plastic knife.

    How to make a titmouse from plasticine

    Step 1. We fashion the body of a titmouse. We roll a whole block of black plasticine into a ball. Pull it out a little to form a drop shape.

    Then we create a ball from a piece of mass and glue it to the rounded part of the body. The head is ready.

    Step 2. From yellow plasticine, we need to prepare two thin cakes.

    Gently glue them on the front of the body, leaving a black stripe along the breast. Press the edges of the cakes into the base.

    Step 3. Glue a piece of dark green mass on the back, making a smooth transition from the head to the back.

    Step 4. We fashion the tail. We pinch off a piece of black and gray plasticine and knead it to make beautiful stains. We form a ball out of it, and then roll it into a cone and flatten it.

    In the upper part we make an incision and attach the tail to the body.

    Step 5. From black and gray plasticine we create wings. We fix the finished elements on the sides of the base.

    Step 6. With a stack or the tip of a knife, we begin to draw the texture of feathers on the wings, tail and back.

    Step 7. Glue white cakes on the cheeks.

    We make indentations under the eyes a little higher. Glue white and then black balls into the holes.

    Step 8. We complement the muzzle with a black mini-beak. And on the eyes of the tits we glue tiny white highlights.

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