• DIY kite. How to create a holiday from nothing


    DIY kite is a great opportunity to keep your kids entertained and safe. At the same time, it is very important that a huge amount of capital investment is not required here.

    Such homemade toys are created using improvised materials. Your task will only be to take part in the development of the "project" and then just enjoy the silence in the house. After you build the first Gorynych kite in your life (or whatever your kids will call it), you will be able to improve your homemade skills on our website. However, first things first.

    What is needed in order to make a kite with your own hands? To begin with, you need a diagram or drawing in order to understand what to adapt to what. We provide you with a drawing. Next, handy materials. You will need thin polyethylene (you can use a regular plastic bag), thin sticks made of wood, ordinary fishing line, adhesive tape or electrical tape, scissors, tape measure, good glue. When you have collected all this and prepared for work, be sure to call all your household members to participate, because it is a big family business to build a real kite! How proud your child will be of this, because it was created by the whole family!

    How to make a snake with your own hands - a guide to action

    The basis of the snake is its "skeleton". In order to create it, you need to have a thin wooden stick, which is equal to 60 cm, short - 35 cm. We connect them in a cruciform way, stepping back from the top 15 centimeters. In the middle, the sticks are connected with tape or electrical tape. Each end of our cross should be wrapped with tape and only after that a transverse incision of 0.5-1 cm should be made there. This is necessary in order to fix the fishing line in the future. This is exactly the next step to create a kite. Pull the fishing line around the perimeter of the cross and over each notch where the fishing line entered - create an overlap using the same adhesive tape so that the fishing line does not pop out during operation.

    To make a kite with your own hands capable of flight - put your structure on the prepared polyethylene and circle the line along the contour, while adding about 2 centimeters in order to make a margin during the turn. The next step is to cut the material and wrap it in such a way that the stock that remains is attached with adhesive tape to the polyethylene thrown over the fishing line.

    What is a snake without a tail? That is why - at the end we make a tail from the same polyethylene. Someone may use other materials, but we advise you what is probably always at hand. Ordinary bags from the supermarket will do: it is worth cutting them into pieces of 10 cm, tying one after the other and thus getting a rope. The length depends on your desire, because the tail plays not only a decorative function, but also a flying one, because the tail is such a balancing act. The tail should be fastened firmly with adhesive tape to the lower end of the main part.

    DIY box kite

    For those craftsmen who carefully listened to all our advice, it is also worth looking at a more complex technique for the production of an aircraft under the name "box". This option will require a more thorough approach, but it will also last longer and fly better. So, a do-it-yourself box kite is created using wooden sticks with a thickness of at least 15 mm, fabric, polyethylene or wrapping paper, thread, glue and sandpaper. Each stick should be made one that has thinner ends on both sides, this will be needed for a more professional flight. How to build work on this project in general, you will be helped to figure out a diagram-drawing, in which it is clear how to properly position the slats and tight-fitting. In total - you can create your own sizes, it's just important that they correctly relate to each other: parallel sides and diagonals inside the box answer. If you take a completely fresh tree, we recommend soaking it with ordinary drying oil, this will protect all parts from moisture and wind. There is also a recommendation regarding the construction of an additional bridle. It can be created simply from fishing line and a small piece of fabric or paper. What is it for? To make it easier to control the flight of the kite. Also, do not forget that if you are attaching or tying the fishing line, you should add a drop of super glue to each knot and place of contact with the tree. This will help keep the line from slipping. In addition, give the issue of decoration entirely to the children, let them distinguish themselves in the form of threatening drawings or their own inscriptions. Just remember to remind young technicians not to attach heavy objects to the base or frame, they will not allow the kite to fly. Next, watch a YouTube video tutorial on how to fly your kite and fully enjoy the results of your work.
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