• Most quickly and without big ones. Who is the fastest runner in the world? Usain's success story


    We welcome all readers of our website “I and the World”. How many of you know the fastest animal in the world? Well, of course, you say: cheetah. And you'll be right! He is the fastest living on land. Today you will read about the top 10 fastest running land animals and we will touch a little on those representatives of the fauna that swim and fly quickly.

    Leopard opens our top ten - 58 km/h

    Yes, he definitely won’t catch up with the cheetah if they compete. When a Leopard pursues prey, it does not waste energy, but carefully lures it into ambush. Hunts antelopes, rodents, warthogs. Leopards live in Africa and Asia for 10-15 years, unless poachers kill them first because of their beautiful fur. In the 20th century, these big cats were included in the Red Book.

    Forest leopards are smaller in size than those that live in open places, apparently it is more difficult to get through the thickets and their large size only gets in the way. The weight of the largest males reaches 75 kg. The coloration is very similar to the cheetah and jaguar, and the color varies from pale straw or gray to rusty brown. In Southeast Asia, there are completely black leopards called Panthers.

    In 9th place – Coyote – 65 km/h

    They are not only sprinters, but also excellent swimmers and fish hunters. They move interestingly, jumping up to 2 to 4 meters in length. In weight they are significantly inferior to real wolves and weigh up to 21 kg, while wolves weigh up to 60 kg. The fur is more brown, and the elongated muzzle resembles a fox. Maybe Coyotes are the children of wolves and foxes, and for some reason became related in ancient times?

    Coyotes are inhabitants of the plains and try not to appear in forests. But on the outskirts of large cities they are periodically spotted, where they like to rummage through garbage. They hunt mainly at dusk for hares, marmots, gophers and other small animals. In autumn they like to eat berries and nuts.

    Hyena Dog reached 8th place - 70 km/h

    Its name translates as “painted wolf”. But there are also black dogs. They were once very common in the African steppes and savannas, but are now found mainly in national parks. And although it is a relative of the wolf, it is very similar to the hyena.

    They are short, lean, and weigh up to 36 kg. They hunt during the day and always in packs of up to 15 individuals on ungulates: antelopes, old zebras, wildebeest, reed rats. They do not eat carrion. Everyone in the flock lives amicably, feeds and takes care of the old and sick.

    7th place – Elk – 75 km/h

    It’s hard to believe that this stately and rather heavy (up to 600 kg) forest beauty is capable of developing such high speed. But it is so! On the plains, Elks run fast, which may be why predators are not always too tough for them. They defend themselves with blows from their front legs, and even bears are afraid to attack Moose in open areas - only among trees or bushes, where Moose are limited in movement.

    They live in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere, less often in the forest-tundra and forest-steppe. In total, about one and a half million individuals live on earth, 730,000 in Russia alone. Moose are quite tall, and their highly elongated legs do not allow them to drink water easily. They have to go deeper into the pond or kneel down to drink. Males grow large horns, spanning up to 180 cm and weighing up to 30 kg. In summer, due to the heat, they are nocturnal. They feed on plant foods, lichens and mushrooms, and in winter they nibble on tree branches.

    In 6th place – Thomson’s Gazelle – up to 80 km/h

    Gazelle is the most delicious prey for fast cheetahs, but they can rarely catch up with it due to high jumps while running. Although after 4-6 km of constant running, the Gazelle gets very tired and at this time the cheetahs still easily attack. Gazelles live in the steppes of Kenya and Tanzania.

    They live in herds of several hundred or thousand individuals, consisting either only of females or only of males. But there are also single males. They feed mainly on herbs, but can also eat tree shoots. The weight of large males reaches only 35 kg.

    5th place goes to Leo - 80 km/h

    These strong kings of nature are very mobile animals and at a distance of already 20 meters they develop the highest speed. The weight of some males reaches 250 kg. In captivity, Lions reach large sizes because... There is no need to run after prey in a cage. In nature they live up to 14 years, and next to humans up to 20.

    White lions are found in national parks. These are not albinos, just a subspecies of Lions. Differing from other cats, they do not live alone, but in families - prides. They feed, of course, on animal food. They hunt at night, sneaking up to prey at a distance of up to 30 meters, surrounding and attacking. Sometimes they attack a person and then become cannibals, trying to kill a person more often.

    4th place – Gazelle Granta – 85 km/h

    They can run at a constant speed for quite a long time without getting tired, weighing up to 65 kg. They live on the open plains of East Africa, avoiding high vegetation, where they cannot see predators in time.

    They easily survive where there is almost no water, only on one, even sparse, vegetation. They move in herds, but some males prefer a permanent territory. In some areas the Gazelle has been completely eradicated, but in others it is quite common.

    Third place goes to Pronghorn - 89 km/h

    Although the normal speed of this Pronghorn Antelope ranges from 60 to 70 km/h, but the maximum speed has been recorded at 89. Therefore, it can easily escape from any predator because it does not need rest. A beautiful, slender animal reaches a weight of 60 kg. They live in the steppes of North America from Canada to Mexico.

    In autumn and winter they gather in herds with a leader, and in the summer they are divided into pairs until the next winter. Old males usually live alone. They feed on herbaceous foods: ordinary and poisonous plants, cacti. They drink little, so if water becomes scarce, they survive on herbs.

    2nd place belongs to Jaguar - 93 km/h

    The beautiful, spotted cat cannot boast of endurance, and can only develop such high speed over short distances. If the prey notices a Jaguar at a great distance and runs away, the predator does not even try to catch it, because in a few minutes it will run out of steam.

    It attacks only when it manages to get very close. Lives in North and South America. The Jaguar's weight reaches 113 kg. They live alone on their own territory of up to 50 square meters. km. They hunt small animals at dusk; they can eat snakes, turtles, and fish. They prefer not to attack ungulates.

    And we rightfully give first place to Cheetah - 120 km/h

    The fastest land animal is the Cheetah, which usually reaches speeds of up to 98 km/h and can run up to 400 m on flat ground. But when catching up with prey, it can develop in 3 seconds. maximum speed of up to 120 km/h, which is almost 2 times the speed of its victims. But he is not able to run long distances.

    The weight of an adult male reaches 65 kg. During the day they hunt medium-sized ungulates: gazelles, wildebeest calves, as well as hares or ostriches. They catch up with prey by jumping 6-8 meters. They do not attack from an ambush, because where they live there is simply no place to hide. Lives in Africa and the Middle East.

    I would like to dwell on the fastest animals in water and in the air. What place do they occupy among their own? Of course the first!

    The fastest sea animal - reaches speeds of up to 130 km/h

    Research has shown that the fish's jaw contains oil, which it releases into the water. By spreading around the head, the oil reduces friction with the water.

    There is another fast sea animal with the same speed - Black Marlin.

    Who is the fastest bird? The handsome Sapsan, accelerating after prey and diving, is capable of accelerating to 390 km/h

    When struck with claws at such a speed, it can tear off the head of the prey.

    We showed photos and descriptions of the fastest animals on the planet. There are others, but we won’t dwell on them today. Did you like the article? Share information with your friends. In the meantime, we say goodbye until the next entertaining articles.

    Speed ​​of movement is the key to survival. Many animals, in the course of evolution and in the struggle for survival, have developed simply incredible abilities...

    Peregrine Falcon

    Most people think that the fastest creature is the cheetah, but this is not true. Many birds are capable of reaching much higher speeds than the spotted predator. Representatives of the falcon family are rightfully considered the fastest birds. The absolute record holder for speed of movement is the peregrine falcon. This bird is capable of reaching speeds higher than 200 km/h when flying in a straight line. And in a diving flight during a hunt, a peregrine falcon is capable of accelerating to 325 km/h (this is even faster than many sports cars of famous brands)!


    The cheetah is the fastest runner and generally the fastest land animal. Speed ​​in 100 km/h is the norm for this animal; almost every cheetah reaches this speed during a hunt. There are also cases when individual individuals gained speed in 120 km/h But here it is necessary to note that running at such a speed greatly exhausts the animal, and it is simply impossible to run for a long time at such a speed; a distance of 350-400 meters is considered the maximum. By the way, cheetahs do not know how to retract their claws, as all cats do, which probably helps them develop such incredible speed, providing good traction with the ground.


    The sailfish is recognized as the fastest fish, and indeed the fastest representative of the underwater world. This fish is capable of reaching speeds of 110 km/h Externally, the sailfish looks a little like a marlin, and it received this name due to its dorsal fin, which is very similar to a sail.

    Pronghorn antelope

    The fastest herbivore is considered to be the pronghorn antelope (or as it is also called pronghorn). At short distances, pronghorns can reach speeds of up to 85 km/h, there is also a known case when a pronghorn antelope ran at a speed of 98 km/h. But what distinguishes the pronghorn antelope from other “sprinters” is its endurance; at a speed of 55 km/h it can run up to 6 kilometers.


    And again we return to the birds. Yes, ostriches cannot fly, but their sprinting abilities more than make up for this disadvantage. Ostriches are capable of running at speeds of the order of magnitude 80 km/h By the way, ostriches are also the largest birds, they can reach 2.5 meters in height and weigh up to 130 kilograms.


    The fastest animal among the order of equids is the kulan. This is a small animal that looks like a mule or donkey. At short distances, the kulan can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h, and on long ones - about 50 km/h.


    Naturally, a person is a living creature belonging to the class of mammals, so human achievements also need to be included in this kind of rating. The average man can run at a speed of about 22-26 km/h over short distances (the average for women is slightly lower). The record belongs to a Jamaican runner. Usain Bolt. At the 2009 competition in Berlin, Usain set a new world record in the 100-meter dash, running the distance in 9,58 seconds, which is approximately equal to 37,5 km/h

    It's hard to believe, but the leatherback turtle is the fastest reptile in the world! She is also the heaviest turtle. Leatherback turtle can swim at speed 35,5 km/h Agree, this is a very interesting fact, because it is generally accepted that speed and turtles are incompatible concepts.

    Black iguana

    Among all reptiles, the fastest is the black iguana. Its habitat is exclusively Costa Rica. The achievements of this lizard are even included in the Guinness Book of Records; the recorded record is 34,9 km/h

    Who and what is capable of moving the fastest on our planet and beyond? HowStuffWorks journalists have compiled the top 10 fastest things known to man today.

    In modern physics it is believed that speed of light in a vacuum is the maximum speed of movement of particles of matter. Light is studied by scientists as electromagnetic waves or as a stream of photons - elementary particles whose rest mass is zero. These particles can only move at the speed of light and cannot be at rest.

    Today it is accepted that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant physical quantity equal to 299,792,458 m/s, or 1,079,252,848.8 km/h. Sunlight takes about 8 minutes 19 seconds to travel 150 million kilometers to reach Earth.

    In this material we invite you to familiarize yourself with all the “fastest” that is known to mankind today.

    The fastest man on the planet

    The title of the fastest man on the planet belongs to the legendary Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt. He holds current world records in the 100m (9.58s; Berlin 2009), 200m (19.19s; Berlin 2009) and 4x100m (36.84s; London 2012). The athlete accelerated to maximum speed 37.578 km/h.

    Former IOC President Jacques Rogge then called Bolt a phenomenon in sports. " Bolt shows such results because he is a phenomenon in terms of genetics and body structure", the official noted.

    Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt's record-breaking 100-meter race haunted scientists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. They decided to create a mathematical model of a runner and find out what allowed the athlete to run a hundred meters in 9.58.

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    Bolt's height (195 cm) allows him to be considered a tall athlete. On the one hand, this gives an advantage when running, allowing you to take longer steps. On the other hand, the athlete experiences more air resistance. Using data from the International Association of Athletics Federations, whose experts used a laser to measure the athlete's position every 0.1 seconds, scientists calculated that during their record-breaking race, more than 92% of energy expended The bolt spent on overcoming the force of air resistance. Mathematicians compared Bolt's result at the Beijing Olympics (9.69) with the 2009 record. According to their calculations, without a tailwind in Berlin, which was 0.9 meters per second, Bolt would have arrived later, but would still have set a new world record of 9.68 seconds.

    The fastest animals

    On the ground

    The fastest land animal is cheetah. There is evidence in the scientific literature that these representatives of the cat family can reach maximum speed 105 km/h.

    To track the movement of cheetahs in the Botswana savannah, scientists have developed a special collar equipped with a GPS module, gyroscopes and an accelerometer. The device was equipped with solar panels that charged the battery during the daytime. Biologists observed the lives of five cheetahs for 17 months.

    The highest speed recorded during the work of zoologists turned out to be less than previously measured in zoos (93 versus 105 kilometers per hour).

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    In water

    Able to move faster than anyone in water sailboat. This predatory fish lives in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. It can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h. During a series of tests conducted at the Long Key fishing camp (Florida, USA), the sailboat swam 91 meters in 3 seconds ( 109 km/h).

    The sailfish creates virtually no friction with the water while moving. This is achieved thanks to a special coating in the form of furrows made of small outgrowths where water is retained. In fact, it is this water that comes into contact with seawater, and not the body of the fish itself. In addition, the body is perfectly streamlined. All this allows the fish to reach such a high speed of movement.

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    In the air

    Fastest planet

    As you know, an earthly year lasts 365 days - during this period of time our planet makes a full revolution around the Sun. For comparison, Mercury needs 88 days for this, and Neptune 6000 days.

    In 2013, using the Kepler space telescope, astronomers managed to discover an exoplanet Kepler-78b. It moves in an orbit 40 times smaller than the orbit of Mercury - the radius of this orbit is only three times the radius of the star itself. Kepler-78b completes an orbit around its star in just 8.5 hours and is a leading contender for the title of fastest known planet.

    Scientists consider Kepler-78b a real mystery. " We don't know how it formed or how it got to where it is now. All we know is that she won't last long", says astronomer David Latham. Exoplanet researchers believe that Kepler-78b " will soon fall on a star".

    It is worth noting the existence of another candidate for the title of “fastest planet”. This is the planet KOI 1843.03, also discovered using the Kepler telescope. Scientists suggest that a year on this planet lasts only 4.5 hours.

    The fastest toilet

    Perhaps the strangest participant in this ranking is the “fastest” toilet. The official website of the Guinness Book of Records says that the record belongs to the toilet Bog Standard, presented on March 10, 2011 in Milan. It is a motorcycle with a sidecar, equipped with a bathtub, sink and basket for dirty laundry. The structure can move at speed 68 km/h.

    However, in May 2013, British self-taught inventor Colin Furze demonstrated a toilet on wheels he had designed, which is capable of reaching speeds of up to 88 km/h. It took Ferz about a month to create the “miracle technology.” The unusual vehicle is equipped with a 140 cubic centimeter engine.

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    The fastest wind

    For a long time, a small mountain in New Hampshire (1917 meters above sea level) was considered the place where the highest wind speed on Earth was recorded. In April 1934, wind gusts reached speeds on Mount Washington 372 km/h.

    In 2010, an automatic weather station on Barrow Island off the coast of Australia recorded record wind speeds - 407 km/h. This is when it comes to our planet.

    Researchers from the University of Michigan using the Chandra X-ray space observatory have discovered the fastest "wind" in the Universe, blowing from the disk that surrounds the stellar-mass black hole IGR J17091-3624. Stellar-mass black holes are born from the collapse of very massive stars. Typically, they weigh 5-10 times more than the Sun.

    The "wind" moves at a speed of about 32,000,000 km/h(about 3% the speed of light). While studying the black hole IGR J17091-3624, scientists also came to an unexpected conclusion: the wind can carry away more material than the black hole can capture. " Contrary to popular belief that black holes consume all material that approaches them, we estimate that up to 95% of the material in the disk around IGR J17091 is thrown away" said lead researcher Ashley King.

    The fastest birth

    Of course, today we cannot know exactly when the fastest births actually occurred, because since time immemorial people have not kept records of such things. Nevertheless, history knows several cases when childbirth occurred incredibly quickly.

    The first such case occurred in 2007. British woman Palak Weiss gave birth to a completely healthy girl weighing three and a half kilograms in 2 minutes. The doctors did not even have time to give the thirty-year-old woman in labor an anesthetic, because just 120 seconds after her water broke, a baby named Vedika was born. Interestingly, while the happy parents were trying to register this achievement, their record was broken by a few seconds by another woman from the UK.

    When British woman Katherine Allen began having regular contractions in 2009, she and her husband began rushing to the hospital. But while Katherine was walking down the stairs, her water broke - and then a 3.8-pound baby girl was born, trapped in the leg of her mother's sweatpants. It was then reported that the birth occurred so quickly that the woman did not feel any pain.

    Fastest production car

    On February 14, 2014, the American supercar Hennessey Venom GT accelerated to 435.31 km/h.

    The speed record among production cars was recorded by a reputable telemetry system. However, the Guinness Book of Records does not recognize this achievement. For the official record, it was necessary to drive in two directions, after which the average speed was calculated. But the management of the Space Center did not allow the Hennessey Venom GT to drive on the runway in the opposite direction. In addition, in order to be called a production car, according to the rules of the Guinness Book of Records, 30 cars must be produced, and only 29 units of the Hennessey Venom GT were assembled.

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    When talking about the fastest cars, we can't help but remember the jet car. Thrust S.S.C., equipped with two Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engines with a capacity of 110 thousand horsepower. On October 15, 1997, at the bottom of a dry lake in Nevada, Andy Green accelerated his Thrust SSC to 1227.985 km/h. For the first time, a land vehicle broke the sound barrier.

    Fighter pilot Andy Green later told the story of his record like this: " In front of me was the largest tachometer with a scale from 0 to 1000 miles per hour (0-1600 kilometers per hour). When the engine started working, I realized that keeping a ten-ton monster flying at the speed of a rocket in a straight line is not so easy. My butt was ten centimeters off the ground, and it was a terrible feeling. The car was accelerating like crazy, increasing speed from 320 to 960 kilometers per hour in less than twenty seconds. At around 900 kilometers per hour it got even worse, the car became almost uncontrollable. I remember the terrible howl of air waves forming above the cockpit, I remember the ground rushing beneath me at incredible speed. I covered a kilometer in three seconds. It was the most wonderful adventure of my life".

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    The real land speed record belongs to an unmanned vehicle - a rail sled. This is a platform that slides along a special rail track using a rocket engine. It does not have wheels; instead, special slides are used that follow the contour of the rails and prevent the platform from flying off.

    On April 30, 2003, at Holloman Air Force Base in the United States, a rail sled accelerated to incredible speeds. 10,430 km/h(!).

    Fastest object in the Universe

    One of the fastest objects in our Universe was accidentally discovered by astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Scientists studied the jet - a jet of matter that is “spitted out” by the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy.

    Active giant elliptical galaxy M87. A relativistic jet bursts out from the center of the galaxy. The second jet may exist, but is not observable from Earth. Image: wikipedia.org

    Scientists believe that the stream of plasma escaping from the center of the galaxy moves in a spiral at a speed of 1024 km/s ( 3,686,400 km/h), forming a cone expanding away from the black hole. This type of motion serves as evidence that the plasma moves along twisted magnetic field lines.

    Galaxy M87 is located in the constellation Virgo at the center of a cluster of about two thousand galaxies located 50 million light years away. The black hole at the center of M87 is several billion times more massive than our Sun.

    Previously, scientists compiled a video from images taken by the Hubble telescope over 13 years of observations that shows how the black hole in the center of the M87 galaxy ejects a stream of hot gas 5 thousand light years long.

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    The fastest internet

    As reported on the official website of the Guinness Book of Records with reference to data from Cisco, the fastest Internet is available to residents of South Korea. Cisco specialists recorded the average data download speed in this country in 33.5 Mbit/s.

    Last year, a 75-year-old resident of the Swedish city of Karlstad named Sigbritt Lotberg became known to the world as the owner of the world's fastest Internet connection - speed reaches 40 Gbps. This gift was given to the elderly woman by her son Peter, who thus tried to convince Internet providers to invest in the development of high-speed communication channels.

    Peter Lotberg works at Cisco. He developed a technology that made it possible to transmit a signal between routers over a distance of up to 2000 km without the participation of intermediary equipment. With a relatively small investment, Peter provided his mother with access to the World Wide Web at mind-blowing speed. Thus, he showed that cheap and at the same time ultra-fast Internet is quite possible.

    Fastest superhero

    Most of the things presented in this ranking are called the fastest because they have officially registered records or educated guesses. Determining the fastest superhero is the most difficult.

    Comic book fans may assume that Flash should be the obvious winner. Publisher DC Comics positions its superhero as the fastest man. He is capable of reaching the speed of light. More precisely, a speed 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light. This means that it can travel not only to any point on Earth in a split second, but also to any point in the Universe.

    But don't forget about the popular hero of Marvel Comics - the Silver Surfer. He can move in hyperspace, that is, faster than light.

    Silver Surfer. Image: Marvel Comics

    The debate about who is the fastest superhero still continues to this day.

    People have always wanted to test their strength and achieve the highest results in literally everything, including sports competitions. Despite his desires, man is a rather slow creature.

    Most animals, especially large ones, can easily escape from it. However, the title of the fastest runner deserves special attention, because for many of us his records are something unattainable. Who is considered the fastest in the world?

    Who was the first fastest runner in the world?

    Running competitions have been held on our planet for a very long time. The ancestor of athletics was the Ancient Olympics, first held in the Peloponnese back in the 8th century BC. Modern world achievements in sports began to be recorded in the middle of the 19th century.

    Then the IAAF sports institute appeared in the UK, which began to measure the best running time per 1 mile. In 1914, a uniform procedure for recording records was established throughout the world.

    Since the greatest capabilities of runners are revealed when moving over a distance of 100 meters, over time this particular test has been recognized as a classic. The first fastest 100-meter runner was American athlete Donald Lippincott.

    During the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912, he set the first world record, covering the distance in 10.6 seconds. Subsequently, he was never able to improve his achievements in the 100 meters, but three years later he set a new record in relay competitions.

    Who is the fastest runner today?

    Over the past century, many other athletes have appeared in athletics who have shown the best results. Lippincott's record has been broken several times.

    Today, Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt is considered the fastest runner in the world. During his sports career, he managed to become the absolute champion of the Olympics 6 times and win the World Championship 11 times.

    During his performances, Bolt set 8 records, not only in the 100-meter distance, but also in the 200-meter race and in the 4x100 relay. Thanks to his fantastic abilities, he became the first athlete in Jamaican history with the most gold medals and received the unspoken nickname Lightning.

    How fast does the fastest runner run?

    Usain Bolt's peak speed was recorded at the Beijing Olympics. The athlete managed to overcome the hundred-meter dash with a maximum speed of 12.2 meters per second (43.9 km/h). To run the distance, he needed to take only 41 steps, while other athletes need 2-3 steps more.

    The following year, taking part in the World Championships in Berlin, Bolt set the last world record, which has not yet been broken by anyone. Moving at a top speed of 12.42 meters per second, he ran a distance of 100 meters in 9.58 seconds.

    Based on kilometers, it turns out that the Bolt is capable of moving at a speed of about 44.72 km/h. This is an incredible amount for humans, although animals still run faster.

    For example, a hare can reach speeds of up to 55 km/h, and a cheetah even more – up to 115 km/h.

    What determines Bolt's running speed?

    The Usain Bolt phenomenon has been subjected to intense scrutiny. Based on the research results, scientists concluded that the main reason for the athlete’s high speed lies in his genetics.

    Jamaica was once the center of the slave trade, bringing people from West Africa, and the region is considered the birthplace of many of the world's best sprinters. In addition, Usain Bolt can develop such speed due to the characteristics of his muscular system and running technique.

    As he moves, he produces a low hip lift, which allows him to save more energy and use it to push off the ground.

    Is it possible to break the record for the fastest runner?

    Despite the fact that Usain Bolt is considered the fastest runner, there are actually people who move even faster. To date, at least two athletes are known to have broken the Jamaican’s record unofficially.

    At the 1964 Olympics, track and field athlete Bob Hayes completed the 100-meter dash in just 8.5 seconds, recorded with a hand-held stopwatch. In 2011, at a competition in Brussels, Jamaican runner Yohan Blake raced 200 meters in 19.26 seconds, while showing a slow reaction at the start. As a result, it was calculated that he would have completed the 100-meter dash in 9.49 seconds.

    Man has always wanted to test his strength. He tries to achieve the highest results. And this applies not only to business, but literally to everything.

    The same thing happened with sports. And who is against learning the limits of physical capabilities that are given by nature?

    The fastest athletes in history

    One of the most interesting questions is who is the fastest person in the world and how fast he runs. The classic test is the 100-meter dash. This distance allows you to identify the maximum capabilities of the runner.

    Donald Lippincott, USA

    The first medalist in the 100-meter dash was American Donald Lippincott. He completed the distance at the Olympics in Stockholm in 1912. His time was 10.6 seconds.

    Jesse Owens, USA

    In 1936, at the XI Summer Olympic Games, which were held in Berlin, a record was set in the 100-meter dash, which was not broken until 1984.

    The result of 10.2 seconds belonged to a black athlete - American Jesse Owens. In total, the athlete won 4 gold medals in Berlin, becoming the most outstanding athlete of the Games.

    His achievements greatly upset the Nazis, but they could not do anything. He was the best.

    Usain Bolt, Jamaica

    Today, the unofficial title of the fastest man in the world is held by a Jamaican athlete named Usain Bolt. The athlete is a three-time Olympic champion, he has become a world champion more than once, and he is also the current world record holder in three sprint disciplines.

    In the finals of the World Championships, which took place in the late summer of 2009, Usain showed an incredible result in the 100-meter dash. He ran the distance in a record 9.58 seconds. By the way, at the same championship, but a few days later, a new record appeared in the two hundred meters. Usain overcame it in 19.19 seconds.

    The sports leader also made it to his country’s Olympic team; he participated in the 4x100 relay. And in this competition a new indicator appeared - 37.10 seconds (this is the Beijing Olympics). Such stunning results earned the runner the famous nickname “lightning.”

    By the way, the athlete’s maximum speed was 37.578 kilometers per hour or approximately 10.5 meters per second.

    Usain Bolt was born in Trilawny, Jamaica on August 21, 1986. By the age of 15, the young athlete became famous not only in his homeland. He won the international running tournament in Kingston. Usain was able to win a gold medal and two silver ones.

    Two years later, the runner improved his performance at a distance of 200 meters. The sprinter showed 19.93 seconds in the junior race. Thus, he became the first junior who was able to run the distance in less than 20 seconds.

    Already in 2008, Usain completed the 100-meter dash in just 9.76 seconds. And this was the second official result. The leader at that time was his compatriot Asafa Powell. He ran better than Bolt by two hundredths of a second. But very soon, a few months later, the current record holder achieved his triumph. He covered the distance in 9.72 seconds and set a new world record.

    However, this was not yet the peak of the athlete’s achievements. At the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, the runner won three gold medals. He also set three new records. One was in the relay race. At these competitions, at the end of the hundred-meter race, the sprinter slowed down a little, because it was clear that it was impossible to catch up with him. According to experts, if he had given his all, the result would have been even better - not 9.6 seconds, but 9.5.

    One way or another, Bolt ranks first in the ranking published by the International Athletics Association. The athlete twice won the prestigious Rising Star award. He was given a Knight Commander of the Jamaican Order of Dignity. In 2008 and 2009, the sprinter was recognized as the best athlete and athlete in the world.

    The fastest people in the world

    Athletics is not the only discipline in which speed records are set.

    Fastest shooter

    Jerry Miculek is one of the fastest shooters on the planet. He can fire 5 bullets from a revolver in just 0.57 seconds at a playing card. Jerry Miculek teaches shooting and has already tried almost all types of firearms that he considers the best. He is the author of five world records in revolver shooting.

    "My job is shooting." Jerry Miculek

    By the way, Jerry Miculek is also an experienced gunsmith. He constantly tunes and adjusts his revolvers to make them work more efficiently.

    Fastest Rubik's cube solver

    Shotaro Makisumi solves the multi-colored cube in just 12.34 seconds. He holds several world records in this field. His fast solutions are 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 in 2.82 and 12.11 seconds.

    Solving a Rubik's Cube

    The fastest secretary in the world

    Japanese Miit can print at a speed of 100 stamps in 20 seconds. She is the fastest secretary on the planet. For comparison, the average typing speed of a professional typist is about 380 characters per minute.

    Fastest knife thrower

    David R. Adamovich can throw three knives in less than a second.

    He holds a number of world records: he has the fastest knife throw, he catches a flying knife with lightning speed, and he also holds the fastest throw next to a person. Fastest reloading weapon

    Continuing the topic, we invite you to get acquainted with the fastest animals.
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