• Iq 80 what does it mean for teenagers. A high IQ doesn't mean you're smart. Relationship between health, age and IQ


    IQ – intelligence quotient. Over the last hundred years, psychologists and doctors have become interested in the question of how to classify and quantify the intellectual abilities of people. In this regard, many intelligence tests appeared, with the help of which the authors sought to rank the planet's population.

    Subsequently, most IQ tests were criticized. Thus, it was found that by taking an IQ test several times, you can learn to solve it, as a result of which the test will show an inflated result. In addition, most of the tests that can be found today, including on the Internet, do not stand up to criticism, and their results are often deliberately inflated.

    The Eysenck IQ test, which is so popular, also, according to most scientists, does not fully reflect a person’s real mental abilities. Today, the Wechsler test is recognized as the most successful, which assesses a person’s intelligence on 11 scales using specially developed 11 subtests. To interpret the data of this test, special training of the diagnostician is required, therefore, despite the high degree of objectivity, the test is not widely used.

    IQ and heredity

    After tests were created, albeit with large errors, assessing the IQ of people, scientists became interested in whether IQ level is a genetically inherited factor. A number of studies have been conducted, the results of which have had quite significant differences. However, the generalized data allowed us to draw the following conclusion: human intelligence is 40-80% inherited, and 60-20% is the result of environmental influences.

    Currently, a project has been launched whose goal is to discover genes responsible for the development of intellectual abilities and determine the mechanisms of inheritance of this trait.

    IQ and gender

    There is still ongoing debate regarding differences in the levels of male and female intelligence. However, most studies suggest that the intellectual abilities of men and women are on average equal, noting that among men there are more often those whose intelligence is below or above average, while among women there are more people with average intelligence. Men are better at tasks assessing spatial thinking, while women are better at questions assessing verbal abilities.

    IQ and race

    Some studies have found that African Americans have lower IQ scores on average than other races. However, it has been clearly shown that this difference is a consequence of the low level of education in most African countries. African Americans living in developed countries, particularly in European countries, are not inferior in IQ to whites. A study published in 2002 showed that residents of Asian countries: Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Japan have the highest intelligence. Their average intelligence was 104-107 points. The Russians were in 24th place with their average population level of 97 points. The last place in terms of IQ level was taken by residents of Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea, whose average IQ score was 66 points.

    In general, it has been established that IQ among the human population of the Earth has tended to increase over the last hundred years.

    IQ and age

    The highest IQ scores are demonstrated by young people aged 26 years. Subsequently, IQ begins to decline.

    IQ and career

    A reliable inverse relationship has been established between the level of intelligence of job applicants and the time spent by them on mastering certain skills. Thus, when hiring a job related to mental work, the employer can reasonably expect higher productivity of people with high IQ numbers.

    According to the data available today, the speed of mastering new skills depends on IQ by almost a third. Among other reasons that make a great contribution to the productivity of work, experts name the ability to communicate in a team, the psychological characteristics of the individual, etc. At the moment, there are no reliable tests evaluating the contribution of other personality traits to the final productivity of work.

    IQ test scores

    Most intelligence tests are designed to ensure that at least 50% of the population has an average IQ, with 25% of the world's population scoring below and above average. The median intelligence of the human population is usually taken to be 100. Thus, for the Eysenck intelligence test, the average IQ values ​​are 90-115 points. Many researchers consider an IQ of 75 points or lower as an indicator of intellectual deviation - mental retardation.
    It has been established that the average IQ of outstanding scientists is 154-166 points, the IQ of candidates of science is 125, the IQ of those who have received higher education is 115 points. People with an incomplete higher education, people working in the field of sales, as well as the so-called office workers show an IQ in the range of 100-110 points. The IQ of skilled workers (electricians, mechanics, etc.) averages 100 points.

    However, it didn’t occur to you that you need to make some kind of gradation, so to speak, from separating the wheat from the chaff, Einstein from Beavis and Butthead. Therefore, a smart Pindos named Lewis Theremin back in 1916 (not to be confused with 2016 ... gyg), came up with the name of the test to measure intelligence. Today we will talk about the word that means this procedure is IQ, which means you can read a little lower. Our site tries to explain complex concepts in simple terms, so don't forget to add us to your bookmarks. After all, in the future we will have a lot more useful and interesting information.
    However, before I continue, I would like to recommend that you check out a couple of my other new articles on science and education. For example, what does Paradigm mean, what is Overton's Window, what does Oxymoron mean, how to understand the word Taboo, etc.
    So let's continue what does aikyu mean? This term was borrowed from English" IQ", which can be deciphered as "intelligence quotation"(intelligence quotient).

    IQ- this is the name of the intelligence test developed at the beginning of the century in France by the psychologist Alfred Binet

    This test turned out to be extremely successful, and it began to be used in many countries of the world. And its name IQ", he received in the USA, which we already mentioned above. In addition, it was the Pindos who first began to use these tests to classify soldiers in 1917. About 2 million people passed this exam all the time. Then Universities became interested in this innovation , who tested future applicants with them.

    Australian has the highest intelligence Terence Tao, who came up with the Green-Tao theorem. His result is 200 points, while most people are unlikely to be able to score more than 100 points. I will not list people with high intelligence, because there are no Russians on this list.
    In my opinion, such artificial tests are quite far from reality, because the Russians create the world's best submarines, combat aircraft, spaceships and much more. And among the Nobel laureates there are always either Jews or Anglo-Saxons. Karoch, this is understandable, the information war and all that, the Pindos are good at this like no other.
    It should be added that people with high IQ have mental disorders, because nature does not give something beyond measure. If it arrived somewhere, then it departed somewhere else. The law of conservation of energy also applies here.

    Also, I wouldn't trust Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking's test results ( both have about 140 points). A person with billions can easily bribe anything and everything, and Stephen, this is a common element of American propaganda, a crippled genius, a publicized person. If he was normal and healthy, without this veil of mystery that surrounded him thanks to the media, who the hell would be interested in him?

    what does an IQ test mean?

    Throughout the research, scientists have made several conclusions:

    0.5% of people have an IQ over 140 points;

    3% - over 130 - 140 points;

    7% - about 120 - 130 points;

    14.5% - have an IQ of more than 110 - 120 points;

    50% have an IQ of 90 - 110 points.

    It is worth adding that 25% of people have aikyu above 110 points, while the other 25% have aikyu below 90 points. The most common result is 100 points.
    If aikyu is below 70 points, then a similar result indicates mental retardation.

    Actually the level iQ only shows the speed of thinking, because all tasks are completed in a strictly limited time. However, there are many people who are able to solve the most complex problems in a sufficiently long period of time, especially when time is not so critical. Therefore, in our time, this test has lost its former popularity, although the Pindos actively use it.

    To successfully pass IQ tests, you must have the following characteristics:

    mastery of logical operations;

    Imagination and ability to quickly manipulate objects in space;

    Practical knowledge of the native language;


    Good memory;

    The ability to concentrate and isolate the main thing, separating it from the unimportant.

    As you probably noticed, in this case there is nothing that connects IQ with the definition of intelligence. Therefore, we can conclude that IQ is not actually determined by intelligence as such. Today, many people use a special term - “psychometric intelligence”, which refers to test results.

    Although " IQ", will not determine your mind, but you can use it to draw conclusions about your own children. After all, there are several levels of difficulty with one technique.
    Despite the fact that IQ testing consists of a huge number of various tests, in order to get 100 - 120 points, it is not necessary to complete them all.

    Russian psychologists argue that the IQ test developed for the West is not entirely correct for Russia. After all, the intelligence of people from different countries differs radically. Most Russians have a predominant imaginative style of thinking, which distinguishes them for the better from Westerners." biorobots"By the West, I mean Pindostan, because in the EU, things are much better, they have not yet completely turned into consumers, although they are actively striving for this.

    After reading this article, you learned what does aikyu mean, and now you will generally understand what these tests are and why they are needed or not needed.

    To accomplish a complex task is a useful tool for selecting the best candidate. The interview provides some information, but it cannot always be verified. Testing from a variety of tasks and cases, carried out with a time limit, will be more effective in this situation. At the same time, you need to trust the machine taking into account the error. The test may not take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the subject, his emotional state and other characteristics. The IQ of a normal person is in the range of 90-120 points, but does not guarantee the presence of outstanding abilities.

    History of the IQ test

    IQ tests were created in 1905 by French psychologist Alfred Binet to determine the psychological age of mentally retarded adolescents. William Stern in 1912 adapted the technique to determine intellectual age. In this version, the test result was called “intelligence quotient” or IQ. The question of what the IQ of a normal person should be was resolved as follows. The test result is compared with the average score within the age group, determining the coefficient of compliance with the average statistical data.

    The essence of the technique

    The IQ of a normal person is determined by tasks that test the ability to operate with images and numbers, think logically and solve complex, intricate problems. A good memory and a high level of general knowledge help you pass the test with a higher score. The test can evaluate the speed of perception and processing of data, visual-spatial thinking.

    In this case, the ability to learn, cognition and understanding is assessed first of all. People with high IQs have the resources to solve complex problems. But having a high IQ does not guarantee a person's success. All outstanding people have a high level of intelligence, but not all carriers of excellent IQ achieve good results. Much depends on the person himself, his motivation, character traits, and talents.

    Age features

    What IQ a normal person has depends greatly on age. It is believed that peak development occurs at age 26. The moment of highest development of intelligence can vary from 20 to 34 years, depending on the conditions of the particular subject. After 60 years, the level of intelligence sharply decreases only if a person stops setting difficult tasks for himself and does not load his thinking in any way, limiting himself to standard situations.

    It is accepted that the IQ level is a constant value. For children, different norms for the development of intelligence have been adopted, approximately assessing normal development. The normal IQ of a 14-year-old person is considered to be 70-80 points, but for an adult this would indicate a deviation from the norm. Thus, the level of intellectual development is constant compared to the group (by age), but when considering an individual, IQ changes significantly with age.

    Decoding the results

    The IQ level of a normal person may vary at different times. Even one person, being tested in different emotional, physical and mental states, will show different results. Motivation to take testing also has an impact.

    Study results up to 85 points are interpreted as mental retardation of varying levels of severity. Average intelligence is characterized by scores of 85-114. A score of 100 points indicates the correct solution to half of the tasks. Solving all the questions will allow you to get 200 points, but no one has yet achieved such a result.

    Areas of use

    Testing is actively used in psychology and personnel work. Psychologists assess the level of development of children, referring them to corrective classes if necessary. When working with adults, IQ tests are also used, showing the level of development of thinking processes. Often tests are supplemented by other, more narrowly focused ones. This approach helps to obtain a more adequate result.

    When choosing candidates for a vacancy, the personnel department often uses IQ tests, but here you need to remember that with training, the result increases by 20-30%. Thus, a person can simply have the skill of passing the test, which does not at all indicate a high level of intelligence.

    Lately, EQ has been paired with IQ tests. This coefficient characterizes the development of emotional intelligence, which is responsible for a person's sociability, intuition, and the ability to build relationships with other people. These two methods characterize the work of different hemispheres of the brain, so both do not always show results of the same level. This fact explains situations when having a high level of IQ does not help a person to succeed.

    IQ Development

    How much IQ a normal person has depends on heredity by 60-80%. The remaining 20-40% do not depend on education at all, but on the way of life and thinking, especially in early childhood. Illness, stress and injury are important.

    You can independently develop intellectual abilities by adhering to the following recommendations:

    • Intellectual games (for example, chess, Sudoku, etc.). Starting to master games will be difficult; the brain is not used to solving such problems. Gradually, the skills of non-standard strategic thinking will be developed. It is important in this case not to stop at one game, but to keep moving forward, setting ourselves ever new complex intellectual tasks. Timed logic games and puzzles are useful. Such spending free time stimulates the development of thought processes, positively affects the level of intelligence.

    • Constant learning. The process of learning new things stimulates attention, memory, and thought processes. New activities stimulate the production of the hormone dopamine, the level of which determines the number of neurons. Thus, by expanding the boundaries of one's own experience, a person increases the level of IQ.
    • Physical exercise. An active lifestyle supports the overall health of the body, removes toxins and promotes intellectual development.
    • Healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and sleep routine are necessary for the harmonious functioning of the nervous system. Accompanying any activity with motivation for development increases the result, giving a feeling of satisfaction and strength to move on.

    People, especially adults, love to measure everything. Measure and count.

    First of all, let's find out what the word "IQ" means? IQ ( intelligencequotient) , or IQ is an attempt to calculate a person’s intelligence, to quantify it in comparison with other people.

    The concept of IQ first appeared in 1912. It was introduced by the German Wilhelm Stern. Currently, a huge number of IQ tests have proliferated, which to some extent neutralizes the informational value of the obtained value. There is no single standard for IQ tests, however, they all have a common design principle. As a rule, taking several tests gives a more accurate and objective result.

    IQ tests were designed so that the results could be described by a normal distribution. In general, IQ describes people's mental state quite objectively. 50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110, 25% have an IQ of less than 90, and another 25% have an IQ of more than 110. Let's take a closer look at what iq scores mean.

    What do iq test results mean?

    For example, if the IQ is less than 70, then the subject can be classified as having mild dementia, while an IQ of more than 145 indicates genius. The average IQ value is 100. What does average IQ mean? This means that a value of 100 marks the peak of the normal distribution of test scores.

    Tests usually contain about 40 tasks of increasing difficulty. To pass, you will need spatial and logical thinking, the ability to compare quantities, arithmetic, and a creative approach, as with.

    What affects IQ?

    Do you think that IQ is given by nature once and for all? To some extent this is true, but there are a huge number of factors influencing it! This includes heredity, diet, ecology, and methods of education.

    The test results, we repeat, are ambiguous. One thing is certain - IQ does not determine fate. What does the IQ test give? Just knowing your IQ score. You can be a successful person with an IQ of less than 60 and a loser with an IQ of more than 130. Or this example. Arnold Schwarzenegger's IQ is 135, Sylvester Stallone's is only 54. And who is cooler is still not clear.

    Today we learned what a person’s iq is. Find out your iq score, but don’t make hasty conclusions! And don't forget, a strict teacher and gaps in knowledge can create problems for any student, regardless of IQ level. In such cases, contact , who always guard your reputation.

    People have different skills and levels of intelligence: verbal, pattern, spatial, conceptual, mathematical


    The concept of “intelligence quotient” was introduced by the German psychologist William Stern.. He used IQ as an acronym for the term Intelligenz-QuotientIQ. IQ was a score obtained from a series of standardized tests administered by a psychologist to determine one's level of intelligence.

    Pioneers of Mind Research

    At first, psychologists doubted that the human mind could be measured, much less accurately. While interest in measuring intelligence goes back thousands of years, the first IQ test has only recently emerged.

    In 1904, the French government asked psychologist Alfred Binet to help determine which students were most likely to struggle in school. The need to establish the intelligence of schoolchildren arose so that they could all receive compulsory primary education.

    Binet asked colleague Theodore Simon to help him create a test that focused on practical issues: memory, attention and problem solving - things that children are not taught in school. Some answered more difficult questions than their age group, and so, based on observational data, the now classic concept of mental age emerged. The result of the work of psychologists - the Binet-Simon scale - became the first standardized IQ test.

    By 1916, Stanford University psychologist Lewis Terman had adapted the Binet-Simon scale for use in the United States. The modified test was called the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and became the standard intelligence test in the United States for several decades. Stanford Beane uses a number known as IQ to represent an individual's performance.

    IQ was originally determined by dividing the mental age of the person taking the test by his or her chronological age and multiplying the quotient by 100. It goes without saying that this only works (or is best suited) for children. For example, a child with a mental age of 13.2 years and a chronological age of 10 years has an IQ of 132 and is eligible to join Mensa (13.2 ÷ 10 x 100 = 132).

    During World War I, the United States Army developed several tests to select recruits suitable for specific types of work. The Army's "Alpha" test was a written test, while the "Beta" test was administered to illiterate recruits.

    This and other IQ tests were also used to test new immigrants coming to the United States from Ellis Island. Their results were used to fabricate false generalizations about the "surprisingly low intelligence" of Southern European and Jewish immigrants. These findings led to proposals by the “racially motivated” psychologist Goddard and others in 1920 for Congress to impose restrictions on immigration. Even though the tests were administered only in English and the vast majority of immigrants did not understand it, the United States government deported many thousands of deserving people who were labeled “unfit” or “undesirable.” And this happened a decade before they started talking about eugenics in Nazi Germany.

    Psychologist David Wexler was dissatisfied, in his opinion, with the limitations of the Stanford-Binet tests. The main reason for this was the single assessment, its emphasis on time limits, and the fact that the test was designed specifically for children and was therefore not suitable for adults.

    As a result, during the 1930s, Wechsler developed a new test that was known as the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale. The test was subsequently revised and became known as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, or WAIS. Instead of one overall score, the test created an overall picture of the test taker's strengths and weaknesses. One advantage of this approach is that it also provides useful information. For example, high scores in some areas and low scores in others indicate the presence of a specific learning disability.

    The WAIS was psychologist Robert Wechsler's first test, and the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) and the Wechsler Preschool Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) were developed later. The adult version has since been revised three times: WAIS-R (1981), WAIS III (1997) and in 2008 WAIS-IV.

    Unlike tests based on chronological and mental age scales and standards, as is the case with the Stanford-Binet, all versions of the WAIS are calculated by comparing the test person's score with that of other test takers in the same age group.

    The average IQ score (worldwide) is 100, with 2/3 of scores in the "normal" range of 85 to 115. WAIS norms have become the standard in IQ testing and are therefore used by the Eysenck and Stanford-Binet tests, except that its standard deviation is not 15, but 16. In the Cattell test, the deviation is 23.8 - it often gives very flattering IQs, which can mislead uninformed people.

    High IQ – high intelligence?

    IQ for the gifted is determined using special tests which provide psychologists with a wealth of useful information. Many of them the average score is fixed at the level of 145-150, and the full range is between 120 and 190. The test is not designed for scores below 120, and scores above 190 are very difficult to interpolate, although this is possible.

    Paul Kooymans from the Netherlands is considered the founder of upper-range IQ tests, and he is the creator of most of the original, and now classic, tests of this type. He also founded and administers the super-high IQ societies: Glia, Giga and Grail. Some of the most famous and popular Cooymans tests are the Genius Test, the Nemesis Test, and the Cooymans Multiple Choice Test. Paul's presence, influence and participation are a must and are integral to the ethos of Ultra High IQ Tests and its communities at large. Other classic gurus of high intelligence tests include Ron Hoeflin, Robert Lato, Laurent Dubois, Mislav Predavec and Jonathon Why.

    There are different types of thinking that manifest differently at different levels. People have different skills and intelligence levels: verbal, typical, spatial, conceptual, mathematical. But there are also different ways of their manifestation - logical, lateral, convergent, linear, divergent and even inspired and ingenious.

    Standard and Elevated IQ Tests Reveal General Intelligence Factor; but in high-level tests it is defined in different ways.

    There is often talk of high IQ scores being referred to as the IQ of geniuses, but what do these numbers actually mean and how do they add up? What IQ score is a sign of genius?

      High IQ– any score above 140.

      Genius IQ– more than 160.

      Great genius– the score is equal to or exceeds 200 points.

    High IQ is directly related to academic success, but does it have an impact on success in life in general? How much luckier are geniuses than people with lower IQs? Some experts believe that compared to other factors, including emotional intelligence, IQ is less important.

    IQ score breakdown

    So how exactly are IQ scores interpreted? The average IQ test score is 100. 68% of IQ test results fall within a standard deviation of the mean. This means that most people have an IQ between 85 and 115.

      Up to 24 points: profound dementia.

      25–39 points: severe mental disability.

      40–54 points: moderate dementia.

      55–69 points: mild mental disability.

      70–84 points: borderline mental disorder.

      85–114 points: average intelligence.

      115–129 points: above average level.

      130–144 points: moderate giftedness.

      145–159 points: highly gifted.

      160–179 points c: exceptional talent.

      more than 179 points: profound giftedness.

    What does IQ mean?

    When talking about intelligence tests, IQ is called "giftedness scores.". What do they represent when assessing IQ? To understand this, it is important to first understand testing in general.

    Today's IQ tests are based primarily on the original tests., developed in the early 1900s by a French psychologist Alfred Binet to identify students who need additional assistance.

    Based on his research, Binet developed the concept of mental age. Children of some age groups quickly answered questions that were usually answered by older children - their mental age exceeded their chronological age. Binet's measurements of intelligence were based on the average abilities of children of a certain age group.

    IQ tests are designed to measure a person's problem solving and reasoning abilities. IQ assessment is a measure of fluid and crystallized mental abilities. Scores indicate how well the test was performed compared to other people in that age group.

    Understanding IQ

    The distribution of IQ scores corresponds to the Bell curve– a bell-shaped curve, the peak of which corresponds to the largest number of test results. The bell is then lowered on each side - with scores below average on one side and scores above average on the other.

    The mean value is equal to the average score and is calculated by adding all the results and then dividing them by the total number of points.

    Standard deviation is a measure of variability in a population. A low standard deviation means that most of the data points are very close to the same value. A high standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be farther from the mean. In IQ testing, the standard deviation is 15.

    IQ increases

    With each generation, IQ increases. This phenomenon is called the Flynn effect, named after explorer Jim Flynn. Since the 1930s, when standardized tests became widespread and researchers note a steady and significant increase in test scores in people around the world. Flynn theorized that this increase was due to improvements in our ability to solve problems, think abstractly, and use logic.

    According to Flynn, past generations mostly dealt with concrete and specific problems in their immediate environment, while modern people think more about abstract and hypothetical situations. Not only that, but approaches to learning have changed dramatically over the past 75 years, with more people tending to do mental work.

    What do the tests measure?

    IQ tests assess logic, spatial imagination, verbal reasoning, and visual abilities. They are not intended to measure knowledge in specific subject areas, as an intelligence test is not something you can learn to improve your score. Instead, these tests assess the ability to use logic to solve problems, recognize patterns, and quickly make connections between different information.

    While it is common to hear that prominent figures such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have an IQ of 160 or higher, or that certain presidential candidates have specific IQs, these numbers are merely estimates. In most cases, there is no evidence that these famous individuals ever took a standardized IQ test, much less made its results public.

    Why is the average score 100?

    Psychometricians use a process known as standardization to compare and interpret IQ score values. This process is carried out by administering a test to a representative sample and using the test results to create standards or norms against which individual scores can be compared. Because average score is 100, experts can quickly compare individual scores to the average to determine whether they fall within a normal distribution.

    Grading systems can vary from one publisher to another, although many tend to follow the same rating system. For example, on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Stanford-Binet test, scores in the range of 85–115 are considered “average.”

    What exactly do the tests measure?

    IQ tests are designed to assess crystallized and fluid mental abilities.

    Crystallized includes knowledge and skills acquired throughout life, and mobile– ability to reason, solve problems and comprehend abstract information.

    Mobile intelligence is considered independent of learning and tends to decline in later life. Crystallized is directly related to learning and experience and constantly increases over time.

    The intelligence test is administered by licensed psychologists. There are different types of tests, many of which include a number of subtests designed to measure math ability, language skills, memory, reasoning skills, and processing speed. Their results are then combined to form an overall IQ score.

    It's important to note that while there is often talk of average, low, and genius IQs, there is no single IQ test. Many different tests are used today, including the Stanford-Binet, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Eysenck test, and Woodcock-Johnson tests of cognitive ability. Each differs in what is assessed, how it is assessed, and how the results are interpreted.

    What is considered low IQ?

    An IQ equal to or below 70 is considered low. In the past, this IQ was considered the benchmark for mental retardation, an intellectual disability characterized by significant cognitive impairment.

    Today, however, IQ alone is not used to diagnose intellectual disability. Instead, the criterion for this diagnosis is low IQ, with evidence that these cognitive limitations existed before age 18 and affected two or more adaptive domains, such as communication and self-help.

    About 2.2% of all people have an IQ score below 70.

    So what does it mean to have an average IQ?

    IQ level can be a good general indicator of reasoning and problem-solving ability, but many psychologists suggest that the tests do not reveal the whole truth.

    Among the few things they fail to measure are practical skills and talents. A person with an average IQ can be a great musician, artist, singer or mechanic. Psychologist Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences to address this deficiency.

    In addition, the researchers found that IQ can change over time. A study of the intelligence of adolescents with a gap of 4 years yielded results whose values ​​​​varyed by 20 points.

    IQ tests also do not measure curiosity or how well a person understands and controls emotions. Some experts, including author Daniel Goleman, suggest that emotional intelligence (EQ) may be even more important than IQ. Researchers found that a high IQ can indeed help people in many areas of life, but it does not guarantee success in life.

    So there is no need to worry about the lack of genius, since the vast majority of people are not geniuses. Just as a high IQ does not guarantee success, an average or low IQ does not guarantee failure or mediocrity. Other factors such as hard work, resilience, perseverance and overall attitude are important pieces of the puzzle. published

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