• Children's clinic 75 on Shavrova official. Children's clinic on Shavrova: photos and reviews. Providing free medicines


    Dear friends!

    We ask you to take part in a survey dedicated to assessing the quality of work of the outpatient department for children No. 75 of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Clinic No. 114” as part of the implementation of the “Lean Clinic” project. Your sincere answers will help improve the quality of services provided.


    In DPO No. 75 from 06/05/2019 Renovations are being carried out at the reception. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience!

    In pursuance of the Territorial Program of State Guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in St. Petersburg, as well as a letter from the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation N.A. Khorova dated March 30, 2018 No. 18-1/10/2-2072 approved the list of medical specialties (hereinafter referred to as the List), for which a citizen should be given the opportunity to make an appointment independently using the state information system of St. Petersburg “Regional fragment of the unified state information system” systems in the healthcare sector" (hereinafter - GIS REGIZ).
    Medical specialists of other specialties should be given the opportunity to make an appointment in the direction issued using GIS REGIZ

    The list of medical specialties for which it should be possible to independently make an appointment:

    1. General practitioner (family doctor)
    2. Local pediatrician
    3. Local therapist
    4. Obstetrician-gynecologist
    5. Dermatovenerologist
    6. Coloproctologist
    7. Otorhinolaryngologist
    8. Ophthalmologist
    9. Local psychiatrist
    10. District children's psychiatrist
    11. District adolescent psychiatrist
    12. Traumatologist-orthopedist
    13. Urologist
    14. Surgeon
    15. Children's surgeon
    16. Dentist
    17. Children's dentist
    18. Dentist-therapist

    In pursuance of the order of the Health Committee dated 02/21/2018 No. 88-r “On the creation and maintenance of the “Electronic medical record of a St. Petersburg resident””, the order of the Health Committee dated 08/09/2018 No. 417-r “On approval of the Regulations of state health care institutions under the jurisdiction of executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg for the provision of services in electronic form "Acceptance of applications (recording) for appointments with a doctor" and regulations of state health care institutions under the jurisdiction of executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg for the provision of services in electronic form "Acceptance of applications ( making an appointment with a doctor" provides a service for making an appointment with a doctor for the following medical specialties: endocrinologist, infectious diseases doctor, allergist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist.

    An electronic referral for an appointment with the above-mentioned medical specialists is generated by the attending physician from an automated workstation at the time of the citizen’s appointment, if indicated. Self-registration for an appointment with a doctor based on a referral is available on the official portal "Health of a St. Petersburger", by calling the center for registering citizens for an appointment with a doctor in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg - 573-99-15, in the information terminal at the institution's reception (if available)

    You can make an appointment with a doctor yourself:

    • by calling the hospital reception desk;
    • at the regional Center for making an appointment with a doctor by phone: 573-99-15
    • via the Internet on 3 sites:

    The children's clinic on Shavrova is a structural part of city clinic No. 14. It includes 3 adult departments, 4 children's departments and dentistry. Each of them is a full-fledged complex providing a range of services. However, today we will take a closer look at what the children's clinic on Shavrova is.

    general description

    Little patients are seen here every day. Treatment is carried out by qualified local pediatricians. In addition, a full staff of highly specialized specialists works here. This means that parents have the opportunity to get all the necessary help right next to their home. The children's clinic on Shavrova offers the opportunity to receive additional services in addition to basic (free) care:

    • physiotherapy;
    • laboratory and radiation diagnostics;
    • massage and a whole range of paid procedures.

    Do not forget that most specialists are accepted strictly by appointment. This is a rule that regular clients of the children's clinic on Shavrova are already accustomed to. Doctors' schedules can be found on the website.

    Memo for parents

    To avoid long waits for an appointment, it is recommended that you strictly adhere to your appointment. There are a number of points you need to know:

    • The outpatient card must be kept at the reception desk at all times, as it is a document of the clinic.
    • Pediatricians see 4 hours a day by appointment, and one hour a day is devoted to patients with high fever and other urgent problems.

    All current issues (referral for tests) are resolved directly on the day of the appointment, without additional appointments.

    How to make an appointment

    Today, children's clinic No. 75 on Shavrova is a modern institution that keeps up with the times in everything. Therefore, today you can sign up in several ways, bypassing the need to crowd around the registration desk early in the morning:

    • Call by phone. Registration is made a maximum of two weeks in advance.
    • Sign up using the online service.
    • On the official portal.
    • At the register.

    That is, without even leaving home and without spending several hours on the phone in the hope of getting through, you can take a coupon. Today it is a service that is available in most major cities.

    Self-recording mode

    The children's clinic on Shavrova was recently added to the number of medical institutions that participate in this project. The city authorities have developed a specialized website that contains all the hospitals in the city, doctors’ schedules and appointment times. All that is required from the patient is to go to the website and select the appropriate institution.

    After this, the following menu opens:

    • take a number;
    • list of numbers taken;
    • to write a sentence;
    • view the response to the proposal.

    By selecting the “get a number” tab, you are taken to a menu where there are the names of all specialists. All you have to do is select and print. Reviews emphasize that this innovation has greatly simplified the task of making an appointment with specialists. If previously you had to call the clinic several times to get an appointment with a surgeon or ophthalmologist, now all these issues can be resolved in one evening by going to the website after work.

    Operating mode

    No. 75 on Shavrova accepts small patients from 08:00 to 20:00. Reviews from parents note that specialists walk around the site after 15:00. There is no point in waiting earlier. If you see that the condition is worsening, then you need to call an ambulance.

    On weekends and holidays, doctors on duty are required to work. Calls are serviced from 08:00 to 15:00. The children's clinic of the Primorsky district on Shavrova is not a new institution, and many residents of nearby houses are familiar with its doctors.

    At the same time, there are both very good and very bad reviews. I would like to note the large number of words of gratitude addressed to pediatrician German Nikolaevich Gavrilin, who serves the 14th precinct. Parents note not only high professionalism, but also humanity, attentiveness and politeness, which is so lacking in our time.

    Patient visiting schedule

    Newborn babies assigned to this clinic have their own schedule. The pediatrician must monitor the child’s condition by visiting him every week. If there are reasons for concern, then parents can separately call the registry and invite the local pediatrician. You can call a doctor from the children's clinic on Shavrov at any time. Usually, if you have time before lunch, the local doctor will serve you on the same day; if the call comes in the late afternoon, then wait for a specialist tomorrow.


    Relatively recently, parents completely refused preventive vaccinations. Despite the fact that no one took this right away from them, today more and more parents are beginning to listen to the opinions of doctors. And most pediatricians say that vaccinations are necessary. The vaccination room operates in the following mode:

    • On weekdays (except Wednesday) - from 09:00 to 19:00.
    • On Wednesday - a shortened day, until 14:00.

    Providing free medicines

    Like most other outpatient centers, children's clinic 114 on Shavrov also issues preferential prescriptions. At the same time, not all parents know that they do not have to spend money on drugs, but simply receive them at the direction of the local police officer. Let's consider in which case you can ask for a free recipe:

    • if the child is under 3 years old;
    • if the child is no more than 6 years old and is from a large family.

    The list of medications that are subject to free distribution is available on the company’s website, as well as at the exhibition stand near the registration desk. Judging by the reviews, you often have to wait several months for free recipes. And if the parents do not remind the doctor about this, then he will completely forget. But this applies not only to this clinic; rather, this is a general trend.

    Paid services

    At the clinic, you can receive treatment according to an expanded scheme. Services primarily include physical therapy. Children are often prescribed visits to salt rooms, as well as massage and electrophoresis. If you live near a clinic, it is very convenient to undergo various procedures with your child.

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