• Developmental schools for children. Early development centers Children's preschool development club


    Developmental centers for children: 6 stages of opening + 8 requirements for premises + list of equipment + 5 advertising methods + detailed calculations + 5 tips from experienced businessmen.

    The excessive attachment of modern children to computer technology leads to the fact that they lose interest in ordinary children's pastimes: drawing, dancing, outdoor games, etc. Because of this, children’s memory deteriorates, they become absent-minded, their eyes may hurt from spending too long in front of monitors and their vision may deteriorate.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, many parents send their babies to child development centers.

    Throughout the day or several hours, teachers work with the children, teach them new sciences or art, and make their inner world richer.

    If for parents such institutions are a salvation, for businessmen this idea can become a source of great profit. Let's figure out what you need to do if you want to become an owner.

    Where to start opening a development center for children?

    As soon as you decide to open a development center for children in your city, immediately start drawing up a business plan. It will include the main stages of creating a business, as well as approximate calculations.

    Almost all business plans consist of the following stages:

    1. Business registration and collection of permits from government authorities.
    2. Renting or purchasing premises.
    3. Purchase of equipment and furniture.
    4. Recruitment of personnel.
    5. Creating a lesson plan.
    6. Advertising a children's center through various means of communication.

    Do not forget also that it is necessary to conduct a market analysis. Find out if there are similar establishments in your region, what they offer to children, what prices for services are set, what are their key advantages.

    After research, decide what your developmental children's center will be like:

    1. What age is the establishment intended for?
    2. How many people are you willing to accept?
    3. What will you teach children at the center?
    4. Will you teach yourself or hire teachers?

    There is no need to be afraid that a development institution will not have demand. Today, many parents are willing to pay for their children to work on themselves and develop not only in the exact sciences, but also in creativity.

    In addition, mothers and fathers love to share the successes of their children with others, so rumors about a new development center will fly by quickly.

    Example of a business plan for developmental centers for children: 6 stages

    This section is an example of a business plan from scratch for a children's development center. Here we briefly describe exactly what stages need to be completed in order for the business to work in the market.

    Of course, each city has its own characteristics when creating a new enterprise, but in general the picture looks like this.

    Stage No. 1. Preparation of documentation and registration of individual entrepreneurs.

    The first step is to register an individual (the owner of the center) as a.

    Since the center is associated with the educational process, you should be extremely careful. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, tutoring, preparing children for school or conducting other educational processes is possible only after obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education.

    This is a very long process: it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, create a unique curriculum, and prepare teaching materials. Moreover, it will take a long time to wait for approval from the committee.

    Be prepared for the fact that you will have to repeatedly bring new documents or redo old ones.

    When starting a business at a development center for children, you can do without obtaining a license from the Ministry of Education. After all, it will be faster, and you can save money.

    To do this, it is enough to obtain from the tax service such a form of business management as a private person for individual teaching activities. With this status, it is allowed to hire any personnel for work, except for educated teachers.

    In order for experienced teachers to work in your child development center, they must also have the status of individual entrepreneurs. Otherwise, you will have to obtain a license and open an LLC.

    To obtain individual entrepreneur status from the tax office, you must go through the following steps:

    Do not forget that after repairing the premises you will have to contact the SES and fire inspectorate. You have no right to work without their permission.

    The relevant authorities will tell you in detail what the standards should be. Follow them when preparing the premises for opening.

    Stage No. 2. We are looking for a place for a children's center.

    When choosing a room for conducting classes with children, focus on how many children will be in one group. As a rule, in development centers one group does not exceed 10 people.

    This is not - here a child needs his own approach; teachers must pay the maximum amount of their attention to each child.

    Based on this, we can determine that the premises of a developmental center for children should be small (approximately 50-100 m2), but at the same time meet the following requirements:

    1. The ceiling height in the rooms is at least 3 meters.
    2. You definitely need a separate room for a bathroom, a locker room (at least a small closet in front of the entrance doors), an office for teachers and a common room where children will study.
    3. The walls must be painted, because you will have to constantly wet clean all the rooms in the center.
    4. Stick to standard room temperature: 19-21 degrees.
    5. The fire inspectorate will definitely require that all switches and sockets be at a height of 1.8 meters.
    6. Each room must be ventilated.
    7. The presence of a fire exit and fire protection system is mandatory.
    8. The room where children will spend time should be well lit.

    Choose a room that is built in a separate building to avoid conflicts with neighbors.

    Stage No. 3. Purchase of equipment for a children's development center.

    As soon as you rent a room and carry out renovations there, you can start decorating the premises.

    It is difficult to say exactly what materials and equipment will need to be purchased - it all depends on the choice of the format of your establishment.

    We will only indicate what any developmental center for children cannot do without:

    Name of productQuantityPrice, rub.)
    TOTAL:227,000 rubles
    Laptops for staff work
    3 69 000
    Tables for teachers and directors
    3 7 800
    6 4 800
    2 23 000
    Children's toilets
    3 9 900
    3 32 000
    1 10 500
    Children's chairs
    10 7 700
    Table for children
    2 14 800
    Purchase of toys and educational material From 30 000
    Printer, scanner, copier (3 in 1)
    1 12 500
    Small stationery for work (paper, pens, notepads, etc.) From 5 000

    When it comes to furniture for children, it is best to make an individual order. This way you can choose the material, design and other details.

    If your center also has a place for games, you will have to purchase foreign toys that are guaranteed not to cause allergies in children.

    The best brands are Chicco or Toys. However, keep in mind: the price of such toys is high and not everyone can afford it.

    In the case of a minimum budget, purchase domestic toys in bulk from the manufacturer, but demand quality certificates from him - then you, not him, will answer to the children’s parents.

    Regarding educational materials, it is worth relying on the program that you create for children in your center. You can reduce the fee for classes, but at the same time ask parents to buy the necessary materials themselves.

    Stage No. 4. Recruitment of personnel for children.

    Even a small development center takes a lot of time, so it’s impossible to do without additional help. It is necessary to hire someone who will take over the administrative work if you do not have time to do everything yourself.

    From the housekeeping staff, it is necessary to invite a cleaner and a security guard to work.

    Depending on the format of the institution, you will also have to hire at least two teachers and one psychologist. Their number directly depends on the number of children in the group and the extensiveness of the course.

    If you decide to expand your development center, you will have to increase your staff.

    When hiring new members of the teaching staff, you need to be very careful. Be sure to ask for letters of recommendation from past jobs and ask a lot of questions.

    These people will be responsible for the life and health of children for a certain time, so negligence can cost the director of a development center dearly.

    If you are aiming for children to gain new knowledge in your center, teachers should come up with some kind of rating scale so that the kids have a goal to achieve maximum praise. If your center is just a place where, then you can do without any ratings.

    The most important thing is that your staff can give the kids care, attention, and teach them something new and interesting. If clients have a negative opinion about the center’s staff, then the establishment will not be successful and will soon close.

    Employees of the children's development center will have to spend from 100 thousand rubles per month on salaries:

    Stage No. 5. Lesson plan for center students.

    Both the business owner and future teachers should work on the program for the development center. This is an important stage; how the business will develop depends on it.

    Most developmental centers for children offer the following services:

    1. Music lessons.
    2. Dancing.
    3. Learning foreign languages.
    4. Lessons in reading, writing, counting.
    5. Development of creative abilities (drawing, appliqué, bead weaving, etc.).

    All of the above is considered the generally accepted canon; similar classes are held in every center.

    So, if your development center for children is not the first in the city, be prepared for high competition.

    Nevertheless, the demand for children's preschool development centers remains at a consistently high level, because in the groups of educational institutions of this kind they are small and sometimes there is not enough space for everyone.

    If you want to surprise visitors to your developmental institution, offer them courses such as cooking for children, cinema, theater club, etc.

    Which side you will develop in children depends only on the flow of imagination of the owners and teachers of the center.

    In order not to make a mistake when choosing a development direction, conduct a short survey among potential clients, children and their parents. This will help you understand what exactly the target audience expects from the center.

    Stage No. 6. How to advertise your future center for children?

    Good development centers advertise themselves based on word of mouth. Parents at playgrounds, schools, and kindergartens share with their friends that a wonderful institution has appeared for children, where they study and at the same time have a good time.

    But in order for this principle to work, it is necessary to recruit a group of children and prove to them your unique position in the market.

    1. Create a website with prices for services, photographs of the institution, general characteristics of the center’s staff (work experience, education, achievements in pedagogy).
    2. Post information about the site and, accordingly, the center on forums (women's, city, for young parents).
    3. Distribute advertising for the establishment through print media, in magazines for mothers.
    4. Print a batch of flyers and business cards. Distribute this paper advertisement of the center to playgrounds, kindergartens, schools, and offices.
    5. Order a bright sign for your development center, and also arrange a grand opening, which will include loud music, a lot of balloons, and small gifts for children.

    How quickly can a development center for children pay for itself?

    In general, you need to spend from 490,000 rubles to open a center for children.

    Its key components are the following costs:

    In addition, do not forget that you will have to pay tax to the treasury on a monthly basis, as well as pay utility bills.

    On average, every month for one child in development centers they pay from 2-3,000 rubles. In most institutions, it is possible to pay for only one visit, and this starts from about 300 rubles.

    Based on average statistics, a development center for children should pay for itself in 1.5-2 years. The profitability of this business is 10-15%. It all depends on what format you have chosen for the establishment, the number of children, and operating hours.

    To increase your income, you can add new techniques every month or quarter. For example, invite a speech therapist to work. Today, many children need specialist help. Hold one-off activities with parents and children where they can spend time together and create something with their own hands.

    It would be nice if you opened a store near the center where you can buy any goods for children - from stationery to clothing.

    What does it take for a development center to be successful?

    3 owners of children's centers share their secrets:

    5 useful tips for beginning businessmen on opening a children's development center

    Developmental centers for children are in great demand among the population of our country. The main thing for the success of your endeavors is to correctly define the concept and not miss anything important.

    To reduce costs and at the same time achieve payback faster, pay attention to the following tips from experienced businessmen:

      If you have competitors in this business, you must come up with an original idea for the center, which can show your personality and attract the attention of others.

      For example, organize fun family games once a month or invite animators to host a party for children.

      To find out what exactly parents and their children want from your development center, conduct surveys through questionnaires.

      Listen to the advice of visitors, try to fulfill their wishes.

      At first, you can carry out classes lasting 2-3 hours.

      If you see that there is demand, you can enlarge the center and make it a mini-kindergarten.

      Run promotions that will help attract new customers.

      For example, if parents bring another child, they will receive a discount on classes.

      If your institution operates without a license, then in the work book or contract of the teacher It’s better to write a position for a consultant or an instructor.

      This is in case your employees do not have individual entrepreneur status.

    The most important thing is to love children and your work, then everything will work out for you, success will not take long to arrive.

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    Why are development centers for children from 1 year of age necessary? The curiosity of babies at this age is enormous: they are ready to tirelessly explore the structure of the world around them, looking at and feeling objects, and even tasting them. This thirst for knowledge gives them their first experience of interacting with the world of adults. An experience that is extremely important for further mental and physical development.

    Developmental children's centers for children from one year old are an excellent opportunity to provide the child with full early development. Not to create a genius out of him, but to see his true abilities and talents, which can easily be revealed if the child loves to learn. Our children's club "Constellation" works according to the Montessori method, which allows children to become a free, harmoniously developed and happy person. At the development center for children from 1 year old, little ones come to classes together with one of the parents - and this is a great opportunity to see your child in a new way, understand his thoughts and actions, learn to interact with him and understand him.

    We have prepared interesting educational materials from the Montessori environment that will attract the attention of children, as well as programs aimed at the comprehensive development of the little ones.

    Programs at the children's development center for children over one year old "Constellation"

    Our development centers for children from 1 year of age provide flexible visiting hours and lesson durations from 45 to 90 minutes. What our interesting lessons are about:

    • Development of children's sensory organs;
    • Improving fine and gross motor skills;
    • Development of creative abilities;
    • Improving speech and vocabulary.

    Music and fitness, rhythm and English, adaptation in a team - the little ones attend extra classes at school with great pleasure!

    How to sign up for our children's center for children over 1 year old in Moscow

    Our children's centers for children from 3 years old or 1 year old are ready to accept babies at a time convenient for you. Sign up for a free trial lesson on the website or by phone and come visit!

    There are now many centers open that offer classes for babies starting from 6 months. As a rule, it is fair to say that such activities are more needed by the mother than by the child.

    What will you be offered in classes for the little ones?

    Typically, a lesson lasts from an hour to an hour and a half and may include finger games, basic dance movements to music, drawing, sometimes elements of lectures for mothers and tea drinking. Classes can be structured according to two principles: classes in a free environment, where the child and mother interact with developmental materials at a pace and sequence that is convenient for them. The second option involves a predetermined structure of the lesson. The teacher offers one activity or another alternately. Usually 5-10 minutes are allotted for the task.

    It is difficult to say for sure that children under one and a half years old develop certain skills in such classes, but if the classes help the mother to distract herself and give her certain knowledge about the child’s needs, then the baby will also benefit from this time. At a minimum, the classes will teach you how to diversify the time spent with your child.

    Classes for children from one and a half to three years old, as a rule, are built on the basis of a specific developmental methodology or set of methods. The most famous are the methods of Montessori, Zheleznov, Zaitsev, Waldorf pedagogy, training using Doman cards or Manichenko’s manuals. Classes for this age include selection for the development of fine motor skills, speech, creative and logical thinking. The program also includes games that strengthen the child’s health (outdoor games, physical exercise), as well as developing musical abilities. Typically, during class or at the end, children watch a puppet show.

    If you are promised to teach a child under three years old to read or write, be careful. Since this activity is not age appropriate, its benefits are ambiguous.

    All classes should be structured in the form of a game, active and mobile.

    Up to three years of age, it is optimal if the mother is present in the group with the child. Otherwise, the child, instead of solving the problem of development, will solve the problem of adaptation in a team without a mother.

    How to choose good developmental activities?

    1. It is very important that the center is spacious, the classrooms are equipped with all the necessary teaching materials, there is natural light, a rest room, a room where parents can wait for their child without being crowded.

    2. The number of children in groups should be limited, no more than six people, thus, it is easier for the teacher to implement an individual approach, which is most effective in teaching preschoolers.

    3. The lesson program should be varied and interesting in order to hold children's attention. Teachers should teach how to handle this or that developmental material, monitor what the child is interested in at a given moment in development, and offer new activities that will help the child expand his knowledge.

    Some kindergartens have a free early development group - CIPR (Child Play Support Center). The group is designed for children from 1.5 years old. Children go to classes with their mother 3 times a week. The CIPR program alternates between music, drawing, physical education, modeling, development of fine motor skills, study of poetry, sometimes massage, swimming pool, oxygen cocktail. To find out which kindergarten to contact, call the district recruitment commission

    Developmental activities for children 3-4 years old and younger today are becoming a natural need for every family. It has already been proven that a child begins to learn from birth. Why? First of all, be independent. And, of course, to navigate the Huge Interesting World around him. This vision of the relationship between Parents and Baby helps create a special type of interaction within the family. From the first months we see and support a creative, actively developing Personality in our newborn baby.

    What are the features of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years?

    The age of three marks the beginning of a special period - the crisis of negativism. The next one and a half to two years will pass under the motto “I myself!” and “I don’t want to!” Too much patience is spent just to organize simple actions like dressing, feeding, going for a walk, putting to bed. In such a situation, homeschooling for 3-year-old children can become burdensome for loved ones. However, you should not despair and think that the active cognitive process will have to be postponed indefinitely.

    The caring, attentive teachers and psychologists of our Montessori center are ready to help you! Want to know exactly how our classes work? Bring your child to the first lesson for free!

    The unique method of the outstanding teacher Maria Montessori has demonstrated its effectiveness for a whole century. In our work, we took into account all the author’s achievements and creatively applied them in our activities:

    • We have organized an interesting and at the same time absolutely safe Montessori environment for conducting developmental activities for children from 3-4 years old and other ages;
    • In order for inquisitive kids to discover all their natural abilities and satisfy their cognitive needs, we purchased high-quality proprietary didactic materials for working on fine and gross motor skills and realizing intellectual inclinations;
    • Absolutely all types of learning and creativity, all classes for children 3 years old in our center are organized in such a way that the child increases his main resource, the main driving force - motivation for cognitive activity;
    • We are not trying to fulfill any “program” that is age-appropriate by any criteria; We try to create a harmonious worldview and a special creative atmosphere in the process of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years.

    Individual and group lessons, during which the teacher understands the character traits and cognitive processes of little Stars, give the child peace of mind and self-confidence. After all, every child is simply created to receive and absorb simply amazing amounts of new knowledge. When a baby gets this opportunity, his character becomes softer and more flexible. After all, he has everything he needs!

    What developmental activities for children 3-5 years old are available in our center?

    We suggest choosing the type of activity that is most suitable for you:

    • Mini kindergarten is 3 or 4 hours, during which the little one studies with loving, competent specialists; parental accompaniment is not required;
    • The general development group “Cosmonauts” is one and a half or two hour classes for children 3 years of age and older, where the child will be taught to read, count, under the guidance of a speech therapist, they will take care of speech development, and offer interesting role-playing games and theatrical performances;
    • An adaptation group for kindergarten, in which the mother can attend classes with the baby if it is difficult for him to part with her at first;
    • Developmental classes for children 3-4-5 years old in a weekend group.
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