• Mathematical fairy tale “Geese-swans. Summary of a lesson in mathematics "Mathematical tale Geese-swans" Shuny kotep utyram


    The lesson was conducted at the methodological association of subject teachers


    goal: - To convey to children the content of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans";

    improve the ability to compare objects;

    to recreate the "unfinished drawing";

    Correction of concentration of attention on an object by performing exercises to find moves in simple labyrinths;

    Foster emotional adequacy of behavior

    Lesson plan.

    Ritual of starting the lesson.

    Guys, I invite all of you to stand in a circle. I give my smile to Pavlik. (Children transmit their smile in order.) Guys, I give my smile not only to Pavlik, but to all of you. I ask everyone to sit down at their desks.

    Introductory speech of the teacher.

    I see you are all ready to start. I am very pleased to see you dressed up and I am sure that you are all in a good mood.

    You guys love fairy tales. Today in class we will go on a journey into a fairy tale. During our trip, not only interesting meetings await us, but we will also have to overcome difficulties, and we will see if the guys in our class are friendly, if they know how to help in difficult times. And so let's go!

    Once upon a time there was a husband and wife. They had a daughter, Mashenka, and a son, Vanyushka. They got together, since the father and mother are in the city and say to Mashenka: - Well, daughter, be smart: don't go anywhere, take care of your brother. And we will bring you some presents.

    Father and mother left, and Mashenka put her brother on the grass under the window and ran into the street to her friends.

    The count of “noisy birds according to the table.

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, geese-swans flew in, grabbed Vanyushka, put him on the wings and carried away. - Guys, let's count how many swan geese there were?

    Masha returned, lo and behold: there is no brother!

    She gasped, rushed back and forth, Vanyushka is nowhere to be seen. She called, she - my brother does not answer. Mashenka began to cry, but tears cannot help grief. It is her own fault, she herself must find a brother.

    Mashenka ran out into the open field, looked around. Sees, geese-swans darted in the distance, and disappeared behind a dark forest. Mashenka guessed that they had carried off her brother, and rushed to catch up with them.

    Folding geometric shapes from sticks.

    She ran, ran, saw: there was a stove in the field. Mashenka ran up to her and said: - Oven-stove, tell me, where did the swan-geese flew?

    And the stove says: - Fold a square and two triangles out of wood, then I'll tell you. Guys, you have sticks on your desks. Count five sticks, and make a square and two triangles out of them. Think about how to compose? (I call one of the students who will be the first to complete the assignment to the blackboard, sketch and tell the compilation sequence). - What did you do first, what then? How many sticks did you make a square? How did you get two triangles later? How many sticks did we need to make one square and two triangles? Well done, they did a good job with Pechka's task. With this you helped Mashenka, and Pechka told her in which direction to run.

    "Unfinished drawing»

    Mashenka ran on. He saw that Yablonka was standing, all hung with ruddy apples, the branches bent down to the ground. Masha to her: - Apple tree, Apple tree, where did the swan-geese fly? Yablonka says: - Draw my magic drawing, then I'll tell you. Here is such a drawing Yablonka offered us. Why do you think, what does it look like? (To an apple). Finish it in your notebooks. Think, what else does this drawing look like? (Ball, hoop, face, drying, flower, alarm clock, globe, etc.) Guys, come up with and finish drawing 5 more of your drawings.

    Guys, tell us what drawings have you drawn? (All students name their drawings in order).

    You've all done your job. The apple tree raised the branches, straightened the leaves, showed Masha the way.

    Comparison of fish.

    Mashenka runs further and sees, the Milk River flows - jelly banks. Mashenka to her: - Milk river - jelly banks, where did the swan-geese flew? And the river says: - Fish swim in the river, if you can, and you will find two identical ones. Where did the swan-geese fly? Guys, can we help Masha find the same fish in the river? You have cards on your desks. Look closely at the fish. Find two that are the same and color them with a yellow pencil.

    Guys, Mashenka is very grateful to you, because the river rumbled, where did the swan-geese fly?

    Physiotka "Geese-Swans".


    Mashenka ran and ran and ran to the dense forest. Stands on the edge and does not know where to go now, what to do. Looks, a hedgehog is walking along the path. - Hedgehog, Hedgehog, - Masha asks, - haven't you seen where the swan-geese flew? And the Hedgehog says: - Where I swing, there you go! Guys, you have Labyrinth cards on your desks. Let's go along the labyrinth and find out where brother Vanyusha is.

    He curled up into a ball and rolled between the trees, between the birches. Rolling and rolling and rolled to the hut on chicken legs. Mashenka is watching, Baba Yaga is sitting in that hut, spinning yarn. And near the porch Vanyushka is playing with a golden apple. Masha grabbed her brother and ran home.

    Lesson summary.

    A little later, Baba Yaga looked out the window, there was no boy. She sent geese-swans in pursuit. - Guys, you helped Mashenka complete all the tasks. And what do you think, who helped the children to get home, hid them from the geese-swans. Who did they meet on the way back? ( Drawings of a river, an apple tree, stoves). That's right, guys, and the river helped to hide under a steep bank. And the apple tree covered them with branches, covered them with leaves, and hid the stove, closed it with a damper. The swan-geese returned to Baba Yaga with nothing.

    Mashenka ran home, washed her brother, combed his hair, put him on a bench, and sat down next to him. Soon my father and mother returned from the city, they brought gifts.

    That's the end of the fairy tale, but who listened, well done! And you guys, I want to praise you were friendly, did not leave Masha in trouble, helped her and each other, overcame all difficulties.

    Thank you all for your study!

    Department of Education

    Administration of the Krasnokutsk municipal district

    Saratov region

    Lesson summary

    (direct educational activities)

    "A journey through the fairy tale" Geese-Swans "
    (older group 5-6 years old)


    MDOU "Kindergarten No. 24

    "Sun", Krasniy Kut

    Saratov region

    Altynbaeva Myakhuzi Fayzievna

    year 2013

    View:integrated lesson-journey to familiarize yourself with the world around you (based on the Russian folk tale "Swan geese").

    Integration of areas: Health. Cognition. Communication. Reading fiction. Artistic creativity. Socialization. Music.

    Goal:Education of spirituality, moral and patriotic feelings in children and the formation of ideas in children about the generalizing concept of "Family".
    Software content:

    1.Educational task: reinforce children's ideas about the family, family relationships in the family, develop a sense of unity, emotional support

    2. Development task: to consolidate the ability to find objects in the immediate environment according to the teacher's verbal instructions; to consolidate the skills of counting, using the correct counting techniques: to name the numbers in order to develop logical thinking, memory

    3 educational task: continue to work on the formation of benevolent relationships, foster a sense of empathy, mutual assistance to the people around him.

    4 a wellness challenge: development of positive emotions, alternation of static and active movements during the whole lesson.

    5. Speech task: continue to develop the dialogical speech of children; to enrich the sensory experience of children and the ability to record received impressions in speech.
    Technology: TRIZ, health-preserving technology (physical minutes, finger gymnastics), ICT, design technology, game technology.
    Methodical techniques:
    1. Visual(using demonstration and handouts, showing illustrations, cards,

    2. Verbal(proverbs, sayings, questions aimed at enhancing mental activity, problematic questions, reminders, instructions for action, modeling method, encouragement, assessment of children's activities)

    3. Games(game exercises and tasks)

    4.Practical(making pies from salted dough, performing a dance)

    Preliminary work:memorization of proverbs, sayings, the text of the song "Babka-Yozhka"

    Materials and equipment:

    Demonstration: oven, apple tree, 1 fresh apple, basket, tree, layout; flower, fungus, theme decoration "River", "House", baking sheet,

    Handout: salted dough, modeling boards, napkins, baked pies, apples (flat 8 pcs.), Cards for modeling;

    TSO: music center, audio recording.

    Course of the lesson:

    Organizing time:

    Children are located in a semicircle near the teacher.

    Hello children. I want to get to know you better. I will hold out my palm and say my name, and you, in turn, put your palm on top and say your name. So we met.

    Educator b: - Guys, I saw a miracle in a dream today:

    The heroes of all fairy tales have come to me!

    As if Malvina and modest Pierrot, Yaga and Kashchei -

    All were doing good!

    Seven magic dwarfs, and glorious Ivan

    The Princess is being rescued from Western countries.

    Fox, Winnie - Pooh and Horse - Humpbacked

    They all dance together, bake a delicious cake!

    And asks Emelya, lying on the stove:

    Open a book and read all the fairy tales!

    Educator : - What do you think I had a dream about ? (listens to children's answers: about fairy tales) That's right, about fairy tales! Remember, with what words do fairy tales begin most often? ( children's answers: "In a certain kingdom ...", "lived-were ...", etc.)... Of course, guys, and as soon as these words are pronounced, you and I find ourselves in the wonderful world of fairy tales, where animals can talk, and objects help the main characters to do good deeds.

    Guys, do you want to be in a fairy tale? Now we will all say the magic and mysterious words "Once upon a time ...", and maybe we will get into some fairy tale.

    Part 1 -4 minutes

    (The children and the teacher say the words, a quiet cry is heard in the silence, the screen opens, the children see a girl sitting in the hut).

    Educator: - Guys, in my opinion, we ended up in some kind of fairy tale? Let's find out the name of this girl and why is she crying?

    (I invite the children to find out what happened, encourage the children to engage in a dialogue with the fairy-tale character)

    Children: Hello girl!

    Child : What is your name and why are you crying?

    The girl tells :

    My name is Mashenka. Father and mother went to the bazaar, and I was strictly - strictly ordered to look after brother Vanyusha, I put him on the grass, I played with my friends, geese flew here - swans, picked up, and carried away my brother Vanya (crying).

    Questions for children: Well, guys, have you remembered which fairy tale Mashenka is from? (Swan geese)

    -Who is Vanya to her? (Brother)

    - What happened to him? (Geese carried away - swans)

    _- What do you think, when the parents return and see that Vanyusha is not there, what will they feel? (I encourage children to empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale)

    Children's answers: parents will worry about Vanechka, worry, cry, etc.

    Educator: Guys, we need to calm Mashenka down and offer our help. I am sure that you can help Masha, because you have a kind heart and a fearless character.

    Child: - Masha, do not cry, we will all go together to look for your brother Vanechka.

    Educator : - Well, guys, good luck.

    (Consider "traces")

    Guys, who do you think these tracks are? (Children).

    How should you arrange them? (In pairs)

    Assignment: Girls expand with right side - straight.

    Boys - on the left.

    Question: How many pairs of footprints were spread? (five).

    (Children follow the footsteps straight ahead. On the way there is a stove)

    Part 26 minutes

    Educator: -- Guys, we met the stove on the way. Maybe she knows where the swan geese flew? (I encourage children to have a dialogue with the stove )

    Hello mother oven! (all children)

    Child: -Please tell us where the swan geese flew? They took Vanechka away.

    Bake: - I will help you guys, but first you will help me too: the dough is ready for baking, you need to mold the pies, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven.

    Educator: - Will we help the stove? (Yes) (I invite the children to the table)

    Raise your sleeves. Wipe your hands with a damp cloth. Sculpt with clean hands.

    Finger gymnastics:

    “I know that I have a friendly family at home.

    This is my mother, this is me, this is my grandmother,

    this is dad, this is grandfather, and we have no discord.

    (Showing and explaining the technique of sculpting a pie)

    Questions to children while sticking:

    What are pies baked from? (Out of flour)

    And what does flour come from? (From wheat grains)

    Who in your family bakes pies?

    What filling do you like pies with?

    (After the end of the modeling, put the pies on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Wipe your hands with a damp cloth)

    Bake : - Thank you guys for your help. To return brother Ivanushka, here's a plan for you - a diagram, follow it, and it will lead you to the place where the swan-geese flew.

    Educator : Guys, let's thank the oven for the help.

    Children: - Thank you, stove.

    (According to the scheme, we find a flower, fungus, Christmas tree, Apple tree)
    Part 3 -8 minutes

    (They offer to seek help from the apple tree, paying attention to the polite address, greeting).

    Children: -Hello, apple tree! Tell me where the swan geese flew, they took Vanyusha away. The family yearns without him.

    Apple tree (on record):I will help you guys, and you will help me, please. The apples are not ripe on my apple tree. Help bring them back

    (We find one apple in the basket).

    Educator: Is an apple a fruit or a vegetable?

    What can an apple tree grow from? (From seed)

    And where is the seed of the apple? (Inside an apple)

    Assignment: - Put the cards - apples on an easel, with the sequence of apple tree growth. (Seed --- shoot --- blooming apple tree --- apple tree with fruits)

    Question:-What favorable conditions are necessary for the growth of an apple tree? (light, heat, water).

    And, now you need to hang apples on the apple tree (Children hang apples upside down).

    Educator: - We will now look at an apple (modeling method).

    1. What helps us to see an apple, its color, shape, size? (Eyes)

    We looked and saw that it was red, round in shape, large in size (children find cards corresponding to the designation and put them on a magnetic board)

    Conclusion: apple - red, round, large (2 times)

    2. “Pat the apple with your hand. What have we learned about the apple? What is it like? (Smooth) - And if you press on it with your hand? Soft or hard?

    How did we know that an apple is smooth, hard?

    (Children place cards indicating: hand and symbols indicating signs: smooth, hard.)

    3. What should we do to find out what apple tastes like? (Take a bite, try)

    What apples taste like? (Sour as lemon. Sweet as candy)

    (Children place cards: MOUTH-LEMON-SWEET --- JUICE.

    (The apple tree indicates the path to the river. Gives pictures from which you need to fold the path to the river)

    Educator: - What is shown in the picture? (Creek)

    Where is the P sound in the word RUCH? At the beginning, middle or end of a word?

    (the same questions with the words LAKE, POND)

    Conclusion: these are reservoirs.

    Part 4-2 minutes

    Come to the milk river - jelly banks.

    Educator: - The river is on the way, where do we go next? Can we ask the river? (I encourage you to go to the river yourself to find out how to find your way).

    Child: - Milk river - jelly banks, tell us, please, where did the swan geese fly?

    River (audio recording) - I'll tell you, but first I want to listen to proverbs and sayings about the family.

    Children: "In my own family, porridge is sweeter."

    "A family in a heap - a cloud is not scary"

    "A family is strong when there is only one roof over it."

    "It's good everywhere - but it's better at home."

    "It's warm in a friendly family and in the cold"

    "When the sun is warm, when the mother is good"

    "Feel sorry for your father and mother - you won't find others"

    "They are friends in the family - they do not live"

    (The river praises the children and shows the way)

    River : - Go along the coast and find yourself in the forest, and look for Vanechka there.

    (Children thank the river and follow the indicated path)

    Physical minutes: “We went to the forest edge, raising our legs higher.

    Through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps.

    Walk on your toes, straighten your back.

    Left - right turned and smiled at the flowers.

    We walked along the path, and never fell.

    Part 5 - 5 minutes: Educator: “So we went into the forest. And how should one behave in the forest? " (do not shout, do not trample and pluck flowers, do not break tree branches, do not destroy bird nests, do not pull out mushrooms by the roots, do not knock down poisonous mushrooms)

    Educator: - And, here is the hut. Remember who lives in a forest hut? Who sent the swan geese for Ivanushka? (Children's answers)

    Educator: Guys, Baba Yaga sensed us. But don't be afraid of her. If we turn to her kindly, we greet her, then she will be kind to us.

    Baba Yaga (leaves the hut): - I feel it smells like a human spirit. Who are they? Why did you come? Why did they come?

    Educator : Guys, you need to politely ask Baba - Yaga to return Vanechka to us.

    Child: Hello, Baba Yaga, please give us back, Ivanushka. His sister Mashenka is crying, mom and dad will come back, but he is not, they will chew.

    Baba Yaga : - Give Vanya to you? And why should I give it, I need it myself!

    Educator : Guys, let's explain to Baba Yaga why you need to return Ivanushka to your family, parents? How do parents feel when their child is not around? And how is sister Mashenka? And how Ivanushka himself will live without a family? ( the teacher listens to the answers).

    Baba Yaga : Family, family, what is family?

    The teacher offers children:Guys, let's explain to Baba Yaga what a family is. Vika, please tell us who lives in your family? And how family members relate to each other (I suggest children explain to Baba Yaga who is a member of the family (mom, dad, children, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, etc.), and what kind of relationship they have with each other (I ask leading questions, clarify. I bring the children to a generalizing conceptual the word "family").

    Baba Yaga (hears the explanations of the children, laments):Family! Love! And here I am, I live alone in the forest, no one kind word will not say ( crying).

    Educator : And that's right, guys, my grandmother lives alone in the forest, no one will come to visit, no one will regret it, but she really wants warmth, love. Maybe we will regret, say an affectionate word to her? (encourages children to empathize) I have an idea, and let us, Baba Yaga, invite to our place, in kindergarten... After all, we live together, cheerfully, like in one big family (children invite Baba Yaga to visit).

    Baba Yaga (joyfully): - Thank you kids. Now I will have a family. I will visit you, and you will come to me. I'll give Vanya to you, let him go home, return to the family. After all, everyone there loves and waits for him (returns the boy to Ivanushka, the children thank her, once again invite her to visit).

    Educator: Baba Yaga, and the guys want to sing a song at parting and invite you to join them. (Song "Babka-Yozhka")

    Educator: Thank you to Baba Yaga. It's time for us to go back. Masha and Vanya's parents will be back soon.

    (Returning from the fairy tale along the same road, with the children, we summarize the lesson.)

    Educator: Guys, if we were not polite with B. Yaga, what would happen?

    Would she return Vanechka?

    What task did you complete at the request of the River?

    Which way did she show us? (Children thank River again)

    What did the Apple tree ask for? Which way did she show? (children thank also Apple tree)

    How did we help Pechka? Which way did she show? (The oven treats the children with pies. The children thank the oven. I draw the children’s attention to the fact that the pies will be treated in a group, first washing their hands).

    (Mashenka thanks the children for their help). Everyone is happy that the family has recovered.

    Educator: Place your palms in my palm. Well done boys! I am very happy for you, you showed your courage, hard work, attention and kindness,

    Let's say goodbye to our fairy tale "Goodbye, fairy tale!" and wave our hand to her.

    page 1

    Lesson objectives:
    Review and consolidate knowledge of sounds. Continue to learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants.
    Strengthen the ability to find the place of sound. Continue teaching to perform sound analysis of a word: divide words into syllables.
    Promote the development of sound analysis and phonemic hearing.
    Develop oral speech, logical thinking, Attention, fine motor skills fingers, cognition.
    Foster a desire to help the weak, benevolence, love and respect to the birds.
    Prior work: Reading the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" guessing riddles, talking about birds.
    Equipment: apple tree, stove, river, colored chips, object pictures, notebooks, pencils, apple, apple basket, picture of a tit.

    1 Org. Moment
    2 Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Educator: Today, guys, we are going to travel through a fairy tale in a literacy class. And according to which tale, you have to guess.

    In a fairy tale the sky is blue
    In a fairy tale, the birds are scary
    Apple tree save me
    Rechenka save me
    (Swan geese)

    -Guys, we received a letter from Alyonushka, she asks to find and save her brother Ivanushka, his geese-swans took him to Baba Yaga. Let's help Alyonushka? To start traveling through a fairy tale, let's say magic words.

    Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.
    Sa-sa - miracles await us on the way.

    (Baba Yaga runs out to the music)
    Why did you come here? I won't give you Ivanushka, you won't find him.
    (Baba Yaga runs away)
    Guys, where does Baba Yaga live? (in a dense forest)

    3.Phonetic charging
    Wolves howl in the forest
    Rustle leaves sh-sh-sh
    Crawl and whistle snakes s-s-s
    What have we said? (Sounds)
    What are sounds? (We hear, we pronounce)
    What sounds are there? How do consonants differ from vowels?
    -Guys, look at the tree? What kind of tree? (Apple tree). Let's ask the apple tree where did the swan-geese Ivanushka take?
    Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swan-geese fly?

    1. Play with the apple. Sounds Lost Game.
    (we pass the apple by naming the word)
    ... arelka, ... tul, ... condemnation, ... yba, ... urtka, ... cafe, ... ozhka, ... Iraf, ... ilka.
    Well done! Coped with the task. Move on.

    There is a hut in the dark forest (walk)
    Stands backwards (turn)
    There's an old lady in that hut (slopes)
    Grandma Yaga lives (turn back)
    Crochet nose (show nose)
    Big eyes (show eyes)
    Like coals burning
    Wow, what angry? (shaking a finger)
    The hair is standing still.

    2. Guys, look we have reached the river, maybe the river knows where the geese-swans Ivanushka
    Carried away? Let's ask. River, river where did the swan-geese fly? We need to go across the river. To get across the river, you need to correctly identify the soft and hard sounds with which the words on the cards begin.
    Lemon green chip
    Fish-blue chip
    (Working with cards and chips)
    Well done boys! We did it. Here we are with you passed the river.

    3. We meet the stove
    Stove-stove where did the swan-geese fly? Determine the place of the sound and in the words of the assignment a titmouse flew to us. She wants to help us. As in the word, the titmouse has a beginning-head, middle-body, end-tail. Where do the titmouse live in the summer? And in winter? Why?
    Tits are of great benefit to forests, parks and gardens.
    The great tit per day eats as many insects as it weighs itself.
    (Completing the assignment, Go ahead.)

    Hands raised
    And shook
    These are the trees in the forest
    Arms bent
    Shook quietly
    These are the trees in the forest
    Hands raised smoothly
    Birds fly to us
    How will they sit down too
    Let's show, put our hands back.
    (Baba Yaga runs out to the music)

    4. Guess the riddle
    At the edge
    On the track
    The house stands
    On chicken legs
    Sound analysis of the word izba
    How many sounds in a word? (4)
    1 star? (and) vowel
    2 stars? (h) consonant, solid, voiced.
    3 stars? (6) consonant, hard, voiced.
    4 stars? (a) vowel
    How many syllables are in this word? Well done!
    Baba Yaga, I won't give Ivanushka back, shade my hut, then I'll let you go.

    5. Work in a notebook
    Baba Yaga: You have completed the tasks, take your Ivanushka.
    Ivanushka: Thank you guys for saving me from the evil Baba Yaga. The apple tree gave you apples,
    Help yourself

    A flock of birds is flying south
    The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings.)
    To fly as soon as possible
    We must flap our wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.)

    Physical educationBirds

    Swans fly, flap their wings (Children flap their hands)
    Bowed over water, shake their head (Shake their head)
    They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly (Straighten their back)
    They sit very quietly on the water (Sit down)

    Migratory birds

    Birds jump, fly (Children jump)
    The birds collect the crumbs. ("Peck")
    Peeled the feathers
    Beaks cleaned (depict)
    Birds fly, sing (wave their hands)
    The grains peck (bend over)
    We flew further
    And they sat down in place (fly away, sit down)

    Fizminutka Rides nimble tit

    A nimble tit is jumping, (Jumping in place on two legs.)
    She does not sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.)
    Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right foot.)
    Spun like a top. (We circle in place.)
    Here she sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)
    She scratched her chest with her beak, (They got up, head tilts left and right.)
    And from the path - to the fence, (Jumping in place on the left leg.)
    Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)
    Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)
    (A. Barto)

    About birds

    We made a feeder.
    We opened the dining room.
    Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor
    You will have lunch in winter!
    Visit on the first day of the week
    Two tits flew in
    And on Tuesday - bullfinches,
    Brighter than the morning dawn!
    Three crows were on Wednesday
    We weren't expecting them for dinner.
    And on Thursday from all over -
    Ten greedy sparrows.
    On Friday in our dining room
    The pigeon feasted on porridge.
    And on Saturday for a pie
    Seven forty arrived

    Physiotka Gymnastics for the eyes

    The bird flew up (children look up)
    The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
    The bird flew to the left (look to the left)
    And hid on the floor (look at the floor)

    Finger gymnastics "little birds"

    Little birds
    Small birds
    They fly through the forest
    The seeds are harvested
    Here is a violent wind blew
    I wanted to carry the birds away
    The birds hid in a hollow
    It's dry and warm there
    (children perform actions in accordance with the words)

    Physical education "Bullfinches"

    Bullfinches fly, flap their wings.
    They can't sit still,
    Spun like a top
    Jump - jump, jump - jump.
    Flew to have lunch
    But all around there is only snow and snow.
    It's good that they have a feeder,
    Made by a kind person!

    Physical Education Minute Stork
    (The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also gently lower it. Watch your back.)
    - Stork, long-legged stork,
    Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)
    - Stamp with your right foot,
    Stamp with your left foot
    Again - with the right foot,
    Again - with the left foot.
    After - with the right foot,
    After - with the left foot.
    And then you will come home.

    The ducks went out to the meadow
    The ducks went out to the meadow,
    Quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)
    A cheerful beetle flew by
    W-w-w! (We wave our arms-wings.)
    Geese arch their necks
    Ha ha ha ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)
    The feathers are straightened with their beak. (Turns the torso left-right.)
    Did the wind swing the branches? (We swing our hands raised up.)
    The ball also growled
    Rrr! (Hands on the belt, bent forward, we look in front of us.)
    Reeds whispered in the water,
    Sh-sh-sh! (They raised their hands and reached out.)
    And again it was quiet
    Sh-sh-sh. (Sit down.)


    Gray-nosed heron (hands to nose)
    Stands like a statue all day (hands on belt, shoulder blades bring together)
    Stand on one leg, (hands on the belt raise the left leg)
    If you are a tough soldier.
    Now stand on your right, (hands on your belt, raise your right leg)
    If you are a brave soldier.
    Gray-nosed heron, (on two legs, hands to nose
    Stands like a statue all day. (hands on belt)


    Here on the branches, rooks! Do not scream! (index finger on lips)
    Black rooks sit (sit down)
    Placed in a nest, (show the nest in front of you with your hands)
    Fluffed up the feathers, (stand up, arms out to the sides)
    Bask in the sun (pat your hands)
    The head is turned, (turns the head to the right, to the left)
    They want to fly. (arms to the sides - wave)
    Shoo! Shoo! Flew away! (claps, arms to the sides, running on tiptoes)
    Flew, flew (fly)
    And again they all sat down in the nests. (sat down)


    The birds began to descend
    Everyone sits down in the clearing.
    They have a long way to go
    The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)
    And again it's time to go,
    We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their "wings".)
    Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray!
    It's time for us to land.

    The birds in the nest are sitting

    The birds in the nest are sitting
    And they look at the street.
    They want to walk
    And they all fly quietly. (Children "fly away", flap their arms like wings.)

    Well, the birds flew

    Well, the birds flew
    We flew and sat down
    Pecked the grains
    Played in the pole
    We drank some water
    Feathers washed
    They looked to the sides,
    We flew away. (Walking into running.)

    Fizminutka Swans

    The text of the poem is recited and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

    Swans are flying
    They flap their wings (smooth movements of the hands with a large amplitude)
    Bowed over water
    Shaking their head (bending forward, bending over)
    They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,
    Quietly sit down on the water (squats)

    Government agency

    "Secondary school No. 1 in Pavlodar"

    Mini-center "Baldyrgan"


    open class

    "A journey through a fairy tale"


    Salykova G.F.


    1. Topic: Journey through the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" (video lesson).

    Purpose: To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children.

    Tasks: To continue acquaintance with the sound scheme of words, to form the ability to pronounce words by syllables, to exercise in the ability to select words for the scheme, to develop coherent speech, phonemic hearing, attention, imagination, to cultivate activity, creative thinking, cooperation skills, initiative, the ability to draw logical conclusions ...

    b / c greeting - salemetsizder me, hallow, guten tag., akk kyzdar "geese-swans."


    1.Apple with letters.



    6. air balloon.

    7.sheets, waste material.

    8. pencils are simple, colored.


    Course of the lesson

      Org / moment (children come in, stand up in a semicircle)

    Rep. - Hold hands together and smile at each other. We have guests, smile at them and say hello.

    Children - Salemetsizderme.

    Reprise. - Guys, today I came not alone, with me a balloon. He greeted you, did you hear his words?

    Children are not.

    Rep. - But the ball is magic, he greeted you in an unusual way. Note the white stripe on it. What does it mean?

    - (Word)

    Read it ( hello)

    Replay-Let's and we say hello to the ball in different languages

    Reprise. - The balloon flew from the hero of the fairy tale, who wishes to come to visit us. And from which fairy tale you will learn by guessing the riddle.

    In a fairy tale, the sky is blue

    In a fairy tale, the birds are terrible

    Apple tree save me

    Rechenka save me.

    What is the name of this tale? (geese-swans, akku kazdar)

    Play - Children sent us a video - letter (look)

    What's going on?

    Rep. - What do you think happened?

    (the swan geese took Ivanushka and took him to Baba Yaga)

    What are we going to do? (save, help out, help ....)

    Where does Baba Yaga live? (in a dense forest)

    Speech gymnastics - How do wolves howl in the forest? - uuuuuu

    How do the leaves rustle? - shshshshsh

    How do snakes crawl and whistle? - sssssss

    How can we get into a fairy tale and help save Ivanushka?

    (Say magic words - ra-ra-ra the game begins, sa-sa-sa miracles await us on the way).

    So, let's go.

    Reveal - Who did we first meet? (Record - let's see)

    Rep. - Yablonka said that we can help Mashenka if we complete the task.

    Task 1. "Magic Apple".

    In the apple of the letter, you need to guess the letter by touch and name the word with the sound that this letter stands for.

    Letters ask, and now you friends recognize us (children call words)

    Look where Mashenka has reached (Recording - To find the way further, you need to cross the river)

    How can we get over children? (To go across the river you need to fold the bridge)

    Task 2. "Make words from syllables." (By subgroups)

    I p. - (re-ka, water-yes, moo-ha)

    II p. - (pi-ro-gi, be-re-ga, ho-ro-sho).

    Rep. The stove passed the pie. (On a pie - i'm standing around, I'm tired, I want to bake pies and cheesecakes, help me kids where to start?)

    Task 3. (we will divide into 3 groups and tell the stove where to start)

    Game "What first, what then"

    I gr. - show pictures in the correct order.

    II gr. - numbered the circuits in the correct sequence

    III gr. - indicate words in the correct order.

    The table is completely dark, Masha is lost, crying (video dialogue between a hedgehog and Masha)

    Look what the hedgehog has led to Mashenka?

    To the hut of Baba Yaga

    And what else can you call the dwelling of Baba Yaga? (house, little house, hut, hut, farmstead)

    Which of these names fits this scheme?

    Task 4. Make a ZAS (ISBA) on the cards, check at the board.

    (write letters in the corresponding color)

    Vsp - Baba Yaga has arrived!

    Rep. - Baba - Yaga is cunning, she just won't come out, she must be somehow lured out, and let us tease her and sing a song about her.

    Fizminutka - song "In the dark forest ..."

    While we were distracting Baba Yaga, Mashenka took Ivanushka away this time.

    Baba Yaga is angry because her house is old, ugly, but let us make models of the houses for her, and she will choose the one that she liked, then she will grow kinder and let Ivanushka and Mashenka out of the forest.

    (work with waste and natural material)

    Video ending

    Rep. - Baba Yaga got kinder and released Mashenka with Ivanushka.

    VERDICT - What useful and useful things did you do in class today? What helped you with this?

    (A knock on the door Ivanushka appears)

    Ivanushka - Thank you guys for helping Masha save me from the evil Baba Yaga. While you were working, the oven prepared pies for you. Help yourself!!!

    Thank you Ivanushka.

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