• Games for children with leaves. Autumn games. Let's go to the forest


    Khisamutdinova Albina Khakimovna
    Job title: senior educator, methodologist
    Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17 "Dunno"
    Locality: city ​​of Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Tyumen region
    Material name: methodical development
    Subject: Synopsis of the walk of the senior group "Free Autumn Breeze"
    Publication date: 09.02.2016
    Chapter: preschool education

    Synopsis "Autumn walk"

    To consolidate children's ideas about changes in nature in the fall.
    1. Teach children to determine the strength of the wind. 2. Consolidate children's knowledge of how animals prepare for winter. 3. Teach children to choose relative adjectives and action verbs. 4. Develop fine motor skills hands 5. Exercise in the pronunciation of the sounds "Ф", "Ш", "П" 6. To form the ability of children to move in accordance with the text, navigate in space. 7. To cultivate respect for the work of a janitor, a desire to help.
    : leaves, feathers, flag, spinners, brooms, masks for outdoor games, ball, paper airplanes, paper strips, glue, brushes.
    Walk progress:

    Guys, guess the riddle: It is not known where he lives He will fly - the trees are oppressed He will whistle - the mischievous trembling along the river, but you won’t stop. (Wind) True wind. Let's determine whether there is wind today or not. How and with what help can this be done? (look at the trees, raise the flag, sultan, look at the hair, etc.) Today I suggest you determine the presence of wind with the help of feathers. What are the feathers? (light, fluffy, white, etc.) If you put a light feather on your palm, it will fly to the ground from the wind. If there is no wind, it will remain on the palm. (The teacher distributes feathers to the children, they determine the presence of wind). Tell me, how to determine the wind is strong or weak? (a weak one slightly shakes leaves or thin twigs on a tree, a strong one shakes large branches, sweeps leaves, dust along the path). What is a strong wind called? (wind wind). What is a light wind called? (breeze, breeze).
    Didactic game "What wind?"
    Educator: - Guys, tell me what kind of wind? (children select adjectives for the word "wind") Educator: - And who knows what the name of the strong wind is, which destroys houses, pulls out trees, overturns cars (hurricane). What is the difference between summer wind and autumn wind? (in summer the wind is warm, hot, in autumn - cool, cold)
    Phonetic exercise "Wind"

    Autumn leaves hang on a tree As soon as the wind blows, they rustle (raising their hands up, waving and pronouncing the sound “Sh”) And the breeze gets angry and blows harder (on a long exhalation, the sound “F”) And the branches sway faster, faster, faster (raise hand up and down with the sound “A”) Then the leaf fall begins, the leaves fly to the ground (they gradually lower their hands down, clearly pronounce the sound “P”) Educator: The breeze brought me autumn leaves (distributes leaves to the children) Let's play the game “Falling Leaves”
    Mobile game "Leaf fall"
    Falling leaves! Falling leaves! - children run with leaves in a circle Yellow leaves fly Beautiful circling - circling Yellow leaves circling beautiful Red leaves Leaves sat on the ground - sat down And sat quietly A light wind flew in - a "breeze" runs out in the hands of the sultans Leaves lifted from the ground - runs around leaf fall! Falling leaves! - children with leaves run in a circle Leaves fly in the wind The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter And the leaves lower, lower - squat, a circle is formed The teacher offers to put the leaves in front of him.  See what we did? (circle)
    Game exercise "Jump in a circle"
    Educator: Let's play with our legs. Jump into the circle and jump out of it without stepping on the leaves. (children jump in and out of the circle) Educator: And now it's time to play with our pens.
    Finger game "Autumn"
    The wind flew through the forest - wave-like movements of the palms. The wind counted the leaves. Here is oak - they bend one finger at a time. Here is maple Here is carved mountain ash Here is gold from birch Here is the last leaf from aspen
    The wind threw on the path. - Place your palms on your knees. Educator: Guys, take the leaves in your hands and let's arrange a real leaf fall (children throw the leaves up). Educator: Falling leaves, that's great! But now we have added work to our janitor, we need to work a little and collect the leaves.
    Labor activity (
    sweep the paths, collect dry twigs). Educator: The trees prepared for winter and threw off their autumn outfit, but how do animals prepare for winter? (children's answers).
    Mobile game "Wolf and Hares"
    Then the teacher invites the children to make unusual paper planes with long tails, like kites. The teacher invites the children to stick the strips corrugated paper on finished paper airplanes.
    Productive activities of children.

    Independent play activity children with paper airplanes.

    September senior group

    Walk 9


    Free wind"

    Formation of children's ideas about changes in inanimate nature in autumn: pay attention that in windy weather the trees sway, the clouds run quickly; compare how the wind was in the summer - very weak, the tops of the trees swayed a little. The development of observation.
    Vocabulary Enrichment
    : I wind, I excite, I grow dumb, I cherish.
    I am the magical wind. I always blow

    I wave the waves, I caress the willows,

    In the branches I sigh, sighing, dumb,

    I cherish the grasses, I cherish the willows.
    K. Balmont - Children, look carefully around and tell me if there is wind today? - What wind? Look at your turntables. What happens to them? - The wind is blowing hard, because the spinners spin a lot. - Do you remember how the wind was in the summer, strong or weak? (weak) - And why did you decide so? Because the tops of the trees swayed a little. - Right. And today the tops of the trees are swaying strongly. - Look at the turntables. Which way is the wind blowing? (children determine) Try to run in the direction of the wind and against it. When was it harder to run? Conclusion: The wind blows stronger in autumn than in summer.
    Fairy tale "Wind"
    “There lived a small breeze in the world, which loved to fly everywhere. Once Veterok flew past our kindergarten and saw beautiful trees with yellow and red leaves. Veterka liked them very much. He sat down on a branch and asked: “Who are you?” “We are leaves - leaves, mothers of the tree are sons,” he heard in response. “Would you like to fly with me. It's so fun and interesting," Veterok suggested. And the leaves answer: “We want to fly, but we don’t know how.” “And I will help you!” - exclaimed Veterok and how he ran through the branches of trees - wow! The leaves grabbed the wind and swirled with him in the air. How fun they all had.

    Didactic games
    "What wind?"
    - children talk about the wind, describe it.

    "Call it kindly."

    word formation with the help of diminutive suffixes.
    "Make a Picture"
    (pattern of fallen leaves on asphalt) - the development of fine motor skills.
    Outdoor games: "

    Simple traps.
    The children are on the playground. The trap, appointed by the teacher or chosen by the players, becomes in the middle of the site. On a signal: "One, two, three - catch!" - all the children scatter around the playground, dodge the trap, which tries to catch up with one of the players and touch it with their hand (stain). The one whom the trap has touched with his hand steps aside. When 3-4 players are spotted, a new trap is chosen.
    Individual work:
    Walking on a log straight and sideways.

    Who can stand on one leg the longest? Target
    : learn quickly, act when you lose balance.
    Labor activity
    : Help children junior group in cleaning up the area.
    development of industriousness, desire to help kids.
    rakes, buckets, brooms.
    October senior group


    Vocabulary Enrichment

    ! If there is a strong wind, how can you call such weather? What else does the wind do? For whom is windy weather good? Who cares about the wind?

    Didactic games:

    "What wind?"
    learn to choose relative adjectives.
    "Make a Pattern"

    development of fine motor skills.

    On one edge of the site, a line indicates the house in which the geese are located. On the opposite side stands a shepherd. To the side of the house is a lair in which there is a wolf. The rest of the place is a meadow. Children playing the roles of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the teacher, the rest portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze in the meadow, fly. Shepherd:
    Geese, geese!
    Do you want to eat?
    Yes Yes Yes!
    So fly home.
    We can't fly home


    The geese, spreading their wings (stretching their arms to the side), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the lair, tries to catch them (to touch with his hand). Caught geese go to the lair. After several dashes, the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then another wolf and a shepherd are appointed. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
    to teach to follow the rules of the game, to act on the signal of the educator; develop dexterity.
    Individual work:
    Running exercises: jogging at an average speed (2-3 times), alternating with walking; Log walking.
    Labor activity:
    Tidying up the flower beds on the site, collecting seeds.
    development of industriousness, interest in helping adults Equipment: buckets, paper bags, rakes.
    October senior group

    Walk 5 Observation "The wind howls in the open"

    Formation of interest in children to observe changes in the strength of the wind.
    Vocabulary Enrichment
    : wind, breeze, breeze. - Is there wind today? Look and listen (using turntables) How did you know there was wind today?

    You can't see me with your eyes, I'm capable of pranks,

    On the run, I'm tearing off my hats, I'm swinging my paws like firs.

    I have enough skill to carry the laundry off the rope.

    I can leaf through a newspaper, rustle loudly at the same time ...

    Anyone in the forest will notice, the forest is noisy, walking ...
    (wind) What does the wind do? Weak or strong? Why did you decide so?
    Windy, windy the whole earth is ventilated

    The wind scattered the leaves from the branches around the world:

    Linden, birch yellow leaf and pink

    Red, multi-colored old sheet, newspaper.

    Sunny, windy, windy, windy
    ! If there is a strong wind, how can you call such weather? What else does the wind do?
    For whom is windy weather good? Who cares about the wind?

    Didactic games:

    "What wind?"
    - children talk about the wind, describe it.
    learn to choose relative adjectives.
    "Make a Pattern"
    - from fallen leaves on the asphalt.

    development of fine motor skills.
    Outdoor games: "Geese-swans"
    On one edge of the site, a line indicates the house in which the geese are located. On the opposite side stands a shepherd. To the side of the house is a lair in which there is a wolf. The rest of the place is a meadow. Children playing the roles of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the teacher, the rest portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze in the meadow, fly. Shepherd:
    Geese, geese!
    Do you want to eat?
    Yes Yes Yes!
    So fly home.
    We can't fly home

    The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
    So fly as you want, just take care of your wings!
    The geese, spreading their wings (stretching their arms to the side), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the lair, tries to catch them (to touch with his hand). Caught geese go to the lair. After several dashes, the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then another wolf and a shepherd are appointed. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
    to teach to follow the rules of the game, to act on the signal of the educator; develop dexterity.
    Individual work:
    Running exercises: jogging at an average speed (2-3 times), alternating with walking; Log walking.
    improve walking technique while maintaining balance.
    Labor activity:
    Tidying up the flower beds on the site, collecting seeds.
    development of industriousness, interest in helping adults Equipment: buckets, paper bags, rakes. Outline of a walk in senior group kindergarten "Journey to the autumn meadow" Tasks: 1. Observation - Continue to acquaint children with natural phenomena - leaf fall, wind. To promote the development of the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions in the process of observation and conversation. - In the process of labor activity (cleaning leaves) to learn to bring what has been started to the end, to form an idea of ​​the significance of work for others. 2. Organization of motor activity. - to form the need for daily motor activity; - develop independence in performing physical exercises according to
    verbal instruction; - develop coordination of movements, speed of reactions, dexterity; - educate self-confidence, strong-willed qualities, comradely feelings. Equipment: sets of skittles, towns, frisbee, rackets, basket, small. balls or cones for throwing at the target Progress of the walk: - Guys, how nice it is outside. Let's get some fresh air and clean our noses. (3 times a deep breath through the nose - exhale through the mouth, lips folded into a "tube"). How good. What time of year is it now? Yes, autumn. And how did you define it? - Colorful leaves appeared on the trees and shrubs, it became colder, people put on warm jackets, there are frequent rains, the birds fly to warmer climes. Let's enjoy the beauty of nature. Promotion of children for the site. Children go to their site, looking at the autumn leaves. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that today the weather is sunny, the sky is blue, there are few clouds. So it won't rain today. The teacher reads the poem "Golden Autumn" Autumn tied a colorful apron And took buckets of paints. Early in the morning, passing through the park, I circled the Leaves with gilding. The teacher draws the attention of children to the beauty of trees, how they are decorated with colorful leaves. As they move towards the site, the children examine and compare trees and bushes: the trees are large, tall, and the bushes are small, low. The teacher with the children stops between the sections of the "Cherry" and "Goldfish" groups - Children, I will now guess a riddle, and you try to guess which tree we are talking about. And as soon as you guess, run to this tree and stand 4 people each.
    Mobile game "Run to the tree." - Alyonka is standing: a green scarf, a thin waist, and a white sundress. - Well done! Here we quietly reached our site. - Guys, what tree are you standing now? (birch). Did you know that birch is chosen as a symbol of Russia. Why do you think? (children's answers) For its beauty and for the fact that birch is the only tree with white bark. Tell me, why does a birch have a white trunk? (children's answers). It turns out that birch bark contains a white substance - betulin. They say that if you rub a dark fabric on a birch trunk, the fabric will turn into White color. Do you want to check? The teacher distributes dark shreds of fabric to the children, and the children do the experiment. - That's the secret that this tree keeps in itself. But I will tell you another secret. Why do you think a birch tree needs a white trunk? (children's answers). The white birch trunk reflects the sun's rays and the bark protects the tree from cold and overheating. And so the birch can grow both in the south and in the north. That's how much interesting our beautiful birch is fraught with. Guys, what color are the birch leaves? (yellow, gold). Let's collect the fallen birch leaves and make an applique out of them! Well done! Children collect leaves and go to their site. Didactic game Speech and movement "Two red sheets and two yellow sheets". Game progress. - I will say: “I have 2 red leaves (stretch your hands with leaves forward in front of you)”, and you say: “I have 2 yellow leaves” and do the same movements. ... I don’t have two red leaves (hide hands with leaves behind my back) ... I admire two red leaves (arms bent at the elbows, head tilted
    left, right) ... I leaned towards two red leaves (tilt forward, hands reach the ground) ... I remember two red leaves (hands up, shaking right to left) ... I jump with two red leaves (jumping in place) The teacher praises the children for right answers. - Children, tell me, when the leaves are spinning, flying, who helps them? (Wind.) - Do you want to turn into a breeze? (Yes.) Cognitive - research activities - research on the strength of the wind The experiment "Hello, wind" is being conducted. The teacher suggests lifting the leaves above your head and blowing hard. Leaves flutter and swirl. - Children, this is how a light breeze blows. But if a very strong wind blows, then the leaves swirl strongly and fly above the ground for a long time.
    Mobile game "Wind-breeze".

    Children stand in a circle. The leader is selected by the counting room -


    Children move in a circle with the words:

    "The wind in the park turns the leaves,

    Circling in the sky, circling in puddles.

    He throws them at our feet,

    And on wet roads.

    Come on, breeze, breeze

    Stain the sheet quickly."

    After the end of the words, the child - "breeze" catches up with the rest


    The game is repeated 3-4 times.
    "Journey to a forest clearing" - Guys, do you like to travel? Do you know what is the best day to travel? (Thursday) What day of the week is it today? Then let's go with you on a journey to a forest clearing. Close your eyes and under the ringing of a magic bell we get with you into the autumn forest. Tell me, is it possible to make noise in the forest? Why? And tell me please, in the forest you can go far from an adult?
    Why? Guys, if someone falls behind or falls, what should be done? That's good. We remembered the rules of how to behave in the forest. How fresh it smells. Let's breathe. (3 times a deep breath through the nose - exhale through the mouth, lips folded into a “tube”) Obstacle course: 1. “Walking one after another in pairs” 2. “Stepping over the “stumps””. We met a hedgehog, he gives a basket of mushrooms. 3. “Crawling under a “fallen tree” We met a squirrel, she gives a basket with cones. 4. “Jumping from hoop to hoop” We met a bunny, he gives a basket with a game of pride 5. “Jump over the abyss” Exercise on rings in a sports corner” We met a bear, he gives a basket of skittles 6. “From bump to bump” We met a frog , he gives a basket with a surprise 7. “Walking a tightrope” We met a fox, she gives a basket with a surprise 8. “Sliding down a hill” - So we went through the forest and found ourselves in a clearing -Look how light it is! Why? -Let's warm the palms, and now the cheeks. -Guys, do you want to play in the meadow? Outdoor games P / and "One, two, three - run to your number." A game with elements of Frisbee sports games. Frisbee in a circle. The players are built in a circle. The participants in the game pass the Frisbee in a circle for one minute, trying to make accurate throws to the players of their team. All accurate passes count. P / and "Fox and Geese" Selected by the "Fox" counting rhyme Grasshoppers jump in a forest clearing,
    Grasshoppers jump, raise their shoulders. (Jumping with arms thrown up) Geese walk along the paths On their goose legs. (Children walk “like geese”) A quiet rustle is heard Someone is sneaking through the forest Fox (imitation of fox movements): I am a bird hunter I am a master of catching geese (After last words, the children depict flying geese, and “the fox will catch them”) The game is repeated 2-3 times P / and “Jump to play” (the author’s game of the FC instructor Shkurenko O.V.) Children stand in a circle and pronounce words with movements There is a hut in the forest (Legs together, hands upside down) And Petrushka lives in it (Exercise "Pinocchio") Animals go to him Jump to play. (Children walk in place) Deer (children pretend to be horns) Rhinos (Hands together in front of them) Bears from the den (Children pretend to be a bear) Go after the hunt Jump to play (Children walk in place) Robin (hands to the sides - waving)
    Oatmeal (arms to shoulders - waves) Funny monkey (children pretend to be a monkey) And all the same Jump to play (Children walk in place) P / and low mobility "Ay" (author's game of FC instructor Shkurenko O.V.) The driver is selected he closes his eyes. Children go in a circle and say the words: Vanya, you are in the forest now. Do not open your eyes, who called you - find out. At this time, the teacher touches the child and he says "AU". The driver must call him by name. If he guesses, then he becomes the driver. Independent activity Examining gifts from animals Individual work with children on the development of motor activity 1. Hit the target game 2. Skittles game 3. Gorodki game 4. Golf game 5. Racketball game Sedentary game Find a Surprise »

    Card file of outdoor games by seasons in the second junior group

    Outdoor games for autumn

    "Leaf fall"

    Program content:consolidate knowledge about color, size autumn leaves; exercise in the ability to move around the site, following the instructions given in game form; specify the concept of "leaf fall". Develop attention; promote the development of children's speech. Raise interest in group games.

    Material : autumn leaves.

    Description. The teacher says: “Guys! All of you will be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some are yellow, some are red, some are big, some are small.

    Each child shows and names which leaflet he chose by color and size.

    The teacher says: “The leaves are light, they slowly fly through the air.(Children run and wave their hands.)

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

    The yellow leaves are flying!

    Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning.

    (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves)

    Beautiful red leaves are spinning.(Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)

    They circled and sat down on the ground.(Children sit down.) Sat down!

    They sat down and froze.(Children do not move.)

    A light breeze came and blew."(An adult blows, followed by children.)

    The teacher continues: “The leaves rose, scattered in different directions.(Children run around the playground.)

    Spinning, spinning, spinning!

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves! Leaves fly in the wind.

    The breeze subsided, and again slowly fall to the ground ... leaves.

    "Along the narrow path"

    Program content:exercise in the ability to step from circle to circle (drawn with a stick on the sand, chalk on the pavement), perform movements in accordance with the text; develop attention, coordination of movements. Raise interest in outdoor games.

    Description: The teacher draws circles on the ground (there should be more circles than playing children). 3 explains that through the stream you can go "on the pebbles" - circles, otherwise wetting the legs.

    The teacher pronounces the words (the children pronounce) and shows the actions:

    “Our legs are walking along a narrow path!”

    All children follow the teacher, approach the "pebbles". An adult shows how to step from circle to circle. Children imitate his actions: "On the pebbles, on the pebbles, on the pebbles!"

    Suddenly, the teacher suddenly says: “And into the hole - bang!”, Jumps out of the circle, crouches, and after him all the children. The game is repeated.

    "Who is more likely to collect?"

    Program content:learn to group vegetables and fruits; develop speed of reaction to words, endurance and discipline. Raise interest in outdoor games.

    Description : children are divided into two teams: "Gardeners" and "Gardeners". On the ground are dummies of vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the educator, the teams begin to collect vegetables and fruits, each in their own basket. Whoever collected first raises the basket up and is considered the winner.

    "Cucumber - cucumber ..."

    Program content:exercise in the ability to act in accordance with the text. Exercise in jumping, walking, running, in the ability to navigate in space. Develop the ability to control your body in motion, while maintaining uniform breathing. Cultivate discipline.

    Description: on one side of the hall - a teacher (trap), on the other side - children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:Cucumber, cucumber,

    Don't go to that end

    The mouse lives there

    Your tail will bite off.

    Children run away beyond the conditional line, and the teacher catches up with them. The teacher pronounces the text in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word.

    "Hunters and Hares"

    Program content: exercise in running without bumping into each other, develop dexterity, coordination of movements. Cultivate the desire to play together with peers.

    Description: a hunter is selected from among the players, the rest of the children are hares. On one side of the hall (platform) there is a place for a hunter, on the other - a house for hares. The hunter walks around the hall (platform), pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his house. Hares jump out from behind the bushes and jump (on 2 legs, on the right or left - whoever wants) in different directions. At the signal: "Hunter!" - hares run away into the house, and the hunter throws balls at them (he has 2-3 soft balls in his hands). The hares he hit are considered shot, and he takes them to his house. After each hunt for hares, the hunter changes, but is not selected from among those caught.

    "Shaggy Dog"

    Program content:exercise in walking, running, in the ability to navigate in space, in the ability to act quickly on a signal. Develop attention, dexterity, speech of children. Raise interest in outdoor games.

    Description: children stand on one side of the playground. The driver - the dog - is on the other side. Children quietly approach him with the words:

    Here lies the shaggy dog,

    Burying your nose in your paws.

    Quietly, quietly he lies,

    Not dozing, not sleeping.

    Let's go to him, wake him up,

    And let's see what happens!

    After these words, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. Children run away, and the dog tries to catch them.

    "Fox and chickens"

    Program content:exercise in running, in the ability to navigate in space. Develop dexterity. Introduce children to the rules of safe behavior during games. Cultivate discipline.

    Description : at one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in the chicken coop. On the opposite side is a fox. Hens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the site, pretending to peck at the grain. When a fox creeps up on them, the roosters shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs into the chicken coop, followed by a fox that tries to touch any of the players.

    If the driver fails to touch any of the players, then he leads again.

    "Such a leaf - fly to me"

    Program content: exercise in running, the ability to navigate in space, develop attention, observation; exercise in finding leaves by similarity; activate dictionary. Raise interest in group games.

    Description: the teacher with the children examines the leaves that have fallen from the trees. Describes them, says what tree they are from. After a while, he gives the children leaves from different trees located on the site, and asks them to listen carefully. Shows a leaf from a tree and says: “Whoever has the same leaf, run to me!”

    "Run to me"

    Program content:exercise in running, in the ability to navigate in space, without bumping into each other, to act quickly on the signal of the teacher. Develop attention. Raise interest in joint games.

    Description : Children run to the teacher, who, spreading his arms wide to the sides, pretends to want to hug everyone. After the children gather near the teacher, he goes to the other side of the playground and again says: “Run to me!” The game is repeated 4-5 times.

    "Bird Flight"

    Program content:exercise in loose running, in a given direction, in the ability to step over obstacles, climbing. Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity. Cultivate friendliness.

    Description : Children stand on one side of the playground. They are birds.

    At the other end of the site, a small hill (sandbox, stumps ...) is a house. At the signal of an adult, "The birds are flying away!" children, raising their hands - “wings” to the sides, run around the playground. At the signal "Storm!" run to the house.

    When an adult says: “The storm has stopped,” the children run again.

    Outdoor games for winter


    Program content:exercise in the ability to change movements in accordance with the text.To promote the development of motor activity, the development of children's speech. Develop positive communication skills.

    Description: leader is selected. He puts on a hat "Breeze". And he steps aside. The teacher says:

    “Because of the Christmas tree at the edge

    Someone's ears are peeking out. (Children sit down and show their ears)

    Paws of bunnies freeze,

    Bunny paws warm(get up, warm paws)

    They began to jump

    Have fun playing."(Children jump).

    The teacher says:

    "Come on, wind, don't yawn,

    And catch up with the bunnies!”

    The driver catches up with the children.

    "Watch out, I'll freeze!"

    Program content:exercise in running in a given direction, in the ability to act quickly on a signal; develop attention, the ability to navigate in space. Raise interest in outdoor games with elements of running.

    Description: All players gather on one side of the court. “Run away, beware, I’ll catch up and freeze!”, says the adult. Children run to the opposite side of the playground to hide in the "house".


    Program content: exercise in walking in a column one at a time, in the ability to accelerate and slow down the pace of movement; in performing various movements. Develop attention. Cultivate friendliness.

    Description: Children line up one at a time. The first is a steam locomotive, the rest are wagons. The teacher gives a beep, the children move forward, at first slowly, then faster and finally - running (say choo-choo-choo).TRAIN DRIVES TO THE STATION- says the educator. Everyone gradually slows down and stops - the children go out, pick flowers, berries, mushrooms ... The teacher sounds the horn again and the game continues.

    "Snowflakes and Wind"

    Program content:exercise in the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text. Promote the development of coordination of movements. Raise interest in games with text.

    Description : children perform movements in accordance with the text:

    Snowflakes, snowflakes fly in the wind

    Snowflakes, snowflakes want to land

    Easy running in different directions.

    And the wind blows stronger and stronger

    Snowflakes are spinning faster and faster

    Running around yourself.

    Suddenly the wind died down, it became quiet around

    Snowflakes flocked into a big snowball!

    Run to the caregiver and sit down next to him on the floor.

    "Snow is spinning"

    Program content:exercise in the ability to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game. Develop auditory attention motor activity. Raise interest in outdoor games. Teach children to follow the rules of the game on their own


    “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” - children are spinning.

    “We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball” -children approach the teacher.

    "Snowflakes, white fluffs lay down to sleep" - children squat

    “A cold wind blew, snowflakes scattered.” -children scatter by site.

    "On the tree"

    Program content:exercise in the ability to build in a circle, walking in a circle holding hands; imitate the characteristic movements of animals; develop coordination of movements, attention; promote the development of children's speech activity. Cultivate a desire to play with peers.

    Description: the teacher pronounces the text, the children perform movements. Children can pronounce the words together with the teacher.

    Come on, Christmas tree, brighter,

    Light up the lights!

    We invited guests. Have fun with us.(walking in circles)

    On paths, on snow, on forest lawns

    The long-eared bunny rode to the holiday to us.(jump)

    And behind him, look everyone, the Red Fox.

    The fox also wanted

    Have fun with us(run quietly)

    The clumsy bear is waddling,

    He brings honey as a gift

    And a big bump (go waddling)

    "Sparrows and the Car"

    Program content:practice running; in the ability to navigate in space; act quickly on the signal. Develop dexterity. Generate interest in outdoor games.

    Description: children with a teacher stand at one end of the hall behind a spread out cord, at the other end a place for a car is indicated. At the signal "SPROWS FLEW OUT OF THE NEST!" Children start running around the room in different directions. At the signal "CAR!" a car appears (a teacher or a child), and the sparrows run away to their places.

    "Wolf and Hare"

    Program content:practice jumping, running. Develop attention, dexterity, endurance. To consolidate the basic rules of behavior for children during the game.

    Description: the teacher pronounces the words, the children perform the corresponding movements:

    Gray wolf in a hut

    Drinking tea from a mug

    And you bunny don't yawn

    Come out! Play!(Children jump, run, pinch grass.)Once! Two! Do not snooze!

    Run away rabbit!

    Children - "hares" run away from the "wolf" to the bench.

    "Find your house"

    Program content: exercise in the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity, attention, the ability to move in different directions. Enrich the motor experience of children.
    Description: with the help of a teacher, children are divided into groups, each of which stands at a certain place. On a signal, they scatter around the hall in different directions. After the signal "Find your house" - the children should gather in groups at the place where they stood at the beginning.
    After mastering the game, the original houses can be swapped. The game is more emotional with musical accompaniment.

    "Mice and Cat"

    Program content: exercise the ability to walk in a circle, holding hands, develop the ability to act on a signal; develop attention, speech of children.

    Description: Children lead a round dance, in the middle the cat “sleeps”.

    Mice dance
    A cat is napping on a couch.
    Hush, mice, don't make noise,
    Don't wake the cat Vaska.
    How Vaska the cat wakes up
    Will break our round dance.

    "Pull the sled along the path"

    Program content:introduce children to the rules of sledding. Remind the rules of safe behavior when performing a task. Develop endurance and strength.

    Description: The teacher makes two paths several meters long and divides the children into groups. Each group (two holding the sled by the rope, the third sits in the sled) stands near its path. On a signal, the children drive the sled along the path, trying not to step on its borders.

    Note: make sure that the children sitting in the sled do not lower their legs.

    "Through the snowballs in a circle"

    Program content:exercise in jumping on two legs moving forward through obstacles. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

    Description: 6-8 snowballs are laid out in a circle at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Near one snowball there is a pointer, from here the child begins to jump over the snowballs. When the first child jumps over the third snowball, next child, starts moving from the pointer and tries to catch up with it.

    indication : the jump is performed on two legs, legs together.

    Outdoor games in the spring

    "Birds and chicks"

    Program content: exercise in running, jumping in all directions; develop the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space. Develop the ability to consciously relate to the implementation of the rules of the game. Raise the desire to strictly follow the rules of the game.
    Description: children are divided into 3 - 4 groups; each group has its own nest house. Each group of "chicks" has a mother bird. According to the word of the teacher, the chicks “flew” from the nest. At the word of the teacher “home”, the mother birds return and call the chicks home. In the nest, the chicks sit in a circle. The game is played 3-4 times.

    " Tram"

    Program content:exercise in walking and running in pairs; in the ability to act according to a visual guide. Continue to teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner. Develop attention, observation. Raise the need for motor activity.

    Equipment: long cord, bell.

    Description: children stand in a line, with one hand they hold on to the cord, it helps to maintain a distance between the children. A bell is tied to the end of the cord. The last one, the conductor, gives a signal with a bell and the tram moves off. At the direction of the educator, the tram speeds up, then slows down.

    "Find Your Color"

    Program content:exercise in walking and running; develop attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a signal. Cultivate a desire to play together.

    Equipment: flags by the number of children, three colors. 3 landmarks with flags.

    Description: children receive flags of three to four colors: red, blue and yellow color and are grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the site. In each corner, the teacher puts a colored flag (red, blue, yellow) on a stand. At the signal of the teacher “go for a walk”, the children disperse around the site. At the word of the teacher, “find your color,” the children gather near the flag of the corresponding color. The duration of the game is 4 - 5 minutes.

    "Let's jump over the stream"

    Program content:practice standing long jump. Develop coordination of movements. Cultivate interest in jumping games.

    Description: a stream is drawn on the site, narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm.) A group of children is invited to jump over the stream, first where it is narrow, and then where it is wider, and finally, where it is widest . The duration of the game is 3-4 minutes.

    "Sparrows and a cat"

    Program content:teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, run without hitting each other, dodge the catcher, run away quickly, find their place; teach children to be careful when taking a place, not to push comrades. Generate interest in games with text.

    Equipment : gymnastic benches, cubes.

    Description: d children stand along the walls of the room on large cubes(height 15-20cm) or benches - these are sparrows on the roof. A cat (child) sits on the side.

    Sparrows on a branch

    Have fun swinging

    Sparrows on a branch

    The sun is smiling

    Our sparrow flew

    flapping its wings

    And probably in the air

    Will dance a half-length!

    He sat down by the puddle, he wants to get drunk

    Well, the cunning Vaska the cat crept up to the sparrow

    Sparrow, fly away!

    Save yourself from the cat!

    They must quickly fly to the nests, taking their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her house (children skip one repetition of the game).

    "Guess who's screaming where"

    Program content: exercise in the ability to navigate in space, develop auditory attention.

    Description: Children sit facing the wall. The junior teacher hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. The teacher says: "Listen to where it rings and find the bell" when the children find the bell, the teacher praises them, and then again suggests returning to the wall. The junior teacher rings the bell again, hiding in another place.

    Outdoor games in the summer

    "Sun and Rain"

    Program content:exercise in walking and running in all directions, without bumping into each other;contribute to the enrichment of the motor experience of children; develop attention, the ability to act on a signal. To educate the initiative of children during the outdoor game.
    Description: children sit on chairs. The teacher says "Sunshine!". Children walk and run around the room in different directions. After the owls "Rain!", They run to their places.

    "Catch a Mosquito"

    Program content: exercise in jumping on two legs, place; develop the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal (landmark). Develop coordination of movements. Cultivate interest in jumping games.

    Description: the players stand in a circle, at a distance of arms extended to the sides. teacher in the center. He rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a “mosquito” is tied. The teacher circles the mosquito slightly above the heads of the players. The players carefully watch the mosquito and, when it approaches, jump in place to catch it. The one who grabs the mosquito says: "I caught it." Duration 4 -5 minutes.

    "We are flowers"

    Program content: exercise in the ability to perform outdoor switchgear; develop attention; educate the need for motor activity.

    Description: children perform movements:

    They straightened the stems, extended the branches (hands).

    They straightened the leaves, rustled with leaves (fingers).

    Gymnastics for the stem: torso to the right and left; back and forth.

    Gymnastics for the roots: stretched out the right leg - rotated the foot;

    extended the left leg - rotated.

    My leaves, stems in the rain: raised their hands up, spread their fingers to the sides, put their palms up rain, spin.


    Program content:exercise in loose running, develop attention, dexterity. To develop the ability to navigate in space, the creative potential of children.


    Morning has come, the sun has risen.

    Butterflies woke up - stretched (children stretch).

    And they flew (children depict butterflies, wave their wings, fly around the flowers).

    Then the adult says: the night has come, the butterflies flew to their houses and went to bed (squatted down and closed their eyes). Then the game is repeated.

    You can make the game even more interesting.

    An adult depicts a bird that flew in to eat butterflies, and butterflies hide in their houses and the bird cannot catch them there.

    "Birds in nests"

    Program content:practice walking and runningscattered, not bumping into each other; develop the ability to navigate in space, attention. Cultivate discipline.

    Equipment: chairs or hoops.

    Description : Children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room. These are nests. At the signal of the teacher, all the birds fly out to the middle of the room, scatter in different directions, squat, looking for food, fly again, waving their wings. At the signal of the educator "Birds, in the nests!" the children return to their seats.

    Instructions for carrying out:For nests, you can use large hoops laid on the floor, and in the area it can be circles drawn on the ground in which children squat.


    Program content:exercise in the ability to build in a circle; perform movements in accordance with the text; develop speech. To develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

    Description: children lead a round dance, gradually expanding the circle and say:
    Blow up, bubble
    Blow up big
    Stay like this
    Don't crash.
    When the host says:
    The bubble burst

    The air is out.

    Sh-sh-sh Children go to the center reducing the circle.

    "My cheerful sonorous ball"

    Program content:practice jumping on two legs,develop leg muscles, the ability to listen carefully to the text.

    Description: the teacher performs exercises with the ball; he shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, and at the same time he says:

    My cheerful sonorous ball, Where did you rush off? Red, Yellow, Blue,

    Don't chase you! ( S. Marshak)

    Then the teacher calls 2-3 children, invites them to jump at the same time as the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. Having finished, he says: “Now I’ll catch up!” The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.

    "On a flat path"

    Program content: exercise in walking, jumping; develop the ability to act in accordance with the text, attention. Develop the ability to consciously relate to the implementation of the rules of the game.

    Description: The teacher says the following text:

    By flat track, 2p children walk

    Our feet are walking

    One-two, one-two.

    By pebbles, pebbles, jump on two legs, moving forward;

    By pebbles, pebbles...

    In the pit - boo! squatting down

    "Get out of the hole", - the teacher says, and the children rise. After several repetitions, the teacher says another text

    On a flat path, 2p Our legs are tired, 2p

    This is our home - This is where we live.With the end of the text, the children run into the house - a predetermined place behind a bush, under a tree, etc.

    "Hares and the wolf"

    Program content:exercise in jumping, running, in the ability to navigate in space; develop attention, dexterity.Cultivate children's initiative during the game.

    Description: rabbit children hide behind bushes and trees. To the side behind the bush is a wolf. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, frolic.

    Bunnies jump: lope, lope, lope,
    To the green meadow.

    Grass is pinched, eaten,
    Listen carefully
    Is the wolf coming?

    Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

    "We stomp our feet"

    Program content:

    The teacher, together with the children, becomes in a circle at a distance of arms straightened to the sides. In accordance with the spoken text, the children perform the exercises:

    We stomp our feet

    We clap our hands

    Shaking our heads

    We raise our hands

    We lower our hands

    We raise our hands

    And with these words, the children join hands, forming a circle, and continue:And we run around 2 p.

    After a while, the teacher says:"STOP!" Children, slowing down, stop.


    Program content: exercise in walking in a column one at a time; learn to keep the interval. To promote the development of coordinated movement of the arms and legs. Continue to teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of the players.

    Description: walking in a column one at a time, bypassing the site behind the teacher and jointly pronouncing the lines of the poem:

    Silence at the pond, the grass does not sway.

    Do not make noise, reeds, fall asleep, kids.

    At the end of the poem, the children stop, crouch, bow their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says loudly: “Kwa-kva-kva!” - and explains that the frogs woke up the guys, and they woke up, got up and stretched.

    1. Mobile game "Sun and rain"

    Target: perform actions on the signal of the educator.

    Adult instructions:

    The sun is shining, we have a lot of fun and we rejoice. When it rains, we must hide!

    The teacher raises the figurine of the sun.

    Sunshine, show yourself!

    (children run around)

    Red, show yourself!


    The children rejoice

    They dance merrily.

    The teacher raises an umbrella. Children sit down.

    2. Outdoor game "On a flat path"

    Target: alternation different types walking and running. Act on the teacher's signal.

    Adult instructions:

    The guys decided to go for a walk, but there are bumps and pebbles on the street. And so as not to stumble and not fall, be careful!

    On a flat path

    On a flat path.

    Our feet are walking.

    One, two, one, two...

    (children walking)

    By pebbles, by pebbles

    (children jump)

    By pebbles, by pebbles

    Our legs are tired

    Here is our house

    The kids live in it!

    (children sit on chairs)

    3. Outdoor game "Leaf fall"

    Target: coordinate movements with the signal of the educator. Fix color.

    Adult instructions:

    Autumn leaves turn slowly. Autumn leaves are different: green, yellow, red. Be careful.

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

    The yellow leaves are flying!

    (yellow leaves fly)

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

    The red leaves are flying!

    (red leaves fly)

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

    The green leaves are flying!

    (green leaves fly)

    4. Mobile game "Find your house"

    Target: find your house, run without hitting each other. Actions to perform at the signal of the educator.

    Adult instructions:

    All birds are afraid of cats. When they see a cat, they immediately fly to their houses. Bullfinches will fly to the trees. Pigeons sit on a bench. Sparrows - on the path behind the bench.

    Birds are small

    They fly across the sky

    The kids are amused.

    (children fly, flap their wings)

    Suddenly a cat appeared!

    Meow meow meow!

    (children run to their places)

    5. Outdoor game "Beads"

    Target: move slowly, repeat the movements of the teacher.

    Adult instructions:

    I will be the thread and you will be the beads. Listen to me and be careful!

    I string beads on a string. - Takes the hand of willing children. The rest come up and take the hand of the last child, forming a long chain - beads. Sings slowly:

    How we sculpted beads

    How do we make beads?

    (slowly leads forward in a straight line)

    beads, beads,

    Beautiful beads.

    How we played with beads

    How do we collect beads?

    (drives the chain from one side

    to another across the group)

    beads, beads,

    Beautiful beads.

    How we curled beads

    How we curled beads

    (slowly spinning,

    winding the chain around itself)

    beads, beads

    Beautiful beads.

    6. The mobile game "Inflate, bubble!"

    Target: perform various movements, forming a circle. Exercise in the pronunciation of the sound (Ш).

    Adult instructions:

    We will now inflate the bubble so that it becomes large and does not burst.

    Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. The teacher pronounces the words, and the children perform actions.

    Blow up, bubble!

    (holding hands, parting)

    Blow up big...

    stay like this

    And don't crash!

    (stand holding hands)


    (without releasing hands, converge to the center)

    7. Outdoor game "Snowflakes"

    Target: coordinate the movements with the text of the poem.

    Adult instructions:

    The teacher reminds that the snow is very light, it slowly falls to the ground, spinning when the breeze blows.

    Children move according to the text:

    To the meadow, to the meadow

    Quietly the snow falls

    snowflakes are falling,

    White fluffs.

    They flew, they flew

    And they lay down on the ground.

    Snowflakes sleep quietly

    White fluffs.

    But suddenly a breeze blew -

    Our snowball is spinning.

    Snowflakes are spinning

    White fluffs.

    8. Outdoor game "Hen and chickens"

    Target: perform imitative movements at the signal of the educator, onomatopoeia to the voice of birds.

    Adult instructions:

    I will be a mother chicken. And you are my chickens. Listen to me carefully and do everything I say.

    The hen went out for a walk

    Pinch fresh herbs.

    And behind her guys

    (they follow the teacher in a crowd)

    Yellow chickens.

    Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

    Don't go far.

    Row with your paws,

    Look for grains.

    (imitate all movements in the text)

    Ate a fat beetle


    Drank vodka,

    Full trough.

    You run and look.

    Only the rain will suddenly pour -

    We get wet scallop.

    Mother chicken is calling

    He takes everyone under his wing.


    (Children run to the teacher)

    9. Outdoor game "Hares and the wolf"

    Target: coordination of movements, consistency with the signal of the educator.

    Adult instructions:

    Bunnies live in the forest. They love to walk and eat green grass. But a gray wolf also lives in the forest, which the bunnies are afraid of. If they see a wolf, they immediately run under the bush!

    The bunnies are jumping, jumping, jumping.

    To the green meadow

    Grass pinching, listening,

    Is the wolf coming?

    The teacher shows a wolf figurine and growls: “Rrr-rrr-rrr!”

    The children run away. The wolf chases them.

    10. Mobile game "Engine"

    Target: move in different directions, at different paces, show objects, convey the characteristic movements of animals, birds. Exercise in the sound pronunciation of the voice of animals and birds.

    Adult instructions:

    Everyone needs to stand one behind the other - we will be wagons. There are gifts in the trailers. A locomotive is ahead. The teacher plays the role of a locomotive, stands in front of the children, moving slowly, says:

    Choo-choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo!

    The train is rushing at full speed.

    (children follow adults,

    pronounce: choo-choo-choo)

    I puff, puff, puff,

    I haul a hundred wagons.


    The adult turns now in one direction, then in the other. Continues: "Arrived!"

    Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

    What did you bring as a gift?

    - Balls!

    (children jump like balls)

    Woo! the locomotive is calling everyone.

    (children get into wagons)

    Choo-choo-choo! Go!

    Steam locomotive buzzed

    And he brought wagons.


    I'll go far!

    Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

    What did you bring as a gift?

    - Little birds!

    (imitates birds)

    Steam locomotive buzzed

    And he brought wagons.


    I'll go far! ..............

    11. Outdoor game "Geese"

    Target: develop dialogic speech and correlate words with actions.

    Adult instructions:

    Geese went to the field of fresh grass to pinch, then bathed in the river, gathered home - and not go through! A wolf is sitting under the mountain, he wants to grab a goose. I will be the wolf, and you will be the geese!

    - Geese, geese!

    (children: “ha-ha-ha!”)

    Do you want to eat?

    ("Yes Yes Yes!")

    Bread and butter?


    What about you?


    Fly home!

    An adult says with the children:

    Gray wolf under the mountain

    He won't let us go home.

    One, two, three - run home!

    Children begin to run across, and an adult with a toy wolf catches up with the children.

    12. Outdoor game "Sun and rain" - 2

    Target: coordinate movements with the text of the poem, imitating an adult.

    Adult instructions:

    What a nice weather! Now I'll go out and call the kids to play!

    He goes to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk. The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he pronounces the text:

    The sun looks out the window

    Lights up in our room.

    We clap our hands

    Very happy with the sun! (A. Barto)

    Children listen and repeat the poem after the teacher. Then, under his words, they make movements, imitating the teacher:


    Top top top

    Top top top

    Top top top

    (everyone stomps their feet while standing still)





    (everyone clap their hands, imitating the teacher)

    Now let's run! - the teacher offers and runs away. Children run in different directions. Unexpectedly for them, the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home!" Everyone rushes to their houses.

    Rain, rain, more fun

    Drip, do not regret the drops.

    Just don't get us wet

    Don't knock on the window!

    Now I'll go outside and see if the rain has stopped or not.

    The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! (children go out for a walk)

    Oh, it's starting to rain! (children run to the houses).

    13. Mobile game "Carousel"

    Target: obey the general pace of movements and unanimously, in unison, pronounce the text

    Adult instructions:

    Now we will ride on the carousel. Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break.

    Barely, barely, barely

    The carousels started spinning.

    And then, then, then

    Everyone run, run, run!

    Let's run, let's run

    We ate, we ate!

    Hush, hush, don't rush

    Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te

    One-two, one-two (pause)

    Here is the game over.

    14. Mobile game "Gifts"

    Target: convey the character of the depicted toy through movements.

    Adult instructions:

    Do you like being given toys? We will now give each other gifts.

    The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.

    We brought gifts to everyone

    Who wants, he will take

    Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

    Horse, top and plane.

    (with the end of the words, the children stop, referring to the child standing

    in a circle, asks which of the gifts he would like to receive)


    Our horse gallops, Doll, doll, dance, That's how the top is spinning,

    Chok-chok-chok! Wave a bright ribbon. I'll live-zh-sting and on the barrel.

    Hear the clatter of quick feet, (repeat twice) (repeat twice)


    Hop-hop-hop! AIRPLANE

    Trrrroooo! Depicting an airplane, children “start engines” to the sound of

    R-r-r-r-r-r-r and make circular movements with their hands

    in front of them and "take off" and fly.

    15. Outdoor game "Shaggy dog"

    Target: manage your behavior, overcome fear and not give in to difficulties.

    The dog runs after the children, barks at them and returns to his house again. The game starts over.

    Here lies the shaggy dog

    Burying your nose in your paws.

    Quietly, quietly he lies,

    Whether dozing, or sleeping.

    Let's go to him, wake him up

    And let's see what will happen!?

    Autumn games for children of primary preschool age

    Finger game "Flowers"

    We listen to verses and perform movements with our hands: alternately bend and unbend our fingers.

    The sun is rising -

    The flowers open up.

    The sun goes down -

    The flowers are closing.

    It becomes light again

    The sun is shining in the sky.

    Rejoice in the sun

    And flowers, and children.

    But the sun goes to sleep

    And it's dark again.

    The sun doesn't shine.

    Sleep flowers and children.

    The day comes again

    The sun is rising.

    And flowers, waking up,

    Open quickly.

    And then the night comes

    The sun is going down.

    And the flowers, getting ready to sleep,

    Close again.

    We want to help flowers.

    We will tell them: day and night,

    Day is night, day is night.

    Game "Collect the petals"

    On the floor - two circles (middle of daisies). At some distance from them - two bunches of petals. On command, two participants each collect their own chamomile. Whoever does it the fastest wins.

    The game "Leaf fall"

    The wind is blowing, blowing

    The wind shakes the tree.

    Leaves are falling

    On the grass, on the bumps.

    (We squat and stand up.)

    The wind is blowing, blowing

    The wind rips off the leaves.

    (Raise hands up, then lower down.)

    How can the branches not tremble?

    How can they keep the leaves?

    (Hands in front of you, shake your hands.)

    Leaves are spinning in the air

    Leaves fall on the grass.

    (We circle in place, then we squat.)

    We'll go for a walk now.

    (Let's go to the place.)

    Let's collect the leaves!

    (We lean.)

    Game "Autumn Leaves"

    On the floor are red, yellow and orange leaves cut out of paper. Children are divided into three teams, each collects leaves of its own color. The team that completes the task faster than others wins. The game can be repeated by distributing the colors differently.

    Game "Maple Leaves"

    We listen to poems and do a fun massage: we touch different parts of the body with our palms.

    How beautiful maple leaves -

    Red, yellow and green!

    The leaves have fallen from the tree

    We got hit on the head.

    On the back of the head, on the crown,

    And from the crown and on the ears.

    And they fell on the forehead,

    And they got it on the nose.

    Leaves fall on your shoulders

    And they land on their stomach.

    And then on the shoulders

    Well, from them to the stomach.

    Leaves fall on the handles

    Leaves fall on their feet.

    There are piles of leaves everywhere

    In the leaves - grass and paths.

    Leaves are falling game

    Palms are like maple leaves. The teacher names the parts of the body (for example: “Leaves fell on the knees”, “Leaves fell on the stomach”). To what is named, children should quickly put their hands on it, as if leaves had fallen there.

    Game "Vegetables"

    The teacher names the vegetables one by one. The children have to draw them. Cabbage - show with your hands how round it is; carrot - joined hands up; zucchini - joined hands down; etc.

    Finger game "Garden"

    We listen to verses and bend our fingers.

    Our garden is good!

    Where else can you find this?!

    People are surprised:

    How rich is our garden!

    We'll show you what's growing.

    And we'll tell you everything

    We are not empty here.

    Cabbage has grown.

    Here is dill, and here is parsley,

    It's beets and potatoes

    It's pumpkin and peas.

    Harvest is not bad at all!

    Turnip, radish and carrot...

    Lots of different vegetables.

    We will make salads

    And we'll cook delicious cabbage soup.

    The game "Khomkina exercise"

    The teacher reads the poem, accompanying the reading with movements. Children perform these movements.

    Then the teacher suggests: at will, each of the participants in the game can come up with and show some kind of exercise, and the rest will repeat it.

    We listen to verses and perform various movements.

    Homka, Homka, Hamster -

    (Stroking belly.)

    Striped barrel.

    (We stroke the sides.)

    Homka gets up early

    (Raise hands up.)

    Washes cheeks, rubs nose.

    (Three cheeks and nose.)

    Homka sweeps the hut

    (We wave our hands from side to side.)

    And goes to charge.

    (Raise hands up, then spread them apart.)

    The game "Our charge"

    One-two - circled.

    Three-four - hands up.

    Five or six - bent over.

    Seven-eight - hands up.

    Nine-ten - we squat,

    And then we repeat everything.

    Game "Apples"

    We listen to the verses and show what is being said.

    apples on branches

    They hung high.

    (Raise hands up.)

    And get us apples

    It wasn't easy.

    (Jumping in place.)

    We stood on tiptoe

    We pull arms, legs.

    (We stand on tiptoe and stretch up.)

    And then we are twigs

    Shocked a little.

    (Shake hands.)

    apples flew

    On thick grass.

    (Put hands down.)

    Put them in a basket

    We'll find an empty one.

    (We show how to put apples in a basket.)

    Game "Pass the Apple"

    Children stand in a circle. Music sounds. Children pass an apple (ball) in a circle. Suddenly the music stops. Whoever has the ball at that moment is out of the game.

    Little Lamb Lives across the river.

    I saw insects

    Calling Mom:

    Be-e, be-e!

    And the Goat, the son of the Goat,

    Scared of the dragonfly.

    Played in the meadow

    Called Mom:

    Me-e, me-e!

    Game "Lamb"

    We listen to poetry and do a fun massage: we touch different parts of the body with our fingers.

    We will stroke the curls

    Our Lamb.

    Where do curls grow?

    And here, and here.

    Both on the forehead and on the head.

    We can stroke them deftly.

    Both chest and back

    Softly, as on a feather bed.

    Lots of fur on the sides

    As if in soft clouds.

    On the tummy, on the legs

    And a little on the tail.

    Good curls

    Our Lamb!

    Game "House"

    We listen to verses and perform hand movements.

    We will build a new house.

    (We clap our hands.)

    We will knock with a hammer.

    (Knock fist on fist.)

    The house is higher, higher, higher -

    (Put one palm on top of the other.)

    We've reached the roof.

    (Raise hands up.)

    Let's make a window

    Let's rest a little.

    We open doors

    (Cover your eyes with your palms and remove your palms.)

    Let's get into the house!

    (We spread our arms to the sides.)

    Game "Guess the animal"

    The driver (children themselves can act in this role in turn) depicts the gait, habits, voice of a pet (cow, goat, chicken, rooster, cat, dog, etc.). The rest must guess.

    Game "Walking in the rain"

    We listen to verses and perform various movements.

    Rain outside again.

    (Shake hands.)

    Let's go for a walk anyway.

    (Let's go to the place.)

    The wind blows without end.

    (We make wave-like movements with our hands in front of us.)

    Trees swayed.

    (Raise hands up, swing from side to side.)

    The rain is dripping from the clouds.

    (Shake hands.)

    We are walking along the path.

    (Let's go to the place.)

    The rain drips on the handles

    (We drum with the fingers of one hand on the other hand.)

    The rain drips on your feet.

    (We touch the legs with the tips of our fingers.)

    The rain is falling harder.

    Where are the puddles?

    (We spread our arms to the sides, and then bring them together in front of us.)

    We will get through, because we can

    Jump over puddles!

    (We jump in place.)

    Game "Rain"

    We listen to verses and perform various movements.

    The rain poured from this cloud,

    And from this - drizzle.

    (Raise hands up, shake hands.)

    The rain wet the ground

    Poured large puddles everywhere.

    (We wave our hands in front of us, then spread our arms to the sides.)

    We don't need rain.

    We jump through puddles.

    (Move your head from side to side, then jump in place.)

    Jump-jump, jump-jump -

    From bump to bump.

    (We take a step to the left and another left, then a step to the right and another right.)

    Game "Puddles"

    There are sheets of paper on the floor. These are puddles. Children must run to the other end of the room, running around all the puddles. You can't step on them. Whoever steps in is out of the game. The teacher determines the winners.

    Riddles about birds

    We listen to riddles and try to solve them.

    Who sat on the bitch

    And yells "coo-coo, coo-coo"? (Cuckoo.)

    Fly away, sparrows!

    Run away, mice!

    Someone black and big

    Came down to us from the roof.

    Hide, fly and mosquito!

    Who is shouting "kar-kar-kar" here? (Crow.)

    Looking for grains in the dust

    Picks up crumbs.

    Rides, small in stature,

    In the park on the path.

    What a gray bastard

    Is everything screaming “chirp-chirp”? (Sparrow.)

    Game "Sparrow"

    The teacher calls the actions that the sparrow performs. Children do these things. For example: a sparrow is jumping (everyone is jumping), a sparrow is flying (everyone is waving their hands), a sparrow is pecking at grains (you can knock with your index finger right hand on the left palm), the sparrow hides (everyone squats and covers their heads with their hands).

    Game "Birds"

    We listen to verses and perform various movements.

    The birds have flown

    They sat on the mountain ash.

    (We squat.)

    They began to peck berries,

    Feed your kids.

    (Knocking index finger one hand on the palm of the other.)

    The birds have flown

    (We wave our arms like wings.)

    They sat on the viburnum.

    (We squat.)

    They began to peck berries,

    Feed your kids.

    (We tap the index finger of one hand on the palm of the other.)

    Game "Gathering berries"

    The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the mountain ash grows high (this is a tree), and the cranberry grows low (these are small bushes), after which he explains the rules of the game. If the teacher pronounces the word “rowan”, the children raise their hands up (tear the mountain ash), and if the word “cranberry”, they squat (pick cranberries).

    Game "Mishkin's House"

    We listen to verses and perform various movements.

    The bear was walking in the forest

    (Let's go to the place.)

    And he picked mushrooms.

    (We lean.)

    The bear is building a new house,

    (We fold our hands over our heads like a house.)

    Will sleep peacefully in it.

    (Place palms under cheek.)

    Under a tall pine

    (Raise hands up.)

    There was a big house.

    (We spread our arms to the sides.)

    And on a soft bed

    The mouse went to sleep.

    (We squat.)

    The game "At the bear in the forest"

    With the help of a counting rhyme, a Bear is chosen. He sits on the side. The rest of the participants in the game walk nearby, pick berries and say:

    At the Bear in the forest

    Mushrooms, I take berries.

    And the bear does not sleep

    And looks at us.

    After these words, the Bear begins to catch the children. The one who caught him, he takes to his lair.

    Finger game "Spots"

    We listen to verses and bend our fingers - we count the spots.

    I want a ladybug

    Draw spots.

    Well, let's help her -

    Once - a black circle.

    Two is a black circle.

    Three and four -

    Draw wider.

    Five and six -

    The paint is still there.

    Seven is the last circle.

    There is no more paint.

    Fly to the meadow.

    Hello from all of us!

    Game "Find the ladybug"

    Children are ladybugs. The driver (it may be a teacher or one of the children) says:


    Fly to the sky

    Bring us some bread.

    Black and white

    Just not hot.

    While these words are sounding, the children run around the room and, depicting ladybugs, wave their hands, and then squat and freeze. You can't move. Whoever moves is out of the game.

    Game "Pike"

    We listen to verses and perform various movements. The pike swims in the water

    Pike swim everywhere.

    (We make movements as if we are swimming.)

    floats to the surface,

    (Raise hands up.)

    And then it dives to the bottom.

    (We squat.)

    Clicking teeth evil pike,

    And then sits silently.

    (With half-bent palms we depict the mouth of a pike.)

    Wants to fish there.

    When he sees a fish - grab it!

    (We make grasping movements with our hands in front of us.)

    Game "Catch the fish"

    On the floor or on the table - fish cut out of cardboard (a paper clip is attached to each). Also for the game you need a fishing rod - a stick with a cord, at the end of which a magnet is attached. The one who manages to catch more fish than others wins.

    To save the fish from the pike, we must move them to another body of water. To do this, let's catch the fish and place them in the prepared bucket.

    Elvira Taktinova
    Summary of the walk "Leaf fall" (younger group)

    Target: to form in younger preschoolers ideas about the state of nature in the fall, to reveal the new concept of "leaf fall".


    Educational: - deepen and expand ideas about seasonal changes in nature; - introduce children to the phenomenon of nature - leaf fall; -to learn to find comparisons and differences between coniferous and deciduous trees;

    Activate and develop vocabulary on the topic.

    Developing:- develop mental activity, memory, observation. - to develop the ability to answer with a full answer.

    Educational: -bring up careful attitude to nature.

    Preliminary work: carrying out observations of objects of animate and inanimate nature on walks in the autumn, reading poems and solving riddles on the topic, conducting conversations, finger and outdoor games on the topic, looking at illustrations.

    The course of the walk.

    1. Organizational (surprise) moment: character Lesovichok, who is waiting for children on the site.

    Educator: On the edge of the forest in a small hut

    There lived one old man, old man Lesovichok.

    Guys, it's Lesovichok who came to visit us.

    Lesovichok: Hello guys! I came to visit you because I know that in kindergarten always fun and interesting.

    Educator: It's good that Lesovichok came to us, our guys will tell you about the games and teach you how to play so that you don't get bored. Really guys?

    Sedentary game "How are you?"

    How are you? Like this! Show the thumbs of both their hands pointing up. How are you going? - Like this! March.

    How do you run? - Like this? Run in place.

    Do you sleep at night? - Like this! Connect your palms and put your head on them (cheek)

    How do you take? - Like this! Press your hand towards you.

    Do you give? - Like this! Put your palm forward.

    How are you kidding? - Like this! Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists.

    How do you threaten? - Like this! Wag your finger forward, or at each other.

    Lesovichok: How well you live! And I prepared a riddle for you:

    Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves?

    Children: It's autumn!

    2. Observations of changes in nature

    Lesovichok: That's right, guys! What signs of autumn do you know?

    Children: It's cold outside.

    The sun shines little, hiding behind the clouds.

    The clouds in the sky are gray, dark, blue.

    It often rains.

    Birds fly to warmer climes.

    The leaves became multi-colored: red, yellow, orange.

    Lesovichok: What good, smart guys. Do you know poems about autumn?

    Autumn, autumn has come

    The leaves are falling off.

    There is no sun and it's dark

    The rain starts. (Mazan)

    Come, beauty

    Autumn is golden

    The kids like it very much

    Golden autumn (Batnasan)

    Autumn walks along the path

    Wet autumn legs

    It's raining and there's no light

    Lost somewhere summer! (Dasha)

    Lesovichok: Thank you guys!

    3. A conversation about leaf fall

    Educator: Guys, why are the leaves falling? (children's guesses). What is the name of this phenomenon? By autumn, the leaves accumulate many useful and harmful substances. The tree takes away useful substances, and gets rid of harmful substances by dropping foliage. This phenomenon, when leaves fall, is called leaf fall? There are almost no leaves left on the trees, they lie on the ground, under the trees. But in nature, nothing happens by chance: fallen leaves warm the roots of trees in winter.

    4. Dynamic pause“Autumn has come to us”

    The leaves hung on the branches all summer

    (arms raised up and swinging left and right)

    September came and they turned yellow

    (hands on top, turns with brushes "balls - flashlights")

    October brought leaf fall with it (we smoothly lower our hands down)

    Leaves fly off and dance around (rotate around themselves)

    November came, the whole sheet flew around (sat down)

    And it rustled under our feet (three palms on palms)

    Educator: Lesovichok, our guys know poems about leaf fall

    In the morning we go to the yard

    Leaves fall like rain

    Rustle underfoot

    And fly... fly... fly. (Aitana)

    Falling, falling leaves

    Falling leaves in our garden

    yellow, red leaves

    They curl in the wind, fly (Dima)

    Educator: Guys, have you noticed that some trees have remained green? (Yes, but instead of leaves they have needles). Trees that have needles instead of leaves are called conifers and these trees do not have leaf fall.

    5. Research activities

    Lesovichok invites children to blow on a dry leaf and just plucked; let go of these leaves at the same time. Together we conclude that a dry leaf is light, it is lighter than a raw one. Children independently select the sheet they like and repeat the experience.

    Lesovichok: Alright guys, you got the experience!

    6. Didactic word game"Yes or no"

    Educator: The Lesovitch secretly told me that he wants to play the Yes or No game with you.

    Is the sun very hot?

    Clouds cover the sun?

    Can children sunbathe?

    Harvest everyone?

    How often does it rain often?

    Do we get boots?

    Well, what should be done?

    Jackets, hats to wear?

    7. Outdoor game "Leaf fall"

    caregiver: Lesovichok, look how our children play the game "Falling Leaves"

    "Guys! Choose your favorite leaf yellow, red.

    “The leaves are light, they fly slowly through the air. (Children run and wave their hands.)

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves! The yellow leaves are flying!

    Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.)

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves! The red leaves are flying!

    Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)

    All the leaves circled, sat on the ground (Children squat.)

    And they froze. (Children do not move.)

    A light breeze came and blew." (An adult blows, followed by children.)

    Leaves rose and scattered in all directions. (Children run around the playground.)

    Spinning, spinning, spinning!

    Falling leaves! Falling leaves! Leaves fly in the wind.

    The breeze subsided, and again slowly descend to the ground. leaves". At the request of the children, the game continues 2-3 times

    8. The mobile game "Collect the bumps."

    Educator: Guys, Lesovichok collected a lot of cones in the forest, and accidentally scattered them. Let's help him collect them. The children are given buckets. Task: collect cones in a bucket faster and more than anyone else.

    9. Artistic word

    The teacher reads a poem by V. Mirovich "Falling Leaves".

    Leaf fall, leaf fall! yellow leaves fly

    They rustle, rustle under foot, soon the garden will become bare.

    10. Sound exercise "Rustle of leaves".

    Educator: Guys, let's go wander through the leaves. (Leaves rustle underfoot.) Do you hear how they rustle, rustle? How the leaves rustle (sh-sh-sh) sound exercise "Rustle of leaves" choral, individual.

    11. Labor activity.

    Educator: Guys, it's cold outside and the trees are getting cold too. How can we warm the tree? (children's answers). Now you know that fallen leaves warm the roots of trees in winter. Let's rake the leaves to the trees to keep the trees warm in winter. (labor activity is carried out - “Let's warm the tree”)

    Lesovichok: Yes, guys, what good fellows you are and know how to have fun and work. So thank you guys. You taught me different games, I had fun with all my heart, and now it's time for me to go to the forest, goodbye, kids. Children say goodbye to Lesovichok.

    12. Word sketch

    Educator: Guys, what do you think beautiful autumn leaves will dream of? The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, think, speak out; comes to the rescue: “Probably, the leaves will dream about how they slowly flew to the ground, how easily they circled, and the sun smiled, and the kids rejoiced at them.”

    13. Individual work:

    on the main types of movements: Artem, Sasha, Amulanga - jumps on two legs.

    for the development of speech: Dasha, Dima, Valeria - didactic game"Call it kindly."

    The walk ends with free games for children.

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