• Individual developmental route for a 4-year-old child. Individual educational route for the development of a child in a preschool educational institution according to fgos. Cognitive skills and abilities


    Irina Masakova
    Individual educational route for a preschooler 3-4 years old in five educational areas

    Introduction of the Federal State Educational The standard allows us to speak today about the formation of a new system preschool education, where one of the key points is the need to use all pedagogical resources for the effective development of the child. Priority area in the organization educational process of preschool institutions should become individual approach to the child... Principle individualization is the fundamental principle of the GEF. We find confirmation of this in points Standard:

    P. 1.6 (objectives of the standard) - creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual the characteristics and inclinations of the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with oneself, other people, adults and the world; the formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

    P. 1.4 (principles of the standard)individualization of preschool education;

    Section 2.10.2 (content) - ways and directions of children's initiative;

    P. 3.2.1 - use in educational activities of forms and methods of working with children, corresponding to their age and individual characteristics;

    P. 3.2.3 - individualization of education(including supporting the child, building it educational trajectories or professional correction of developmental features);

    P. 3.2.5 - building a developing education, focused on the zone of proximal development of each pupil.

    Principle of pedagogy individual approach is not to change the content of training in the interests of a particular child, but to adapt pedagogical methods and techniques to his personal characteristics. To process education was successful, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties that the child is experiencing, the pace of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. In this case, a model of fruitful partnership between the child and the teacher is being implemented, since the child and the parents have the right to choose the most suitable educational methods from thosewhich will be suggested by specialists. This approach, laid down in the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, is based on ensuring compliance educational activities to the age of pupils, their individual characteristics, provides variety of individual educational trajectories and individual the development of every child (including gifted children and children with disabilities, ensures the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms educational cooperation and expansion of the zone of proximal development. The task of the preschool teacher is to reorient from mass frontal work to group, pair, individual according to individual trajectory of development of pupils, taking into account their abilities and capabilities. One of the solutions in this situation is the compilation and implementation individual educational route(IOM).

    I suggest sample IOM for preschoolers 3-4 years old in 5 educational areas.

    Map « Speech development»

    Name of the child


    Tasks educational

    Problem: Quickly distracted when listening to a literary text, poorly remembers it

    The child learns the content of the pieces he listened to from illustrations,

    responds emotionally to it. Within a month Fostering interest in folklore and literary texts, the desire to listen to them. one. Consulting: "Using table theater at home"

    2. Newsletter: "Features of the development of cognitive processes in a child 3-4 years old"

    3. Home games library: "Arrange the heroes in order", "Let's describe the hero", "Cut pictures", "Labyrinths"

    1. Conversations about reading

    2. Playing with the read with the help of a finger puppet, the heroes of the table theater

    3. Enactment of the reading

    4. Acting out episodes using objects as decorations and attributes - deputy: scraps, boxes, pieces of paper, etc.


    2.Milana S.


    Does not show initiative in communicating with adults and peers.

    Does not respond to appeal to all children in the group and understands speech,

    facing only him... The child gladly enters into verbal communication with friends

    adults: understands speech addressed to him

    Within 3 months Mastering dialogic skills speeches: answer questions and appeal

    an adult; report your impressions, desires; ask questions in conditions

    a clearly presented communication situation (who is this? What is his name? (etc.)... 1. Parent essay "Portrait of my child"

    2. Counseling: "Crisis of 3 years"

    3. Playing with children in various situations of communication and modeling the way out of them. 1. Round dance games that unite children and adults: "Who's good, who's good-looking?", "Come out, Vova in the circle, take Vova's flag"

    2. Figurative games-imitations: "Funny rabbits", "Hen and Chickens", "Call the bell, call your name"

    3. Practical situations: "Show Lyosha how to start a car", "Teach Leroux to build sand figures"

    4. Joint and collective creativity Consultation of a teacher-psychologist, speech therapist There is a positive dynamics in development


    Does not use elementary forms of polite verbal communication.

    Shows verbal activity in communication with a peer; greets and

    says goodbye to the teacher and the children, thanks for the dinner, makes a request. Within 3 weeks Mastering and using the basic forms of speech etiquette in situations

    communication: greeting, request, gratitude, acquaintance, distinguish forms

    appeal to an adult and a child (hello - hello); name children in

    group by name, the use of affectionate forms of names. 1. Speech exercises "Name it affectionately", "Children of our group"

    2. Games with the family: "Who will praise better", "On a visit to the doll Tanya" 1. Joint leisure: "Travel to the world of kind words"

    2. Games educational situations: "Goodbye toys", "Acquaintance with the doll Katya"

    3. Reading a poem "Important words" V. Kudlacheva Consultation of a teacher-psychologist The skill of using forms of polite verbal communication is developed

    4. Ksyusha H.


    Refuses to retell, does not know a single poem by heart. Answers questions with a separate word Together with an adult retells familiar fairy tales, reads short

    poems. For questions, he compiles a story from 3-4 simple sentences based on a picture. Within 2 months Mastering the skills of monologue speeches: on the questions of the educator, make

    a story based on a picture of 3-4 sentences; retell with the teacher

    familiar fairy tales; with the help of a teacher

    build complex sentences. 1. Information for parents: "Games for the development of speech"

    2. Learning poems together

    1. Conversations about reading

    2. Drawing up stories from pictures

    3. Memorizing poetry

    4.D. games for enrichment vocabulary: "Who will see and name more", "Tell me which one", "Who will praise better"

    5.D. games for the development of a connected speeches: "The doll is funny and sad", "Compare the cubs", Lay out the pictures " Individual classes with a speech therapist There is a positive trend in the development of speech skills

    5. Alyosha M.


    Doesn't answer questions about the immediate environment

    Names objects and objects of the immediate environment. The child gladly enters into verbal communication with friends

    adults: Within 3 months Possession of speech as a means of communication and culture:

    Mastering skills: at the initiative of an adult to name his family members,

    familiar literary characters and their actions in pictures, talk about loved ones

    toys. Enriching the active vocabulary

    Use in speech: names of objects and objects of the close environment, their

    purpose, parts and properties, actions with them 1. Consultations "Games for the development of child's communication skills"

    2. Joint production of crafts, drawings, applications 1. D. games to identify properties and qualities items: "Contrasts", "Associations", "Colors", "Pick up a pair"

    2. Viewing family photos and illustrations in books

    3. Creation of game situations: "Our family is going to the dacha", "Show Lena how to start a car" Individual lessons with a teacher-psychologist There is a positive trend in the development of speech skills

    Map individual educational route of a preschooler 3-4 years old according to OO« Cognitive development»

    Name of the child

    Objectives-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

    Tasks educational interactions in the family Used pedagogical technologies, techniques, methods and techniques Ability to work with other specialists Determination of methods of assessing success

    1. Seryozha I.


    Does not take into account the sensory signs of objects in practical activities... Inactive in


    Finds an object on its own by the indicated characteristics, distinguishes

    shape, color, size of objects and objects, has several actions

    survey. During

    3 months Distinguishing the colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue,

    purple, black, white, mastering 2-4 words for color. Mastery

    grouping according to a given subject sample and

    word (by color, shape, size, material)... 1. Recommendations for the selection of board games

    2. Newsletter: "Logic games for the development of the cognitive interests of children 3-4 years old"

    1. Research observations.

    2. Didactic games for distinguishing colors spectrum: "Miracle tree", "Contrasts", "Aircraft", "Who is faster"

    3. Experimenting

    4. Game "Blocks of Dienesh", "Cuisener's sticks" Consultation with a teacher-psychologist There is a positive dynamics in development

    2. Artyom Sh.


    Difficulty distinguishing between people by gender, age, both in real life and

    and in the illustrations. Shows no interest in people or their actions. Knows his name, surname, gender, age. Asks questions about people, their actions. Distinguishes people by gender, age

    (children, adults, elderly people) both in real life and in illustrations. Within 3 months Show interest in activities for children and adults. Distinguishing between children and adults

    in life and in pictures by age, gender, features of appearance, clothes. Mastering

    the ability to find common and different in the appearance of adults and children of different

    age. Mastering the words for various actions of adults. 1. Individual counseling: "What to do with your child at home"

    2. Games for the family: "Professions", "A family", "Find a Pair" 1. Viewing family and group photos

    2. Role-playing games

    3. Playing with situations

    Consultation with a teacher-psychologist There is a positive dynamics in development

    3. Marina Ts.


    Casually appeals with objects and objects of the surrounding the world: breaks,

    throws, picks off plants.

    Joins in the activities of experimentation with pleasure,

    organized by an adult.

    Shows emotions of joyful surprise and verbal activity in the process

    knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects. Within 6 months Mastering the concepts of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature. Distinguishing plants in the nearest natural environment by single bright

    featured (color, size) their names. The understanding that a person cares for animals and plants shows

    emotions and feelings. 1. Instruction for manufacturing crafts: “We create, we change, transform»

    2. Ind. conversation about the need to participate with the child in creative contests

    3. Conversation: "We bring up kindness" 1. Experimenting and experimenting with objects

    2. Games-travel to the past of objects

    3. Constructing from natural materials Consultation with a teacher-psychologist There is a positive dynamics in development

    Map individual educational route of a preschooler 3-4 years old according to OO"Social and communicative development"

    Name of the child

    Objectives-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

    Tasks educational interactions in the family Used pedagogical technologies, techniques, methods and techniques Ability to work with other specialists Determination of methods of assessing success


    The desire for independence in self-service is not expressed, expects

    constant help of an adult, even in mastered actions, is not draws attention to

    your appearance: dirty hands, dirty dress, etc.

    Shows independence in self-service, independently

    washing, eating, dressing with a little help from an adult. During

    4 months Mastering individual actions, then - processes

    self-service related to dressing, washing, caring for your external

    view, behavior at the table while eating. Observance training

    order 1. Newsletters "Health Secrets"

    2. Watching a cartoon "Moidodyr" 1. Reading a poem by Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

    2. Viewing illustrations

    3. Educational situations: "We are going to the theater", "We are neat"

    4. Beating "Vodichka-vodichka", "Grow your braid to the waist", "We must, we must wash"

    2. Cyril S.


    The child's mood is unstable: calm state alternates with

    tearfulness, negative manifestations in relation to peers or

    adults. There are some negative reactions to requests adults:

    stubbornness, whims, unmotivated demands. The child is friendly with others, shows interest in words and actions

    adults, willingly attends kindergarten. The child is friendly, plays calmly next to the children, enters into

    communication about toys, game actions. Within 6 months Mastering simple ways communication and interactions:

    refer to children by name, agree on joint actions

    enter into pair communication.

    Participation in joint game and household activities with the teacher, readiness

    answer his questions, act in concert, take into account advice and suggestions


    1. Consultation: "The secrets of good manners preschoolers» , "Rules of conduct at home and in kindergarten"; "What is good and what is bad"

    2. Conversation "We bring up kindness"

    1. Role-playing games with problem situation

    2. Playing with problem situations

    3. Watching cartoons

    4. Joint creativity Consultation of a teacher-psychologist There is a positive dynamics in development

    3. Arina M.


    The child does not show interest in the work of adults, does not understand the connection between the goal and the result of work; find it difficult to name labor actions, material, from

    of which the object is made, its purpose. The child observes with interest the labor actions of adults on

    creation or converting items, connects the goal and the result of work; calls

    labor actions, tools, some materials from which objects are made.

    Within 4 months Initial notions that objects are made by people. Together with

    adults connect "Goal - result" in labor. Formation of initial ideas about

    household work of adults at home and in kindergarten. 1. Conversation "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

    2. Making a photo album "Who do my parents work for?" 1. Game situation "Work of a cook", "Let's help the janitor" and etc.

    2. Games-empathy "Cook soup", "Ironing the laundry", "We wash the dishes" and etc.

    3. Didactic games for the classification of objects

    4. Conversation "Who are your parents" Consultation with a teacher-psychologist, speech therapist Positive dynamics in development is observed

    Map individual educational route of a preschooler 3-4 years old according to OO"Artistic and aesthetic development"

    Name of the child

    Objectives-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

    Tasks educational interactions in the family Used pedagogical technologies, techniques, methods and techniques Ability to work with other specialists Determination of methods of assessing success


    Has no desire to paint

    Creates protozoa images based on simple shapes; conveys similarities

    with real items within

    4 months Development of skills to rhythmically apply lines, strokes, spots.

    Getting to know the ways images of simple objectsdrawing different straight lines in different directions; ways of creating objects of different shapes, combinations of different shapes and lines. Creation methods images: arc-based,

    picture toys based on rounded and elongated shapes 1. Consulting: "Value pictorial activities in the development of the child's personality preschooler», "Development of fine motor skills with a brush, pencil";

    2. Thematic contests - "Children and Parents Draw";

    1. Examination of illustrations for children's books by artists (Y. Vasnetsov, Y. Korovin, E. Charushin)

    2. Consideration of various types of equipment for non-traditional drawing (pokes, seals, sponge, sticks, etc.)

    3. Drawing together

    Consultation with a senior educator Positive dynamics in development is observed visual skills


    Refuses to talk about the content of the work or in one word

    answers questions only after a personal an adult addressing him.

    Actively empathizes with the heroes of the work, emotionally responds to

    active empathy depicted characters and events... Understanding the content

    works and sequences of events in the text, identifying the most striking

    actions and actions of the heroes, the desire to give them an elementary assessment. 1. Recommendations for creating conditions for productive reading at home;

    1. Playing on plots

    2. The use of various types of theaters as an accompaniment when reading art. works

    3. Examining book illustrations

    4. Sketching of the reading Consultation of a senior educator There is a positive dynamics in development

    6. Timur M.


    The child finds it difficult to reproduce the rhythmic pattern of music, not

    rhythmic. During movements does not respond to changes in music, continues

    perform previous movements Demonstrates emotional responsiveness, initial

    judgments about the mood of the music.

    Distinguishes between dance, song, marching metro rhythm, transfers them to

    movement. Within 5 months, Distinguishing some properties of musical sound (high - low, loud -

    quiet). Experimenting with sounds yourself

    in various activities, research of the quality of musical sound: heights, castings. Distinguishing the elementary character of music, understanding the simplest

    musical images... 1. Recommendations for the selection of muses. works for listening

    2. Consultation "Learning to distinguish the rhythmic pattern of music"

    1. Expression of your emotions using simple musical instruments without the use of speech, including on a specific topic

    2. Movement in a circle to the music

    3. Moving around a strictly defined room way under musical accompaniment Music director consultation There is a positive trend in the development of musical skills

    Map individual educational route of a preschooler 3-4 years old according to OO"Physical development"

    Name of the child

    Objectives-results from OOP Time period Objectives educational interactions in kindergarten

    Tasks educational interactions in the family Used pedagogical technologies, techniques, methods and techniques Ability to work with other specialists Determination of methods of assessing success


    It is difficult to act on the instructions of the teacher, to coordinate their

    movements with the movements of other children; lags behind the overall pace of implementation

    exercise. When performing exercises, demonstrates sufficient in accordance with

    age-related abilities, coordination of movements, mobility in joints, quickly

    reacts to signals, switches from one movement to another. Confidently performs tasks, acts at a pace common to all; easily

    finds its place in joint constructions and in games.


    6 months General developmental exercises. Traditional two-part general developmental exercises with

    simultaneous and unidirectional movements of arms, legs, while maintaining

    correct body position, with and without objects in various positions

    (standing, sitting, lying)... Beginning and ending exercise on a signal. one. Memo: "Outdoor games with a child at home"

    2. Consultation: "Games of our yard", "Sedentary games for the development of coordination of movements" 1. Physical education

    2. Individual work on the development of movements while walking

    3. Outdoor games

    4. Morning exercises

    5. Alternating tension and relaxation with counting, metronome, music. Consultation with a physical education instructor. There is a positive trend in the development of physical qualities

    8.Andrey A.


    Are unfamiliar or have limited knowledge of personal hygiene practices,

    the need to comply with the daily regimen, about a healthy lifestyle.

    Has difficulty in independently performing washing processes,

    food, dressing, basic care for your appearance, use

    handkerchief, constantly waiting for the help of an adult. She uses cultural and hygienic skills with pleasure, enjoys her

    independence and result.

    He listens with interest to poems and nursery rhymes about the processes of washing, bathing.

    Within 3 months, the formation of healthy values \u200b\u200bin children lifestylemastering it

    elementary rules and regulations

    Basic skills in personal hygiene (washing, dressing, bathing,

    skills in eating, cleaning the premises, etc., helping to maintain, strengthen and

    maintaining health; basic knowledge about the daily routine, about situations that threaten

    health. The main algorithms for performing cultural and hygienic procedures. 1. Newsletter "Health Secrets"

    2. Memo “We teach preschooler to independence» 1. Viewing illustrations

    3. Playing with various hygiene processes

    4. Didactic games

    Consultation with a senior educator There is a positive trend in the development of hygiene skills

    General information:
    FULL NAME. baby
    Date of Birth
    Family information:

    Educators (full name):
    Teacher speech therapist
    Physical education instructor

    Health group
    Conclusion PMPK
    PMPK recommendations

    Relevance: low level of development of the program in the field of "Social and communicative development"
    Purpose: to provide an individual trajectory of integrated development, taking into account the available speech, psychological, physical health.
    development play activities;
    familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
    the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community; preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health;
    development of free communication with adults and children;
    education of cultural and hygienic skills;
    formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

    Situational conversations, conversations: ("A friendly family", "Magic words" - about friendly relations between people, etc.)
    Didactic games of your choice, various types of constructor
    Outdoor games "Hares and carrots", "Put on a cap", etc. (to promote the manifestation of initiative to take a leading role in the games)
    Result of work:
    There is a positive trend in development. He began to show interest in the world around him.
    Perseverance appeared. Can do business with peers
    He began to take part in gymnastics and outdoor games more often.

    Periodicity-In one day
    Recommendations, forms of work with a child:
    Solving logical problems.
    Game situations "Teach your friend to play the game" "Check your friend's work"
    Friendly conversations with peers on topics suggested by the child.
    Reading thin works, learning poetry, pure phrases. Drawing up a story from pictures. Word games "Good - bad, Name kindly", "Who called?"
    Result of work:
    The level of aggressiveness towards peers has decreased.
    The child began to show interest in fiction. Favorite fairy tales have appeared. I began to bring books to kindergarten for reading from home for peers.

    Periodicity-2 times per week
    Recommendations, forms of work with a child:
    Labor activity.
    Role-playing games and team games
    ("Sailors", "S.T.O", Supermarket "," Away ")
    Result of work:
    Period construction of material, paper.
    Carries out the instructions of an adult, tries to bring the work started to the end.
    Began to take on the role. Calmly responds to peer suggestions during the game.

    : observation

    Recommendations for working with parents:
    Individual conversations
    Consultations "We bring up with kindness" "Features of the development of a child 4-5 years old"
    Joint participation with a child in creative competitions
    Recommendations for visiting the swimming section
    Consultation of a teacher - psychologist of a preschool educational institution
    Consultation of a teacher - speech therapist DOE

    Svetlana Parkhomenko
    Individual educational route for a preschooler

    Individual educational route for a preschooler (IOM) is an indispensable element of the effectiveness of the work of every modern educator.

    The essence of IOM preschooler FSES defines a new approach to preschool education... One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve the maximum result in the upbringing and development of future schoolchildren. Given that the program is focused on the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not master it well enough, and the most capable of losing motivation to learn. That is why individual approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics, provides IOM preschooler... It means educational program, which is aimed at teaching a particular child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

    Purpose and directions of IOM Individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, aimed at solving specific problems.

    The purpose of development and implementation in the training program educational route - This is the formation of factors in kindergarten that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the main processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

    The main task that it solves individual educational route of a preschooler - development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated at open classes... Areas of work educational route following:

    - the formation of movement, which includes the improvement of motor skills;

    - the ability to engage in different areas of activity;

    - improving speech skills;

    - development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

    - development of the idea of \u200b\u200btime, space.

    Example individual educational route for a preschooler presupposes preliminary research activities before recording the child's results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

    1. Drawing up the characteristics of the child. This document must indicate the visit by the pupil of other preschool institutions and a break between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

    2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, it is necessary to carefully study his family with the subsequent compilation of its characteristics. In this case it is worth convert attention to the relationship between the child and the parents, as excessive custody can become a reason for suppression of the pupil.

    4. Determination of the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his success;

    5. It is also necessary to identify the child's propensity for specific activities in order to help in development with the help of such games. Registration educational program An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the degree of necessity for a thorough study of all spheres of life of each particular child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher proceeds to compile individual route, which includes the following sections:

    general information about preschooler;

    - appearance features preschooler;

    cognitive sphere preschooler;

    - the level of knowledge in the sections of the program;

    - the level of speech development;

    - attitude to classes;

    - the presence of difficulties in communication;

    individual characteristics;

    - additional information about preschooler.

    This in-depth analysis allows you to build individual work with a preschooler quite effective.

    Individual educational route Individual educational route according to O. O. "Teaching to read and write" for the pupil senior group... Name of company:.

    Individual educational route for children with FNR, ONR Individual plan of correctional work for the 2017-2018 academic year I. child: Log. conclusion: 1. Preparatory stage Purpose: thorough.

    Individual educational route of a preschooler 3-4 years old in five educational areas The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows us to speak today about the formation of a new system of preschool education.

    Individual educational route for a child of the senior group. Educational area "Social and communicative development" Socialization, development of communication, moral education.

    Individual educational route for a pupil with disabilities. Individual educational route for a student / pupil with disabilities. Subdivision of GBOU School No. 1373.

    Individual educational route for speech development 6-7 years old Individual educational route for a child of the preparatory group for the section of the program "Speech development" Purpose: Development of all components.

    Individual educational route for the development of the child. Individual educational route for the development of the child. Petrov Vanya, middle group. Educational area "Speech development" Problem :.

    To understand how to do an example of an individual route for a child's development in a dhow example, we involved our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other solutions to this issue we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

    Electronic journal Externat.RF, a social network for teachers, a guide to educational institutions, education news

    • the main
    • Publications in the journal
    • Preschool education. miscellanea

    Map of the individual educational route of a preschooler

    Map of the individual educational route of a preschooler

    The task of the kindergarten is to equip parents with pedagogical knowledge, in particular, with specific knowledge on the method of developing speech through the use of traditional and non-traditional forms of work:

    Individual conversations,
    Consulting on the problem,
    Visibility - (folders-moving, memos, methodical literature);
    open individual lessons with a child for a parent (legal representative)
    joint activities: organizing a game library with parents, creating a speech album "Piggy bank
    words and sounds ”, individual consultations with a speech therapist and audiologist.

    • Distinguishes between types of fine arts: painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts and folk art.
    • Names the main means of expression for works of art.


    • Creates individual and collective drawings, decorative, subject and subject compositions on the themes of the surrounding life, literary works.
    • Uses different materials and methods of creating an image.
    • Sculpts various objects, conveying their shape, proportions, postures and movements; creates subject compositions from 2-3 or more images,
    • Performs decorative compositions by means of molding and relief.
    • Paints sculpted items based on folk art.


    • Creates images of various objects using paper of different textures and methods of cutting and tearing
    • Creates subject and decorative compositions.
    • Recognizes the melody of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation.
    • Determines the genre of the listened work (march, song, dance) and the instrument on which it is performed.
    • Determines the general mood, character of a piece of music.
    • Distinguishes between parts of a piece of music (introduction, conclusion, lead, chorus).
    • Can sing songs in a comfortable range, performing them expressively, correctly conveying the melody (speeding up, slowing down, strengthening and weakening the sound).
    • Can sing individually and collectively, with or without accompaniment.
    • Knows how to expressively and rhythmically move in accordance with the diverse nature of music, musical images; convey a simple musical rhythmic pattern.
    • Knows how to perform dance movements (step with a head, side step with a squat, spring step, side canter, variable step).
    • Dances up play songs, comes up with options for figurative movements in games and round dances.

    Performs solo and in an ensemble on percussion and pitch children's musical instruments, simple songs and melodies.

    • Making items for games, cognitive and research activities; creation of layouts, collections and their design, production of decorations for a group room for the holidays, souvenirs; decoration of items for personal use;
    • decoration of exhibitions of works of folk artists, works of decorative and applied art, books with illustrations, reproductions of paintings, etc.; thematic exhibitions (according to the seasons, mood, etc.), exhibitions of children's creativity, corners of nature;
    • listening and discussing folk, classical, children's music, didactic games related to the perception of music;
    • playing along with musical instruments, orchestra of children's musical instruments;
    • singing, joint singing, exercises for the development of the vocal apparatus, articulation, singing voice, conversations on the content of the song (answers to questions), dramatization of songs;
    • dancing, showing to adults dance and dance music-rhythmic movements, showing dance movements by a child, joint actions of children, joint composition of dances to folk melodies, round dances;

    Actual tasks of the direction: · to increase the competence of parents in matters of artistic and aesthetic, and musical and aesthetic development of a preschool child.

    The use of gaming technologies for the artistic and aesthetic development of children and non-traditional methods of drawing and listening to musical works.
    Open door week, exhibitions, participation in city competitions.

    The task of the kindergarten is to equip parents with pedagogical knowledge, in particular, with specific knowledge in the field of cognitive development, to give concepts of the planned intermediate results, how to achieve them.

    Open demonstrations of the educational process, consultations, memos, newsletters, participation in various educational activities.

    Physical development:
    Problem: "Formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere"

    • Performs correctly all types of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing).
    • Can jump on soft surfaces from a height of up to 40 cm; land softly, jump in length from a place at a distance of at least 100 cm, with a takeoff run - 180 cm; in height with a takeoff run - not less than 50 cm; jump rope and short rope in different ways.
    • Can throw stuffed balls (weight 1 kg), throw objects at a target from different starting positions, hit a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 4-5 m, throw objects with his right and left hand at a distance of 5-12 m, throw objects at a moving target ...
    • He knows how to rebuild in 3-4 columns, in 2-3 circles on the move, in two ranks after calculating the "first-second", observe the intervals during movement.
    • Performs physical exercises from different starting positions clearly and rhythmically, at a given pace, to music, according to verbal instructions.
    • Keeps track of correct posture.
    • He walks on skis with variable sliding steps at a distance of 3 km, climbs and descends a hill, slows down when descending.
    • Participates in games with elements of sports (small towns, badminton, basketball, football, hockey, table tennis).
    • He mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills (he quickly and correctly washes his face, wipes dry using only an individual towel, brushes his teeth, caresses his mouth after eating, washes his feet before bed, uses a handkerchief and a comb correctly, monitors his appearance, quickly undresses and dresses , hangs up clothes in a certain order, makes sure that clothes and shoes are clean).
    • Has formed ideas about a healthy lifestyle (about the structural features and functions of the human body, about the importance of observing the daily regimen, about rational nutrition, about the importance of motor activity in human life, on the benefits and types of hardening procedures, on the role of sunlight, air and water in human life and their impact on health).

    Physical education classes are game, plot, thematic (with one type of physical exercise), complex (with elements of developed speech, mathematics, construction), control and diagnostic, educational and training nature, physical education; games and exercises for the texts of poems, nursery rhymes, folk songs, author's poems, counting rhymes; plot physical education on the themes of read fairy tales, nursery rhymes; rhythmic gymnastics, games and exercises with music, game conversations with movement elements.

    Increasing the competence of parents in the physical development and upbringing of a child,
    involving parents in participation in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work,
    concept and acceptance of the child's individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person.

    The use of health-saving technologies in physical education classes and regime moments.
    The use of gaming technologies in the form of outdoor games of varying intensity, and sports games of a competitive nature.

    To understand how to do an example of an individual route for a child's development in a dhow example, we involved our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other solutions to this issue we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

    A ready-made individual route for the development of a child in kindergarten sample

    Individual educational route of the child's speech development

    Individual educational route

    speech development of the child

    F.I. child: _____________, _______________ (date and year of birth).

    Speech therapy conclusion: ______________________.

    He understands the addressed speech.

    Polymorphic violation of the sound pronunciation of sibilants (_______________)); sonorous sounds (________________), etc.

    The syllable structure of complex words is broken (permutation, omission of syllables).

    Phonemic hearing is impaired.

    Phonemic functions are not formed.

    Confuses the concepts of sound and syllable. Does not always highlight the first sound in a word, rarely - the last.

    Cannot determine the sequence of sounds in a word / the number of sounds in a word.

    7. Coherent speech is poorly formed.

    Experiencing difficulties in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures. Can't lay out pictures in a meaningful way. Compiles a story from 2, 3 sentences on leading questions.

    There are agrammatisms in the story.

    Based on the results of diagnostics, the following individual development path was determined:

    Gololobova Maria Alexandrovna,

    GBDOU No. 26, St. Petersburg

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    Examples of individual educational routes for preschoolers

    The work presents examples of compiled individual routes for preschoolers experiencing different types of developmental difficulties.

    individual routes of child development in a preschool educational institution according to fgos sample table

    individual routes of child development in a preschool educational institution according to fgos sample table

    Individual route of development of a child of middle preschool age according to the section of the program "Development of speech".

    To understand how to do an example of an individual route for a child's development in a dhow example, we involved our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other solutions to this issue we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

    An example of drawing up an individual educational route

    Individual educational route of the pupil of the preschool educational institution

    Group _____________ Date of birth _________ Age _______ Date of compilation of the itinerary _______________

    Results of pedagogical diagnostics:

    Periodicity individual lessons_____________________________________________________________________

    Duration of individual lessons ________________________________________________________________

    Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________________

    Didactic game "The numbers got lost"

    To consolidate the skill of forming the next number by counting 1.

    Learn to form the previous number by counting 1.

    Learn to solve examples of addition and subtraction of the number 1 within 10.

    Learn to count the number 2.

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    To understand how to do an example of an individual route for a child's development in a dhow example, we involved our experts with extensive experience to solve this problem, and here are some other solutions to this issue we managed to find, we hope this will be useful to you.

    Individual educational route for the development of the child.

    Individual educational route of child development for the first half of 2014-2015 school year

    Khabarov Zakhar Alekseevich

    Family information:

    Mother (name, education, place of work)

    The family is complete, 2 children.

    Father (name, education, place of work)

    Kazantseva E.N., Shustova E.A.

    Senior nurse:

    The mode of stay of the child in the preschool

    Relevance: Has a low level of development of the program in the following areas: "Labor", "Hood creativity"

    Purpose:formation of a positive attitude towards work

    development of labor activity;

    fostering a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

    the formation of primary ideas about adult labor, its role in society and the life of every person.

    development of the productive activity of children (drawing, modeling, application, art work);

    introduction to the fine arts.

    Implementation of an individual route:

    Outdoor games: ("Shaggy Dog", "Mousetrap" and other collective games)

    There is a positive trend in development.

    Participates in games, gymnastics.

    In the middle of the academic year, he has an average level of development in artistic creativity. Zakhar began to draw carefully and diligently, trying to accurately convey objects, compose drawing compositions, but not enough for a high level.

    Has difficulty accurately cutting out different parts and patterns for applique work.

    Role-playing games ("Research Medical Center", "Shop", "Hairdresser")

    2 times per week

    Drawing with chalk on a blackboard, fingers, foam rubber.

    2 times per week

    Modeling from clay, plasticine, mass layer.

    2 times per week

    Construction from natures of material, paper.

    Board games (small constructor).

    Optional didactic games.

    Methods for assessing the success of a preschooler: Diagnostics, test tasks (see the manual for teachers "Assignments for children of the preparatory group for school"), observation.

    * Consultation " Unconventional techniques drawing ".

    * Consultation "Skillful use of scissors"

    Take part in all creative competitions. * Consultation "Features of the development of a child 6-7 years old"

    2.Individual educational route for the development of a child for the first half of the 2014-2015 academic year

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    #1 Eremenko Elena Vladimirovna 27.09.2016 21:25

    Thank you very useful material

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    Head of MBDOU

    Individual development charts for children 3-4 years old

    in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the program

    "From birth to school"

    ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    2015 g.

    The content of psychological and pedagogical work with children 3-4 years old is given in educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development". The content of psychological and pedagogical work is focused on the versatile development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

    The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in an integrated manner in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support. At the same time, the solution of program educational tasks is provided not only within the framework educational activities, but also during regime moments - both in the joint activity of an adult and children, and in the independent activity of preschoolers.

    At the beginning of the section for each educational area, there is a quote from the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, indicating the goals and objectives of the educational area.

    Organization and content of monitoring

    Individual development maps of children include the collection of information, carried out according to a standard set of indicators using standard procedures, and at the output gives an assessment of situations and the state of objects in a standard form.

    Terms of diagnostics:

    At the beginning of the school year:from 09/14/15 to 09/25/2015

    At the end of the academic year:from 05/18/16 to 05/29/16

    Indicators are assessed:

      formed - 3

      partially formed - 2

      not formed - 1




    Socialization, development of communication, moral education.

    Strengthen the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. Continue to form elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad. Provide conditions for the moral education of children. Encourage attempts to take pity on a peer, hug him, help. Create game situationsthat contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others. Teach children to communicate calmly, without yelling. To form a benevolent attitude towards each other, the ability to share with a friend, the experience of correctly assessing good and bad deeds. Learn to live in harmony, use toys, books together, help each other. To teach children to be polite (to teach to say hello, to say goodbye, to thank for help).

    Child in family and community.

    The image of I. Gradually form the image of I. To inform the children of a variety of information directly related to them (you are a boy, you have gray eyes, you like to play, etc.), including information about the past (did not know how to walk, talk; ate from a bottle) and about the changes that have occurred to them (now you know how to behave correctly at the table, draw, dance; you know the "polite" words).

    A family. Talk with the child about the members of his family (what is his name, what they do, how they play with the child, etc.).

    Kindergarten. To form in children a positive attitude towards kindergarten. To draw their attention to the beauty and convenience of decorating a group room, changing rooms (light walls, beautiful curtains, comfortable furniture, new toys, books with bright pictures are neatly arranged in the book corner). To acquaint children with the equipment and design of the site for games and activities, emphasizing its beauty, convenience, cheerful, multi-colored buildings. Draw the attention of children to various plants, their diversity and beauty. Involve children in the life of the group, foster the desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the group, form respect to toys, books, personal belongings, etc. To form a sense of community, the importance of each child for kindergarten. Improve the ability to freely navigate the premises and on the site of the kindergarten. To form a respectful attitude towards kindergarten staff (music director, nurse, head, senior educator, etc.), their work; remind their names and patronymics.

    Self-service, independence, labor education .

    Cultural and hygienic skills ... To improve cultural and hygienic skills, to form the simplest habits of behavior while eating, washing. Teach children to monitor their appearance; teach how to use soap correctly, gently wash your hands, face, ears; wipe dry after washing, hang the towel in place, use a comb and handkerchief. To form elementary skills of behavior at the table: the ability to properly use a table and a teaspoon, fork, napkin; do not crush bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full.

    Self-service. Teach children to dress and undress on their own in a certain sequence (put on and take off clothes, unfasten and button buttons, fold, hang clothes, etc.). To cultivate the skills of neatness, the ability to notice disorder in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults.

    Socially useful work. To form a desire to participate in feasible work, the ability to overcome small difficulties. Encourage children to independently perform elementary assignments: prepare materials for classes (brushes, sculpting boards, etc.), put toys back in place after playing, construction material... To teach to observe order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten. In the second half of the year, begin to form in children the skills necessary when on duty in the dining room (to help set the table for dinner: lay out spoons, arrange breadbaskets (without bread), plates, cups, etc.).

    Labor in nature ... To foster a desire to participate in caring for plants and animals in a corner of nature and on a site: with the help of an adult, feed fish, birds, water indoor plants, plants in beds, plant onions, pick vegetables, clear snow paths, remove snow from benches.

    Respect for adult work. Form a positive attitude towards adult work. Tell children about professions they understand (educator, assistant educator, music director, doctor, salesman, cook, chauffeur, builder), expand and enrich ideas about labor actions, labor results. To cultivate respect for people of familiar professions. Encourage to provide assistance to adults, foster respect for the results of their work.

    Formation of the foundations of security. Safe behavior in nature. To form ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature. Introduce the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.). Road safety. Expand orientation in the surrounding space. Introduce children to the rules road traffic... Learn to distinguish between the carriageway, sidewalk, understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights. To form primary ideas about safe behavior on the roads (cross the road holding an adult's hand). Introduce the driver to work.

    Introduce the sources of danger at home (hot stove, iron, etc.). Form the skills of safe movement in the room (carefully go down and up the stairs, holding on to the railing; open and close doors, holding on doorknob). To develop the ability to follow the rules in games with small items (do not put objects in your ear, nose; do not put them in your mouth). Develop the ability to seek help from adults.

    1.Educational area

    "Social and communicative development"

    Self service

    Ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unfastening and buttoning buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.).

    Presence of the skill of neatness, the ability to notice disorder in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults

    Socially useful work.

    The presence of a desire to participate in feasible work, the ability to overcome small difficulties.

    Independent fulfillment of elementary assignments: prepare materials for classes (brushes, sculpting boards, etc.), after the game, put toys, building material in place

    Ability to carry out individual and collective assignments, to understand the significance of the results of one's work for others

    Ability to negotiate with the help of a teacher on the distribution of collective work, to take care of the timely completion of a joint task

    The ability to independently maintain order in the group room and on the site of the kindergarten: put building material, toys in place; help the teacher glue books, boxes.

    Ability to independently fulfill the duties of those on duty in the dining room: carefully arrange bread bins, cups and saucers, deep plates, put napkin holders, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives)

    Labor in nature

    The presence of a desire to care for plants and animals; water the plants, feed the fish, wash the drinkers, pour water into them, put food in the feeders (with the participation of the educator)

    In the spring, summer and autumn periods, participate in feasible work in the garden and in the flower garden (sowing seeds, watering, harvesting); in winter - in clearing snow.

    Participate in the work on the cultivation of greens for feed for birds in the winter; for feeding wintering birds

    The skill to help the teacher to put in order the equipment used in labor activity (to clean, dry, take to the designated place)

    Respect for adult work

    Knowledge of the professions of close people, the significance of their work.

    Interest in the professions of parents


    1.4 Establishing the foundations of security

    Safe behavior in nature.

    The presence of ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature

    Knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.)

    Road safety

    Ability to distinguish between the carriageway, sidewalk, understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights

    Have a basic understanding of road safety (cross the road holding an adult's hand).

    Have an understanding of the driver's job.

    Personal life safety

    Knowledge of the sources of danger at home (hot stove, iron, etc.).

    Skills of safe movement in the room (carefully going down and up the stairs, holding on to the railing; opening and closing doors, holding on to the doorknob).

    Ability to follow the rules in games with small objects (do not put objects in the ear, nose; do not take them into the mouth)

    Ability to seek help from adults

    Ability to comply with safety rules when playing with sand, water, snow.




    “Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and effects, etc.), about a small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. "

    Main goals and objectives:

    Development of cognitive and research activities ... The development of the cognitive interests of children, the expansion of the experience of orientation in the environment, sensory development, the development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of the objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, causes and effects, etc.). Development of perception, attention, memory, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; the ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make the simplest generalizations.

    Introduction to sociocultural values ... Acquaintance with the surrounding social world, broadening the horizons of children, the formation of a holistic picture of the world. Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

    Formation of elementary ideas about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

    Formation of elementary representations Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, primary ideas about the basic properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world: shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time.

    Acquaintance with the natural world. Acquaintance with nature and natural phenomena. Development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena. Formation of primary ideas about the natural diversity of the planet Earth. Formation of elementary ecological concepts. Formation of an understanding that a person is a part of nature, that he must cherish, protect and protect it, that everything in nature is interconnected, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment. Education of the ability to behave correctly in nature. Raising love for nature, the desire to protect it

    2.Educational area

    "Cognitive development"

    To perceive the sound of various musical instruments, native speech.

    Didactic games.

    Select objects by color and size (large, medium and small; 2-3 colors), assemble a pyramid of decreasing rings, alternating 2-3 colors in a certain sequence; collect a picture from 4-6 parts

    In joint didactic games, follow progressively more complex rules

    2.2 Introduction to sociocultural values

    Knowledge of the objects of the immediate environment, their purpose.

    Acquaintance with the theater through mini-performances and performances, as well as through dramatization games based on works of children's literature

    Knowledge of the immediate environment (the main objects of rural infrastructure): house, street, shop, FAP, school.

    Knowledge of professions they understand (educator, junior educator, music director, doctor, salesman, cook, driver, builder), Has an idea of \u200b\u200blabor actions, labor results


    2.3 Formation of elementary mathematical representations


    Ability to see common feature items of the group (all balls are round, these are all red, these are all large, etc.).

    Ability to make groups of homogeneous objects and to single out individual objects from them; distinguish between the concepts of "many", "one", "one at a time", "none"

    Find one or several identical objects in the environment; understand the question “How much?”; when answering, use the words "many", "one", "none".

    Compare two equal (unequal) groups of objects based on the mutual comparison of elements (objects).

    Know the techniques of sequential superposition and application of objects of one group to objects of another; to teach to understand the questions: "Is it equal?", "What is more (less)?"; answer questions using sentences like: “I put a fungus on each circle. There are more circles, but fewer mushrooms "or" There are as many circles as mushrooms. "

    The ability to establish equality between groups of objects that are unequal in number by adding one object or objects to a smaller group or subtracting one object from a larger group

    The quantity

    Compare items of contrasting and similar sizes

    When comparing objects, measure one object H17 with another according to a given criterion of size (length, width, height, size in general), using the techniques of imposition and application

    Indicate the result of the comparison with words (long - short, equal (equal) in length, wide - narrow, equal (equal) in width, high - low, equal (equal) in height, large - small, equal (equal) in size).

    The form.

    Acquaintance with geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle.

    Ability to examine the shape of these figures using sight and touch.

    Orientation in space.

    The ability to navigate in the location of parts of your body and, in accordance with them, to distinguish spatial directions from yourself: above - below, in front - behind (behind), on the right - on the left ..

    Distinguish between right and left hands

    Orientation in time

    Navigate the contrasting parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening


    2.4 Introduction to the natural world

    Has an idea of \u200b\u200bplants and animals ..

    Knows pets and their babies, the peculiarities of their behavior and nutrition

    Has ideas about wild animals (bear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, etc.). Recognizes the frog.

    Observes birds arriving at the site (crow, pigeon, tit, sparrow, bullfinch, etc.), feeds them in winter.

    Has an idea of \u200b\u200binsects (butterfly, beetle, ladybug, dragonfly, etc.)

    Can distinguish and name by appearance: vegetables (cucumber, tomato, carrot, turnip, etc.), fruits (apple, pear, peaches, etc.), berries (raspberries, currants, etc.)

    I am familiar with some plants of the area: trees, flowering herbaceous plants (dandelion, coltsfoot, etc.).

    Is familiar with indoor plants (ficus, geranium, etc.). Has an idea that plants need land, water and air to grow.

    I am familiar with the characteristic features of the seasons following each other and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and activities of adults and children

    Has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of water (pours, pours, heats up, cools), sand (dry - crumbles, wet - molds), snow (cold, white, melts from heat).

    Knows how to understand the simplest relationships in nature (if the plant is not watered, it can dry out, etc.)

    I am familiar with the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.).


    “Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologic speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

    Main goals and objectives

    Development of speech. Development of free communication with adults and children, mastering constructive ways and means of interacting with others. Development of all components of children's oral speech: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogue and monologue forms; vocabulary formation, education of sound culture of speech .. Practical mastering by pupils of speech norms.

    Fiction. Fostering interest and love for reading; development of literary speech. Fostering the desire and ability to listen to works of art, to follow the development of the action.


    The ability to interact and establish contacts with each other through speech in everyday life ("Advise me to transport the cubes in a big car", "Suggest Sasha to make the gate wider", "Say:" It's a shame to fight! You are already big ")

    Ability to independently examine pictures, books, sets of objects.

    Ability to listen to the teacher's stories about funny events in life.

    Formation of the dictionary.

    Name surface features (smooth, fluffy, rough)

    State the names and purpose of items of clothing, shoes, hats, dishes, furniture, modes of transport.

    Distinguish and name the essential details and parts of objects (for a dress - sleeves, collar, pockets, buttons), qualities (color and its shades, shape, size)

    Distinguish and name some materials and their properties (paper breaks easily and gets soaked, glass objects break, rubber toys, after squeezing, restore their original shape)

    Distinguish and name the location (outside the window, high, far, under the closet)

    Distinguish and name some objects similar in purpose (plate - saucer, chair - stool - bench, fur coat - coat - sheepskin coat).

    Understand generalizing words (clothes, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, birds, etc.);

    Name parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night);

    Name pets and their babies, vegetables and fruits

    Sound culture of speech

    The ability to clearly pronounce vowels in words (a, y, u, o, e) and some consonant sounds: p - b - t - d - k - g; f - in; t - s - z - c

    Development of motor skills of the speech motor apparatus, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, articulation of sounds

    The skill of applying the correct tempo of speech, intonation expressiveness.

    Ability to pronounce words and short phrases clearly, speak calmly, with natural intonations

    Grammatical structure of speech

    Ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case.

    Use nouns with prepositions (in, on, under, for, about).

    Use singular and plural nouns in speech denoting animals and their babies (duck - duck - ducklings);

    Use the plural form of genitive nouns (ribbons, nesting dolls, books, pears, plums).

    The ability to get from uncommon simple sentences (they consist only of a subject and a predicate) common by introducing definitions, additions, circumstances into them

    Make sentences with homogeneous members ("We will go to the zoo and see an elephant, a zebra and a tiger")

    Coherent speech

    Development of the dialogical form of speech

    The ability to enter into a conversation while looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; observations of living objects; after watching performances, cartoons.

    Ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, it is clear to respond to it, to speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the speaking adult.

    The ability to say "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "good night" (in a family, group)

    The need to share their experiences with n23 caregivers and parents

    Ability to communicate benevolently with each other.


    3.2 Fiction

    Listen to familiar, favorite works of art recommended by the program for the first younger group

    Ability to listen to new fairy tales, stories, poems

    Ability to follow the development of the action, to empathize with the heroes of the work.

    Explain the actions of the characters and the consequences of those actions

    Repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from the read work, the ability to finish words and easy phrases to reproduce

    Ability, with the help of a teacher, to stage and dramatize short excerpts from folk tales

    Formation of interest in books. Ability to view illustrations



    “Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.). "

    Main goals and objectives

    Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art; fostering interest in artistic and creative activities. Development of children's aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, imagery, imagination, artistic and creative abilities Development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.); meeting the needs of children for self-expression.

    Introduction to art ... Development of emotional sensitivity, emotional response to literary and musical works, the beauty of the surrounding world, works of art. Introducing children to folk and professional art (verbal, musical, visual, theater, architecture) through familiarization with the best examples of Russian and world art; education of the ability to understand the content of works of art. Formation of elementary ideas about the types and genres of art, means of expression in various types of art.

    Visual activity ... Development of interest in various types of visual activities; improvement of skills in drawing, modeling, application, artistic work. Education of emotional responsiveness in the perception of works of fine art. Fostering the desire and ability to interact with peers when creating collective works.

    Constructive and model activity. Introduction to design; development of interest in constructive activity, acquaintance with different kinds constructors. Fostering the ability to work collectively, to combine their crafts in accordance with a common plan, to agree on who will do what part of the work.

    Musical and artistic activities ... Introduction to the art of music; formation of the foundations of musical culture, familiarization with elementary musical concepts, genres; education of emotional responsiveness in the perception of musical works. Development musical ability: poetic and musical ear, sense of rhythm, musical memory; the formation of song, musical taste. Fostering interest in musical and artistic activities, improving skills in this type of activity. Development of children's musical and artistic creativity, the implementation of independent creative activities of children; satisfying the need for self-expression



    Neat work skills

    Ability to create object and decorative compositions from geometric shapes and natural materials in applications on paper of various shapes (square, rosette, etc.), repeating and alternating them in shape and color.

    Knowledge of the shape of objects and their color. Developing a sense of rhythm ..


    4.3 Constructive-model activity

    Ability to carry out the simplest analysis of the buildings created by Н29.

    Ability to distinguish, name and use the main building parts (cubes, bricks, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms), to construct new buildings, using previously acquired skills (overlay, attachment, attachment),

    Use parts of different colors in buildings

    The ability to place bricks, plates vertically (in a row, in a circle, around the perimeter of a quadrangle), put them tightly to each other, at a certain distance (fence, gate)

    Ability to create design options by adding other details (put triangular prisms on the gate posts, cubes next to the posts, etc.).

    The desire to construct buildings according to their own design.

    Ability to play around buildings, combine them according to the plot

    Modify buildings in two ways: by replacing some parts with others or by adding them in height, length (low and high turret, short and long train).


    4.4 Musical and artistic activities. Introduction to the art of music; formation of the foundations of musical culture, familiarization with elementary musical concepts, genres; education of emotional responsiveness in the perception of musical works. Development of musical abilities: poetic and musical ear, a sense of rhythm, musical memory; the formation of song, musical taste. Fostering interest in musical and artistic activities, improving skills in this type of activity. Development of children's musical and artistic creativity, the implementation of independent creative activities of children; satisfying the need for self-expression.


    “Physical development includes the acquisition of experience in the following types of children's activities: motor, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at the development of such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; contributing to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, large and fine motor skills of both hands, and 32 also with the correct, non-damaging of the body, performance of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, tempering, in the formation of good habits, etc.). " Main goals and objectives Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Formation in children of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Physical Culture. Preservation, strengthening and protection of children's health; increasing mental and physical performance, preventing fatigue. Ensuring harmonious physical development, improvement of skills and abilities in the main types of movements, education of beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements, the formation of correct posture. Formation of the need for daily physical activity. Development of initiative, independence and creativity in motor activity, the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing movements. Development of interest in participation in outdoor and sports games and physical exercises, activity in independent motor activity; interest and love for sports.

    Educational area "Physical development"

    Familiar with exercises that strengthen various organs and systems of the body

    Has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for hardening.

    Has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of health; desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Ability to communicate to adults about their health, to be aware of the need for treatment.

    Has a need to maintain hygiene and tidiness skills in daily life.

    5.2 Physical culture

    Teach children to walk and run freely, without shuffling their feet, without lowering their heads, while maintaining cross-coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

    Train to act together. Learn to line up in a column one at a time, in a line, in a circle, and find your place when building.

    Learn to vigorously push off with two legs and land correctly in jumping from a height, in place and moving forward; take the correct starting position in the long and high jump from the spot; in throwing sandbags, balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm

    Strengthen the ability to vigorously repulse the balls when rolling, throwing ..

    Continue learning to catch the ball with both hands at the same time.

    Teach the grip on the bar while climbing. Strengthen the ability to crawl.














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    4. {!LANG-5153e0cab3f706fcb56b2dbf89004587!}



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    • {!LANG-a7b9da27697547ec14604ec62044c038!}
    • {!LANG-a2f63ab9807d9b9a311e4a228d168fee!}





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    • {!LANG-5e84f22155a4aa2fbffa4d4f3d949f0a!}
    • {!LANG-096872861a3661835ae821c2cfcf9c13!}



    Periodicity {!LANG-72b0fb94360a908559d550ffa8014315!} {!LANG-f953e32f90e6057f4463dd9247d867d0!}
    {!LANG-ae556a07bf70ceae8189989e57879a3c!} {!LANG-5e41c72a1dcec8038fd01b0d06d8d61b!} {!LANG-4b1b64c925c68cf8ca261181389c725f!}{!LANG-3c910105092e3138be5af715946e40d6!}
    • {!LANG-b6326a3da3be74f8bef2ccfc259781b2!}
    • {!LANG-89b7f1a9e40cc8020697b6a1e56d26b3!}
    • {!LANG-0717764088181f56faf715810f5f0f8b!}
    • {!LANG-5d59eff8e02ccc13fbc14b2a66c9506f!}
    Optional didactic games.
    Drawing with chalk on a blackboard, fingers, foam rubber.
    {!LANG-ae556a07bf70ceae8189989e57879a3c!} {!LANG-b71484a7473fd429e249e5caa67854a9!}
    {!LANG-ae556a07bf70ceae8189989e57879a3c!} {!LANG-cc74e40b4e90e8f15e57bbed1ed2015b!}



    {!LANG-4eda8a94e88e75f3b30b426acde0884b!} {!LANG-2ede86acb9b271c47b050956d9f3009a!}





    {!LANG-63acab1976e44f53c9736173c16f2704!}{!LANG-e5c198e40c4a52ae83773a620195855c!} {!LANG-649f492466948feeadf7e31878f976c2!}{!LANG-8c48a7930fb9e995fae41bf75eb297f1!} {!LANG-3a009199baab0e06be458e10c4a0c9c5!}{!LANG-67a4e5435583e281e1acd91a6e3ceb9b!}







    {!LANG-2f4edbdec250a9521d0ed7da32548559!} {!LANG-4ad4bf22a7a6701d18fa3c939a35278e!}{!LANG-cea1a22bdc5808a5f3a8dd30f44a636f!}



    {!LANG-ad3e753e5729ebe521f3f64d499a9505!} {!LANG-ab393e464038c12ababe61e1aeb79f95!}



    {!LANG-0db0839f77ac327b5c03567e3ddb8018!} {!LANG-d71ed5c393eb9b03023f6b7d3c40863a!}

    Purpose: {!LANG-7ffe296bbde743566ccb151e22d495d1!}




































































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    {!LANG-198837a3928fd9869bd802a82c30f3e5!} {!LANG-21e52a949678c7e44ea63b160f144165!}
