• Themes are cognitive research activities in the younger group. Project cognitive research activity in the second junior group. project (junior group) on the topic. week: "Wind, wind, you are mighty ..."


    A short-term research and creative project in the second younger group "Miracles, tricks, experiments"

    What I hear - I forget.
    What I see - I remember.
    What I am doing - I understand.

    Project passport
    1. Project type: research - creative.
    2. Duration: short-term, 2 weeks
    3. The author of the project: educator T.V. Tyurina.
    4. Project participants: children of the second junior group
    5. Relevance of the topic:
    Children love to experiment. Research activities are of great interest to children. Research provides an opportunity for a child to find answers to the questions "how?" and why?". An insatiable thirst for new impressions, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek new information about the world are considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research activity is the natural state of a child, he is tuned in to cognition of the world, he wants to know everything. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves. The experiments are somewhat reminiscent of tricks for children, they are unusual, they surprise. The child's need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible orientational-research (search) activity aimed at cognizing the surrounding world. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child gets, the faster and more fully he develops.
    6. Purpose of the project: creating conditions for the experimental activity of children; for the formation of an ecological culture and the development of the cognitive interest of children.
    7. Project objectives:
    - create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children.
    - develop in children curiosity in the process of observation and for practical experimentation with objects.
    - to form the skills of mental actions, analysis, synthesis, classification, etc., in the process of learning the natural picture of the world, contributing to the development of speech.
    - to develop independence in resolving problem situations in research activities.
    - to teach to explain the observed.
    8. Intended result:
    - to expand and deepen the knowledge and ideas of the child about the world around him;
    - develop cognitive skills through experimental activities;
    9. Product of project activity: album "Experiments on ecology", card index of experiments.
    Project implementation plan for the second junior group
    Preparatory stage of the project (1st week):
    1. Creation of an experimental laboratory in a group;
    2. Enrichment of the corner of experimentation with the necessary materials and devices.
    3. Making diagrams, models that reflect the basic properties of substances.
    4. Selection of mobile and speech games, poems and riddles about inanimate nature.
    5. Drawing up abstracts thematic sessions in different sections of the program.
    6. Compilation and creation of experiments, experiments with various objects of inanimate nature.
    Research phase of the project (2nd week)
    Thematic planning of lessons and experiments for the project.
    Activities Name Purpose
    1st day "Miracles in nature - the sun"
    Poem by G. Boyko "The Sun" To acquaint with the new poem, help in understanding the content
    Exercise Finger game "Sun, sun" Promote the development of hand motor skills
    Artistic creation
    Drawing "The sun is shining through the window" Teach drawing of objects of a round shape, painting along the contour
    Conversation "Learning to enjoy the sun and nature" Develop interest and emotional responsiveness to the phenomena of inanimate nature
    Game-situation "Sun Bunnies" Promote the development of imagination, encourage physical activity
    Thematic walk
    "Visiting the sun" Teach to watch the sun
    2nd day "Air wonders"
    "On the properties of air" To acquaint children with air
    "Games with a straw" To acquaint children with the fact that there is air inside a person, to help them discover air
    "How can we make airy foam out of soap" Conclude that soap foams
    "Games with a balloon" To acquaint with the fact that there is air inside a person, to help make a trick - to detect air
    A game
    "Bubbling" Stimulate physical activity
    Observation and conversation
    "Why is a soap bubble flying?" Stimulate cognitive and speech activity
    What's in the bag Help detect air in the environment
    3rd day "Tricks with sand"
    Painting on wet sand
    "Miraculous transformation of a circle and a square" Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, develop children's imagination
    Problem situation, game
    "Young treasure hunters" To develop observation, study the properties of sand, teach to find a toy in the sand
    Wet and dry sand experimenting game
    "Pies for the bear" Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, draw conclusions
    "About the properties of wet and dry sand" To develop cognitive and speech activity of children
    Playing with sand
    "Building a zoo" Help in the study of the properties of raw sand, in improving constructive skills
    4th day "Water is a miracle of nature"
    Experience Games
    "Hide and seek with water" To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of water, that water can change color
    "Overflowing water" To form the knowledge that water flows from different vessels in different ways
    "Properties of water" To form knowledge about the different properties of water: pouring, splashing, etc.
    "Beautiful cups for the sorceress-water" Learn to glue ready-made forms in a certain sequence
    Reading fiction
    The story "How Kostya did not wash" Introduce the story, help in understanding the content
    "Soap-magician" To acquaint with the properties and purpose of soap, to consolidate knowledge of safety rules when working with soap
    Outdoor games "With sultans and spinners" Formation of independent motor activity

    Observation "Observation of the wind" Develop attentiveness, observation and ingenuity
    Experiment "Obedient Breeze" To develop the ability to breathe correctly, to acquaint with this property of air: the air flow has different strength
    Breathing exercise "Light breeze" Teach to cool food by slightly blowing on it

    1. The main educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Mozaika-Synthesis, Moscow, 2015-366p.
    2. "Classes on acquaintance with the natural and social world" in the second junior group of the kindergarten Dybina OV Mozaika-Synthesis, 2015-72 p.
    3. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers: method. Recommendations / under total. ed. L.N. Prokhorova. -3rd ed., Add. -M .: ARKTI, 2008. - 64 p.


    Experiments, research and experiences

    1. Experiments with a balloon. The teacher with the children examines 2 balloons (one is strongly inflated - elastic, the other weakly - soft). Children figure out which ball is best to play with. Discuss the reason for the difference. The adult suggests thinking about what to do with the second balloon so that it is also good to play with it (inflate strongly); what is inside the ball (air); where the air comes from (it is exhaled). The adult organizes the game with the second balloon: he inflates it so that it becomes elastic, lowers the balloon with a hole into the water so that the children watch the balloon deflate and air out through the bubbles. At the end of the game, the adult offers to repeat the experience himself.
    2. Experiment with a straw. The teacher shows how a person inhales and exhales air by placing his hand under the stream of air. Finds out where the air comes from. Then, using a straw and water in a glass, he shows how air appears when you exhale (bubbles appear on the surface of the water). At the end of the experiment, children are invited to repeat the experiment themselves.
    3. What's in the package. Children examine empty plastic bag... An adult asks what is in the package. Turning away from the children, he draws air into the bag and twists the open end so that the bag becomes elastic. Then he shows the bag again and asks what the bag is filled with (air). Opens the package and shows that there is nothing in it. An adult draws attention to the fact that when the package was opened, it ceased to be elastic. Asks why the bag seems to be empty (air is transparent, invisible, light).
    4. Obedient breeze. The teacher reads: “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds, you stir the blue sea, you howl everywhere in the open. " Children blow quietly on the boat. What's happening? (The boat is sailing slowly.) They blow on the boat with force. (The boat sails faster and may even turn over.) Children summarize (in a weak wind, the boat moves slowly, in a strong air flow it increases speed).
    5. Magic soap. Children touch and smell dry soap. (It is smooth, fragrant.) Examine the water. (Warm, transparent.) Make quick hand movements in the water. What's happening? (Air bubbles appear in the water.) Children immerse soap in water, then pick it up. What has it become? (Slippery.) Rub the sponge with soap, immerse it in water, wring it out. What's happening? (Water changes color, foam appears in it.) They play with foam: make palms with a straw, collect soapy water, blow. (Large bubbles appear.) Dip the end of the tube into soapy water, remove, blow slowly. (A soap bubble appears, shimmers in the light.) The end of the tube is immersed in water and blown into it. What appears on the surface of the water? (Lots of soap bubbles.)
    Children summarize: dry soap is smooth; wet soap is smooth and slippery; when soaping a sponge, foam appears; when air enters soapy water, soap bubbles appear, they are light and can fly; the lather burns the eyes.
    6. Overflowing water. The teacher shows how to pour water from different vessels in different ways. From a wide vessel - in a large stream, from a narrow - in a thin stream. Explains that water splashes. Then he invites the children to pour water from vessel to vessel on their own. The teacher explains that the water takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured. If water is only poured from one vessel to another, the same amount will remain; water will become less if it is poured.
    7. "Pies for the bear." Experiment with wet and dry sand. The teacher invites children to mold pies from wet sand, and then from dry sand. Children draw conclusions: wet sand is molded, keeps its shape, and dry sand crumbles.
    8. Game experience "Hide and seek with water". The teacher shows the children a transparent vessel with water and asks what color the water is. (Transparent, colorless.) Then he puts a pebble in the water. What are we seeing? Is the pebble visible? (It can be seen.) Then the teacher adds paint to the water and asks what the water has become. (Colored.) Lips a pebble into the water. What are we observing? (The stone is not visible.) Conclusion: water can change color.
    1. Finger gymnastics "Sun, sun"
    Sun, sun
    Golden bottom
    Burn, burn clearly
    In order not to go out.
    A stream ran in the garden,
    A hundred rooks flew in
    Clap their palms
    Flex and unbend palms
    Show the wave.
    They wave their hands.
    And the drifts are melting, melting,
    And the flowers are growing up.
    They put their hands down.
    Raise their hands up.

    2. Game-situation "Sun bunnies". The teacher takes a mirror and shows a sunbeam. Explains that the sun reflects off the mirror. Then the teacher begins to drive the mirror in different directions. Children run after the sunbeam, trying to get it. Then it is proposed to drive one of the children.
    3. Blowing soap bubbles. The teacher blows bubbles and explains that there is air inside the bubble. Then one of the children starts blowing bubbles, and the rest of the children catch them.
    4. "Young treasure hunters". The teacher and children examine the sand, study its properties (dry, crumbles, heats up in the sun). Then the teacher hides plastic toys in the sand. And children should find toys by digging with a scoop and not scattering sand.
    5. "Construction of the zoo". On a walk, the teacher suggests examining the sand, studying its properties (raw, molded, dense). Then he proposes to build a zoo from sand and building parts. The teacher suggests using a mold buried in the sand level with the ground and filled with water in construction. Suggests to think about what happened (a pond for waterfowl or a pool for polar bears and hippos).
    6. Outdoor play"With sultans and turntables". On a walk, the teacher shows how you can play with a turntable and sultans. If there is wind, the sultans move and the turntable turns. If there is no wind outside, then you can go for a run. What are we seeing? When running, the turntable also spins, and the sultans move. Sultans and turntables are distributed to everyone. At the signal "Wind" everyone runs, at the signal "No wind" everyone stands.
    7. Drawing on wet sand "Miraculous transformation of a circle and a square" During a walk, the teacher draws circles and squares on the wet sand. Invites children to consider them, highlight their properties. Then he proposes to turn the circle into a sun, into a clock, an apple, a ball, a wheel, a face, etc. And the square is proposed to be turned into a house, a bag, a TV, a clock, etc. Children draw on the sand.


    Direct educational activities

    on cognitive research

    in the second younger group on the topic

    "Sand Country".

    Made: educator Kosheleva

    Elena Vladimirovna.

    September 2015


    • Involving children in elementary research activities to study the qualities and properties of sand.

    Tasks :


    • formation of children's ideas about the properties of dry and wet sand;
    • To form the ability to depict the sun from the sand;
    • Familiarization with the rules of behavior for children when playing with sand.


    • develop: creative imagination, the ability to conduct simple experiments curiosity, cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with sand. the ability to reflect the received impressions in speech and productive activity.


    • To cultivate accuracy in work.
    • Arouse interest in depicting the sun in collaboration with the teacher and other children.
    • foster interest and desire to expand your horizons


    • Development of general speech skills, coordination of speech with movements
    • Develop fine motor skills hands.

    Methods and techniques:

    Verbal: problem-search questions; dialog; artistic word - riddle, poem, nursery rhyme.

    Visual: showing cards, viewing a multimedia presentation.
    Practical: immersion in game situation, practical actions (creative task to create a collective work), physical minutes, playing with a hare, independent creative activity of children, experimentation, a surprise moment.

    Materials: Multimedia, boxes (2 pcs.), Sand, colored sand, cards with rules for working with sand, a watering can with water, aprons, a bucket, a tray, a basket, a transparent oilcloth, Whatman paper, a brush, PVA glue, wet wipes, a carrot with sweets, gift "Rainbow Sand".

    Preliminary work:talking with children about the properties of sand, viewing illustrations "Playing with sand", reading riddles, poems about sand.

    Children with a teacher enter the group, greet the guests.

    Educated .: - Do you children like watching fairy tales? Do you know that every fairy tale has its own magical land. Look at the screen. And here's another one. Slides - pictures of fairy lands (2 pictures are sunny, background music is playing)

    Educated .: - But there is an unusual country, and why it is unusual you will find out when you guess the riddle.

    He is both yellow and free-flowing,

    It is poured in a heap in the yard,

    If you want you can take

    And play "kulichiki". (sand)

    So what does this country consist of?

    Children: - From sand.

    Educated .: - Look at the screen . Poem by N. Dilaktorskaya "Sand Country"

    A sandy sand river flows in the country,

    A high-rise building was built of yellow sand,

    And on the right near the river where the bank is steeper

    A shortbread cake is baked in a sand oven.

    Educated .: - Look at which castle was built. (Slide sand castle)

    Slide Bunny - video.

    (Hello guys, I am a magic Bunny from a sandy country. The sun has not shone for a long time in my country, it has become cloudy and very boring and all residents are in a bad mood every day. I want to help my friends, but I can't cope alone, will you help me?)

    Children: - Yes.

    Bunny: - Then I will hasten to you!

    A knock on the door. A bunny enters.

    Bunny: - Hello children, I was in a hurry to see you.

    Educated: - Hello Bunny, please remind us which country you are from?

    Bunny: - From the sand.

    Educated .: - Oh, it's great that you came to us. Our kids love to play in the sand. Really kids?

    Children: - Yes.

    Bunny: - Let's play with you.

    Physical minute.

    One, two, three, four, five (jumping)

    Bunny came out for a walk (walking in place)

    Here I meet all the guys (squat)

    I invite you to the sandy land. (clap their hands)

    Educated .: - Do you want to play sand? But before we go to the sand country, let's get acquainted with the rules of working with sand.

    1. Do not throw sand, 2. Do not put your hands in your mouth 3. Do not rub your eyes 4. Be sure to wash your hands after playing with sand. 5Do not sprinkle each other. (show cards)

    (put on aprons, go to the table with sand)

    Educated .: - Our sand is also magical, let's say hello to him. Repeat after me.

    Hello, hello sand,

    Hello hello friend

    We will play with you

    And let's not offend.

    Educated .: - Listen, sand greets us too. ( pour sand from the bucket)

    Dry sand experience.

    Educated .: - Put your palms on the sand and touch it, stroke what is it?

    Children: - rough, dry.

    Educated .: - Let's cheer him up, tickle him. First with one hand, then with the other and with two. Now let's warm it up, pick up sand in our hands and rub it between our palms. What do you feel?

    Now let's play the strongest game. Take some sand in your cam and squeeze it tightly so that more than one grain of sand does not fall. Now pour it out of the cam. What's happening?

    Children: - sand is pouring.

    Educate .: - The sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other, so it crumbles. What sand?

    Children: - dry, free-flowing.

    Educate .:- Let's try to mold Easter cakes out of it.

    (children try)

    Educate .: - are they molded?

    Children: - no

    (noise of rain, slide rain)

    Educate .: (the teacher pours water from a watering can, background music is playing)

    Rain, rain more fun

    Do not regret your drops

    For flowers and fields

    And for small children.

    See where the water went? What has the sand become?

    Children: - soaked in, the sand became wet.

    Educate .: - touch him, what is he? Now take a cam, try pouring out. Falling down?

    Children:- No

    Educate .: - Why?

    Children: - wet sand.

    Educate .: - That's right, wet sand perfectly retains its shape, so it is easy to sculpt from it, while walking in the sandbox, you did this many times.

    Are you dazzling a treat for the inhabitants of the sand country?

    Children: - sure.

    Educate .: - Let's treat them with pies. (children sculpt, put on a tray)

    Bunny: - Oh, what kind of pies you made, thank you.

    The inhabitants of the sandy country will be very happy with your pies.

    Educate .: - Well done, we followed all the rules for working with sand, worked carefully, let's remember one more rule, what needs to be done after working with sand?

    (Children wipe their hands with wet wipes)

    Bunny: -Let's play some more Musical game "Bunny"

    Bunny jumped, jumped, jumped and got tired (jumping)

    He moved his tail, raised his ears up (show ponytail and ears)

    And the bunny heard a quiet, quiet sound (Put your palm to your ear)

    I looked around and suddenly jumped into a hole (looking to the sides, jumping forward)

    Educate .: - Children, do you know that you can not only play with sand, sculpt and build from it, but you can also draw with sand.

    Educate .: - Come after me, I'll show you.

    (children come to the table with Whatman paper and yellow sand)

    Educate .: - Now I will draw a drawing with glue, and you will pour the sand.

    (children work with background music)

    Educate .: - Now I will shake off the excess sand, and we will see what happened.

    Children, look at what a beautiful sun we have got - bright, radiant.

    The sun looks out the window,
    Shines in our room.
    We clap our hands -
    We are very happy with the sun.

    And let's give it to a bunny so that it won't be boring in his country and the sun will always shine!

    Bunny: - Thank you children, how happy the inhabitants of the sandy country will be, now it will never be sad there.

    I also want to treat you, I have a magic carrot, it contains sweets for you.

    Educate .: - Children, it's time for the bunny to return to his country, he will take the sun and pies with him. Goodbye Bunny!

    Children: - Goodbye Bunny!

    Educate .: - Children, look, the sun has shone in the sandy country and I think that now the residents are in a good mood.

    (on the screen slide of the sunny sandy country)

    Educate .: Let's remember what we did for this? What have you learned about sand?

    Children I liked playing with you so much, you are all great. And I also have a gift for you - a set "Rainbow Sand", from which you will make beautiful crafts with a teacher. Let's say goodbye to the guests, say goodbye.


    1. Epanchintseva O.Yu. "The role of sand therapy in the development of the emotional sphere of children preschool age ", 2010 - Childhood - Press
    2. SD Tomilova "Complete reader for preschoolers" with methodological tips for teachers and parents ", 2005. - U-Factorium.
    3. Mariella Seitz "We write and draw with sand" (practical recommendations)
    4. N.V. Kuzub, E.I. Osipuk E.I. Visiting the sand fairy. Organization of a pedagogical sandbox and sand games for preschool children. Toolkit for educators and psychologists of preschool institutions. SPb .: Speech: M .: Sfera, 2011 .-- 61 p.

    Elena Skulganova
    Cognitive research activities in the younger group

    In order for experimental games to be successfully carried out in younger group, we tried to create an appropriate subject-developing environment, in which the main place was given to the center of experimentation "Sand-Water"... Parents gladly responded to the request to take part in the replenishment of the necessary equipment: shells, pebbles, various containers, funnels, plastic jars, sponges, corks. All this allowed us to conduct all kinds of games - experiments. For example, in a bowl of water there are balls of different colors, which must be caught with a strainer and arranged according to color; a bowl from which you need to collect water with a mug and pour it into a bottle using a funnel; a pipette for pouring water from one container into another, etc. On the other table there are bowls with cereals - in one there are hidden keys, they must be found, in the other - semolina and buckwheat. To cook porridge, it is necessary to separate the semolina from the buckwheat - sift through a sieve with a handle, and into a transparent plastic bottle toss the beans with a narrow neck.

    We invite children to mold koloboks, during which they get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can be sculpted from wet sand.

    The game "Who will Droplet make friends with" acquaints children with the fact that water is clean and dirty, necessary for the life of plants, animals and people.

    A game "Magic Shadows" We acquaint you with the fact that if you shine on an object, a shadow will appear.

    A game "Multicolored ice floes" gives the idea that ice is frozen water.

    We play the following games- experimentation: "Warm-cold", "Foam", "Caught a fish", "Pour some water", "Catch the ball with a net", "Let's stroke the sand", "Drive in the peg", "Let's decorate the slide", "Let's decorate the meadow", and etc.

    At this age, in experimentation, we set the goal of the experiment, help the children think over a plan for its implementation, and together with the children we carry out the necessary actions. We gradually involve children in predicting the results of their action: "What happens if we blow on a dandelion?"

    We teach children to select and find required material and equipment, perform the simplest actions, see the result activities, thereby, developing their own research activity of children.

    We act as partners, we find out with the children how to hide the ring in a glass of water, what is necessary for this, we clarify. Then we check all the solutions proposed by the children. Next, we plan our activity: eg: we will wrap the glass with paper, but it is not, then we will touch up the water with paints. Finding out what color the paint is best suited to hide the ring. During activities we discuss the actions performed and what is happening. Then we do together conclusions: the water was colorless, and then it became colored, multi-colored, the water can change color. The water was transparent, but became opaque, etc.

    In the process of work, we acquaint children with the properties and qualities of such material as a rock: they are large and small, heavy and light, solid, sink. Buildings can be made of stones.

    Stones, sand, water are constantly present in group... Together with the children, we study their properties, play with them, make crafts, which later become decoration group: from stones laid out and painted "Seven-flower flower", built a path to the bunny house. Here creativity is manifested, imagination and sensory abilities develop. We repeat experience and observations, complicate, transfer from group into the subject environment and vice versa. Generally research activity, we try to include in different types activities: into a game, directly educational activity, walk.

    For the development of creative research activity in the process of children's experimentation, we constantly replenish our corner. New items placed at the disposal of children (e.g. nets, rubber strips, pieces corrugated cardboard etc.) push them to experiment with these materials. Thus, the interest of children in this activities and curiosity develops.

    In the process of working, playing with children, we try to create problem situations that allow the child to draw some independent conclusions. For example, developing the plot of a role-playing game, we propose to mold pies for treating dolls using dry sand. An attempt to fashion pies out of it initially ends in failure, while the children themselves realize what they are failing and why. Failure directs attention to identifying the properties of the sand. The problem situation that has arisen activates cognitive activity of children... To find a way out of this situation, I suggest the children wet the sand and try again to mold the pies. Children are happy to notice that this time everything worked out for them.

    Problem situation, failure in activities, replacement of the material and its sensory examination leads to an awareness of the properties of the material (you can sculpt from wet sand, children get acquainted with the methods of examination to identify the properties (squeeze, press with the palm of your hand, as well as ways to make sand suitable for sculpting.

    In process knowledge all senses are turned on. The kid listens, looks, tastes, catches smells, revealing the variety of signs of objects. To do this, we teach the baby how to examine. Their formation occurs as the child assimilates the sensory standards of auditory (scale of musical sounds, speech phonemes); visual (spectrum of colors, geometric shapes); tactile (ideas about such properties as hot - cold, soft - hard, smooth - rough); olfactory.

    With the help of experimentation, it is easier for a kid to understand and establish connections, patterns in the world around him.

    Everyone knows that the main child learns at home from communicating with parents, participating in daily activities, observing the actions of family members. Parents can do a lot for development using natural situations (on the way home, at home in the kitchen, in the store, bathing the child)... That is why we are trying to involve parents in solving these issues together. I direct parents to the fact that curiosity is a character trait that needs to be developed from an early age, that the innate need for new experiences is the basis for the harmonious all-round development of the child.

    In our kindergarten an experimental activities related to"Approbation and implementation of the principles of pedagogy M. Montessori in the educational process." In her work, M Montessori devoted a lot of attention to exercises with water. She wanted to show parents and teachers what amazing transformations happen to children when they play with water, get acquainted with its properties. Exercises with water M. Montessori we include in all types activities... To a developing environment group in accordance with the theme of the experiment, we also include didactic materials by M. Montessori. We are doing the following exercises "How water is poured from one vessel to another", "Pouring from a teapot into a cup", "Pouring water through three funnels", "Still water in the center of the circle", "Ringing Water", "Water takes shape" and etc.

    Thus, we can say that a specially organized research is an opportunity for grandiose discoveries for children, an inexhaustible source of new information and positive emotions. The implementation of all this work contributed to the creation of the foundation of the skills and abilities of children in the field knowledge of the environment, development cognitive abilities, activity.

    Forward planning informative - research activity activities.

    Junior group.

    Inanimate nature.

    activities Material and equipment

    1. Water Find out what kind of water. Reveal properties water: transparent, odorless, pours, some substances dissolve in it. Three capacity: empty, with clear water, colored water with added flavor; empty cups.

    2. Water Making colored ice. Introduce children tothat water freezes in the cold, paint dissolves in it.

    Cups, molds, paint, strings.

    3. Snow Snowman. Lead children to understand that snow is one of the states of water.

    Snowman, sculpted from snow, capacity.

    4. Air What's in the package? Give children an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe air, its properties: invisible, odorless, shapeless.

    Plastic bags, jars with a lid.

    5. Air Games for air detection. Air detection in the surrounding area.

    Introduce children to, the person breathes.

    Cocktail tubes, balloons, ribbons.

    6. Sand, clay.

    We are wizards.

    properties of sand and clay: flowability, looseness; change in their properties when interacting with water. Transparent containers with sand and clay, a container with water.

    Physical phenomena.

    No. Object Name of experiment Purpose of experimental research activities Material and equipment

    1. Color Magic brush. To acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors by mixing the two main ones. Paints, palette, brush, pictograms with the image of two color spots, sheets with three painted

    2. Sound Guess whose voice? To teach how to determine the origin of sound and distinguish between musical and noise sounds. Metallophone, pipe, balalaika, wooden spoons, metal plates, cubes, boxes filled with buttons, peas, millet, paper.

    3. Warmth Hot - cold. To teach to determine the temperature qualities of substances and objects. Containers with water of different temperatures, a bath.

    No. Object Name of experiment Purpose of experimental research activities Material and equipment

    1. Sense organs Our assistants. To acquaint children with sense organs and their purpose, with the protection of sense organs. Boxes with holes, lemon, tambourine, apple, sugar,

    Man-made world.

    No. Object Name of experiment Purpose of experimental research activities Material and equipment

    1. Paper Paper, its qualities and properties. To teach to recognize things made of paper, to determine some of its qualities (color, surface structure, degree of strength, thickness, absorbency) and properties (crumpled, torn, cut)... Paper, scissors, a container of water.

    2. Wood Wood, its qualities and properties. Teach to recognize things made of wood; determine its qualities (hardness, surface structure - smooth, rough; degree of strength) and properties (cuts, does not beat, does not sink in water)... Wooden objects, containers with water.

    3. Fabric Fabric, its qualities and properties. Teach children to recognize things from fabric, to determine its qualities and properties. Samples of cotton fabric, scissors, container with water.

    MKOU "Kanashskaya secondary school" Structural

    Subdivision "Kindergarten".

    Project cognitive research

    activities in the second younger group.

    "Fun laboratory".


    Chistova N.V.

    Educator 1kv.kat.

    S. Kanashi

    Technological map of the project"Fun laboratory"in the second younger group.

    Project type: cognitive and research.

    Implementation period:average duration.

    Participants: teacher and children.

    Final product:the ability of children to establish causal relationships based on an experiment.

    Goal : To develop the ability of children to establish causal relationships based on the experiment and draw conclusions.

    Tasks :

    1. To form children's ideas about the properties of objects, to increase their erudition.

    2. To form the ability to work together with an adult at the imitative-performing level.

    Expected results:

    joint analysis and conclusion.


    We smell, touch.

    Task: to consolidate children's ideas about the sense organs, their purpose (nose - to determine the smell; fingers - to determine the shape, structure of the surface).

    Materials: a box with two round slots (for hands), small toys (cube, ball, animals), a box with holes; : garlic, orange slice; foam rubber with perfume, lemon.

    Description. Children are given the opportunity to independently study subjects. During this acquaintance, the Laboratory Assistant talks with the children, asking questions, for example: "What object is to the touch", "How could you determine it", etc.

    The game "Guess by the smell" - children put their noses to the window of the box, and the teacher offers to guess by the smell what is in his hands. What is it? How did you know? (The nose helped us.)

    Game "Guess by touch" - children put their hand into the opening of the screen, guess the object and then take it out.

    Name our assistants who help us to recognize an object by smell, by touch. What would happen if we didn't have them?

    Clear water

    Task: to reveal the properties of water (transparent, odorless, pours, has weight).

    Materials: two opaque jars (one filled with water), a glass jar with a wide mouth, spoons, small ladles, a basin of water.


    Droplet came to visit. Who is Droplet? What is she with

    likes to play?

    On the table, two opaque jars are closed with lids, one of them is filled with water. Children are encouraged to guess what is in these jars without opening them. Are they the same in weight? Which is easier? Which is heavier? Why is it heavier? We open the cans: one is empty - therefore light, the other is filled with water. How did you guess it was water? What color is it? What does the water smell like?

    The adult asks the children to fill a glass jar with water. To do this, they are offered a choice of different containers. What is more convenient to pour? How to prevent water spilling on the table? What are we doing? (We pour, pour water.) What does the water do? (Flowing.) Let's hear how it flows. What sound do we hear?

    When the jar is filled with water, children are invited to play the game "Recognize and name" (looking at pictures through the jar). What did you see? Why is the picture so clearly visible?

    What kind of water? (Transparent.) What have we learned about water?

    The air is running

    Objective: to give children an idea that air can move objects (balloons, etc.).

    Materials: plastic bath, basin with water, balloons.

    Description. The laboratory assistant invites the children to examine the balloons. What's inside them? What are they filled with? Can air move objects? How can this be verified? Launches an empty plastic tub into the water and asks the children: "Try to make it float." Children blow on her.

    What other objects can we make move? How can you make a balloon move? The balloons are inflated, released, the children observe their movement. Why is the ball moving? Air bursts out of the ball and makes it move.

    Children play independently with a boat, a ball

    Melting ice

    Task: to determine that ice melts from heat, from pressure; that in hot water it melts faster; that water freezes in the cold, and also takes the form of a container in which it is located.

    Materials: plates, hot water jug, ladle with cold water, ice cubes, spoon, watercolors, ropes, various molds.

    Description. The laboratory assistant offers to guess where the ice will melt faster - in a bowl of cold water or in a bowl of hot water. He spreads the ice, and the children observe the changes taking place. Time is fixed using numbers that are laid out near bowls, children draw conclusions.

    Children are invited to consider a colored piece of ice. What ice? How is such a piece of ice made? Why is the rope holding on? (Frozen to the piece of ice.)

    How can you get multi-colored water? Children add colored paints of their choice to the water, pour into molds

    Mysterious Pictures

    Objective: to show children that the surrounding objects change color if you look at them through colored glass.

    Materials: colored glass.

    Description. The laboratory assistant invites the children to look around them and name what color objects they see. Do you believe that everyone sees the turtle only in green? It really is. Would you like to see everything around through the eyes of a turtle? How can I do that? The teacher distributes green glasses to the children. What do you see? How else would you like to see the world? Children examine objects through colored glass.

    Sand country

    Tasks: to highlight the properties of sand: flowability, looseness, wet can be molded; to acquaint with the method of making a picture from sand.

    Materials: sand, water, magnifiers, sheets of thick colored paper, glue sticks.

    Description. The laboratory assistant invites the children to examine the sand: what color, taste it to the touch (loose, dry). What is the sand made of? What do grains of sand look like? How can we examine grains of sand? (Using a magnifying glass.) Grains of sand are small, translucent, round, do not stick to each other. Is it possible to sculpt from sand? Why can't we sculpt anything out of dry sand? Trying to mold from wet. How can you play with dry sand? Can you paint with dry sand?

    On thick paper with a glue pencil, children are invited to circle the finished drawing, and then pour sand onto the glue. Shake off the excess sand to see what happened.

    What is reflected in the mirror?

    Objectives: to introduce children to the concept of "reflection",find objects that can reflect.

    Materials: mirrors, spoons, glass vase, aluminum foil, new balloon, frying pan.

    Description. An inquisitive monkey invites children to look in the mirror. Whom do you see? Look in the mirror and tell me what's behind you? left? on right? Now look at these objects without a mirror and tell me, are they different from those you saw in the mirror? (No, they are the same.) The image in the mirror is called a reflection. The mirror reflects the object as it really is.

    In front of the children, various objects (spoons, foil, frying pan, vases, balloon). The monkey asks them to find all the objects in which you can see your face. What did you pay attention to when choosing a subject? Feel the object, is it smooth or rough? Are all items shiny? See if the reflection of all these objects is the same? Is it always the same shape! The best reflections are obtained on flat, shiny and smooth objects and make good mirrors.

    Magic sieve

    Tasks: to acquaint children with the method of separating small cereals from large ones using a sieve, to develop independence.

    Materials: scoops, various sieves, buckets, bowls, semolina and rice, sand, small pebbles.

    Description. Little Red Riding Hood comes to the children and says that she is going to visit her grandmother - to take her semolina. But she had a misfortune. She dropped the cans of groats, and the groats were all mixed up. (shows a bowl of cereals.) How to separate rice from semolina?

    Children try to separate with their fingers. They note that it turns out slowly. How can you do this faster - see if there are any items in the laboratory that can help us? Do we notice that there is a sieve near the Laboratory Assistant? What is it for? How to use it? What is falling from the sieve into the bowl?

    Little Red Riding Hood examines the peeled semolina, thanks for the help, asks: "What else can you call this magic sieve?"

    We will find substances in our laboratory that need to be sieved. We discover that there are many pebbles in the sand. How to separate sand from pebbles? Children sift the sand on their own. What's in our bowl? What's left. Why do large substances remain in the sieve, while small ones immediately fall into the bowl? What is a sieve for? Do you have a sieve at home? How do mothers and grandmothers use it? Children give a magic sieve to Little Red Riding Hood.

    Air is everywhere

    Objectives: to detect air in the surrounding space and reveal its property - invisibility.

    Materials: balloons, sheets of paper.

    Description. The laboratory assistant makes the children a riddle about the air.

    It goes through the nose into the chest And back it goes. It is invisible, and yet we cannot live without it.


    What do we inhale through our nose? What is air? What is it for? Can we see him? Where is the air? How do you know if there is air around?

    Game exercise "Feel the air" - children wave a sheet of paper near their face. What do we feel? We do not see air, but it surrounds us everywhere.

    Name the items that we fill with air. Children inflate balloons. What do we fill the balls with?

    Air fills any space, so nothing

    is empty.

    Catch a fish, both small and large

    Task: find out the ability of a magnet to attract some objects.

    Materials: magnetic game "Fishing".

    Description. Fishing cat offers children the game "Fishing". What can you fish with? Try to fish with a fishing rod. They tell if any of the children saw real fishing rods, what they look like, what bait a fish is caught with. What do we fish for? Why does she hold on and not fall?

    They examine the fish, the fishing rod and find metal plates and magnets. What objects are attracted by a magnet? Children are offered magnets, various objects, two boxes. They put objects in one box that attracts a magnet, in another - that does not. The magnet only attracts metal objects.

    Sun bunnies

    Tasks: to understand the reason for the appearance of sunbeams, to teach how to let sunbeams (reflect light with a mirror).

    Material: mirrors.

    Description. A laboratory assistant helps children remember a poem about a sunbeam. When does it work? (In light, from objects reflecting light.) Then he shows how a sunbeam appears with the help of a mirror. (The mirror reflects a ray of light and itself becomes a source of light.) The laboratory assistant invites the children to let the sunbeams go (for this you need to catch the ray of light with the mirror and direct it in the right direction), hide them (covering it with your palm).

    Sand games

    Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about the properties of sand, to develop curiosity, observation, to activate the speech of children, to develop constructive skills.

    Materials: a large children's sandbox, in which traces of plastic animals were left, animal toys, scoops, children's rakes, watering cans.

    Description. Children go outside and inspect the walking area. The teacher draws their attention to unusual footprints in the sandbox. Why are footprints so clearly visible in the sand? Whose tracks are these? Why do you think so? Children find plastic animals and test their assumptions: they take toys, put their paws on the sand and look for the same print. And what mark will remain from the palm? Children leave their footprints. Whose palm is bigger? Check by attachment. Children build houses and play withanimals.

    The age of a child 3-4 years old is defined by psychologists as a period of formation of self-awareness. From spontaneous actions with objects, there is a transition to the purposeful study of objects that aroused interest. The formation of cognitive and research skills is one of the main educational tasks of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten.

    Organization of cognitive and research activities of preschool children 3-4 years old

    The development of children's cognitive abilities is one of the main areas of work of a teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Expansion of horizons, the formation of knowledge about the objects of the surrounding world, their qualities and properties should be carried out in accordance with the psychological characteristics of the pupils. Children aged 3-4 years are characterized by:

    • Curiosity. Kids actively study new subjects and with interest expand their knowledge about familiar phenomena and objects.
    • Demonstration of independence. The teacher should encourage the desire of preschoolers to acquire new knowledge.
    • Imagery and involuntary memory. Children remember best what aroused the most interest. However, it is still difficult for a younger preschooler to hold attention for a long time, so the teacher takes into account the child's need for a frequent change of the studied subjects or types of study.
    • Formation of figurative thinking. The ability to reproduce images without direct contact with the objects of research makes it possible to attract new types of learning for children during the lesson: listening to thematic poems and fairy tales, guessing riddles, conducting conversations.
    • High emotionality. It is important for a child to receive approval and praise. The teacher predicts the situation of the success of the pupils in preparing the future lesson
    • Active development of speech activity. During the study of objects and observations, work is carried out to expand the speech skills of children and replenish their vocabulary.

    Younger preschoolers are happy to be involved in experiments.

    The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and assimilated, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, will be the activity of his imagination.

    Vygotsky L.S.

    "Imagination and creativity in childhood"

    Goal and tasks

    In the conditions of the modern world, it is important to teach a child not only to assimilate and accumulate information received in a finished form, but also to develop the ability and desire for independent cognition. The purpose of cognitive research in kindergarten is to develop a research type of thinking in preschoolers. Through visual observation, tactile contact and sound perception, children can learn new things about objects. A small but self-made discovery delights the child and a desire to gain new knowledge.

    Preschoolers are attracted to anything unusual, such as how water changes color when paint is added

    Objectives of cognitive and research activities:

    • development of interest in the surrounding world;
    • the formation of primary ideas about the properties of objects and substances (shape, color, size, structure, sonority, etc.);
    • development of speech skills (construction of oral speech - answers to questions, a story about what he saw), vocabulary;
    • creating a positive motivation to independently search for the necessary information;
    • stimulation and encouragement of curiosity, observation;
    • formation of the skill of working with various tools, the development of fine motor skills.

    Above the implementation of the tasks set, the educator, together with the children, works in classes of various types:

    • to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world (study of various objects, natural phenomena, substances);
    • in musical lessons (acquaintance with musical instruments and their sound, voice capabilities);
    • in physical education (study and application of the properties of objects made of rubber, plastic, wood - balls, hoops, skittles, skipping ropes, etc.);
    • during independent play activities (experimental activity with toys of various shapes and structures);
    • on walks (observing the weather, natural phenomena, plants and animals on the territory of the kindergarten).

    Research activities to study the properties of plants can take place during a walk


    The following methods of organizing children's research activities are relevant for work in the second junior group:

    • Observations. Children 3-4 years old actively accumulate visual images in their memory. Observations can be carried out in the group's room, in a corner of nature, in a play corner, in the fresh air while walking. Observation is one of the active practices of scientific research activity of preschoolers; in younger groups it differs in short duration, since it is difficult for children to keep their attention on one object for a long time.

      In a corner of nature, children learn to take care of plants

    • Solving problem situations. The formulation of the problematic question in the lesson in the younger group is carried out by the educator. He also outlines the ways to solve the problem, since children of 3-4 years old cannot independently think over the course of action and predict the result. Problem situations can be presented in game form, so preschoolers become interested in finding answers.

      Option problem situation can be a task: which bucket to fill the container faster

    • Conversations. The emergence of interest in the upcoming experimental activity, the development of research and speech skills is facilitated by conversations with younger preschoolers, which are based on the presentation of the children's experience. For example, “Which ball jumped higher in physical education class - rubber or leather?”, “What happens to the water in the jar when we rinse the brushes in it?” In younger groups, the duration of a conversation aimed at finding a solution is 10-15 minutes and is accompanied by other activities to prevent overwork ( finger gymnastics, examining illustrations, learning a poem, etc.).

      During the conversation, the children can consider illustrations on the topic.

    • Experiments and Experiments. The desire to experiment appears in a child in early childhood (simple actions with toys) and gradually moves from spontaneous to purposeful activity. Preschoolers will be happy
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