• When to change a diaper before or after a feed. It is imperative to change the diaper after each walk due to "great need" - an immutable rule. Is it necessary at night


    With the advent of a baby in the family, parents begin to master new things for themselves and procedures, for example, they will learn how to change a diaper, what products can be used for delicate skin and how often the baby needs to change clothes. With the advent disposable diapers for newborns, work for young mothers has slightly diminished, since such devices significantly save adults' time and effort.

    There is no single statute on how often to change a diaper, but there is a set of rules that every mom should adhere to:

    • the diaper must be changed after each serious bowel movement, since the fecal discharge is not completely absorbed, which means it comes into contact with the skin;
    • disposable panties should be changed before going to bed, both day and night, because a filled diaper will cause discomfort to the baby and, most likely, will wake up the child ahead of time;
    • it happens that you have to change panties at night, for example, if the product has shifted and leaks;
    • it will be more convenient for you to put on a clean diaper for a newborn before a long walk, going to a visit or a store, traveling or leaving the baby with family;
    • even if after 4 hours the diaper is still not very full, it will be correct to replace it with a new one to prevent overheating and sweating of the skin;
    • you should immediately change the diaper if its integrity is damaged, for example, when the Velcro is torn off or there are holes and tears in the top layer of the product;
    • in the early months of life, the diaper should be changed often, since the baby can go to the toilet almost after every feeding, over time you will determine how many disposable products are needed per day, and gradually this amount will decrease.

    Each mother decides for herself how often to change a baby's diaper, since all children go to the toilet with a different frequency, so it is impossible to say with certainty how many disposable items are needed per day. It is not at all necessary to change panties after each urination, for a newborn, a new diaper is enough every 3-4 hours, and at night one is generally enough. The main thing is to periodically check the dryness of the skin and the fullness of the product in order to change it in a timely manner and prevent the discomfort of the crumbs.

    At the initial stage, the process of dressing a newborn can take a lot of time, but soon you will get the hang of doing all the manipulations correctly and will begin to cope with this process in a matter of minutes. To change a diaper you will need:

    • clean diaper;
    • wet wipes or a ladle with warm water and baby soap;
    • towel;
    • dusting powder or soft cream.

    Before preparing the baby for changing clothes, prepare all of the above devices, because, having laid the baby on the changing place, it cannot be left there alone to avoid falling from a height.

    First, you need to remove the used diaper and cleanse the skin of moisture and secretions. Severe contamination should be initially removed with napkins, and then washed with warm water and soap. After washing, the skin should be blotted with a towel and left to dry for a while. naturally... When you need to change the diaper on the street, it will be enough to wipe the bottom and legs with napkins, at an acceptable temperature it will be right to give the body the opportunity to "breathe", leaving the baby to lie naked for a few minutes.

    Dry skin should be treated with baby talcum powder or cream to protect against irritation. If the skin is dry, it is worth using special gel-like suspensions under a diaper or regular hypoallergenic baby creams. For normal type skin and in case of excessive sweating, it is better to prefer a standard powder, which will remove excess moisture.

    We put the baby on the back and raise his legs, grabbing both with one hand. At this time, the second hand puts the unfolded diaper under the back with the Velcro side. We put the crumb on top and straighten the underside of the disposable panties, straightening the elastic bands and pulling out the fastening Velcro. Put the front side of the diaper on the baby's tummy and fix it with clasps. All that remains is to correct the areas between the legs by turning the internal elastic bands, often they twist inward, and this can lead to fluid leakage.

    Now you know how to change a diaper. After putting on a clean disposable device, you can dress your baby in a vest or a suit, trying not to unfasten the Velcro. By the way, it is better to choose models with reusable fasteners, such devices can be opened and closed back without difficulty.

    After the process of changing clothes, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Or at least treat them with wet wipes to eliminate germs and bad odors.

    There is no single definition of how many disposable diapers are needed per day, however, they should be changed often - every 3-4 hours, and with strong filling or abundant bowel movements even more often, at the request of the child.

    To prevent the "greenhouse effect" and irritation from frequent use of diapers, skin protection should be used with them. The main ones are:

    • baby powder is the choice for sweaty skin, talcum powder with natural fragrances is often found. If the baby is allergic, it is better not to experiment with such products, as they can cause irritation. The best option would be the usual chalk powder;
    • standard baby cream is a universal device, since it is suitable for treating the whole body: you can smear the bottom with cream, legs, arms, often baby cream is also used to treat the face from chapping. By choosing the right product that does not cause irritation, you can use it for different purposes;
    • special diaper cream - leading manufacturers of products for newborns offer a lot of options for specific products specifically for lubricating the butt. Such drugs can also be used as an ordinary emollient cream, it is good to lubricate irritated skin with them before bedtime, so at night the baby will not be disturbed by peeling and burning;
    • baby soap - does not contain fragrances and is chemically active ingredients, usually does not have a pronounced odor, but it perfectly kills germs and viral infection.

    If, after using a protective product, you notice slight redness or a scatter of small acne on the skin, you should change the drug: perhaps some component of the product is an allergen for the sensitive body of the baby.

    With the advent of the long-awaited child, newly-made parents have much more worries. In the first months of life, the baby really needs attention and care from the mother. He simply cannot survive without her. He needs special care. It was at this moment, and maybe even earlier, even when mom is in the maternity hospital, she has a question: "How often to change diapers for a newborn?" It's no secret that babies often urinate (about 20 times a day), so their delicate skin should be reliably protected from diaper rash and irritation.

    With the advent of disposable diapers, the life of young parents has become noticeably easier: there is no need to constantly wash the diapers, worry about the fact that a new blanket will quickly become unusable. Previously, babies were placed in a crib under a sheet with a client, now this is not necessary. All that is required of adults is to put on a good diaper for the baby. How often to change a diaper for a newborn? We will try to answer this question in this article.

    What does a caring mommy need to know?

    The first month of a baby's life is a very crucial period. The baby should be looked after, not forgetting to show attention and love, which are so essential and necessary for him. Taking the child home from the hospital, the mother may notice that she does not have time for herself: she spends every free minute next to the baby.

    You must prepare carefully for the changing process. Before changing a child's diaper, you need to put it on and have everything you need nearby: water for washing, wet wipes, a fresh diaper.

    Monitor your baby's skin

    How often should a newborn's diaper be changed? Baby's skin is very sensitive to any impact, so choosing a diaper is a responsible and serious matter. It should be noted that diapers are changed for infants much more often than for older children. Ideally, each diaper change should occur at least every two to three hours. That is, on average, 10-12 diapers are consumed per day. Of course, the best thing to do is to change the diaper before going to bed, before going for a walk, and immediately after returning home.

    You can be sure that your baby will feel comfortable during your time on the street. And to avoid any irritation on the skin, use special creams. Keep it clean and try not to let the baby stay in the same diaper for a long time. If you do everything right, then the question of how often to change diapers for a newborn will not arise.


    Young mothers who have their first child have to be taught many tricks: how to properly hold a baby, feed, wash it and change a diaper. All these things sometimes cause them fear and real panic. You need to get used to a child, and you won't be able to become an experienced mother right away. How often should a newborn baby's diaper be changed? What is the sequence of actions?

    First, remove the used diaper from the baby. To do this, slightly raise the baby's legs, unfasten all the Velcro and carefully pull out the diaper from under it. Then it is advisable to give the baby the opportunity to take an air bath (literally a few minutes), this is very useful for the delicate baby skin. After that, apply baby moisturizer to the groin area and butt. Now you can start putting on a new diaper. It is advisable that you have it at hand and be prepared in advance, since it is extremely inconvenient to run to look at the most crucial moment. After putting the diaper on the baby, carefully straighten all the folds so that the baby is comfortable and comfortable.

    As needed

    Diapers are often wetted by small children. And there is nothing surprising or abnormal here. That's just how their body works. Parents can only adjust to the baby's schedule. How often to change diapers for a newborn? This primarily depends on how full the diaper is during the day.

    It is worth noting that you should always change the diaper immediately after the baby poops. The fact is that fecal masses, due to high acidity, very much irritate the delicate baby skin and can cause redness. Regardless of how much time has passed since changing the diaper, it must be replaced with a new one. Always strive for maximum comfort and do not save on the health of your child.

    Do I need to get up on purpose at night?

    Many young inexperienced mothers are worried about how often a newborn's diaper is changed at night. Do I need to do this at all? If the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and is crying, of course, check his diaper. If necessary, replace it with a new one.

    There is no need to specifically get up and wake up a peacefully snoring baby. By doing this, you will only shatter sleep for him and for yourself. If your baby sleeps peacefully until morning, then mom has the opportunity to have a good rest. Use the free time wisely.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Thus, the question of how often to change diapers for a newborn has its own logical answer. Maternal flair is limitless. A woman does not need a professional education to begin to feel the needs of her baby.

    Several years ago, sociologists compiled a list of the most important inventions of the last century. Among them, children's disposable diapers took pride of place. Today any mother will say that she is ready to give up many benefits of civilization, but not from disposable diapers. Especially if the family has several small children. In order not to harm the health of the baby, you need to know how to choose and correctly change diapers for a baby, including a newborn, how often to change a diaper.

    Using baby diapers, how to estimate how much they should absorb and hold

    The first attempts to create a prototype of modern "diapers" belong to the American woman with many children, Marion Donovan, who, with the help of homemade waterproof panties, tried to facilitate the care of newborn babies.

    Mrs. Donovan's invention was perfected by Procter & Gamble technologist Victor Mills, who in 1957 presented the first copy of the ideal disposable diaper to consumers in 1957, giving it the name "diaper".

    The word "diaper" comes from the English "pamper" - "cherish", "pamper", "pamper".

    When they show ads for diapers for babies, they claim that they have the ability to instantly absorb any amount of moisture and keep it securely inside. As a visual aid, female models pour glasses of water onto diapers, demonstrating the dryness of the inner layer. But did you know that there are GOST standards that apply to baby diapers? And this is no longer an advertisement.

    According to the standards, a diaper for a child weighing up to 9 kg must absorb at least 240 grams of moisture. More is possible, but no less. If you press on a wet diaper, it should not release more than six grams of liquid. Exceeding this norm is fraught with the accumulation of secretions on the delicate skin of the baby, which will lead to diaper rash and irritation. The diaper should last for three to four hours.

    Diapers for girls and boys

    Most modern manufacturers do not differentiate diapers by gender. Both for girls and for boys until a certain age, when they switch to special panties, the same models are produced. There are also exceptions. In the line of diapers of some manufacturers, there are separate options for boys and girls. They have absorbent pads located in the places of the greatest accumulation of moisture: in the front or in the middle.

    How to understand that a baby needs to change a diaper

    Babies' skin is very delicate, so if you don't change diapers often enough, it will lead to irritation and diaper rash. A whimper, and then a monotonous inviting cry - a signal to the child that the diaper is full and should be changed.

    How many times a day should a child wear a new diaper

    The number of diapers used per day depends on the age of the child... The newborn baby pisses very often. The amount of discharge is still insignificant, but if we consider that such episodes of urination are up to 25 times a day, then an impressive figure is obtained. The problem is that a baby up to two months old also defecates frequently. Almost every attachment to the breast can be accompanied by the release of a small amount of feces. Therefore, it is necessary to change the diaper after each feeding, even if the "fresh" one was put on five minutes ago.

    What happens if mom decides to leave the baby in a dirty diaper? Already after 30 minutes, the discharge will begin to eat away at the baby's delicate skin. And after 1.5 hours, irritation and diaper rash will appear.

    How diapers are used

    If everything is very clear with the "pookies": you defecate - washed - changed the diaper, then what about the "pee-peers"? Here you can navigate like this:

    • up to 60 days of age, the baby pees at least once an hour. After three to four hours, in any case, put on a clean diaper;
    • from 2 to 6 months, the frequency of diaper changes remains the same: every 4 hours. It is clear that after the baby has pooped, you need to put on a fresh one immediately;
    • after reaching the age of six months, parents are guided exclusively individually. During this period, each baby already has his own mode and diet of feeding, which determines the number of "trips to the toilet".

    All children are different, forgive the banality, each baby has its own, individual mode of the administration of natural needs. Frequency and volume of urination, stool frequency, skin condition, room temperature, amount of fluid consumed - all these are factors that fundamentally affect the need to change a diaper. No one better than parents he cannot know the peculiarities of his own baby's behavior and, without any recommendations, decide - it is time to change, or at least check - how we are doing "there".

    E.O. Komarovsky


    Young mothers often have a question: does a newborn need to change diapers at night? If the baby does not poop at night, he can safely be in the same diaper. But after each act of bowel movement (which often happens during night feedings), the diaper must be changed. Of course, if the baby is uncomfortable after peeing in a wet diaper, he will certainly demonstrate this with restless behavior. If he sleeps well and does not poop, then you should not wake him up.

    Do I need to change the diaper at night while sleeping - Dr. Komarovsky - video

    How long can a baby be in a diaper

    Change of diapers is carried out as needed. As a general rule, a child should wear a clean diaper every three to four hours. If he pooped, the diaper is changed immediately.

    When changing a diaper, parents carry out a number of procedures: they cleanse the baby's skin from the remains of feces. The most convenient way, especially if the baby poops, is a simple hygienic shower. The child can be put on his hand, and his butt can be placed under the running water from the tap. This is how they used to cleanse the skin of newborns in maternity hospitals.

    If you are scared to use this method or you have no access to the bath, then the crumbs' bottom is cleaned with sanitary napkins. It is important to remember that wiping is done from front to back, not vice versa.

    Why can a child wear diapers for a long time?

    Today, many people say that diapers are bad for a baby. How many grandmothers literally every day tell different mothers horror stories about those who "torment and steam up the child's bottom." But are diapers so harmful? Global research on this topic has not yet been carried out in the world. It is generally accepted that with the correct use of diapers, a healthy baby should not have problems. You can use them exactly as much as it is convenient for the parents and the child, if the diapers are changed on time, the baby does not suffer from hypersensitivity and a quality product from a trusted manufacturer is selected.

    There is an opinion that diapers are not particularly useful for boys, as they cause overheating of the testicles and reduce their fertility in the future. But this, too, has not been scientifically proven today. And the harm from using ordinary panties, tights and leggings ("what if the child is cold at home") is no less, since it can also hypothetically lead to overheating.

    The question of the dangers of diapers for boys - video

    Another "horror story" of grandmothers: children who use diapers do not want to potty practice. Although experts have already proven that in terms of getting used to "toilet affairs", the main role is played by the maturation of a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, and certainly not reflexes developed by the mother. The child will stop using diapers when he is physiologically mature for this.

    And for too worried relatives, you can quote Dr. Komarovsky:

    Diapers and boys are compatible, future father-in-law and mother-in-law can sleep peacefully, future mother-in-law - do not worry ...

    The timing of the formation of reflexes is individual, conscious communication with the pot can also take place at the age of one, but the situation when up to 3 years "well, nothing happens" is also not uncommon. The natural transition to control over secretions begins after one year and actively "matures" during the second year of life.

    The average age of development of more or less stable "potting" skills ranges from 22 to 30 months. Persistent conditioned reflexes are formed by the age of three.

    E.O. Komarovsky


    How to put on a diaper correctly

    It would seem that in such a simple matter there can be no difficulties, but they arise, especially for parents who did not have experience before. If the diaper is worn incorrectly, the result is wet clothes and bed. The most common problem is diaper leakage on the side. This happens in three cases: wrong size selected; Velcro is badly fastened or cuffs are bent; the diaper is full and it is time to change it.

    Simple step by step instructions help you understand how to avoid mistakes when changing a diaper:

    1. Prepare the place: changing table, bed or sofa. In the availability put a clean diaper, wet wipes, powder or cream under the diaper.
    2. Put the baby on the back, remove the dirty diaper, clean the bottom with wet wipes. Leave the baby without a diaper for a while, so that the skin "breathes". Then treat with powder or cream.
    3. Unfold a new diaper. Raising the baby's legs, slip the back of the diaper under the back. Stretch side fasteners.
    4. Straighten the front of the diaper, straighten the elastic bands on the legs. Attach the diaper to the front with Velcro fasteners. A finger should pass freely between the baby's tummy and the fixed diaper.

    How to change a diaper for a newborn

    In newborns, the umbilical wound needs special attention. It heals completely by the end of the first month of life, but at first it is very vulnerable - through it, an infection can enter the baby's body. Air access to the navel allows the wound to heal faster.

    Important: if it is necessary to change the diaper for a newborn, then special models with a cutout for the navel are used.

    When it is not possible to purchase special diapers, it is necessary to ensure that the belt does not rub the umbilical wound. To do this, fold the material to the outside with a finger in the middle of the diaper. The umbilical wound is not treated every time a diaper is changed. This is done once a day after bathing.

    There are no problems with putting on panties-diapers. They are designed for toddlers who can already stand. In this case, you can put them on in this position, fastening the Velcro. The side fasteners are simply cut after use.

    Alternatively, you can wear panties according to the pattern for regular diapers.

    Diapers-panties for babies: how to put on correctly - video

    How can disposable diapers be disposed of?

    Today on sale you can find special household utilizers for used diapers. They hold up to thirty units of diapers with contents. In essence, recyclers are containers for sorting garbage. But they have one advantage: they are odor-proof.

    If the utilizer is not available to you, then you can do this:

    • roll up the diaper with a tube (dirty side inside), and secure with Velcro. For this, some models of diapers have an adhesive tape at the back;
    • roll up the diaper and secure it tightly with any adhesive tape (you can use scotch tape);
    • send the compressed diaper to the trash.

    On average, one child takes about 6,000 diapers, the decomposition period of which is from 250 to 500 years, so the issue of proper disposal of diapers is very relevant for environmentalists.

    Unfortunately, as a result, all diapers in our country end up in one garbage dump anyway. Although, for example, in Mexico oyster mushrooms are grown in used and steamed diapers. And in Canada, a plant for processing dirty diapers has been opened, from which they produce plastic tiles.

    They keep up with their colleagues in Germany, where in Bremen, used diapers are becoming a source of electricity. Eco-friendly disposal helps to reduce the burden on the environment.

    Why use a diaper bin - video

    Can I use diapers that have passed the expiration date?

    Sometimes parents buy a pack of diapers, and then notice that the indicated expiration date has already passed. It happens that unused diapers are left from older brothers or sisters, and are inherited by the younger ones. A reasonable question arises: can they be used without harm to health?

    As a rule, manufacturers put a shelf life of 2-3 years. Sometimes it is indicated that "the term is unlimited" (this applies to the most modern models on the market). Experts say that if the pack was closed and stored in the right conditions, then there will be no harm from using "expired" diapers. Unpacked diapers, which have been stored for a long time in the sun, in conditions of high humidity or in dusty rooms, lose some of their absorption properties.

    How to tell if a baby's diaper is small and it's time to change the size

    All manufacturers have their own weight grades for diaper sizes. But sometimes the crumb has not yet reached the desired weight, but the usual diapers are clearly too small for him. You can understand that your baby has "outgrown" his size by the following signs:

    • cuffs leave marks on the legs;
    • the belt on the diaper is much lower than the navel;
    • fasteners are not fixed symmetrically;
    • your finger does not fit between the diaper belt and the baby's body;
    • the diaper leaks frequently.

    You should not wait until the baby "grows" to the weight indicated by the manufacturer.On what size to choose, you need to be guided individually.

    Disposable diapers are one of the best inventions that can make the life of any mom much easier. But to use them or not - everyone decides independently.

    Caring for a newborn is not easy. Bathe, swaddle, feed, take a walk, play - it seems that a young mother's daily to-do list can be continued indefinitely. But until recently, it was also necessary to regularly wash diapers. How wonderful that humanity, led by the American chemist Victor Mills, invented the diaper. This saving thing, which saw the light in the distant 50s of the XX century and improved over the decades, makes life easier for young parents.

    However, the coin also has a downside. Many mothers are worried about how often a newborn's diapers need to be changed?

    We change diapers on time - the first week of a baby's life!
    The neonatal period lasts the first 28 days of a toddler's life. In the early neonatal period (from 1 to 7 days of a baby's life), children are with their mothers in the hospital. It is at this time that the body is freed from original feces or meconium. It is a viscous substance with a specific color that is very difficult to wash off. That is why it is very important to use diapers correctly during the newborn period.

    So, your baby was born! On the first day after childbirth, the body of the newborn is actively freed from everything that he managed to accumulate in the womb. During this period, it is important to carefully monitor the baby's hygiene. Check the baby's diaper at least once an hour. If the baby is free of meconium, carefully remove the diaper, wash the baby's bottom and genitals with soap, and then put on a new diaper.

    The release of meconium occurs 1-5 days after delivery. Then, with the arrival of breast milk, the baby's stool begins to improve.

    It is important! The right choice of diapers for a newborn!
    Newborn diapers are labeled NB or Newborn. They are designed for babies weighing 2 to 5 kg. When choosing the first diapers, pay attention to: absorbency, the presence of an adjustable elastic band on the model's belt, cuffs that protect the baby from possible leaks. Many manufacturers equip diapers with so-called indicator stripes that notify parents about the presence of a "surprise" in the baby's pants. Such strips are especially convenient at first, when the baby is just born. Subsequently, experienced mothers determine the fullness of the diaper "by eye".

    Different diapers are suitable for different babies. If you notice that your baby has irritation on the skin, and you change the diaper regularly, then you should try a different brand. Unfortunately, not all babies react to diapers the same way, and even an advertised model can cause diaper rash on the baby's delicate skin.

    A diaper change in the second or fourth week of a newborn's life!
    In the first month of life, the baby urinates up to 20 times a day. Pediatricians recommend changing diapers as they fill up. If your diaper is equipped with the aforementioned indicator stripes, you just have to monitor their color. If not, try to regularly check the surface of the diaper, and as soon as it becomes wet, change the diaper immediately. On average, it is believed that a diaper change should occur at least once every 2-3 hours.

    In the first month of life, "baby surprise" appears after almost every feeding. This is due to the natural release of the body, which feeds exclusively on the mother's breast milk. After each bowel movement, the baby needs to thoroughly cleanse the skin and then change the diaper.

    It is interesting! Should I change my diaper while sleeping at night?
    Many mothers are concerned about whether or not a diaper needs to be changed at night. There is no definite answer to this question. If your baby feels great and sleeps peacefully throughout the night, then it is better not to disturb the baby's sleep. Stock up on a reliable diaper at night to keep your baby “dry and comfortable”. However, if the baby pooped, then the diaper should be replaced immediately.

    Why do I need to change a diaper often?
    The delicate skin of the crumbs, in contact with the bacteria in feces and urine, begins to irritate, which is fraught with the appearance of diaper rash, rashes and painful sores. To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to observe the personal hygiene of the little one, regularly wash the baby, use a cream under the diaper, and most importantly - I had a diaper on time!

    Disposable diapers are an invention that has brought a lot of positive moments into the life of mom and baby. Forgotten are the times of endless washings and diapers hung around the house. Dampness does not disturb the child's sleep, the diaper reliably absorbs moisture, giving the baby dryness and comfort. Walks in winter have become as long as in summer. The advantages are obvious, but there are small cons... The main one is the price. The financial capabilities of parents are different, many have to calculate the number of diapers so as to provide the baby with comfort for a long time. Let's try to find out how many diapers a day a newborn needs to feel calm.

    To keep the baby dry and clean, a modern mom just needs to change his diaper

    Preparing diapers for the hospital

    Gathering to the hospital is a responsible and exciting moment. One of the main questions every young mother asks is how many diapers to take with you. Let's calculate the amount together. We start from two indicators: the planned number of days that you will spend in the hospital, plus the frequency of use.

    The average duration of a woman's stay in a maternity hospital, subject to a normally completed delivery, is 3 days. If a cesarean section was performed, mom will stay in the hospital for 5-7 days. Multiplying one of these numbers by the daily number of diapers, we get the required number.

    It is difficult to predict how the situation will turn, but you can always contact your family - they will bring the required number of diapers.

    The second point that influences your decision is how you intend to apply them: constantly or only at night. The working regulations of maternity hospitals provide for the issuance of a set of clean diapers to each newborn, which is changed daily (for more details, see the article :). The set is enough to keep the baby dry.

    Pediatricians recommend using government-owned diapers. The opinion is due to the fact that in the first 2-3 days the child urinates a little (2-6 per day). This frequency is due to the baby's low fluid intake. Leave the modern option for nighttime so that your baby sleeps well, then you don't have to get up to him. If we talk about the quantity, then 3 pieces per day will be enough. Consequently, for the entire period of stay in the hospital, about 15 pieces are consumed.

    Particularly worried mothers who are worried about the baby, believing that a few minutes in a wet diaper will lead to freezing of the baby, should take diapers with a margin (5-7 pieces per day). We will take into account all the calculations and the factors influencing them, we will draw the final conclusion: a package of 30 pieces is definitely enough. If a cesarean is planned or other complications arise and you spend more than 3-5 days in the hospital, relatives will help to solve the problem.

    In the maternity hospital, the child is given several sets of state-owned diapers, which are enough for the first time

    How many diapers does a newborn need in the first month?

    The maternity hospital is behind, you return home with the baby and again the same question: how many diapers does a baby need per day. Only now the financial side is added to the calculation. The main argument is the physiological characteristics of the newborn. The crumb gets breast milk or formula, which are liquid foods.

    The intestine, processing them, gives out liquid stools of a mushy consistency. The kid walks "big" after each feeding, he urinates even more often, about 10-25 times a day. These are normal values \u200b\u200bfor a healthy baby.

    Modern diapers perfectly absorb moisture, so there is no need to change them after each "trip" of the child to the toilet in a small way. Typically 10 shifts are enough to keep your baby dry. It turns out that you need 300 pieces per month. If you take a pack of 90 pieces, you will have to take 3 such packs.

    By purchasing several packs at once, you can save a lot. Subsequently, the need for them will decrease and by 6 months you will already need half as many diapers.

    How often does a newborn baby change a diaper?

    We found out the approximate number, but the questions do not end there. How often should a diaper be changed? Consider what it depends on:

    • the amount of urine the baby excretes;
    • reaction of the skin;
    • the temperature of the room where the baby is;
    • the quality of the product itself;
    • the amount of fluid the child is consuming.

    Mom should take these factors into account, and, based on them, make supplies. Obviously, all of these indicators are individual for each family. Here is the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, to which young mothers so often turn. Evgeny Olegovich recommends:

    • Be sure to do the shift when the newborn pooped. It is impossible to allow the crumb to "steam" in their own feces. In addition, mixing with urine, feces form a poisonous substance that irritates the delicate skin of the crumbs.
    • If you understand that during a walk or trip you will not be able to change the diaper normally, change it before the trip.
    • Looking under the diaper, we found that the crumbs had wet skin - immediately change to dry, after pretreating the skin with cream.

    The last point of Komarovsky's recommendations requires a detailed analysis. It is important primarily because it affects the well-being of the baby. The presence of excessive moisture occurs for two reasons: a poor-quality product and an incorrectly selected size. Parents should immediately eliminate both negative factors so as not to harm the baby.

    Reducing the number of diapers: small household tricks

    At first it will seem to you that your stocks are evaporating at an exorbitant rate. Several useful tips help to significantly reduce the "evaporation" of the diapers. Take note of:

    • If it is warm in the room where the baby is (above +21), there is no need to wear the product to the baby when he walks. An undershirt and an oilcloth covered with a diaper will keep the baby comfortable. A great option is sold in all pharmacies. However, there is one nuance arising from the sex of the newborn. Boys let out such a jet that not only the diapers become wet, but also the walls and furniture. ...
    • Advice for babies under 2 months of age. Use the waterproof garment as needed when going outdoors or wearing it at night. Use diapers the rest of the time. For children over 2 months old, sliders are suitable.
    • The practice of many attentive mothers shows: if you hold a newborn over a basin immediately after feeding, he will definitely pee (we recommend reading :). Then you can put on the product.

    If it's warm at home, you need to periodically provide the child with the opportunity to be without diapers.

    The popularity of disposable diapers is so high that all mothers are unambiguously in favor of using them. Simple products are easy to use, protect the baby from moisture for the whole day, save from it at night. Several important rules will help you use them wisely:

    1. Choose a model based on the weight of your son or daughter. Cramped or oversized will bring a lot of discomfort to the baby.
    2. If you notice redness, rashes, irritation on the skin of your treasure - change the brand of the product. It is a mistake to buy them for future use without checking the baby's skin reaction.
    3. When making a replacement, wipe the body of the crumbs with a clean damp cloth, let it dry and only then put on a fresh diaper.
    4. Stock up on a special cream or baby powder. Be sure to check the product for allergies. There are many offers, you can always. Treat your baby's skin with it every shift.
    5. If the baby's umbilical wound has not healed, buy special diapers that have a hole for the navel.
    6. Mothers using regular ones should boil them after each use. Gauze panties must be ironed with a hot iron before wearing. Such operations will help make them sterile.

    If the choice is made in favor of regular gauze diapers, they will need to be boiled after each use.

    How to change the diaper correctly?

    It's not enough just to put on a clean diaper, you need to do a row hygiene procedures... If they are not carried out, even the highest quality diaper will not protect the child from irritation and diaper rash. The baby's skin must be thoroughly cleaned of the remains of urine and feces, lubricated with cream. Experienced mothers know about these intricacies; for inexperienced ones, we have compiled detailed instructions.

    Prepare a clean product, baby soap, a bowl of warm water, baby wipes, a soft towel, diaper cream, or powder when you start changing. Wash your hands, dry them, make room for changing. We do this:

    • we cover the changing table with oilcloth, cover it with a clean diaper;
    • we put the child on the table;
    • unfasten the dirty diaper, but do not remove it;
    • wipe the stool from the baby's skin with the front of the diaper;
    • raise the baby by the ankles so that the butt also rises;
    • take out the diaper and fold it;
    • we take a basin of warm water and wash the baby (if you have a girl, wash her with a movement from the front and back) (we recommend reading :);
    • gently wipe the baby with a towel dry;
    • lubricate the skin with cream;
    • put on a clean diaper, placing the back part under the butt, and straighten the front part between the legs.

    The definition of a diaper as a disposable product means that it cannot be washed, cleaned, dried. The used product is thrown into the trash can.

    It is better not to rush to buy a large number of packages. Remember the individual work of the body of each child. Watch your treasure for the first week, so you determine the maximum number of diapers that he needs per day. Consider the resulting figure and buy as many packs as you need based on your calculations.

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