• The oldest beauty secrets of China that have survived to this day. How Asian beauties take care of their appearance Secrets of youth and beauty of Chinese women


    Girls, I found interesting "beauty recipes" of Chinese women. I think there's something to be noted.

    Chinese women, even in old age, not to mention young women, look fresh and young: velvet skin, healthy white teeth,
    gorgeous shiny hair...
    However, they are not particularly fond of cosmetics. How do Chinese beauties manage to maintain their beauty for a long time?

    Yes, Chinese women stay young and fresh not because of cosmetics. Their main trump card is a healthy lifestyle,
    to which Chinese parents teach their children from early childhood.

    Secrets of a healthy lifestyle of Chinese women:

    1. Girls, having barely learned to take their first steps, begin to engage in recreational gymnastics;

    2. During menstruation, women do not eat cold foods and do not drink cold water.
    The temperature of food and water should not be lower than our body temperature.
    In addition, during the period of menstruation, Chinese women are wary of drafts and do not swim in cold water.
    So they protect themselves from various diseases of the genitourinary system;

    3. Chinese women do self-massage every day. For example, in order to keep the chest healthy, they do the following: fold their hands over the right chest - the right one on top and the left one on the bottom, and massage the chest clockwise 36 times. The same is done with the left breast. Each part of the body has its own self-massage exercises;

    4. To keep skin smooth and youthful, Chinese ladies:

    Eat more sour foods, leaning on sour apples and lemons.
    After 35 years, they include soy products in their diet - soy sauce, tofu and soy meat, which contain iron, calcium and vitamin E, which are so necessary for the skin;

    Masks are regularly made, for example, this one: mix egg white, a tablespoon of honey, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 3 tsp. lemon juice. This composition is applied to the face before going to bed, and after half an hour it is washed off with warm water.

    5. The Chinese like to eat mainly cereal dishes from rice, buckwheat, oats, rye and wheat, since it is in cereals that a lot of amino acids are contained,
    vitamins and microelements.
    Cereals contribute to good bowel function and provide a lot of energy;

    6. Chinese women also eat a lot of fruits, cooked and raw vegetables, herbs, nuts, mustard, seafood and dairy foods;

    7. Chinese women, unlike us, always loaded with string bags, do not carry heavy loads. That is why they practically do not suffer from varicose veins;

    8. Instead of meat, so beloved by Russians, the Chinese prefer to eat fatty fish, beans and peas. Please note that there are few overweight people in China;

    9. Ladies carefully take care of their hair, regularly making masks. Here is one of them: before going to bed, grind a handful of peas, pour warm water over it to thicken it,
    and leave overnight.
    In the morning, apply the mask on wet hair for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water;

    10. Waking up, women in China do not jump out of bed.
    First, they warm up their palms, rubbing them against each other, and then, touching their foreheads, perform a series of washing movements.
    Thanks to this, they calmly meet their new day, because these manipulations calm the nervous system well.

    Chinese women are sure: if you want to look young and beautiful, take care not only about your loved ones, but also about yourself.
    Healthy nutrition and self-care are the main components of female youth and beauty!

    You may have noticed that Chinese women even in old age look quite fresh: velvety skin, chic shiny hair.

    Wondering how do Chinese beauties manage to maintain their beauty for a long time?

    It's all about a healthy lifestyle, which parents teach their children from early childhood.

    The Chinese have always been very sensitive to their health and appearance.

    They believe that there is a close relationship between the soul and the body.

    From an interview with an actress

    The most effective self-care advice you've ever received?

    Pay close attention to your inner world.

    Our body, the physical shell is a temple. If we fill it with junk food, bad thoughts and feelings, the body will respond in kind.

    The Chinese are convinced if you want to look young and beautiful, take care not only of your loved ones, but also of yourself.

    Healthy eating and personal care- the main components of female youth and beauty!

    To preserve youth, use the beauty recipes of Chinese beauties!

    Chinese Women's Healthy Life Secrets

    • Girls, having barely learned to take their first steps, begin to recreational gymnastics;
    • During menstruation women do not eat cold dishes and do not drink cold water. The temperature of food and water should not be lower than our body temperature. Also during this period they are wary of drafts.
    • Chinese women do daily self-massage for different parts of the body. For example, in order to keep the chest healthy, they do the following: fold their hands over the right chest - right on top and left on the bottom, and massage the chest clockwise 36 times. The same is done with the left breast.
    • For keeping skin smooth and youthful Chinese ladies eat as much as possible acidic foods such as lemons and sour apples.
    • After 35 years include in the diet soy products- soy sauce, tofu and soy meat, which contain iron, calcium and vitamin E, necessary for the skin;
    • To preserve youth, face and neck masks are regularly made, as well as hair masks;
    • They eat mostly cereal dishes from rice, buckwheat, oats, rye and wheat, since it is cereals that contain a lot of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Grains promote good bowel function and provide a lot of energy;
    • Chinese women also eat a lot of fruit, boiled and raw vegetables, herbs, nuts, mustard, seafood and dairy foods;
    • Chinese women carry no weight(unlike us). That is why they practically do not suffer from varicose veins;
    • Instead of meat, so beloved by Russians, the Chinese prefer to eat oily fish, beans and peas. Please note that there are few overweight people in China;
    • Waking up Women in China don't jump out of bed.. First, they warm up their palms, rubbing them against each other, and then, touching their foreheads, perform a series of washing movements. Thanks to this, they calmly meet their new day, because these manipulations are good. calm the nervous system.

    Impeccably smooth, almost porcelain “transparent” skin of the face is the result of homemade Chinese masks, which are easily prepared from traditional Asian plants, and which can be purchased quite inexpensively in the eBay online store or AliExpress, which our compatriots love. Angelica Root, Coix Seed and Ginseng are three ancient Chinese skin care herbs that have been used in medical books since the Tang Dynasty! We will talk about all this, as well as the unique properties of these plants and ancient recipes for skin care based on them, on this page.

    1. Bai Zhi (白芷), or angelica root

    Bai Zhi is a famous Chinese plant with properties first described 300 years before the birth of Christ. In the ancient Chinese book "Shennung Ben Chao Jing" (roughly translated "Book of Mystic Herbs"), this plant was described as useful "in the treatment of the female reproductive system, soothing puffy eyes and renewing the skin." During the Song Dynasty (960-1276), Bai Zhi's description was supplemented in another Chinese medical book as "relieving the redness of the eyes, reducing inflammation, renewing the blood and skin, relieving pain, and removing black spots and scars on the face." And as one of the components, Bai Zhi was included in the ancient recipe for a mask to give the skin “transparency”, described in the medical book “Instructions of a Promising Daughter, Worth Thousands of Gold Bars”. Those. This amazing herb has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for over two thousand years to restore, hydrate, purify skin, give it a smooth porcelain look and remove comedones!

    Returning to the 21st century, now we know the secret of the unique action of the ancient Chinese plant - Bai Zhi contains biologically active polyacetylenes with fungicidal and oncoprotective properties, as well as one of the most promising biologically active compounds studied today by cosmetology, osthole, which is a natural stimulator of PPARα receptors , which influence the process of division of epidermal proteins, and whose activation in the dermal layer stimulates collagen synthesis, improves microcirculation processes in the skin. Bai Zhi also contains a huge number of trace elements, such as calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, molybdenum and many, many other useful substances, the description of which would take several pages, so let's quickly move on to the pleasant practical part.

    • Bai Zhi mask for the effect of "transparent" skin

    Bai Zhi roots are much more convenient to order immediately in powder - on Aliexpress, a package of 50 grams costs about 967 rubles. Mix two tablespoons of the powder with one yolk, a teaspoon of honey and any cosmetic oil - olive, apricot or grape seeds, shea butter. Apply this paste on a cleansed face, leave to dry and then rinse. The recipe is simple, but the skin after this moisturizing mask becomes amazing porcelain smoothness.

    • Bai Zhi mask for pimples and acne

    This mask is suitable for oily or combination skin prone to breakouts. To prepare it, mix a tablespoon of Bai Zhi root powder with a teaspoon of honey and a little boiled or mineral water (until a paste forms). If desired, you can add a little juice or aloe extract. Next is the usual scheme for applying the mask, the effect of which in the form of healthy skin should please you.

    • Bai Zhi Whitening Mask

    This mask perfectly removes pigmentation and evens out complexion. True, for it you will also have to spend money on lotus extract, but it is cheaper than the Chinese Vietnamese counterpart, which you can buy in the online store om108.ru or namshop.ru at a price of about 400 rubles. for 100 gr. And the recipe for the mask, which has been used to whiten the skin of a Chinese woman since ancient times, is as follows: mix Bai Zhi powder in equal proportions with lotus powder (one tablespoon each), add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of liquid vitamin E. This formula is perfect for pregnant or nursing mothers in period of hormonal changes and will significantly improve the condition of the skin, giving it smoothness and a beautiful color.

    2. Coix seeds (薏仁) or coix seed

    Coix seeds are grains of a tall tropical plant called "Job's tears" (in Latin Coix lacryma) in the form of a small milky egg with a very sweet taste. In China, these seeds have been used since ancient times both for cooking and for medicinal purposes. According to the ancient Book of Mystic Herbs, coix seeds "strengthen the spleen and stomach, cleanse the lungs, cure colds, regenerate the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and prolong life." In Chinese traditional medicine, coix seeds are believed to detoxify the body, and because of this property, they have been used by Chinese women for centuries in skin care.

    Used regularly, this amazing remedy smoothes the skin, makes it incredibly smooth, tightens pores, reduces puffiness, removes blackheads that appear as a result of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, and also eliminates dryness and roughness of the skin due to sun exposure, has a moisturizing and softening effect. The composition of coix seeds for cosmetology is unique - they contain fatty acids - linoleic, stearic, nonanoic and a number of others that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties; steroid glucosamine balances hormone levels; polysaccharides enhance skin immunity. The seeds contain as much as 13% protein, vitamins B1, B12 and skin-rejuvenating vitamin E. In addition, the natural enzymes contained in coix seeds affect the keratins in the skin, increasing its moisture level. We hope this information is more than enough, and you can't wait to experience the effect of this miracle remedy for yourself! The most cost-effective offer is perhaps a 100-gram package of powder on Aliexpress for 1065 rubles.

    • Coix Seed Moisturizing Mask

    Mix two tablespoons of coix seed powder with a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk, add 1 tablespoon. yogurt or milk and apply the paste until dry on the face. This mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and evens out its color. Some traditional Chinese medicine fans with oily skin make this mask by mixing coix seeds with lotus seed and mung bean powder, the magical properties of which we talked about. But in this case, in addition to moisturizing, this mask will have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, but this pleasure is not cheap - on AliExpress, a 100-gram package of this mixture costs about 1071 rubles. However, the original mask recipe is good in itself.

    • Mask of coix seeds and Bai Zhi from comedones

    This mask perfectly copes with black comedones and excessive shine of oily skin, evening out the complexion and giving it smoothness. Mix 1 tbsp. coix seed powder and Bai Zhi, add egg yolk and a little milk to make a paste-like mask. If desired, you can add a little juice or aloe vera extract here. You won't recognize your skin in 20 minutes!

    • Coix Seed Sun Lotion

    This is the simplest and most effective recipe for sun protection used by the ancient Chinese. True, we will adapt it to modern realities. So, for sun protection, mix a small amount of your toner with a pinch of coix seed powder in a non-metallic bowl or directly in the palm of your hand and apply before your regular day cream. In no case do not mix the powder with lotion in large quantities and do not store - it will simply deteriorate. But you can add it to a moisturizer for long-term storage - so you get a great additional sunscreen.


    3. Ginseng root (ginseng/人蔘)

    The real king of the roots! Ginseng, or as it is called in the East, the "root of life" is perhaps the most famous Chinese plant, growing in only a few regions of Asia. It is believed that in China it began to be used more than four thousand years ago, and the earliest mention of this root is found in a medical book from the Han Dynasty (II century BC). .e. cure for all diseases. Thanks to its amazing healing properties and strong anti-aging effect, ginseng root is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology - the healing components contained in it can not only prevent premature aging, but also restore tired skin to its former strength and beauty.

    The composition of the root of life includes the strongest antioxidant complex, as well as unique skin rejuvenating substances ginsenosides. It also contains the most valuable acids, including folic, nicotinic, pantothenic acid, as well as mineral elements such as iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, cobalt, zinc, molybdenum. Due to its unique chemical composition, ginseng root has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, regulates and normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates cell renewal and blood microcirculation, smoothes wrinkles and stimulates collagen production, intensively nourishes and regenerates the skin. The polysaccharides and amino acids contained in the "king of the roots" effectively restore the necessary level of moisture in the skin, and the high content of vitamins C and E prevents premature aging. It is the unique rejuvenating properties of the root of life that have made it one of the most popular cosmetic ingredients, and you too can enjoy all its benefits right at home!

    • Ginseng Facial Scrub

    This skin-rejuvenating scrub is easy to prepare - 1 tbsp. Rub the ginseng powder with a little water - and the scrub with wonderful properties is ready. In addition to the face, they can treat the bends of the elbows and knees - places where the skin ages the fastest. The cheapest way to buy ginseng powder (ginseng powder) on AliExpress - there it costs 1190 rubles. for a 50-gram package, because Russian online stores mostly sell ginseng from Korea at four times the price. Also, as an option, ginseng powder in capsules (which is not very convenient) can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

    • Ginseng Root & Bai Zhi Rejuvenating Mask

    Truly a royal mask! It has a significant anti-aging effect, smoothing wrinkles and improving skin turgor, removes black spots, saturates the skin with all the beneficial substances contained in ginseng and perfectly moisturizes it. Mix 1 tbsp. ginseng powder and angelica root (Bai Zhi) with a little milk and honey (until a paste is obtained). Add beaten egg white there - if your skin is oily or combination, or yolk - if dry. If you are not allergic to pollen or royal jelly, add a small amount (up to half a teaspoon) to the paste - this wonderful ingredient will only enhance the rejuvenating effect of the mask. Doing it better in courses - 10 masks every other day with a break of two to three weeks - such a scheme will allow you to feel the cumulative effect of the mask, the result of which you will be pleasantly surprised. Without exaggeration, this magnificent mask can also be supplemented with a traditional for China since ancient times skin care product for aristocrats and empresses - pearl powder. In addition, it is inexpensive - 523 rubles. for a 250-gram package, and the effect of the mask will increase significantly.

    • Rejuvenating Ginseng Tonic

    An excellent finishing tool for a rejuvenating mask or a way to tone the skin in the morning. To prepare it, you need to buy glycerin or glycerol (dermatoprotective agent) at the pharmacy. Both one and the other perfectly interact with cosmetics and, due to their composition, act as a stabilizer. Mix glycerol in half with purified, mineral water (you will get a 50% solution). Place 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of ginseng powder in the resulting solution and leave for 10 days, then strain. Mix it with any flower water at a ratio of 3 parts ginseng infused 50% glycerol to 7 parts flower water. There is a lot of room for your imagination here - you can take, for example, Crimean natural rose water, which costs a penny and is famous throughout Europe for being bought by French pharmaceutical companies as a base for their products. You can follow their example. It is easy to order online. The resulting lotion is a great anti-aging agent for everyday use, and it can also be used as the basis for a homemade sheet mask. The result is flawlessly smooth porcelain skin!

    In any country in the world, women are ready to literally do anything to increase their beauty and preserve their youth. They sweat at the gym, consume superfoods, spend hours at spas, and seek help from plastic surgeons. The Chinese are no exception. Just like women around the world, and maybe more (after all, the cult of youth flourishes in this country), they strive to conquer time. And this, the secrets of the youth of Chinese women, they succeed perfectly. Looking at a Chinese woman, it can be quite difficult to determine how old she is, because mother, grandmother and granddaughter in the same family look actually the same age.

    no tan

    Like thousands of years ago, white facial skin is considered in China a sign of beauty and prosperity. Therefore, Chinese women never expose their face to direct sunlight, which is known to cause premature skin aging. Chinese women even in the heat wear long sleeves, take an umbrella with them and, of course, use sunscreen.

    More water. Wherever a Chinese woman goes, she always takes a bottle of clean boiled water with her. Chinese women drink a lot to prevent dehydration of skin cells. In addition to the fact that they use water inside, they do not allow the air around them to dry out - air humidifiers are installed in Chinese homes, offices and cars. They also regularly spray their skin with thermal water.

    Tea ceremony

    Chinese women drink beauty and health teas such as oolong, pu-erh, red teas with goji berries, jasmine and astragalus. At the same time, they know when and which tea is better to choose, for example, teas with tea leaves are contraindicated during the female cycle.

    No bad habits. People in China smoke a lot. But it's usually men who do it. Chinese women practically do not smoke and do not abuse alcohol. And even during a rebellious youth, when they take up a cigarette, they very quickly make a choice in favor of the beauty of the skin and stop smoking.

    Chinese ceremonies

    A very important component of Chinese culture is self-discipline and observance of the daily routine. Regular meals, as well as sleeping and waking up at the same time: they go to bed before midnight, and get up with the first rays of the sun. It is also customary to take a short nap after lunch - for example, office workers do it right behind the workplace, and students in the library.

    Attention to your health

    The Chinese respect their health in general and the sexual sphere in particular. Particular attention is paid to the health and well-being of a woman during pregnancy and the restoration of the body after the birth of a baby. It is believed that if a woman gets sick during this period, the disease will become chronic. Therefore, within 1-2 months after childbirth, a woman observes Zuo Yuezi (???) - she does not leave the house anywhere, takes care of her diet and tries not to overwork, or even do nothing at all. All cares about the newborn are entrusted to grandmothers (mostly mothers-in-law) or hire an assistant.

    Peace, only peace! It is known that stress and pronounced facial expressions age the skin. Unlike Europeans, Chinese women do not like Botox - preferring to remain calm and "poker face" in any situation.

    Minimum sugar. White sugar is practically not used in Chinese desserts. Of course, well-known Western food producers are now appearing in China, but they also have to reckon with the tastes of the local population and reduce the amount of sugar. The culture of consumption of desserts is also different. If we are used to eating sweets after dinner, the Chinese eat dessert between meals as a separate dish.

    women's kitchen

    In China, there is a whole section of cooking specifically for women. But instead of counting calories and denying yourself everything, as is customary in the West, Chinese women choose foods rich in collagen (for example, chicken skin and legs, turtle jelly), as well as healthy in general (various vegetables, algae, mushrooms). , plants).

    Spiritual development. In China, they are sure that everything should be in harmony, and a beautiful appearance is impossible without the beauty of the soul. Therefore, women are actively engaged in self-development: they are fond of music, dance, poetry, tea culture, ikebana, origami, needlework, etc. All these hobbies contribute to the development of internal balance, strengthen the nervous system and prolong youth.

    And also read

    Chinese women have smooth porcelain skin and shiny hair, and are always remarkably slim.

    If you want to look as beautiful and sophisticated as them, follow the beauty tips of Chinese beauties.

    You rarely see Chinese women with bright makeup. Basically, they achieve beauty by natural means. Chinese medicine considers beauty as a reflection of the state of the whole organism. The nature of Chinese medicine is well shown in the thesis that beauty comes from within.

    Here are the beauty secrets of Chinese women:

    China is one of the countries with the highest consumption of tea in the world, and this helps the women in the plains of China to always be healthy. Green and white tea are the most common drinks in China. Tea supports the health of the immune system, helps to fight off the action of free radicals - the enemies of the beauty of your skin.

    seaweed consumption

    Chinese women diligently eat seaweed. Seaweed is a fiber-rich food that contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, chlorophyll, as well as antioxidants. The natural fiber fibers help speed up the digestion process and absorb excess salt in the body. In addition, fiber helps keep you full for longer, and is ideal when you're on a diet.

    Vitamins and chlorophyll rejuvenate the skin, maintain normal collagen levels and make the skin supple. Seaweed is also rich in protein, which prevents premature aging of the body.

    natural masks

    From generation to generation, Chinese women prefer to use natural remedies to preserve and maintain beauty and health. They make face masks from a mixture of papaya, yogurt and natural sea salt. Natural ingredients make skin smooth and soft.

    Hair beauty thanks to camellia oil

    Most Chinese women have fine hair that needs special care. But they have a powerful secret to preserving the beauty of hair - white camellia oil. Chinese women use this oil as a natural moisturizer that keeps hair soft.

    Watch your hands and feet

    There is an old Chinese saying, "the second face of a woman is in her hands" and Chinese women take great care of their hands and feet. According to Chinese medicine, the hands and feet are the microcosmic representation of the whole body. Many of the most important acupuncture points are found on the arms and legs, and stimulating these areas can have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Try massaging your hands and feet with a moisturizer every day.

    "Root" of problems

    A universal remedy for all skin problems is ginseng root. The botanical name of the root is Panax, which translates as "universal medicine". Considered one of the most prized plants by the Chinese, ginseng contains powerful compounds that reduce fatigue and relieve stress.

    It is rich in antioxidants that neutralize wrinkle-causing free radicals and natural steroids involved in tissue regeneration.

    According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng nourishes all five main internal organs of a person - the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. It improves the metabolism in the skin and supplies the substances it needs. All this leads to a slowdown in the aging of the whole organism and the prevention of wrinkles.

    First morning treatments

    Chinese women do not jump up at dawn. Their day begins with measured caring procedures. So, you need to warm up both palms by rubbing them together. You can do this with your eyes closed so that you do not immediately depart from a pleasant half-sleep and at the same time it is better to concentrate.

    With warm palms, you need to touch your forehead, cheeks, neck (from bottom to top), move your hands as if you were washing your face. Such a calm meeting of the new day has a good effect on the skin, nervous system and mood.

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