• I bought myself varnishes and I will pamper. No one will spoil a woman if she does not spoil herself. Listen to an interesting podcast


    If you are rarely alone, then you just need moments of solitude, moments "for yourself."

    Is there your place, your space in your house besides the kitchen? If you live with your parents or in a rented apartment, then you just need to equip your nook.

    It can be an armchair, with comfortable pillows, with a beautiful floor lamp, where you can read your favorite book or a romance novel. Just start thinking about what you want?

    For example, I chose a white desk and chair for myself. This is called pampering yourself - buying not what is practical, but what you like. I have had a white chair for half a year, but I turned out to be so neat that it is still like new! And white can also be practical when it's fun!

    If your home clothes are sweatpants and slippers, then you can treat yourself and buy a new home dress, change clothes for sleep. It should be not only neat, comfortable, but also beautiful. Even at home, you should feel at least like a queen.

    Allow yourself more beauty treatments: make ice cubes for the morning, buy a thermal water spray, buy a natural bristle massage brush, a new comb and essential oils for aroma combing. Get pleasure from any action, from touching your own body.

    Learn to create your own mood with the help of interior, aromas, music. Pamper yourself! How to create a mood with the help of interior design, I will tell you in the near future. A well-known designer will become a guest of the site, so as not to miss subscribe to the newsletter.

    Often we are content with what we have, we buy something practical, but we need to allow ourselves what we want! Allow yourself something luxurious: expensive perfume, underwear.

    Allow yourself what is forbidden.
    And be sure to track the resistance that arises when you try to resolve something for yourself. Often we do not buy not because of financial difficulties, but out of habit. We are accustomed to treating ourselves the way our parents treated us - tough and strict, so that, God forbid, spoil us!
    We don't feel worthy of the things we want!

    If you are very practical, then buy yourself fresh flowers. Some women even forbid men to buy flowers, because they are expensive, and a hundred I t little! Practical women usually do not give flowers! And if they give, it is very rare! The world reacts very subtly to our attitude towards ourselves.

    Do you need to know what makes you happy? And if flowers can help with this, then they will bring more benefits than any practical thing!

    When we stop pampering ourselves, our life becomes dull, dreary and somehow unworthy!

    Only pampering herself, knowing her needs, a woman will always be desirable, beautiful and feminine, able to desire and get what she wants!

    Learn to give to yourself so that you can easily accept from others!

    ATTENTION! Any use of this material (publication, quoting, reprinting) is NOT ALLOWED without the consent of the author. The material is subject to copyright and is protected by Copyright Law.

    Tatyana Dzutseva

    In contact with

    We all want to be pampered by men, pampered by life. As much as you allow yourself to be pampered, so will others.

    Since childhood, we have learned only one of the meanings of this word: “indulging whims and whims,” and this is bad, because our parents believed that if you answer a child to his every call, then he will be spoiled and sit on his neck. And let the child do everything himself, otherwise he will not learn anything.

    Therefore, parents, afraid to spoil us, did not help once again, often refused, piled on a lot of housework and housework, taught us to be responsible and practical.

    Nobody told them that the word “spoil” has several more meanings: to treat with special attention, care, affection and to give pleasure, joy to someone, to do something pleasant.

    Scientists have proven that strict discipline and strong pressure from parents, especially in girls, is fraught with anxiety disorders and the appearance of anxiety and unreasonable fear. And among those girls whose parents spoiled and were attentive to their needs and desires, there were practically no tendencies to the appearance of various anxieties and phobias.

    So let's learn to pamper ourselves!

    How will pampering yourself change your life?

    Increase your sensitivity and sensuality, you will learn to listen to yourself and your feelings;
    - increase female energy;
    - you will feel inner self-worth;
    - it will be easier for you to accept gifts from men and from life;
    - improve mood and satisfaction from life;
    - will give new strength;
    -increase the love for yourself and the love of the world.

    And most importantly, you can not only wish for something, but also learn to accept what you want in your life!

    Because wanting and allowing yourself are two different things! Read this thought again.

    And now the question is: when you are offered to be pampered, how do you imagine this process?

    It usually comes to mind for unspoiled women to go to a beautician, to a SPA, to a massage therapist or go shopping and buy everything for themselves. As it came to mind, it went away, because in self-pampering one cannot follow the beaten paths.

    You need to allow yourself what you want, and not what others do! We ourselves drive ourselves into rigid limits: this is impossible, then impossible. A lot of responsibilities and affairs and very little pleasure and self-care.

    Someone may just need to stop eating after the child and after someone else and allow themselves their portion of food, which can also be left unfinished!

    Many of us find it difficult to resolve some things for ourselves, and it would be nice to find these things first! Find something that will make your life brighter, more joyful, happier and allow yourself to do it!

    How to pamper yourself?

    Buy a bouquet of flowers and decorate your home, breathe in the fragrance and smile.

    Buy yourself a body care product that you have wanted for a long time, but were afraid to afford it: essential oil, an expensive blush brush, etc.
    Or make your own scrub, take the time, find the ingredients, and enjoy.

    If you're tired and running, treat yourself to idleness. Allow yourself to do nothing. After all, as we usually live: a free minute appears - we immediately find things to do, not a minute without efficiency, we must definitely occupy ourselves with something. Try to stop! You can make a pause in cooking, order food home, go somewhere for dinner.

    Do what you have wanted to do for a long time, but put off due to lack of time. Go to the theatre, take a walk in the park, go to the bathhouse, start sewing, drawing, just without preparation, re-read the love classics, re-watch your favorite movie. Pamper yourself!

    Allow yourself small joys, fill your life with them! And in your life there will be more emotions, good mood and satisfaction.

    You deserve a better life! Not simple, gray and cheap! But high-quality, healthy and beautiful, and sometimes completely impractical and inefficient. Find something that will testify to an attentive and caring attitude towards yourself.

    You need to pamper yourself not from the head, but from the body and from the soul. Listen to yourself, to your feelings: what do I need? What I want?

    Go your own way, not the beaten paths.

    Many give such advice: treat yourself to a chocolate bar, a cake, drink a cup of coffee ... I would not give such advice. Here you can treat yourself to clean water, fresh vegetables, instead of fried potatoes, freshly squeezed juices! Pampering yourself means not indulging yourself, but making your life happier, more beautiful and healthier!

    If you are rarely alone, then you just need moments of solitude, moments "for yourself."

    Is there your place, your space in your house besides the kitchen? If you live with your parents or in a rented apartment, then you just need to equip your nook.

    It can be an armchair, with comfortable pillows, with a beautiful floor lamp, where you can read your favorite book or a romance novel. Just start thinking about what you want?

    After all, it is they who take on the hard work of taking care of each member of their family, helping friends and relatives.

    Often FORGETTING that their resource is NOT unlimited ...

    Forgetting that the atmosphere in the house depends on their mood and condition ...

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    Forgetting that if they don't take care of themselves, no one else is likely to do it?!

    So, meet:

    10 Ways to Pamper Yourself... Your Loved One

    1. Start your morning fresh

    The daily routine has long been boring ... you want something new, but you yourself drive yourself into a rigid framework of how a mother or wife should behave. Accordingly, first duties and affairs, and then everything else ... for which there is usually no time left.

    Get up an hour early! And spend it on what you LIKE, be it a walk in the fresh air, a short meditation, your favorite songs even before everyone is up… Thus, you are charged with energy and harmony right in the morning

    The first 12 minutes after waking up are the foundation of the whole day. HOW you spend this time will determine how your day goes.

    {By the way, I filmed and made the video myself when we rested near Yalta.}

    2. Allow yourself to do nothing.

    I understand that any more or less organized woman has a daily routine scheduled for weeks ahead ... after all, women are more responsible (with all due respect to men) in solving everyday issues.

    And if suddenly you have a free minute, you will most likely immediately find something to do with yourself.

    Are you trying to do NOTHING? Lie on the couch for half an hour after waking up ... soak up the bath ... chat with your friends on the phone)))

    And most importantly: DO NOT scold yourself for wasting time!

    You are not a draft horse to work non-stop.

    3. Treat yourself to a spa experience

    I wanted to write about body care and relaxation at home ... But if you have small children at home, or you work during the day and come home only in the evening, when the whole family is gathered, you are unlikely to be able to relax 100% ...

    Modern spa salons offer a full range of services: from massage and aromatherapy to swimming pools and thermal baths with beautiful music and lit candles.

    Once a month, you can definitely afford to escape from household chores and enjoy to the fullest!

    4. Go shopping

    When you have just enough money in your wallet so as not to stretch your legs until payday, the idea of ​​going shopping causes a sharp rejection: “What am I going to do there ?!”

    But modern shopping centers are whole conglomerates of beautiful shops, cozy cafes, entertainment centers ...

    Women are inherently visual, they absorb the diversity of the world through their eyes. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of going shopping, trying on everything that catches your eye, drinking coffee in a pleasant environment ...

    It is NOT necessary to spend money))) And you will get a lot of pleasure.

    8 ways to reduce stress in your life.

    5. Arrange a meeting with friends

    I won't ask you when was the last time you met your close friends live... In the era of cell phones and the Internet, communication has become virtual and one-on-one.

    6. Take a break from cooking

    I'm not advising you to stop cooking altogether... but you can take a short break.

    In almost any city today you can order food at home: pizza, sushi or any other dish from the menu (depending on where you live).

    A more romantic option: invite your husband/lover to a romantic dinner at a cafe or restaurant.

    {Our family does not drink alcohol, but the picture is pretty…}

    An unsettled life gradually kills even the most ardent feelings. Especially when there are many children in the house.

    Agree with relatives / girlfriends / nanny that they will look after the kids for a couple of hours ... and themselves ...

    Arrange an unforgettable evening for yourself and your loved one. With candles, a light dinner, a sensual movie and a bath with rose petals.

    As long as your imagination is enough.

    8. Do the things you never have time for.

    Surely, there is a favorite activity / me on your to-do list that you constantly put off until you have free time.

    Free time is an illusion, it may not be in the next 10 years. And what, you will put off what you like to do for such a long time?!

    What do you enjoy doing? Sew? To knit? Paint? Write? Reread your favorite book?

    Or maybe you have long planned to go to the hairdresser, get a manicure ...

    DO IT! Stop procrastinating! You live once.

    {An old dream to see a killer whale with our own eyes came true in San Diego, California, where we set aside a whole day to visit the Sea World Park }

    9. Make it a habit to pamper yourself REGULARLY

    I am a realist by nature, and I understand perfectly well that following this article, you can do one thing from this list.

    Do and forget in the daily routine of affairs.

    But how great it will be if EVERY day you allow yourself a little joy: prepare a fruit salad for YOURSELF, eat your favorite cake / ice cream ... our life is made up of such trifles!

    10. Leave open to reader creativity

    Write in the comments YOUR favorite way to treat yourself.

    Preferably in this style:

    - The name of the method.

    - 2-3 explanatory sentences.

    Is pampering yourself good or bad? Why is it necessary for a woman and how to pamper yourself correctly?

    We all want to be pampered by men, pampered by life. As much as you allow yourself to be pampered, so will others.

    Since childhood, we have learned only one of the meanings of this word: “indulging whims and whims,” and this is bad, because our parents believed that if you answer a child to his every call, then he will be spoiled and sit on his neck. And let the child do everything himself, otherwise he will not learn anything.

    Therefore, parents, afraid to spoil us, did not help once again, often refused, piled on a lot of housework and housework, taught us to be responsible and practical.

    Nobody told them that the word “spoil” has several more meanings: to treat with special attention, care, affection and to give pleasure, joy to someone, to do something pleasant.

    Scientists have proven that strict discipline and strong pressure from parents, especially in girls, is fraught with anxiety disorders and the appearance of anxiety and unreasonable fear. And among those girls whose parents spoiled and were attentive to their needs and desires, there were practically no tendencies to the appearance of various anxieties and phobias.

    So let's learn to pamper ourselves!

    How will pampering yourself change your life?

    • increase your sensitivity and sensuality, you will learn to listen to yourself and your feelings;
    • increase feminine energy;
    • you will feel inner self-worth;
    • it will be easier for you to accept gifts from men and from life;
    • improve mood and satisfaction from life;
    • will give new strength;
    • will increase the love of self and the love of the world.

    And most importantly, you can not only wish for something, but also learn to accept what you want in your life!

    Because wanting and allowing yourself are two different things! Read this thought again.

    And now the question is: when you are offered to be pampered, how do you imagine this process?

    It usually comes to mind for unspoiled women to go to a beautician, to a SPA, to a massage therapist or go shopping and buy everything for themselves. As it came to mind, it went away, because in self-pampering one cannot follow the beaten paths.

    You need to allow yourself what you want, and not what others do! We ourselves drive ourselves into rigid limits: this is impossible, then impossible. A lot of responsibilities and affairs and very little pleasure and self-care.

    Someone may just need to stop eating after the child and after someone else and allow themselves their portion of food, which can also be left unfinished!

    Many of us find it difficult to resolve some things for ourselves, and it would be nice to find these things first! Find something that will make your life brighter, more joyful, happier and allow yourself to do it!

    How to pamper yourself?

    Buy a bouquet of flowers and decorate your home, breathe in the fragrance and smile.

    Buy yourself a body care product that you have wanted for a long time, but were afraid to afford it: essential oil, an expensive blush brush, etc.
    Or make your own scrub, take the time, find the ingredients, and enjoy.

    If you're tired and running, treat yourself to idleness. Allow yourself to do nothing. After all, as we usually live: a free minute appears - we immediately find things to do, not a minute without efficiency, we must definitely occupy ourselves with something. Try to stop! You can make a pause in cooking, order food home, go somewhere for dinner.

    Do what you have wanted to do for a long time, but put off due to lack of time. Go to the theatre, take a walk in the park, go to the bathhouse, start sewing, drawing, just without preparation, re-read the love classics, re-watch your favorite movie. Pamper yourself!

    Allow yourself small joys, fill your life with them! And in your life there will be more emotions, good mood and satisfaction.

    You deserve a better life! Not simple, gray and cheap! And high-quality, healthy and beautiful, and sometimes - completely impractical and inefficient. Find something that will testify to an attentive and caring attitude towards yourself.

    You need to pamper yourself not from the head, but from the body and from the soul. Listen to yourself, to your feelings: what do I need? What I want?

    Go your own way, not the beaten paths.

    Many give such advice: treat yourself to a chocolate bar, a cake, drink a cup of coffee ... I would not give such advice. Here you can treat yourself to clean water, fresh vegetables, instead of fried potatoes, freshly squeezed juices! Pampering yourself means not indulging yourself, but making your life happier, more beautiful and healthier!

    If you are rarely alone, then you just need moments of solitude, moments "for yourself."

    Is there your place, your space in your house besides the kitchen? If you live with your parents or in a rented apartment, then you just need to equip your nook.

    It can be an armchair, with comfortable pillows, with a beautiful floor lamp, where you can read your favorite book or a romance novel. Just start thinking about what you want?

    For example, I chose a white desk and chair for myself. This is called pampering yourself - buying not what is practical, but what you like. I have had a white chair for half a year, but I turned out to be so neat that it is still like new! And white can also be practical when it's fun!

    If your home clothes are sweatpants and slippers, then you can treat yourself and buy a new home dress, change clothes for sleep. It should be not only neat, comfortable, but also beautiful. Even at home, you should feel at least like a queen.

    Allow yourself more beauty treatments: make ice cubes for the morning, buy a thermal water spray, buy a natural bristle massage brush, a new comb and essential oils for aroma combing. Get pleasure from any action, from touching your own body.

    Learn to create your own mood with the help of interior, aromas, music. Pamper yourself! How to create a mood with the help of interior design, I will tell you in the near future. A well-known designer will become a guest of the site, so as not to miss subscribe to the newsletter.

    Often we are content with what we have, we buy something practical, but we need to allow ourselves what we want! Allow yourself something luxurious: expensive perfume, underwear.

    Allow yourself what is forbidden.

    And be sure to track the resistance that arises when you try to resolve something for yourself. Often we do not buy not because of financial difficulties, but out of habit. We are accustomed to treating ourselves the way our parents treated us - tough and strict, so that, God forbid, spoil us!

    We don't feel worthy of the things we want!

    If you are very practical, then buy yourself fresh flowers. Some women even forbid men to buy flowers, because they are expensive, but they cost little! Practical women usually do not give flowers! And if they give, it is very rare! The world reacts very subtly to our attitude towards ourselves.

    Do you need to know what makes you happy? And if flowers can help with this, then they will bring more benefits than any practical thing!

    When we stop pampering ourselves, our life becomes dull, dreary and somehow unworthy!

    Only pampering herself, knowing her needs, a woman will always be desirable, beautiful and feminine, able to desire and get what she wants!

    Learn to give to yourself so that you can easily accept from others!

    Is pampering yourself good or bad? Why is it necessary for a woman and how to pamper yourself correctly?

    We all want to be pampered by men, pampered by life. As much as you allow yourself to be pampered, so will others.

    Since childhood, we have learned only one of the meanings of this word: “indulging whims and whims,” and this is bad, because our parents believed that if you answer a child to his every call, then he will be spoiled and sit on his neck. And let the child do everything himself, otherwise he will not learn anything.

    Therefore, parents, afraid to spoil us, did not help once again, often refused, piled on a lot of housework and housework, taught us to be responsible and practical.

    Nobody told them that the word “spoil” has several more meanings: to treat with special attention, care, affection and to give pleasure, joy to someone, to do something pleasant.

    Scientists have proven that strict discipline and strong pressure from parents, especially in girls, is fraught with anxiety disorders and the appearance of anxiety and unreasonable fear. And among those girls whose parents spoiled and were attentive to their needs and desires, there were practically no tendencies to the appearance of various anxieties and phobias.

    So let's learn to pamper ourselves!

    How will pampering yourself change your life?

    • increase your sensitivity and sensuality, you will learn to listen to yourself and your feelings;
    • increase feminine energy;
    • you will feel inner self-worth;
    • it will be easier for you to accept gifts from men and from life;
    • improve mood and satisfaction from life;
    • will give new strength;
    • will increase the love of self and the love of the world.

    And most importantly, you can not only wish for something, but also learn to accept what you want in your life!
    Because wanting and allowing yourself are two different things! Read this thought again.

    And now the question is: when you are offered to be pampered, how do you imagine this process?

    It usually comes to mind for unspoiled women to go to a beautician, to a SPA, to a massage therapist or go shopping and buy everything for themselves. As it came to mind, it went away, because in self-pampering one cannot follow the beaten paths.

    You need to allow yourself what you want, and not what others do! We ourselves drive ourselves into rigid limits: this is impossible, then impossible. A lot of responsibilities and affairs and very little pleasure and self-care.
    Someone may just need to stop eating after the child and after someone else and allow themselves their portion of food, which can also be left unfinished!

    Many of us find it difficult to resolve some things for ourselves, and it would be nice to find these things first! Find something that will make your life brighter, more joyful, happier and allow yourself to do it!

    How to pamper yourself?

    Buy a bouquet of flowers and decorate your home, breathe in the fragrance and smile.

    Buy yourself a body care product that you have wanted for a long time, but were afraid to afford it: essential oil, an expensive blush brush, etc.
    Or make your own scrub, take the time, find the ingredients, and enjoy.

    If you're tired and running, treat yourself to idleness. Allow yourself to do nothing. After all, as we usually live: a free minute appears - we immediately find things to do, not a minute without efficiency, we must definitely occupy ourselves with something. Try to stop! You can make a pause in cooking, order food home, go somewhere for dinner.

    Do what you have wanted to do for a long time, but put off due to lack of time. Go to the theatre, take a walk in the park, go to the bathhouse, start sewing, drawing, just without preparation, re-read the love classics, re-watch your favorite movie. Pamper yourself!

    Allow yourself small joys, fill your life with them! And in your life there will be more emotions, good mood and satisfaction.

    You deserve a better life! Not simple, gray and cheap! But high-quality, healthy and beautiful, and sometimes completely impractical and inefficient. Find something that will testify to an attentive and caring attitude towards yourself.

    You need to pamper yourself not from the head, but from the body and from the soul. Listen to yourself, to your feelings: what do I need? What I want?

    Go your own way, not the beaten paths.

    Many give such advice: treat yourself to a chocolate bar, a cake, drink a cup of coffee ... I would not give such advice. Here you can treat yourself to clean water, fresh vegetables, instead of fried potatoes, freshly squeezed juices! Pampering yourself means not indulging yourself, but making your life happier, more beautiful and healthier!

    If you are rarely alone, then you just need moments of solitude, moments "for yourself."

    Is there your place, your space in your house besides the kitchen? If you live with your parents or in a rented apartment, then you just need to equip your nook.

    It can be an armchair, with comfortable pillows, with a beautiful floor lamp, where you can read your favorite book or a romance novel. Just start thinking about what you want?

    For example, I chose a white desk and chair for myself. This is called pampering yourself - buying not what is practical, but what you like. I have had a white chair for half a year, but I turned out to be so neat that it is still like new! And white can also be practical when it's fun!

    If your home clothes are sweatpants and slippers, then you can treat yourself and buy a new home dress, change clothes for sleep. It should be not only neat, comfortable, but also beautiful. Even at home, you should feel at least like a queen.

    Allow yourself more beauty treatments: make ice cubes for the morning, buy a thermal water spray, buy a natural bristle massage brush, a new comb and essential oils for aroma combing. Get pleasure from any action, from touching your own body.

    Learn to create your own mood with the help of interior, aromas, music. Pamper yourself!

    Often we are content with what we have, we buy something practical, but we need to allow ourselves what we want! Allow yourself something luxurious: expensive perfume, underwear.

    Allow yourself what is forbidden.
    And be sure to track the resistance that arises when you try to resolve something for yourself. Often we do not buy not because of financial difficulties, but out of habit. We are accustomed to treating ourselves the way our parents treated us - tough and strict, so that, God forbid, spoil us!
    We don't feel worthy of the things we want!

    If you are very practical, then buy yourself fresh flowers. Some women even forbid men to buy flowers, because they are expensive, but they cost little! Practical women usually do not give flowers! And if they give, it is very rare! The world reacts very subtly to our attitude towards ourselves.

    Do you need to know what makes you happy? And if flowers can help with this, then they will bring more benefits than any practical thing!

    When we stop pampering ourselves, our life becomes dull, dreary and somehow unworthy!

    Only pampering herself, knowing her needs, a woman will always be desirable, beautiful and feminine, able to desire and get what she wants!

    Learn to give to yourself so that you can easily accept from others!

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