• How to keep a child busy for a long time. How to keep your child busy in the evening (14 quiet games). Entertainment for older kids


    Each parent wishes their child happiness, but what can you do to make your child's childhood the happiest in practice, and in childhood memories caused an inner smile for a long time. Already as an adult, your "baby" will always remember these unforgettable moments, and you, dear parents!

    And you need to do everything, nothing:

    1. Letting off sunbeams.

    2. Watch the seeds germinate.

    3. Slide down a high ice mountain together.

    4. Bring a branch from the frost and place it in the water.

    5. Cut the jaws out of the orange peels.

    6. Look at the stars.

    7. Shading coins and leaves hidden under the paper.

    8. Shake the pencil until it appears to be flexible.

    9. Make holes of ice under running water.

    10. Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon.

    11. Cut out the garlands of paper men.

    12. Show shadow theater.

    13. Put pancakes on the water.

    14. Draw a cartoon in the margin of the notebook.

    15. Arrange a dwelling in a box from a refrigerator.

    16. Weave wreaths.

    17. Make a volcanic eruption from citric acid and soda.

    18. Show focus with electrified paper figurines.

    19. Copy the copy.

    20. Make sprinklers from bottles and start a battle.

    21. Listen to birds singing.

    22. Throw chips downstream, dig canals and make dams.

    23. Build a hut.

    24. Shake a tree branch when the child stands under it and arrange leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

    25. Watch the sunrise and sunset.

    26. Admire the moonlit path.

    27. Look at the clouds and think about what they look like.

    28. Make a weather vane and a wind trap.

    29. Shine a flashlight in the dark.

    30. Make octopuses from dandelions and pupae from rose hips.

    31. Go fishing.

    32. Leave body prints in the snow.

    33. Feed the birds.

    34. Make secrets.

    35. Build a house from furniture.

    36. Sit by the fire. Fry bread on a twig.

    37. Fly a kite.

    38. Twist the child by the hands.

    39. Build a sand castle. Bury yourself in the sand. Dig a deep well to reach the water.

    40. Sit in the dark, by candlelight.

    41. Make devils out of soapy hair.

    42. Blow into an empty bottle.

    43. Repeat one word many times so that it turns into another.

    44. To publish the victory cry of the Kamanchi.

    45. Marvel at your giant shadow and play catch-up with shadows.

    46. \u200b\u200bJump to the center of the puddle.

    47. Make notes with milk.

    48. Make a storm in a glass of water.

    49. Bury the treasure in a plate of porridge.

    50. Explain with signs.

    51. Make spouts from maple lionfish, order from burdock, earrings from cherries.

    52. To blow on a feather.

    53. Leave a blade of grass in an anthill and then try formic acid.

    54. Eat hare cabbage, suck on resin, lick birch sap and maple syrup, chew blades of grass.

    55. Squeeze out cookies with molds.

    56. String berries on a blade of grass.

    57. Play Cyclops.

    58. Sing in chorus.

    59. Fix your favorite toy.

    60. Blow bubbles.

    61. Decorate the Christmas tree.

    62. Whistle through the acacia pod.

    63. Make a dollhouse.

    64. Climb a tree.

    65. Play ghosts.

    66. Designing fancy dress and dressing up.

    67. Talk about dreams.

    68. Knock on a homemade drum.

    69. To release a balloon into the sky.

    70. Organize a children's party.

    71. Look at the world through colored glass.

    72. Draw on misted glass.

    73. Jump into heaps of autumn foliage.

    74. Start lunch with dessert.

    75. Put your clothes on the child.

    77. Watch your favorite cartoon together, and finally understand who Bakugan are!

    78. Monkeys make faces at the Zoo.

    79. Spy on everyone through binoculars.


    81. Throw pillows (small and soft).

    82. Measure the drifts together. Play snowballs and build snow towns / barricades.

    83. Make a snowman, always with a carrot nose, scarf, hat and broom.

    84. To swing the child on a blanket / bedspread.

    85. Make an ambush in the pillows and shoot back with something soft.

    86. Make rowan beads.

    87. Shoot chestnuts with the whole family, pick them, and then carefully warm them with your hands in your pockets.

    88. Plant your own tree and every year on about the same day drive and check how much it has grown :)

    89. Collect cones, acorns, leaves and make crafts from them

    90. Sew clothes for the girl's doll or make a boat with the boy.

    91. Making spit pipes and playing war

    92. Let the walnut shell boats in the bathroom.

    93. Make a garrison cap / Panama from newspaper or just paper.

    95. Hide under a blanket with a flashlight.

    96. Go mushroom picking.

    97. Catching waves at sea.

    98. Build dams on the stream.

    99. Catching butterflies with a butterfly net.

    100. Catch ladybirds and let them go to heaven with the appropriate song.

    101. Write a letter to Santa Claus.

    102. Dress up the Christmas tree and decorate the room for the New Year and be sure to cut snowflakes on the windows.

    103. Launching paper boats in a puddle or on a river.

    104. To make prints of coins and keys in plasticine or dough.

    105. Collect leaves and flowers and make a herbarium.

    106. Tell your dreams.

    107. Come up with a secret word / code, a secret sign.

    108. Bury the treasure.

    109. Catching snowflakes, incl. tongue and make wishes.

    110. Look for 4-leaf clover and 5-petalled lilac flowers, eat them and make wishes.

    111. Eat a lucky ticket on the bus.

    112. Go hiking with a tent, backpack, fire, bowler hat and guitar.

    113. Peel the tangerine with one crust.

    114. Get a pet ... and it doesn't have to be a cat or a dog.

    115. Blow bubbles through the tube into a glass of water.

    116. Play kings and queens by wearing a curtain / sheet / tablecloth robe.

    118. Listen to the chirping of cicadas / grasshoppers in the evening.

    119. Compose fairy tales about a child.

    120. Draw with crayons on the asphalt, and then watch them come to life in the rain.

    121. Swim or just get wet by the fountain.

    122. To make turrets from flat stones or "liquid" ones from sand - such "buns".

    123. Make a birdhouse.

    124. Bake potatoes on coals or in ash.

    125. Make a cocked hat out of a small pillow-dummy.

    126. Roll the child on all fours on his back (horse) or on his shoulders.

    127. Make skeletons from leaves (chestnut leaves are especially good).

    128. Come up with your own family tradition, in which all family members can participate.

    129. Let the child hang and "fly", taking him by the arms from both sides.

    130. Build cookie houses

    131. Sculpt something out of dough and be sure to smear yourself in flour :)

    132. Decorate the Christmas tree.

    What happy moments do you remember from your childhood?

    Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. For this to happen soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

    22. Painting without spots

    If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a strong, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

    23. Car wash with your own hands

    Children can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

    From the canister, you need to cut the sink body with entry and exit. Cut the dishwashing sponges into long thin sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Use permanent markers to color in the structure. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt jars, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. Imagination will do the rest.

    24. Science experiment with balloons

    Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Put a spoonful of baking soda in a balloon and vinegar in an empty plastic bottle. Place the balloon on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the ball into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will release a large amount of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

    25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

    If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with tinted water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the "shell" of the ball from the eggs, examine the dinosaur in the ice. You can get the toy out with a small hammer (only you need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

    26. Banana Ice Cream

    You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin slices. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and stir in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. Ice cream can be eaten straight away or placed in molds and re-frozen. Older kids can do the cooking themselves!

    When you become a mother, you learn a lot about how to manage to do a hundred and one things at the same time, while managing to sleep, drink tea, talk on the phone with a friend and take a shower.

    The main thing is calmness!

    Resistance to stress is developed by an effort of will, with the help of experience. To learn subtle parental wisdom, you need to know games for children, which the baby can do himself.

    How to keep children under one year old

    It is important to select activities that are appropriate for the child's age. The kid will lose interest in a game that is too simple or difficult for him.

    Baby is playing with dishes

    1. Games with cereals and jars;

    These activities are very helpful when you have to cook dinner. The baby also, it seems, “helps” mom.

    • The first way is to give the child plastic transparent jars of cereals so that he can look at them, shake them, knock them. Jars can be given empty, along with pots, this will also take a child - the baby will learn to put containers into each other and check which lid is suitable for what;
    • The second way is to put semolina on a tray and give the child plastic dishes, you can use a toy or disposable one. Show how to play with the rump: run your finger over it, drawing patterns, scoop it in your palm and pour it in a thin stream or dig with a spoon.

    Suggest "boil porridge" - put in a plastic cup or small saucepan and "boil". In these cases, a set of dishes and a toy stove will come in very handy.

    Boys can be given cars, small tractors are especially good. Children love to leave tire marks on the semolina!

    Children playing with dough

    1. Playing with salty dough. Play dough for crumbs up to a year is not yet necessary - they will put it in your mouth. And salty dough is safe and soft;
    • Cover the surface. Baking paper saves a lot - spread it on the table and glue the ends with tape so that it does not slip;
    • Show how to roll sausages, balls. If there are printed pictures with a clear outline, the child can fill the picture with colored salt dough, tearing it off piece by piece. In this case, the dough is made at home in any quantity and any color.

    Child playing in a bath with water

    1. Water games;
    • When mom needs a shower, the baby should not be left alone. Place him on a bath mat and give him a bowl of water. Put rubber toys, plastic cars, a boat in a basin, there is also a water mill. The child himself will come up with something to do with such things;
    • You can think of it for him - take the children's game "Fishing", it has fish and a fishing rod with magnets, let it catch;
    • And then give me a rag, "wash the floor"! In general, cleaning games are very relevant when mom is cleaning. After all, you do it together.

    Therefore, any important task can be turned into a kind of game. You wash the dishes - let the kid participate - let him wash the toy. Cook - Give Velcro plastic vegetables with a disposable knife. Do the cleaning - let him go and wipe everything with a rag. Both the child and the mother are busy.

    Child playing with wooden toy

    1. Wooden Toys;

    There are sets of famous fairy tales, such as "Turnip", made of wood. Safe material, sturdy parts.

    • Tell the children the appropriate fairy tale, showing it with the help of the characters from the box, and then leave it so that the kids can continue the game themselves
    • There are also wooden constructors, consisting of various blocks from which houses, towers, cities are built. Animals and little people will complement the fun activity. This is very imaginative;
    • There are other, logical, toys made of wood: a hammer, which must be knocked on bars or balls; mushrooms, which are displayed in order; columns of different shapes, on which you need to put on the corresponding figures.

    1. Drawing;
    • There are markers that are easily washed off the skin, so offer them to your little artist;
    • Another simple find is water coloring, the color on which appears from the water. That is, the child can do without a brush. There are some pictures that appear from water, but when they dry, they disappear again;
    • However, for paint lovers there are finger-type ones that are safe for children. This is not just drawing, but a real relaxing therapy recommended for restless and hyperactive children.

    Try it yourself if lately there is a lot of stress and you need to calm your nerves. First you have to overcome the feeling that the paint will stain your hands, and then ... it will be incredibly great!

    Child playing with a book

    1. Younger books;
    • They differ in that they are either not made of paper - they can be wetted, pulled, crumpled, or with interesting textural inserts. For example, there are books with pockets or with painted animals, in which the "real" wool can be touched. By the way, you can make such a book on your own using master classes;
    • Or books in which it is allowed (and even necessary!) To draw;
    • And musical ones are generally a great find! With songs from cartoons, fairy tales, teaching, with the voices of animals - it is better to choose these together with your child, to be sure that he will like it.
    1. Musical rugs;
    • Stepping on different places on such a rug, the child makes interesting sounds. Small ones take a long time!
    • "Talking posters" are also sold, they are also designed to be both interesting and informative: the underwater world, a zoo, geography, anatomy, alphabet, musical instruments.

    Games for children from one to two years old

    Of course, all of the above can be applied to an older age, but it will not captivate for a long time. Therefore, these methods must be improved. Or come up with new ones!

    1. Tent;
    • Make a house for children from cushions and a blanket - you probably played with the same as a child!
    • Put several chairs with backs to each other, throw a large duvet cover or something similar on top, lay a rug inside - a homemade tent is ready;
    • And even inside the tent, you can play any games, they will acquire a new attraction - tea drinking with dolls, cars, looking at pictures with a flashlight.

    Children playing in the store

    1. Shop game;
    • Even if you do not have a toy cart or shopping basket and a children's cash register, there is always a bag or handbag, old bottles, jars, boxes - everything is suitable for a store;
    • “Money” can be made out of paper, let the child cut it himself, arrange “goods”, and then plant the “seller” and “buyers” (dolls, soft toys).
    1. Stencils and stamps;
    • This is already a little more difficult than just "scribbling" on paper, you must first explain how to outline simple objects. After all, it is not necessary to buy stencils, take a coin, a jar, in short - everything that can be circled;
    • And homemade seals are made from a piece of dish sponge tied to a pencil. You dip it in paint, and then you put a print on paper;
    • You can also dip a thread in gouache, then arbitrarily lay it on a piece of paper and fold it in half, so that when unfolded, you get a symmetrical fantasy pattern.

    Pasta drawings

    1. Groats;
    • If the child no longer pulls everything into his mouth, besides semolina, offer him other types of cereals - beans, peas, millet. This therapy will help the little one calm down, develop motor skills and attention;
    • Suggest a game: sort the mixed cereals into different plates, let it be called, for example, "Cinderella"!
    • Whole pictures can be made from cereals and pasta. You just need to draw the outline of the image, and to make it simpler. Have the child apply glue to one area and stick some kind of cereal, then a second kind on another area.
    1. Various bright magnets;
    • Even a magnetic alphabet will do. While you are busy with something in the kitchen, let the children collect pictures on the refrigerator from magnets. Ideal if there are animals;
    • For older children, there are magnetic puzzles and even magnetic constructors, consisting of parts of different shapes with one magnetic side.

    Puppet theater game

    1. Puppet show;
    • Think of what to make a screen from, show the child, as an example, a small fairy tale involving even ordinary toys that are not necessarily worn on the hand;
    • And then give the task to come up with and show your own performance! If you have time, be sure to make a dollhouse out of an ordinary box for such games.

    Classes for any age

    There is something that will always entertain any children. No, we are not talking about cartoons, although, of course, in urgent moments they are very helpful.

    1. Well forgotten old;
    • Remove toys that your child is tired of. When he doesn't know what to do, give him a box of forgotten things, it will be such a wave of joy!
    • And you can also give some "mother's box" or a casket (provided that there are no particularly valuable or dangerous things), especially children like collections;
    • And also - photo albums. Nowadays, few people collect printed photos, but in vain - the kids love to look at them.
    1. Audio stories;
    • When you need to put the child to bed, and there is a lot to do, lie down with him for a minute or two, and then turn on the fairy tale. The kid will not be distracted by images, as it would be with a cartoon, and will be able to fall asleep. At least it will lie quietly!
    • You can even record a fairy tale with your mother's / father's / grandmother's voice. And most importantly, at this time mom herself can relax.

    Finding games for your children that they can do on their own, do not forget that it is imperative to set aside time for communication. Hugs, conversations, tender words - this is exactly what the crumbs expect from their mothers. At any age.

    Mom doesn't have days off or vacations, especially if a baby is following her. It is very difficult for him to explain that his mother is tired, and to ask for a few minutes to rest is simply impossible. We offer 14 ways to keep your child busy in order to free yourself at least 15-20 minutes for a rest or an important phone call.

    1. Games with plasticine or dough.With the help of plasticine, the kid can create an amazing world for hours, consisting of bright birds, funny animals and other crafts. But don't be upset if the plasticine is over. You can make a special salted dough in a bag. You don't even have to wash your plate! Older children will sculpt them with funny figures, and kids will simply knead for their pleasure and at the same time train their fingers. Crafts can be air dried or oven dried.

    Salty dough recipe: Mix 4 cups flour and 1 cup salt in a snap-on plastic bag. Pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and about ½ cup of water. Close the bag and clap it until the dough forms. Add more flour or water if needed. Use food coloring to add the desired shade.

    2. Build a tent.Take some sheets and drape them on a couple of chairs or armchairs to make a tent. Such a tent can be equipped with soft toys and pillows. Also, try organizing a picnic by letting your child eat in their new hideout. Half an hour of free time is guaranteed.

    3. Labyrinths. Print out mazes from any children's website and invite your child to find a way out with your finger or pencil. Such tasks can be selected for any age. This seemingly unassuming game develops patience, the ability to achieve goals, and spatial thinking well.

    4. Games with water. All you need is a baby bath, a few bowls, or bath toys. Fill the tub with water halfway and have your child wash the toy dishes. Older children can wash doll clothes in the dish, especially if you add foam or shower gel. Just don't forget to put some oilcloth!

    5. Making prints of objects on paper. Older children will be able to take part in this exciting activity. Use pencils or pastel crayons and tissue paper. To get a beautiful image, choose objects with a relief structure (animal stencils). And if your child loves to play in the store, then make "money." Place a coin under the paper, and have the kid hatch its surface with a pencil. This simple activity is very popular with children and will allow you to carve out a lot of free time.

    6. Playing with the newspaper. Depending on age and ability to use scissors, children can simply tear a newspaper into pieces, make snowballs out of it, try their hand at origami or cut a butterfly.

    7. Cleaning. Give your child a spray bottle of water and a tissue. Let him dust off, wash the doors, the refrigerator (outside). Kids are madly in love with helping adults, and with such tasks you will not only develop their independence, but also teach them how to do household chores. Just remember to compliment the little helper.

    8. "Leaves of water lilies". Cut out random shapes, numbers or letters (according to the child's age) in advance from thick multi-colored paper and lay them on the floor. Have the child stand on paper figures and name a letter, number, or color. This is a good way to keep your little one busy, unless you get tired of hearing the word "red!" Every few seconds. from the children's room.

    9. Games with objects. Place 10-20 items of any kind on the tray, from paper clips to spoons. Show them to your child for one minute. Then close the lid and offer to remember (and write down if the baby already knows how). Timed five minutes. The child then opens the tray and checks their answers. A few trays of trinkets and you have some free time. Be careful with sharp and small objects!

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

    10. Drawing. Art projects can capture children's attention for several hours. Organize your workplace in advance: paints, pencils, paper. For the smallest children, simple coloring pages are suitable. Do not forget to put a rug, otherwise you will have to do a general cleaning instead of rest.

    11. Reading or listening to books.If the child already knows how and, most importantly, loves to read, then you will not have any problems with the opportunity to relax. Find a library for him with Russians folk tales, books by modern children's writers. For the little ones, audiobooks are suitable.

    12. Cartoons. There is no simpler and effective way to be alone, how to put a child in front of the TV and leave to follow the adventures of your favorite characters. But remember that watching cartoons should not exceed 20 minutes without a break.

    13. Let the child do what you do.Young children love to repeat after their parents, feeling like they are quite adults. Take advantage of this. If you are sitting at a computer, give your toddler an old keyboard so that he can press the keys with naughty fingers. If you are reading, give him a picture book, if you are on the phone, pick up an unnecessary receiver.

    14. Favorite toy. Those toys that the child has not played for a long time arouses a new wave of interest. Do not wait until he plays with his favorite typewriter. Hide it discreetly, and after a few days show it to the baby.

    The proposed methods are quite enough to carve out half an hour of free time for yourself. These minutes can be spent in different ways. The main thing is to gather new strength in order to throw them into raising a baby. Come up with new interesting fun that will not only allow you to sit in silence, but also help raise a smart and happy child.

    We have a great idea - a "magic bag" with all sorts of things, which contains handmade games for children that will keep your fidget busy for a long time. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to have a great weekend with the kids with our DIY toddler games ideas.

    We offer you a bunch of ideas on how to keep your child busy at home when he is bored and tired of all the toys for a long time. At the same time, you will not have to spend too much money on new games, it will be enough what is under the friend's side to make new fun for children with your own hands.

    10 DIY games for kids to keep your child busy

    A selection of great games that you can make your child with your own hands to keep him busy at home.

    Drawing illusion

    Children love to paint, but frankly, it's always stressful for mom. If you do not know what to do with your child at home, give him colored and thick sheets, brushes and a small container of water instead of white paper and paints.

    He will dip the brush in water and paint on colored paper. The paper will darken where water gets in and your child will think they are drawing. There will be no catastrophe in the apartment.

    DIY constructor for a child

    How to entertain a child at home if he is from one to three years old? Children of this age just love toys with many details.

    For example, Mr. Potato. cut out potatoes from felt, also cut out eyes, nose, hats, mustaches, and other attributes from felt of other colors. You can take it with you in your bag or leave it at home, but in any case, Mr. Potato will bring a lot of joy. The best game for toddlers is hard to come up with.

    The second option is possible.

    Spy bottle - DIY game for children

    All that is required is to thoroughly dig in your drawer in search of all sorts of unnecessary little things: buttons, small toys, thimbles, keys. Take a picture of them, spread out on the table, then put them in a bottle and cover them with rice or other cereals.

    When you need free time, give the child a photograph and, asking him to find all the elements from the picture. You can create such games for toddlers with your own hands over and over again.

    Ice cream stick games for kids

    A great way to keep kids busy at home.

    Print drawings of various geometric shapes (triangle, square, rhombus) and let your child, using the drawing, try to fold the same figure from sticks. Unlike counting sticks, which also work, ice cream sticks are not easy to lose.

    You can also make a jigsaw puzzle with ice cream sticks. To do this, a few more ice cream sticks (or use the ones for the figures, but on the back). Cut any photo into strips and glue to sticks. Your kid will be able to put the puzzle together to make a picture. The advantage of this game for toddlers is that it is not a pity to lose or spoil it, and it is also easy to make a new one.

    DIY lacing games

    A great idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to do with your child at home is to give him an object with holes in which you can stick the lace... Cut out shapes from foam, cardboard or paper plate and make holes around the edges. Give your child some kind of sturdy string that you can thread through these very holes.

    You can just as well use cocktail straws or fluffy wire instead of cord and a colander (slotted spoon) instead of cardboard to keep your child at home for a while.

    DIY games with plastic dishes

    Surely, every mother had plastic spoons and cups from some kind of feast lying around somewhere at home. You can also make educational games for kids with your own hands of them.

    Take several transparent, white and colored plastic spoons. Then, with a marker, draw identical patterns on one colored and one transparent. On the rest of the spoons, also draw different figures according to this principle.

    The meaning of this game for toddlers is so that your child can find two spoons with the same icon and put them on top of one another. This will not only save you if you do not know what to do with your child at home, but also teach the child to distinguish between figures.

    You can do the same with plastic cups. Such games can keep the kid at home for a long time.

    Stringing pasta

    We've all seen what kids do somewhere in class, so why not play with dry pasta at home.

    Give your child the pasta that has a hole in it and a string, after tying a large knot at one end to keep the pasta from falling off. Children can make beads or just a long-long bunch of pasta in different shapes and colors.

    You can also suggest stringing pasta on wire or sticks stuck in a plasticine or foam base. Also, pasta can be replaced with other materials: colored beads or cardboard.

    Sorting squares of colored cardboard

    Another activity that not only entertains, but also develops. For this DIY game for children, buy colored cardboard, cut it into small squares of different colors and attach it to a clothespin. Lay out a palette of colors in front of the child and let him try to attach a square of cardboard of the desired color with a clothespin. This is both a fun and educational game for toddlers.

    Modeling figures with our own hands

    To keep the child at home profitably and at no special cost, give him plasticine and toothpicks (there is an edible version of the game with marshmallows and straws) and offer to create volumetric figures using plasticine to connect sticks.

    DIY cardboard box games

    To keep your child busy at home, make him out of the shoes. The box itself can be turned into foosball with a couple of cocktail tubes. And the lid is in the ball maze: just glue ice cream sticks or cocktail tubes to the box.

    Sunlight games

    Place, put a sheet of paper next to it and invite the children to trace the shadow along the contour.

    Crafts from colored paper

    Crafts from colored paper are an easy way to keep your child busy for a long time. It is not necessary to do something specific, you can just give a set of cut-out figures (stripes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles) and invite the child to dream up.

    Water games

    A quick way to keep your child busy at home without much effort on the part of adults: pour water into the basin, pour small items (covers from plastic bottles, balls) and give the task to the kid to get them with chopsticks, a spoon, a scoop.

    Obstacle course at home

    Take colored tape, electrical tape or masking tape, stick it on the floor in the form of tracks and islands. Then, to keep the children busy, invite them to pass an obstacle or to race with toy cars, roll a small ball along the path, blowing at it through a cocktail straw.

    Funny drawings and collages from scrap materials

    A simple recipe for keeping your child busy at home using drawing. Just give him unwanted magazines, handouts or old postcards, scissors, glue, paper and pencils. Then the child cuts out characters that are interesting to him, sticks them on a blank sheet, and draws what he considers necessary.

    Such games not only help to keep the child busy so that he does not get bored at home, but also develop imagination, train fine motor skills.

    Now you know what to do with your child at home, and what toys for this you can quickly and easily build with your own hands.

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    • Age crisis calendar for a child

      During his first year of life, the baby makes phenomenal progress - he learns to control his limbs, acquires new skills, and, of course, gains weight and grows. Any new event or skill leaves an emotional mark on the child, ...

    • Childhood confession: do no harm

      Children's confession. Orthodox upbringing of children (Reflection on the upbringing of the children of the priest Ilia Shugaev, a father with many children) Children usually confess from the age of seven. Sometimes the first confession of a churched child is made before the age of seven ...

    • Age crisis calendar for a child

      Naughty? So it is developing! Content. lucky_mur wrote in May 5th, 2012 The famous book about the mental development of a child in the first 1.5 years of life. Helps to understand the reasons for crying in a particular month. A parent, having real ...
