• Knee-elbow position during pregnancy as often. Knee-elbow position during pregnancy: salvation or another dummy? How to do the knee-elbow position


    Pregnancy for a woman is, although a happy moment of waiting for the appearance of a baby, but at the same time for the body, this condition is a great stress. The pregnant uterus is constantly increasing in size, putting pressure on all organs and overpressing the blood vessels. A woman at this moment may feel pain in the lungs, frequent urge to urinate, discomfort in all organs of the abdominal cavity and swelling. Special positional gymnastics during pregnancy helps to alleviate the situation. One of the most effective positions is the knee-elbow position.

    Why is the knee-elbow position used?

    During pregnancy, all the abdominal organs of a woman experience great stress. They are displaced from their usual places, because of which the blood in them can stagnate. This process is not considered a pathology, since these changes occur due to the pressure of the growing uterus.

    In addition, the uterus puts pressure on other parts of the body above or below the abdominal cavity. She presses the aorta and the inferior vena cava. Because of this, in the last stages of pregnancy, it is difficult for a woman to lie on her back, she feels short of breath and even dizzy. When changing the position, the symptoms described disappear.

    It's no secret that the pressure also affects the kidneys. Because of this, a woman feels the need for frequent visits to the toilet for little need. A drainage position will help to cope with this problem.

    The knee-elbow position is recommended for women suffering from cystitis, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. This therapy allows you to reduce the load on bladder and the kidneys, which normalizes blood circulation in these organs and urine begins to be excreted much better.

    If you are suffering from toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, it is quite possible that the whole point is in the effect of the uterus on the liver, kidneys and stomach. The knee-elbow position will help you cope with this problem.

    In the second semester of pregnancy, women usually have no complaints about the pressure of the uterus on the organs. However, already at this time, positional therapy is useful for variables. The cat pose will allow you to prevent the appearance of problems with internal organs even in the second semester of pregnancy.

    Indications and contraindications for the drainage position

    The drainage position is the same knee-elbow position. This exercise is also called kitty pose. It's all about the similarity of this position with a stretching predator.

    A similar drainage is prescribed by a doctor in the third semester if a woman has complaints related to the work of any organs. However, it is advisable to perform such gymnastics in the second semester for all expectant mothers, without exception, since such a position helps to cope with problems in the last weeks before childbirth.

    This exercise does not require a lot of energy and does not belong to the category of unacceptable physical activity. If you wish, you can try this exercise at any time during your pregnancy.

    There are a number of indications in which this pose is considered mandatory. They are mainly associated with problems with organs located in the abdominal region.

    What are the indications for performing CLP:

    1. You may develop osteochondrosis during pregnancy. This is due to increased pressure on the musculoskeletal system. If you feel lower back pain, then performing this position will help you avoid the progression of osteochondrosis.
    2. This exercise will help you treat cystitis, pyelonephritis, and other kidney problems. This position will improve blood circulation in the kidneys and promote urine excretion.
    3. Since the pregnant uterus puts a lot of pressure on the digestive tract, this posture will help to cope with many problems associated with this area. It is useful for constipation and flatulence.
    4. With toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, which is called gestosis, this position will relieve unpleasant symptoms.
    5. Such drainage will allow you to deal with pathologies of the placenta and impaired uteroplacental circulation. It is also used to relieve uterine tone.
    6. Varicose veins are also an indication for this exercise. Also, when the veins of the rectum are dilated, the cat posture will help you avoid many problems.
    7. Due to the compression of organs and blood vessels, pregnant women often have problems in the cardiovascular system. This posture can be used to deal with and prevent such ailment.

    These problems are an indication for the obligatory implementation of the cat pose. However, if you do not feel any problems, then you should not give up positional gymnastics. Doing one such exercise can help you prevent a lot of postpartum problems.

    The most common problem in women who have lived through it is varicose veins. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, the uterus overpresses the vessels. Doing cat pose can help you avoid this problem.

    There are no contraindications to performing the cat pose during pregnancy. This position does not require strong physical exertion, and therefore is not capable of causing problems not for you, not for your baby.

    Benefits of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

    The knee-elbow position, or the cat pose, is recommended for all pregnant women from the second semester onwards. This exercise is a great alternative to yoga during pregnancy. Unlike asanas, the knee-elbow position does not require special training and the supervision of an instructor.

    Standing in a cat pose is very helpful. Plus, it's easier than doing planks or other difficult exercises. Doing this exercise will help you not only relieve the condition during pregnancy, but also get in shape faster after childbirth.

    The benefits of positional gymnastics are enormous. Let's see what benefits you get by doing a specific cat position.

    The benefits of doing the knee-elbow position:

    1. The cat pose reduces pressure on the stomach and kidneys. Thanks to this, you can avoid toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy.
    2. When performing knee-elbow exercises, the pressure on the vessels and capillaries in the kidneys decreases. This reduces blood pressure, which helps to prevent preeclampsia.
    3. This position will relieve you of swelling. Also, this position prevents the development of dropsy.
    4. Thanks to the knee-elbow position, the pressure on the bladder is reduced. This position is the prevention of dropsy and other diseases of the urinary system. It promotes better urine flow.
    5. Knee-elbow position normalizes blood circulation. This is a decisive factor in performing such an exercise for women suffering from varicose veins in the legs, in the pelvic area and in the rectum.
    6. Standing on all fours removes unnecessary stress from the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to this, you can avoid the manifestations of osteochondrosis.

    The knee-elbow position has many advantages. By doing this exercise regularly, you can avoid a ton of problems.

    How does the knee-elbow position during pregnancy affect the fetus

    The knee-elbow position has a beneficial effect not only on the mother, but also on her baby. By doing it correctly, you will help the fetus develop better.

    You can watch a video lesson on how to correctly perform the exercise, use pictures or our detailed instructions. Remember that only the correct posture can have a positive effect.

    This exercise has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the fetus. The mother's condition also improves with regular positional gymnastics. It is also known that a candle stand at conception increases the chances of having a baby.

    For a child, the knee-elbow position is useful in that it normalizes blood circulation in the uterine artery. Thanks to this, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the placenta is normalized. Thus, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, and the child's cardiovascular system develops better.

    Performing maternity cat pose

    The knee-elbow position is very beneficial for a pregnant woman and her baby. However, the maximum effect can be achieved only with the correct execution of this exercise. Otherwise, there will be no proper result.

    How to do the knee-elbow position:

    1. Place one knee and then the other knee on the floor. Do the exercise smoothly and gently.
    2. Place your palms on the floor. In this case, all the weight should be transferred to the forearms.
    3. Bend your elbows. In this case, the stomach should hang freely.
    4. Try to arch your back. In this case, special attention should be paid to the shoulders and head.
    5. To keep your head off, you can rest your forehead on a pillow. This will make the exercise more comfortable for you.

    You can even wash floors in this position. Picking up scattered spoons from this position is also helpful. If done correctly, you can even lie on your back without discomfort.

    Knee-elbow position during pregnancy (video)

    The knee-elbow position is very useful for pregnant women. If you do it regularly, you can avoid a lot of problems and diseases associated with internal organs.

    The period of pregnancy for many girls and women brings a feeling of discomfort and causes pain, regardless of physical form. With the correct development of pregnancy, changes occur in the body future motherthat happen regardless of her wishes. It can be either individual ailments or a whole "bouquet", but during the entire stage of pregnancy, almost every girl or woman faces this.

    This can manifest itself in the form of constipation, stomach problems, frequent urge to urinate, sleep disturbances, swelling of the legs and other manifestations of various ailments and pain during the course of pregnancy.

    It is absolutely impossible to predict what kind of malaise a pregnant woman will feel. The situation is complicated by the fact that the range of drugs during this period is very limited. Doctors practically do not allow the use of various pills, potions and tablets. Because of these restrictions imposed by doctors, alternative methods and techniques are popular that are completely safe and make pregnancy easier. One of these methods is the knee-elbow position for pregnant women. Consider the benefits of this position in more detail, of course, it will help ease the pain of expectant mothers.

    Why should pregnant women stand in a knee-elbow position?

    It is rational to use this position starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy. This pose will help get rid of ailments and pain associated with changes in the body. Using this position will help your child find the most comfortable position. With proper development, the fetus and uterus constantly increase in size and become heavier, which cannot but affect the mother's body and her internal organs. They are displaced or compressed, which changes the mode of normal operation.

    An example is the bladder. Urination becomes more frequent, especially when taking a relaxed position (for example, while sleeping or resting). A pregnant woman's bladder cannot be emptied completely; fluid retention occurs in the body. Because of this, edema begins to appear, blood pressure increases, for more later dates even gestosis (a condition in which pregnancy is physiologically complicated) may occur.

    Fetal enlargement affects more than just urination. Due to the enlargement of the uterus, the blood vessels constrict, normal blood circulation is disturbed, especially the inferior vena cava, which is located under the uterus, can be affected. As a result of deterioration in blood circulation, the expectant mother may feel weakness or dizziness, there is a threat of loss of consciousness (often such situations can occur in a supine position, especially on the back). Due to the deterioration of blood circulation, the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients that come with the blood, and the waste products of the fetus leave with it.

    The intestine shrinks and does not perform its functions of processing and further promoting food as well as before. Flatulence and constipation appear. The enlargement of the uterus, which is growing in size, presses on the intestines, can lead to the development or exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the appearance of varicose veins on the legs.

    The knee-elbow position eases the load on the musculoskeletal system. Often pregnancy, especially at a later date, is accompanied by pain in the back, legs, lower back, spine. Regular use of this position during pregnancy will help alleviate or completely prevent all unpleasant pain sensations.

    Why is the knee-elbow position good during pregnancy?

    The weight of the uterus in this position is transferred downward, the back and spine are no longer in a tense position, the internal organs begin to feel freer and function better. With the constant adoption of this position, both the fetus and the expectant mother feel comfortable.

    How can knee-elbow position help pregnant women?

    When this position is adopted, the kidneys and bladder do not feel the same pressure, so urine begins to flow better, various inflammatory phenomena in the small pelvis are prevented, and blood circulation improves. The digestive organs are also less stressed and work better, making breathing easier. The increased tone of the uterus decreases. Adopting this position relieves pain during labor at the beginning of labor, it can change the presentation of the fetus if its position is not correct for a natural birth.

    Taking the knee-elbow position with breech presentation

    It is considered normal for the fetus to be held with its head towards the pelvis during pregnancy. These are positions of maximum comfort for both the child and the expectant mother. In this case, the presentation of the generic prognosis is optimistic. However, there are times when the child is across the uterus or sitting on the buttocks, which excludes natural childbirth and is an indication for a cesarean section.

    Obstetricians say that the baby can change its position until 32-35 weeks, and in some cases - in the last days before childbirth. Constant (daily) adoption of the knee-elbow position can be of significant help in this.

    How to do the knee-elbow position?

    The very name of the pose determines how to do it. To take the knee-elbow position, you need to stand firmly on all fours, transfer your body weight to your hands, then lower yourself onto your elbows. The belly of the pregnant woman hangs down freely. By adopting this position, you can feel instant relief and comfort.

    For more effective posture, you must lower your head with your shoulders below the buttocks. If you place a pillow under your forehead, it will be more comfortable to be in this position. You can also place the pillow under your chest. Many people use fitball and sit on it.

    The main thing is the feeling of comfort and coziness when taking this position. If there is a feeling of discomfort or tension, it is wrong. You need to choose a position in which you can completely relax. How many minutes to stay in this position? Feels like a pregnant woman. It is said above that it is better to start taking this position from the twentieth week of pregnancy. The longer the term, the more relief it will bring. Doctors recommend getting into the knee-elbow position about two to three times a day. If there is a need to do this more often, then focus on the feelings and desires of the pregnant woman. The duration of stay in this position can start from several minutes to half an hour. The duration of stay in this position should depend on the well-being of the expectant mother and her wishes.

    If you still wonder how to correctly take this pose, then the knee-elbow position is indicated in the photo.

    Contraindications for taking the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

    The use of the knee-elbow position differs from the use of numerous medications to relieve pain symptoms in one thing - the complete absence of contraindications. It is a free, almost anytime way to relieve ailments and pain. This position can be used as a prophylaxis and even treatment for complications that arise during pregnancy. Adopting this position will not harm either the baby or the expectant mother. It must be taken into service and try to use it as often as possible.

    How to correctly take the knee-elbow position during pregnancy and how it will help with breech presentation you can watch this video:

    This position is usually prescribed for all women, including those who have problems with pregnancy. An actively growing uterus compresses the organs of the chest and abdominal cavities, disrupting their normal functioning.

    This position helps to relax the walls of the uterus. (improves its activity in childbirth), reducing its pressure on the pelvic organs (bladder, rectum), which reduces the severity of edema.


    • Disruption of the pelvic organs.
    • Exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
    • Impaired blood circulation of the placenta.
    • Varicose veins of the lower extremities and rectum.
    • Disruption of the cardiovascular system.
    • Abnormal presentation of the fetus.

    This exercise can also be performed by perfectly healthy women, exercise improves well-being and prepares the uterus for childbirth.


    Attention! A significant plus is the absolute absence of contraindications for this exercise. On the contrary, with severe back pain, it is recommended to perform it daily.

    However, there are several points in which it is impossible to perform not only this exercise, but also any other load. These are:

    • Bad feeling.
    • Unpleasant sensations, pains, inflammatory reactions in the joints (knee, elbow).

    In these cases, you must immediately seek the advice of a doctor.


    There are practically no restrictions, as well as contraindications for this position.... There are several recommendations that must be followed in order for the exercise "Cat" to bring only a positive effect to pregnant mothers. These include:

    When to start exercising?

    Efficacy for symphysitis and pelvic pain

    Exercise for symphysitis helps to reduce discrepancy and pain... Strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis prevents further separation of the bones.

    1. As with any physical exercise, you need to warm up. It will be enough to twist all joints, especially those that bear the main load (knee and elbow).
    2. The next important rule is to start gradually. You do not need to try to squeeze all the juices out of yourself on the first day, start with short sets of 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing them as the body adapts to this position and load.

    If you follow these simple rules, this pose will only bring a positive effect.

    Performing "Kitties": step by step instructions

    Cat - exercise that is one of the most effective during pregnancy... It strengthens the muscles and skeleton, preparing them for the next birth.

    Execution technique:

    1. Starting position - get on all fours on a flat, hard surface, head at the level of the spine.
    2. During a deep breath, bend your back up and tilt your head down.
    3. We linger in this position for 6-8 seconds, then return to the starting position.

    This universal exercise prepares all organs involved in childbirth.

    A set of exercises for the pelvis

    During childbirth, the female pelvis experiences a tremendous stress, as a result of the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. In this case, the pelvic bones with the existing symphysitis during pregnancy may diverge.

    To prevent such negative consequences it is recommended to prepare the pelvic bones even during the gestation process.

    Most Popular and Effective: Butterfly, Frog, Cat (discussed above) and Raven.


    1. You must sit on the floor.
    2. Bend your knees (so that the heels touch each other).
    3. Make light springy movements with your legs up and down (avoiding excessive tension of the ligamentous apparatus).

    Further, a visual video about the pose "Butterflies" for pregnant women:

    The so-called "cat pose" is an integral element in the recommendations for pregnant women and in yoga practice. Consider what such a pose is and what it is for.

    Cat yoga pose: marjariasana

    This is the simplest pose that even beginners can do. Taking this position, you stretch your spine and guide the abdominal cavity. With regular exercise, you will gain a flexible neck, shoulders, and back.

    The technique is pretty simple: get on all fours with your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart. Spread your legs slightly, keeping your toes together, heels apart. From this position, while inhaling, bend down, throwing your head back and up. Make sure that the limbs remain motionless while doing this! Freeze in this position for a few seconds, and then relax.

    As you exhale, bow your head, press your chin to your chest, and bend your back up (this is what angry or frightened cats do). Repeat the exercise 10 times. To achieve maximum results, you should make sure that the abdominal muscles are tense.

    Cat pose for pregnant women

    Cat pose is incredibly beneficial for women during pregnancy as it is incredibly beneficial for the female organs. Such an exercise, as described above, can be performed only during the first trimester, then it should be abandoned in favor of an abbreviated-lightweight version.

    Throughout pregnancy, and especially after the twentieth week, you should take the initial position on all fours and relax your back. In this position, you need to spend several minutes, it relieves the load from the kidneys and facilitates the condition of the body. Often, doctors recommend this position, especially if the woman's body weight is increasing rather quickly, and the spine needs to be relaxed.

    Even the healthiest, strongest and most well-feeling woman during pregnancy has to deal with many uncomfortable and painful phenomena. Safely developing pregnancy in any case, it is associated with various kinds of disorders, because this is facilitated by multiple changes in the mother's body, which inevitably occur. Whether these are separate violations or just a whole complex of "consequences" of an interesting situation, but almost every pregnant woman has to face them face to face: constipation, bloating, belching, heartburn, frequent urination, nausea, all kinds of pains, insomnia, shortness of breath, and others and others ...

    It is almost impossible to completely prevent their occurrence. But, worst of all, the arsenal of available remedies during this period is strictly limited. In this regard, a few methods are of particular importance, which are not only allowed, but also recommended for pregnant women to alleviate the condition in various disorders and are completely safe to use. These include the knee-elbow pose during pregnancy - without exaggeration, a lifesaver for expectant mothers. Let's find out about its capabilities and use it for the benefit of ourselves and the unborn baby!

    This position is recommended for all pregnant women from 20 weeks. It helps to alleviate the condition and remove a number of unpleasant sensationsassociated with the development of pregnancy, and also helps the baby to take the most convenient position for childbirth.

    Since the uterus and the fetus are constantly growing and getting heavier with the progression of pregnancy, this cannot but affect the work of the internal organs of the expectant mother, which, under pressure and due to displacement from their usual positions, are not able to perform the functions assigned to them in the previous mode.

    So, the bladder is not able to empty completely, but at the same time the urge to urinate noticeably increases, as soon as it relaxes (this usually happens when a woman goes to rest - during daytime and nighttime sleep). Retention of fluid in the body leads to the appearance of edema and an increase in blood pressure, and in the later stages it can become a prerequisite for the development of a dangerous condition - gestosis.

    The blood vessels are also pinched under the pressure of the uterus, the blood circulates in them worse, the risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava, located just under the uterus, is especially high. As a result, a woman may feel weak and dizzy, and sometimes even faint (the risk of such symptoms increases when lying on her back). The fetus also suffers from impaired blood flow: the blood carrying oxygen and nutrients does not come to it well, and the baby's waste products are also worse off.

    The restrained intestine performs its functions of processing and promoting food worse, as a result of which flatulence occurs and constipation is formed during pregnancy. The pressure of the uterus on the rectum contributes to the development and exacerbation of hemorrhoids, there is a risk of varicose veins in the lower extremities.

    The severity of pregnancy falls to the greatest extent on the musculoskeletal system. Pain in the legs, back, lower back, tailbone, spine are the usual companions of a woman carrying a baby.

    All these and many other unpleasant conditions can be prevented to some extent and greatly reduced if you regularly take the knee-elbow position during pregnancy. In this position, the weight of the uterus is transferred anteriorly downward, relieving tension from the back and spine and giving respite to the restrained internal organs, temporarily improving and facilitating their work. Regular adoption of the knee-elbow position significantly improves the well-being of the mother and baby.

    Very often it is recommended for all kinds of kidney problems: edema, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and other disorders in their work. In the position on all fours, pressure on the kidneys, ureters and bladder disappears, urine flows better, congestion and inflammation in the urogenital organs are prevented, and blood circulation in the pelvic area is improved. The organs of the digestive tract are able to work without stress, the lungs expand, and it becomes easier for mom to breathe. Even the uterus "calms down" - the increased tone decreases.

    This same posture will help you get through the contractions at the beginning of labor more easily. And she is also able to change the "wrong" presentation of the fetus.

    In most of all cases, the fetus rushes with its head to the pelvis during pregnancy, since this is the most comfortable and physiological position for both the mother and the baby. Generic forecasts in this case are the most optimistic. But it often happens that the baby is located across the uterus or sits on the buttocks, which is an indication for a cesarean section.

    Obstetricians assure that the baby is able to unfold in the tummy up to 32-35 weeks, changing his presentation, and sometimes in the last days before childbirth. And to help him do this, the mother should take the knee-elbow position every day with the breech presentation of the fetus.

    How to do the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

    From the definition, in principle, it becomes clear how this is done. To become in the knee-elbow position, you need to stand on all fours on a stable surface, transfer the entire body weight (and especially the abdomen) forward onto your hands, then lean on your bent elbows. At the same time, the abdomen should sag, and the woman should feel instant relief and comfort.

    To make the pose more effective, lower your shoulders together with your head below the level of your buttocks. You can put a pillow under your forehead. It will also be convenient to place it under your armpits or under your chest to relax in comfort. Many expectant mothers, taking the knee-elbow position, lie down on the fitball: this is also very convenient.

    Knee-elbow position during pregnancy in pictures: photo

    If you are still interested in the question, "How is the knee-elbow position during pregnancy?", Then look at the pictures on the Internet - and everything will become very clear. There is nothing difficult in leaning on your hands, standing on all fours. In the photo you can see that you can take this pose in different variations, using some devices or without them. However, the main condition should remain the comfort of the expectant mother: you should not experience pain or stress, listen to your body - and this position will bring you only the desired relief!

    Knee-elbow position during pregnancy: how many minutes to stand

    As we already mentioned, it is useful to start taking this position already from the 20th week of pregnancy. But the longer the term becomes, the more you will feel the need for it.

    Obstetricians recommend getting into the knee-elbow position at least 2-3 times a day, and if necessary, as often as possible or necessary. The time spent in this position can be from 5 to 30 minutes - be guided according to your desire and well-being.

    Knee-elbow position during pregnancy: contraindications

    The knee-elbow position during pregnancy is not only useful, but also completely accessible for any woman: it is free effective method relief, and in some cases even treatment (together with drug therapy for the development of certain complications of pregnancy). But it has another huge indisputable advantage: the knee-elbow position has no contraindications, unlike all other remedies and manipulations. Therefore, be sure to use this wonderful method - and you will appreciate all its advantages on yourself!

    Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

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