• The location of the fetus is 7 months old. Seventh month of pregnancy: child development. How the baby develops


    7 month of pregnancy does not bring a lot of trouble, if she follows his well-being and fulfills the recommendations of specialists. By this time it comes to the time of medical examinations and visits to various polyclinic specialists. Before maternity leave hand to file. In the service, a woman is no longer loaded by urgent works requiring overtime hours at the limit of opportunities. And if this happens, you need to bring a certificate from the gynecologist that pregnant on the state of health must be translated into easier work.

    During this period, future parents know who they will be born - a boy or a girl. For ladies who do not want to expose ultrasound once again, there is a less accurate, but a completely safe way - to listen to the heartbeat with a stethoscope. The heart of the boy beats more measured, the girls have a more frequent heartbeat. Parents can start picking a baby name.

    Also, many moms in this period begin to get involved in the manufacture of clothes for the small. Hand-knitted hat or empty-embroidered mammaker will then transmit heat and love inhibry.

    Future development

    For six months, the embryo completely turned into a little man. He has all formed internal organs and livelihoods. For the remaining three months, the development of the fetus will be that they will be improved and prepare for operating autonomously from the mother.

    How the child is developed in this period:

    1. The brain already has furrows and gyrus.
    2. Work liver, intestines, stomach and kidneys.
    3. Baby daily produces near half liters of urine.
    4. He feels pain as an adult.
    5. At this stage, the lungs are still underdeveloped, because of which it is not able to breathe independently to breathe. But from the nose, mucous plugs are removed, which indicates the preparation for breathing outside the mother. So in the case of premature birth of the baby in most cases saved. After childbirth, it is placed in the barocamera, where the lungs will develop. The first breaths of the exhalations he tries to do in mom in the uterus before birth, so the genetic memory will help him learn to breathe.
    6. The baby is very gaining weight in seven months, creating subcutaneous fat. But his skin is completely thin, blood vessels shone through it. Therefore, babies after birth look red.
    7. He continues to guess at mom in his stomach, although there is quite closely. If the baby moves too actively, he gives mom a signal that he doesn't like something, something is wrong. He may be little oxygen. Perhaps he worries when such emotions are experiencing mom. It makes sense to visit the gynecologist so that the doctor will give any recommendations or sent for an additional examination.

    8. By 7 months, genitals are fully formed: the testicles of the boy are already in the scrotum, the girl has a clitoris, although sex lips are not fully formed - they are still revealed.
    9. The bone system continues to accumulates such useful substances as calcium, phosphorus, iron. The bones are formed, but they are too fragile.
    10. Well hear ears. The baby listens to the mother's heartbeat, he feels the flow of blood according to her vessels, hears how the mother's intestine functions. If parents tell the baby's fairy tale, include him a pleasant calm music, talking to him, he will remember the voice of Mom and Pope in the womb, and after birth, it will be easy to calm down from their words and quickly fall asleep. Baby's ability to hear imposes restrictions on adult behavior. In the room where pregnant is, it should not be too noisy. All scandals, loud fun and other strong sounds (drill, for example), leave up to future times. Complete silence is also not needed. You can quietly talk, include calm music so that the baby get used to fall asleep, not paying attention to light noise.
    11. At the age of 7, the baby appears on the head first hairs. He already has brings. It can open and close the eyes.
    12. The main thing in mental Development - The child can express his feelings faithful. He wrinkles Lobik, frowning, spreads sponges in a smile.
    13. By this time, the kid's teeth are already covered with enamel.

    In 30 weeks of pregnancy, the baby takes the pose in the uterus that is needed for the childbirth process. At 31 week, he folded by the village, because in order to pull the handles and legs, mom's belly is too crazy. In the 32nd weeks, the kid face straightened, the folds disappear. Weight reaches 1.8-2 kg, an increase of up to 43 cm.

    If 7 months of pregnancy comes to an end, the baby, born ahead of schedule, is lighter than at the beginning of this month.

    Therefore, moms should guard themselves and convey the child at least up to 32 weeks. Then he is almost completely ready for life outside the maternal organism.

    Mother's Body Changes

    The sensations of the future mother are approximately the same as in the previous month. Increases the belly of pregnant, the skin on it begins to be made due to stretching. Pink spots may appear on it. In order not to be upset after delivery, you need to use external means against stretch marks, wearing antenatal bandage.

    Other changes taking place with the maternal organism:

    • The weight of a woman since the beginning of pregnancy grew by 9-10 kg. This trend will continue until the end of 3 trimester.
    • Increases breast size. The dairy glands are preparing for postpartum functioning, therefore it is possible to start the development of a colostrum.
    • Pregnant has a sweating. She constantly seems to be hot. The feeling of standing heat is particularly repositted at night. The reason for this is to accelerate metabolism by 20%. The amount of blood constantly moving along vessels and generating heat is increased.
    • The mummy continues to fill the limb. Especially swelling the legs in the evening, before bedtime. This phenomenon is also explained by an increase in the volume of fluid in the body. In principle, the swelling of the hands and legs is normal and does not require a doctor's intervention. If the swelling is too big, the doctor will recommend drinking a diuretic decoction from herbs. It is not necessary only to engage in self-medication, so as not to harm the baby.
    • In the described period, a woman is allocated from the vagina white color - Belie. It is not hazarded if there is no unpleasant smell from them. In case of smell or watery discharge, you should go to the gynecologist. This phenomenon can be explained by the leakage of the oily fluid.
    • Nest pains in the back and abdomen also begin at this time. They are associated with an increasing burden on the spine and muscle with an increase in the weight of the child. The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth. This is expressed in painless hardening and subsequent relaxation. The mother's body trains to carry the contractions.

    • The uterus at 7 months many times more in terms of its usual sizes, that is, before pregnancy. She squeezes internal organs - presses on the lungs, digestive organs, bladder. Therefore, a woman has difficulty breathing, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, it torments diarrhea or constipation and cutting of intestinal gases. The pregnant woman swears, after eating a heartburn appears. All these troubles are better to endure without the use of medicines. Drop water will help from cutting gas. It can be bought at the pharmacy or make houses from fresh dill. Boiled milk will help from heartburn. From diarrhea and constipation exist herbal fees. What better to drink and how to cook them will advise the doctor.
    • Sometimes during this period a woman is subject to late toxicosis. This is a reason to turn to a specialist, because as a result, the child may not dial the necessary weight.
    • If the seventh month of pregnancy fell on spring, the vitamins may not be enough for a pregnant woman. On this period sometimes anemia is. In such cases, vitamins and iron-containing drugs are needed, which will write a doctor. Vitamins will help and with hair loss, which are subject to some pregnant women.

    The seventh month of pregnancy means for a woman the decline of strength and mood. First, it is afraid of the upcoming birth, pain, accompanying them, and possible complications.

    Secondly, the inconvenience listed above is tired and annoyed by a woman. The inability to sit down and lie down in a convenient position, the inability to wear or remove shoes, unsuitable for homework in the second half of pregnancy spoil the future mother's mood. Closest people should come to the rescue. Husband and Mom will have to take homework on themselves. A pregnant woman should calm themselves by the fact that most of the hard path remained behind.

    To worry less for childbirth, try before the pregnancy planning to find a clinic with a good reputation and a doctor who you will trust.

    Nutrition for 7 months

    For normal well-being of pregnant and fetus, it is necessary to continue to be a diet so that the power contains all the substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for the mother and child. From the menu should be eliminated:

    • Fatty dishes.
    • Fried foods.
    • Spicy seasonings in the composition of dishes and by themselves.
    • Sour foods.
    • Canned vegetables, fish, mushrooms.
    • Smoked sausages, chicken, sausages.
    • Salted products.
    • Sweet products.
    • Roasted water, especially sweet.
    • Coffee and strong tea.
    • Semi-finished products of any type.
    • Confectionery.
    • Chocolate.
    • If you really want to eat a piece of pastry, ice cream or candy, most likely, there will be no harm from one time. But it is not worth the abuse of such products.

    Of course, it is difficult to shove fresh food. You can slide a little or sweeten the food, but it is better to do it in a saucepan, but already in a plate.

    In the menu of the pregnant woman must be:

    • Vegetables.
    • Fruit.
    • Meat.
    • Fish.
    • Porridge.
    • Dairy products. Especially important cottage cheese and cheese.
    • Mors, squeezed houses juices and compotes.

    Cooking second dishes needed or for a couple, or in the oven. You can stew meat and vegetables in a saucepan on the stove.

    Full nutrition will benefit your baby and you. It is better to eat often, but small portions. The last adoption of food should take place no later than 3 hours before sleep.

    Products need to buy natural, cook their homes to know what is this or another dish .


    Naturally, pregnant should be a few months before conception to abandon smoking and taking alcohol. This axiom is not changing at 7 months. But this is not the only advice of doctors. To feel better to feel, Mamuchka recommended:

    1. Walks in the open air. It will correctly take a folding chairs with you to rest if the woman feels fatigue. It is not necessary to spend good time at the country, but it is impossible to engage in gardening and garden work. And it's too late to go to the sea. It is not known how a woman will transfer the flight - whether she will be fighting.

    2. Go to bed no later than 22 hours. As when the belly is big, it is difficult to get in bed and fall asleep, and the night sleep time decreases, it is useful to arrange yourself afternoon sleep.
    3. If a woman has no threat of miscarriage, it is not necessary to lie all day for all day. You can deal with simple domestic affairs or pay time to your hobby.
    4. In the last trimension of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes the mammies a special charge, which in the future will help them in childbirth. It goes 2-3 times a week.
    5. If the clinic or shop are near, it is not in a hurry to walk there on foot.
    6. As for the nervous system, the state of mommy still affects the kid. The problem of the world in the family is important. And what is happening behind the walls of the woman's apartment is not necessary to take to heart.

    Since the behavior of a woman on 7 months of pregnancy should be aimed at maintaining the health of the baby and to normalize the flow of the process of tooling, the following is useful:

    1. It is recommended to limit contacts with people who can infect mommy infectious disease. To do this, cut trips to public transport, Movie hiking, to the theater, in big shops. You need to go to the gynecologist only in those days when pregnant women are going. If a woman has to take tests, do an ultrasound and stand in line, you need to wear a medical bandage.

    2. Since pregnant women pursue a lack of calcium, and in this regard, the teeth may suffer, take care of them with double care - after each adoption of food, wechit the mouth of the rinsers purchased in the pharmacy. Use toothpicks.
    3. When you have to do household chores, you do not need to lean. Yes it is difficult when big belly interferes. If a woman wants to raise an object that fell on the floor, you must bring and put a folding chair, and just sitting on it, raise. Only in the extreme case can sit and take the right one.

    As for intimate life with her husband - if there is no threat of miscarriage, sex is not prohibited. Babies react differently to the proximity of the parents. Someone increases their physical activity after orgasm mom, someone calms down and falls asleep. This is in both cases a normal reaction and no reasons for excitement. If some women have contraindications to have sex during pregnancy (short cervix or partial disclosure), then in this case an experienced doctor will surely warn about banning his patient.

    If pregnant familiar with all the recommendations in advance and performs them, the waiting for the child will be calm, without unforeseen problems. In the case when the future mother has some pathologies, the doctor will advise more frequent surveys and, perhaps, some treatment.

    Do not look unpleasant programs, including news, on TV and dramatic films. Try to please yourself with funny books, pleasant music.


    Twice a month, a woman should appear at a doctor leading a pregnancy. He will measure her weight, hell, belly, look, are there no edema on their hands and legs. The specialist also listens to the heart heartbeat. If a doctor has a suspicion of the heart pathology of the fetus, an additional CAP (cardiotokography) is appointed.

    Before taking a doctor, you must pass urine analysis. The gynecologist will give directions to this analysis every visit to the next time there are fresh results. If a pregnant kidney problem is asked to still pass urine analysis on bacteriuria. If sugar is increased, they will give a direction to a biochemical blood test.

    With suspected placenta, appropriate ultrasound prescribed. If the woman complains of pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the back, bleeding, it may mean the beginning of premature birth. In this case, it is necessary to immediately turn to the gynecologist, and if the pregnant woman is waiting for the second child, call an ambulance, because the second and all subsequent genera are significantly faster.

    Fruit at the thirtieth week of pregnancy photo: Babycenter.com.

    A month from which the last third trimester begins, is called another period of "nest". A woman seriously thinks not only about children's purchases, but in general about the arrangement of the house.
    From 30 weeks it's time to go on a pregnancy vacation. Therefore, if you are officially employed, it is better for two weeks to warn the bosses.

    The third trimester will prevent a lot of surprises. The seventh month will still please relative ease, good moodand baby more confident shots.

    Child weight at 7 months

    During this period, the crumb will decently gain weight and growth. Now it is located in the entire cavity of the uterus, the head and the torso becomes more proportional to each other.

    How much does a child weigh in 7 months? By the end of the deadline, its mass will reach 1.5 - 1, 7 kg (i.e., on comparison with the previous one, it is twice!), And the growth is 36-40 cm (on average by 5 cm).

    What's happening

    Your condition at this stage will not change dramatically.

    • Enhanced sweating, throwing it in the heat, then in the cold - familiar feelings. They are associated with accelerated metabolism and increased fluid volume in the body.
    • During this period, swelling will be most pronounced. In the evenings, feelings of tingling and gravity are possible in the evening. On the hands - traces from the usual decorations. Do not try to drink a lot after 18-19 hours and there is salted, spicy food, which will aggravate the situation.
    • You may seem that the selection has increased. This is the norm. It is worth paying attention if they suddenly become a different consistency, a sharp smell or itching appeared. And if the allocations are volumetric, colorless and noticeably liquid, immediately consult a doctor. This can leak the aircraft water that this period Thunders premature births.
    • In the seventh month, the uterus increased so much that the upper internal organs began to shift the upper internal organs by pressing the diaphragm. Therefore, shortness of breath arises, pain in the hypochondrium and frequent feeling that there is not enough air.
    • Large load on this period falls on the spine. All also because of the growing uterus, there is pain in the lower back and stomach. Muscles and ligament stretch. On the skin may appear pinkish stripes - stry (Stretch).
    • In the chest it is possible to form the first milk - colostrum. You will notice it in the form of droplets allocated during the day. To avoid unpleasant sensations, use the special liners for the bra.

    Child development in the seventh month

    On this period, the brain increases, nervous cells become sensitive to various incentives. For example, the baby can jump from a sharp noise, or, on the contrary, squeeze. Watch it, and you will be convinced. The final stage is occurring in the formation of the brain, the clarity of the furrows and gyrus acquire.

    Baby turns his head to continuous bright light outside photo: Babycenter.com.

    The child for 7 months increased the subcutaneous alkalon, and his skin acquired a pink shade (instead of the former red). He absolutely intelligently opens and closes his eyes framed by cilia and eyebrows. May distinguish tastes due to receptors in the language. The hair on the head continue to grow.

    The fruit still trains the respiratory system, trying to make arbitrary breaths and exhalations. Sometimes he swallows amniotic fluidWhat causes Icot. But the lungs are not sufficiently formed for independent life. Therefore, if the kid appears on this period, he will need medical care.

    The body continues development. A small heart is clearly beating. The immune system was ripe, thermoregulation has improved. The kidney of the baby is distinguished until the urine half-liter. The intestines function is well. The formation of a hearing aid is completed. Perinatal specialists advise more talk to Chad, because it can already distinguish between votes and intonation.

    This is a period of intensive study of their capabilities. The child actively plays with umbilical cord, repelled from the walls of the uterus and continues to grow.

    Child activity

    The seventh month of pregnancy is characterized by a special energetic kid. His movements acquire constancy and organization. Despite the fact that he has grown, places in the uterus is still enough for entertainment. The future mother can feel not only the time of the kid games, which usually happens when you are in a calm static position or sleep. Woman also feels the emotion of the child. For example, when he is frightened, he doesn't like something or, on the contrary, it falls in the shower, Kroch gives it a push about it.

    It is worth paying attention to frequent and sharp kicks or a change in activity. Of course, they can talk about temperament kid. But it is better not to ignore them, because it often testifies to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus. Refer to the doctor.

    Stomach in the seventh month

    The future mother can show that her belly rose is unason. It became hard to walk, fatigue began to appear. Sometimes you may be disturbed by the unpleasant sensations associated with stretching the skin on the stomach. Perhaps the appearance of pinkish strips. This is due to the accelerated growth of the uterus and the fetus. Moisten the skin with special creams to calm itch.

    The total weight that a woman can gain from the beginning of pregnancy to this period is 8-11 kg. Every week from 7 months an increase will be an average of 200-400.


    1. A child with a size with a big cabbage. It weighs up to 2 kilograms, and the growth is about 36-40 centimeters.
    2. The accumulation fluid is now about 800 milliliters, but in a few weeks, when the baby is even greater, its amount will decrease.
    3. Do you feel clumsy? Hormonal changes have weakened your bundles and joints, so your balance is a bit broken.


    The period begins when meetings with the doctor will occur more often - every 2 weeks. Ultrasound examination is not included in the list of mandatory at this stage. But it can be assigned to exclude the diagnosis of the placenta prelation. These may indicate unexpected, but painless vaginal bleeding.

    The seventh month - on the one hand, the beginning of a difficult period, but on the other - the most impressive time. There is a long-awaited vacation. Finally, you can work in creativity, fitness, visit courses for future mothers. The feeling of proximity to the baby will increase, you will begin to understand each other. Do not lose precious days and enjoy them.

    Many future mothers are interested in what is for the term - 7 months of pregnancy, how many weeks left until childbirth and how the baby develops.

    Fresh air consultation with doctor Development kid
    painfulness Baby fight

    Only knowing everything about what the baby is waiting ahead and when the kid can be born, a woman will feel calm and confident - and this is the most important thing.

    Feelings of a woman of this period

    First of all, it is worth noting, from which week the 7 month of pregnancy begins. It lasts from 28 to 32 weeks - the last, third trimester begins with this period.

    7 months of pregnancy is a date on which the woman goes into maternity leave. Finally, she gets the opportunity to sleep, relax before the upcoming births. The rest is now needed, more than ever, because the sensations that the woman experiences during the third trimester is far from the most pleasant:

    • belly on 7 months, as can be seen in the photo, reaches quite large sizes;
    • the future mother becomes harder to move;
    • it is harder to find a convenient posture during sleep;
    • even the reception of the bath is associated with some difficulties;
    • the increased uterus makes it difficult to breathe, which provokes heartburn, which can deliver a lot of unpleasant moments;
    • some women face in the last trimester with late toxicosis. It is also accompanied by nausea, but much more dangerous than earlier - at the beginning of pregnancy. Typically, strong swelling, metabolic disorders, increase the pressure, as well as the presence of protein in the urine.

    Toxicosis can cause violations in the work of the placenta, so its symptoms need to be required to inform the doctor so that it picked up the appropriate treatment.

    Fresh air is very useful for the health of the future mother and kid

    What can be engaged in a future mother?

    Many are interested in what constraints exist for a woman in the 7th month of pregnancy. Specialists usually give such recommendations.

    That can be a future momWhat is impossible to mom
    1. To walk alot. Doctors advise on fresh air at least 2-3 hours daily. Fresh air will improve your well-being, and a unhurried walk will become an excellent prevention of edema and excess weight.
    2. Wear special underwear for pregnant women. Be sure to purchase a special prenatal bra if you do not have it. Such underwear is sewn from natural fabrics, well supports the increased chest, while not delivering any discomfort. In addition, it is not bad to have antenatal bandage in the wardrobe to support the growing abdomen, as well as compression linen, which will help prevent varicose veins.
    1. Deal with some homework. You definitely do not need to climb the stepladers or stools, try to avoid affairs using household chemicals, especially for caustic drugs with a strong smell. And, of course, do not try to raise any severity.
    2. Take medication without the permission of a doctor. Most medicines have toxic properties, so the reception of them during pregnancy is contraindicated. To solve any health problems, please contact a doctor who knows exactly what drugs can be taken by future mothers.

    Often, women have a question, is it possible to fly by plane at 7 months of pregnancy? Despite the fact that modern doctors argue that it is safe, most airlines are negative about the passenger flights at the later date. Most likely, you will need a certificate from the gynecologist, in which it will be indicated that there are no medical contraindications. Some companies do not sell women on such a long-lasting flight tickets.

    What happens to the child?

    Kid born in the seventh month

    From 28 to 32 week, the baby actively gains weight: in 4 weeks it can add almost a kilogram. If childbirth happens in 7 months of pregnancy, then the child has all the chances to survive, although he may need some medical care.

    Consider how the fetus develops for a period of 7 months, and what happens to it during this period.

    1. The baby learns to understand clearly and close the eyes.
    2. The development of the auditory apparatus is completed.
    3. The development of the brain is also in the final stage.
    4. The weight of the child in 7 months of one-bed pregnancy is approximately 1.2-2 kg.
    5. He actively accumulates subcutaneous fat, and by the end of the month, almost nothing will differ from other newborns.

    What the baby looks like, who was born on 7 months, can be viewed in photos.

    Intimate intimate - is it possible?

    Sexing for 7 months is quite admissible if they do not harm the baby. If you do not have an increased tone, during pregnancy, the threat of miscarriages did not appear, and after intercourse did not happen bleeding, you can continue sexual life. In the presence of these symptoms, it will have to refuse. Absolute contraindications for intimate proximity is also multiple pregnancy and placenta preferably.

    According to the observations of doctors, most women experience a strong decline in libido just in the third trimester. This may be due to the work of hormones or more ordinary reasons.

    As a rule, the belly of a woman at 7 months of pregnancy is already quite large and can interfere with it to enjoy intimacy, and the general physical state It can reduce the sexual activity of the future mother.

    Painful sensations in the abdomen

    If pain sensations are similar to the fights and are accompanied by brown discharge, in this case, be sure to consult a doctor

    You should not be afraid if during 7 months you have a snomotion hurt. The reasons for immediate appeal to the doctor are only if the pain is quite intense, it is similar to the increasing scratch and the strength of the fight, is accompanied by brown discharges or lasts in a relaxed state longer than a few hours.

    In other cases, painful sensations are safe and most likely caused by the following reasons:

    • stretching of abdominal muscles - in this case, the pain is weak, reminiscent of tingling;
    • an increase in the mobility of compounds of pelvic bones - pain can spread to the joints area;
    • problems with digestion - the increased uterus interferes between the intestines.

    In the case of similar sensations, a woman is better to lie down and relax, you can also have a butt pill or to take a warm bath.

    What will the ultrasound study show?

    On the 7th month of normally proceeding pregnancy ultrasounds are not usually prescribed. This study of the mother may pass at their own accord or in the direction of the gynecologist, if you need to clarify any details of pregnancy.

    The ultrasound data is compared with current to identify deviations in the development of the baby

    During the ultrasound at 7 months of pregnancy in the photo you will see a real person formed. All its bodies and parts of the body are developed, it actively moves, develops various skills. During the examination, the doctor usually estimates the state of the placenta and the uterus, measures the physical indicators of the child, measures the number spindle water. As a rule, it is required if there were any deviations from the norm on the previous ultrasound.

    If you pass this procedure in 7 months of pregnancy, ask you to print a photo of the fetus - you can consider your future baby on it and incur this picture in his photo album.

    Possible allocations of this term

    It is necessary to closely monitor the character of the selection, some of them can be dangerous and require immediate advice with a doctor.

    The discharges appearing at 7 months of pregnancy are usually quite abundant. If they are homogeneous, without unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by discomfort in the field of genital organs - there is no reason for concern.

    If you suddenly noticed that the selection has become transparent and watery - you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is the accumulating waters.

    However, the most dangerous is the allocation of brown and scarlet color, especially if they are accompanied by pain. This can signal the placenta detachment, so in this case it is impossible to slow - you need to immediately cause ambulance. Find out and why.

    Despite the fact that the number of unpleasant symptoms in 7 calendar months of pregnancy increases, most women are quite positive on this period. They have time to rest, the feeling of fatigue has not yet come, and a little bit left to the meeting with a crumb.

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    The information published on the site site is exceptionally introductory and is intended only for familiarization. Visitors to the site should not use them as medical recommendations! The editorial board does not advise to engage in self-medication. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment technique remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of the doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

    Pregnancy lasts 10 obstetrics and 9 lunar months. Obstetrician months are divided into trimesters. 7 month means the beginning of the final, third trimester of the gestation period.

    It is time for maternity leave. By law, maternity leave and childbirth falls at the beginning of 30 weeks, and multiple pregnancy - C 28.

    Many mothers working in state-owned enterprises are entitled to labor paid leave, and therefore they can go to "Decree" for a couple of weeks earlier.

    From 30 weeks of the gestational period, active preparation for replenishment in the family begins: Thousands of newborn, and hygiene products are bought.

    What happens in the body of a woman

    The month covers time from 26 to 30 weeks. At this stage there are significant changes in the intrauterine life of the baby, and in the life of the future mother.

    The uterus increases significantly in size, and if up to 30 weeks, it was not noticeable, then at the moment it is clearly rounded and rises above.

    The surrounding authorities are gradually shifted, and at the end of the seven-month term it rises above the navel, squeezing on a slightly lower lung segment.

    The fruit is actively moving - the uterus cavity, while it allows to perform various movements. The location of the baby changes hourly, and so far it does not carry the potential threat of misconception.


    A child continues to grow in the female organism. Mom feels his presence daily. A growing uterus gradually squeezes the surrounding organs.

    It has a particular pressure on the bladder and the distal division of the large intestine. Constantly bothering urge to urination and difficulty with an intestinal emptying act.

    Due to the stretching of the muscular layer, the epidermis is thinned, collagen is lost and the first stretch marks appear. Their presence may carry a serious violation in the intrauterine life of the fetus, so it is necessary to monitor their appearance.

    Favorite places of Strya - hips, chest, belly. Pregnant stretch marks appear with an increase in the period of gestation.

    In 7 months, the weight increases by 6-8 kg, so the skin stretches and "rifles". This is especially noticeable for girls, with a disadvantage of Elastin and Collagen.

    Sleeping is worse, it is harder to choose a convenient posture for sleep. Sometimes excessive information obtained during the day and an inconvenient position lead a woman in the state of insomnia. There is nervousness and irritability.

    The hormonal background in the future mother is unstable and the accession of exogenous diseases or the aggravation of existing chronic processes is possible.

    How the fruit is developing

    Prior to the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus has formed part parts, organs and internal systems. Now the period of complete improvement of the cerebral cortex and the accumulation of subcutaneous fatty fiber is coming.

    Seimal fruit on average weighs from 1100 to 1800 g, height from 38 to 41 cm.

    The torso is covered with a fly, eyebrows and eyelashes are drawn on the face. The gun covers all toddler tales: back, hands, chest. Over time, he disappears, but sometimes, children born on a period of up to 32 weeks have increased exhaust.

    Cutting and nervous endings are formed and improved. The child knows how to recognize the mood of the mother, wrinkles with bright light (even through the stomach and the uterus), and reacts to loud sounds.

    Some moms neglect restrictions and prohibitions, which further leads to various pathological phenomena.

    • Under the prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Red wine also refers to restrictions.
    • Far travel or air transport flights are prohibited. Futive mothers relating to the risk group of thrombophilia, the flights are prohibited categorically.
    • You should not allow overwork.
    • Active exercise, fast dances or extreme sports.
    • Restrictions apply to food with high sugar content, lipids and preservatives.

    The baby's nutrition occurs at the expense of the parent organism, so all the "harmful" products come to the emerging children's body.


    Up to 27-28 weeks, a pregnant menu must be attended:

    • fish products;
    • fermented milk products;
    • cereal cultures;
    • fresh fruits and vegetables.

    In moderate quantities are resolved oranges and lemons. From bakery products: black bread and a bun with a jam, but not more than once a week.

    Due to the accelerated growth of the fetus, there is a need for trace elements to compensate for the erythrocyte sprout and development prevention. For this, the weekly menu should be buckwheat, pomegranate juice, apples and bananas.


    Intimate proximity is not prohibited, but restrictions are introduced. Sex is unacceptable in the threat of interrupt or with a deterioration in the course of pregnancy.

    During physical intimacy, it is necessary to select a convenient position for the mother to eliminate the pressure on the stomach.

    Often, pregnant worries or thrush. In this case, sexual intercourse is contraindicated, and the treatment is carried out by both partners.


    The end of the second trimester and the beginning of the final stage of gestation pays many problems, but one of the most dangerous - premature birth.

    The kid from 25 weeks is weak, but the chances of survive and develop normally. It takes into account the birth weight and general health and development.

    With an unstable emotional background, a woman can overcome depression or stress that negatively reflects on the fruit.

    Interesting video: All about 7 months of pregnancy

    Pregnancy at 7 months opens the third trimester, which brings the woman to the finish line in front of the meeting with the baby. To this period, the belly has already rose to impressive sizes, and every movement is given to mom's difficulty. In the seventh month, working pregnant women go to maternity leave during which they begin to actively prepare for childbirth.

    7 months of pregnancy - how many weeks?

    The seventh month begins with the 28th, and ends on the 31st obstetse week. According to the pregnancy table for months, in calendar values, this period is 30 weeks and 6 days.

    It is believed that 7 months is a period of "nest ultrasound", since on this period future mom Already aware of the approaching childbirth, which several months ago seemed to her only an event from a distant future.

    Belly on 7 months pregnancy

    By the seventh month, the belly reaches impressive sizes. The uterus is already towering 28-30 cm above the Lona, as a result of which all internal organs are transmitted and sub-in-percussion. Due to the active growth of the baby and increasing the volume of the uterus, it begins to root more often and pull the abdomen - this physical discomfort can be eliminated using a special bandage. If the pain is not passing, then it is necessary to consult with the gynecologist to eliminate the threat of premature birth.

    By the 30th week, the fruit continues to actively gain weight and completely fills the uterus. His movements become more tangible. Due to the jokes of the baby, the uterus is increasingly included in the tone, the stomach strongly hard is a normal phenomenon that should not cause reasons for anxiety.

    Changes I. appearance Belly - a dark strip appears, passing in the middle from the chest to the pubic, and stretch marks on the skin. These processes are associated with a hormonal restructuring that reduces the elasticity of the skin, as well as with the peculiarities of an interesting position (large fruit, multi-way, high weight gain).

    There are no cases when by 7 months the tummy remains small, which is disturbing women. There are no reasons for panic if your weight and height of the bottom of the uterus correspond to the norm. At the same time, the doctor may appoint an additional ultrasound to eliminate the delay in the growth of the fetus and the lowland.

    Pregnancy 7 months: fetal development

    By the 28th week, the child has already finally formed and can already live outside the mother's tummy. His weight reaches 1.5 kg, and the growth is 38-40 cm, the skin acquires a pink shade, and the adipose tissue continues to accumulate.

    Fetal development:

    • the pulmonary system completes the formation - the kid can already do the first respiratory movements, but the system ventilation system is still not well developed;
    • the fetus fully formed genitals;
    • the kid is already well heard and distinguishes the voices;
    • the first hairs appear on his head;
    • the brain and nerve cells are actively functioning, due to which the crumb may feel pain;
    • well developed a full range of feelings - touch, smell, taste and vision;
    • the child is very energetic, and sometimes even hyperactive.
    By the seventh month, the baby occupies the correct pose before childbirth, falls down the head down. By the 32nd week, it becomes closely in the mother's tummy and he begins to gain strength before the generic process, in connection with the less often pushing.

    Most often, the increased activity or lull of the child in the tummy in mom is considered the norm, but the gynecologist can assign additional ultrasound to make sure there is no hypoxia of the fetus and delays in its development.

    7 months of pregnancy: what happens

    The seventh month has its "whims", fraught with discomfort and inconvenience. Its main symptoms are false contractions, heartburn and constipation arising against the background of a rapid increase in abdomen.

    Signs of the seventh month:

    1. By the 30th week, the symptoms of the first trimester can return - light nausea and dizziness.
    2. Increased sweating, rapid heartbeat.
    3. The growing "badness" - Mom's movement becomes clumsy.
    4. Strengthening pain in the back and lower back.
    5. The appearance of edema.
    6. Insomnia.
    7. Hemorrhoids.
    8. Dizziness.
    9. Colic in side.
    10. Frequent urination.
    All these symptoms are the norm, if manifest themselves in easy form And quickly pass. Anxiety should cause vomiting and constant nausea - they can signal the poisoning or late toxicosis that are dangerous for the fetus.

    Birth in 7 months of pregnancy: consequences, reasons

    The main danger of the seventh month is premature childbirth that comes from the 28th to the 36th week. They become a real test for mom and baby, which is not completely ready for independent life. After appearing on the light, premature children need long and thorough care, since their "immature" lungs are not able to fully breathe.

    The reasons for the birth of a child for 7 months can be:

    • uncontrollable reception of drugs;
    • cool, accompanied by cough;
    • excessive weight gain (normal at this point pregnant is gaining 8-10 kg);
    • infection;
    • active sexual life, weight lifting;
    • stress and defective nutrition;
    • pathology of the cervix and the preview of the placenta.
    The consequences of premature genera are serious and dangerous for a woman and baby. For mom, they are poured into the postpartum depression, and for the kid are fraught with different pathologies.

    In any case, you should not panic. Modern maternity hospitals are equipped with intensive care chambers for premature babies - they have special devices, with the help of the lungs, nutrition and life of the child born ahead of time. And although mom and neonatologists will have to spend a lot of time and effort to get out of the baby, the outcome in most cases is positive - over time the baby will be fully restored and will not differ from the docking children.

    Abortion for 7 month pregnancy

    Abortion (artificial childbirth) is held only on medical testimony. In any other case, it is impossible to legally - interrupt pregnancy late time Pursued by law.

    The main indication for the medical abortion at the later date is the miscarriage or fetal fetus, genetic pathology and dangerous infectious diseases of moms under healthy child It is impossible.

    Selection during pregnancy for 7 months

    Allocations for 7 months begin literally "pouring" a woman. This phenomenon is considered the norm if the selection does not have a pronounced shade and smell, do not imply and can not be retracted.

    It is worth paying attention if it appeared:

    • bleeding, they can be a symptom of premature genera or placenta;
    • pink discharges that may mean the leakage of spindle water;
    • brown discharges that signal pathologies in the fetus;
    • yellow or green discharge is a sign of infection.
    In all these cases, urgent consultation of the gynecologist is needed, which even when bleeding opened, it will be able to quickly carry out appropriate therapy aimed at preventing the origin of the generic process.

    Often by the 30th week of selection appear in the chest - it is a colostrum, having a yellowish tint and a thick, stretching consistency. The appearance of colostrum indicates that the preparatory process with coming birth and feeding the baby started in the chest.

    If you do not stand out by colostrum, then this is also considered the norm and does not mean that after the birth of a child, the milk will not appear. This process is individual, so you should not judge the "dairy" future mommy.

    Nausea for 7 month pregnancy

    The bloating and light nausea - almost constant satellites of pregnant in the 30th week. In most cases, these symptoms are manifested due to physiological changesassociated with an increase in the volume of the uterus that does not allow normally to function in the internal organs of pregnant. A tangible approach is not dangerous and easily tolerated by moms.

    It should urgently be alarming, if nausea has a pronounced character, manifests itself constantly and is accompanied by vomiting. These may be signs of late toxicosis, dangerous for the baby.

    Why can late toxicosis arise? Due to irregular nutrition, containing an insufficient amount of protein and vitamins, renal and liver failure, an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Pain for 7 month pregnancy

    In the later dates, the body is actively preparing for childbirth, therefore actively conducts "pain exercises". Most often in the period 28-32 weeks of pain may occur in the lower back, back and stomach. They are a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs and the joints of the woman. Do not worry and worry because of each unpleasant feeling - If the pains have an unbearable and short character, are considered the norm.

    Often, the navel begins to hurt the seventh month. This is also a normal phenomenon caused by the active growth of the uterus. The reason for the occurrence of pain in the middle of the belly is also the weakening of the muscles of the press, which is why the navel can even turn outward. There are no reasons for panic - after childbirth, everything will be in its place and pains will pass.

    Sex for 7 month pregnancy

    Sex life on the late period is best to stop, as any careless movement or reduction of the uterus during orgasm can provoke premature genera.

    But if a sexual desire does not give you a calmly live, then the question of sex admissibility can be discussed with a gynecologist - the doctor will be able to adequately appreciate your condition, eliminate possible threats, and will give recommendations for intimate life.

    There are often cases when a woman thinks about masturbation during pregnancy, especially if the spouse categorically refuses "contact", worrying about the baby. There is also no definite answer to this question - psychologists believe that it is possible to make pregnant women and even need to masturbate, since everything that gives pleasure mom, useful for the fetus, but gynecologists warn that even self-satisfaction is permissible only in the absence of contraindications.

    Is it possible to fly by 7 months of pregnancy

    By the seventh month, when the long-awaited maternity leave came, many mothers are planning a journey, realizing that in the near future they do not have to rest for the care of the baby. Is it possible to travel and fly in late terms? There is no unambiguous answer to this question - it all depends on the course of pregnancy.

    Flight hazards at 28-32 weeks:

    1. pressure drops that can lead to premature Rodam;
    2. the lack of oxygen arising from the plane during the flight;
    3. blood stagnation with long seat;
    4. possible impact of radiation;
    5. trampling.
    Unwanted on this term and a trip to the sea. The sun and exotic to the 30th week are considered not the most best friends Pregnant.

    Nutrition for 7 months of pregnancy

    The menu in the later dates is practically no different from the common pregnant menu, which women recommend to go immediately after the child's conception. Nevertheless, the future mother should understand what now has to eat for two, but not in quantitative, but in a quality format.

    The diet should include:

    • full proteins;
    • food rich in fatty acids;
    • iron-containing products;
    • "Right" carbohydrates;
    • "Suppliers" of fiber.
    Assible on this time and all kinds of "yummy": ice cream, chocolate bar, cake - all this can, but carefully, without abuse.

    What can and can not be pregnant on 7 months

    By the 30th week, after registration of maternity leave, the future mothers begin to actively prepare for childbirth - to make repairs in the children's, engage in the permutation of furniture, to "generate" an apartment, forgetting about the elementary precautionary rules.

    Remember! Full holiday and walking in late dates are more important for you and baby than cleaning. Therefore, it is better to devote this time to select a wardrobe for the future heir, visiting the school for pregnant women, where you will prepare you for the upcoming process.

    Categorical "not" seventh month:

    1. smoking and alcohol;
    2. physical exercise;
    3. overwork and stress;
    4. reception of drugs without appointments of a doctor;
    5. close clothes and high heels;
    6. contact S. household chemicals;
    7. lifting weights.
    And most importantly, remember - pregnancy at 7 months means that only 8-10 weeks left for the meeting with the long-awaited kid. After this period, you will have to forget about silence and peace for a long time. Therefore, enjoy this thankful time, relax and take care of the strength before the coming births.
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