• Disease pear rust. Why did orange spots appear on pear leaves? The development process of the fungus


    Rust is one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases that affects thousands of economically important crops every year. In the article we will tell you why rust appears on a pear, how to deal with it with drugs and folk methods.

    The causative agents of this disease include more than 4000 pathogenic fungi. Rust fungi are divided into two groups:

    1. Single-farm rust fungi.
    2. Miscellaneous rust fungi.

    Causes and signs of rust on a pear

    • yellow-orange, orange-rusty spots on the upper part of the leaves during the period of petal fall (end of flowering);
    • orange-rusty pustules in the form of mammillary processes on the lower part of the leaves. Pustules appear on the leaves in mid-summer, in which aecidiospores multiply and develop.

    With a strong defeat of the pear with rust, early leaf fall is observed, while the petioles of the leaves acquire a dark shade, young shoots become covered with spots. The number of ovaries is reduced, which leads to low yields. The resulting fruits fall off before they have time to ripen.

    It is important to note that the spores formed in the pustules on the leaves of the pear, closer to winter, tend to get back to the juniper for further development, where they germinate, form gelatinous growths in which they remain to winter. In spring, the spores again spread throughout the surrounding area, in search of leaves from fruit trees.

    Aecidiospores have low resistance to fungicides, which include copper and sulfur.

    In which regions is rust common, how to protect pear trees from the disease

    Since the main source of rust for fruit trees is juniper, it is not difficult to guess in which regions pears most often suffer. On the territory of Russia, juniper is often found in regions in which there is a pine forest belt or mixed forests. Juniper distribution area from the northern part of the Chelyabinsk and Omsk regions, to the southern Urals and eastern Siberia. From Stavropol to Krasnodar Territory, grows in the mountainous regions of the Crimea and the Caucasus.

    What preparations to spray a pear from rust?

    For the treatment of pear trees affected by rust, it is recommended to use fungicide preparations, the main components of which are copper and sulfur. Consider the 5 most effective drugs:

    The drug "Polyhom" trademark "Iskra"

    Protective contact fungicide, chemical mixture of 60% metiram and 20% copper oxychloride. Release form: suspension 0.4%. An effective drug in the fight against rust, scab, moniliosis, white spot, black cancer. Multiplicity of processing - no more than 5 times.

    • Advantages: Non-toxic to beneficial insects and birds. A safe preparation for plants, favorably affects plants, increases productivity.
    • Disadvantages: It is forbidden to use in the sanitary zone around fishery ponds.

    Bordeaux liquid brand "Green Belt"

    Broad spectrum fungicide. The active substance is copper sulfate. Release form: water-soluble powder. It is used in the fight against rust, scab, moniliosis, spotting. Multiplicity of processing - no more than 6 times.

    • Advantages: Not dangerous for beneficial insects, birds and plants. Compatible with pesticides.
    • Disadvantages: Not compatible with the vast majority of fungicides, especially those that break down in an alkaline environment.

    The drug "Baleyton" brand "Green Belt"

    Systemic fungicide primarily for the control of rust and powdery mildew on fruit trees. Active ingredients - triadimefon, copper sulfate. Release form - powder. Multiplicity of processing - no more than 2 times.

    • Advantages: Not dangerous for beneficial insects. Safe preparation for plants, favorably affects plants. High compatibility with other drugs. Doesn't wash off with rain.
    • Disadvantages: It is forbidden to use in the sanitary zone around fishery reservoirs. Moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals. Causes resistance, drug change is required.

    New generation fungicide, active ingredient strobilurin A. Designed to protect fruit trees from diseases such as rust, powdery mildew, late blight. Release form - water-soluble granules. Multiplicity of processing - no more than 3 times.

    Advantages: not dangerous for beneficial insects and warm-blooded. Differs in compatibility with a huge number of drugs. Not phytotoxic. One of the rare drugs that can be used during the flowering period of fruitful trees. Not addictive. Doesn't wash off with rain.

    The drug "Raek" brand "August"

    Systemic fungicide, active ingredients difenoconazole, copper sulfate. Designed to combat rust, scab, powdery mildew, late blight. Release form - emulsion. Multiplicity of processing - no more than 4 times.

    • Advantages: Not dangerous for beneficial insects. Not phytotoxic. High compatibility with other drugs. Doesn't wash off with rain.
    • Disadvantages: It is forbidden to use in the sanitary zone around fishery ponds. Moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals.

    The table shows the effectiveness of the above drugs, as well as the consumption of drugs and the optimal timing of their use.

    Name of the drug Drug consumption Time spending Efficiency
    "Polyhom" 15 g per 10 liters of water

    2. When in full bloom;

    3rd treatment is carried out depending on the conditions, but not later than the end of flowering;

    4th and 5th - 10-12 days after the last treatment.

    With a full series of processing up to 98%
    20l per 100 m2. 1.When buds open;

    2. According to the "white bud";

    3. After harvest.

    With an interval of 5-6 days.

    Up to 90% when used with other drugs
    "Baleyton" 10 g per 10 liters of water 1.When buds open;

    2. According to the "white bud".

    Up to 95% when used with other drugs
    "Strobe" 15 g per 10 liters of water 1. When the kidneys swell;

    2. When in full bloom.

    Up to 95% when combined with drugs containing polycarbocin.
    "Raek" 2 ml per 10 liters of water 1. During the exposure of inflorescences ("green cone");

    2. According to the "white bud".

    3. After flowering with an interval of 10-12 days.

    Up to 95% when combined with drugs containing copper and polycarbocin.

    Bordeaux liquid for treating pear from rust

    Tip #1 To determine the exact amount of the drug per tree, it is recommended to pre-treat one tree evenly with plain water.

    Effective folk remedies for rust on a pear

    To combat rust on a pear, experienced gardeners suggest using the following folk methods:

    • Urea solution. Urea is used not only as a fertilizer, but also as a solution for the destruction of pests and diseases. To prepare the solution, 700 g of fertilizer and 15 liters of water are needed. Pear trees are treated with a solution in late autumn. Spray the trunk and crown of trees, as well as fallen leaves.
    • A solution of laundry soda and soap. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to mix laundry soda with laundry soap in a ratio of 5-6 tbsp. soda per 50 g of grated soap. The resulting mixture is diluted in a bucket and thoroughly mixed until the soda granules and soap chips are completely dissolved and infused for 20-30 minutes. Spray pear trees after flowering.
    • Mullein infusion: 500 g of mullein is diluted in 20 liters of warm water. The resulting mixture is removed to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. The finished mixture before processing pear trees is diluted with water in a ratio of 10 liters of finished infusion to 20 liters of water. Fruit-bearing pear trees are cultivated.
    • Infusion of marigolds. For cooking, you need half a bucket of freshly harvested vegetable raw materials of marigolds and half a bucket of warm water. Mix thoroughly, cover and put in a dark cool place for 2 days. The finished infusion is filtered and mixed with 50 g of grated laundry soap. Pear trees are processed as soon as flowering ends (all petals fall off).
    • Decoction of wood ash. For cooking, you will need half a bucket of wood ash, half a bucket of water and 50 g of laundry soap. The ash is mixed with water and boiled for no more than an hour. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered and grated laundry soap is added and everything is thoroughly mixed.

    Tip #2 Before application it is necessary to maintain a technical pause of 5-10 minutes.

    Rust resistant pear varieties

    Pears are prone to diseases of various origins, the most common diseases of pears include rust, moniliosis and scab. In the table, consider the varieties of pears that are most resistant to rust:

    Julienne Variety features
    "Bere Boek" The fruits are large, bottle-shaped, brown-golden in color. In the 5th year it gives up to 100 kg of fruit. Winter hardy.
    "Autumn Dekanka" The fruits are medium, rounded, light yellow in color. In the 5th year it gives up to 70 kg of fruit from one bush. Winter hardy.
    "Summer William" The fruits are medium, pear-shaped, yellow with a blush. In the 5th year it gives up to 150 kg of fruit from one bush. Winter hardy.
    "Cure" The fruits are medium, pear-shaped, whitish-yellow in color. In the 5th year it gives up to 80 kg of fruit per bush.
    "Clapp's Favorite" The fruits are large, rounded, yellowish-green. In the 7th year it gives up to 60 kg per bush.

    Pear Rust Control Schedule

    The rust disease is cyclical, infection is repeated every year and a half, which significantly inhibits the growth of young shoots. It is necessary to fight rust in a complex way, namely, to use not only chemicals, but also to apply fertilizers to strengthen the immunity of pear trees. Consider in the table a calendar of work aimed at combating rust on a pear:

    Stages of pear development Fertilization Fungicide treatment Treatment with folk remedies
    Bud swelling (April 1 to 15) For each bush a bucket of humus "Bordeaux liquid", "Strobe", "Raek". Wood ash decoction
    Bud break (from 15 to 20 April) Polyhom, Baleiton.
    The appearance of corollas (from April 20 to 25) Toward the end of April, add 100 g of urea and 1 bucket of humus to the trunk circle. "Polyhom" Wood ash decoction
    White Bud (April 25 to 28) Polyhom, Bordeaux Liquid, Baleiton.
    Beginning of flowering (from April 28-30) Mix 250 g of potassium sulfate, 700 g of superphosphate and 10 liters of mullein and dissolve the resulting mixture in a barrel of water. Insist 15 days. For one tree - 40 liters. "Polyhom"
    Mass flowering (from April 30 to May 20) Spray the trees with a solution of potassium humate - 600 g of potassium humate per 30 liters of water. For one tree - 5-6 liters of solution. "Polyhom", "Strobe".
    End of flowering (from 20 to 25 May) "Raek" Infusion of marigolds (repeat treatment after 6-7 days) or a solution of laundry soda and soap
    After harvest Add 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate under each tree. Urea Solution or Mullein Infusion

    Mistakes when dealing with rust on pear trees

    Experts identify several mistakes that inexperienced gardeners often make when dealing with rust on a pear tree:

    1. The affected leaves are removed, and the affected shoots are left on the trees.
    2. After leaf fall, the affected leaves are not destroyed, left on the site.
    3. Apply only folk methods of dealing with rust.


    Question number 1. How long does it take to get rid of rust on a pear?

    If a disease is detected at an early stage of development and with a comprehensive fight against the disease, you can get rid of rust in a year.

    Question number 2. Can other crops grown in the same area become infected from a pear?

    No, they can't. Rust spores on pear trees return with the wind only to juniper plants.

    Question number 3. What other diseases can appear on a pear along with rust?

    It is known that rust greatly depresses the immune system of the pear, as a result of which the trees become vulnerable to scab and moniliosis.

    Question number 4. What trees should be planted as a windbreak?

    Any tall trees, the crown of which will be at least half a meter higher.

    Quite often, novice gardeners literally do not know what to do, noticing that orange spots have appeared on pear leaves. How to deal with this scourge and is it possible to save your favorite pear - let's figure it out together.

    Why do orange spots appear on pear leaves?

    So, you noticed that pear leaves are covered with orange spots, most of all resembling rust streaks. This means that your pet has become a victim of a fungal disease, the name of which sounds exactly like pear rust. Where does it come from on pears? Oddly enough, the juniper growing nearby, which has recently gained immense popularity as an ornamental plant, is the culprit for the defeat of the pear. It is on this plant that fungi-causative agents of rust hibernate, so that with the onset of warm days they are transferred to the pear. The first to suffer from intruders are pear leaves, on the upper side of which orange spots form. By the second half of summer, dense yellow growths form on the lower part of the affected leaves, in which fungus spores form. Over time, the defeat affects the branches and fruits of the pear, which can lead to the death of the entire tree.

    Orange spots on pear leaves - what to do?

    What to do if the pear has become a victim of rust? As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so do not forget about preventive measures:

    In the gardens of which any variety grows. This disease not only spoils the appearance of the tree, but also damages the plant. Today we will talk about how to distinguish rust on a pear from others, how dangerous it is, and how to treat it.

    The manifestation of rust

    It’s worth saying right away that the “mother” plant on which the fungus forms and produces spores is. The spores are carried over great distances, infecting pears (an intermediate plant). The juniper peddler can grow 40-50 km from your garden, and the spores will still fall on.

    Important!In addition to greenery, shoots and fruits can be affected by rust, but this happens only in the event of an epidemic of the disease.

    Now for the disease itself. The leaves of the affected tree are covered red spots with a yellow rim. This happens immediately after flowering, at the end of April. Over time, orange spots on pear leaves begin to swell and deform, turning into a kind of growth or tumor. After that, the affected plates fall off.

    What is the danger of the disease

    Treatment with chemicals

    Pear rust is subject to treatment with chemicals, without which it will not be possible to completely destroy the fungus.

    Most commonly used for spraying copper based. A popular option is 1%, but other similar drugs (Kuproxat, Kuproxil, Champion) can also be used.

    The first is scheduled for early spring. It must be done before the kidneys swell. Then carry out the second - before flowering. The third treatment is carried out 1.5 weeks after the second. The last spraying is done at the moment when small fruits begin to form. It is worth saying that any drug must be applied at least 4 times in order to achieve a complete absence of fungus on the tree.

    Folk remedies

    Did you know? There are those that have rust resistance: "Sugar", "Gulabi", "Sailo", "Nanaziri". There are also varieties that are most often affected by rust: Dikanka Winter, Cure, Clapp's Favorite, Bere Ardanpon.

    Infusion on. For 10 liters of water we take 0.5 kg of ash and insist 48 hours. After that, we carry out basal watering of the pear. For mature trees we spend 10 liters, for young trees - no more than 6.

    Pear trees are grown by many farmers. These are very tasty and healthy fruits, and the trees do not require special care. However, sometimes serious troubles happen - the pear gets sick. In this article, we will talk about such a phenomenon as rust on a pear, and tell you how to process a pear to get rid of spots on the leaves.

    Spots on pear leaves appear due to the action of the fungus. As a rule, the main symptom of this disease is precisely the orange spots on the leaves, which at first can be mistaken for fading. The fungus itself can attack your garden in several ways.

    A beneficial environment for the reproduction of bacteria is juniper. That is, when planting such a plant near other trees, the farmer has a chance to get a lot of infected plants in the near future. It is not difficult to recognize an infected plant: in autumn, characteristic seals appear on the branches, which later take the form of swellings or small wounds. And in the spring, mycelium appears, spores scatter throughout the garden and infect healthy trees. Since the wind can carry spores over long distances, it is not at all necessary that juniper grows on your site - it is enough for it to grow nearby.

    Also, the disease can appear with improper agricultural practices or certain weather conditions.

    Features of the development of the disease

    It may seem to some that the appearance of yellow-orange spots on the leaves is a minor problem, because there are much more serious diseases. However, you should not let things take their course, otherwise you can lose the whole tree. As a rule, rusty-orange spots appear in the spring. At first, a red spot on a leaf may seem to be the result of exposure to sunlight, but it is worth watching the trees. If by the summer the number of leaves that look like they are affected by corrosion has increased, this is rust, and the plants need to be treated urgently.

    If no measures are taken to combat pear disease until autumn, the appearance of mycelium on the leaves can be observed. They form seals filled with spores. As soon as these seals burst, the spores burst out, and the autumn wind spreads them throughout the area, re-infecting coniferous trees.

    An infected tree is in great danger and may even die. Due to red spotting, the process of photosynthesis becomes impossible, respectively, the plant very quickly becomes weakened and loses its immunity. In case of incomplete infection, the yield is significantly reduced, and winter hardiness is also reduced. If no measures are taken, the entire aerial part of the plant may be infected, and in this case, you will, unfortunately, have no other choice but to get rid of the whole tree.

    Fighting methods

    So, if there is a risk of rust on a pear, you need to know how to treat an infected plant. There are several methods for treating pear rust.

    Mechanical. This is the simplest method and is great for cases where you have discovered the disease at an early stage, and it has not yet had time to infect many leaves. It is necessary, using sterile garden tools, to completely remove and destroy the affected shoots and leaves. In the event that not only leaves and branches are affected, but also the wood itself, it should also be cut off until only healthy bark remains. After the procedure, burn the affected wood and disinfect all tools well.

    In addition, do not forget to process the cut points by covering them with garden pitch.

    Folk remedies. What to do if it is impossible to treat a pear with chemicals (this happens when fruits have already formed on the trees)? In this case, you can fight the fungus with the help of folk remedies that do not harm a person. For this purpose, solutions containing a large amount of wood ash are perfect. For example, you can prepare a solution according to the following recipe: use about 3 kg of wood ash per bucket of water, boil the mixture for 30 minutes, after which the infusion must be filtered and cooled, after dissolving half a bar of ordinary laundry soap in it. You can also just take a kilogram of wood ash, dilute it in 20 liters of water and insist for two days. After the infusion settles, you can strain it and spray the plants.

    If you are patient, you can use the old method and destroy the infection with ordinary manure. To do this, for two weeks it is worth infusing a solution of 5 liters of manure liquid dissolved in a bucket of water. After the specified period comes, you need to strain the solution and dilute again with water in a ratio of 1: 2. You can safely spray the affected plants.

    Also, some farmers do not use manure, but herbs for these purposes. Excellent herbal infusions are obtained from horsetail or marigolds. Plants are also treated with such infusions, destroying the disease.

    Chemical means. If the disease has gone too far, chemicals will help. These are the most effective remedies, a few sprays should be enough to get rid of the infection. For these purposes, Bordeaux liquid, a solution of colloidal sulfur, or preparations "Skor" and "Bayleton" are suitable. The tree is treated three times: during the growing season, after flowering and in the process of formation of ovaries. Remember to wear protective clothing to protect yourself from the possible negative effects of working with chemicals.

    1. Take good care of your trees. The optimal irrigation regime, timely top dressing and loosening of the soil significantly reduces the risk of rust.
    2. Perform sanitation pruning. Timely remove all old and broken branches that can become a breeding ground for bacteria.
    3. Always destroy fallen leaves, they may contain spores of the fungus.
    4. If you are getting rid of rust on other trees, burn all affected elements so that the disease does not spread further.

    Video "Fighting rust on trees"

    From this video you will learn how to deal with rust on fruit trees.

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