• Psychics are investigating - Shaaken's castle. Julia Wang participant psychics are investigating Battle of psychics Julia Wang is investigating


    Who are they psychics? The passions of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” have been keeping a huge number of viewers in suspense for the 15th season. Julia Wang is a participant in the Battle of Psychics season 15 on the TNT channel. Born October 29, 1981. Julia surprised everyone at the casting with her bright appearance, tall height and provocative outfit. Julia Wang shared her childhood photos with fans on social networks. One of them attracted special attention from the subscribers of the participant in the 15th Battle of Psychics.

    In this unique television project, several people are trying to prove to the whole country that they are real psychics. The TNT television channel, having opened a new battle, will monitor psychics and evaluate how they pass the most difficult tests that are not available to ordinary people without paranormal abilities.

    The winners of the Battle of Psychics, Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps, as well as the finalist of the show, Elena Golunova, came to Kaliningrad to film the program “Psychics Are Investigating.” All three are participating in the filming of the program “Psychics Are Investigating.” The most ardent fans of the program, people with real problems, were waiting for psychics after the filming process, which ended well after midnight in Schaaken Castle.

    The show Battle of Psychics on TNT is the most mystical and mysterious show of the 21st century on Russian television. You can watch all episodes of the TV project on our website online at any time 24/7. Subscribe to updates and stay up to date with the latest news from the “Battle of Psychics”. Battle of Psychics" is an incredibly popular show, which this year triumphantly returns to television screens with its 15th season.

    Model, professional photographer, singer, psychic. Julia Wang was the most extraordinary and memorable personality in the new 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” program.

    The psychic in the recent past was a film actress, singer and model. Julia is the most mysterious participant in the project. Friends! From August 22, watch the new season of #psychics investigating #battle of the strongest on #TNT! The psychics, together with the film crew of the TNT channel, settled on the very outskirts of the city.

    They take part in the recording of the next episode of “Psychics Are Investigating. Battle of the strongest." Otherwise, our staff psychic will figure out your site by IP, damage traffic and turn off search robots. Ru" wrote that the strongest participants in the "Battle of Psychics" - Julia Wang, Elena Golunova and Alexander Sheps - checked into a local hotel located on the outskirts of the city.

    Julia Wang after plastic surgery. Julia Wang in “the best movie ever”! The winner of the 15th battle of psychics, Julia Wang, was remembered by all television viewers as the most unusual, capable and at the same time attractive psychic woman.

    During one interview, Julia Wang said that 2015 will be difficult. People first started talking about the sharp increase in the dollar exchange rate when its price increased to more than 50 rubles. However, Julia Wang sees that this is not the limit.

    Julia also noted that in 2015 the sanctions will still be lifted. Incredible. This is precisely the description received by Julia Wang, who became the winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” Despite the increased attention to her own person, psychic Julia Wang prefers not to talk too much about her real biography.

    In her interviews, Julia Wang also hides her real name. Since Julia Wang already had a striking appearance in her youth, she was predicted to have a successful modeling and acting career. As a result of the television voting, Julia Wang became the undisputed winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” 2nd place went to Tatyana Larina, 3rd place to Ekaterina Borisova.

    battle of psychics season 15-episode 11.

    During the entire duration of the project, there were practically no viewers left indifferent to the beauty and strength of Julia Wang. Julia received 70% of the votes from viewers. After participating in a television project, the psychic’s popularity is only growing.

    According to rumors, he plans to participate in the filming of the show “Psychics Are Investigating.” Today Julia has not given up her creative activity. She specializes in exclusive dolls and fragrances, so anyone can purchase incredible perfumes from Julia Wang. He writes songs and sings in his own rock band.

    Just order a consultation with a psychic, astrologer or fortune teller Astro7! I am a psychologist and psychic. Battle of Psychics Season 16 online on TNT. The incredible abilities of these people make even the most inveterate cynics and skeptics believe in the miracles of human capabilities. Julia rightfully received the unspoken title of the most shocking and shocking participant in the fifteenth season of the battle. Julia just radiates.

    Julia Wang was born on October 29, 1981, Riga, Latvia. Julia claims that she is magic itself and she is not a person at all, but a spirit in a human body - the Spirit of Chaos. Wang formed her primary perception of the world based on the book “Tao of Chaos” written by.

    Watch how events unfolded in this special episode. With each new release, we will award points to psychics and monitor which of them will be the main contender for the final and will receive the coveted “Hand”.

    All about Julia Wang in the special edition of the fifteenth season of the Battle of Psychics: biography, interests, hobbies and much more. Watch the new 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” online every week on our portal. The winner of the 15th Battle of Psychics on the TNT channel, Julia Wang, was born on October 29, 1981 in Riga (Latvia). P. You are wondering what the participants in the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics program looked like.

    Shakena Castle is one of the most mysterious places in the Kaliningrad region, founded at the beginning of the 13th century, this grandiose building has seen a lot - warlike Crusaders, Teutonic knights, medieval monks. For centuries, these walls heard the clash of swords, the groans of prayers and the songs of troubadours. And only at the end of the last century, Shaikin was abandoned for many years. But the castle only seemed deserted. Voices and footsteps are heard. Previously, there were a huge number of snakes in the castle, says Inna Mironenko, the daughter of the first tenant of the castle. After the snakes were removed, the rats immediately came. And after the extermination of the rats, stray cats came to the castle.

    Amazing things happen with children in the castle.
    3 years ago there was a fire in a museum in Schaaken. The day before, an ancient well came to life in the castle dungeon.
    Now in Schaaken they are afraid of a new disaster, because if there is a fire again, the castle is unlikely to recover from it.
    The Shaakians asked the most unusual and most unpredictable participants in the battle to inspect the mysterious castle - a man who sees the dead and a girl who claims that she is not a person, but a spirit of chaos - Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps. Each of them became a winner in the battle.
    Wang and Sheps explored an ancient well and went at night to a German cemetery to look for the grave of a boy whose spirit lives in an abandoned well. Allegedly because of this spirit all the problems arise.

    The title of the program, Battle of the Strongest - Psychics are investigating (episode 9).
    TV channel: TNT
    Air date: July 2016

    Julia Wang participant Psychics are conducting an investigation on the TNT channel. Julia Wang, a psychic from Latvia, according to many, became the most mysterious participant in the 15th season of the TNT channel’s mystical project. Julia herself claims that she is magic itself and she is not a person at all, but a spirit in a human body - the Spirit of Chaos.

    Julia Wang also said that the spirit chose her body and her destiny, and for her, victory in the 15th “Battle” is a matter of life and death in the current incarnation. Julia Wang says that she perfectly remembers all her past lives, of which there are already more than 150. The last time Julia was born in the city of Förstenberg (Germany).

    Until 2012, Julia Wang was a fairly well-known model in Riga. After that, she thoroughly began developing her psychic abilities. Julia's acquaintances and friends claim that she was greatly impressed by Eddie Eriksson's book “The Tao of Chaos.” It was she who pushed the future psychic to develop her abilities.

    Psychic Julia Wang was noticed during the first qualifying test. She created a sensation with her appearance and flashy personality. An unusual outfit, red lipstick, tall height and demeanor - all this, of course, made her stand out from the crowd of casting participants.

    It must be said that she really amazed the audience of the “Battle of Psychics” with her abilities. Julia Wang easily found the car in which one of the volunteers was hidden, and along the way she talked about the owners of other cars who agreed to take part in the show. But most of all, Julia Wang amazed the singer Natalie.

    Note that Wang is not only the most spectacular, but also the most scandalous participant. Every now and then conflicts arise with the main skeptic of the project, Sergei Safronov. In one of the episodes, psychic Julia spoke sharply about the illusionist’s perfume, and then even threatened to “bite his head off.”

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