• Reviews about the holy source of tashla in the Samara region


    On the territory of the Samara region there is an amazing place where large streams of pilgrims constantly flock. Many Orthodox believers aim to visit the village of Tashla, located near the city of Togliatti. It was there that many people found peace of mind and satisfaction of their needs, getting rid of mental and physical ailments. For several years, this place has become very prayerful, because every person who comes here brings with him great faith in healing.

    Some people believe that a huge charge of positive energy, concentrated there thanks to the great faith of all parishioners, helps to heal in those parts. Others firmly believe that the cause of miraculous healings is the icon of the Mother of God that was once there, which the most desperate believers are trying to find to this day.

    Regardless of the time of year and temperature, there is always a queue at the holy spring. Especially a lot of people come on the days of big Christian holidays. But there are also those who, on the most ordinary days, having abandoned their daily business, go to the source to wash their faces with holy water.

    The history of the shrine begins in 1917. In those difficult revolutionary times, people were especially in dire need of God's intercession and consolation. On a cold autumn day, a resident of the village once again saw a strange dream in which two angels glowing with an unusual light carried the icon of the Virgin to an abandoned wasteland.

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    Having ignored this strange dream several times, this time the woman decided to listen to the information sent from above. She told the locals about this dream, and with a joint effort they made excavations in the wasteland. Soon, an ancient icon of the Mother of God was discovered there, which, having lain in the ground for many years, was wonderfully preserved.

    Recovering from surprise, the locals hastily took the icon to the local church. The clergyman accepted the find and took it to the vault. However, on the very first night of being in the church, the icon disappeared. When the next day a group of people went to look for her at her former place, a source of water was found there. People realized the amazing healing power of this water right away. Many residents of the surrounding area also experienced the miraculous power of water from the source in the near future.

    Interesting! The one who washed there, got rid of ailments. People who came to the source with mental anguish could speak out by the water, and their torment passed. Young parents came to the spring to baptize their children, they carried water from it to the sick so that they would get better.

    Soon, the fame of the found icon and the spring that appeared not only spread around all the surrounding areas, but also spread far beyond the region. The once abandoned wasteland has turned into a flourishing, well-groomed area, constantly open to believing parishioners.

    So the village of Tashla became a famous settlement, and the source itself turned into a landmark that attracts the attention of thousands of tourists.

    Miracles at the holy spring

    The spring, which clogged here back in 1917, not only brought salvation and comfort to many people during the years of revolution, war and drought. Today, thousands of suffering people make a pilgrimage to the Samara region in order to return home filled with health. It is noteworthy that not only Orthodox believers come there, but also non-Christians. Many cases are known when adherents of other religions, having received healing from holy water, were baptized in a local church and joined a large Orthodox community.

    In Tashla, some people, according to numerous testimonies, saw the image of the Virgin in full growth right above the source. Holding her Son in her arms, the Holy Mother, as it were, invites people to plunge into the spring and receive healing.

    Interesting! Even during the winter font, it is almost impossible to get sick. On the contrary, people who are not afraid to plunge into icy water get a big boost of energy and health.

    Tashli Holy Trinity Church

    It is considered a great shrine and is very popular not only among local parishioners, but also among out-of-town pilgrims. The rector of the temple is the priest Nikolay Vinokurov. Exactly at 7.00 am (working hours are similar to those of a monastery) the morning service begins here.

    Every time when a lot of tourists gather near the church, the number of which cannot accommodate the premises, the priest goes out into the street and continues to lead the service there. Communion and repentance are performed almost daily. Many people come to find peace of mind and receive advice from a clergyman.

    The service in the temple ends at 14.00.

    Often believers come to this place with different needs:

    • for the purpose of healing from physical ailments;
    • to get rid of mental anguish and suicidal thoughts;
    • to make prayers for friends and relatives;
    • for the baptism of infants, as well as to be baptized yourself in the temple, which has a rich history;
    • for the purpose of tourist acquaintance with local attractions;
    • for research purposes.

    After the end of the day service, people are in no hurry to go home, as the nuns begin to distribute unleavened buns of their own production. Some tourists snack on these buns after a long service, while others prefer to take them home with them and give communion to their loved ones.

    In addition, on the territory of the church in the souvenir shop you can buy candles, icons and church brochures, crosses, amulets and icons. These souvenirs can become not only a beautiful and original decoration, but also a powerful amulet for your home and office.

    At 17.00 the evening liturgy begins, which lasts until 23.00. On the territory of the temple there is a church shop where you can buy special church literature and souvenirs.


    The local temple in the Samara region has a collection of icons, which hundreds of people come to bow to every day. Of course, the main shrine of the temple is the icon of the Mother of God, in which many people were healed. During illnesses, local residents bring children to the temple to the icon more often than to local doctors. Oil flowing down the wood is smeared on the heads of parishioners who need healing.

    In addition to this icon, there are also such shrines in the temple:

    1. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Redeemer from Troubles” is one of the important sights of the temple, at which people who find themselves in difficult life situations bow their heads. It is customary to leave notes with requests for help near this image. Every day, parishioners in a special urn located at the shrine leave small pieces of paper with personal requests and wishes. Every evening, a special servant takes these sheets and hands them over to the clergy, who pray in turn, interceding for all those in need.
    2. The miraculous icon of the Theotokos "Feodorovskaya". According to one of the ancient legends, the Evangelist Luke himself wrote the original of this icon, which is why copies and lists are very popular and are welcome exhibits for many Orthodox churches.
    3. Tashli Icon of the Mother of God "Searching for the Lost". People come to her, mourning their dead relatives. At this shrine, you can pray for the repose of the souls of those who, having left this world, did not have time to ask God for the forgiveness of sins on their own.

    Holidays at the holy spring

    Especially a lot of people in the village of Tashla gather on the days of big religious holidays. On Easter, the temple is crowded with parishioners who make a pilgrimage here from different regions of the country.

    October 21 is considered another significant date here. According to legend, it was on this day that a local resident had a dream about the appearance of a miraculous icon. The service on October 21 is not held in the temple, but right at the holy spring.

    Locals collect sacred water with them in various containers. Water from the source should be stored in their home for a whole year, as it acts as a kind of amulet against all evil forces, and is also able to cure family members from various ailments.

    Interesting! Among the locals there is a rule: before entering the holy spring for a full bath, you must receive the blessing of Father Nicholas.

    People who have plunged into the holy water, leaving, alternately greet each other: “With the shrine!”. On the day of ablution, it is strictly forbidden to utter swear words or insult this place in any other way. And people who have been near such a shrine are not disposed to swear or do evil deeds. After the Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion and washing, not only the body, but also the soul is renewed. The holy spring in the Samara region is a special place for purification, chosen by the Mother of God herself. In this spacious valley, people get the opportunity to use the great gift from above - to be cleansed of sins and start a new life.

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    Summing up

    The Holy Trinity Church in the village of Tashla is one of the few unique holy places, a visit to which energizes and allows you to get closer to the Christian spiritual world.

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