• What toys are needed from birth. Toys for newborns: when and what to give? How to choose the right quality toys


    Just yesterday expectant mother interested in questions concerning her own proper nutrition, and childbirth seemed to be something unreal. After the birth of the baby, new problems arise, including the stages of development of the newborn - one mode of rest and eating cannot be done, since babies are able to absorb a minimum amount of information from the first days of life.

    The right time to study

    Young mothers may not agree to develop a child from 1 month old, because the only activity that fascinates him is sleep. Babies sleep up to 18 hours a day, the rest of the time they eat or take water procedures after changing the next diaper. However, it is not that hard to find just a few minutes to play, even with a month old baby. It is advisable to engage in development at the moments when the child has eaten, departed from sleep and is not capricious.

    It is enough to take about 10-15 minutes to play with a newborn to give an impetus for mental and emotional development. After communication, the baby will probably fall asleep and give the mother the opportunity to pay attention to herself and household chores.

    The correct stimulation of natural interest in children 1 month old will be a good start for the formation of a harmonious personality.


    Conventional laying out on the stomach help to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and spine, are an excellent prevention of colic and digestive disorders. The child should be placed on a firm and level surface, gently holding his head. Not all children like such manipulations, since the exercise requires some effort. You can gently stroke the back, avoiding the spinal area, and talk quietly.

    At first, the procedure should last no more than 1 minute, then gradually the time increases to 10-15 minutes, but here it is important to monitor the reaction and mood of the newborn. To increase interest in the exercise, it is recommended to use bright toys that will attract the attention of the little one.

    Even a newborn needs physical activity - doctors recommend putting it on the stomach, doing a gentle massage, accompanied by stroking

    Neck and head muscles are strengthened with occasional wear month old baby on hands, by placing it vertically... At the same time, it is necessary to slightly hold the baby's head, since up to 3 months he is not able to fix it on his own.

    Pediatricians recommend carrying babies in the first days of life, supporting the buttocks and neck - the baby should completely sit on the hands of an adult, with one hand supporting the back of the head, and the other - the buttocks. The arms and legs are in a free position, and the torso may bend slightly.

    Tactile sensations

    Best of all, tactile sensations in an infant are formed through touchthat replace any toys. You can touch various parts of the body: legs, arms, neck, cheeks. Cotton wool, feather, fur are used as stimulants - this will allow the child to learn how to distinguish gentle from soft touches and get acquainted with tickling.

    In the first month you need hand development classes, for which it is useful to stroke the back of the hand from the wrist to the fingers. After manipulation, put a small rattle or small toys into the baby's cam, offering them one by one. The rattle should have a short handle, since the long one is difficult for the baby to hold. You can stretch fabrics of various textures or a flagellum with knots tied on it through the cam. Do not underestimate these games, because the development of speech directly depends on the motor skills of the fingers.

    Visual perception

    The vision of a newborn does not allow him to focus his gaze on a specific object, and the baby sees the world around him blurry. During the game, it is important to bend very closely over the baby so that the adult's face is at a distance of 30 cm.As soon as it becomes clear that the child has fixed the face a loved one, you can slowly move your head to the right and left, call the baby by name, click your tongue or smack your lips. Such actions will be much more effective than the most expensive toy, since they will help to induce tracking and attention.

    In order for the child to better perceive the words, gestures and visual images of the parents, it is advisable not just to stand over the bed, but to lean closer to the baby

    Gradually, in 1 month, toys that differ from each other in texture, color and sound should be introduced into use. At this age, the child distinguishes between a cell and a strip, black and white shades, yellow and red colors. It makes no sense to buy toys of the same type, because you can keep your baby busy with parents. Experienced mothers distinguish among the main acceptable options:

    1. Toys that can be hung over the playpen. It is not necessary to attach the whole carousel at once, one bright detail is enough for the little one to learn to fix the gaze. It is advisable to change toys 2 times a week.
    2. Toys that are attached with an elastic band. A simple hanging object can quickly bore a child, and moving toys will arouse interest. You do not need special skills to use such a game in order to entertain the baby: it is enough to pull the elastic band and release it.
    3. Toys that can be moved. Here you need the presence of an adult and the presence of a colored toy, which must be smoothly moved from one end of the arena to the other.

    At 1 month old, babies are looking at black and white patterns and pictures: spirals, the image of a chessboard.

    If there is no time to deal with the development of the child every day, you should hang pictures on the wall next to the crib. However, you should not console yourself that the baby is developing independently with the same success as when playing with adults. Communication helps the little one to quickly get used to the world unfamiliar to him.

    Auditory perception

    In order for the hearing of a newborn to concentrate, in the first month of life it is necessary sing him lullabies... In the absence of vocal abilities, you can put on quiet classical music or ring a rattle to the left and right of the baby. In fact, the baby does not at all care what songs and how the mother sings - he just likes to hear her voice. Freezing and stopping movements are a sure signal that the child is listening for new sounds.

    Speech perception

    The most appropriate time for exercise is considered to be awake after feeding. It is necessary to take him in your arms so that he takes the pose of an "embryo" and looks into the face of an adult, then you need make sounds "agu", imitating the toddler, pausing for 1-2 minutes. It will take several repetitions to get a response from the newborn.

    During the "dialogue" it is useful to stroke the baby, shake him, bring him closer to his face. If playing while the baby is in the crib, hang the toys upside down so that the baby can see them. During the first days, it is advisable to use large black and white objects, then replacing them with colored ones.

    Verbal contact with an adult always causes a storm of emotions in a newborn. He pays attention to the speaker, enjoys communication, smiles and hums. Particular sensitivity is manifested when the dialogue is conducted with a childish manner of speech. To convey all her tenderness, a loving mother most often uses lisping techniques, referring to her child. Among the first needs of a toddler, psychologists note:

    • affection;
    • love;
    • tenderness;
    • care.

    It will take only a few days for a strong emotional and sensual connection to be established between the mother and the baby. Do not heed the advice of the older generation about the dangers of responding quickly to a crying baby. It is important to respond to the cry as quickly as possible so that the baby felt complete security and safety... A newborn can experience discomfort for various reasons: pain, hunger, wet diapers, full diaper. We should not forget that in the first month of life, the world around him scares the little one, and it is necessary to provide him with a harmonious atmosphere.

    Among the sedative methods used pacifier and motion sickness, which is also sometimes considered unacceptable, but there is nothing wrong with the baby being able to implement the sucking reflex or sinking into a familiar state when he gently swayed inside the mother's abdomen. There is no need to be afraid that the extra touch will spoil the newborn. It is much more scary if from the first days the baby feels lonely just because the grandmother forbids the mother to come often to the arena. When the child is in his arms, the parts of the nervous system associated with the organs of hearing and vision are activated. Direct contact with mom best of all stimulates the full development of the baby.

    Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychologist


    Review of children's educational toys for months to a year. What to give a child up to one year old or for birth.

    I decided to write this article for all expectant mothers and for those who do not have children yet, but want to make a necessary and interesting gift for the baby. Itself once puzzled what to give for the birth of a child, which is half a year, and which is a year old)). What educational toys for children under one year are better.
    All toys are tested by Maksimka, as I grow up and interesting new products appear, I will share with you!

    0-6 months

      1. I'll start with what you need to prepare before the baby is born:
      Black and white pictures format A4 or cubes, here I will not describe for a long time that it is necessary to diversify the surrounding space of the baby, develop vision, etc., I will only say that Maxim was crazy about them, he considered him for a very long time while lying in his crib and on the changing table, from time to time they put to sleep, entertained and gave me the opportunity to rest. Up to 1.5 months, he could consider them for a very long time, then gradually interest switched to home furnishings, flowers, a window, etc. Each child is, of course, individual in this. It is these blocks and pictures, in my opinion, that teach the kid to concentrate in the future.

      Black-and-white pictures are replaced by color ones at about 2.5 months, it is also better to print them in advance, because for mom, the first 3 months is "fire"))) for sure there will be no time for these pictures (so I didn't have enough).

      But I bought in advance colored waterproof bathroom stickers... From a month we started swimming with a circle, stickers appeared around 2 months of age and it was love at first sight, especially Max appreciated the blue hippopotamus, he could stop in front of him and not take his eyes off for five minutes (so at 3 months we swam for 40 minutes, while we will consider all the animals, while we swim, and we also need to misbehave). From 7 months old favorite fun - tear off the sticker.

      Let's move on to the crib. Just lying in bed and looking at the ceiling, no child will agree, if you want your child to spend a certain amount of time in the crib, you need to make a cozy nest out of it. A comfortable mattress, sides and a canopy will create coziness and comfort, they should be calm pastel colors, possibly with bright accents.
      In the first months of life, you need to hang over the bed musical mobiles or pendants,so that the baby trains his eyes, learns to focus his gaze on moving objects. Now there is a very large selection for any wallet. If it is not possible to buy, you can do it yourself or attach lightweight toys to the canopy.

      Double-sided soft book on strings (you can hang it from birth, we showed the maximum interest by 3.5 months, when they began to touch it), on the one hand, black and white pictures, on the other, color. Mirror inserts are made, fluffy and others, so that it will be relevant for a child for a long time. It turned out that this little book just a month replaced the printed black and white pictures.

      Another important play area is developing mat... We have two of them, one with a musical mobile, the other with arcs and hanging toys. I like the second one better (" The world of childhood "1500 r.), So the kid gets tired of the mobile quickly enough, and he likes to pull at different toys and look at them much more, and as he grows up he has different functions, at first you can just look at the toys, then pull or hit them, then lying on your tummy, touch the horns, press the tweeters, etc. We have been actively using the rug since a month, I have acquaintances children who don’t like rugs at all. Of course, counting on the fact that the child will lie there for half an hour and not entertain himself I usually lie down next to him, sing songs, talk and show rattles.By 5 months, the rug became our favorite place to play, and I no longer had to lie down next to him, SuperMax entertained himself (pulled the rattles, looked in the mirror, and bending soft arcs has become our favorite pastime.) Another very cool chicco rugs, Bright Starts, "Africa" \u200b\u200bdevelopment rug.

      Sun lounger irreplaceable thing! There are a lot of them now, I advise you to buy after the birth of a child, having tried different variations with friends and acquaintances. Someone will suit the usual one without vibrations, melodies, etc., others will like it, others will choose a chaise longue-swing. When choosing a sun lounger, be sure to pay attention to its stability. Review of chicco sun lounger.

      We have another irreplaceable toy that came to us by accident at 3 months. She came to visit her friend with SuperMax and she gave us a baby tOMY projector... One picture, several calm melodies, and the effect ... even in the most severe hysteria calmed in a minute! I didn't expect him to like him that much. Now we often play with him in the evening, catch the light with our pens and fall asleep.

      Rattles and teethers... You can buy and give from the very birth, the child himself begins to take in the pens at about 3 months. From 5 months, he actively rattles with rattles, knocks them on his mother, table, crib and does not forget about himself)) This is a very important moment, the child begins to become aware of his movements, understands that after his actions a sound or knock appears (or maybe a bump on his forehead ))). Buy not only plastic rattles, but also wooden ones, they sound quieter and by listening, the child trains his hearing.

    Ks kids watches from 3 months old, very cool, in the center of the rodent. Such toys with a bracelet are convenient and practical, always with a child.

    What teethers have not been tried. Leaders happy baby teether silicone, happy baby rubber bear, chicco cooling ring with handle and TOLO TOYS mouse and of course tiny love flower. The rest are also not bad, but not as favorite as the top five.

    Our most beloved ringing, rustling, tactile toys Tiny Love (toys of this company are of high quality, well thought out, the kid falls in love with them at first sight).

    Everyone knows that children and toys are inseparable, they exist side by side with each other since ancient times of human existence. Kids play a lot and cannot imagine their life without toys. However, toys for newborns are slightly different from those with which older children have fun. Some of them are not yet suitable for a baby who is just beginning to get acquainted with the external environment. And which ones are suitable, let's figure it out.

    To play or not to play?

    Often moms ask when to give toys to a newborn? Until almost 1 month (namely, the first 2-3 weeks), toys for babies are optional things, and in principle he does not need them. The fact is that the baby, who is not yet a month old, has rather weak and undeveloped eyesight: he can hardly see his mother's face, not just to play with some kind of toy, let alone hold it in his pen. Although, undoubtedly, it is possible to acquaint the little one with toys, but only under the strict supervision of an adult. During this period, a toy for a newborn is any object that will help the baby learn to follow him, determine the direction of movement. It is recommended to play with a baby in the first weeks of life no more than 2-3 minutes, so as not to overwork him.

    Toddler toys

    First month


    The main and first fun of almost all children of the first month is a rattle. The main feature of the rattle is that it emits different sounds - rustling, thundering, ringing, rattling, etc. This sound interests and fascinates the baby, forcing him to turn his head towards him, to look for where the ringing or rustling is heard. As you can imagine, this is very useful for the development of hearing in particular and the brain in general.

    The so-called beads made of rattles are usually hung on a crib or in a stroller - one of the most popular toys for babies in our country.

    There are rattles that develop the baby's tactile sensations: made of fabric, with rubberized surfaces, with rustling or even vibrating parts, etc. Some rattles are put on the handle or leg of the baby, which gives him the opportunity to play with his limbs. Rattles-bracelets are very light, babies who do not yet know how to hold objects in their hands can play with them.

    Bracelet rattles are a real godsend for babies, because they already want to play, but cannot yet hold objects in their pens.

    But simple plastic rattles are not always good, as they can injure the baby. In his first month, he still has poor control of the arms and legs, can hit himself on the head or face with it. Therefore, you need to play with such a rattle only under the supervision of your parents.


    At 1 month old, the baby can be attached to the crib with a pendant toy. Its peculiarity is that it is attached using a bracket or a special arc. By the way, the mobiles that have become extremely popular in the last few years are from this series. A mobile is a so-called carousel, on which a variety of toys hang, small in size and, as a rule, very motley. Hanging toys on the carousel stimulate the baby to focus his vision, coordinate movements (after all, he will try to grab the toy or at least hit it). Music entertains him and develops his ear, while the colorful objects on the carousel introduce him to flowers, geometric shapes and much more.

    A mobile is perhaps the best fun for a kid who lies all the time: toys hang right in front of him, he will examine them and try to get them with a pen.

    Mobiles are very diverse, almost all of them spin and play nice melodies that the child likes. Some models are mechanical (start with a key), some are electrical (have a battery included).

    If we talk about which toys are the best for babies, then the mobile will be in 1st place in this list. This children's "gadget" will last up to 3-4 months, after which it can be replaced with a play mat with arcs.

    A mobile projector-night light for a crib is a magical option for a little man. He will look at it for a long time, giving mommy time to rest or do some business.

    2-3 month

    2 months old babies during this period begin to interest people. Of course, because from birth he sees the faces of mom and dad, and now he is ready to perceive "substitutes" of the face, to interact with them. We are talking here about dolls, as well as about toys that reproduce or imitate a human face or facial expressions. A baby 2 or 3 months old willingly plays with smiling animals or dolls, smiles back at them, walks and talks to them in his “baby” language.

    As a rule, babies of two months do not yet know how to crawl and sit, they can only examine objects. Therefore, it is desirable that the objects for the games were larger, and their "facial features" more expressive.


    A tumbler doll, as a rule, has large, well-drawn eyes and a cheerful facial expression that attracts a child. If you swing the doll, it will make a pleasant iridescent ringing.

    Rag doll

    A great option is rag dolls. Most often they are made of flexible materials, so that they can be planted, closer or further away from the child, and give them other positions. With such a doll you can "talk", dance or just jump to her, which is sure to please the baby for 2 or 3 months.

    Animals, birds, etc.

    Toys depicting animals (cats, dogs, lion cubs, giraffes, etc.) and birds (cockerels, parrots, etc.) are very common. It is important here that the expression on the animal's "face" is positive and joyful. Better to buy a toy with big eyes and a smiling mouth. Then the baby will smile back at him. And it's very good if the animal has some kind of light or sound effect. Such a "bonus" will certainly delight and surprise the child.

    On sale there are also the so-called "unknown animals", namely the characters of fairy tales or completely incomprehensible origin of the creature. For example, kolobok, Cheburashka, Luntik, Smeshariki, etc. Such toys for newborns are suitable for a toddler only if they look good-natured and not aggressive.

    4-5 month

    Babies 4 months old and a little older are already exploring the world around them in full. They pull their hands if they want to get a rattle, and the brighter and more attractive it is, the longer it will entertain him. It is easy for a 4 and 5 month old baby to take: literally everything is interesting to him!

    During this period, babies train "double grip", that is, they try to take a toy with two handles at once, so it is worth buying for him something like a wooden spoon, or an object with a long handle so that it is comfortable to hold it. Almost all children 4 or 5 months old like objects that can be moved from one hand to another - rings, balls, cubes, dolls, etc.

    Stuffed Toys

    Children of this age are interested in bears, bunnies and monkeys that can be tugged and grabbed by long body parts - paws, noses, ears and tails. It is desirable that such stuffed Toys were lint-free, as the baby will pull them into his mouth.

    In fairness, it must be said that many pediatricians do not recommend buying them for babies under one year old, because dust and bacteria accumulate in the villi of the materials. Therefore, if the animal was purchased or donated to a baby, then it is good to periodically expose it to the sun, which kills bacteria, and wash it in a typewriter.

    And one more piece of advice: baby cribs are not baskets for collecting toys, you do not need to "decorate" them with soft, let alone large toys. Children of this age are already actively turning over and may inadvertently bury their noses in the beast.

    It is worth paying attention to soft cubes with a variety of tactile elements that develop fine motor skills.

    Soft cubes are safe and durable, they are light, like a feather, and absolutely silent, they can be washed in a machine. They can be used to study colors and numbers.

    Bi-ba-bo doll

    This is a glove pupa that is put on a person's hand and "comes to life": it starts to move, take different objects and speak. Undoubtedly, a baby who is only 5 months old cannot yet put on such a “glove” and operate it himself, but he will be delighted to watch how an adult does it. With a bi-ba-bo doll, you can play "peek-a-boo", she will teach the child how to say hello, wish him good night and good morning (it can even be done as a ritual).

    The baby will like the game with the glove doll, because she speaks and sings in the voice of her mother!


    Now you can already start reading poems or short stories to newborns, showing pictures. The little ones will be happy to listen to you and watch the drawings. A book with reinforced pages can be given to a child to touch. He will definitely try to turn the pages.

    During the same period, children are happy to play with rattles, those that they already have, and with dolls, and with animals, and also happily lie in play mats... They do not have time to get bored of these fun yet, and quite by age.

    Half a year

    Children of 6 months are already doing an excellent job with objects: they independently take them, shift them and perform various actions with them. Now they are only interested in objects, and emotional communication, which only yesterday brought them joy, is relegated to the background. You can even check: if you take a six-month-old child in your arms and try to communicate with him, smile at him, most likely, he will not react in any way, but will actively study small and large objects that he will find on an adult - earrings, beads, chain, hair or collar ... Knowing this feature of babies of this age, you can purchase sling beads in advance so that the baby is not bored sitting on the arms. This is especially true for "tame" children.


    Educational toys are something worth looking at now. A toddler, who is living his 6th month, is ready for more complex and challenging games, contributing to further hone movements. It can be:

    • nesting dolls;
    • pyramids;
    • rings for throwing;
    • touch balls;
    • clockwork toys (when playing with them, an adult must be present);
    • cubes of bright colors, etc.

    Musical mate

    This is a very useful "gadget" for a half-year-old baby. The rug emits sounds of various musical instruments - piano, violin, drum, trumpet, several works of famous classical composers are programmed in it, which will allow the child to get acquainted with classical music. The baby must be put on the tummy on the mat, and he will only have to clap the keys with a pen.

    This interactive rug with sounds will not only delight the baby, but also become a platform for him creative development.

    During this period, the baby also needs toys for the bath (including a book for the bath), a plastic mirror, household items that can also be played with (jars, lids, cups, spoons, etc.)

    7-8 months

    More and more changes are taking place in the life of a 7-month-old baby. He already knows how to roll over from back to stomach and back, some children sit and even crawl. The little man's movements are even more precise and purposeful.

    Cubes are still the favorite games for a 7- or 8-month-old child. Only now he is not just examining them and pulling them into his mouth, the toddler is trying to build something out of them.

    The pyramid is also still in the arsenal of the kid's favorite toys, especially since he now simply loves to shift or put something on top of each other.

    The cups (as well as the pyramid of cups) from now on will be the kids' favorites for a long time because of their versatility: you can put something in them, pour something, you can build pyramids from them and play "in the kitchen".

    A pyramid made of cups is a long-playing toy; every kid should have it. The cups are multifunctional: they are inserted into each other, you can pour or pour something into them.

    Musical electronic toys. Their diversity may be a little scary for parents, but first, let the size of the gadget be the guideline. It should fit in the baby's handle. To begin with, it is better to purchase the simplest "music center" containing 1-2 buttons that will produce 1 pleasant (not loud and not sharp!) Sound or melody.

    During this period, you can already buy walkers, jumpers, hanging swings and the like. The sixth month is the most suitable for this.

    9-10 months

    A 10-month-old baby is simply unrecognizable. He stands steadily on his legs, holding on to the support, uncertainly stepping along the barrier. Or maybe he has already started walking. More and more objects are available for research. Now the child needs toys for the development of fine and gross motor skills, as well as those that will help them master speech, walking and running.

    The kid's "playroom" is replenished with more and more "sophisticated" toys, although he can still play with cubes, pyramids, animals, balls and nesting dolls. Now it is already big enough to try to play with the construction set or assemble the mosaic. Only such a game must be followed by an adult, since the baby can swallow small parts or choke on them, because he still tastes everything.

    At 9-10 months, the baby has a favorite toy. Now the mother, on whom the child was dependent for so long, will have to share the baby's love with this subject, but this is very important stage in his life. After all, this love is the first attempt to show your independence.

    1 year

    A toddler who is one year old can play with anything. These are toys that were bought for him up to a year, and household items, and games that are specially designed for children 1 year old and older.


    Developing fun, the purpose of which is to help sort objects according to any feature (size or shape). A striking example of a sorter is a toy with various holes, for which it is necessary to select the appropriate shapes. These figures either fit exactly into the holes, or fall inside them. The benefits of such fun are undeniable. It develops fine motor skills and thinking in toddlers who are one year old and is also suitable for older children.

    The sorter contributes to the development of attention and perseverance in the crumbs. Thanks to that toy, the baby learns to analyze, compare, observe.

    Jigsaw puzzles

    A puzzle game consisting of a large number of pieces that must be assembled into a single picture. Amusing and suitable for 1 year old kids.

    Nice gift for a year the baby will be given a miracle mobile (gurney), a play tunnel, a tent house, a bicycle with a handle for mom or dad.

    Geometric constructor

    Suitable for a toddler who is already one year old, as well as children 2 years old. The elements of such a constructor are geometric shapes (cubes, cylinders, pyramids). Playing with such a constructor, the little one hones the coordination of movements, building turrets, placing a cube on a cube, and gets acquainted with the basic laws of nature and geometry.

    Trains fingers, develops logical thinking, introduces geometric figures, teaches to classify objects according to any criterion (triangle, square, etc.).

    The nuances of choice

    Before buying a toy for a child, you need to consider the following nuances:

    • What toys (from what materials) are the safest? First of all, those that can be easily disinfected. From this point of view, rubber and plastic options are preferable (this, of course, if you do not consider the quality of rubber and plastic).
    • Pay attention to the color. You shouldn't buy very bright toys for children. When they are deep red or poisonous green, the chances that they contain a safe dye are not very high. Colors should be moderate.
    • Have a toy for infants there should be no taste, it should not be bitter.
    • You need to purchase only those toys from which you cannot bite off anything. It is especially necessary to ensure that there are no parts on the toy that a baby can tear off and swallow up to a year old - buttons, strings, buttons, etc. For information: if, for example, a teddy bear has buttons, then such an eye - the button must withstand a load of 9 kg. You can check this yourself at home: tie a 9 kg weight to your eye and pull the soft animal up. The button must withstand this load.
    • It is not very good to buy a toy "for growth". The fact is that all children are very different: one can easily add puzzles at the age of seven months, while the other barely mastered the pyramid a year.

    What toys are needed for a newborn?

    Toys occupy an important place in the list of children's dowry. And here expectant mothers and fathers are in for a lot of temptations. What is really necessary for a crumb, just beginning his acquaintance with the world?

    It should be noted that toys are not essential items for a newborn baby. In the first weeks of his life, he sees them with difficulty, because his vision is not sufficiently developed: the child is still unable to focus his gaze on objects and everything that is farther or closer to the distance of an outstretched arm sees as blurred spots.
    He does not yet know how to follow moving objects. What can we say about the fact that the baby will be able to take the toy in hand and hold it only a few months later! Therefore, the baby will get acquainted with the first toys only for a few minutes a day and mainly with the participation of an adult who will show him the toys and encourage him to follow their movement.

    “Toy number one” for a baby of the first month of life is a rattle. Along with traditional rattles, there are also small-sized electronic musical toys - they are also suitable for the first games of an adult with a baby. The rattles intended for the smallest have a diameter of 6-8 cm.

    For babies, rattles are also produced, connected in garlands like beads - they are attached to a crib or stroller. For lessons with a child, you can also purchase a bright fabric; first, an adult will show it to the baby, and over time, the baby will be able to get acquainted with the drink on its own. Such a rattle will make the child's tactile sensations more varied. It can have a handle, or it can be worn on a child's arm or leg, like a bracelet.

    Pendant toys also attached to the crib, but with an arc or bracket. Subsequently, when the baby grows up, they can be attached to the arena.

    In the last decade, another toy for the little ones has appeared on sale - a mobile. This is a kind of carousel that can spin and on which rattles or other small toys are attached. The mobile can be mechanical (in this case it is started with a key) or electric (such toys are battery operated). When moving, most mobiles play a soft, pleasant melody.

    Manufacturers sometimes indicate the age "from O" on some other toys, including, for example, on children's construction sets. However, it is possible to use them for playing with newborns only theoretically - everything, except for mobiles and rattles, will be useful to the baby only after a few months.

    How to choose the first toys and how to use them?
    Mobile is not a cheap toy, but a baby will need it only in the first 1-2 months of life. But it is not at all necessary to acquire it: a few ordinary rattles suspended above the baby's bed will be quite enough for its normal development.

    If you nevertheless decide to buy a mobile, choosing it, take a look at how the toys look from below, because it is from this perspective that the child will see them.

    Listen carefully to the sound of a rattle or a mobile: the sound should not be harsh, shrill, otherwise it can scare the child. It's good if all the rattles you choose sound different because your baby needs a variety of hearing experiences.

    Let all the rattles you buy come in a variety of shapes and colors (this also applies to rattles attached to a mobile): this way you will make your baby's first visual impressions more varied. It is desirable that some rattles have a contrasting image of the face (for example, black eyes, a mouth and a nose on a yellow background): such a toy will attract the child's attention, and it will be easier for him to focus on it.

    When choosing a rattle, pay attention to what age it is intended for (this information is usually indicated on the package). Keep in mind that while rattles are considered the first toys, not all of them are intended for newborns.

    When purchasing a rattle, keep in mind that you are buying it "for growth": the child will not always just consider it - the time will come when the child will want to hold it in his hands and try it on the tooth. Therefore, pay special attention to safety. Buy children's toys only in specialized stores that cooperate with well-known manufacturers of children's goods and in no case on the market; only in this case you can be sure that the toy is made of non-toxic material.

    Choose toys made of soft plastic - hard plastic can crack, and sharp pieces that come off the rattle can cause injury. The toy should not have small parts that can easily come off. When the baby grows up and begins to independently explore the rattle, he can tear off or bite off these parts and swallow them.

    Think about the “future” of the toy and in terms of baby development: choose rattles with comfortable handle in the form of a rod: after 3-4 months it will be more convenient for the baby to hold such a toy on his own. It's good if the surface of the handles of the rattles is different to the touch, because the baby will need different tactile sensations. Buying rattles that are suitable for both little ones and older children at the same time, you can save a lot.

    You should not cover your child with toys: 3-4 rattles (in the absence of a mobile) are enough. Moreover, it is not necessary to hang all the rattles at once, but 1-2, periodically changing them, over the crib or stroller (40-60 cm from the child's face - it is at this distance that he can distinguish objects). The same principle applies to using a mobile: the toys attached to the carousel should be replaced every few days. Monotonous toys will quickly become familiar to the child and will not interest him.

    Updated: 02.05.2018 18:39:02

    The role of any child's developmental toy should be to activate independent activity. If the kid cannot play it even after being prompted by an adult, he will lose interest in it. Therefore, it is important to choose the right developmental toy for a child who is not yet 1 year old.

    How to choose the right toy

    When choosing an educational toy, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

      The design of the product must be safe. Sharp corners, crevices in which you can stick your hand or finger are prohibited.

      All parts must be securely fixed.

      It is better to choose products of their hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly material. The toy should not be coated with toxic paints. The kid will definitely taste the toy.

      It is important to ensure that you have a quality certificate.

      Do not choose too large and heavy toys.

      The toy should be comfortable to use and practical in terms of washing.

    It is difficult to combine all aspects of development in one toy. Each of them belongs to a specific category:

      Motor development... This includes cloth books, rattles, rustlers and squeaks. Kids especially like a bag with different fillers, finger labyrinths.

      Development of attention, memory, logic. This category includes pyramids, puzzles, various board games, constructors.

      Development creativity ... This includes finger paints, special painting mats, mosaics, and sculpting kits.

      Physical development... These are various walkers, pushers, balance bikes, and a ball. All products promote early physical development, strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms, back.

    Children under one year old will definitely like colorful toys that will teach him how to perform simple movements and imitate sounds. The main thing is not to overdo it with information. Each toy should reflect one or two properties. Directing the baby, it is important to give him more independence and the opportunity to fantasize. Our experts analyzed a huge selection of baby products and made a rating of the best toys for children under one year old, based on the opinions of parents and the recommendations of pediatricians.

    Rating of the best educational toys under 1 year old

    Nomination a place Name of product price
    The best inexpensive educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 1000 rubles. 1 569 ₽
    2 454 ₽
    3 329 ₽
    4 215 ₽
    5 201 ₽
    The best educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 3000 rubles. 1 1 630 ₽
    2 1 819 ₽
    3 1 999 ₽
    The best educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 5000 rubles. 1 4 330 ₽
    2 3 870 ₽
    3 4 400 ₽

    The best inexpensive educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 1000 rubles.

    At the age of 0 to a year, the crumb perceive information more by ear. He is attracted by bright colors and new sounds. Today, the range of toys for children is full of various pyramids, rattles and cubes that a child will definitely like. In addition, they are quite affordable.

    Rattle Tiny Love "Magic ball"

    The magic ball is designed for the development of fine motor skills of the baby. It can be used right from birth. The round rattle is made in bright colors and has lobules with pimples. There is a mirror surface inside these lobules. In the center of the ball there is a funny face that you can twist and watch the color change from yellow to orange.

    The sturdy construction prevents the toy from breaking, even if the kid throws it from one room to another. It rings funny if you roll it or just shake it with your hand. The product will attract the attention of any child, allow you to calm him down while crying. It will be interesting for the baby to examine it, study the mirror surface and sort through the slices.


      original design;

      sturdy construction.

      bright colors;


    • very loud sound.

    Bathing set El "BascoToys" Zoo "

    On the second place of our rating is a bathing set consisting of various colored animal figures. Among them are a hippopotamus, a lion, a kangaroo, a giraffe with a monkey, and even a camel. They are all soft to the touch and quite large. The set is made of polymer. It is perfect for both girls and boys under 1 year old. The toy allows you not only to study animals, but also develops fine motor skills.

    The kid will like to swim with animals, which are easily glued to the smooth surface of a tile or bathroom. In addition, the elements are easy to clean and take up little space. The bathing kit can be used to stage a theatrical performance. Therefore, the "Zoo" is especially suitable for children who are not very fond of water procedures.



    • not detected.

    Great Pyramid "Stellar"

    Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicated the age from 1 year, the pyramid is perfect for children from 6 months. It includes 14 pots. When folded, the toy is very compact. Its height reaches 65 centimeters. The pyramid will help the child remember colors, match sizes, and get the first counting skills. You can play it at home on the floor, in the sandbox, while swimming in the tub. In addition, each object has special holes to make it more fun to play in the water. The openings of the pots are all different, they are inscribed in geometric shapes.

    Interestingly, the pyramid can be assembled in two ways: inward and in height. The assembled structure is stable due to the fact that the cups cling to each other with their bottoms. All elements are absolutely safe for the baby.



      high quality;

      bright design;


    • not detected.

    Cubes Myakishi ECO

    Eco soft cubes are colored safe toysmade from natural and environmentally friendly materials: cotton and linen. They come in optimal size, vibrant colors and different sizes. Different textures and sound elements contribute to the development of the child's analyzer system. They improve fine motor skills and construction skills.

    From the crumbs, you can make not only a tower, but also a path, a house and even a ladder. Children make trains, chairs and beds for other toys from bricks. The set includes 6 items, which are packed in a stylish paper bag.


      natural material;

      the development of a child's fantasy;



    • lack of pictures, letters and numbers.

    Bondibon colorful labyrinth

    This educational toy is made of natural wood and metal elements. She will surely attract the attention of the baby and will not let him get bored. The multi-colored labyrinth is a stand to which two wires are attached. Each of them has movable elements in the form of large beads strung.

    The toy is very pleasant to the touch. In addition, it contributes to the development of spatial imagination, develops physical activity... Playing with the maze is not only interesting, but also useful. All elements of the toy are securely fixed, so the multi-colored labyrinth is absolutely safe for kids.


      environmental friendliness;

      development logical thinking and fine motor skills.


    • not detected.

    The best educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 3000 rubles.

    Developing mat Ooty-Paths "Colorful Ocean"

    Developing rugs have long been popular with parents and their children. They help not only distract the child, but also develop motor functions. The colorful ocean rug creates a unique environment in which your little one can have fun and explore the world. He learns to distinguish between shapes and colors, studies sounds and touches with interest additional elements, including a soft pillow, a fish with balls inside, a musical luminous turtle, a flower with a mirror, an octopus teether.

    The mat has a round shape with a diameter of 85 cm. It has two arcs for which toys are attached. The rug itself is made of textiles and can be washed by unhooking the arcs. It is suitable for both boys and girls.


      development of auditory and visual perception;

      ease of cleaning;

      bright design;


    • expressed no.

    Musical toy Fisher-Price "Piano-puppy"

    A musical puppy with a piano introduces the baby to different colors, sounds and names of animals. Thanks to this toy, the kid learns the first words in Russian, can independently play the keys, creating his own melodies. The child happily knocks on the piano, examines the play of the keys. The toy can be taken with you on the road, for a walk or in the clinic due to its compact size.

    Piano Puppy has 2 game modes, which includes 30 songs, melodies and phrases. The keys are backlit, there is a handle for easy carrying and an interactive book. The puppy's nose is a full-fledged button and is equipped with a light bulb, it participates in toy programs. On the body of the product there is a volume control button, mute and unmute sound. There are rings on the side that you can chew on. The toy is quite strong, so it is very difficult to break it.


      bright colors;

      smooth surface;

      funny songs;


    • overcharge.

    Educational toy Plan Toys "Ball hammer"

    All children love to bang their hands and toys. This fun can be turned into an educational activity with the help of "Ball hammer". The wooden toy from Plan Toys captivates the child not only with the hammer knocking on the balls, but also with the way the ball hits the pocket and rolls out from the opposite side of the body. The game delights the kid, develops fine motor skills and visual coordination. To continue playing, just insert the ball back and hit it again with a hammer.

    The toy includes a box, three balls of different colors and a hammer. It is made of rubber wood using non-toxic paints.


      environmental friendliness;

      development of visual and motor functions.


      the presence of narrow holes;

      quite heavy weight.

    The best educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 5000 rubles.

    Educational toys over 3 thousand rubles are distinguished by their multifunctionality, large size and original design. It is not easy to choose the best among the wide assortment, so only the best toys for children under one year old are included in our rating.

    Development center Smoby Cotoons

    The Smoby game table helps the kid develop by playing with a mirror, spinning gears, drums, a multi-colored pyramid, an electronic sorter. All items are securely attached to the panel, so the baby will not lose them. The table will occupy the little one with its colorful details for a long time and give the parents a little rest. The toy develops a sense of rhythm, hearing, the concept of colors and shapes, spatial thinking.

    The center is made of high quality plastic, which does not cause allergies and does not electrify. The development table is intended for children from 6 months. It is simple and reliable to use. Sold disassembled, battery operated.


      many game elements;



      bright design;



      no height adjuster.

    At the age of 6 to 12 months, the baby begins to lean on everything he sees. This is especially true for chairs that tend to fall on the child, or next to him. The Keenway trolley walker acts as a support. They stand securely on the floor, and the baby is confidently on his feet.

    The Fisher-Price training robot is recommended for children from 9 months. This interactive toy has light and sound effects. It has three game modes: dance and move, play and learn, record and remix. She can sing and speak. If you write down the phrase, Bebo will repeat it when you press on the stomach. The robot introduces kids to the alphabet, colors, numbers.

    Bibo is made of plastic and textile. He knows 35 tunes to which he dances fervently. Such a toy will allow you to have fun and usefully. The robot develops dexterity in children, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, promotes the development of motor skills, and allows them to gain fundamental knowledge.


      many functions;

      bright design;

      stimulation of mental and physical development;


    • high price.

    Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
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