• Gv interesting links. Tips for nursing mothers. Expressing breast milk - My baby


    Nice site, there is a video

    Site of Victoria Nesterova, consultant on breastfeeding
    “I made this site for those mothers who need information on breastfeeding and breastfeeding, but they cannot, for some reason, meet with the consultant in person. After all, often a small hint is enough to get things right. I hope the site is useful to you! "

    i bring to your attention an excerpt of the article

    Restoration of lactation

    Often times, when feeds are forced to interrupt ahead of time, the mother experiences regret and sadness that the baby is no longer receiving her milk. The reasons for losing breastfeeding can vary. Sometimes the baby is artificially fed due to illness or hospitalization of the mother, or he himself goes to the hospital separately - it is not always possible to maintain lactation. Perhaps the baby, who was born weak, could not suckle well at the breast, and the mother did not know how to maintain lactation - and the milk gradually disappeared. Sometimes milk disappears due to following incompetent advice from well-wishers: not every breast, for example, will withstand 3-hour intervals, a night break, reduced due to pacifiers or after finishing stimulation, not every child is able to easily move from nipple to breast and not be confused nipples.

    It happens that a child transferred to artificial feeding, begins to hurt - mixtures are not suitable for him, or he becomes susceptible to respiratory or intestinal infections.

    What should mom do? If it happened that the milk "went away", or it was not at all, like the mother of the adopted child, does this mean that the only way out is artificial feeding?

    There is another way out, there is a chance to replay everything and start over. Our body is amazing. There are cases when milk appeared from the grandmothers of a baby, who nursed him and soothed an inconsolable grandson with her breast, when the child was fed by nulliparous women. Lactation can be restored. Moreover, lactation is possible in foster mothers, even those who have never managed to get pregnant, even if the uterus has been removed from women... Recovery process breastfeeding called relaxation.

    It is important that the mother is determined to be successful. When 366 women who attempted relaxation were interviewed, it turned out that more than half of mothers switched to full breastfeeding within a month, another quarter achieved this goal in a longer time, and another quarter of mothers as a result fed mixed. Studies have shown that it is easier to resume milk production when the baby is still young, less than 2 months old, and a little time has passed from stopping breastfeeding. But there are cases when mom's milk appeared for one year old child.

    The support of loved ones is very important, who can morally support the mother and help her with the housework. It's great if mom can get help from a lactation specialist or breastfeeding support group. You need to be prepared for the fact that relaxation will require the lion's share of time for about 2 weeks, so it is worth figuring out who will help with the housework, distribute responsibilities between the household.

    To successfully relax, mom needs to solve the following problems:

    • Understand what caused the loss of milk and remove possible obstacles.
    • Simultaneously stimulate milk production.
    • Teach a baby to breastfeed if he cannot or cannot do it.
    • Ensure that your baby is adequately nourished during relaxation.

    Often times, when feeds are forced to interrupt ahead of time, the mother experiences regret and sadness that the baby is no longer receiving her milk. The reasons for losing breastfeeding can vary. Sometimes the baby is artificially fed due to illness or hospitalization of the mother, or he himself goes to the hospital separately - it is not always possible to maintain lactation. Perhaps the baby, who was born weak, could not suckle well at the breast, and the mother did not know how to maintain lactation - and the milk gradually disappeared. Sometimes milk disappears due to following incompetent advice from well-wishers: not every breast, for example, will withstand 3-hour intervals, a night break, reduced due to pacifiers or after finishing stimulation, not every child is able to easily move from nipple to breast and not be confused nipples.

    It happens that a child transferred to artificial feeding begins to get sick - formulas are not suitable for him, or he becomes susceptible to respiratory or intestinal infections.

    What should mom do? If it happened that the milk "went away", or it was not at all, like the mother of the adopted child, does this mean that the only way out is artificial feeding?

    There is another way out, there is a chance to replay everything and start over. Our body is amazing. There are cases when milk appeared from the grandmothers of a baby, who nursed him and soothed an inconsolable grandson with her breast, when the child was fed by nulliparous women. Lactation can be restored. Moreover, lactation is possible in foster mothers, even those who have never managed to get pregnant, even if the uterus is removed from women. The process of restoring breastfeeding is called relaxation.

    It is important that the mother is determined to be successful. When 366 women who attempted relaxation were interviewed, it turned out that more than half of mothers switched to full breastfeeding within a month, another quarter achieved this goal in a longer time, and another quarter of mothers as a result fed mixed. Studies have shown that it is easier to resume milk production when the baby is still young, less than 2 months old, and a little time has passed from stopping breastfeeding. But there are cases when mother's milk appeared for a one-year-old child.

    The support of loved ones is very important, who can morally support the mother and help her with the housework. It's great if mom can get help from a lactation specialist or breastfeeding support group. You need to be prepared for the fact that relaxation will require the lion's share of time for about 2 weeks, so it is worth figuring out who will help with the housework, distribute responsibilities between the household.

    To successfully relax, mom needs to solve the following problems:

    • Understand what caused the loss of milk and remove possible obstacles.
    • Simultaneously stimulate milk production.
    • Teach a baby to breastfeed if he cannot or cannot do it.
    • Ensure that your baby is adequately nourished during relaxation.

    Skin-to-skin contact is essential for success

    A very important component in any relaxation is skin-to-skin contact with the baby. Skin-to-skin contact stabilizes the baby's temperature, breathing and heartbeat, and reduces the level of stress hormones several times. And this wonderful remedy not only soothes mom and baby, but also increases the level of the "love hormone" oxytocin and the "motherhood hormone" prolactin, which are responsible for lactation.

    The baby, who often rests on his mother's chest, will be more inclined to suck - perhaps for now just for comfort, but this is what we need.

    Children who have never sucked or have given up on breast can return to the breast themselves if they are given the opportunity to be with their mother skin-to-skin and are not forced to breastfeed - they just remember their instincts. After all, after childbirth, the baby, lying on the mother's chest, finds its way to the nipple, applies it and begins to suck. This instinct does not disappear later, you just need to give the child the opportunity to remember.

    It is worth organizing a joint sleep between mother and baby, so that the baby has unlimited access to the breast at the most important night and early morning hours for lactation, without disturbing the mother's rest.

    You can swim with your child, carry it more in a sling or a kangaroo, caress and stroke the baby more. Just put him to sleep on himself - let him fall asleep and wake up on your chest, get used to its smell and slowly understands that this is the safest, best place on earth.

    If the baby agrees to breastfeed - what next?

    Of course, the best option is when the baby is willing and able to suckle. Then the main thing is to apply it more often, at least every 1-2 hours, as soon as it shows that it is ready to suck. No need to wait for a cry, this is a very late sign of hunger, offer the breast when the child begins to toss and turn, turn his head, open his mouth, sniff, wave his arms. It is necessary to allow the baby to be at the breast as much as he wants, to suck not only for nutrition, but also for comfort. After all, the more often and longer baby sucks, the more milk arrives. The method of increasing lactation, when mother and baby are together in bed most of the time, minimally dressed, is sometimes called the "honeymoon", sometimes - the "nest method"

    It is desirable that the child suckle each breast for 15-20 minutes with each latch. If he sucked one breast for several minutes, and then another for several minutes, try to shift the baby back to the first, and then in a circle. Such frequent breast changes (if the baby does not mind) greatly stimulate the arrival of milk.

    It is good to use Dr. Jack Newman's protocol for increasing the amount of milk sucked out by the baby, as well as compressing the breast.

    It is necessary to monitor the correct attachment. Then long-term feedings will not harm the nipples - in the correct position, the breast can be sucked for as long as you like. In addition, a baby who suckles the breast correctly empties it well, freeing up space for more and more milk. Remember: the more milk left the breast... the faster the "mini-dairies" - secretory cells, the more milk will be produced per day.

    And what about supplementary feeding?

    It is very important: the child should not be left hungry, no matter how much you want him to pump milk faster. A frustrated, crying infant will not be able to breastfeed well if he will suckle at all. If you restrict the baby in nutrition, hoping by this to encourage him to breastfeed, he may simply weaken a lot and there will be less strength to suck on the breast. And a good mood from a moderately full tummy can inspire interest in experiments - and why not suck on what mom is so persistently suggesting?

    The amount of supplement that the child is currently receiving can be divided into several equal shares and offered on a schedule (but after the baby has emptied well). Thus, it turns out that the mother offers breast on demand, as often as possible, calms the child with her, puts him to bed with the breast, and several times a day, for example, once every three hours, also gives supplementary food.

    Initially, the baby will receive all or most of the food from the supplement. But as the amount of milk in the mother increases, the proportion of supplements will gradually decrease. In different feedings, the need for supplementary feeding will be different. It happens that mothers find that in some feedings they can do without supplementary feeding at all, while in others it has to be given for quite a long time.

    It is important to give supplements in such a way that the baby can stop in time as soon as his hunger is satisfied. The diaper test and weekly weight gain can be used to determine if a baby is getting enough nutrition.

    During relaxation, it is not recommended to give the baby a pacifier or a bottle - in this way we reduce the baby's desire to suckle. We don't need this. In addition, the bottle is often served to the baby in such a way that he sucks out much more than he would like, simply because he is forced to swallow the milk freely flowing from the nipple. Experts advise feeding from a cup, a spoon. systems for supplementary feeding at the breast. and the smallest even from a pipette. This will give the baby the necessary calories, but the sucking reflex will not be satisfied. If the mother still prefers to feed from the bottle, she should hold her so that when feeding, the baby touches the naked breast with her cheek, learning to associate feeding and contact with her mother's body. It should be given in the same way as the breast - do not insert the nipple into the mouth, but, touching the lips of the child, wait until he opens his mouth wide and takes the nipple.

    dr. Newman. application of the breast feeding system

    Another clip of Dr. Newman using the breastfeeding system

    In this clip, Dr. Newman is an adopted baby. You can breastfeed your baby even if you have little or no milk.

    Clip showing cup feeding. The baby receives the necessary food, but the desire to suck remains.

    What if the baby is not breastfeeding yet?

    If the baby for some reason does not suckle, it means that the mother needs to stimulate lactation herself. Perhaps the child just needs reinforcement of his efforts at the breast, and he will agree to take it after the milk appears there. The hormones oxytocin and prolactin are released in response to mechanical stimulation of the areola and nipple, and this can be not only sucking by the baby, but also expression. Even if there is no milk in the breast at all, it can appear with regular expression. You can express your breasts manually or with a breast pump. If you plan to use a breast pump, you need a high-quality one, preferably a double electric one. Hand pumping is also good at stimulating the breasts. With regular breast pumping, it can take about a week for milk to appear, but sometimes it can take longer. It is recommended to express for 15-20 minutes, each breast in several steps, it is desirable that there are at least 8 pumpings per day. Another way of counting is to have at least 100 minutes of pumping per day. Long, infrequent pumping is less stimulating to the breast than shorter, frequent pumping. It is a good idea to express your breasts once at night, closer to morning, when the most of the hormone prolactin is in the blood. Expressing is especially important for mums who are separated from their babies for some reason or those whose babies cannot yet suckle, as well as for moms of foster children. Pumping should not be a substitute for breastfeeding, if the baby is able and willing to do so.

    Not all babies breastfeed right away. Nancy Morbacher, renowned lactation consultant and author of books on breastfeeding, believes that the success of breastfeeding training depends most on the time, patience and persistence of the mother, although the age of the child and his experience - whether he has sucked before, are important.

    Where to begin? It is not necessary to thrust the breast into a resisting or hungry child, it is better to first gain his trust, teach him to be at the breast. He worries about feeding as he is used to, but we press the baby with his cheek to his mother's breast, we use the magic remedy to the maximum - skin-to-skin contact. Sometimes a baby who does not want to breastfeed can be interested by dripping expressed milk or mixture from a pipette or cup directly onto the areola. It is more convenient to do this if someone helps mom. Offer the breast when the baby is in good mood, relaxed, not too hungry, when the baby is sleepy, you can do this on the go, slightly shaking the baby. Don't forget about skin-to-skin contact.

    Some herbs such as fenugreek, nettle, anise, fennel, galega, cumin are known to stimulate lactation. Mom can take infusions prepared according to recipes, which can be found in any book about children under one year old. There are also schemes for stimulating lactation with the use of various medications that affect the balance of hormones in the mother's body - you should consult your doctor about their use.

    To track progress and be sure that the baby is getting enough nutrition, N. Morbacher recommends that mothers keep a diary in which they note:

    • The frequency and duration of feedings. Most babies need to suckle at least 8-10 times a day. More frequent applications can speed up the relaxation process.
    • Baby's reaction to breastfeeding. Does he suck actively? Does she take the breast with pleasure?
    • The amount of supplement offered and how the mother gives it. This will help to track the decrease in the volume of supplements and the increase in the amount of milk.
    • Number of wet diapers and stool frequency per day. The child should have at least 6 wet diapers and a chair 2 times a day. Rarer stools are normal if the baby is over 6 weeks old. The mother needs to know that the consistency of the stool will change, and it will become less shaped, as breast milk takes up more and more of the baby's diet. If there are less than 6 wet diapers, this means that there should be more supplementary food.
    • Weight gain and height. The baby's weight should be checked once a week. It should increase by about 110-230 grams per week. If the increase is less, more supplementation should be given.

    Mothers who restored milk for their babies, for the most part, were pleased that they tried to relax. They were glad not only that the babies were feeding on their milk again, but also that special closeness that occurs during breastfeeding. If you are unhappy with how soon the feeding ended, consider relaxation - this may be the path for you.


    Morbacher N, Stock J. Breastfeeding Answer Book
    Newman J The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers

    links to illustrations from other sites

    a collection of videos from the site of the Norwegian nursing organization Ammehjelpen. Shows how to use breastfeeding system, homemade and SNS (Medela). You need the Hjelpebryst section. In addition, there is cup feeding (video called Koppmating)

    More information

    Breastfeeding is something that expectant mothers consider very simple in advance, and only after childbirth they realize with surprise how many difficulties are hidden in it. Someone, as a result, switches to artificial feeding, where everything is calculated and measured in advance; and someone masters one by one the secrets of successful breastfeeding, so that at some point it again seems that it is easier than this and there is nothing in the world. Let's try to find out these secrets?

    Secret one: treasures breast milk

    Mother's milk needs to be appreciated: for a baby it is simple, which he cannot get in any other way. Today, scientists count about two thousand components in breast milk, which are produced in a combination that is necessary for a particular baby at a particular time. For example, if the baby begins to hurt, during feeding, a special exchange occurs between the baby's salivary glands and sensitive areas of the areola, and the mother's milk is enriched with antibodies to the baby's disease. That is why, even if an infection gets into the family, the baby has a good chance either not to get infected at all, or it is very easy to get sick. Moreover, these subtle changes in the composition of milk occur by themselves, the mother does not need to do anything, except for the actual continuation of feeding!

    Compared to five dozen components in the mixture, which, of course, does not take into account the individual needs of the child, breast milk and especially colostrum, which is produced in the first few days after childbirth, is a real wealth. It is especially surprising that all the components of breast milk are in a living interaction so that they are absorbed in the best possible way! This is clearly seen, for example, on iron - with its deficiency, children develop anemia, but infants rarely suffer from it, because, although there is little iron in breast milk, it is absorbed very effectively. For mixtures, this cannot be achieved: an increase in the amount of iron leads to the active growth of pathogenic bacteria that feed on iron, from which it protects in breast milk. A similar situation is with calcium and with many vitamins - industrially it is not possible to achieve such an effect and benefit as nature does.

    Many live components of breast milk cannot be produced and stored artificially at all. So, breast milk contains more than a dozen hormone-like compounds that regulate different aspects of the baby's appetite and weight gain: this is why, although often, but after a year they usually turn out to be slimmer. And it also contributes to the ability to regulate the energy needs of your own body: what is sometimes regarded by grown-up babies as “ poor appetite", actually .

    Although very little colostrum is produced, it is very thick to provide the baby with nutrition in the most concentrated and at the same time easily digestible form. Since neither the baby's ventricle nor the baby's kidneys are ready to process large volumes of fluid in the first few days after birth, there is relatively little water in colostrum. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that the baby does not have enough colostrum to satisfy hunger: if the child needed more, then by the time of birth there would be more milk, but to maintain a balance between ease of absorption and benefits, a small amount of colostrum is just what you need ...

    Secret number two: the sooner the better!

    In principle, it is possible to establish breastfeeding even if the woman herself did not give birth to this child (which is used, for example, when adopting babies). But nevertheless, the easiest and easiest way to start lactation is if the baby is attached to the breast immediately after childbirth.

    Now all over the world, clinics that support breastfeeding use the same protocol: regardless of the mode of delivery (natural or caesarean section) the baby lays on the breast for the first hour after birth, and remains there for at least the first two hours. Of course, if there are no health problems requiring emergency intervention ...

    Why is this so important? The mother's body is best attuned to breastfeeding if the baby is attached to her immediately after birth. Sucking the crumbs gives a signal: "Carrying a baby is over, it's time to focus on feeding him with milk." At the very first attachment to the breast, nerve endings are involved, which help the active contraction of the uterus, which reduces the likelihood of postpartum complications. Feeding the baby increases the blood levels of endorphins, hormones of pleasure, in both mother and baby, causing feelings of happiness and contentment, helping to relax even after a difficult birth. And in the mammary gland itself, due to timely stimulation, there is a rapid development of milk-producing cells.

    This is also important for the baby, who gets the first experience of sucking on the mother's breast, and remembers his mother, associating the taste of milk with her. Thanks to early feeding, babies cry less often in the first days and weeks of life, calm down better, and react more actively to their mother. The beneficial properties of colostrum are fully manifested, forming protection against many diseases and supporting the baby's positive microflora. Unfortunately, at first this whole balance is very fragile: enough to disrupt the formation of positive flora, and it will take two to four weeks to return to normal. It is the development of colic and allergies in babies ... Of course, it happens that supplementary feeding with a mixture is necessary, in which case a doctor will appoint it, and breastfeeding consultants will tell you how to reduce risks and support lactation. But if the mother has the opportunity not to feed the child with anything other than the breast, she must use it.

    Secret three: the way to give the breast matters

    To many who have not come close to breastfeeding, it seems that everything should be easy: just bring the baby to the breast, and he immediately takes it exactly as needed and begins to suck out the milk. Alas, not everyone works this way - babies do not have the innate ability to suckle the breast correctly, they do it the way they do it, but not everyone is good at it. In most cases, guiding help is needed: either the mother herself, if she already has a successful feeding experience, or someone else with such experience.

    It would seem, well, let the child suck as best he can, why does he need any help in this. But when the baby takes the breast incorrectly - when sucking, the breast can be injured, the mother will have a lot. Improper attachment to the breast leads to - and it is produced less than necessary, and the baby sucks it out worse, even with frequent and long feedings. Therefore, if it hurts when feeding a mother, you do not need to ignore this pain, but you need to fix the attachment to the breast!

    So how do you achieve correct attachment? We turn the baby with his tummy towards us, and bring it to the chest at such a height that the nipple is approximately at the level of the nose. The chest must be supported: thumb right at the child's nose, and the index and the rest - from below, parallel to the lower lip. At the same time, the chest is slightly flattened, taking a shape similar to a pie, which is much easier for a baby to grab into his mouth than a round one. We are waiting for the baby to open his mouth wide, this is important, because with his half-open mouth, the baby will not be able to take the breast deeply enough. Usually this happens reflexively: feeling next to his mother's breast with milk, the baby begins to turn the head from side to side, slightly throws it back and opens his mouth, at this moment the motherand helps to meet the baby with the breast. The nipple is directed to the upper part of the mouth, and then the breast will be taken deep enough, more from below than from above. The lower and upper jaws should be turned outward when sucking.

    To assess whether the baby is correctly attached, first of all pay attention to your feelings: the less pain and discomfort, the better, ideally they should not be at all. If it seems that something is still wrong, look at the sucking baby: if applied correctly, the chin will be tightly pressed to the mother's breast, but the nose, on the contrary, is either completely free or touches the breast with its very tip. If you see that the nose "drowned" in the mother's breast - this is a sign of improper attachment, in which the nipple is rubbed with the baby's tongue and injured. To correct this attachment, you can either pick up the breast and give it again, or just try to move the baby down a little so that his head tilts back slightly: then the baby will be able to take the breast much deeper, and his chin will actively work while sucking, and the nose will be free.

    And the mother definitely needs to position herself so that she herself is comfortable during feeding. Any tension in the body will respond with pain, because feeding at first takes quite a lot of time - so it is better to try to turn it into a pleasant relaxing process. Pillows can help with this - not necessarily for feeding, you can also use the most common ones. They can be placed under the baby so that there is no need to lean towards him, tired of the back, and, of course, under any parts of the mother's body that need rest and relief: under the arms, under the back, under the knees. Wonderful site "Tips for Nursing Mothers" He will tell and show in detail and in pictures how to attach the baby well and sit down for the mother herself. Well, if, despite all the efforts, feeding remains uncomfortable - breastfeeding consultants will help your unique baby find an approach to your unique breast, do not hesitate to contact us!

    Secret four: more often it is always good

    Another point that many expectant mothers are not sure about: what is the best way to feed the baby, at his request or according to some specific schedule? When it comes to babies, there can be only one answer - on demand. Only in this case we can be sure that the baby will receive as much milk as he needs. Indeed, in order to regulate the process of feeding the mother herself, too many variables need to be taken into account: different women different volume and composition of milk, and babies are already born with different temperaments and different characteristics. As a result, it turns out that someone's baby feeds every three hours for half an hour and is satisfied, while another, with the same rhythm, will get tired, distracted or fall asleep in ten minutes, and, of course, will not get enough milk ...

    Therefore, it is best to simply focus on the needs of the child. The main thing is that this is not too rare: there are such phlegmatic babies who can sleep for a long time, skipping feedings, and as a result, it is very bad to gain weight. Therefore, the mother should remember that in the first months of life, the child can have only one long break between feedings per day (usually at night), maximum five hours, and the rest of the time - no longer than 3-3.5 hours. If more time has passed between feedings, then it is imperative to wake up and feed your sleepyhead! Or even just put it to the breast, many babies eat great without opening their eyes, and this is also considered a full-fledged sleep and full-fledged feeding. And if feedings occur more often, this is only good: the more often breast stimulation is, the better and more stable milk production. For the child's health, frequent feeding in small portions is also better: a small portion is easier to digest and absorb, while there are no strong fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

    And yet, how to understand that the baby “requires” feeding? It's very simple - the baby starts looking for his mother's breast, that is, turning his head from side to side and opening his mouth. Baby crying is already the “last demand”, not the “first”! Often, mothers are worried that too frequent, in their opinion, the demands of the baby for the breast indicate a lack of milk. Sometimes it happens, but in most cases, with frequent feedings, the baby does not suffer from a lack of milk at all, on the contrary: real cases of a shortage of milk are much more often associated with too rare feedings. In order to be sure, you first need to look at his weight gain. Weight gain with sufficient nutrition for the baby in the first three months of life will be from 125 g per week or more, then it will gradually decrease.

    If the mother does not have electronic scales at home, then you can use an indirect sign known as the "wet diaper test". Its meaning is that when good nutrition a baby older than a week will write at least 8 times a day, with light transparent urine, almost odorless. If this amount reaches 12 times a day and more often, then milk is not only enough, but also goes good weight gain! Of course, for this test to work, the baby must not receive anything other than breast milk, other fluids will distort the picture. But the main point is simple: do not be afraid of a baby who often begs for a breast, there can be many reasons for this, but if the baby calms down at the breast, this is usually the easiest way not only to saturate the baby, but also to save the nerves of the whole family. And over time, feedings will inevitably become less frequent!

    Secret # 5: the magic of mom's hug

    And yet, breastfeeding in itself is not the only thing that is needed to establish lactation and calm the baby. Very important and such simple thing, as . Babies are so cute and touching for a reason: this is an evolutionary incentive to touch and pick them up more often, so do not deny yourself this pleasure! Sensory contact with the baby's velvet skin, inhaling its aroma, triggers hormonal exchange between mother and baby, which creates mutual affection, soothes - and stimulates milk production.

    Today, in many clinics around the world, when the baby is much and often in the mother's arms in direct skin contact. It has been proven to help babies grow better, relieve unnecessary stress, contributes to the stability of breathing and heartbeat. And among other things, it quickly increases lactation.

    Sleep in mom's arms or even just next to her is calmer and deeper, and mom herself gets better sleep compared to having to jump up and go somewhere to feed every few hours. Maintaining close contact with the baby, with attention to his needs and signals, develops mutual understanding between mother and baby and builds a sense of basic trust in the world in children. When the baby is confident in the reliability of the mother, he is open to active exploration of the world. A lot of affection in the very early age does not lead to "hanging on mom" years later, as some are afraid, on the contrary - it is difficult to break away from mom just for those children who received less mom's warmth during the most difficult period of adaptation to the world.

    Therefore, do not forget that right now the baby needs most of all living mom - and not an arbitrarily beautiful crib, an expensive stroller and a technological nipple. In the first weeks of life, instead of mother's warm and beloved breasts, it leads to worse attachment and injuries to the nipples, to a decrease in milk production due to less stimulation, and sometimes to refusal of the breast. In a word, if the mother is next to the baby, answering his still very simple children's needs when he needs it, this will give both love, and trust, and health, and milk.

    Author Irina Ryukhova @irinaryukhova, photos were used in the design of the articleStacey Petersen and Olga Ermolaeva

    Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC

    Many women think that a breast pump is needed for successful breastfeeding. This is not true. In fact, it is very rare to express milk. But mothers are encouraged to express and feed expressed milk from a bottle even when it is not necessary at all: a wedding, an appointment with a doctor, going to the store ... Why not take the baby with you? What wedding won't the baby be happy about? Or: "so the father can feed the child!" So after all, a man is not meant to feed his children with milk, and bottle feeding is, in fact, not a help. Of course, a man can help with breastfeeding, for example by helping his wife with breast compressions (see picture). Compression of the chest), besides, there are many other ways to help a young mother. A breast pump should not replace a baby; Breastfeeding is not only about food, it has many other benefits for you and your baby. There is no breast pump more effective than a natural one, created just for you - your baby! A baby who suckles well is the best breast pump, but of course there are babies who suckle poorly. You don't need a breast pump to breastfeed; moreover, if you do not have information about when the breast pump really is necessary, its use can lead to premature weaning of the baby.

    Breastfeeding is more than just breast milk
    • It is clear that if you can express a lot of milk, then you are producing a lot of it. But if you cannot express a lot, that does not mean that you are low on milk. Don't pump to "find out how much milk I'm making."
    • The most efficient breast pumps are powerful, pumping both breasts at the same time, electric, stationary with adjustable thrust and speed. There are many breast pumps on the market that are just plain bad.
    • Problems can arise if the breast pump is used incorrectly. Read all instructions carefully
    • It is important that you express milk after feeding. The breast should be as full as possible before latching on the baby. It is important for the baby how fast the milk flows (see picture). Compression of the chest), and expressing before attachment reduces breast fullness.
      Expressing with a breast pump

      Pump as soon as your baby suckles to allow the breast to fill up to its fullest before the next feed.

      • Point the nipple in the center of the funnel (the nipple in the baby's mouth is positioned differently, asymmetrically, and always towards the baby's palate (see: Breastfeeding)).
      • Set the breast pump to the lowest draft level at which milk is expressed and not to the highest level you can endure
      • Express each breast for 15 minutes. If the breasts are "empty" earlier, pump until empty, plus another two minutes.
      • Remember, it shouldn't hurt when pumping ... If you feel pain:
        1. Reduce cravings
        2. Check again that the nipple is in the center of the funnel
        3. Do not strain as long.
      Breast pump care
      • All parts of the breast pump must be sterilized before first use. Afterwards, washing with hot soapy water or in the dishwasher is sufficient.
      • After every pumping: Place the breast pump kit (excluding tubing or motor) in the refrigerator until your next pumping, or if you are not going to pump anymore that day, wash and rinse it in hot water and air dry.
      • Remember to disassemble all parts of the breast pump when washing it, including the smallest ones, to make sure the milk is not stagnant anywhere.

    Site of the International Association of Natural Feeding Consultants;

    http: // www .mother .ru / grudnoe - articles by experts on breastfeeding and online consultations in question-and-answer mode;

    http://breastfeeding.narod.ru site of Victoria Nesterova "Tips for nursing mothers";

    http: // www. ourbaby. ru - the site "Our Child": articles on breastfeeding, child development, child care, written, among other things, by our consultants;

    http://gv.38mama.ru/ - a lot of useful things for mothers on the website of the Irkutsk branch of AKEV;

    http://radugamama.ru - Moscow Center "Rainbow of Motherhood";

    http://www.mama-city.ru - site "Mama City - help and support for nursing mothers" - articles on breastfeeding;

    http://www.kormlenie.ru - St. Petersburg Breastfeeding Support Group;

    http://azbukamama.ru/ - "ABC of motherhood": association of breastfeeding consultants in St. Petersburg - consultations, seminars, training for nursing mothers;

    www.s-meridian.com - a family portal created by Ukrainian AKEV members;

    www.gpev-nms.narod.ru - the site of the Novomoskovsk breastfeeding support group - a lot of information about the history of breastfeeding;

    http://www.rastem.ru/ - site of the "Growing Together" center, Barnaul: articles on breastfeeding, news feed for mothers, a forum with counseling on breastfeeding and child development;

    http://www.ligamaterey.ru - site of the League of Mothers of the Moscow Region;

    http://www.rojdenie.org/ and http://www.breastfeeding.org.ua - sites of Ukrainian members of the Association: articles on breastfeeding, pediatrics, psychology, specialist consultations;

    http://www.orthomama.ru/contacts/bf_consult/index.php?p\u003d2 - breastfeeding support group "Mammalatelnitsa", Makeevka, Donetsk region;

    http://detstvo-m.narod.ru/ - Joint support group breastfeeding "Milk Childhood", Minsk;

    http://obereg-samara.ru/modules.php?name\u003dfirmscat&go\u003dshowcat&cid\u003d7 Samara Breastfeeding Support Group;

    http://www.rostovmama.ru/ and http://www.grudnoe.aaanet.ru/ Rostov breastfeeding support center "Always near";

    http: // www. lamama. ruMaternity and Breastfeeding Support Group " Affectionate mom", Tyumen;

    http://mama.tvercity.net Tver breastfeeding support group;

    http://nimfa-mama.narod.ru/ - Chelyabinsk breastfeeding support group;

    http://www.molochko.info/ - breastfeeding support group in Ufa;

    http://gvkostroma.narod.ru/ - breastfeeding support group in Kostroma;

    http://forumgvlida.3bb.ru/ - forum of the Lida breastfeeding support group;

    http: // www .lalecheleague .org / Russian .html - translations of articles of La Leche League International (International Dairy League), on which the members of the Association worked. Laid out in two versions -rtf (opens in text editors) andpdf (Acrobat Reader);

    http: // www .lyalech .narod .ru - key topics discussed in the Internet community of nursing mothers "Lialechka";

    http: // www .detki .de - articles by breastfeeding experts and data from the World Health Organization;

    http: // www .omama .ru - "Orange mother": a lot of interesting and useful information for moms, including translations of foreign articles.

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