• Makeup courses and makeup as a business. How do makeup artists live? What does it take to become a makeup artist?

    3 216 0 Hello. Today we will tell you about how to become a makeup artist from scratch, without experience or the necessary professional skills.

    Beginning makeup artist: where to start

    Here are the most important steps that everyone will have to take on the path to their long-awaited dream:

    • Passion can do a lot! Decide for yourself that you will go all the way in mastering your profession and will not give up in the face of difficulties;
    • Be honest with yourself and realistically assess your capabilities. Are you ready to spend money on mastering this profession? Are you ready for the fact that finding clients will take a lot of time? Are you ready to constantly learn?
    • To become a real make-up artist, you need to believe in your abilities.. If there is any uncertainty in your abilities, then there is a risk that you will eventually give up this creative endeavor. To become a real MakeUp pro, you need to have a subtle sense of taste, skills in working with clients, and a certain amount of creativity;
    • Have a clear idea of ​​what level of skill you want to master.. If you just want to learn how to do beautiful and neat make-up, then all you have to do is watch thematic video tutorials; basic courses are freely available. Professional make-up is taught in special schools, where they issue a special certificate confirming completion of training;
    • Practice! Practice! Practice! You need to try to train as much as possible. If you want to learn a new creative profession, then at first you don’t have to demand payment for your own work. Choose your friends to model to hone your skills. Take pictures of the result. Analyze your mistakes.

    Every experienced makeup artist must not only do professional MakeUp, but also be able to select it correctly for models, taking into account the features and tops of their faces. Makeup artist is one of the few professions that does not require higher education.

    Where to learn to be a makeup artist

    In almost every city you can find an institution where you can learn a new specialty as a stylist-make-up artist, including beauty colleges and make-up artist schools, organized by professionals in the field of beauty.

    What should you pay attention to?

    Before entering a particular institution, it is necessary to clarify the degree of competence of the teacher, to what extent he, as a specialist, has realized himself in this area. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose a school or college that provides a diploma or certificate upon completion of studies. Even better if it is of international standard.

    When choosing a particular school, the determining role is played by the rating of this institution and the level of training of graduates. Study information about this institution in open sources.

    Training period

    The approximate duration of training in such narrow-profile institutions is from 9 months. If the college has an in-depth program, then it will take much longer to obtain such an education, but the level of preparation will be much higher. Professional makeup schools offer training from 1 to 3 months.

    Every novice makeup artist must remember that the main thing in his business is practice, and its result will directly depend on the theoretical skills acquired and the materials used during work.

    Necessary tools for a beginner makeup artist

    The technical arsenal of any makeup artist should include the following things:

    • A set of quality brushes. These are the basic tools without which no stylist will reach a professional level. All brushes must be made exclusively from natural bristles;

    The most common types of brush bristles used by professionals are: taklon And nylon . But besides them, it is very popular squirrel pile And column . Sable pile , like a fur coat, it is very soft and high quality, but it also has an appropriate price.

    • Large palette of shadows;
    • High-quality makeup bases for various skin tones;
    • Palette of glosses and lipsticks;
    • Blush;
    • Corrective agents;
    • Foundations, various powders.

    In addition to this list, you will also need to purchase: eyelash curler, false eyelashes, makeup remover, cotton swabs and pads, pencil sharpener,

    Such cosmetics need to be shaved only in specialized stores; with cheap cosmetics, a stylist will not achieve much progress. Selecting these materials is necessary for high-quality professional practice and development of skills.

    Before purchasing, check with your training center whether they provide cosmetics or whether you need to purchase your own.

    Pros and cons of the profession

    Like any other profession, being a makeup artist has its advantages and disadvantages. As disadvantages, you need to highlight the following points that every makeup artist should be prepared for::

    • Irregular work schedule - you can be invited to the bride's preparations at 7 am, and from a photo shoot for a magazine you can arrive after twelve o'clock at night;
    • You need to be prepared for the fact that this is a seasonal business: from June to October there are many weddings, but in winter you can only work during corporate holidays;
    • You need to find clients yourself. It is a mistake to think that they will flock to you like a river as soon as you complete the courses;
    • The high cost of purchased cosmetics and tools. If you work in a beauty salon, then they will pay for the cost of cosmetics; if you plan to work for yourself, then you need to be prepared for large expenses.

    If the presence of all these difficulties on the thorny path of a makeup artist does not frighten you, then you can safely set out to master this profession. Many people choose this profession based on the following obvious advantages:

    • Makeup artist is a profession that helps to reveal creative potential;
    • The opportunity to participate in various exclusive events and communicate with new people;
    • Unlimited income and virtually no ties to your workplace, since professional MakeUp can be done on the client’s premises.

    To become a professional make-up artist, you need to conduct a competent self-presentation at the initial stage.

    How to advertise yourself after training

    The more extensive your portfolio is, the better. To attract more clients, you can master the profession of a hairdresser and become a real stylist (hairdresser-makeup artist).

    1. Sarafanka. The more your friends and family know about your profession, the better. The first clients are always friends and relatives. Publish a beautiful post on your pages on all social networks and ask your friends to repost it.
    2. Social network. Don’t forget to post your diplomas and certificates of completion of makeup courses on your page or public page. Post photos of your work. Only in this case it is important to remember that the camera actually distorts the color, so all the smallest imperfections in the makeup become visually noticeable. Post only the best photos of your own work.
    3. Price-list. Don't forget to prepare a price list for your services. To attract your first clients, do not inflate the price tag, set it an order of magnitude lower than that of your competitors, this way you will attract people and build a portfolio.
    4. Hashtag. Start a group or publish posts on your page and don’t forget to put the appropriate hashtags (#makeup artistMoscow #StylistSPB #MakeupVnovosibirsk, etc.).
    5. Blog. You can start your own beauty blog. But don’t forget that for a blog to become popular, it needs to be written every day. Publish interesting makeup ideas, infographics, tips on choosing eye shadow or hairstyles, etc. We recommend reading:
    6. Advertising magazines. In large cities there are magazines that review advertising products of the city: goods and services, weddings, etc. Take an interest in this question.
    7. Beauty saloon. At first, you can work in a beauty salon to get your teeth in and develop a client base. Remember, if they came to you once and were satisfied, then this client will return to you, and perhaps bring more people.
    8. Take part in competitions. Participation in various fashion competitions is encouraged, since this is where you can find out new trends in the field of beauty. Master classes from real make-up masters, short-term training courses - these are the important events that every beginning artist should attend. Also post your reports on social networks.
    9. Ask for feedback. Your customers can leave reviews on your page. Post them.
    • If possible, work as an assistant to a makeup artist.. This is a great opportunity to look at the “kitchen” from the inside and learn all the intricacies of this matter.
    • Improve your people skills. This directly determines how you can negotiate with clients. Call your clients and check if everything suits them. Apologize if they didn’t like something and take that into account in your work.
    • Master related areas of this profession. For example, eyelash extensions, eyebrow shaping, the art of permanent make-up.
    • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. While the knowledge is fresh after completing the training, involve everyone you know in order to improve your skills: mother, mother-in-law, sisters, girlfriends, neighbors. The more practice you get, the faster you will become a professional.
    • Don't skimp on materials. 50% of success depends on this. If a client is allergic to an artificial brush or cheap eyeshadow, you cannot avoid negative reviews.

    To successfully start in this creative profession, technical skill in applying makeup is not enough. Any stylist must show kindness to others and be able to negotiate correctly.

    Makeup artist is currently one of the most popular and sought-after professions among modern youth.

    This fact can be explained by several important reasons: firstly, this profession belongs to the world of aesthetics and beauty, which has always attracted young and ambitious people, and secondly, the profession is an ideal tool for lovers of an individual free schedule, as well as seekers of part-time work or an interesting hobby , thirdly, such professional skills provide an opportunity to receive a high and stable income. You can master makeup and hairstyles by taking express training courses at barber-school for hairdressers and makeup artists on weekends in Krasnodar.

    This question worries all young talents who have identified and chosen the profession of a makeup artist as their main field and way of generating income. But learning the basics and gaining primary skills in the modern world is absolutely not enough, since competition in this area is at a very high level.

    “How to become a good makeup artist” or “How to become a professional makeup artist” - these are the questions a beginner should ask himself and set such a goal in itself, determining the algorithm for his further actions that will lead to the desired results.

    Beginner makeup artist - where to start

    The first and most important aspect on the path to mastering a future profession is education or courses. A specialized cosmetology education will open up great prospects for a beginner in the future, for example, he will be able to find work in cosmetology centers or well-known beauty salons, which will provide rich professional experience and provide an opportunity to develop a client base.
    There are other methods that do not require significant material and time costs. Professional makeup artist lessons for beginners or courses teaching the basics of makeup for beginners also provide an opportunity to gain fundamental theoretical knowledge and practice it.

    The second and no less important aspect is the recruitment of a beginner makeup artist. A practitioner must have in his arsenal all the necessary cosmetics in a wide variety, since all clients are individual and have different skin types and colors, defects and imperfections, as well as preferences for the style and color type of future makeup. All products, of course, must be original, high-quality, professional and durable, as this directly affects the appearance of the makeup and its durability over the required period of time.

    The third aspect is your own customer base. For a makeup artist, regular and loyal clients are one of the most important components of a stable income, so it is necessary to continuously increase the client base and find new clients.

    So, answering the popular search questions “what does it take to become a makeup artist”, “where to start a makeup artist” and “what does a beginning makeup artist need”:

    • specialized education or professional courses, which will be a guarantee of the specialist’s competence for the first clients,
    • a high-quality set of professional cosmetics and products necessary for creating makeup,
    • base of regular customers.

    Tip #1 . Under no circumstances should you save on care and cosmetic products by replacing them with more affordable analogues or cheap counterfeits. Low-quality cosmetics do not have the necessary level of pigments that ensure the brightness and richness of the makeup, and also do not have the necessary level of durability, which in the future directly determines whether the client will contact you again and whether he will recommend you to any of his friends and acquaintances.

    Tip #2 . It is necessary to constantly update and update your knowledge about new fashion trends in the world of makeup in order to be able to offer your clients something new, fashionable and non-standard. For example, you can get such information from professional literature, from watching videos and reading interviews with famous bloggers and the world's leading makeup artists.

    Tip #3 . Continuous expansion of the client base is the key to tomorrow’s earnings. Creating a creative portfolio of your most unusual and successful works, promoting services through all available social networks, and holding giveaways for free makeup creation can be effective marketing tools for popularizing your own talent.

    How to learn makeup yourself

    Not everyone is ready to spend their time and material resources in order to master the art of makeup, preferring to study the theoretical foundations independently and at home. In this case, the chosen path is quite more difficult, longer and does not guarantee the achievement of the desired and successful results. But if you still choose to study on your own, then specialized books and textbooks will help you, as well as numerous videos and master classes for training makeup artists from scratch, which can be found freely available on the Internet, in particular on the channels of popular bloggers and makeup artists on YouTube. Next, you can practice on your friends, relatives and loved ones in order to hone the skills and abilities you have learned, bringing them to perfection. Only after this is it reasonable to start purchasing and assembling a makeup artist’s suitcase and searching for clients.

    Summing up and answering the most frequently asked questions “how to become a makeup artist from scratch” or “how to start a career as a makeup artist from scratch” and at the same time receive a high, stable monthly income, you can answer simply. Enough desire, ambition and hard work, as well as compliance with all the stages described in this article. Adhering to the advice of senior and experienced colleagues who have achieved significant success and results is also necessary to ensure that the development process is faster, more successful and brings as few unpleasant surprises and problems as possible.

    You should definitely remember that in the modern world of makeup artists there is huge competition, and you, as a beginner, cannot afford to save on your education and professional training, cosmetics and tools, or marketing promotion of your own profile and talent. Taking into account the basic rules and tips, and putting in the right level of effort, you will definitely achieve success and become a true professional.

    Hello! Today I will tell you about how to become a makeup artist, as they say, “from scratch.” Where to get knowledge, who to practice on, what cosmetics to choose and much more.

    Are you creative and resourceful? Looking for new makeup trends? Do you always want to have the best and most professional? Why go to beauty salons and pay money if you can get all this without leaving home?

    Today I, the most feminine portal Mikrusha.ru, will tell you how to become a makeup artist yourself and make yourself and everyone around you beautiful. So, let's begin!

    First steps

    First, you must decide on the level of knowledge that you will need. At the moment, there are a great many makeup schools that will make you a makeup artist of one level or another of professionalism.

    Let's start by choosing a school or makeup courses. Even by looking at their names, you can understand what level of master you will make.

    For example, the name of the course “Makeup Artist in a Week” clearly indicates that they will give you basic knowledge, but you can forget about any serious experience, since in a week they simply physically won’t have time to tell you and show you how and what to do.

    But the sign “Higher School of Hairdressing, Decorative Cosmetics and Aesthetics” is a completely different matter. Also pay attention to the fact that different courses will take varying amounts of time and money. The most women's portal Mikrusha.ru went on reconnaissance and found out that the average cost of an academic hour in various educational institutions that will make you a makeup artist varies from 175 to 650 rubles, and cost of the full course of study can be either 12,000 or 104,000 rubles.

    Speaking on average, you can easily get a decent education as a makeup artist in 5-6 months, of course, if you approach the learning process as responsibly as possible.

    Go for a diploma or act on the principle of “being your own makeup artist” - the choice, of course, is yours. It all depends on the goals you set for yourself.

    Choosing courses

    What should you pay attention to when choosing makeup artist courses? First of all, look at the teaching staff: their work, their exhibitions, perhaps they regularly participate in press conferences and master classes. Remember, only a person who has achieved certain heights himself can and has the right to teach others. A clueless makeup artist will certainly not teach you anything useful.

    It is also worth paying attention to all kinds of diplomas, awards, medals, cups and other merits of the school or courses where you are going to go for knowledge. It is clear that there is a difference between some vocational school and a prestigious commercial school of makeup artists.

    Cosmetics and models

    Setting off study to become a makeup artist, also pay attention to the fact that most schools use only one cosmetics with which they have an agreement. The most women's portal Mikrusha.ru believes that this is wrong. I'll explain why!

    If you practice with only one type of cosmetics, you will not appreciate its advantages and disadvantages. If you have the opportunity to choose between several types, it will be much better. This way you can compare them and choose exactly the one that will help you in your work.

    Certain makeup artist courses may offer you to buy a so-called “makeup artist’s portfolio.” In my opinion, this is not entirely correct. It’s clear that everyone wants to make money, but you already you pay money for training, so it would be fairer to give you the consumables for free, agree!

    Also, a self-respecting school of makeup artists should provide you with models on which to practice. A little advice: ideally, there should be enough models so that you can practice your skills on all possible face types. This small nuance can also help you when choosing a decent makeup artist school.

    Mikrusha believes in you!

    As one very smart person said: “You can learn forever.” And it is true! If you have decided to become a makeup artist, cast aside all doubts and become one! Constantly read books, textbooks, find information on the Internet, gain experience from professionals. Don’t stop studying, learning something new, improving yourself - then you will succeed, friend! Use our tips and become the coolest makeup artist. Mikrusha believes in you!

    Working in the beauty industry is not only prestigious, but also profitable. A talented makeup artist can earn money even in a small town, far from glamorous magazines and modeling shows. How to master this profession and what does a novice beauty master need?

    How to become a makeup artist?

    How to become a makeup artist

    You need to realize that desire alone may not be enough. What does it take to become a makeup artist? This activity is suitable for girls who love to wear makeup, are interested in modern trends and are good at applying daily makeup. Before you begin to understand the basics of the profession, you will have to master at least basic skills.

    At the same time, just loving makeup is not enough. Despite the fact that you can learn about various techniques for applying and combining cosmetics from professional articles and textbooks, this cannot replace real experience. Makeup courses will be a good help.

    At courses and master classes, accomplished makeup artists not only teach how to apply makeup correctly, but also share their professional secrets that can help in the future.

    You will have to seriously spend money on professional cosmetics and accessories. What you need to become a makeup artist:

    • brushes;
    • sponges;
    • makeup bases;
    • foundation creams;
    • powders;
    • shadow palettes;
    • lipsticks and glosses;
    • blush;
    • carcasses;
    • eyebrow dye;
    • concealers.

    The more shades of cosmetics, the better. You can't save money on all this. The client will no longer contact the specialist whose work led to allergies.

    How to become a successful makeup artist

    Of course, knowledge alone is not enough for successful work and practice is indispensable. You can train not only in courses. Beginning makeup artists often use their friends and acquaintances as models. The result of the work is necessarily recorded: successful photographs are included in the portfolio.

    The portfolio should be varied. A potential client is interested not only in the quality of work, but also in the skills of the artist - can he do fantasy makeup if necessary, or can he only reproduce evening or wedding makeup?

    Another important point: PR. If you look for clients only among your friends, it’s difficult to count on good pay. To attract people, you will need pages on social networks and a business card website where your portfolio will be presented. Additional clients will be brought by cooperation with some photo studio or participation in thematic events.

    Success means having time to do everything! What does a makeup artist need to do to achieve fame, recognition, and wealth? How to become a sought-after makeup artist, with whom it is difficult to make an appointment even two or three months in advance? Secrets of development in the beauty industry. Read further in the article for 20 practical recommendations!

    The profession of a makeup artist can provide earnings no less than that of show business stars.
    VIP clients, prestigious makeup courses, master classes, shows, exhibitions...

    How to become a famous, successful, rich makeup artist?

    1. Study, study and study again. You need to master basic salon makeup techniques at a professional level - this knowledge and skills can provide a stable income for a makeup artist at weddings, graduations, birthdays, and photo shoots. When you want to go beyond the narrow confines of salon makeup, when the need arises to create more complex, interesting, creative works, you need to go through training from 1-2 best makeup artists in your city (country). If makeup courses to improve your professional level are chosen correctly, then you will have the opportunity to create complex conceptual works that can attract famous photographers, magazine publishers, and famous fashion designers.

    You need to develop professionally, regularly attend interesting make-up master classes. Even if it seems to you that you are already fluent in all the stated techniques that will be demonstrated at the MK, there may be useful “tricks”, secrets, personal discoveries of the makeup artist-speaker that you can use to add to your knowledge base. Be sure to go to MK with clean makeup templates and colored pencils to record the stages of creating each makeup look, write down important moments, “insights,” ideas, valuable nuggets of knowledge.

    Makeup artist Olga Osadchieva, Kharkov. Advanced training in MK on complex makeup schemes using pencil technique with Taisiya Vasilyeva.

    2. Lots and lots and lots of practice. If you don’t yet have a large client base that allows you to do at least 3 commercial make-ups a week - invite beautiful models and practice on them, improve your skills, polish your professional skills, develop new ideas and makeup sketches. Why is it best to practice on outside models, and not on sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers? Because, firstly, the invited models in the future can become your clients, because they will actually recognize the hand of the master and, when necessary, will use your services. Secondly, beautiful models are the pearls of a professional makeup artist portfolio! Be sure to take photographs or invite photographers to capture your work! To search for models, create an album “Models for Makeup” on your VKontakte page or group and announce it from time to time so that interested girls add their photos there.

    Makeup artist Olga Osadchieva. In the photo is model Sofia Martsenyuk, who uploaded the photo to the album “ Looking for models"and was invited to shoot with fashion photographer Svetlana Mikulina.

    3. Don’t skimp on cosmetics and brushes, especially at the beginning of your professional journey. It is better to save up and acquire the necessary minimum of high-quality cosmetics and branded brushes than to buy a lot of cheap palettes, mascara that curls up in lumps and crumbles, an inexpensive selection of brushes that do not hold their shape and create dirt on the face, toners of dubious quality (this “sludge” is a foundation) "you can't name it). Remember that professional cosmetics is the image of a makeup artist, it is a good reputation, it is, in the end, peace of mind and a clear conscience that the makeup done will last until the end of the banquet and longer: if the client sleeps with makeup on, she will look the same even on the second day Cool! Cosmetics and the case with which you come, brushes and the case in which the brushes are stored, even your appearance, the cleanliness and neatness of your clothes are very significant in shaping the impression of the client.

    A make-up artist's paradise - a lot of professional cosmetics, the Atelier palette, a free choice of colors, shades, different textures and products.

    4. Take part in competitions and exhibitions for makeup artists. Believe in yourself, take risks and win. Each competition is a small step towards success and popularity, an incentive to become better, an opportunity to show yourself and look at others. In the preparation of a competition entry, a professional trainer-make-up artist is very important, who helps create an impeccable image, guides, advises, helps correct mistakes, and promotes professional growth. Participation in competitions always involves large financial costs, training, preparing an image, purchasing additional cosmetics, brushes, decorative elements, accessories, outfits, etc. The game is worth the candle if, in addition to awards and diplomas, you take away from the competitive arena new knowledge, experience, useful connections and a high-quality portfolio. Take the trouble to invite a photographer who will photograph the backstage of the preparation of your competition image, and then conduct an individual photo session for your model.

    Use the development algorithm below, activate the mechanisms of wealth, success, and financial well-being.

    5. How to become a rich makeup artist? You need to engage in financial planning, control your budget, clearly record income from makeup and expenses on cosmetics. After you have invested money in your profession, completed training, bought the necessary cosmetics and brushes for work, follow the algorithm for wealth and development: spend 10% of your total income on advertising, no more than 30% on purchasing materials, and on professional growth ( competitions, advanced training, master classes) 20% of total income. The rest of the income is for living.

    Helpful tips: do not buy unnecessary cosmetics that are rarely needed for work. Do not take more money to cosmetics stores than you will need to buy everything you need on the list. It's hard to resist buying something new and cool that you could do without. You need to experiment with the cosmetics that you already have, especially in creating creative images - using lipstick, eyeliner, mascara for other purposes (for example, when creating a creative image, you can paint several curls or part of the face with a bold, bright-colored lipstick or do it with using mascara to create “shaggy” fashion eyebrows).

    An example of art makeup in which cosmetics are used for other purposes: lipstick on the hair, glitter on the highlights of the cheekbones. Makeup of a student in class ‘ ‘.

    6. Chat, make friends, collaborate with other makeup artists, hairdressers and photographers. Exchange of orders, assistance in force majeure situations, joint planning of a busy work schedule... most importantly, do not forget to thank the partners who “share” orders with you. By maintaining friendly relations with the leading makeup artists of your city, you will be able to pick up new trends, techniques, makeup technologies, share ideas, ask directly “how was this made?”, “where did you buy it?”, “how to find this model?”...

    7. Agree to interesting non-commercial projects, especially if you are promised high-quality photographs for your portfolio or publication in magazines or popular blogs. The world is a small place, everything happens for a reason, useful connections are always needed. However, be vigilant when working as a TFP makeup artist for photo shoots. Before giving your consent, carefully review the photographer’s work, style, color rendering, and ability (or inability) to take high-quality portraits. Discuss in advance with the photographer how many processed photos and in what time frame you will expect, how the photos will be signed on social networks (for example, Makeup Artist: First Name Last Name Group Link), whether your logo will be indicated on the photo. Do not allow yourself to be used as free labor, refuse projects where all participants (organizers, photographers) have their own commercial benefit, and they want to leave you without a fee. Respect your work, time and expensive materials as a professional makeup artist.

    Fantasy makeup “Pomegranate” with large decorative shapes.
    Makeup artist Olga Osadchieva
    Photographer Alexey Osadchiev

    8. Portfolio - the face of a makeup artist. Properly sort your best works into albums and write descriptions. If you are a beginner makeup artist, then the photographs that will make up your first professional portfolio are educational work done during makeup courses or individual lessons with a makeup stylist. The most prestigious makeup courses provide the service of compiling a basic portfolio of educational work, inviting a professional photographer at the end of each practical lesson.

    Update and expand your portfolio. Become a strict judge of what you are going to publish. Instead of posting a series of similar photos of dubious quality for your subscribers to see, choose 1-2 of the best photos and send them to a professional magazine-quality retoucher for professional processing. Add to your portfolio only high-quality work done on attractive, watchable models that you like and admire. Believe me, no one cares what beautiful makeup you did for Baba Klava, but everyone will appreciate your masterpiece performed on the first beauty of the city, even if it was a non-commercial TFP makeup for which you did not receive a penny. On social networks, be sure to tag models in your photos so that their friends can see your work in their news feeds. Ask models to repost from your group.

    Makeup M&M’s or Vanilla chickenpox, work from the course ‘ ’
    Idea, sketch: Olga Osadchieva, student: Irina Buryakovskaya
    Photographer: Alexey Osadchiev
    Jewelry: Yana Lynx
    Retouching: Oksana Gordienko
    Model: Anastasia Shportyak

    9. Create an electronic book of reviews. Ask clients to “drop a few words” about you as a master, their impressions of the makeup you have done. Place screenshots of correspondence in which your clients and partners thank you in your reviews book. Feedback with clients is the consolidation of opinions about your work on a verbal level, the establishment of trusting relationships with future clients!

    10. Don’t forget to congratulate your clients, partners, subscribers on their birthday, New Year, March 8th. Congratulate the brides on their marital anniversaries. Without spam, unobtrusively remind about yourself, then people will more often need your services as a makeup stylist.

    The good thing about working as a makeup artist at a wedding is that your services may be needed for family anniversaries, pregnancy photo shoots, discharge from the maternity hospital...

    11. Start teaching. If you are making progress in your work as a makeup artist, then you have probably already accumulated enough knowledge and skills, secrets and “tricks” that you could teach to those who are interested and need it now! Creating an original course and learning makeup techniques is an important stage in your career growth. You should not wait for a favorable moment when the economic situation in the country improves, when you win all possible titles, medals, diplomas at makeup competitions, when you have the means to open your own luxury makeup studio with a European renovation in the city center. Perhaps, when all this happens, your courses will no longer be relevant, because thousands of other bolder and more confident makeup artists will be ahead of you.

    Conduct an experiment - when doing commercial makeup before a photo shoot, wedding, graduation, or any other holiday, tell the client, among other things, that you have a very interesting course “Makeup for yourself”, in which you could teach her how to use cosmetics correctly, quickly and beautifully perform day and evening makeup yourself. If she likes your services as a makeup artist, then be sure that soon she will want to take the “Makeup for Herself” training from you - the main thing is to convey the information that there is such a service, that it is not difficult to organize, if she has the desire!

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