• What to write to a guy how to take care of him. What to write to a guy to make him feel good. SMS exciting guys and men


    How you want to please your loved one, express your feelings and tender affection. Actions, of course, speak for themselves, but sometimes a person wants to hear just good, After all, in our life sometimes there are so few bright moments. And not everyone likes to flaunt theirs. And in vain! Even representatives of the stronger sex dream of hearing approval or just a cute word that will warm the soul. So what nice words can you think of for a guy to give him a piece of yourself?

    How to get through

    Sometimes girls ask themselves the question of how to “touch” the heart of a dear one? Maybe present a gift or take a bold act? And for some reason, words are given quite a bit of attention. But men, just like ladies, love compliments! Many are ashamed of this, but in their hearts they still expect such manifestations from women. So why not take advantage of this and start talking Just a few words can make a man a reverent attitude towards you. You just need to not be afraid to say what is in your heart. Feel free to sound sentimental, men will always appreciate your impulse.

    Lover or friend?

    You can say nice words to the guy on the most trifling occasion! Say that it is as bright and warm as the sun in the sky! But you can send compliments to both a loved one and a person who just interested you! Fascinating and tender correspondence will be an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better or arrange a real exciting flirtation! If you are embarrassed to say something in the face of a man - write to him! It's much easier to express your deepest feelings this way. Sometimes it is difficult to call a person in public a tiger cub or a brave knight, but creating a romantic SMS and email is not so difficult. Besides, there is always time for a flight of fantasy. Many guys note that they keep such tender and passionate lines from their loved ones for many years.

    Little tricks

    Dear ladies, do not forget that you need to constantly "caress" your beloved verbally. A man is a real warrior, a breadwinner, a winner, and he just needs to hear why he is loved by you! Talk to him more often about his strength and intelligence, emphasize his success and individuality. But you shouldn't forget your appearance either! Well, who will be unpleasant to hear that he is charming, stunning and the most beautiful on Earth? Life is a real struggle, and our men are the main characters in it. Be sure to tell him what you love for, why you gave him your preference. And even if in your words there is a little “saving” lie - it is not forbidden at all! Dear ladies, of course, do not forget to say nice words to the guy in front of his relatives and friends. Men are proud when a woman does not hide, emphasizes his superiority over others.

    Love letter

    The spoken words, they say, live in eternity, but the written lines remain in memory. Do not be too lazy to create pleasant prose or even a small eulogy to your chosen one. Believe me, such "reminders" can kindle passion and tenderness. For example, when a loved one becomes sad, he can always read your creation and plunge into pleasant dreams! And this applies not only to modern technologies: telephone, email or social networks. Sometimes this is inappropriate, a person may be embarrassed if you openly talk about feelings in front of other people (for example, a post on VKontakte).

    Show yourself as a shy and sensual person. Remember that handmade work is always more intimate. Write a letter, you can draw something yourself or paste your photo. What nice words to write to a guy to touch his heart:

    1. Be sure to highlight him being sweet, kind, frank, honest, and noble.
    2. Remember the pleasant moments in life: write how happy you are next to this man, that you love and appreciate every minute alone.
    3. Be sure to assure him of his uniqueness: write that you are faithful only to him, you will never exchange for another person.
    4. It will be great if you come up with some kind of affectionate nickname, the meaning of which will only be clear to you: funny, wonderful, irresistible, incredible.
    5. Try to emphasize his masculinity and sexual victories - men, by virtue of their psychology, are very afraid of rivalry, and it is important for them to know that it is he who is able to give the joy of sexual pleasures to his partner.
    6. You should not, of course, "trick" and be too pretentious, sometimes men perceive this as blatant flattery and stop believing in your sincerity.

    The word works wonders

    Psychologists say that the more often you call a person a word that defines certain qualities, the more actively he tries to correspond to them! So choose your words carefully. There is no need to emphasize the negative aspects, for example, a lazy person or a slothful person, a piggy and a dirty one. A man will simply understand that everything suits you, and strive for nowhere else. What words do a guy like? The phrases "my precious, unique, unique, generous, unique" can spur you to action.

    Considering that it is not accepted to talk about a man's appearance - Try to praise the taste of your chosen one or his wardrobe, and you will see a satisfied smile on his face, and you will also hear gratitude in your address. It is worth learning to communicate in such a way that the person is comfortable and simple with you. And the conversation will surely develop if a person hears pleasant words addressed to him!

    Be original and unobtrusive

    If you want to freshen up your relationship and attract the person, you shouldn't go for a lightning attack. Start writing light wishes or just reminders of what you think about him. A man should be intrigued, wait for a meeting with you and dream of intimacy. And of course, if the lines flow like a “river” all day long, your beloved may just get bored and even angry!

    For example, pleasant words for a guy at night should be gentle and relaxing: wish good night to your hero, beloved boy, consummate lover and the kindest knight. Do not overload him with unnecessary problems, on the contrary, take care of his relaxation. Well, if he is far from you, remind me how much you are waiting for him and dream of seeing your precious little man! If your boyfriend loves to "play naughty", you can send your photo in an interesting outfit, record a song that reminds of a wonderful night of love! In general, it all depends on your imagination, because you are a woman and you must take care that the flame of your love only flares up!

    Dear ladies, give warmth and joy to your chosen ones. They expect words of approval, praise and declaration of love from you. Men are very romantic creatures, although they hide it from us! Try to look into the soul and wake up the sensual and kind knight. Let nice words to your boyfriend become a way for you to express your warm affection for the person. And you will see how your partner changes!

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    How to compliment your beloved boyfriend, man? What can you say pleasant?

    Many people think that words are important only to a woman. And what about men ?! They also have ears, they also have feelings, they also have souls and hearts. For some reason, female representatives notice this less and less often. Some - because it is beneficial to them. Some - because they live by stereotypes. Some - because they believe that men do not need words that make them feel good.

    Men love the word yes. But, unfortunately, not all women understand the importance of this word for men. “Yes” is not only about consenting to intimacy. It is, in addition, a small word that has a lot of meaning.

    Men are pleased to hear: "I want you." And this, alas, is a rarity, a "compliment". Women, as it were, are embarrassed to say such a phrase. Why - they themselves do not know. They assume that they are used to hearing pleasant things more than talking.

    Tell your dear that he is the very best. He will shine with happiness and joy. He will adore you with looks. You will feel it immediately. To be the most - the most radiant - is more pleasant than anything else.

    "I love" is an equally pleasant word. It is, of course, very commonplace. But how much romance is in it! How many, in a word, beautiful and sincere notes! These five letters are letters that kindle the fires of the senses.

    Guys and men are incredibly pleased when a woman talks about their merits. Let, at first glance, she seems to them, a mere trifle. The main thing is attention itself. And attention, as a rule, pleases everyone. Without exception.

    A man is very pleased if he receives words via SMS or the Internet. Any phrase, even a standard one, such as “how are you?”, Will make it clear how warm you are to him. Write to your mobile, in a personal, in the guest room. Write on virtual postcards, in all kinds of chats….

    Can't find what to say? Try to smile. One smile "painted" on your lips can replace thousands of pleasant and affectionate words. Smile - and your man will understand everything by reading invisible words in sparks of smiles.

    If he does, for you, at least something - tell him "thank you, darling." These words are of the utmost importance. It seems that there is nothing special in words. But it only seems to be.

    It's nice when (if), every morning, you will tell him that you love, adding "good morning, honey." Likewise - the evening time of the day. Simply say, "Good night, my beloved." There will be no limit to the pleasantness. If you don't believe it, check it out for yourself.

    Now let's talk about words that not everyone understands. They may, in your opinion, be very affectionate and "pleasantly listenable", but, as they say, not for everybody.

    WITH see the list:



    Tiger cub.

    Nice little one.

    Tiger cub.

    Well, and similar words. You most likely love to be called that. But, there are those girls who are unpleasant to hear words of this kind addressed to them. So it is with men.

    It's nice when you call your own little man by name. Only, by mistake, do not give your beloved another name. Otherwise, it’s a failure. There are different people. Someone will not pay attention, someone will be offended, but will cool down quickly, someone, for a long - a long time, will "dig" to the truth in order to find out the real reason for the "alien" name that you named your soul mate.

    Pleasantly, when, to the address of a dear to you, poems "fly". Not necessarily those that someone else has already composed. Those that you personally come up with are much cooler than someone else. Even in the case when you know that he is trying, with your help, to forget his ex-woman, there are pleasant words that are worth saying, albeit through moral pain:

    I know you think about her again.

    It hurts me to know that this is so.

    But I'm ready to endure all the pain

    If only he was with me…. Just!

    Believe me, I don't need anything

    Except for the notes of your warmth.

    Before you, dear, I am unarmed.

    All my life I've just been waiting for you.

    The best is you. I don’t want another.

    I need it like day or night.

    I beg you: tell me, at least a word.

    Only this, now, will be able to help me.

    Don't be afraid to talk about feelings! They are sincere. To shun sincerity is foolish. You need to strive for it, but, in any way, you shouldn't avoid it. In this world there is one girl who has written many lines in order to leave her feelings on them. But she was so embarrassed to open them that she left it with her. Mom once managed to read something. She was not surprised, as she saw from her daughter that something was wrong with her. Mom, noticing how much her daughter was suffering, decided to help her. She sent a few poems by mail to the right addressee. Result…. Daughter Mashenka and her beloved Kiryushka are dating. They, very soon, have a wedding celebration (their own). They are already planning how it will take place. For the heroic act that her mother did for the sake of her daughter's happiness, Masha loves her much more than before. Mom and daughter, now, are almost the coolest friends. Relationships of this kind are extremely rare. Especially in our time.

    Any words are pleasant to a man, if they are said by women in a good and soft tone. Raise your voice to a man - he loses his temper instantly. But do not be surprised that he himself, sometimes, can raise his voice, not noticing the "rise" of its tonalities. This, unfortunately, is how almost all men are arranged. Whoever did not try to change them - it turned out, only, all "by zero". Advice: never try (don't even try!) To change anything in men. Useless!!!

    Useful - pleasant words are those that are spoken deliberately, soberly. If, a little, you drank - try not to speak loud words. And then, there were so many cases when a girl, getting drunk, answered “yes” to many of the guy's questions, and then, instead of nice words, they had to stop at a choice: either a guy or freedom. Choice is not the easiest of all choices. In general, ideally, not to be driven, but to choose what is simply closer to the heart.

    The heart is a very strong magnet. But I want all your motors to reach out to him, and let's talk about the other halves.

    Let's continue. ... ...

    A bright compliment for him. -

    Often the girls have such a question: what can you write to a guy so that he is pleased, that the words give him pleasure, make a pleasant surprise, for example, in VK. Men, if you look at it, no less than women "love with their ears." And they also want to know what they think of them, they dream of them, they are loved.

    This is important enough for a man at any stage of the relationship. Sometimes girls are also interested in what to write to a guy to hurt him so that he begins to pay more attention to his chosen one.

    Psychology of messages

    Do not think that a few good lines a day will show your loved one that you are completely in his power and are ready to fall at his feet, unless, of course, you send your SMS messages 20 times a day. Such concern is more likely to irritate than give any pleasure. Therefore, when expressing in writing your tender feelings for a guy, the main thing is a sense of proportion. Do not overdo it, because it is only important for you that he smiles after reading your words.

    In addition, the exchange of notes, sms, letters, VK messages and other social networks containing various pleasant words can turn into an interesting addictive game. You will once again begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

    Do not forget, exchanging messages, chatting on bed topics - this can be very pleasant for your boyfriend and make him bored while he is without you. What ways are there to write something nice to a nice guy?

    Social networks

    This is a modern way of communication, which, as well as possible, is suitable for communication between a guy and a girl, if they are already dating, but do not live together yet. Nice cards, words of love, romantic photos - there have been and still are many ways on the Internet to demonstrate your love and say joyful words to your soulmate.

    The only condition is that it is better to write such a personal pleasant message in a private section, and not on a general page, so as not to embarrass all the other participants in the conversation, your subscribers and Vk friends.


    A wonderful way for the older population. Perfect for you if you are both busy and do not have enough time to "chat" in VK. By e-mail, just like Vkontakte, you can send photos and various cute pictures.

    Sometimes these can be quite candid images if your relationship has already reached the appropriate phase. Such messages will spice up your relationship, and your loved one will be very pleased to receive them.

    Regular mail

    For a long time we have not received letters in ordinary paper envelopes, unless the tax office or the pension office will be honored with their attention. But if you think texting a guy to get him interested is your choice. It will be a big pleasant surprise for a guy to receive a letter from you in the mail. It will be a surprise for your beloved, pleasant if you send him a letter by mail.

    In this case, you can pick up the appropriate envelope and decorate it - it will be even more pleasant. In a letter on paper, you can lay out all your feelings for this guy, tell how you love him, how often you think about him and other pleasant words. Tell us how your life has changed, after the appearance of a loved one in it, who decorated it, and so on.

    The advantage of paper writing is that:

    • Firstly, it's very nice, everyone likes such a letter.
    • Secondly, this letter can be saved as material evidence of your love and this period of your relationship.

    And then, when your relationship has already moved into a stable family phase, get him from time to time and remember this height of feelings with a smile of the word.


    SMS messages are the easiest and most frequent way to write pleasant words to your loved one. You can communicate by SMS every day, as in VK. The only wish is that your messages should be short enough. Therefore, the best that you can write to a boy in SMS is short messages like: "love, kiss", "you are the best" and so on. Let it be a little trite, but such words do not have any time frame, statute of limitations and limitations - they are always relevant.

    Through convenient and fast SMS messages, which are now very popular, you can wish each other good morning, and arrange a meeting, and make peace after a quarrel with tender words, and confess your love. Yes, a lot more things are possible! There would be desire and time. But, of course, it is better to communicate in person, through SMS and VK, you should write to your beloved man only when he is far away.

    SMS messages are also convenient because with the help of numerous emoticons, you can convey the whole rich gamut of feelings that you experience when communicating with your beloved.

    If your communication is just beginning to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, you do not need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Better to let him show more initiative at first - this is generally useful for the development of your relationship.

    Guys always want to "move" the relationship themselves. Therefore, the mathematics is this: on its own initiative - only one message. The next - only after his answer, this "rhythm" is liked by every guy. At the beginning of a relationship, it is especially important not to seem intrusive to him. Otherwise, the relationship can end very quickly. And what to write to a guy to answer?

    One could wish good luck before an important meeting or exam, good travel if he is going somewhere, and so on. When you already had a night together, the options for messages to a man can be significantly diversified. In this case, a slightly vulgar tone is already available, if you both like this manner, and various intimate memories, mentions, and so on.

    Message options


    Wishes for good morning, evening, night: "Good morning, beloved / dear / bunny / bear" and so on. Such nice messages are just aimed at making the guy smile.


    During the day, you can write to the boy if you have been dating for a long enough time, reminder messages about how you miss him, want to see him, wait, will not wait for the meeting, and so on - you always like it.

    Apology Messages

    An irreplaceable way if you are guilty of something and now your boyfriend avoids meetings. In the message, you could ask for forgiveness, admit your guilt, promise that such a night / morning / day / evening / deed will not be repeated. Explain to the guy how bad you are without him, how you suffer, what a fool you were, how you ruined everything with your own hands, and so on.

    A sincere apology message can be a bridge that can take you back to your old relationship and even improve it.

    Romantic Messages

    They will always be appropriate, not only at night. You can confess your love, tells the guy that he is the best and the like. Each girl can come up with a lot of options for such messages.

    Messages for the night

    Usually, many couples practice, while not living together, "put" each other to bed with pleasant words before going to bed. You can write such messages in SMS and Vkontat. What phrases should you write to your beloved man before going to bed, so that he is guaranteed to dream at night? You can consider options with these words:

    • “Dear, you are the best man on earth, who is very dear to me. I wish you good night and a good rest, because tomorrow you will need a lot of strength - after all, we will meet tomorrow. Kisses"
    • "My joy, you have a wonderful night ahead. I hope that today in a dream you will see me and I can personally tell you how much I love you."
    • "Darling, I know how you dream of a vacation on a beautiful tropical island. So, I want you to dream about the island you like today. And that I was sure to be there next to you. Good and happy night."

    When you write nice things to the young man, write sincerely. It is not worthwhile to come up with something through force, because in this case any phrase will sound strained and fake. Better to think about what you really love in this person, appreciate and consider good. Be honest about your positive thoughts.

    What to write a nice guy in SMS

    There are not so many characters in SMS messages, so you need to be able to write succinctly and succinctly. You can express all your feelings with a short phrase and an emoticon. Sometimes it’s enough to write “love” or “think of you” to please the guy.

    If you are not dating a man, it is best to choose neutral messages.

    Through telephone messages, you can send wishes of good morning and good night. If the interlocutor has an important task (exam or interview), wish him good luck. Write that you believe in his strength, and he will succeed. The guy will be pleasantly surprised by your wishes, and this will give strength to cope with all the difficulties.

    Send a compliment while working to cheer him up. You can write "I love your strong arms, I want to feel your embrace as soon as possible." Or something intimate, "Miss your sexy ass." With emoticons, you can set the tone of the message so that your mood is clear.

    What to write to a guy on a social network

    It's much easier to express your feelings on the Internet. More characters are placed in the messages, which means that nothing will hold you back. Write him a verse of your own, or find one that suits your mood. You can throw off a quote that reflects your feelings.

    Take advantage of the additional features of social networks. You can leave not only a nice text, but also accompany it with an image or a song that suits the occasion. You can even leave your own drawing with graffiti.

    Write a letter

    If you don't like your own handwriting, you can print the letter on a printer.

    Think about how nice it would be to receive a handwritten letter on a piece of paper. There you can use all your imagination to beautifully design your message. Add a picture of your couple or a kiss mark with lipstick.

    Write an email. You can send to a work address so that in the course of a work routine, a man will receive a reminder of his beloved. He will be pleased to take a break and read your letter. But for corporate mail, do not use too intimate information, because the text may be available to other employees as well.


    School of Yuri Okunev

    Hello dear readers! In order to please your loved one with pleasant words, it is not at all necessary to have a writing or, even more so, poetic talent. After all, you can express thoughts, feelings in the simplest words, and this will not diminish their significance.

    Do you still doubt that you will be able to do it quite beautifully and romantically? Especially for you, I decided to tell you about how to write a truly soulful SMS in your own words to a loved one.

    Good morning wishes

    The day started with a ray of goodness received by SMS from a lady of the heart may not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more joyful. Every day you can come up with new wishes. They can be tied to the tasks and problems your boyfriend has to solve during the day. Or they may simply contain affectionate words designed to support, give a charge of cheerfulness and optimism. So, we start with those very two welcome words, and then the options may be, for example, the following:

    • May a great insight descend on your boss today, and he will finally see how much you do for your company.
    • May you meet at least three good people who will make your day kinder.
    • I wish that today the sore is disappointed in you and proudly leaves, taking with it the temperature, body aches, sore throat and fatigue!
    • This day will be one of the happiest and most successful of the week! Why? Yes, I just want that, and the desire of a woman is the law!
    • I asked the sun bunnies to fly into your window, wake you up and convey from me gentle kisses and good mood. Have they already followed my order?
    • So we became one more day closer to each other. I look forward to your arrival, dear!

    Good night wishes

    Wishes good dreams in SMS to your beloved guy will tune not only for a good sleep, but also for a good awakening and a successful new day. In the same way as in the previous version, you can write about anything. The main thing is to show that the young man is very dear to you, important and necessary.

    • Let the night take with it all the negativity of today, and in the morning you wake up refreshed, joyful, renewed, ready for new achievements.
    • I'm looking at the moon now. Look out the window and look at her too. Do you feel it? Now we are bound by her ghostly light ...
    • 10 more nights of the same kind and we will finally meet! I look forward to this magical moment, my tenderness!
    • You know, now every day I rush to bed in the evening, because dreams are now the only place where we can be close. I dream that they will come true soon!
    • I asked Ole Lukoil to give you fabulous dreams. Dress warmly before going to bed. I made a wish that you were Aladdin and I am Jasmine. It will be cool to fly on a flying carpet at night, so a warm sweater will not hurt.

    Letters that you miss and wait

    Experience shows that a long separation, although it brings a lot of grief, is, however, the test that truly loving couples can do. Therefore, do not despair and just patiently wait for the cherished moment of the meeting!

    They say that not very easy and simple love usually prompts you to write poetry. But if you do not have a craving for this, then feel free to write SMS in prose to your beloved man. It seems to me that it is better to express your feelings in simple words than "iambic pentameter".

    • Today is exactly 2 weeks since you left, but it seems like a whole year has passed. It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're around. And how painfully long it drags on in your absence.
    • It seems to me that it was the separation that allowed us to understand how strong the feelings are. After all, usually a person begins to truly understand and appreciate those things that are inaccessible to him. So it turns out that great wisdom was hidden in our separation. Thank her for that ...
    • I never thought I'd miss the dirty cups you always leave in the sink. By muttering in my sleep and loud songs in my soul. The way your stubble pricks my cheeks. It's amazing how dear you really are to me. Not by their individual positive features, but entirely and completely!

    Wish you bon appetit

    I said that there can be any number of reasons for the message. Why not include this one here. After all, eating is an important part of our daily routine. And so that the food brings more joy, it will not be superfluous to spice it up not only with spices, but also with light feelings.

    • I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for you. Let the porridge give strength, fruit, vital energy, and the cake delight my beloved sweet tooth.
    • Recently I learned that cooked with love does not turn into fat on the belly. So eat with pleasure!
    • Today I added a handful of tenderness and affection to the stew / borscht / pie, seasoned everything with kind words and praises addressed to you, and generously sprinkled it with love on top. I hope you enjoy it ...

    About their hopes, shared future

    Having found her "prince", a woman usually soon begins to think about how she would like to see the relationship over time. She tries on her chosen one first the image of a guy, then a groom, and then she starts to think about how she will write an SMS about love to her husband and father of her children ... If you have been together long enough, and discussing such dreams is not something out of the ordinary then feel free to share your thoughts with your partner.

    • Rather, I look forward to the moment when we begin to live together. I think about the love with which I will cook for you to eat, wait from work, take care of you. It is wonderful to be around all the time, because you are my soul mate!
    • Today I walked home through the park, I met so many couples in love. I sincerely envy them and dream that soon you and I will walk like this on weekends, holding hands. And then, breathing in fresh air, they would go home, have dinner and watch some movie.
    • I love every feature of your face and character. Let our kids take the best from you by all means. A sweet smile, the brightness of green eyes, inner charm and kindness that make everyone around you love you.
    • With your appearance in my life, I really thought about how I want to see my house, my family. Previously, these were only timid youthful dreams, which today take on the features of real adult life, where I myself am a wife and mother. Very exciting, but also pleasant at the same time!

    Just about your feelings

    • Only next to you I feel truly protected, only next to you can I be weak, indecisive, trusting. Therefore, when you are not by my side, it is very hard and sad for me. Let's try our best to be there together.
    • There is the scent of your cologne on the pillow, on the table there is a cup of coffee you have not drunk, and in the bathroom there is a tube of toothpaste that you didn’t twist again. J You know, these little things make me incredibly happy, because they say that I'm not alone! Thank you, dear, that I have you! You are my happiness, my joy and great value!
    • Right now she hugged you tightly, tightly, kissed you tenderly, tenderly! I love!
    • I just want to say that you are very dear to me. Thank you for your care, attention, affection! You are the best man in the world for me! Come soon, my cat and I are waiting for you.
    • I'm sorry I fell for you yesterday. I was wrong! It's not your fault, it's just that I had troubles at work, which completely ruined my mood. Don't be angry ... I love you!
    • I always hated men who tried to call me "their". It seemed to me that by this they infringe on my freedom, they want to appropriate me as some kind of thing. But now I realized that I just didn't love them. Because today the thought that I am YOURS warms my soul!
    • Sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. There were difficulties at work and at home. I know this is no excuse, but still ... Thanks for sending those wonderful flowers! The bouquet is still standing and makes me happy! Let's meet this weekend if you have time. I missed you very much, I want to see you.
    • And I have prepared a little surprise for you ... Come home from work, I'm waiting for you!
    • I baked such a pie for you (you need to attach a photo), it will be waiting for you until dinner. Do not linger, otherwise I will eat everything! Kiss!
    • Thanks for leaving me breakfast honey! It was amazingly tasty and incredibly pleasant! You are the most caring and romantic in the world !!! Have you opened your portfolio yet? If not, then it's time to do it, so that the yummy that I put for you doesn't spoil! You see how everything is mutual with us.

    It will help you better understand how to build a happy relationship with your partner and yourself. Very simple, very feminine, about the most pressing questions, the answers to which often determine the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

    Well, for my part, I am ready to answer any of your questions on the topic of the article. If you have any, feel free to share them in the comments!

    That's all for today. Don't miss out on new publications. The function of subscribing to the news of the site will help you a lot with this. Until next time and all the best! Yours Yuri Okunev.

    There is no creature in the world more insidious than an offended woman. She, armed with all her female weapons, will begin to prepare Barbarossa's plan and eventually win the heart of a man. To make this process go faster, we will tell you about some secrets. For example, how to write a message to a guy to be touched.

    The main advice that can be given to any woman is to be contradictory. Speak straightforwardly, but at the same time sweet and mysterious. Looking at you, a man should ask himself: "So what kind of fruit is this?" Only when a man wants to unravel you can you count on success.

    Write first

    There is no shame in starting a dialogue. However, it shouldn't be intrusive.

    Turn to him by chance with some easy request. For example, if your computer breaks down, ask him for help. Men love to be needed.

    This is just one of the possible options. You can find even more ideas in the article.

    Turn on your sense of humor

    Don't forget to joke. You can make fun of yourself, the main thing is that it is sincere and not evil. Write him a text message and tell him how you fought for the championship on the escalator today. Or report the good news that you finally got your license, and now it's even more unsafe on the roads.

    Show interest in his hobby.

    “I heard you are a CSKA fan. Tell me, why do you like this particular football club? " - one question, and consider that you won his heart. Now he will spend hours talking to you about all the victories of his favorite football club.

    Never text a guy you like, “I'm bored”, “Tell me something,” “Clear” and “Got it." Hearing such a standard set of phrases, a man will lose interest in you once and for all.

    Men are much more vulnerable and receptive than women. If you know the man you want to hurt well, then hit his weak points. If he's jealous, write to him about how you had a great time last weekend. But who you were with, he doesn't need to know. Let him be tormented by conjectures.

    In moments of abuse and breaking dishes, when you leave in tears to your mother, it is best to send a man an SMS with romantic notes at night. “It was so good for us together, you told me that you were ready to die for every tear of mine. What has happened now? " Do not blame the man, but just try to awaken warm memories and feelings in him.

    Never write to a man that you will do anything to yourself. The message from the area "I'll shoot myself and open my veins" is more likely to cause confusion. The man will twist his finger at his temple and run away to hell. After all, you are no longer 16 years old to do stupid things.

    Do not try to make up stories about being pregnant or that after your quarrel, your heart began to ache. Self-pity is not the best solution to a problem. In any situation, try to remain calm, do not get personal and do not use foul language.

    If we are talking about your ex-man, then forget about romance. If you want to write something, write coldly and indifferently. For example: "I was sorting through the wardrobe and found jeans, are they yours?" Attach a photo to the message, it's better even if it's not his jeans. The Way knows there are other men in your house.

    There is an article on this topic on the site. There, however, we are not talking about SMS, but about the whole letter. But you can get some ideas.

    In any case, it is better not to cling to the past, but to let it go once and for all. After all, if you write to a man, he will be flattered by your message anyway. You write, which means that you still think about him. The most proven and effective way to hurt a man is to be happy without him.

    Finally - an easy way to avoid problems

    It happens that now everything is fine in a relationship, and then bang - and something happens: a major conflict, betrayal. And maybe everything will continue to be fine. It is impossible to predict this in advance, no one knows the future.

    In fact, this is not true. All events can be predicted in advance if you can.

    You have probably experienced such that it seems to you that you have already been in this situation. This is called déjà vu. It is possible that you were given a sign from a fragment of your future in a dream. The Universe warns us of future events - good or bad.

    We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Tatiana Panyushkina. She is the leader of schools, seminars and trainings on energy information literacy and personal growth. She taught many girls to predict events in their lives in order to turn the situation in their favor and become happier.

    If interested, this course is available on Tatiana's official website. She usually sells it for money, but we asked her to open free access to our visitors for a while.

    In our world of information technology, virtual communication will not surprise anyone. Sites, blogs, chats, forums - all this has become an integral part of every modern person, especially young people. Sometimes it happens that the “same” guy is very far away - therefore, to acknowledge his feelings, you have to be sophisticated and come up with what to write to your beloved in order to make him understand how important and needed he is.

    Why isn't the guy writing?

    Young people, whom they met recently, do not always show attention at the proper level.

    This can happen due to such factors:

    1. Doesn't consider it necessary
      The guy thinks it's okay. There are people who are not used to writing a lot. They store their emotions for real life. Therefore, he needs to gradually make it clear that you are pleased when he writes.
    2. Carried away by something
      The guy can immerse himself in work. Or he has a hobby. Can go to relatives. Or he is having problems. Therefore, he is in worries. Then you should write to him first. The main thing is not to get bored. Guys love freedom, and any serious encroachment on it is not welcome.
    3. The guy was interested in another girl
      Also a logical explanation. And it is this that first comes into your head when you are jealous. Yes, that explains why the guy is so passive towards you. But in order not to doubt, it is better to ask directly why he does not write. Why cheat yourself and suffer.
    4. Plays at the computer
      Oh, those gamers. They can destroy enemy tanks and aircraft for days. And carried away by the game, they can forget about the most important thing, about love for you. Then you should try very hard and pull this adult child out of virtual life by the ears. Or create your account in the game and bomb it.
    5. The guy is manipulating
      He monitors your reaction. Wants to play feelings. Or he wants to make you jealous. And it checks you how you will react to such inaction. In this case, it is best to write first and ask why he behaves this way.

    Should I write first?

    Harmonious relations between a man and a woman are built in such a way that a woman remains a mystery to a man all the time. A man gets a goal, he gets inspired.

    The man makes every effort, approaches, receives a sweet kiss, but the woman again easily escapes from the embrace, leaving only aroma, purpose and inspiration to her conqueror.

    Important! There is a goal - there is mobilization, there is no goal - then there is no energy either, because doing something just like that, half-heartedly - this is internally incomprehensible for men. When a husband is lying on the couch watching TV, does he have a goal?

    If a girl runs not from a man, but towards him, then at first it can give joy to both. But after a while, the man begins to lose his strength, since he already has nowhere to strive, his inner spring relaxes. There is no need to be more attentive to a woman, since she is already going to a meeting. Of course, a woman in such a relationship also feels unhappy.

    If the girl writes first, then this means that it is she who starts the relationship. It turns out that at the very beginning the initiative does not come from the man. For him, even at an unconscious level, this can be postponed, and lead to all the above-described consequences.

    Therefore, it is better if it is the male half who takes the initiative. Allow yourself to be a woman and a man to conquer you. At the same time, you should not be upset for those women and girls who have a relationship with their loved ones on the initiative of the weaker sex.
    But still, it is up to each girl to decide whether to write to the guy first. The main thing is that before such an action everything is thought out in detail and does not lead to negative consequences.

    How to start a conversation properly

    Virtual communication is the “hobbyhorse” of modern youth. It is gradually replacing the classic acquaintance on the street, in a cafe, in public transport. Of course, now it’s not so scary if they refuse to offer to meet you, because no one has seen you live. That's what's good. Fear is lost, and as a result, many psychological barriers are erased. But there is no need to go beyond reason if you want to continue dating.

    There are several rules for how to start a conversation on the web.

    1. Most importantly, don't be afraid to write to him first. This is not the case when initiative is punishable. Do not forget that guys are the same people, with their own complexes and fears. Most young people will happily respond to a message if they are interested in the message.
    2. You don't have to write too much information at once, from the first time you fell off your bike to your last bad romance. This is a deliberately false step that will scare away a potential gentleman from you. Write a simple and unpretentious phrase, such as: “Hello. How are you?". Men are straightforward creatures and love clarity, clarity, brevity.
    3. Empty chatter strains and irritates them. So, to start communication, one letter is enough. Wait for an answer. If it does not follow, then you should not insist and write: "Where are you?", "Where have you disappeared?", "Why don't you answer?" Don't be too intrusive. After all, the first impression is the most important thing. If you demonstrate a complete lack of pride and pride, then the interlocutor will not be interested in you.
    4. When you receive an answer, in the next message, ask about your interests and hobbies, so that you can use the information received correctly later. After all, guys are very proud, they like it when people are interested in them. In the future, too, there is no need to rush to talk about yourself. Focus on the topic that (as you already found out) the young man will definitely like.
    5. Watch your speech, do not distort your words, do not make stupid mistakes. Nothing repels the interlocutor at the first stages of acquaintance as a complete lack of literacy. Even if the guy himself does not shine with her, show him how smart you are. This will give you a reason to respect you.
    6. Positive plays an important role in any communication, especially with strangers. Who wants to hang out with an eternal whiner? Therefore, tell only good about yourself and share only good news.
    7. Be tactful. There is no need in the first letters to ask about the financial situation of the interlocutor or about his personal life. You are just beginning to get to know each other, and these areas at this stage do not concern you at all. Otherwise, you will get the impression that you unceremoniously climb into someone else's wallet and soul. Your pleasant conversation should remain just a conversation, and not turn into an addiction interrogation.
    8. Try to dispense with tenderness. You don't know the guy well enough yet to come up with the pet names that are so popular among lovers.

    Now that you have already sufficiently consolidated your "position", you can safely proceed to the story about yourself. But it doesn't have to be long and boring. The best way is to simply answer the questions of the interlocutor. Thus, you will create some mystery around your person, and the guy will definitely want to get to know you better, which means that now, most likely, he will be the initiator of further communication.

    How to fall in love by correspondence

    Surely such a thought will cause many objections. Of course, personal communication and direct contact cannot be replaced by anything, including correspondence, but this is not what we are talking about. A correspondence relationship is a completely different kind of relationship, with its own rules, pros and cons, prospects and the most likely endings.

    The reasons this relationship is so popular lie in its benefits, for example:

    1. A guy can himself make up the image of a girl in his imagination. After all, it consists not only of facial features and hair color, but also of many other nuances. Behavior, intonation, gestures, facial expressions - everything that accompanies dialogue in everyday life becomes a figment of the imagination in virtual space.
    2. The guy himself is able to imagine himself as he would like, but perhaps he never managed to be. And for him sometimes it doesn't even matter whether his idea coincides with what his interlocutor "sees". He also draws his image in fantasies, like her. And the feeling that covers him at the same time, he really likes.
    3. Stiffness disappears, complexes, if any, no longer interfere with building a dialogue. No need to blush, be embarrassed, curse awkward silence. You don't need to monitor your emotions and facial expressions either. It is enough just to express thoughts in the text.
    4. The proverb "The word is not a sparrow" is also not very appropriate here. The written text can always be revised, rethought, corrected, looked at from the outside and only then sent to the interlocutor. Therefore, in a correspondence relationship, it is quite rare to regret what is said, unless it was said in anger.
    5. As for anger, irritation and other negative emotions that so often interfere in personal relationships, here it is quite possible to contain them before answering, taking, for example, a short pause. And this is also a clear plus.
    6. Correspondence relations practically do not require any expenses, except for temporary ones. But who will spare the time for pleasure? There is no need to change habits, daily routine, go somewhere, think about your appearance, plan the evening program. Even a real relationship with someone, if any, can not be denied, because they do not interfere with each other.

    And these are not all the advantages. Of course, there are also disadvantages, in particular, correspondence cannot satisfy the need for real sensations from intimacy with a loved one, but after all, it does not bother them. Again, if a girl you know by correspondence turns out to be that very ideal “fairy from dreams”, then you can already think about ways to transfer distant relationships into a different, more real plane.

    For a relationship to start, first of all, the guy needs to be interested. Do not forget that you have only text at your disposal, which means that you do not have to rely on more effective methods given to you by nature.

    When composing your messages, rely on a few helpful tips:

    1. Write competently and clearly
      Excuses like “we are not in the Russian language lesson” are completely inappropriate here, at least if you want to leave a pleasant impression of yourself. There is a separate category of people who are ready to fall in love only for the fact that a person scrupulously places all the commas in a sentence and never gets confused-go-and-go. But seriously, the text full of errors creates a repulsive impression among the overwhelming majority of people. The word is your only weapon, so don't dull it. Write in simple words, but competently.
    2. Use all the possibilities to give the text the necessary intonation
      These are primarily various emoticons, if necessary, explanations in brackets, for example "sarcasm" or "joke". A person reading a message can put the wrong meaning into it, consider it aggressive, arrogant, etc. As a result, a misunderstanding will arise. This probability must always be taken into account.
    3. Don't take too long pauses
      Especially at the very beginning of communication, until you are so used to each other as to correctly understand the meaning of this technique. Otherwise, your interlocutor will become bored and lose interest in such a dialogue. You can allow yourself a pause only if you are sure that interest in you already exists and it is quite stable.
    4. Analyze your messages for their effectiveness
      In other words, the messages should evoke some kind of emotion in the interlocutor. Every effort must be made to make these emotions positive. These include joy, pleasant surprise, interest, flattered pride, tenderness, attraction, gratitude, etc. Avoid texts that cause fatigue, melancholy, irritation, sadness, resentment.
    5. Remember that your messages will be re-read, perhaps more than once.
      Therefore, be careful when touching on serious topics or feelings. Weigh each word so that later in the sentence some wrong meaning is not revealed. Avoid vulgarity and vulgarity. The vulgarity said aloud can be smoothed out, supplanted by other emotions, in the end, forgotten. But written and re-read many times, it will certainly be remembered.
    6. Don't end the dialogue in a hurry
      Always try to choose phrases that emphasize your gentle and warm attitude, so that the dialogue leaves a pleasant aftertaste behind. The person must want to return to him again.

    How to confess your feelings

    The transition from the stage of interest to the stage of dependence, and from it to the stage of falling in love, is easier than establishing a productive dialogue at the very beginning of a relationship.

    A guy who often thinks about a girl, whose image he largely composed for himself, is subconsciously ready to fall in love with her. At first, he is in a hurry to immerse himself in communication with her, then for a long time he scrolls all that has been said in his thoughts, re-experiences the pleasant emotions that he experienced while talking to her, and now he mentally lives in his fantasies, where a girl familiar by correspondence is the main the character.

    Here you need to add passion to your messages. You can prepare a guy for the climax of a relationship with phrases such as:

    • “You have become truly dear to me”;
    • “I cannot understand how I managed to do without communication with you before”;
    • “I noticed that all other events and emotions that exist in real life are not as acute as those that I experience when communicating with you”;
    • “I don’t understand how it happened, but I need you.”

    Be generous with flattery, but serve it gracefully. Say that in your entire life you have never met a person with whom it is so interesting to communicate, who would understand you in such a way.

    Say that it combines all the qualities that you value in men - a sharp mind, tenderness, strong character, integrity, kindness, courage, that you are practically in despair that the man of your dreams is not around - in real life. Hint that your dreams and views are very similar, and if he was there now, you would be happy to help make them come true.

    Important! The hints should be as transparent as possible, since men tend not to understand beautifully veiled thoughts.

    What you shouldn't write to guys

    Often the girls themselves spoil everything. A thoughtless phrase can become a bullet even in the most romantic relationship. To avoid parting and definitely not fall in the eyes of the object of sighing, you must categorically avoid the following phrases:

    1. “What a wonderful car in the photo - is it yours? How much do you earn? Maybe you will give me the same one? " - you don't want to sound too materialistic, do you?
    2. “Who is this girl in the photo? Are you sleeping with her? And with her friend? And that brunette in a leather mini-skirt, the photo with which you posted on Instagram yesterday, is that your sister? " - Manic jealous girls look unattractive in the eyes of normal guys.
    3. “Wow, what a slender handsome man in the photo next to you! Maybe you will write me his number or introduce us somehow by chance? Do you still have beautiful friends? " is perhaps the most unattractive conversation option. Men are very jealous, and you are also asking for acquaintance with strangers. This will hurt the guy's self-esteem very much, and he will take out his anger on you during further communication.
    4. “How about tomorrow come to me with a bottle of wine? I bought myself some new underwear, do you want to check it out? " - you run the risk of being known as an accessible girl. And such men appreciate, but only until the moment of satisfaction of passion.

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