• Secrets of applying self-tanning. But how to properly apply a streak-free self-tanner? Salons and prices


    Gold, bronze or chocolate? What kind of tan do you choose? Even if there are still a few weeks before the vacation, you can turn into a "chocolate bar" right now. The beauty industry offers many remedies for the tanning illusion. Choose one of them, and we will share the secrets of its perfect application.

    If you want a really luxurious skin tone, it takes a little work. The use of self-tanning involves preliminary preparation of the skin and several measures after - to maintain an even color.

    The self-tanning effect occurs 3-6 hours after application of the product, and its durability depends on the individual rate of skin cell renewal and, of course, cosmetic care for it. Usually, artificial pigmentation pleases its owner for 4-7 days, and then the procedure must be repeated.

    On a note!

    For women with fair skin, toners marked with Light are suitable. Owners of olive skin should choose Medium self-tanners, while dark-skinned women should opt for products marked with Dark.

    Take a shower, do a peel

    Shower and mercilessly remove dead skin cells the day before self-tanning. To do this, peel. If you skip this skin preparation step, self-tanning will stain patches of flaky skin and dead skin cells.

    The ideal cosmetic product for peeling is a shower gel with mechanical exfoliating particles. It forms a foam and, due to uniform application, quickly and efficiently works through the most inaccessible areas. But sugar scrubs are best left for later, due to the oil content, they can complicate the application of self-tanning, leaving an invisible film on the skin.

    Remove excess hair

    Self-tanning can only be used on healthy skin. If there are wounds or inflammations on the body, it is better to refuse the procedure. Therefore, you should not shave your legs and other parts of the body immediately before using the product. Even being extremely careful, you can accidentally damage the skin or, after the "splitting" procedure, encounter irritation. Therefore, you need to shave strictly 12 hours before applying the tone. It is most convenient to do this in the shower - immediately after the peeling.

    On a note!

    Experts compare shaving skin to exfoliation. During a beauty session, gliding the razor over moisturized skin is similar to the action of an exfoliant. Therefore, it is not recommended to shave after applying self-tanning products. Unless, of course, you don't want the self-tanner to wash off faster.

    On the day of the procedure, all hygiene measures should be completed 3-4 hours before using a self-tanner. Why is it so important? After taking a warm bath or shower, the pores of the skin become enlarged, tanning spray or lotion can become "trapped", giving darker spots in certain places.

    Say no to makeup

    Before using a self-tanner, be sure to remove makeup from your face. For this, special cosmetic wipes or ordinary micellar water or cleansing milk are suitable. You need to take off your makeup, even if you just powder your face or apply moisturizer in the morning. The skin must be clean "to a squeak", otherwise the tone will lie unevenly.

    Set aside deodorant and antiperspirant

    These products can act as a barrier to tanning applications. If you use them, do not forget to rinse the desired areas of the body before the procedure. Otherwise, the armpit area, for example, may turn out to be lighter than the skin of the body. In addition, the components of the deodorant can react with the auto bronzer, which is also unnecessary.

    Naturally dry areas of the skin tend to be more colored during self-tanning. Elbows, knees and heels absorb more pigment. To prevent them from getting too dark, lubricate them with a protective cream before applying the tinting agent. Do not forget to wait until it is completely absorbed!

    Spread self-tanner over dry skin

    All tanning products should be applied to dry skin of the face and body. Otherwise, the makeup will lie in streaks and spots. If the product is not equipped with a special applicator mitt, purchase one from a store. The accessory guarantees even application and prevents staining of palms and nails.

    If your skin looks too dark after applying self-tanning, stop panic! The product works for several hours, after which the excess is washed off with soap and water. As a result, the skin tone will be different, it will become lighter.

    Do not hurry

    Manufacturers of tinting cosmetics promise that a light tan tint will appear on the skin 3-6 hours after applying the product. But if you want a noticeable shade, wait at least 6-8 hours before showering.

    In the shower, you cannot scrub, rub and wash the skin using scrubbing cosmetics. Regular soap and a medium-hard washcloth will suffice. You can leave the shower when the water flowing from the body becomes completely transparent.

    Moisturize your skin

    To keep golden, bronze or chocolate skin tones lasting longer, don't forget to moisturize. The skin of the face and body needs to be moisturized daily, avoiding products with oils - they contribute to the speedy washing off of toning cosmetics. A light moisturizing milk or fluid lotion is ideal. And, of course, set aside exfoliants for a while.

    Some cosmetics manufacturers advise maintaining the acquired skin tone by using toning cosmetics every 3-4 days. But it must be borne in mind that the quality of the created tone decreases with each procedure.

    The fact is that a spray or lotion applied to previously painted areas of the skin can give an uneven shade, since the tan is washed off faster from some areas of the body, and more slowly from others. It is better to enjoy a high-quality tan for 3-5 days, and then completely wash off the tinting cosmetics and reapply the self-tanner.

    Look for sunscreens that are free of para-aminobenzoic acid, an ingredient that can irritate sensitive skin. Always use UVA and UVB blockers with an SPF of 30 or higher.

    Fragrances, preservatives, stabilizers and other ingredients that companies use to make their products easy to use, easy to apply and absorb quickly can become a source of severe allergies and the appearance of rashes, blisters and burns. If you have sensitive skin, avoid the chemicals avobenzone, octinoxate, and octocrylene.

    Choose decent quality self-tanners

    Although self-tanning is applied exclusively to dry skin, the dyeing procedure requires a lot of water molecules. Therefore, the tan lasts the longest on young, moisturized skin and least of all on dry, aging skin.

    If a self-tanner does not have a complex of moisturizers, it will stain, no matter how carefully it is applied. Therefore, choose quality products, manufacturers of which do not skimp on ingredients.

    Self-tanner spray for face and body moisturizing, Biocon

    Not all girls have the opportunity to bask in the sun for hours to get the desired bronze tan. Due to the presence of contraindications to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, many of them are in constant search of alternative methods. Self-tanning is one option. It allows you to get a gorgeous chocolate shade at home without visiting a solarium and trips to the sea. To achieve results, it is important to learn how to apply the product correctly.

    Self-tanning benefits

    1. The cosmetic product does not leave burns, as when visiting a solarium or sunbathing.
    2. In addition to giving a bronze tint, self-tanning saturates the dermis with moisture, nourishes it, fights premature aging and wrinkles (if applied on the face and neck). Expensive cosmetic products are also designed to effectively combat cellulite.
    3. Self-tanning not only gives the skin a golden hue. It is able to even out defects if, after sunbathing, the body is unevenly tanned.
    4. The tool saves time. It will take 2-3 hours to get a tan using cosmetics, in all other cases you will have to languish under the sun for more than 5 days.
    5. You can get a beautiful swarthy shade in any weather (rain, snow, etc.), when there is no desire to visit the solarium or there is no possibility of a trip to the sea.
    6. The use of self-tanning at home is within the power of an unqualified person. To do this, it is enough to read the recommendations and strictly follow the instructions.
    7. In addition to individual intolerance to the components and the presence of endocrine diseases, self-tanning has practically no contraindications. It can be used by pregnant (not lactating!) Women.
    8. If something does not go according to plan, self-tanning is easily washed off using folk methods. There is also the possibility of eliminating the oversight in the beauty salon.

    Disadvantages of self-tanning

    1. There are many hard-to-reach places on the human body, which seem impossible to process without the participation of a third party. Of course, you will reach the back or the area behind the ears, but you need to distribute the product evenly to eliminate the leopard effect.
    2. The skin is of a different type depending on certain areas. For example, your legs are dry, and your face, on the contrary, is oily. Because of this, a different skin tone is possible and, as a result, unwanted pigmentation is obtained.
    3. Most self-tanners have a distinct unpleasant scent that is hard to miss. For these reasons, the procedure must be carried out in a ventilated area.
    4. The composition applied to the skin leaves marks on bed linen and clothes. After the first 3-5 days, the self-tanner begins to wash off, forming ugly spots.
    5. Depending on the original skin tone, the product does not always give a bronze tint. On the streets of big cities, you can find girls whose skin tone is closer to yellow. It looks ugly and extremely suspicious, indicating certain diseases.

    Self Tanning Instructions

    Before proceeding with direct use, it is necessary to conduct a test for the presence of individual intolerance to the components. To do this, apply a self-tanner to a small area of ​​the skin on the wrist, the top of the foot and the back of the neck, and wait 10 hours. After the lapse of time, evaluate the result: if there is no irritation, itching, redness and inflammation, proceed to the procedure. If you are worried that the top coat will stain after the test, rinse off the tanner with plenty of lemon juice.

    Preparing to use a self-tanner
    A detailed instruction is attached to the self-tanner, where the exposure time and the amount of application of the composition to each part of the body are clearly stated. Study it. Many manufacturers also indicate the order of treatment of zones. There is a certain algorithm for using all available self-tanning products, we will give it below.

    1. To predict more accurately the result after applying a self-tanning product, stop using alpha-acid caring products 10 days before the procedure. Carefully study the "Composition" column, there should be no AHA and AlphaHydroxyAcids components. Such ingredients exclude the possibility of an even and correct shade.
    2. A day before the procedure, rub the skin well with a washcloth and scrub with hard abrasive particles. To prepare the composition, use the following recipe: mix 100 gr. cane sugar with 100 gr. liquid honey, add 30 gr. chopped sea salt and 45 ml. castor oil. Combine the components, treat all areas where the self-tanning will be applied. For the face, choose a gentle peeling.
    3. After exfoliating the keratinized particles, epilate or depilate. In the first case, the procedure must be done one day before using the self-tanning, in the second - 10 hours before. Be careful with depilation, it is necessary to remove excess vegetation according to hair growth, nothing else.
    4. Take a hot bath with lavender salt and essential oil before applying your self-tanner. Wait 3 hours for the body to cool down and the moisture from the upper layers of the dermis to evaporate. Do not use aerosols, body deodorants, or perfume.
    5. You will need 2-3 hours for the procedure. Make sure you have that much time as you need to take your time and follow the instructions carefully to self-tan your skin. In addition to application, it will take time for the tanner to completely absorb and dry.

    Self-tanning application
    Prepare all the necessary materials in advance so that at the last moment you do not run around the apartment in search of the right tools. For a successful procedure, you need rubber or silicone gloves that fit tightly to your hands and follow all contours. It is also worth taking care of hairdressing clips or plastic hair crabs.

    1. Put on gloves, dab some of the product on your hand and rub it in. The procedure always starts with the buttocks. Work your butt and thighs with intense circular motions, slowly going down. The bikini area should not be completely processed; apply the composition only along the line of the underwear.
    2. Pay special attention to the inner surface of the thigh, usually the product does not lie evenly on this area. Do not cover the area under the knees with a thick layer, otherwise the compound will drain into folds and form ugly stripes. For your feet, apply carefully to the area between your toes.
    3. Now go to the back and stomach (up to the chest). From bottom to top, distribute the composition in an even layer, if necessary, seek help from a friend or use a mirror.
    4. From the back, slowly move to the shoulders, carefully treating the armpits. Go to the back of the décolleté, also gently handle the chest and collarbones. In these areas, the remedy is especially noticeable. Self-tanning is applied to the hands from top to bottom along the hair growth.
    5. Clip in your hair to expose the area behind your ears. Put on a medical cap. Work the back of the neck and the area behind the ears, going over the entire neck and face. To cover these areas, you need to use a self-tanner diluted with day cream. Mix them in a 80:20 ratio. Moisten a cosmetic swab in the composition and wipe the skin, distributing the product in a thin layer. Watch the border of the transition of the face to the neck and décolleté, if necessary, blend them with your usual body cream. Do not cover your lips or eye area.
    6. At the end of the procedure, wash your palms with baby soap or shower gel. Clean your nails with a fine-bristled brush.
    7. Do not wear clothes for 2 hours after applying self-tanning, so as not to dye them. It is also not recommended to come into contact with interior items and bedding. You will have to walk around naked for a while, without lying down or sitting down.
    8. After this period, you should not wear light-colored clothes, especially tight ones. The seams will leave streaks on your body, breaking the even tone. Plus, getting self-tanning off your clothes can be tricky.
    9. To avoid staining your skin, avoid bathing or showering for 7 hours after applying the product. Do not be alarmed the next time you arrange water procedures: the water can be colored in a certain color. Thus, the excess of the product that has not been absorbed into the skin goes away.
    10. Do not scrub with a loofah or use scrubs. Cleanse your skin with a mild shower gel that includes a cream. If characteristic spots appear, the tan must be renewed.

    How long does self-tanning last

    Even professional cosmetologists cannot correctly answer the question. As a rule, the duration varies from 2 to 10 days, the effect depends on various factors. If you have previously scrubbed, the result will last longer. But at the same time, the effect depends on how often you used the shower and which remedy you chose.

    Self-tanning is often washed off on contact with sea, chlorinated and fresh water. If, after applying the composition, you regularly use a washcloth, the tan will be washed off much faster, especially if it is applied in 1 layer. For these reasons, it is necessary to carefully choose the product, giving preference to the professional series. Such products can be purchased at a specialized beauty store or directly at a beauty salon.

    How to rinse off self-tanner

    1. Take a hot sea salt bath, then wipe your skin well with a loofah. Next, use a coffee scrub: mix 100 gr. thick with 60 gr. fat sour cream. Rub the skin for 15 minutes.
    2. If the previous remedy did not help, combine 100 gr. chopped sea salt, 70 ml. shampoo or shower gel, add 30 gr. regular body cream. Exfoliate and leave on for 5 minutes.
    3. A regular make-up remover toner or lotion can help wash off the tanning. Apply it evenly to the skin with a cotton pad or hands, rub in circular motions for 10 minutes.
    4. Prepare lemon water. Squeeze out the juice from 2 citrus fruits, dilute it with 100 ml. water. Soak a cosmetic swab in the solution, leave for 15 minutes.

    Use a harsh cane sugar and honey scrub before applying your self-tanner. Epilate / depilate, take a hot bath with essential oils a few hours before the procedure. Apply the composition one by one, starting from the buttocks. Take care of the presence of components for cleaning in case of an unexpected result.

    Video: how to apply self-tanner to avoid stains

    Golden skin tones always look fresh and attractive. Fortunately, you no longer need to wait for summer to get a beautiful tan. With the help of self-tanning, you can maintain a dark skin color all year round - but the choice of auto bronzant should be taken seriously, because it, like any other cream, remains on the skin for a long time. Also, do not forget about the rules for applying self-tanning, so that it looks as natural as possible.

    How to apply self-tanner correctly?

    Auto bronzers come in cream, mousse, lotion, and spray form. Which form of release is right for you is an individual question. Before using the selected product, be sure to do a sensitivity test. Auto bronzers contain many specific substances that can cause irritation and even serious allergies. Also, if this is your first time using a self-tanner, it's best to test the shade first.

    Sometimes self-tanning appears as a bright orange color that looks foreign to the skin. For the test, apply a small amount of the cream to the inside of your forearm and rub in thoroughly. After a few hours, look at the reaction and skin color, and then decide if the remedy is right for you or not. For a perfectly even and natural tan, there are also rules for applying bronzers.

    It is not enough to buy a bronzer - you also need to know how to apply it!

    • Before applying the auto bronzer, it is important to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin so that the product is distributed as evenly as possible. Use a scrub with visible abrasive particles, and after exfoliation, be sure to apply a moisturizing lotion or cream to your skin.
    • If you are the owner of very dry skin, you need to prepare in advance for applying the bronzer, otherwise the tan will become spots. For a few days before the procedure, nourish the skin with oily creams and exfoliate the top layer with a mild scrub.
    • Elbows and knees are two areas that need special attention. The skin in these places is always coarser and coarser. When applying auto bronzer to your skin, lubricate your elbows and knees with a generous layer of oily cream. This will help to distribute the tanning product evenly and prevent dark spots.
    • For self-tanning, it is better to use special gloves, otherwise the palms will be stained and it will be difficult to wash them. If the kit did not include mittens, you can use thin nitrile gloves.
    • Apply auto bronzer to the body quickly, rubbing it thoroughly into the skin. If parts of your body dry out later than others, your tan will appear unevenly.
    • The best way to apply self-tanning is in two stages. The first stage involves applying the product in a thick layer. After tanning has developed, you need to rinse in the shower without detergent, and then reapply the auto bronzer, but in a thinner layer. The result is a rich and uniform golden color.
    • After applying self-tanning, it is best not to wear clothes for an hour, otherwise the fabric may stain.

    Features of applying self-tanning to the face

    Of course, you can use bronzing powder or dark foundation, but for a “bare skin” effect, you should apply a special tanning agent to your face. If you follow our recommendations for applying bronzer, your face will look healthy and rested.

    1. Do not use a body-based self-tanner or general-purpose bronzer on your face. The face care product is completely different in composition: it includes caring ingredients that moisturize the face, prevent pores from clogging and protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
    2. Before applying a self-tanner, thoroughly cleanse your face and apply a gentle exfoliation. Use a tonic and nourishing cream. Apply the auto bronzer to the skin without affecting the area around the eyes - this way you hide bruises and bags under the eyes and make your face look fresher.
    3. Better to apply self-tanning with a soft sponge, with light blotting movements. With this trick, the tanning product will lay in an even layer and be absorbed much faster.

    Remember: auto tanning is healthier than aggressive and aging skin of the sun! But you should not constantly use auto bronzers, otherwise the skin will not be able to breathe and rashes will appear on it. Keep in mind that fake tanning products contain alcohol, which dries out the skin, so if you use a self-tanner for a long time, regularly moisturize your skin with lotions and creams.

    Most girls do not have the opportunity to bask and sunbathe for hours on the beaches so that their skin turns brown. In addition, some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have an allergic reaction to the sun's rays, so they are constantly looking for alternative ways to get a tan.

    The most common solution is self-tanning. Now you don't have to go to the sea to get a chic brown skin color. To achieve the correct result, it is necessary to apply the product correctly.


    Self-tanning has a number of benefits. For example, unlike sunbathing, the procedure is completely safe.

    • If you use a special cream, you can avoid the appearance of unwanted burns and certain kinds of complications.
    • Thanks to the nutritional supplements contained in the self-tanning product, the skin is hydrated and nourished, and it remains youthful for years.
    • A big plus is the alignment of the tone of the surface of the body, sometimes even a natural glow is acquired.
    • With age spots, you can remove the difference in shades of the skin with a tanning agent.

    • With the use of sun creams, a significant part of the time that was previously spent on trips to beauty salons is saved, and the family budget is saved. The skin color changer has a very simple method of application, which is easy to repeat at home.
    • Do not worry about the consequences, including during the period of bearing a child.
    • With self-tanning cream, there is no need to adjust the weather or vacation to go on a seaside vacation.
    • If the product was applied incorrectly, then it is easily removed from the surface of the skin with the help of various folk remedies.


    At the same time, tanning using a special cream has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account before deciding on the procedure.

    • Do not expect the effect to be long lasting. It lasts from several days to a crescent. The duration of artificial tanning depends on several factors: how often you shower, change clothes, use additional cosmetics.
    • A test can also be the application of the cream to all areas of the skin.... It will be quite problematic to cover the entire area of ​​the skin on your own, so you still have to turn to other people for help.

    • Be prepared for the fact that each person has a certain type of skin, and the oily areas on it are unevenly distributed.
    • Respectively the moment the tan disappears will appear differently on each segment of the body... In order for the result to be the best possible, the product must be selected carefully.
    • Don't be intimidated by the strong smell of your tanning product, it is very specific. The cream is not always completely absorbed, so stains on bed linen and clothes are possible.
    • For permanent preservation of the tanning effect, the product is applied systematically, at intervals of several days.

    A prerequisite is that before applying the cream, it is necessary to ventilate the room, thus, the shade will better lie on the surface of the skin.

    Skin preparation

    Before using a sun cream, it is imperative to conduct a test and check how compatible the product is with a certain type of skin, whether there are any allergic reactions. Testing is as follows: a small drop of the substance is applied and rubbed on the wrist, after 10 hours it is necessary to check what kind of reaction has gone.

    Additionally, the creamy substance is applied to a small area of ​​the neck and foot. Pay attention to whether itching occurs, whether there is irritation, redness, or inflammatory foci.

    So that after self-tanning there are no spots left in certain areas of the skin surface, it is enough to rinse with lemon water.

    Study the instructions that come with the tanning cream, it describes in detail how to apply the substance correctly, how long it must be kept on the surface of the body and what needs to be used in the procedure. Some manufacturers indicate in what order the creamy substance should be applied to the skin. Regardless of the content of the instruction, it is recommended to use the following algorithm:

    • If your cosmetic bag contains products containing alpha acids, then about a week before using the self-tanning cream, it is better to stop applying them. In the case of the presence of such ingredients as AHA and AlphaHydroxyAcids, the tan cannot be even.

    • 24 hours before applying the substance to the skin, it is advisable to apply a scrub to clean the surface of the dermis... The surface of the body is well rubbed with a washcloth. To prepare the mask, use the following recipe: 100 gr. cane sugar is added about 100 gr. liquid honey, about 30 grams more is thrown into the mixture. pre-chopped salt and about 45 gr. castor oil. The components are combined, the resulting substance is applied to all areas of the body where tanning is planned. To cleanse your face, choose mostly a gentle exfoliation, as the surface of the skin can be damaged.

    • After the keratinized particles have peeled off, epilation or depilation is performed... In the first case, it is better to carry out the procedure 10 hours before applying the product, in the second - about a day.

    • Before covering the skin with a self-tanning agent, experts advise taking a warm bath with lavender essential oil and salt. Next, you need to wait about 3 hours until the body has completely cooled down. Must go through the process of complete evaporation of liquid from the upper layers of the body surface. It is strictly forbidden to apply all sorts of aerosols or deodorants, as well as the use of perfume, which will allow you to perform an artificial tan without streaks.

    • The procedure takes about 2-3 hours, so you need to allocate a separate time in advance.... You only need to apply self-tanning by following the instructions. Please note that in addition to applying the substance to the skin, it will take additional time to rub in in full and dry the product on the body.

    Home use

    For the procedure, you need to take care of the availability of the necessary materials and tools in advance. First, take gloves made of rubber or silicone, it is desirable that they fit snugly against your hands and do not fly off them. Additionally, you may need a hair crab, regular hairdressing clips, mittens or mittens.

    The product is gradually applied to the palm and then rubbed, it is best to start from the buttocks area. They and the hips are processed with the help of circular movements, gradually it is necessary to go down lower and lower. The bikini area is not processed, the sun cream is applied exclusively along the line of the underwear. Next, the substance is applied to the legs.

    Since the cream does not always apply evenly on the inner thigh area, pay due attention to this point. To avoid unsightly streaks in the knee area, avoid applying too much tanning product at home, as it will drip into one place. Please note that the cream is applied very carefully in the area of ​​the feet, especially between the toes, this is due to the fact that the color is quickly erased during walking.

    Further, the procedure affects the back and abdomen up to the chest area. The composition is distributed evenly from bottom to top, make sure that the layer is even. If such a need arises, it is better to help apply the funds to a friend or make movements against the mirror surface.

    Only after the back has been processed, smoothly move to the armpits. The chest and collarbones must be handled with great care. In the décolleté area, the sunblock will be especially noticeable. Moving on to your hands, remember that the product is applied in smooth movements from top to bottom along the hairline on the surface of the body.

    To free the area behind the ears, it is best to pin the curls with a special clip. If possible, it is advisable to use a medical cap. In turn, the surface of the neck is processed first, and then the areas of the skin behind the ears. Lastly, the substance is applied to the face. It is recommended to mix self-tanning with day cream in a ratio of 4 to 1. The product is distributed using a thin layer, previously applied to a previously prepared tampon. Pay attention to how the border between the face, neck and décolleté looks like. Do not feel sorry for the usual cream that is applied to the body, it is perfect for retouching. Do not cover your lips and eye area.

    After the procedure is completed, the palms should be washed with ordinary baby soap, and if it is not available, shower gel may be suitable, you can also pour ordinary shampoo on your hands. The nails are cleaned with a special brush that has fine bristles.

    If two hours have passed since applying the self-tanning, you can wear clothes, otherwise the clothes may take on paint.

    At first, it is advisable not to wear light-colored clothes, avoid tight-fitting styles. The uniform tone breaks the seams and leaves streaks. Keep in mind that self-tanning is not easy to remove from the fabric.

    Until that time, until about 7 hours have passed, it is not recommended to wash after applying the cream, it is better not to take a shower so that the paint does not wash off. You should also not be afraid that while taking a bath, the water may take on the color of the sunblock, this is completely normal. If the product is not completely absorbed into the skin, then the excess substance simply comes out naturally.

    The use of any scrubs or washcloths is strictly prohibited. It is allowed to cleanse the skin only with a shower gel. When characteristic spots appear, it only means that the tan needs to be renewed.

    Remember that when applying self-tanning, the cream must be applied evenly to the surface of the body, as the tone may be unevenly distributed in the future. It is best to use the substance while lying on a bed or sofa. To achieve a perfect tan, it is imperative that you follow these guidelines.

    How long does it last

    Even a cosmetologist with great experience cannot answer the question of how long a self-tanner can last on a woman's body. The effect of applying the cream depends on several factors at once. The standard period when the dermis keeps its color is from 2 to 10 days. Pre-scrubbing the body gives a better result, since the surface of the skin will absorb the substance better.

    Perhaps you are going to a resort and do not want to arrive there as a "black sheep". Or perhaps you want to give the impression that you have just arrived from vacation. In any case, self-tanning is a useful thing. But it often looks after application as if you played "Indians" and forgot to wash off the orange spots from the skin. the site tells how to achieve an even and beautiful self-tan.

    Self-tanning possibilities

    The main advantage of self-tanning is its absolute harmlessness. You can get a bronze skin tone without running the risk of sunburn or even more serious problems.

    If you do not have the opportunity to bask in the sun, but want to show off a chocolate tan, self-tanning will help you.

    Self-tanning products allow you to adjust the degree of saturation. For example, today you can look like a "mulatto-chocolate", and a week later change your skin tone to a drop of golden, or vice versa. In addition, thanks to him, you can "sunbathe" partially. Sometimes the sun's rays have already gilded the face, and the legs still remain pale. Self-tanning can help even out skin tones on different areas of the body.


    The modern industry offers a huge range of self-tanning products: gels, creams, sprays, lotions, mousses, and so on. Some of them have an additional sunscreen effect, while most of them moisturize, nourish and protect the skin from aging. Sometimes self-tanning products contain reflective particles to achieve perfectly smooth, silky skin. Moisturizing lotions are gaining in popularity, with a gradual effect that develops the tan as you use it. In addition, manufacturers began to offer self-tanners for different skin types - pale, slightly dark and dark. You can always choose the products that are more suitable for your goals and skin tone.

    1. Body & Leg Shine from The Body Shop, 450 rubles.

    2. Spray-self-tanning Microspray for the face from Garnier Amber Soler - 207 rubles.

    3. Phyto-Touche Sun Glow Gel from Sisley - 2,291 p.

    4. Self-tanner for the face Go Bronze Plus For Face SPF 15 - 865 p. and self-tanner for the body Go Bronze Plus For Body - 950 p. by Estee Lauder

    5. Radiant Bronze face and body tinted self-tanner SPF 15 by Clinique - 690 p.

    6. Soleil Identite Perfect Color Self Tanner for the Body by Chanel - 1200 p.

    Cons and difficulties

    The main disadvantages of self-tanning products are instability, complexity of application and specific smell of products. You will have to come to terms with the smell, the disappearing tan is corrected by repeated procedures or the use of decorative bronzers, but the procedure for the correct application can be gradually mastered.

    Follow the basic rules for applying self-tanning products:

    • on the eve of the procedure, cleanse the skin with a scrub or a hard washcloth; on even skin and tan will lie smoother;
    • carry out the procedure in the morning, otherwise the self-tanner may smear at night during sleep;
    • protect your hair, lips, eyebrows and nails, otherwise self-tanning will color them (you can cover them with a layer of greasy cream, and put a shower cap on your head);
    • apply self-tanner to dry, clean skin that should cool down after water procedures;
    • Before applying self-tanning, use a moisturizer to keep the skin even, but be sure to let it soak well for 10-15 minutes;
    • apply self-tanning with sliding circular motions on the body from bottom to top;
    • cover the natural folds of the body, knees and elbows with a very thin layer of self-tanning, and it is better not to touch the armpits at all;
    • you will not be able to handle your back on your own, it is better to ask a friend for help;
    • to avoid the effect of a mask on the face, especially carefully work out the zone of transition from the neck to the chin;
    • make sure your skin tone is the same on different parts of your body - do not forget to apply self-tanning to your temples and ears.

    Some questions and answers about using a self-tanner

    • How to protect your palms while applying self-tanning products?

    The answer is simple: so that the palms you use when applying self-tanning do not darken, you should either wash your hands often during the procedure, or use thin latex gloves.

    • Can I get dressed immediately after applying the product?

    After the procedure, self-tanning can leave marks on clothes for another 2-3 hours, so do not dress or lie down (especially on light surfaces); immediately after the procedure, you can put on an old robe. For the first few days, do not wear white clothes or sleep on snow-white bedding.

    • What if you are not satisfied with the result?

    If the tan is too pale, the whole procedure can be repeated, but not earlier than after 1.5 hours.

    If the boundaries between the self-tanned areas are too harsh, you can blur them with a moisturizer: apply a little of the cream to the desired area and rub lightly.

    If you are not satisfied with the result as a whole, do not be upset. Take a shower with a scrub and scrub your skin with a hard washcloth to remove the tan from your skin. The procedure can be repeated in a few days.

    Contraindications to self-tanning

    • Self-tanning is highly undesirable for allergy sufferers, since the products contain components that can provoke a strong skin reaction. If you still really want to “tan” in this way, do a test: apply a small amount of the product on the skin behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow and trace the skin for 48 hours. If the area turns red, then you cannot use this tool. However, there are also hypoallergenic products, such as Clinique self-tanners. All products from this company are tested for allergies 7200 times, and if even one application results in a reaction during this testing, the product is not available for sale.
    • Do not use a self-tanner if your skin has rashes or pimples, or the irritation will worsen.
    • In no case should you apply self-tanning if you have an exacerbation of herpes, there is a risk of spreading the infection throughout the body.?
    • Self-tanners dry out the skin quite a bit. Do not use them too often, and for dry skin, be sure to combine them with moisturizers.

    Salon tan

    Those who do not want to mess with car bronzers themselves can resort to the salon tanning procedure. Its convenience lies in the speed of application - just a couple of minutes, and you will acquire the desired bronze shade. Before the procedure, you will have a peel and a spray system will ensure an even application of the self-tanner, leaving no stains or streaks. Tanning shades vary: mountain, sea, tropical - according to your taste. In addition, salon products are devoid of the specific smell of cosmetic preparations, which may seem unpleasant to someone.

    Salons and prices:

    Tanning studio "Soleil-Studio"
    Tel. 935 2855
    st. Vavilova St., 97
    Self-tanning with peeling - 1 280 rub.

    SUN-TAN beauty salon
    Tel. 221 1268
    Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 9
    Self-tanning with peeling - 2 100 rubles.

    Beauty boutique "La BelleVie"
    Tel. 959 58 68
    st. Malaya Yakimanka, 3
    Self-tanning with peeling - RUB 1,700

    Text: Elena Kushnir

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