• The second day of the wedding - the holiday continues. Scenario of the second wedding day or to be continued Why the wedding is celebrated for 2 days


    Usually it is quite clearly presented to both young people and their guests. And here the second day of celebrations sometimes raises questions: to be it or not, where and how to conduct it, what should be taken into account when organizing?

    In the old days, wedding celebrations lasted three days, and could drag on for a week. Of particular importance in Ancient Rus attached to the celebrations the day after the wedding.

    Traditionally the day began with a visit by the bride and groom to the bath... They had to take a steam bath by all means with brooms, presented by the young spouse to his betrothed. This ceremony was a kind of general cleansing from the sins of the previous life.

    Then there was a feast, to which relatives and friends of the young were invited. The newly minted wife showed her talents to the groom's family: the ability to cook, spin, embroider... At this time, the guests arranged funny tricks to prevent her from working. The bride gave her handicrafts to the groom's parents. These could be towels, shirts, belts.

    Happy guests often hid the young one, and the groom had to find her. The festivities ended horseback riding and humorous performances.

    What are they doing modern newlyweds? They are not required to follow all the rituals. Some people generally believe that the second day is not needed, and those who still suit it try to spend it in entertainment. The second wedding day is usually celebrated with those closest to you.(usually relatives and friends). You don't have to invite everyone who attended the banquet.

    • A competition with changing clothes and replacing young people is considered traditional, when other people take the places of the newlyweds at the table.
    • Distribution of glasses by the bride in gratitude to the parents of the groom. Guests should take a glass from the tray and leave a coin in return.
    • A treat with pancakes baked by the young. For a pancake, you also need to present with a coin or bill.
    • Planting a tree together is also popular with newlyweds.

    Usually the main gifts to young people are presented on the wedding day... On the second day, they are not required, but if you want to make a pleasant surprise, then it is not forbidden. It can be cute little things, for example, themed T-shirts with the words "husband", "wife", photo collages, a future family album, etc.

    Where to mark?

    There are many options for places to celebrate the second wedding day. The final choice depends on the mood and preferences of the young.


    In summer, this is the most popular option. In good weather, you can go to the country house, to a country hotel, organize a picnic somewhere in the forest or on the shore by the reservoir.


    Houses are a classic option for a small number. You can arrange a holiday in an apartment or in a country house. If, nevertheless, there are many invited, then it is worth renting a cottage.

    In the town

    • You can organize a feast and interesting contests in the cafe... This begs the question: who should pay the bill? If finances allow, then young people can do it. It is also acceptable if the newlyweds take the payment for the drinks or the guests pay their order in full.
    • It will become romantic and quite unusual boat trip... There you can also order a small buffet table and an entertainment program.
    • A trip to another city rather suitable for a small group of friends who love travel.
    • An alternative travel option could be a walk around the hometown... It will be interesting to organize it in the form of a quest.
    • Also suitable for festivities parks and squares.

    In winter

    V winter period it is better to choose active types of entertainment:

    • Slide downhill, for example, on cheesecakes.
    • Visiting the ice rink... "Picnic" ice skating with a thermos and light snacks will be remembered by your friends.
    • Horseback riding in a sleigh. You can arrange a leisurely stroll admiring the suburban landscapes or a fun competition.
    • Snowboard... Brave conquest of snow slopes with friends will give only positive emotions.

    In autumn

    It is worth considering that in the fall celebration options may be limited by weather conditions.

    • In rainy weather, it is better to arrange entertainment indoors: in a cafe, restaurant, country house.
    • On fine days, there are more interesting activities, for example, bike ride.
    • You can organize hiking in the autumn forest... Admiring nature, colorful leaves, mushrooms, berries, sitting around a burning fire - everything will give you an unforgettable experience.
    • Horse ride... You can visit the equestrian club and arrange horseback riding.

    The celebrations are very interesting in the style of Russian folk traditions... You can order a thematic program related specifically to the ancient rituals of the second day of the wedding in the country ethnographic museums.

    Only double

    Tired of the bustle of a solemn day, some newlyweds just want to be alone at last.

    • Take a trip... Many newlyweds fly away immediately after the first day.
    • Arrange romantic evening eg dinner for two.
    • To do nothing, take a break from everything... This option also has a right to exist. You can just lie on the couch, watch your favorite movie or TV series.

    What do you need to consider?

    Celebrating the second day also requires preparation; it should not be spontaneous. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting bored guests, fatigue and disappointment. What should you pay attention to?

    • Choose a person responsible for organizing the event... This could be a close friend, a wedding coordinator, or a host. When ordering a toastmaster, remember that the celebration requires more than an entertainment program: someone must also take care of guests' accommodation and treats. Is a presenter really necessary on this day? If your company has creative friends who are capable of holding fun contests, then you can refuse the services of a presenter.
    • Prepare event scenario and an entertainment program. A variety of options are easy to find on the internet.
    • How do I invite guests? It is not at all necessary to send out new invitations. Information about the upcoming second day can be placed in the invitation dedicated to the wedding, or you can make two invitations at once and present them at the same time. You can use modern means of communication: just call or send a message.
    • Transportation of guests... If a holiday is planned outside the city, then it follows, which will take everyone to the place.
    • Consider a place to celebrate in nature... Bad weather shouldn't take you by surprise. It is better to organize a feast in a gazebo, or a stretched awning, and conduct an entertainment program in the open air.
    • Do you need a photographer? Beautiful staged photos will be taken on the first wedding day, so you can limit yourself to amateur filming with your friends' cameras.
    • Take care of the treat... You can entrust the preparation of dishes to relatives or order ready-made ones.

    Advice! If finances allow, then it is better to order food to give your family an opportunity to relax.

    What to cook? Menu

    After the gala banquet, there will certainly be many untouched dishes, you should not be limited to only the remaining products. In the end, they might just go bad. It is also necessary to think over the menu for the second wedding day. Food should be tasty and satisfying, but light at the same time.

    Too fatty and spicy foods should be avoided. It is better to give preference vegetables, chicken and fish dishes... Drinks should also be light. Need to take care of juices, fruit drinks and water... Suitable as alcoholic beverages dry wine or champagne.

    Advice! You shouldn't buy a lot of strong alcohol. Most likely, the money will be wasted, as few guests after the first day will want to continue the celebration in the same “hot” rhythm.

    Quite possible arrange a themed feast... For example, if young people are going to spend their honeymoon in Italy or Venice, then guests can be offered pasta and pizza traditional for these countries.

    If a holiday is planned in nature, then a classic treat can be kebabs, baked fish, chicken wings, even grilled sausages and sausages... A great addition will be vegetable salads, a variety of canapes and fruits.

    Sample menu for the second day:

    1. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
    2. Light salads with the addition of meat products.
    3. Cold snacks (cheese, fish, vegetables, fruit).
    4. Soups (hodgepodge, okroshka, fish soup).
    5. Hot (potatoes, grilled vegetables with baked meat or fish).

    Should we celebrate the third one?

    Many couples limit themselves to celebrating only their second wedding day. However, if there is a desire and strength to continue the holiday, then why not? Since the first days are usually celebrated with family and close friends, the third day can be dedicate to colleagues and invite them.

    Also, there will always be people who, for some reason, could not get to your celebration. It is quite possible that they will be able to congratulate you on the third day. The holiday in the new company will be completely different than in the first days.

    Video: Do ​​you need a second day?

    Irina Korneva will tell you about the features of celebrating the 2nd wedding day:

    Celebrating a second wedding day is not a spontaneous event. It requires special preparation. Thoroughly think over the venue, entertainment program, menu - then everything will go well and the holiday will be remembered!

    Sometimes such a solemn event as a Wedding is played out not in one day, but in two, because this holiday is very important and needs to be remembered for a long time, and a couple of 24 hours is simply not enough. And so, consider the second day of the Wedding.
    Day two I open
    I continue to celebrate the wedding
    And you guests come running,
    Buy forks, spoons,
    Such is the wedding ceremony
    And even if not everyone is happy with him,
    But if you eat, then please
    Put your coin down!
    (all guests take their seats)
    I see everyone is ready
    And where are the newlyweds ?!
    They won't wake up from yesterday
    What is this for ?!
    You need to call them in chorus,
    And so let's get started,
    Like Santa Claus on New Year's Eve,
    Everyone is waiting for them now!
    And so, newlyweds, come out!
    (the newlyweds enter in the image of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus has a bag with gifts for guests, which they will hand over to everyone who comes)
    (: combs, key chains, towels, soap, etc., with each gift, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden read together a verse that the host will give them, and this gift is given to the first five sitting and so on to everyone 5)

    Father Frost:
    You gave us a lot yesterday,
    And we have not thanked you!
    Snow Maiden:
    So please, accept gifts,
    Deliver joy to yourself!

    1. So that you have cool hairstyles, get combs as a gift!
    2. To make you look clean and beautiful, get a fragrant soap!
    3. So that the keys have a faithful friend, get a stylish keychain!
    4. And here is a friend for tea, you will have a mug as a gift!
    5. So that the smile is snow-white, beautiful, here is our toothpaste for you!
    6. And to you sweet greetings, very tasty sweets!
    7. And for you there is a surplus - notebooks gift books!

    (everyone accepts gifts and applauds)

    Okay already, take off your clothes,
    Let's not pretend
    And take your place
    Better take toasts,
    Your wedding is the second day,
    And this is a dear holiday!
    (the newlyweds change their clothes and sit at the table)

    And so I see everything in place,
    The groom is with his dear bride,
    And this means pouring,
    We fill our glasses!
    For this happiness of the newlyweds to last for centuries,
    We all drink standing up to the bottom!
    (everyone drinks)
    Well, so that you are happy that much (shows a lot with his hands),
    All that remains is to shout "bitter" to me!
    (young kissing, musical break, meal)

    And now we stand in the ranks
    For one funny game!
    The competition is called: "Inexperienced Ruler". Everyone is welcome to participate. We stand in two equal lines one after another, the leader gives out a bottle to each leader. Task: to the music, at the signal of the presenter, the first players squeeze the bottle in their knees, and the next ones in the back must take it in the same way and so we play along the chain, to the last player and back. Whoever has a bottle of the leaders will be ahead of the other, that team wins. Prize: a bottle of mineral water for everyone. In general, the competition is very funny and noisy.

    The competition was held with you,
    And again they came to the table,
    Need to drink again
    Congratulations to newlyweds
    Let's drink to their children
    To make their life healthier and more fun!
    (musical break, meal)
    And now I see a lot of couples
    And something they sat up there,
    Let you all come to me,
    We will be with you at the game!
    The competition is called: "Dancing Dress Up". All interested couples take part, each is given a set of clothes: a woman - a bra and a scarf, a man - family panties and a cap. Task: everyone puts on clothes when slow music sounds, we dance as soon as fast music sounds, change clothes as soon as possible. The couple that does not have time is eliminated. And so on until the fastest pair. Prize: 2 cinema tickets for a comedy.

    So we danced
    And I know for sure, they are not tired,
    But I will give you a break,
    We take each filled glass
    And for (the names of the newlyweds) we drink to the dregs,
    And let the wedding walk!
    (musical break, meal)

    And now I want to ask you
    All young parents to be
    We need to show the newlyweds
    How to swaddle babies!
    The competition is called “Baby in swaddling clothes”. Anyone can take part, then we divide into pairs. The presenter gives each pair several packs of toilet paper. Task: one participant turns into a "baby", the other into a "mother". The one who is the "mother" wraps the other in toilet paper, starting from the head, creating the image of wrapping in a diaper. As soon as everyone has everything ready, with the help of the audience, we determine the winner by the strength of the applause. Prize: small toys dolls.

    We taught the newlyweds to swaddle,
    And now you need the glasses to beat,
    We pour and clink glasses for love
    Let her set fire to the blood of the newlyweds!
    (musical break, meal)

    Let the groovy music sound
    And everyone is in a hurry to dance
    Let's support everyone
    Everybody dance around!
    (dance break of the evening)

    Now, perhaps, let's rest
    Let's move on to beautiful songs
    Dear newlyweds, here and now,
    Alla Pugacheva sings for you!
    (a song-alteration to the tune of Alla Pugacheva "Call me with you" sounds, preferably a man performs, so funnier, the outfit should consist of a wig with long hair of a red hue and a black dress, as well as sunglasses)
    Verse # 1
    So I came to visit today for you,
    To congratulate
    Festive and wedding hour is now for you,
    And you need to praise
    The feelings that were given to you from heaven,
    For vivid family miracles, let the celebration burst!
    I congratulate you, hurray,
    Made their decision
    Let the wedding go
    And let the mood in the sky,
    And today everything is for you
    This feast and these guests
    A waltz plays in my soul
    And there is no envy and evil!
    Verse # 2
    And most importantly, I can wish for you,
    Healthy children
    To hug you together more tightly,
    Loved ones, blood,
    Because without them, the family is not a family,
    And just so and loving,
    You can live forever!
    And call me
    When is your anniversary
    I will sing to you with a bang
    After all, this is a good reason
    In the meantime, I will say one thing,
    So that the wedding does not end
    Pour all the wine
    After all, I tried to perform!

    The song was very good
    And for this I propose to drink wine,
    For the one who spoke, and for the young,
    I wish you all golden joy!
    (musical break, meal)

    And now you can move on to the sweet event,
    I hear the wedding cake arrival,
    But I won't give it to anyone just like that,
    Competition for a piece for everyone!
    (bring in a big wedding cake)

    And so, dear newlyweds, the holiday is only yours and this delicacy is at your disposal! Now I ask you to cut this cake into equal pieces, but still, make four pieces large, I will sell them, give them away for a mini-competition.
    (newlyweds, four pieces are left large)

    And so, four large pieces of cake, these are the four components of a good family life, and this, as you know, is love, health, happiness and respect. And so please, ladies and gentlemen, the first piece of "love", who wants to fight for it?
    (whoever raises his hand first takes part)
    And so for "love", you have to peel my carrots!
    (the host gives the guest a vegetable peeler and carrots, he peels it)
    Everything was very simple, now a piece is yours!
    (the participant takes a piece, everyone applauds him)
    Now I'm waiting for the "health" of the fighter!
    For "health" I ask a little bit, squeeze the chest from the floor!
    (the participant does push-ups as much as he can and solemnly takes his piece)
    Now I ask you to go out for "happiness"!
    (whoever raises his hand first goes out)
    For "happiness" I will ask a little, just smile for the whole country!
    (the participant leaves, and he must smile very broadly and sincerely, then he takes his cake to applause)
    And there was "respect" who will marry him?
    (whoever raises his hand first goes out)
    And to take "respect", you need to say everything magic words from childhood!
    (the participant must say such words as - thank you, please, thank you, excuse me, after that he solemnly takes the cake)

    Well, here are the main pieces played out, now I ask everyone, swoop in, give yourself pleasure!
    (there is a cake meal)

    Now the wedding has come to an end
    Or rather, it has grown into a family,
    Now the groom is the husband and the bride is the wife,
    And this phrase is dear to everyone here!
    Thanks to everyone who came to visit,
    Who danced, sipped wine with us,
    And thanks to the newlyweds for everything
    Everyone felt good on this holiday!
    And now it's time for the young to leave,
    But we must conduct them with dignity,
    I ask you to sprinkle them with petals,
    And throw coins under the legs,
    And don't get tired of claping your hands!
    (the presenter distributes coins and rose petals to everyone, everyone stands in a stream, along which the young solemnly pass)
    (the holiday has come to an end)

    The second day of the wedding is a primordial Russian tradition. And now, when many newlyweds hold themed celebrations, the preparation of the next day remains relevant. A ready-made script for the second wedding day is a great opportunity to use contests and fun tests selected in the mainstream of customs.

    Traditions of the second wedding day

    On the second day, it is customary to invite only relatives and witnesses. Although the number of guests depends on the budget of the wedding. Despite the variety of scenarios, there are unshakable customs that both the toastmaster and the newlyweds adhere to. It:

    • Meeting with guests. Whether the continuation of the banquet will be in a cafe, apartment or outdoors, the ritual of meeting guests must be present. Usually this moment is jokingly played up and offered to hangover for all who came.

    • The bride and groom are already husband and wife. Therefore, they should be the hosts, treat their guests warmly and clean up after them.

    • Wedding pancakes and sale of spoons. Opinions differ as to who should bake the pancakes. According to some customs, it should be the bride, others - the mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Be that as it may, the pancakes should be on the second day. Spoons are sold on the ear either for money or for comic tests.

    • Sor is also a contradictory tradition. The newly-made wife is obliged to remove all the garbage that is thrown by the husband's relatives.

    • The most important feature of the second day is informality and ease of spending. The main semantic load falls on the solemn registration and banquet. The next day, you can relax and just have fun.

    How to spend the second day with a toastmaster

    If the continuation of the wedding feast is planned with the toastmaster, then you can discuss the topic and contests for guests and newlyweds in advance. The scenario suggested below assumes the presence of a host - a toastmaster.

    • Meeting with guests. Before entering a cafe, apartment or picnic area, guests are greeted by gypsies (they can be disguised relatives or witnesses), led by the host.

    Host: “Good health to all guests! How did you sleep? How does the head not hurt? Have you come to congratulate the young? Yes, you were late for something. Here the gypsies were the first to wake up, demanding a hangover, but without company they cannot! To start celebrating, let's give the gypsies what they want - they won't get off! "

    Guests should have a glass of vodka with the gypsies. Of course, disguised witnesses do not have to drink with everyone; they can drink water poured in glasses. But here guests are served glasses with poured vodka. There is also a snack on the tray. With funny gypsy songs, the guests go to the table.

    • After the guests have settled in their places (there are no spoons for the first course on the tables), the husband and wife are invited to the hall.

    The presenter says: “They were the bride and groom yesterday, and now they are young husband and wife! Meet our hospitable hosts - (names the young ones)! " The newlyweds enter, greet all the guests. They are holding spoons for fish soup or any first course. Host: “Dear guests, have you come to taste your ears - so as not to get sick and have a hangover? Buy our spoons, they are for soup and porridge! " Young people themselves choose how to sell spoons. These can be small sums of money for a new family fund. The process of selling spoons takes a long time. After that, the toastmaster invites everyone to eat and rest a little.

    • The master of ceremonies, in order to give time for the newlyweds before a new test, should hold two or three contests with guests. For example, you can include a funny moment "Bogatyrs" - several men are selected. Helmets on their heads and swords are given to them, and they are seated on chairs with their backs in front. For a certain amount of time, they must ride the allotted distance on chairs to music. A small prize for the best.
    • After the newlyweds have rested and ate, the ritual of selling pancakes from the mother-in-law begins. Toastmaster: “Our mother-in-law did not sleep at night, she baked fresh pancakes for everyone. Only they are not simple, but magical! Whoever eats a pancake will never be alone! Whoever dips the pancake into the jam will be surprisingly happy to everyone! Whoever eats a pancake with sour cream - besides, money will fall unexpectedly! " Guests must pay for the pancakes to the family fund. After the last pancake is sold, the plate they were on is broken by the mother-in-law for luck. The bride is given a broom, she collects the pieces.
    • At the end of the second day, the young people thank all the guests and give gifts. Host: “It's time for the young to say thank you to everyone! The young wife prepared gifts for her mother-in-law and father-in-law - as a token of gratitude for her wonderful husband. And our yesterday's groom is ready to please his mother-in-law and father-in-law with his gifts! "

    To be continued without toastmaster

    Since the second day of the wedding does not require such an officialdom as the first, you can lead it yourself, without spending the family budget on a toastmaster. The finished script is a sequence of actions of young people and witnesses. You can connect relatives - brothers and sisters to the implementation of your plans.

    • Meeting guests - doctor Pokhmelkin and nurse Nalyvaykina. Guests are greeted at the entrance by a dressed-up doctor and nurse. Doctor: “How is your health, dear guests? Does your head hurt? To get to the table, you have to be healthy. Let me see and examine you! " They carry out a comic inspection with tools prepared in advance, quickly so as not to detain guests. And they offer alcoholic drinks poured into glasses or beakers as a medicine.
    • The guests pass to the table and see that in the place of the young the mummers and the bride are sitting. When a husband and wife come in, they are surprised and ask to give them their seats.

    Costumed: “We are your bride and groom! We are real! " The bride asks the false bride to answer a few questions about the groom. For example, a birthday, as he was affectionately called in the family, is his hobby. The false bride answers out of place.

    In the old days in Russia, mummers were certainly present at the wedding, who tried to make the guests laugh. These can be friends and relatives of the young people. According to custom, the mummers on the second day of the wedding organize fun games and contests, raise money for a young family, give the newlyweds funny letters, diplomas, etc.

    Scenario of the second wedding day with mummers

    The second day of the wedding usually begins with a welcome to the guests, when the mummers charge them a small entrance fee or “sell” them cutlery. At the same time, spoons and forks are not placed on the tables, and guests will be forced to buy them.

    The mummers greet those who have come to the holiday:
    - Hey, dear guests, hurry up,
    Hurry up to take your places as soon as possible.
    You will have to buy spoons from us.

    - You can pay with a bell,
    And you can portray something funny.

    The invitees are also offered to buy the best seats at the table - next to the newlyweds and their parents. There should be a box for money on the table with the inscription "Helping Young People".

    Right there, according to the program on the second day of the wedding, there is a disguised doctor or even a whole team of doctors with nurses. The temperature of each incoming person is measured with a huge cardboard thermometer. All "patients" with a temperature below 40 degrees are offered to raise it - to drink a glass.

    First nurse:
    - Well, dear guests, how did you sleep? Do you see double in your eyes? Can I drink some vodica for you?
    Second nurse:
    - Go to the doctors for an examination! They will heal you quickly.

    According to this scenario, on the second day of the wedding, the masked doctors bring the guests to the table where Dr. Nalivaiko and Sutrapyan are sitting.

    The doctors:
    - What are we complaining about, patients? What did you use yesterday? What did you eat yesterday? Let's fill out the medical history and we will prescribe treatment.

    They examine "patients" and prescribe medications.
    - Good afternoon, fun hour!
    How are you feeling?
    Clearly, we slept badly at night,
    They stood up with a heavy head.
    The stomach is not all right
    And all night long heels hurt.
    Everything is clear to us without words,
    Take some medicine.

    On the packaging of the tinctures they offer, it is written: "The world's best opohmelin", "Beer of a noble bottling", "Healing infusion of Dr. Vinny - champagne".

    One of the doctors offers the "sick" treatment with "song therapy": "To drunkenness - fight, if you drink - sing!" The second doctor begins to be indignant that the first doctor is not real, and suggests calling the police.

    Soon a policeman appears and invites the "intruder" guests to blow into a balloon. Finding alcoholic vapors, the policeman takes a bribe, which guests put in a box with the inscription "Cashier".

    What else do the mummers suit on the second wedding day?

    Then the guests are invited to the festive table. It turns out that in the place of the newlyweds, the mummers are sitting. Usually a friend of the groom dresses up in the dress of the bride, and the bridesmaid in the suit of the groom. It looks very funny, especially if the "bride" with a mustache and beard is brightly colored.

    After that, according to this comic scenario of the second day of the wedding, one of the guests declares that the newlyweds have been replaced, and invites the masked policeman to investigate the situation.

    He begins to draw up a protocol and turns to the parents of the newlyweds:
    - Are these your children?
    - No, of course, ours - these! - the parents answer and point to the real newlyweds who are sitting next to them.

    But then the mummers "newlyweds" rise from their seats and begin to hug and kiss the parents of the newlyweds.

    Then the policeman invites the imaginary newlyweds to sing and dance to prove that they are real. Those perform ditties:

    We need a drink for the wedding,
    And not one at a time,
    So that the young live together
    Until the wedding is golden!

    Here is fun from the heart -
    Drink and eat, walk, dance!
    Just be more vigilant
    Suddenly someone will marry.

    Table, wine and pickles -
    You didn't come here for nothing.
    Do not spare a pretty penny
    For a boy and a girl.

    And now we shout "bitterly!"
    And ask us to pour!
    We sang so many ditties -
    You need to wet your throat!

    While they are singing, the real newlyweds take their places at the wedding table. In the course of the scenario of the second day of the wedding, the mummers of the newlyweds admit that they are not real, and turn to the guests.

    - Try not to confuse doors with windows, a bride with his wife, a neighbor's shoulder with a pillow; place under the table - with a sofa.

    Then the mummers say that it is forbidden here:

    • wink at the bride;
    • scratching your fists on your neighbor;
    • decorate salads with your face;
    • gather under the table in the amount of more than three;
    • drink when everyone is singing and sing when everyone is drinking.
    • Carry your wife in your arms, and she will sit on your neck herself.
    • You need to help your spouse on March 8, and on other days do everything yourself.
    • When going somewhere with your wife, do not look to the left, as you may not notice that she is looking to the right.
    • Becoming a father, teach your baby to say the word "mother" so that he does not disturb his father's sleep.
    • Then the mummers admonish the young wife:
    • If your husband comes home late, give him the opportunity to tell what you have known for a long time.
    • Never argue with your husband, but start crying right away.
    • In financial matters, observe justice, and grant the honorable right to earn money to your husband, and take the difficult task of spending it on yourself.
    • Take care of your spouse's nervous system and never tell him the true cost of purchases.

    Competitions with mummers on the second wedding day

    Finally, fun contests begin. Pink and blue balloons are inflated, guests line up in two chains. They must pass their ball through the relay without touching it with their hands. The last man has to burst it without using his hands. Whose team will complete the task faster, the child of this gender is expected to be born first to a young couple.

    The mummers, taking the pink and blue sliders "for a girl" and "for a boy", collect money, sweets and fruits from the guests. Depending on which sliders are filled with more, the presenter will announce the baby of which gender will be the first to be born in the family.

    The program of the second day of the wedding will be continued by toasts to the young, which the mummers raise:
    - That's all - looped!
    It's too late to lament
    It used to be "trawl-wali"
    Now, seriously!
    Laughter and tears in half
    Lodge, kisses and lunch
    And such, say, prose,
    How, what to divide the budget into.
    Be happy guys!
    What else can I tell you here?
    For a silver wedding
    Don't forget to call us!

    - What should be the ideal marriage? An exemplary wife will never reprimand her husband for oversalted eggs, and an exemplary husband will always pretend not to notice that his wife is hammering a nail. So let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete mutual understanding of our happy newlyweds!

    - After the introduction of Prohibition, there are more divorces in the world, because many men first looked at their wives with sober eyes. So let’s drink to our groom always being drunk without wine from his beautiful wife. Bitterly!

    And at the end of the celebration of the second day of the wedding, the mummers give the young wife a certificate for a thousand kisses of their spouse, a certificate for the husband for the right to give gifts to his wife and declare his love every day, etc.

    Unfortunately or fortunately, but our people would never think to get into a car with tied tin cans in the midst of a wedding and drive off on a honeymoon trip.

    The second day of the wedding - the continuation of the wedding fun

    Our Slavic soul requires the continuation of the banquet, so after a little rest from the stormy festivities, yesterday's guests begin to catch up on the "second part of the Marlezon ballet."

    As a rule, the closest friends and relatives gather on the second day of the wedding. The bride wears the outfit she has prepared for her second wedding day. The groom can be in yesterday's suit, but without a tie.

    Second wedding day: contests continue

    On the second day of the wedding, the number of contests should increase.

    Wedding contests on the second day: housework

    Main theme: young as a hostess, and young, respectively, as a master.

    The newly-made husband and wife can compete in peeling potatoes (who will peel more or who will cut a longer strip from the peel), in cleaning up garbage that guests will throw on the floor, in sewing on buttons, etc.

    Wedding contests on the second day: the topic of heirs

    An inexhaustible topic for - future heirs. Whoever swaddles the doll baby faster, put on a diaper, undershirts with sliders, etc.

    The following scene looks very funny: the husband sits down on a chair, he is hidden behind a special screen with holes, into one of them the young sticks his head in a cap, into the others - his hands, on which they put on sliders with booties.

    The young wife sits down behind her husband's back and sticks out her hands through the holes in the screen - it turns out such a toddler with a big head. The "kid" is asked to eat himself, comb his hair, blow his nose, etc. This is where the fun begins: the wife does not see where her husband's mouth is and gets into the nose, then into the ear. All this action causes Homeric laughter and fun.

    Bast shoes for a wedding competition - Boy or girl

    "Boy or Girl" is another competition related to children, which at the same time will slightly replenish the family budget. For this, guests are offered to vote "with money" by choosing either a pink plate for banknotes or a blue one. At the end, the proceeds are calculated and announced who is expected to be the firstborn.

    Second wedding day: scenario examples

    There are a lot of different cool scenarios for the second wedding day. It all depends on your desire and imagination. You can take something into service and remake it for yourself, as a result you will receive an original unbroken script.

    It would be very nice to spend the second wedding day not just according to some scenario with a set of contests and toasts, but to choose one or two topics and stick to them.

    Second wedding day scenario: fake bride and groom and kidnapping

    One man from the invitees disguises himself as a bride, and a woman as a groom. They take the place of the young at the table. And at this time, the guests go home to the newlyweds. There they are looking for a newly-made young woman for a long time, conducting an investigation with attesting witnesses, identikits, investigators, protocols, etc.

    Finally, after a long search, the young woman is found and the solemn procession goes to a banquet, where the bride and groom find the intruders in their rightful places. After much persuasion, the place of the young is bought out from the mummers, but all evening they strive to take it again.

    Second wedding day scenario: gypsies, doctors, customs

    The leitmotif of this scenario is the treatment of hangover with vodka and other alcoholic beverages, as well as an attempt to reproduce ancient customs.

    Gypsies (guests who woke up first and stood guard over the drink) take money for entry. There is also a doctor or even a whole team of sexy nurses. The temperature of each incoming person is measured with a huge cardboard thermometer. All patients with a temperature below 40 degrees are offered to immediately raise it - to drink a glass.

    Cheerful gypsies greet guests on the second day of the wedding

    Wedding traditions on the second wedding day

    Sell ​​a glass of happiness to the young

    When everyone gathers at the table, the young woman presents her husband's parents and relatives, thanks them for his good upbringing. Then the young go around all the guests with a tray, offering to drink a glass, and for this they have to put money on the tray. All relatives kiss, dancing begins.

    Wedding loaf: the fight for the leader

    Then the young are offered, which they break, and the owner of the larger piece is considered the future leader in the family.

    Pancakes at the wedding sell

    Delicious pancakes that any bride should be able to bake

    What to do with the mother-in-law at the wedding?

    Another tradition for the mother-in-law is spoon-feeding the son-in-law. In fact, everything should be the other way around: according to an old tradition, the son-in-law must wash his mother-in-law's feet and change her shoes into new shoes, which he himself must first buy.

    After such an exchange of pleasantries, the son-in-law puts his mother-in-law and father-in-law in a wheelbarrow and rolls them along the most bouncy paths to the river. The godparents are driving back in the wheelbarrow, and the parents are walking.

    Sell ​​okroshka to guests

    For such “bullying” of parents, when the guests return to the table, the bride will refuse to feed them for free. "Want okroshka, buy spoons from me!" That's it - the guests will have to fork out!

    Offended, but well-fed guests, begin the course of a young fighter for the bride: they force her to pour water from a bucket into a bucket with a cup, peel vegetables for a while. In general, they command as they want.

    Plant a tree at a wedding

    On this day, the young plant their first tree. If possible, then near your home. If the newlyweds are city dwellers, the seedling can be planted in a beautiful pot and then brought to the apartment.

    How to name your parents after the wedding

    On this day, the parents of the bride and groom can be awarded medals and certificates with their new titles. And young people can ask permission to call new parents “mom” and “dad”.

    A candle at a wedding as a symbol of the hearth

    At the end of the evening, the guests stand in a circle and the oldest member of the family lights a candle. This symbol of the family hearth is passed on to the parents of the young wife, then to the parents of the young husband, and then to the newlyweds. Young people go out to the center of the circle and dance with a lit candle very carefully and carefully, trying not to extinguish it.

    Newlyweds light a candle at the wedding

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