• Congratulations on Police Day - official words in prose from the governor and the chief of police. How to congratulate a police officer on a holiday - funny poems and funny sms. Police Day Congratulations on the Police Day holiday


    Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Russian Police Day! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. May working days be safe, reliable - the shoulder of a partner, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

    Happy Russian Police Day. I wish you faithful and safe service, high and easy career ladder, bright stars on shoulder straps and shining rays of glory, successful fight against crime and strong friendship with good luck.

    Happy Russian Police Day. I wish you always to have a bright mind, incredible strength, brilliant wit, great intuition, strong character and undoubted professionalism. Good luck and success in your service, as well as health, patience and personal well-being.

    I congratulate you on the Russian Police Day! I wish you complete order in your personal life and respect in society, fair decisions, strong relationships and more reliable connections. Let health not fade away, only grow stronger over the years, and the heart will always prompt the right choice in difficult moments. Special blessings and prosperity to you.

    Our dear policemen, your work is dangerous, difficult, but very important for each of us. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you health, good luck, prosperity, patience and energy with all my heart. May your work be appreciated, your career develops, and at home they are always welcome and loved.

    Happy Russian Police Day. I wish you a peaceful sky and faithful service, safe work and easy work, great honor and dignity, courage of the soul and courage of the heart, personal happiness and comfort in the family.

    I congratulate the wonderful people who stand guard over law and order, who monitor the strict observance of the law and justice, who guard the peace of law-abiding citizens and are a threat to criminals. Happy Russian police day! I wish you calm working days. I wish you never to lose moral and physical strength, in any difficult situation to maintain composure, self-control and to show miracles of deduction and not hefty ingenuity. Good luck in all directions, wherever you direct the course of your life.

    Happy professional holiday, Russian Police Day! Let the good triumph, the evil tremble, the sadness will leave, the days will be filled with meaning, and life finds ways to improve. I wish the service to be filled with gratitude and respect. Strength, courage, health, minimal risks, increased benefits!

    Happy Russian Police Day. I wish you respect and recognition, demand and success, prudence and caution, courage and courage. May every day shine with glory, like stars on epaulets, may every moment of life be filled with inspiration, luck, happiness and love!

    Today I really want to congratulate those who are responsible for our safety and calm, peaceful life every day - our wonderful police! I wish that not a single criminal would go unpunished, all tangled cases were easily solved, the work was in full swing, and faithful partners and friends were always there!

    All In verse In prose SMS

    Policeman, with you we are always calm
    Our homes and cities are safe.
    The silence of peaceful streets and distant roads
    You save from troubles and unexpected worries!

    Happy police day, today we congratulate you,
    Years rush quickly, rushing fate,
    Be firm and strong, worthy of the epaulettes,
    Protect our order, peace and law!

    Your appearance is strict and stern
    Carries self-confidence
    You get up again every day
    For us in a responsible fight!

    And against many currents
    The seething river of life
    Go straight, no doubt
    Only by clenching stubborn fists!

    Sometimes, working in two shifts,
    You protect our home
    Good luck, policemen,
    Gives you support in everything!

    Happy Police Day! I wish you to proudly and faithfully carry your title, honestly and devotedly serve for the good of people. May your work be appreciated and rewarded. I wish you to reach unreal heights at work and in life, and conquer more than one unattainable peak.

    Your service is not jam
    And certainly not honey.
    Let at least congratulations
    Will bring a drop of sweetness.

    I wish the boss
    At the planning meetings he only praised!
    Personal gratitude
    Today announced a holiday!

    Fulfillment of all desires!
    Let the good news await
    Police rank growth
    Together with the official salary!

    Let the nerves be steel!
    Defeat all the villains!
    So that the country can medal
    And reward with money!

    I wish you calm weekdays
    And the rustle of bills in my hand
    Let work be paradise
    Where everything comes light!

    Let the routine not ruin
    And the heart sings joyfully
    Let friends delight and love
    And idly honors the people!

    I wish, my friend policeman, that you have big stars on your shoulder straps. So that all criminals are exposed and, under your careful guidance, take the right path. Confidence in your abilities and always bring the work started to the end.

    Police today by all the people,
    Greetings and loud congratulations.
    So that over your happy sky,
    The sun has always shone, we wish.

    Let me also wish
    More heroic health.
    Increase your wealth all the time
    And to live, of course, as long as possible.

    All the cops are in law today
    Celebrate this celebration loudly.
    Thanks, honor and glory to you,
    May the days be happy most.

    I wish you strength, patience and health,
    Well-being, prosperity to homes.
    Let the family hearth burn with love,
    Success accompanies any business.

    Let security surrounds by the minute,
    When you keep order and peace.
    I sincerely congratulate you again,
    Let your century be like a golden one.

    November 10 is one of the most significant holidays in the modern history of our country - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies (formerly called the Day of the Soviet Militia, now it is the Day of the Police).

    At the height of the October Revolution, the Soviet Republic faces an acute problem of protecting citizens from a criminal element. The creation of militarized workers' squads is becoming more relevant and logical than ever. Thousands of volunteers are replenishing these new-style militia units. The enthusiasm with which they take to work will soon help curb the bandit outrage.

    history of the holiday

    The origins of the holiday are rooted in the very thick of the October events. On November 10, 1917, Rykov, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, signed a decree "On the workers' militia". This date becomes the actual birthday of the police, but is not officially celebrated in any way until 1962, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet transfers the informal date to the rank of a professional holiday of the police. And only since 1980, the Police Day acquires the status of a public holiday.

    For many years the holiday was called "Police Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday has become obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." The old and beloved holiday got its modern name on October 13, 2011. This is due to the reform of the police and its transformation into the police, which took place at the beginning of the same year.

    For many years, one of the gifts for this professional holiday has been a large gala concert on television. Also on this day, many solemn and memorable events are held, when not only honoring distinguished employees, but also congratulating veterans - former police officers and honoring the memory of those killed in the line of duty.

    Happy police day, friends
    I want to congratulate you!
    I wish you inspiration
    Strength, courage and luck!

    And the tasks are not very difficult,
    Executable, possible!
    Let the limit rise
    Case solving!

    Fighting and serious-faced,
    You are good at dangerous work,
    Happy your day - Valiant Police Day
    We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
    May God grant you luck, health, fortitude,
    Understanding and love in the family,
    So that there are as few sorrows as possible,
    Evil and crime on earth.

    We once sang about you
    Very true words
    Your service is indeed
    Both dangerous and difficult.
    You are soldiers of order
    Exalted since October.
    Although not everything in the work is smooth,
    But it’s impossible without you.
    We count the day of the police
    A common holiday of the country.
    Congratulations to you -
    The Fatherland needs you.

    Happy Police Day!

    Today we heartily congratulate
    Those who keep order in society,
    Those who know firsthand about trouble
    And at night he does not sleep at his post.
    May there be more in the life of the world
    May there be more kindness
    And the police have more
    In the hard life of their love!

    Honesty, loyalty and courage
    We are celebrating today.
    Let's not forget your glory,
    Your benefit to the country.
    Let the banners fly
    And the victorious march thunders -
    Everyone celebrates today
    The police holiday is yours.

    Police Day - Poems and Wishes

    Police Day is a special holiday -
    Day of all keepers, guardians of the country.
    Those who strictly observe all laws,
    Those who have both the right and the truth to "you".

    Catching criminals, guarding life,
    Saving peace and quiet in the country.
    The better the police do their duty,
    The easier and more joyful it is to live on Earth!

    Nice employee of the internal affairs!
    You are impeccably honest and courageous
    Our support, protection forever,
    A wise, always worthy person!

    We select words of congratulations
    So grateful for your work without laziness,
    Happiness, good luck, less work -
    Let the worries be pleasant only!

    Congratulations on the Police Day holiday

    These people are our pride.
    Our rest is in their hands.
    Keeping the will firm
    Devotion and honor in hearts

    They serve proudly, boldly,
    Every day and every hour.
    They have troubles at gunpoint
    So congratulate them now!

    On Police Day, we wish
    Don't lose your fortitude
    To do everything superbly,
    It is evil to conquer persistently!

    Police day today
    Celebrated by the whole country!
    Your service to the state
    Necessarily important!
    Happy Holidays!

    Let's remember together today
    Those whose work is synonymous with honor.
    Who is not looking for an easy life,
    Shines with courage, dexterity,

    Who keeps the peace of the people
    From sunset to sunrise.
    Happy Police Day,
    We honor and glorify your honest work!

    On police day I want to wish you
    To bring joy to the service.
    Never give in to enemies -
    This is your pride, your strength!
    Protect your honor always
    Guardian of the law, conductor of order,
    Let the trouble do not touch you,
    Let life be joyful and sweet!

    Congratulations on the day of the district police officer

    At any time of the day or night
    You are in a hurry to help people
    Do you remember the importance of authority
    You will always solve the problem!

    I wish you, district, -
    Sometimes you are not needed more -
    To an intelligent assistant
    You stayed for the people!

    Happy Police Day! Wait!
    This holiday has come to us!
    Undoubtedly all heroes
    He congratulated and found!

    Congratulations to all involved
    Generals, privates!
    We wish you success
    And more days off!

    And we also wish you
    Happiness, joy, kindness,
    So that the envy of all the villains
    Never grow old!

    Congratulations on the day of the police officer

    From stray bullets and from deception
    May the Lord save
    Serve faithfully, without flaw -
    Let the Fatherland lead you!

    I wish on police day
    Fatherland to the best sons,
    To live honestly, prospering,
    Let fear be unknown to you!

    Your work is hard, we all know
    Congratulations on police day.
    We wish you to work without losses,
    Let Fortune knock on your door.

    You have no courage at all,
    We will wish well-being to everyone.
    To your families of kindness and tender warmth,
    So that your life is only good.

    Birthday greetings to the police

    It's not easy being a police officer
    Everyone in the world knows about it,
    Milk is needed for harm
    Giving and premium in an envelope.

    And if there is no milk,
    Well, fate means this.
    Let the hand still not tremble,
    Spilling another drink.

    You are on police day now
    Raise the glasses together.
    The thugs will even understand you
    And you celebrate your holiday.

    On Police Day, we praise in love,
    Gathering a feast here,
    General, sergeant, we have you
    For hard but righteous work!
    With you there is calmness, silence,
    Let the lads only embrace the path of struggle,
    You will protect mothers from punks
    From rapists - our girls;
    Establish order in the country
    Know a lot about victories over the mafia! ..
    Be loved and happy completely
    Doing your duty before us !!!

    Congratulations to your loved one on Police Day

    Always on guard, my hero!
    This is not the first time you fight!
    With bosses, with life, with a mess ...
    But don't just fight with me!
    I can always understand you
    I always want to hug you.
    Today I will say lovingly:
    "Darling, happy holiday to you!"

    Are you at work late
    You catch bandits every day.
    And I'm sitting all alone
    And there is a shadow on the face of sadness.

    I want a police day
    Arrest you herself.
    My dear I am not joking
    And you should know about it.

    I'll take you to me
    And without steel handcuffs.
    I want to prove to you:
    Your holiday is only for the two of us.

    And there will be dinner, conversation,
    I congratulate you on loving ...
    In short, listen to the verdict:
    I will give you - myself.

    Despite the fact that the police have long been called the police in a new way, the professional holiday of all Russian law enforcement officers - the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer - is still celebrated on November 10. On the eve of this celebration of congratulations on Police Day, I welcome hundreds of thousands of brave and valiant men and women across the country. These courageous individuals are greeted by government officials, federal executives, regional and local police chiefs and other dignitaries. At events on the occasion of the holiday, respectful lines in prose are heard, in which the heroes of the occasion are thanked for order and tranquility on the streets of Russian cities. Family members honor their loved ones and relatives with pleasant words and kind, sincere wishes for health, happiness and well-being. Colleagues partners delight each other with funny jokes, funny quatrains, humorous SMS-ka and funny pictures, from which everyone's mood rises and the desire to "serve and protect" arises with redoubled enthusiasm.

    Congratulations to the Police Day - official words from the Governor and Chief of Police

    Official congratulations on the Day of the Police Officer on the eve of the holiday are spoken to the personnel by high-ranking officials: the governor, the head of the regional police department, federal and municipal officials, deputies and public figures. Festive phrases sound succinct, respectful, solid and express the great pride that leaders feel for their brave, sincere and responsible subordinates. The beautiful words about valor, honor, dignity and mutual assistance are usually combined with the wishes of good health and longevity, fortitude, vitality and enthusiasm that does not pass away. Indeed, without these wonderful qualities, it is simply impossible to completely surrender to work and do it not for show, but at the highest level.

    Employees of the internal affairs bodies, you deserve the loudest praise, good health, loyal friends, loving loved ones, awards from the state and gratitude from all citizens, whose peace of mind you keep and whom you protect from evil! Happy professional date to you! Celebrate, enjoy life, love, take a break from difficult everyday life and be happy!

    Today I would like to congratulate the police officers on their professional holiday. It is thanks to each of you that our streets are safe, and at night you can sleep soundly and peacefully. The work of a policeman is no less important than that of a doctor or teacher. Therefore, on a professional day, we wish you joyful work and a happy life.

    On the Day of Russian Militia, we congratulate everyone on the holiday! We are grateful to each employee of the RF Internal Affairs Department for honest service, for a responsible, prompt and professional approach to business, for a lightning-fast response in providing assistance and support to everyone who needs protection! Happiness to all your families, achievements of valiant deeds, success and courage!

    Congratulations in prose on the Day of the Police Officer

    In prose, on the Day of Police Officers, relatives and friends congratulate respectable acquaintances of men and women with extensive service in the internal affairs bodies. For them, weighty, respectful words are selected about valor, strength of character, dedication, professionalism and the enormous responsibility that lies on the shoulders of these people. The police officers are sincerely grateful for the peace of mind on the streets that their service provides, and asked to remain as honest, courageous, incorruptible and selflessly committed to the fight against crime. Inspirational speeches are complemented with wishes for a lightning-fast reaction, wisdom in life, patience and courage in a difficult, but so important for society, work, and, of course, successful career growth and new stars on the shoulder straps.

    The police, the police, whatever you call it, you still always remain the keepers of order. I wish that in your life there was order in everything: with health, with finances, in business and in your personal life. Happy professional holiday to you!

    Congratulations on the Day of Russian Police, and I want to leave my wishes for fortitude and iron restraint, calmness and balance. May health not fail, may the power of thought help to find a solution in the most difficult moments, may life be filled with happiness and fun, may justice and goodness reign in the world.

    Congratulations on the Day of the police officer! I wish you less extreme and dangers in your profession and more health and success in life. Let the stars, fulfilling the most cherished desires, fall from heaven right on your shoulder straps.

    Congratulations on Police Day - new cool poems

    With joking and funny poems, they congratulate good friends, colleagues at work and just acquaintances who are directly related to law enforcement and internal affairs bodies on Police Day. Very close friends with a progressive sense of humor are greeted with new rhymed works, with a touch of piquant sarcasm describing the daily vicissitudes of police-police life.

    For colleagues, they select cheerful and optimistic poetic phrases about friendship, devotion to duty, loyalty, mutual assistance and honor. Poems are recited aloud during corporate events and cozy get-togethers on the occasion of the holiday directly in the department, they are written on posters and thematic postcards designed for the festive decoration of the work space, or posted on their pages in social networks. Optimistic lines heighten the feeling of joy and set everyone up in a cheerful and slightly frivolous mood. And what else is needed on the day of such a wonderful professional holiday ?!

    Happy police day, friends,
    Congratulations to you today!
    And I'm loud today
    I wish you wealth
    Wish you now
    To live valiantly and gloriously
    Every day and every hour
    Shoulder straps to wear with pride!

    I wish to be in good condition
    Today is the Day of Police!
    So you're in the police now ...
    Accept congratulations from your friends!
    I wish you to be always healthy
    Honest, noble and ready
    Keep order day and night
    And overcome all adversity!

    By prints, by fluff -
    The villain's portrait is ready!
    The fairy of experts is Kibrit,
    We wish you happiness for many years!
    To serve the cause forever
    Law enforcement sharp mind!
    Be healthy, cheerful and brave,
    Friends of devices and sciences!

    Congratulations on the Police Day - quatrains for SMS messages

    SMS messages with congratulatory quatrains on the occasion of Police Day are sent to all police officers you know who cannot be greeted in person. Courageous and courageous men and women who are on duty on a holiday, childishly rejoice at the pleasant words that suddenly flashed on the phone display. From the simplest and shortest, but very sincere and touching lines, the soul becomes warmer and brighter. There is a strong feeling that those around them highly value this difficult, but very unnoticeable at first glance, service, and, in spite of everything, feel great gratitude to the guards who daily and nightly protect the peace and prosperity of cities, regional centers and villages of an immense country.

    In order for the SMS to turn out more sincere and heartfelt, a few words are added to the poetic lines personally from myself. It is quite appropriate here to wish a law enforcement officer a quick solution to the most complicated cases, a favorable attitude from his superiors, loyal friends and reliable partners, strong nerves, health, family happiness and rapid career advancement. Every policeman, regardless of gender, age and rank, will read such sincere and warm phrases written by close people, relatives and acquaintances on the day of his professional holiday.

    It's good that there is someone in the world who can protect,
    Who is always ready to take on your problems,
    Happy Police Day today, I congratulate you,
    And I wish that the problems leave us forever.

    Personal happiness, love and good luck,
    And hear "thank you very much" more often,
    Happy Police Day to you!
    Health, success, luck to you.

    How to fight crime is a seemingly eternal question,
    People have been discussing this topic for many years seriously,
    But for you, the struggle for happiness is a vocation and destiny,
    Happy Police Day today, I congratulate you, friends!

    Happy Police Day - pictures and cards

    The most pleasant and kind congratulations on Police Day for colleagues, friends and acquaintances must be reinforced with colorful and bright postcards with pictures. There are no special requirements for the image, but it is desirable that it, nevertheless, be associated with the theme of the holiday. Of course, if you want to write a few warm phrases on a postcard with flowers, no one can forbid you. But postcards that directly relate to a professional celebration will delight law enforcement officers much more than any other storyline.

    For respected acquaintances and colleagues, senior in rank, they choose catchy, spectacular, but at the same time solid and serious images. State and departmental attributes, loud headlines and a strict tint palette are appropriate here.

    The lady policemen are presented with postcards with less strict plots. Young employees who have just recently entered the service of the authorities, partners and very close friends are presented with funny pictures showing the features of the difficult police service with good humor. Such manifestations of attention to each other make the relationship in the team warmer and create an optimistic, festive atmosphere around.

    Congratulations to your beloved man on Police Day - cool and short

    As a congratulation on Police Day for a beloved man or spouse, very touching, warm and gentle phrases in prose, supported by several lines of a cool poem, are quite suitable. At home, you should not say too pretentious phrases. All these words your beloved former policeman, and now a policeman, have already heard from the authorities at official events timed to coincide with the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies. It's better to just thank your loved one for their loyalty and dedication to their work, tell them how proud you are of them and how desperate you feel when they leave for a mission. A simple, frank speech will demonstrate your love and will surely touch the harsh heart of a servant of the law. And a short cool quatrain, recited aloud, written on a postcard with a thematic picture or sent as an SMS to a phone number, will give the moment a special soulfulness and charge the hero of the occasion with joy and optimism.

    You walk every day, in shape,
    And you are doing your duty.
    So that everyone without worries
    I could walk the streets calmly.
    Police you are our pride
    And on the day of your profession,
    Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart ...
    And wish you happy and peaceful days!

    Happy police day my dear
    My beloved defender, dear!
    It is an honor to celebrate your holiday
    I want to wish you -
    Always be the same brave
    The best and most skillful.
    For me, you are my hero.
    Beloved husband, dear!

    Your service is like a song
    And dangerous and difficult
    And my fate is in the evening
    Wait at the window.
    Happy Police Day
    I am you, my beloved husband,
    Let foreclosures and bullets
    Always fly by
    You stand guard for people
    And in the frost and in the summer heat,
    The main thing is alive, healthy
    Come back home.

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