• What products can be applied to the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy? What to apply to the stomach for stretch marks? Causes of scars. Using oils The best way to smear the stomach for stretch marks


    One of the fears that women experience during pregnancy is the fear of losing their former beauty and attractiveness. One of the causes of concern for expectant mothers is stretch marks on the body: stomach, chest, hips and buttocks. Stretch marks (striae) are scars or stripes on the skin that appear in places where it is severely stretched, for example, due to rapid weight gain. Expectant mothers can notice the first signs of the appearance of stretch marks in the form of pink stripes already in the 1st trimester, when the tummy begins to grow and round. How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, and what methods are there to combat them if they have already appeared?

    The appearance of stretch marks is associated with tension in the upper layer of the epidermis of the skin, which becomes thinner, resulting in micro-tears of collagen fibers. Striae on the body look like scars or hems of a reddish or purple hue due to the blood vessels being visible through them. Over time, if no measures are taken to combat them, the scars become white and rough to the touch. Stretch marks during pregnancy usually appear on the tummy, since the skin of the abdomen is most susceptible to stretching due to the rapid enlargement of the uterus. They also affect the delicate skin of the breasts, which during pregnancy increases significantly in size, as well as the hips and buttocks as a result of weight gain.

    Stretch marks during pregnancy, photo

    Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy

    Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

    It is worth noting that skin tension is not the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body of expectant mothers. In addition, in pregnant women, due to hormonal changes in the body, the elasticity and hydration of the skin decreases, and the skin becomes more susceptible to trauma and microdamage during tension. Due to the rapid change in progesterone levels, the production of collagen in skin cells, which is responsible for their firmness and elasticity, decreases.

    Another significant cause of stretch marks during pregnancy is genetic predisposition. In most cases, if the mother or grandmother had this cosmetic defect while carrying a child, then there is a high probability that you will have them during pregnancy. At the same time, gaining excess weight or belly size will not matter. There have been cases of stretch marks appearing in thin women with a small belly and their complete absence after the birth of a baby in a woman with a very large belly.

    The following factors also influence stretch marks during pregnancy:

    • poor nutrition, excess body weight with rapid weight gain;
    • insufficient physical activity;
    • with metabolic disorders (diabetes or obesity);
    • if a woman has polyhydramnios, as well as a large fetus, multiple pregnancy. The abdominal muscles do not have time to adapt to the rapidly growing tummy;
    • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
    • smoking causes oxygen starvation of skin cells, which slows down the production of collagen and elastin;
    • Women of a more mature age are predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks, since with age the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

    Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy: how to prevent their appearance

    Unfortunately, there are no methods and means, other than surgery, that would completely get rid of stretch marks. Therefore, it is so important to follow preventive measures and prevent the likelihood of their appearance on the body.

    Nutritional adjustments for stretch marks during pregnancy

    Controlling the weight you gain during pregnancy is very important to prevent stretch marks. Doctors do not recommend gaining more than 10-11 kg throughout pregnancy, and this recommendation must be followed. It should be remembered that the faster your weight increases, the greater the likelihood of unsightly stripes appearing on your body. Don’t eat for two, as many caring mothers and loving grandmothers advise, do light physical activity and review your diet in favor of a healthy diet.

    1. A pregnant woman should change her diet and include a large amount of protein foods. It is the protein that is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin production in skin cells. Protein is found in white poultry meat: turkey, chicken.
    2. Eat fatty fish, such as salmon and trout, which are rich not only in protein, but also in omega acids, which are responsible for skin elasticity.
    3. To increase skin elasticity, fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices rich in vitamin C, as well as vegetables in combination with vegetable oil: olive, sesame, corn, are useful. Include nuts, legumes, and whole grains in your diet; they contain B vitamins and vitamin E.
    4. In addition, it is important to drink enough liquid, since it is the moisture that the skin lacks. The only thing that pregnant women need to control is the amount of fluid consumed, especially in the 3rd trimester, to avoid swelling.
    5. If you want to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, limit your consumption of sugar and flour.
    6. You can’t do without fermented milk products rich in calcium.

    Cosmetic and natural remedies for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

    It is very important to start using cosmetics and natural products to prevent the appearance of stretch marks from the very first days of a long-awaited pregnancy, or even better, before it. The most effective natural remedy is olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, which is applied daily to moisturized skin, paying special attention to areas prone to stretch marks: the tummy, chest and thighs. You can add liquid vitamin E to it, thereby increasing the effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin with beneficial vitamins.

    In addition to olive oil, you can use almond or peach oil. Before applying oil to the skin, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub to remove the top layer of skin and activate the processes of its renewal and production of collagen fibers, thanks to which the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Peeling can be prepared from natural products that you have at home. The main requirement for natural peeling is the absence of large particles, so as not to injure delicate skin. Excellent peeling – scrub based on natural coffee beans. Coffee beans must be ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with sour cream or any vegetable oil. A coffee scrub will wonderfully cleanse your skin and prepare it for more effective oil application. Coffee can be replaced with sugar or salt (just not coarsely ground).

    To prevent stretch marks, you can make a homemade preventive stretch mark cream. To make it, you will need about a glass of sour cream, low-fat yogurt, to which 1 tablespoon of oil (olive, almond, peach) and grated lemon zest are added. Rub homemade cream into damp skin after showering.

    Contrast shower is an excellent way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

    Everyone knows the benefits of a contrast shower for the skin - its elasticity increases. Changing the water temperature from comfortable to cold within 30 seconds strengthens the skin, stimulates cell function, and gives it elasticity. It is effective to combine a contrast shower with a massage with a rough washcloth or a special hard body brush. Before using a contrast shower, consult a gynecologist, because this procedure is only allowed during a normal pregnancy.

    Bandage and prenatal bra for stretch marks during pregnancy

    An excellent preventive remedy for stretch marks on the abdomen is wearing special supportive underwear or a bandage in the form of a belt for pregnant women, starting from the 22nd week of pregnancy, when the tummy noticeably increases in size. Their main function is to prevent sagging skin on the abdomen, maintain its tone and elasticity.
    The same function is performed by a prenatal bra with wide straps without wires, which provides support for expanding mammary glands.

    Do not forget about light gymnastics and physical exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone in problem areas. If the muscles are well stretched, the likelihood of stretch marks appearing on the body is significantly reduced. Do simple exercises for your buttocks, thighs and legs. There are special classes for pregnant women, with a minimal but very effective load on the muscles: yoga, water aerobics, fitball exercises, swimming.

    How to remove stretch marks if they have already appeared: methods of struggle

    Unfortunately, after the birth of the baby, stretch marks that appeared during pregnancy do not disappear completely. Over time, they become paler, but are clearly visible on the skin, especially after sunbathing. When exposed to UV rays, the skin tans and white scars become clearly visible. To remove fresh stretch marks and make them less noticeable, you need to use special corrective stretch mark creams that contain active ingredients that promote skin regeneration and restoration of epidermal cells in places where stretch marks appear. Remedies against stretch marks during pregnancy will help the skin recover.

    You can use creams and ointments starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy, rubbing them into problem areas, combining them with self-massage. Anti-stretch marks products intended for expectant mothers usually contain natural ingredients and active substances approved for pregnant women. But, do not forget about individual intolerance to any substance included in the cream. Before applying the product, you should definitely check it for an allergic reaction. Apply a little cream to the inside of your arm and leave for 20 minutes. If the skin is not red, you can safely use this cream for stretch marks on the body.

    How to apply to stretch marks during pregnancy?

    Among the most popular and effective corrective products against stretch marks intended for expectant mothers, the following innovative care products can be distinguished:

    1. Avent– one of the best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy, which has only positive reviews. Its rich vitamin composition, including minerals, amino acids, natural extracts and oils, restores and regenerates the skin. The cream has a pleasant citrus aroma and can be used for massage.
    2. Clarins Stretch Mark Control– a natural cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, stimulating protein synthesis and cell regeneration. It contains extracts of essential and natural vegetable oils, dropsy berry extract, and Asian centella - components that moisturize and nourish the dermis. The visibility of scars is visually reduced.
    3. Pregnacare cream– the cream contains natural ingredients that nourish the epidermis and accelerate cell division. Calendula and soy glycine remove toxins. The cream stimulates collagen production and actively removes stretch marks, preventing their reappearance.
    4. Mama Comfort– a cosmetic series of effective and inexpensive products to combat stretch marks. Suitable for sensitive skin, the creams in this series nourish the skin and protect it from breakouts.
    5. Mustella– a cream with a double effect, its action is aimed at both correcting stretch marks and preventing their reappearance. Contains natural ingredients (shea butter, avocado oil) that nourish the dermis.

    In addition to cosmetic care products that can be purchased at cosmetic stores, you can use pharmaceutical ointments to treat scars and scars to combat stretch marks.

    1. Mederma– a gel that contains onion extract has virtually no contraindications and is approved for expectant mothers.
    2. Contractubex ointment. Heparin is an active substance that is part of the ointment, an effective remedy for eliminating raised scars and scars.
    3. Gel Phytolastil– fights well against fresh and mature scars, the course of treatment is up to 2 months.

    How to make your own anti-stretch mark cream

    Homemade creams made from natural ingredients are an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics; in very rare cases, allergic reactions occur to them.

    • Cream with mummy.

    Mumiyo is a mountain resin mined in the mountains of Asia, which has healing properties to heal wounds, regenerate tissue, and resolve scars. You can buy mumiyo at a pharmacy. To prepare the cream you will need 2-3 grams of mountain resin, it must be dissolved in water (1 tsp) and mixed with any baby cream. The first effect of use can be seen within a week; it is not recommended during lactation.

    • Natural remedy for stretch marks with aloe.

    To prepare homemade cream, you need to squeeze out 0.5 cups of aloe juice; you can twist the leaf through a meat grinder or finely chop it, and then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add 0.5 cups of olive oil, 15 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A to aloe juice and stir. Apply the product once a day, store in the refrigerator.

    • Fruit peeling.

    Take natural yogurt, add lemon zest and 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil. Apply the product to problem areas for 20 minutes, and then rinse off under a warm shower. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin with cream or body lotion.

    • White clay peeling.

    To make the peeling you will need an avocado, beat its pulp in a blender, add wheat germ oil, 3 tbsp white clay, 1 tbsp. l olive oil. Apply the product to the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    • Essential oils.

    Essential oils work well in the fight against stretch marks:

    • Jojoba oil gives skin elasticity;
    • Rosewood oil resolves scars and visibly tightens the skin;
    • almond oil – provides skin elasticity and increases its tone;
    • Grape seed oil, having regenerating properties, heals scars and increases elasticity.

    Exercise against stretch marks during pregnancy

    To give the skin elasticity and firmness, pregnant women should not forget about physical exercise, unless it is contraindicated for them. Stretching and exercise on a fitball will strengthen the muscles of the abs, hips and back, and increase muscle tone. All types of activities related to water are useful: swimming, exercises in water. In addition to physical activity, water promotes firmness and elasticity of the skin. Do the exercises after the baby is born.

    Cosmetic procedures for stretch marks

    If stretch marks cannot be avoided during pregnancy, after the baby is born, you can have them removed at a beauty salon that offers services to eliminate unwanted scars on the body. You may be offered procedures such as:

    1. Mesotherapy. To remove stretch marks, a drug is injected into the middle layer of the skin (directly into the dermis), the action of which is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. The epidermis is restored and stretch marks disappear or become almost invisible.
    2. Chemical peeling. With the help of active components, old layers of skin are peeled. Collagen production is stimulated. The skin becomes elastic and restored.
    3. Laser resurfacing. The laser beam removes old damaged skin cells and stimulates the growth of new smooth epidermal cells. Laser resurfacing is prohibited during lactation; after the procedure, you cannot sunbathe on the beach or visit a solarium for about six months.
    4. Abdominoplasty. Stretch marks can be permanently removed through surgery. Abdominoplasty will help get rid of deep stretch marks on visible areas of the body, tighten the skin and restore its beauty.

    Which method of dealing with stretch marks to choose depends on the expectant mother. It should be remembered that it is easier to prevent their occurrence than to later get rid of a non-aesthetic skin defect. Striae in pregnant women is not a disease, but a natural phenomenon. When they appear, do not worry or panic, use our advice and always be beautiful!

    Stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy are the fate of not only overweight and sedentary women, but also slender, quite athletic ones. There are a number of reasons that cause the appearance of stretch marks (the official medical name for stretch marks), so a similar phenomenon can affect every expectant mother. Medicine has long learned to deal with the problem; you just need to choose the right means and follow all the doctors’ recommendations.

    Read in this article

    Causes of stretch marks during pregnancy

    • Hereditary predisposition. If your mother and grandmother had stretch marks during pregnancy, then you can expect the same in your daughter/granddaughter with a 99% probability. And this is not due to any changes at the DNA level, but to the characteristics of the skin. It is noteworthy that this reason, if known, allows a woman to take preventive measures and reduce the likelihood of stretch marks appearing significantly.
    • Hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, this is inevitable - the level of progesterone becomes as high as possible, which is necessary to preserve the fetus in the body of the uterus. But at the same time, the amount of collagen produced by the body is significantly reduced, and the result will be inelastic skin - stretching without pathological changes is impossible.
    • Excessive stretching of the skin. The areas most susceptible to this problem are the breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The appearance of stretch marks in this case is very easy to explain: the epidermis becomes thinner, the fiber underneath is torn, which causes the formation of microdamages (not painful, not noticeable, but they are there).
    • Over time, such areas of torn fiber are replaced by connective tissue - at first, the stretch marks have a reddish tint, fade over time and, under certain conditions, can become almost invisible.

    Doctors assure that even if all three reasons are present, but there are no provoking factors, they may “not work.” And the following can serve as a “push” to the formation of stretch marks:

    • diagnosed diabetes mellitus of any type;
    • excessive amount of excess weight;
    • weakness of abdominal muscle tissue;
    • existing stretch marks on the abdomen and mammary glands;
    • pregnancy with 2 or more fetuses;
    • the fruit is too large;
    • polyhydramnios during pregnancy.

    The best folk recipes for ugly stripes on the stomach

    During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to carry out any hardware cosmetic procedures or use medications without a special prescription from a gynecologist. But stretch marks can and should be dealt with even during the period of bearing a child, because later it will be much more difficult to do so. An excellent option would be folk remedies that are safe for both the woman and the unborn child.

    Shilajit cream

    Experts recommend purchasing mumiyo in bags for preparing the cream, rather than in tablets. There is no need to prepare the product for future use - 3 teaspoons of cream and the appropriate dosage of mountain resin are enough, this amount is enough for 3 days of use. You need to store the mummy cream in the refrigerator, but you should absolutely not freeze it.

    Dandelion cream scrub

    You will need 100 g of dandelion leaves. You can take it fresh, you can use dry plant materials, but in this case 50 g is enough. Add 1 fleshy aloe leaf to them and beat everything in a blender. Next, add coarse oatmeal to the resulting mass, 1 teaspoon at a time, and bring the mixture to a pasty state.

    The finished cream scrub is used 2 times a day. It is applied in circular and stroking movements to areas with stretch marks (already existing, just beginning to appear) and left for 10 minutes. The final stage is to rinse off the product with warm water, dry the skin and lubricate with moisturizer..

    Ready-made dandelion cream has a short shelf life - only 7 days and only in the refrigerator.

    Yogurt + lemon

    150 ml of natural yogurt is mixed with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable or cosmetic oil (olive, almond, flaxseed, peach) and the zest of 1 medium-sized lemon. This cream can be used after every shower - it is applied to problem areas of the abdomen, lightly massaged for 3 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

    Lemon can greatly dry out the skin, so after the procedure you should definitely lubricate the dermis with a moisturizer. Natural yogurt can be replaced with sour cream, but it must be of high quality - natural and with a fat content of at least 25%.

    Brewer's yeast mask

    You will need 4 teaspoons of heavy cream and 15 g of brewer's yeast - these ingredients are mixed and infused for 15 minutes (the yeast should “disperse”). Then add 4 teaspoons of liquid honey to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. After 20 minutes, you can begin the procedure: the finished mass is applied to the stretch marks, left for 30 minutes and washed off with warm water.

    This mask can be used 2 - 3 times a week. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with moisturizer.

    Cosmetic clay

    From this raw material you can make long-lasting masks that actively fight even existing and slightly old stretch marks. You need to mix green, blue and gray cosmetic clays in equal proportions, add liquid honey in such an amount that the result is a homogeneous, paste-like and stable mass. It is applied to problem areas and secured with a bandage. The procedure is performed at night, and in the morning you need to take a shower.

    The mode of application of cosmetic clay products is arbitrary, up to the complete restoration of the skin.

    To enhance the effect of all of the above folk remedies, cosmetologists recommend using a simple scrub to exfoliate particles of the epidermis and enhance the regenerative properties of the skin.

    To prepare it, you need to mix sugar and finely ground salt in equal quantities, add to them any vegetable oil (palm oil is ideal, but sunflower, olive, and corn will do) in such an amount that you get a stable “plasticine” mass that can be easily kneaded in hand.

    The resulting product is used to massage problem areas without applying any effort for 10 minutes and immediately rinse with warm water. The frequency of the procedure is 5 times a week.

    Expert opinion

    Tatyana Somoilova

    Cosmetology expert

    It is extremely rare to be able to completely get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy using folk remedies. But making them less noticeable is quite possible. In addition, folk remedies can also act as a preventive measure for the appearance of new stretch marks - they just need to be used not just in the problem area, but also on healthy, unaffected areas of the skin.

    Homemade cosmetics

    Already formed stretch marks are practically impossible to correct, so cosmetic products are presented by manufacturers as preventive. But according to consumer reviews, with their regular use it is possible to achieve significant lightening of stretch marks.

    What should be included in a cream for stretch marks during pregnancy:

    • vegetable oils of natural origin - capable of penetrating the upper layer of the epidermis, promoting moisture retention and restoration of dermal cells;
    • vitamins - needed to speed up metabolic processes at the cellular level, thicken the epidermis layer;
    • hyaluronic acid – maximally moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity, which even with strong stretching provides protection against the appearance of stretch marks.

    Additional components - plant extracts, antioxidants, seaweed extract, essential oils. Necessary for caring for the dermis, nourishing it and improving elasticity.

    Watch the video about folk recipes for stretch marks during pregnancy:

    Such cosmetics often contain retinol. It can pose a certain danger during pregnancy, as it can penetrate the placenta and have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. For example, a baby may be born with pathologies of the liver and spleen, the central nervous system and brain, and abnormal structure of the genital organs. It is important to carefully study the composition of creams to eliminate this possibility.

    What homemade cosmetics deserve the attention of pregnant women:

    • Weleda oil. It can be used from the first week of pregnancy until 20 days after birth. The composition contains arnica extract (flowers), jojoba oil, almond oil and wheat germ.
    • Mom comfort. It has a light texture, so it is easy to apply and spread over a limited surface, and is quickly absorbed. The composition contains extracts of various plants, essential/cosmetic oils and hyaluronic acid. Can be used during pregnancy and after childbirth.
    • Avent. A cream with a fairly dense texture that does not contain dyes, parabens or any petroleum products. Avent, with long-term and regular use, adapts the skin to overextension and increases its hydration.
    • Sanosan. This is a whole series of cosmetics - cream, lotion and oil, which can be used individually or in combination. Can be used from the first week of pregnancy. Cosmetic products contain chitosan, an element “extracted” from the shell of crustaceans that inhabit the seas/oceans.
    • That is why doctors insist on preliminary consultation regarding the safety of using Sanosan, since severe allergies may develop.

    Expert opinion

    Tatyana Somoilova

    Cosmetology expert

    Despite the stated hypoallergenicity of creams for stretch marks during pregnancy, the expectant mother should conduct a simple allergy test. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the product to the skin in the area of ​​​​the inner side of the elbow and wait 15 - 30 minutes. Any changes, discomfort and even a barely felt burning sensation serve as a contraindication to the use of the tested cream.

    Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

    Creams and folk remedies serve as an excellent preventative measure, but in order to reduce the risk of stretch marks during pregnancy to the minimum possible, comprehensive measures must be taken.

    Cold and hot shower

    A “soft”, gentle method of influencing the skin of the body is used - you need to alternate hot and cool shower jets. You can use them to perform a small massage in circular or zigzag movements; additional impact on the epidermis with a hard washcloth will not be amiss.

    Expert opinion

    Tatyana Somoilova

    Cosmetology expert

    Contrast showers are strictly prohibited for pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage or premature birth. Such an effect can lead to stimulation of the central nervous system, which will ensure the transmission of nerve impulses and increase the tone of the uterus.


    Stretch marks quickly appear as a woman’s weight increases, so during pregnancy you need to adhere to proper nutrition, and not “eat for two.” The menu must include fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and dairy products - vitamins and microelements that enter the body along with these products can strengthen dermal cells, increase elastin production and ensure stable metabolic processes.

    During pregnancy, you need to be extremely careful when handling allergenic foods. Excessive consumption of strawberries, raspberries and other red berries, citrus fruits, nuts, and seafood can cause allergies not only in the expectant mother, but also subsequently in the child (after birth).

    Wearing a special bandage for pregnant women, gymnastics and massage - all these preventive measures should be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist. The same applies to the use of vitamin-mineral complexes.

    Stretch marks during pregnancy are a problem that can affect every woman. There are a lot of preventive measures that reduce the risk of stretch marks, and their implementation would be the best option.

    From stretch marks? Causes of scars. Use of oils.

    Pregnancy is a wonderful and magical time. Every month the long-awaited baby becomes bigger and the expectant mother’s belly also grows. But at the same time, the risk of getting stretch marks increases. And in this case, care is needed not only for the baby, but also for the mother herself. You should start taking care of your skin early. But you will find out what to apply to the stomach during pregnancy for stretch marks by reading this article.

    Why do scars appear?

    The phenomenon of stretch marks has another name - stretch marks. They appear after a sharp gain of extra pounds or during pregnancy. The most vulnerable places in women are the décolleté, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. All of the listed areas of the body noticeably increase in size during pregnancy. And scars on the chest may even appear during the period of feeding the baby. Such stretch marks do not hurt, but they bring enormous cosmetic discomfort. The more your body volume increases, the greater the likelihood of developing stretch marks. However, everything is individual for each woman.

    The risk increases in the following cases:

    • The appearance of scars during puberty;
    • Having stretch marks after pregnancy.

    Skin stretching can be bothersome for the following reasons:

    Nutrition and other benefits

    It is generally accepted that a pregnant woman should eat for two. Therefore, caring mothers and friends pamper their pet with various delicacies. And the expectant mother herself is not averse to enjoying large portions of aromatic dishes. But such a scenario is fraught with rapid weight gain, which will inevitably lead to stretch marks in the future. Therefore, it is easier to take care of your skin in advance than to look for an effective method of combating stretch marks afterwards.

    Just take into account the following advice from experienced doctors:

    • Eat as many protein-rich foods as possible (pay attention to cottage cheese);
    • Don't forget about vitamin E;
    • After waking up in the morning, take a tablespoon of sea buckthorn or olive oil;
    • Enrich your diet with a variety of nuts.

    We resort to the help of oils

    It is better to use a remedy for stretch marks as soon as you find out about your pregnancy. In addition to store-bought cosmetics, oils are very effective. As a rule, they are applied after a bath to those places that most often suffer from stretch marks - thighs, stomach and chest. Many women believe that oil is much better than store-bought cream. This is explained by the fact that the effect of moisturizing with a natural component lasts much longer than finished cosmetics. The following oils are suitable for such purposes:

    1. Coconut;
    2. Peach;
    3. Olive;
    4. Almond.

    To make the result even better, add a couple of drops of vitamin A and E to the product. In addition, you can enrich the composition with substances such as:

    • Elastin;
    • Collagen;
    • Chamomile oil extract;
    • Mix the oils together.

    However, oil cannot guarantee complete relief from stretch marks. After all, every woman’s body is individual. But, nevertheless, if stretch marks do appear, the natural component can significantly alleviate the condition.

    Choosing the right creams and ointments

    Store-bought creams and ointments are usually used both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. It is very important that they have the following characteristics:

    1. The composition of a cosmetic product should include components that improve the elasticity and tone of the dermis;
    2. Make sure the product does not cause an allergic reaction;
    3. Give preference to cosmetics that you are already familiar with.

    To avoid allergies, take note of the following recommendations:

    • Familiarize yourself with the composition of the cream or ointment very carefully. Any components ending in “paraben” indicate the presence of preservatives in the product. For the most part, they do not pose a serious danger, but during pregnancy they may well cause an unnecessary reaction. Also avoid arachidonic acid. The unnecessary substance is propylene glycol;
    • Buy cosmetics with a dispenser. Moreover, the packaging must be hermetically sealed. After all, its composition can easily be saturated with harmful or allergenic components from the air;
    • Don't forget about the production time.

    For complete perfection, choose only those products that contain the following ingredients:

    How else to avoid the appearance of stretch marks

    Follow these tips and you won't get stretch marks:

    • Essential oils are good for more than just aromatherapy. Nature has awarded them with additional beneficial properties. If you add this component to your favorite oil, you can avoid stretch marks. Orange ether is very effective in this matter;
    • Not only external means can bring results. A competent attitude towards your diet can work wonders. Tweak your daily diet a little in favor of a wide variety of beneficial substances - iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium and folic acid. All this can be found in a mug of a ready-made celery and apple cocktail;
    • It is not necessary to buy creams and oils in order to avoid skin stretching. You probably have oatmeal in your kitchen. It is useful not only for oral administration. Pour boiling water over it and let it swell a little. The resulting mass will be good as a scrub. Use this product with every shower and stretch marks won’t bother you.

    It will be useful for every representative of the fair sex to know what to apply to the stomach during pregnancy for stretch marks. After all, taking care of your beauty is also very important.

    Video about the prevention of stretch marks and stretch marks

    In this video you will learn how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy:

    Every woman during pregnancy wonders what to apply to her stomach to prevent stretch marks. Their occurrence during the period of bearing a child is explained by the fact that in the blood there is a significant increase in the content of prolactin, elastin, estrogen and adrenal hormones, as well as a decrease in androgens, which in turn leads to changes in metabolic processes and changes in hormonal levels.

    The appearance of stretch marks for every woman is a huge problem, which, although it does not have a negative effect on the body, can still cause a lot of discomfort. Therefore, during pregnancy, when the risk of stretch marks increases significantly, almost all women are concerned with the question of what they can apply to prevent their appearance, and when they appear, get rid of them.

    Stretch marks can appear during pregnancy due to several reasons, which are as follows:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • hormonal changes that occur in the female body;
    • poor nutrition;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • bad habits;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • rapid weight gain;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • age-related changes in the skin;
    • Lack of strong abdominal muscles.

    Most women experience stretch marks during pregnancy.

    All of the reasons listed above have a direct impact on the process of stretch marks, so it is very important, as soon as you find out that you will soon become a mother, you should immediately begin to take preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of this cosmetic defect.

    Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

    As mentioned earlier, you should start using products to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy from the very first trimester. The choice of product should be approached very responsibly, since during pregnancy a woman should take care not only of her health, but also of the health of the unborn baby.

    Preference should be given only to products that are approved for use during this period of life. In order to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, you should choose a product that will properly cleanse, moisturize, and nourish the skin.

    As for preventing the appearance of stretch marks in the second trimester of pregnancy, during this period of time you should pay close attention to the condition of your skin, since this period of time is the most critical. As practice shows, it is in the second trimester of pregnancy that most women develop stretch marks. During this period of time, it is recommended to use a special gel or cream that is made to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. It is these products that are aimed at strengthening the skin, activating the vital activity of cells, as well as the production of elastin and collagen in the body, which ensure the firmness and elasticity of the skin.


    Among other things, special products against stretch marks during pregnancy will help to successfully eliminate newly appeared stretch marks that have not yet healed.

    During the third trimester of pregnancy, you should drink as much fluid as possible. Cranberry juice, still mineral water, and green tea are perfect for this. You should also try to reduce your salt intake during this period of time and, of course, monitor your weight gain. Throughout pregnancy, you need to use special moisturizing and drainage creams for stretch marks, and if they do appear, then begin to fight them immediately, since at the initial stage it is very simple to cope with this cosmetic defect, which cannot be said about healed stretch marks .

    Cosmetical tools

    Before starting to smear the stomach during pregnancy, in order to avoid stretch marks, you should definitely consult a doctor, since in some situations they can cause certain side effects, which are due to individual intolerance to the components, as well as the fact that during pregnancy the tendency to develop allergic reactions.

    Only a doctor can answer exactly what can be applied to the stomach during pregnancy for stretch marks in each individual case, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. Therefore, without knowing the condition of the skin, it is quite problematic to recommend any specific remedy. But you can still identify the most effective and safe means, which include:

    1. Rilana.
    2. Opsiderm.
    3. 9 months.
    4. Bepantol.

    All of the above products have an excellent effect on the skin and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. If, however, stretch marks appear during pregnancy, then it is recommended to use a product such as Contractubex ointment. It copes well with newly appeared stretch marks, and is also completely safe for both the woman and the unborn child. But even despite this, before smearing stretch marks that appeared during pregnancy, you should first conduct a special test and make sure that the body reacts normally to its composition. To do this, apply a small amount of product to a small area of ​​skin and leave for approximately sixty minutes. If no reaction is observed during this period of time, this means that the product can be safely used.

    To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, many cosmetologists recommend using essential oils that moisturize the skin, give it firmness and elasticity, and also stimulate regeneration and reduce swelling of the skin.

    In order to find out which oil to apply to the stomach during pregnancy for stretch marks, you should consult with a specialist and choose the most suitable one for you. The most effective oils for such purposes are peach, grape, apricot, olive, wheat, as well as avocado, geranium, jojoba and shea tree oils.

    It is strictly forbidden to use oils such as ginger, cedar, cypress, as well as pennyroyal, thyme and tansy oils. These essential oils significantly increase the tone of the uterus and can provoke not only premature birth, but also cause miscarriage.

    Note! No matter how effective the oil is, if you do not adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you will not be able to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, so during pregnancy you should monitor your diet and perform certain physical exercises that are allowed during this period of time.

    Among other things, you should definitely take into account that no matter how safe the product may seem, before using it you should be sure to carefully read the instructions for use and also conduct a sensitivity test.

    Self-prepared creams, lotions or scrubs will help you effectively cope with stretch marks and also prevent their appearance. One of the most popular products is a scrub made with sugar and salt. To do this, the two ingredients are mixed together in equal proportions. After this, the product is applied to the areas most susceptible to stretch marks.

    Self-prepared creams, lotions or scrubs will help you effectively cope with stretch marks and also prevent their appearance.

    You can also make cream from aloe and dandelion. To do this, you just need to mix them in a blender and add a little olive oil to the resulting composition.

    Despite the fact that folk remedies do not have side effects and certain contraindications, you should definitely consult a specialist before using them.

    Undoubtedly, when choosing a product to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, a woman will rely on her opinion and preference. But it is necessary to take into account that the drug must be of high quality.

    Among other things, you should adhere to a proper and balanced diet. This is necessary so that weight gain during pregnancy occurs without significant jumps and does not exceed the prescribed norm. It is necessary to include as much protein food as possible in the diet of a pregnant woman, since it is thanks to such nutrition that the process of production of collagen and elastin in the body is activated. That is why women expecting a child are recommended to eat white poultry meat. It is also necessary to consume lean fish, such as salmon and trout.

    It is necessary to drink enough fluids daily, since stretch marks are caused by a lack of moisture in the body. But you should still approach this recommendation responsibly, since excessive consumption also negatively affects a woman’s body and provokes the occurrence of edema.


    You also need to try to be as nervous as possible and avoid stressful situations, since nervous overstrain negatively affects metabolic processes in the body.

    A contrast shower can also prevent the appearance of stretch marks, since its positive effect makes the skin more elastic and elastic, and also has a healing effect on the entire body of a pregnant woman. But it should be taken into account that its implementation must be systematic, since otherwise it will not be possible to achieve results.

    How to smear the stomach for stretch marks during pregnancy - this question interests more than 75% of women during pregnancy. After giving birth, 95% of women already think about what medicine to use, and what to do if stretch marks appear on the abdomen. Dermatologists and cosmetologists know how to get rid of stretch marks and what to do to make them disappear after childbirth.

    Important nuances when choosing remedies for stretch marks

    It is impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks, but you can support the healing of the skin in time, then the atrophic changes will not deepen and turn into scars. During and after pregnancy, stretch marks are localized not only on the stomach, but also on the hips and chest. Fortunately, there are universal creams, gels and oils suitable for any part of the body.

    During pregnancy and after childbirth, it is necessary to use a cream with the following components:

    • vitamins;
    • collagen;
    • elastin;
    • mineral complexes;
    • active humidifiers.

    Among the vitamins you need to pay attention to these:

    • vitamin E, which gives skin elasticity;
    • vitamin A involved in cell regeneration;
    • Vitamin C exfoliates the old layer of the epidermis.

    Thanks to them, after childbirth, the woman’s abdominal skin quickly recovered, becoming elastic, smooth and beautiful.

    During pregnancy, the skin becomes more fragile and sensitive.

    A cosmetic product for stretch marks should be:

    • not allergenic;
    • non-toxic;
    • safe for mother and baby.

    The main difference between the different forms of release is that emulsion and gel contain more moisturizers, while creams are thicker and contain more nutrients. When choosing a gel, milk or cream, special attention should be paid to their composition; it must contain natural ingredients.

    The product must have a notice stating that it is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women after childbirth. In the later stages, you need to smear the stomach very carefully, with light movements, so as not to provoke contractions.

    Advice! Apply the cream only to clean skin, then remove excess with a dry cloth. Over time, the scars will fade.

    Which remedy for stretch marks should you choose?

    According to dermatologists, the leading positions in the ranking of the effectiveness of cosmetic products are occupied by preparations with hyaluronic acid and collagen. They perfectly support the firmness and elasticity of the skin during pregnancy and after childbirth due to their effect on the metabolism of the epidermis.

    Cream Sanosan

    The product of this German brand is suitable both during pregnancy and after it as a preventive measure. It includes:

    • chitosan;
    • synmondsia chinensis oil;
    • hibiscus oil.

    Sanosan cream prevents the formation of stretch marks on the skin and increases the elasticity and extensibility of the skin. It is recommended to start applying the product regularly from the third month of pregnancy on the chest and abdomen. The oil contained in this cream perfectly nourishes the skin and smoothes stretch marks on the abdomen.

    Cream-balm for scars Mama Comfort

    This product from a Russian manufacturer effectively increases the elasticity of the epidermis. Used during pregnancy and after childbirth, smoothes stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and chest. To get the best results, apply to damaged skin using massage movements. Contains useful components:

    • olive oil;
    • hyaluronic acid;
    • tea tree extract,
    • medicinal chamomile.

    Mama-Comfort is an effective, affordable product, suitable for all skin types, and has hypoallergenic properties. It has no contraindications.

    Another wonderful remedy that is used during pregnancy and after childbirth. Cream components:

    • avocado amino acids;
    • silicon;
    • extract from shea tree seeds;
    • Japanese acacia extract.

    Suitable for dry skin, nourishes it, relieves inflammation and irritation, relieves itching. May cause allergies in women with hypersensitive skin.

    Cream Avent

    The best in the rating of creams during pregnancy and after childbirth. A useful and effective product, hypoallergenic, has a lot of positive reviews. To appreciate this cream, just familiarize yourself with its composition:

    • medical wax;
    • Coconut oil;
    • Agave extract.

    The cream is light in texture, odorless, and does not cause allergies. Nourishes with vitamins, reduces stretch marks on the abdomen. The product was created for pregnant and nursing mothers. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to smear the skin with cream systematically throughout pregnancy.

    Cream 9 months

    In order to prevent and correct stretch marks, pregnant and nursing mothers can be advised to use the cream for 9 months. It is necessary to consult a specialist before using it. Nourishes, tones and softens the skin. Active Ingredients:

    • essential substance of grapefruit;
    • Shea Butter;
    • wheat essential substance.

    For accelerated absorption, you need to apply the product with your fingertips onto clean skin, as if driving in the cream. It is better to start preparing your body even before pregnancy, so that later you can do more pleasant things than treating stretch marks. It is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin, exercise and adhere to proper nutrition. If you support the regeneration of the epidermis at the cellular level, stretch marks on the abdomen will not appear.

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