• How to properly raise twins. Characteristics and principles of raising a twin child Raising a twin child


    Children born from May 22 to June 21 fall under the power of the constellation Gemini. We have collected some interesting facts about them for you.

    Sometimes I myself don’t understand my Max,” complains a familiar mother of a one-and-a-half-year-old toddler. - This morning he was calm, affectionate and literally did not get out of hand. After a day's sleep, the son was replaced: he refused hugs, rushes around the apartment like a madman and throws toys around... Gemini, what can you take from him!

    Many mothers consider the main feature of this zodiac sign to be changeability and a certain duality of character. Yes, this trait is present in Geminis, but it would hardly be correct to consider it the most important. Pay attention to five very important characteristics of June babies to better understand your child.

    Sole of company

    Geminis are extremely sociable, which brings them both benefit in the form of a huge number of friends and acquaintances, and harm - such talkative children are often scolded at school for poor discipline in class. How to turn the situation to your advantage? Send your child to a drama school, your teenager to a journalism club. Who knows, maybe a well-spoken tongue will turn your child into a famous actor or radio host?

    Freedom loving

    Despite his large social circle, the Gemini child likes to be alone with himself from time to time. And then you won’t be able to lure him into an exciting game or even a mother’s hug with a roll! Don’t pay attention: this is how the baby shows his freedom and independence. Soon he will get bored and come running under his mother’s affectionate wing.

    Great Travelers

    Unfortunately, we do not know who Robinson Crusoe was according to the horoscope, but astrologers would not be at all surprised if he turned out to be a Gemini. And all because representatives of this sign simply adore travel and adventure!

    One little Gemini contains many interesting personalities.

    They are open to new things 24 hours a day and are ready to conquer not only mountain peaks, seas and oceans in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, from early childhood, you can safely take your child with you on a hike or a long trip, he will probably like it. Geminis also have a rich imagination and a bright creative streak, so children born under this zodiac sign will be interested in sculpting or in the art studio.

    Inveterate late runners

    The air element has given Gemini a share of absent-mindedness, so it is difficult for such children to live according to a schedule. But this does not mean that they should be given complete freedom of action! Quite the contrary, they really need organization and a schedule, otherwise children will fall under the power of procrastination. To prevent your little Gemini from being late for school, set up sound reminders for him in your phone. And on the door in the room you can hang the daily schedule, which you will draw up together in the evening.

    Curious discoveries

    Little Gemini is interested in everything: why did the crow sit on the tree? Why was the sun shining yesterday, but today there are clouds? Why did the girl next door wear a red dress? These kids are naturally inquisitive, so be prepared to answer a lot of tricky questions! Otherwise, the baby will be offended or doubt your authority. Advice: buy your child a lot of interesting and colorful encyclopedias, and you will be happy.

    If you have a Gemini child ( May 21 – June 20), be prepared for the rhythm of your life to change. The fact is that such children from infancy are characterized by restlessness and restlessness.

    Most likely, your child will learn to walk and talk earlier than his peers.

    Such a kid is interested in absolutely everything: why is the grass green and the sky blue, why does it rain down and not up? Your little “why” will ask a bunch of questions, so you need to be prepared to answer them. Under no circumstances should you show that your child is boring you, as this can “kill” his sincere interest in the world around him.

    Such children are adored by all relatives. They are cheerful, friendly and sociable. They need interaction with other people like air. Even very little Geminis love to communicate.

    Therefore, if you have guests, do not leave your child alone in the room, it is better to take him with you. He feels very comfortable among people.

    Geminis often have problems sleeping. They just don’t want to close their eyes for fear of missing out on something interesting. Plus, kids don't like to be alone, so getting them to sleep becomes a real challenge. They should not be told scary stories before bed or watch horror movies, because they are very impressionable. A night light will not be superfluous, because some Geminis are afraid of the dark.

    The Gemini child does not obey strict rules and prohibitions. Already from childhood, the freedom-loving character of this zodiac sign is evident. However, he rarely goes into open conflict, preferring to find a thousand reasons why he will not do something. In order for a child to obey his parents, they need to make friends with him, answer his questions with pleasure and play more together. Then it will be possible to unobtrusively instill discipline in him.

    The main characteristic of this zodiac sign is duality and complex nature. They are characterized by frequent mood swings, eternal self-searching and uncertainty.. This also manifests itself in childhood, for example, a child is often capricious and demonstrates his character.

    Gemini's energy is enough for two, so parents must get used to the high rhythm of the child's life and adapt to it. Then the baby will not feel lonely.

    Active Geminis do not have the best health, so physical exercise and walks in the fresh air are useful for them.


    The external characteristics of Gemini are characterized by individuality. However, it is possible to identify common features characteristic of this zodiac sign. The typical Gemini is usually tall and thin.. Thanks to their active lifestyle, they are not prone to obesity. Most often they have blond hair and eyes, and a sensual mouth.

    The girl of the zodiac sign Gemini has a beautiful appearance. It's like she's made of thin air. Since childhood, this smiling girl has a lot of fans. The boy is also generously endowed with external features. He has a lot of bruises and bumps on his body because he wants to try everything on himself. The Gemini boy cannot sit still, so he prefers simplicity and comfort in his clothes. During adolescence, Gemini children do not strive to stand out with a shocking appearance, so parents do not have to spend money on branded clothing.

    Gemini children in the family

    It doesn't matter whether you have a Gemini boy or a Gemini girl. It's safe to say that they are very kind to their parents. It is very important to establish friendly relations with your child, otherwise it will be very difficult to communicate with him during adolescence.

    Geminis do not like to become attached to one person, so they enjoy communicating with relatives. They have warm relationships with their brothers and sisters. It happens that in childhood Geminis can behave selfishly, for example, not sharing toys or being greedy, but usually proper upbringing solves this problem. A boy of this sign usually imitates his father, a girl - her mother or older sister.

    The Gemini child does not like to obey and do what he does not like. Parents should not force him, otherwise he will quickly learn to lie. Instead, you need to explain to your child why he should do what you ask him to do. Never lie to your child, because he understands with amazing ease when he is told a lie. Lost trust will be almost impossible to regain.

    Gemini in studies

    Geminis are usually smart, they grasp everything on the fly, so studying comes easy to them. However, there is also the other side of the coin. They are not serious about learning, so their knowledge is often superficial. In addition, children of this sign tend to take on several tasks at the same time, without finishing any.

    Teachers love Geminis for their lively and clear mind, classmates love them for their cheerful disposition. However, the inability to sit still, characteristic of this sign, often leads to poor grades for behavior in class. In addition, Geminis quickly lose interest in the information received and switch from one thing to another. Most often, they do not know how to analyze what is happening, they simply retell the events.

    Geminis learn to read and write early. Since childhood, they are endowed with a rich imagination. Therefore, humanitarian subjects are easy for them, and they write excellent essays. They also have the ability to speak foreign languages, which needs to be developed from an early age..

    Usually energetic Geminis sign up for several clubs at once. They are interested in everything: dancing, music, handicrafts, sports. It's amazing how they manage to do everything! But sitting still is not for this zodiac sign, so their day is scheduled minute by minute. Parents need to make sure that their little “bee” does not get tired and goes to bed on time.

    Parents should become a support for the baby, be gentle but strict mentors. Then this difficult and impressionable child will grow up happy and smiling. Let us note that the characteristics of a child born under the sign of Gemini cannot provide complete and accurate information, because a personal horoscope is necessary for a deep analysis.

    All families face some parenting challenges in one way or another. But in families of twins, these nuances are more pronounced and require more attention and effort from parents. On the other hand, there are problems that are typical only for twin families. It is important for parents to understand that the world of twins is a specific micro-collective that requires a special approach. So, what features of the twin situation are worth remembering?

    Gemini: are they all the same or not?

    When twins are born, they can be difficult to distinguish from each other, although from the very first moment they are two separate individuals. So it is important for parents to take into account the characteristics of each baby.

    - Personal space. It is necessary to help children form the boundaries of their own “I”, realize their strengths and weaknesses, and feel shared with their brother or sister. To do this, each twin should have a personal space, albeit small, their own toys, things, books.

    - Wardrobe Features. As for clothing, in early childhood this is not important, but the older children become, the more important it is to develop individuality and take into account personal preferences. Therefore, the twins’ wardrobe should have both the same and different clothes, so that the children can combine them themselves and choose their own look.

    - Separation experience. As children grow older, they can be increasingly separated, given different assignments and tasks, taken to visit grandma, or sent with dad for a walk alone. This will give the kids the opportunity to gain their own impressions, emotions, and knowledge, which they will be happy to share with each other. But you should not strive to separate twins always and everywhere. For example, when sending kids to clubs or sections, first take a closer look at their data, inclinations, and talents. Perhaps children gravitate towards the same type of activity, which means their activities should be the same.

    Peculiarities of speech of twins

    Probably, many parents raising twins are faced with some features of their speech development. Indeed, twins often begin to speak later than their peers. Some parents do not pay attention to this fact, others begin to worry in advance. You need to understand that this tendency of twins is just a predisposition that cannot be ignored, but one should not be afraid either.

    - "Secret language" as a given. Twin children are almost always in each other's company, so communication between them begins quite early. True, it is very peculiar, because it includes gestures, sounds and special words that are understandable only to the twins themselves. If an ordinary child begins to speak, imitating the correct speech of an adult, and is pushed by the desire to satisfy his need for communication, then the twins are content with communicating with each other. By copying each other, repeating incorrectly, they not only distort the words, but also reinforce this pronunciation. This is where speech therapy problems arise. However, correcting their communication at an early stage allows you to overcome all difficulties.

    - Particular attention is paid to the development of speaking skills. Despite household chores, it is important to communicate with children as often as possible, read books, tell fairy tales, and simply talk so that children have the opportunity to hear literate speech. Watch your speech in the presence of twins, try to make it bright and interesting, teach the kids not to interrupt and listen to each other, do not rush them and do not finish phrases and sentences for them. In cases where children have already developed speech defects, contact a speech therapist.

    Why are twins jealous?

    Despite the fact that twins, unlike single-born children, from the very beginning get used to sharing the attention of their parents and coexisting as a couple, they are not spared either jealousy or rivalry with each other. What can twins fight about? First of all, this is the attention of parents. At such moments, no matter how the twins behave and no matter what they do, it is very important to make the same demands on them.

    - Universal equality. Try to give equal attention to the children, use your voice as a way to express concern for one while you work with the other, involve dad and other relatives in raising the kids if possible. Even during the illness of one twin, you should not fuss with him in front of the other; it is better to involve the second child in caring for the sick person.

    - Clear rules. Limit your children's choices until they learn to wait and negotiate. You can even create a schedule of when and what you do with each child and post it in a visible place. For example, on Monday one orders breakfast, on Tuesday another, the first chooses a walking route in the morning, and the second in the evening.

    Twin children: who is more important?

    Dominance of one child over the other in a twin pair is a classic phenomenon. Do not allow the distribution of roles in a twin pair to lead to the complete subordination of one child to the other. This traumatizes the personality of the driven child.

    - Caution in labels. It must be said that it is the parents who play a decisive role in the formation of relationships between twins of the “leader-follower” type. So, for example, the larger of the twins often becomes the older, stronger one for adults, while the second child may be considered weak. Driven by such different attitudes towards themselves from those around them, Geminis divide the roles into leader and mentee. Therefore, you should not focus on the differences between children.

    - Neat help. Stimulate children's interest in role-playing games so that everyone can try on different roles. Control the gameplay by helping your follower express himself in the game, teaching him to take responsibility for certain actions. Sometimes it is simply necessary to separate twins so that each can express themselves without becoming a shadow of their brother or sister. Divide the children into different clubs and sections.

    Parents taking into account the characteristics of twins allows them to bypass many possible problems and help each child find his own path, on which there will be not just a twin, but a good friend - a brother or sister.

    Celebrity parents of twins

    Diana Arbenina, singer, and Artem and Marta (5 years old):

    “Although Artem and Marta are twins, they are absolutely different from each other. When they were younger, upon my return home from a tour, my son would throw himself screaming at me, and my daughter would first run to me, then slow down, as if she was watching me closely, and then quietly come up, hug me tightly and bury her in my knee. And this is such a powerful scene! Martha is very deep, vulnerable and wise. Artem is more open, quick-tempered, but at the same time sensitive.”

    Maria Boltneva, actress, and Platon, Timofey and Andrey (3 years):

    “My sons have the same beds, toothbrushes, and chairs. But I buy them different clothes. She came up with a style for each: Timka is a bit of a rapper: stylish, with a cap turned backwards; I see Plato as a scientist in trousers with suspenders and with a microscope; Andryukha is a Onegin dandy.”

    The birth of a baby is always a great joy, and the birth of twins is a double joy. Of course, twin children also mean double trouble, so it is very important that parents know how to raise them. Although the mental development of such children is subject to the same laws as the development of other children, it has some peculiarities.

    Twin children are together from birth, and this constant contact has a great influence on the development of their personalities. On the one hand, they are never alone, on the other hand, parents often raise twins as one, and this is absolutely wrong.

    If in families where ordinary sisters and brothers grow up, they try to bring children together emotionally, then with twins it’s the opposite: mental balance depends on their separation. After all, it is very difficult for them to live and develop as two different individuals. It turns out that each of them sees next to him a person who is physically similar to him and who is preoccupied with the same problems. Such children need to learn to distinguish themselves from others.

    Therefore, the most common mistake adults make is the desire to raise twins as one unit. Parents believe that such children should resemble each other, and not only in appearance. And they dress the same, buy the same toys, they even give names that are consonant: Masha - Dasha.

    Of course, while they are small, the same clothes and daily routine are appropriate, but when children grow up and begin to realize their individuality, it is necessary to change the approach to their upbringing. Everyone's individuality should be encouraged and generalizations should be made less often. However, it also happens that parents begin to endow the child with some traits that do not correspond to reality. For example, one smiles more often, while the other gets angry. You should not impose your opinion on children, since in the future they will have to develop in accordance with these imaginary traits. It is better to take a closer look at children, and you will find distinctive features that are truly inherent in each of them.

    It is better to choose toys for twins not identical, but so that they complement each other, and children can exchange them. But this does not apply to bicycles and skates, otherwise one twin will skate while the other will wait his turn, and this is very unpleasant.

    When it comes to clothing, try to be based on each child's tastes. On holidays, never give children one gift for two, the same applies to a birthday cake; it is better to have two small cakes than one large one. Then every child will feel his importance.

    When working with twins, take into account the characteristics of each. For example, one understands the humanities better, while the other understands the exact sciences. Do not force your children into the same circle, because it may happen that one of the twins likes drawing, while the other likes singing or volleyball.

    But these children should not be separated into different classes or schools. After all, a first-grader is already experiencing enormous stress, and if the twin is also deprived of his closest person, the stress will only become stronger.

    Another mistake parents make when raising twins is that parents often leave their children to each other. It seems to adults that kids communicate with each other and that’s enough. However, such children, on the contrary, need communication with adults and other children. Otherwise, over time they will become not only complementary, but also interdependent. After all, the excessive closeness of twins leads to the fact that it will be difficult for them to adapt to a team, it is difficult to get a job and even start their own family.

    It is necessary to talk to such children as much as possible, read to them and tell them stories; they must retell what they heard or saw. After all, twins, who communicate mainly with each other, have an extremely poor vocabulary and incorrect pronunciation. And a lag in speech entails a lag in the development of intelligence and psyche.

    So, in order to raise a harmonious personality, it is necessary to form individual psychological traits in twins, so they can avoid excessive dependence on each other. Do not constantly emphasize the similarities of twins, pay attention to their individual desires and needs, because they are different from birth, you just need to be able to notice these differences. The circle of communication between such children and adults and other children should be expanded.

    When raising twins, try to give each the same amount of attention and affection. After all, unequal treatment can lead to unfavorable consequences. For example, parents distribute roles between children according to the “leader-follower” type, and these roles are imposed on children by their parents. The stronger or “elder” twin often becomes the leader, and the follower must obey him unquestioningly.

    All this can lead to complete suppression of the follower by the leader or cause the follower to become aggressive towards the leader. Even if there is no open protest, internal dissatisfaction often develops neurosis in the follower, and the leader is acutely worried about the excessive guardianship of his parents. Therefore, it is necessary for twins to feel equal and equally loved.

    Twins can develop competition for their parents' love, so encourage them to share your attention with each other. Do not compare one twin with another; when you scold or praise one of them, then do not compare his achievements with the achievements of his co-twin, but only with his own. Try to interfere less in the fights and quarrels of such children; the less parents pay attention to this, the less the twins fight.

    It is very desirable that one of the twins is closer to his father, and the other to his mother, then each of the parents tries to build his personality in his own image. Recognition of twins' unique personality is a prerequisite for ensuring good mental development of everyone.

    It can be difficult for parents to raise such children, because the twins, although they value the support of adults, are ready to sacrifice it if the mutual approval of each other’s actions pushes them to pranks. The twins “goad” each other. It should be remembered that such children will become more susceptible to the effects if they are separated into different rooms. Many parents note how difficult it is sometimes to punish such children, because one of them comes between the mother and co-twin and stands up for him, even if the punishment follows an offense in which the child was the injured party.

    However, do not despair, try influencing the twins as follows:

    - Switch your attention. If you see that a conflict is brewing, distract the children from an exciting activity to something else, interest them in another activity;

    - Give children a choice, let each child decide for himself what he likes best. For example, offer to choose between porridge and corn flakes. The child will show independence, and you will spend less energy on persuasion;

    - Try to make decisions together. Plan the events that need to happen with your children. Listen to their opinions;

    - Try to follow the rules. If a child knows that he needs to brush his teeth before going to bed, he will be less capricious. As a result, a habit will develop;

    - Praise even for small positive actions. This leads to improved behavior of the child in general. And don't forget to find different praise for each twin;

    - Let the children choose their own punishment. Children have a very developed sense of justice;

    - In raising twins, the coordination of the parents’ actions is especially important. Try to define certain boundaries of behavior, and always adhere to the rules you have established;

    - Try to avoid overprotection. One child is initially weaker and smaller than the other. If you overprotect him, he will grow up dependent, and in addition, by your actions you will cause jealousy and displeasure of the other twin;

    - It is very important to allocate “special” time for each child. Of course, this is not easy to do, but it is necessary. This way, children receive emotional support, which will allow them to be more self-confident.

    Of course, it will not be easy to show restraint and calm in any situation; if you feel like you are about to “explode”, it is better to leave the room and count to ten, calm down a little. If you give up today, start again tomorrow.

    At the same time, as with raising any children, we must remember that the family is a model of the world. Therefore, the style of communication and relationships that exist within the family will then be transferred by children to contacts with other people. And if you try to cope with children’s whims by force, then do not be surprised by the manifestations of aggression in older children. Try to resolve all issues peacefully.

    Material illustration: Melissa King (1), Dmitriy Shironosov (2), Alena Ozerova (3), shutterstock.com

    For little Geminis, communicating exclusively with their mother will never be enough. In her company, the baby will quickly begin to get bored and capricious. He will calm down only with the arrival of another family member.

    20.10.2016 2865 2

    Children born under the Gemini zodiac sign begin to demonstrate their character from the age of six months. Not all parents understand how to react correctly to some of the baby’s antics and make mistakes in communicating with such a child. How to raise little Geminis, what to do with a child and how to raise him correctly?

    It is not always easy for parents to find an approach to their child. This is especially true for those mothers and fathers whose children were born under dual zodiac signs. These include Libra, Pisces and Gemini. The last sign is characterized by fluidity, activity and excellent imagination. Since these qualities are inherent in a child by nature, it will not be possible to forcibly change the child’s disposition. We need to figure out what principles to follow when raising him.

    What kind of little Geminis are they?

    For little Geminis, communicating exclusively with their mother will never be enough. In her company, the baby will quickly begin to get bored and capricious. He will calm down only with the arrival of another family member. Geminis cannot sit in one place for a long time or spend the whole day in the playpen playing with toys. Such children need constant movement and a change of environment. Being alone for a long time is also considered detrimental for little Geminis.

    Geminis love sincerity, so they do not take relatives who often embellish events seriously. Children born under this zodiac sign may lose self-confidence if they lose trust in their parents. Limiting action and knowledge of the world can lead to the same result.
    Gemini boys are distinguished by their curiosity and mobility. They love to joke, play, and fantasize. It is difficult for such babies to sit still.

    Gemini girls have a rich imagination, storytellers and poets, they strive to play only outdoor games and learn something new.

    Little Geminis are considered good friends and associates, scholars and experts, wits and favorites of noisy companies. A child born under this zodiac sign has an excellent memory and can master several languages.

    Gemini children love to read, they give preference to science fiction, and they also try to write poetry and stories on their own. If brought up incorrectly, a good imagination will lead to Geminis starting to lie in adolescence.

    Character traits

    The main character traits of little Geminis are sociability, inconstancy and curiosity. Therefore, such kids always need communication, new acquaintances, a change of scenery and new experiences.
    Little Geminis are stubborn, they start chatting and take their first steps earlier than other children. Another feature of children born under this sign is that they can do several things at once, but do not complete everything. Therefore, children need to be taught from childhood to finish what they start before moving on to something new.

    Representatives of this zodiac sign love to invent various objects, sew clothes, build, draw, and create something new.

    Children born under this sign love musical instruments, especially strings and keyboards.

    What to do with a Gemini child?

    Little Geminis at primary school age can bombard their parents with questions about what they can do. Don’t ignore this, talk to your child and offer him a visit to a section or club. The baby will definitely not be bored there.

    Little Gemini will feel most comfortable among members of a radio engineering circle, young naturalists, artists, musicians or astronomers. Children born under this sign love musical instruments, especially strings and keyboards.

    Geminis prefer to play construction sets, logic and educational games, chess, charades and computer games.

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