• Pros and cons of coaching as a teaching method. To teach or not to teach, that is the question. Main types of personnel training


    A dynamically developing market requires constant maintenance of personnel professionalism at a competitive level.

    About a year ago, my friend complained about the fact that a young manager was leaving his company, to whom he planned to transfer the reins of government in the future, while he himself, having moved to the rank of founder and owner, would gradually retire. He took an employee with a “yellow mouth” from the university bench and, assessing the prospects of a young specialist, enthusiastically began to invest his strength, means and soul in the preparation of the successor. Having received the necessary knowledge and experience, the young man felt the strength in himself, and decided to leave the company for a free flight. He organized his own company and became a serious competitor to his former employer. As it turned out, the sad experience of my friend, this is not an isolated case in the modern market. Then the question arises, is it worth it to train employees at all and where to “lay straws” for the employer?

    Why teach?

    A dynamically developing market requires constant maintenance of personnel professionalism at a competitive level. Some professionals, for example: doctors, programmers, accountants, teachers, pilots, need constant professional development to keep up with the progress in their field. In companies focused on international cooperation, the availability of certificates and diplomas of a certain type for employees is a prerequisite for the company to obtain partner status. In other areas, the need to train employees is due to the lack of ready-made specialists on the market. Some companies prefer to "grow" their management staff. And for this it is necessary to develop and train employees. An organization that trains its employees has a number of dividends. For example, employees armed with new knowledge are able to generate new ideas or look for new ways to solve problems. Caring for the employee, expressed in obtaining additional knowledge at the expense of the company, motivates employees to work with full dedication and the desire to increase their productivity.

    How to teach?

    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of developing the company's personnel, but employee training is not always cost-effective. How to determine who, what and how much to train?

    Feeling the need to train an employee, first of all, it is necessary to determine his loyalty to the company, personal interest in training. It is worth training, first of all, key employees: heads of departments, marketers, sales managers, accountants, etc., depending on the type of company's activity. Personnel training at the enterprise is a powerful tool for optimizing business processes. It is often more advisable to retrain an employee than to look for a new one, provided that the employee is interested in working for the company and its prosperity, as well as in personal and career growth.

    For a smart choice training programs, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​​​two parameters: the learning goal and the initial level of the student. It is important to clearly understand why we train this particular specialist: how will his work change after training? What skill level do we expect? What skills does an employee need to acquire in order to cope with new functional responsibilities or perform old work in a new way? In other words, it is necessary to set a goal based on the demand for learning outcomes, thus marking a point in the future. Whether the path to this end point is short or long determines the current level of the employee and his intellectual lability (simply learning ability). After all, each employee has his own level of education, previous experience, social intelligence, the ability to perceive new knowledge and the speed of mastering skills. The choice of the form of training depends on this level: it is enough for one employee to show a new method of doing work and give instructions, another needs a more fundamental approach: seminars, trainings, remote modular training, etc.

    Having decided on the purpose of training and the initial level of the student, you can choose the form and program of training. You can train an employee within the company: lectures and conversations with managers, solving practical business cases, mentoring programs, etc. You can turn to those who conduct seminars, short-term trainings, medium-term modular training programs. Or to universities and business schools that provide educational programs (higher education, MBA). In order to optimize the cost of training employees, you can make a symbiosis of these forms of training: we train the most talented key employees outside and replicate knowledge within the company. The principle "Learned yourself - teach another" has a number of advantages. First, it can significantly reduce the cost of staff training. Secondly, the responsibility of the student increases, and thirdly, the standard program can be adjusted to the specifics of the company's activities, taking into account the characteristics of the internal environment. Thus, the main disadvantages of "external training" are leveled: its high cost, duration, separation of employees from work and the inability to take into account the characteristics of the enterprise.

    "Knowledge leak"?

    The danger of training staff at the expense of the company lies in the fact that very often, having achieved certain successes, employees decide to leave the company. And start their own business or move to a larger company that will provide them with higher wages and faster career advancement. From the very beginning, the employer needs to resolve the issue of the employee's responsibility for the education received. It is expressed in preventing the employee from leaving the company after graduation. To avoid such consequences, it is enough to correctly draw up an additional agreement or supplement the employment contract with clauses that stipulate the conditions for training. For example, the terms of the employee's working in the company after receiving education and the amount of compensation in case of not fully working out the prescribed period. In case of dismissal at the initiative of an employee before the time of mandatory work, he reimburses the company for the costs incurred for his training.

    The employer in the story that precedes this article relied on the decency of the employee he “brought up”. When I asked about the contract, he just shrugged his shoulders, and in his eyes there was a mute reproach addressed to the former employee and the newcomer competitor "... and this is after all that I have done for him." In the light of the above, the phrase of O. Bender that “the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves” is more than relevant. Dear employers, when solving the important task of maintaining the professional level of your employees at the expense of the company, take care to prevent the “leakage of knowledge, skills and abilities” and not become a “forge of personnel” for your competitors.

    Saenko Elena Nikolaevna

    MBA IBDA ANH, business coach,

    HR consultant,


    PMI Certification

    IPMA Certification

    Question answer


    Preparing for the PMP® Exam.

    Preparation for certification in accordance with the requirements of IPMA®.


    Project management. Basic course

    Portfolio, program, project management. Course for leaders

    Project management based on ANSI PMI® PMBOK® 6th Edition

    Project management in accordance with IPMA® requirements. Basic course

    Project Human Resource Management

    Project risk management

    Project Stakeholder Management

    Project management with MS Project 2016

    Using the Agile methodology in software development projects. Introduction to SCRUM

    IT project management based on ANSI PMI®PMBOK® Guide

    Project management based on the ANSI PMI® PMBOK®6-th Edition standard using MS Project 2016


    Fundamentals of Corporate Governance: Models of Best International Practice

    The art of communication for the corporate secretary: development of communication skills

    Corporate Secretary Workshop: Board Architecture

    Diagnostics of corporate governance: international and Kazakhstani experience


    Effective management (development of managerial skills)

    Manager's personal effectiveness

    Effective team building and management

    Decision-making and problem-solving methods

    Business negotiation skills for managers

    Conflict management

    Time management


    Staff motivation


    Effective communications in business


    Development of personal effectiveness

    The Art of Communication: Developing Communication Skills

    Emotional intellect

    Prevention of emotional burnout

    Modern technologies for an effective meeting

    Personal branding

    Business correspondence

    Effective presentation and public speaking

    Effective Negotiations

    Conflict Management

    stress management

    Constructive Feedback

    team building

    Effective Presentation Skills

    Ethics of business communication


    Strategic management

    Operations management

    Organizational change management

    Business processes. Process management practice

    An effective business meeting model

    Human capital management as the basis for building an effective company

    Managerial Skills of a Supervisor (Primary Manager)

    Business ethics and corporate culture

    Minimizing employer risks


    Personnel management as a system

    Setting up a mentoring system

    Personnel performance management

    Staff development and training

    Recruitment and onboarding

    Assessment and certification of personnel

    Staff motivation

    Personnel monitoring

    KPI development

    Competence Model

    Building a personnel training system in an organization

    Personnel management, system approach

    Maintaining personnel records

    Development of job descriptions

    Who is a recruiter

    Staff adaptation

    Operational personnel management

    Competency management


    Fundamentals of Efficient Logistics

    Warehouse Logistics

    Incoterms and logistics

    Aspects of international logistics

    Transport logistics

    Inventory Management

    Supply Chain Management


    Quality management systems (QMS)

    Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

    Occupational health and safety management systems (OHMS)

    Integrated Management Systems (IMS)

    Organization preparedness for emergencies

    Enterprise business process management

    Documentation of management systems and adaptation of existing documents of the organization to the requirements

    Development of corrective actions based on the results of internal and external audits

    The practice of implementing management system standards

    Assessment of customer satisfaction of services/products

    Internal audit and internal control system at the enterprise


    School of Sales Manager

    Strategic Marketing

    Marketing Management

    Sales management

    Marketing research

    Sales and promotion management

    Retaining customers in times of crisis

    Sales technique

    Sales promotion methods

    Cross selling services

    Customer loyalty



    Call center work

    Working with a client

    Dealing with customer objections

    Service in the trading floor (service center)

    Corporate Call-Center: Management Methods

    Sales by phone

    Hospitality lessons (for front-line staff of hotels and restaurants)

    Debt recovery by phone


    Primavera P6 Professional Fundamentals

    Primavera P6 Professional Advanced


    Public procurement in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement, the Rules for Conducting Electronic Procurement

    Purchasing goods, works, services in the course of subsoil use operations

    PMI Certification

    PM ART is accredited by the leading international knowledge centers in the field of project management:

    PMI® Accreditation

    PM ART is a Project Management Institute (PMI)® Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.)® No. 3827). This status means that the quality of educational services meets the strict PMI requirements for the quality of training courses and the qualifications of trainers; the company has the right to conduct courses to prepare for international certification according to PMI standards.

    What is PMP?

    PMP (PMP® PMI®) is an abbreviation of the English. "Project Management Professional" - Professional in Project Management

    PMP is a degree in project management that can be obtained by a specialist in any industry. The PMP certificate is one of the most demanded in the world, today in the post-Soviet space there is a growing interest in this degree among employers. Increasingly, this degree can be found in the list of requirements or wishes for the skills of a candidate for vacancies in the field of project management.

    To obtain a degree, a candidate must meet the requirements of PMI, that is, have the necessary knowledge and experience. If your education and experience meet the requirements - you get access to the exam - computer-based testing designed to objectively assess your knowledge.

    Why do I need a PMP degree?

    For the employer, the PMP degree is a kind of "quality mark" of a specialist. This certification confirms that a specialist has knowledge and skills that meet the international standard in the field of project management. The PMP certificate has international recognition and is quoted in most countries of the world.

    Many companies today are introducing a standardized project management system and prefer to hire certified professionals to avoid discrepancies in project management terminology and methodology. For companies involved in projects with foreign capital, the presence of certified managers is often a mandatory requirement.

    Recent research on project manager salaries shows that certified project managers make more money than their non-certified counterparts.

    IPMA Certification

    P.M.ART accredited by leading international knowledge centers in the field of project management:

    Accreditation KAUP

    "P.M.ART"accredited by the Kazakhstan Association of Project Management ( KAUP is a branch of the International Project Management Association (IPMA) in the Republic of Kazakhstan). This status means that the quality of educational services meets the stringent requirements of this association for the quality of training courses and the qualifications of trainers; the company has the right to conduct courses to prepare for international certification according to the IPMA standard.

    The IPMA certification program includes four levels of certification:

    Level A- Certified Projects Director

    Level B- Certified Project Manager

    Level C- Certified Senior Project Manager

    Level D- Certified Project Management Associate

    Why do I need certification?

    The international certification of project management specialists held within the framework of IPMA is designed to confirm the compliance of the project manager's professional level with the requirements of IPMA.

    Having a certificate confirms that your knowledge and skills meet the IPMA requirements for project managers. For example, level D certification will help a potential employer to understand that your theoretical knowledge is sufficient to work in a project team, even if you have no experience in project management. Certificates of level C and above confirm both your knowledge and sufficient experience in the field of project management.

    By receiving the IPMA certificate you confirm that your professional skills meet international standards, you are well acquainted with the methodology of the project manager and are part of the professional community.

    The name of the center is derived from the abbreviation PM - English. "project management" - project management, due to the fact that project management is the main direction (however, by no means the only one) of training in our center. The word "Art" is translated from English as "art", which fully reflects the philosophy of our training center - our slogan: "Management as art."

    Yes, if you have experience in project management or have taken project management courses before. For example, many of our students choose the courses “Project Risk Management” or “Project Human Resource Management”, many are interested in the course “Project Management using MS Project 2013”


    Trainings are conducted by highly qualified trainers with successful business management experience. We carefully select coaches for our team in order to meet the high training standards we previously declared.

    In matters of modernization of production, as you know, there is always room for movement and development. But what employers often do not think about is the development of their own employees. Personnel are often perceived as a stable unit that is not subject to improvement and initially has its maximum qualities. However, it is not.

    Every employee has a certain potential that can be developed through various trainings. With their help, specialists acquire professional, communication and other skills that significantly increase their productivity.

    The very concept of training implies education, development and training. In the business sphere, it involves a short-term training program aimed at improving their professional level and personal qualities. It is also used as a way to improve personnel interaction in the company's team.

    Staff training: what is it?

    Training for personnel is a concentrated short-term training course aimed at solving a specific problem set by the company's management. In its process, knowledge and / or skills are transferred, the personal qualities of employees are developed, which are necessary to increase their efficiency in the process of exercising labor functions.

    In the process of passive learning, a new way of thinking and behavior is acquired. While with active training, the staff acquires practical skills related directly to their job responsibilities.

    Due to the rather high cost of training programs and trainings, group work is often carried out with workers. Collective learning allows not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to establish effective work and interaction between employees.

    Individual programs are used for high-value specialists and senior management employees. Often it has a managerial direction, that is, it involves improving the skills of interacting with subordinates, setting tasks and distributing responsibilities.

    Demand for HR training

    Personnel trainings in the business sphere have gained relevance not so long ago. This type of training began to move in this direction only in the 60s of the last century, but at the moment it is one of the priority areas for business development.

    Each class is different, even if they are based on the same teaching method. The main task of the trainer is to find an approach to the audience, solve the tasks and overcome obstacles on the way to achieving it. The main goal of such training is determined by the manager, based on the needs of the company, and corrects it as the classes are held.

    For example, the main problem of young professionals is their lack of work experience and practical application of their knowledge. Participation in trainings will allow him to acquire not only practical skills, but also self-confidence, which will allow him to avoid many mistakes.

    The most demanded at the moment are trainings dedicated to:

    • Time management or rational planning and use of your time;
    • personnel management;
    • Improvement of industrial and/or commercial activities;
    • Conducting business negotiations;
    • Sales skills, etc.

    Development of trainings and their main directions

    D. Carnegie is considered the pioneer of personnel training. He was the first to develop and conduct educational programs aimed at acquiring public speaking skills and self-confidence. Later, the methodology was supplemented by K. Levin, a well-known social psychologist. He and his students began to organize special study groups, which were attended by politicians, executives of large companies.

    As a full-fledged method of working with personnel, trainings entered a wide business area only in the 60s, when active training of specialists in this field began. At the moment, more than 500 different teaching methods have been developed that are used in personnel training. The task of a specialist is to identify the necessary techniques for solving a given problem in a particular team, taking into account its characteristics.

    Types of training

    There are a lot of varieties of personnel trainings, but it is possible to single out the main groups that are especially popular among company executives:

    1. Psychological - used to improve the personal qualities of employees, increase their self-esteem, confidence and reduce nervousness. This type of training indirectly affects labor productivity.
    2. Time management is the training necessary for the competent distribution of labor and personal time by employees. Due to the acquisition of such skills, labor productivity is significantly increased, as well as the timeliness of the performance of assigned service tasks.
    3. Communication - improve the communication skills of staff, which allows for more effective interaction between employees and the collective implementation of common tasks. Due to such trainings, tension in the team is reduced, skills for solving conflict situations are acquired.
    4. Management - aimed at improving the skills of employees of the management team. Due to them, top managers acquire the skills to identify leadership qualities, team building, organizing effective group work.
    5. Professional - involves the acquisition by students of the skills and knowledge necessary to improve their professional level

    How are trainings structured?

    The effectiveness of trainings depends on their competent construction, taking into account the needs of a particular company. The training specialist, based on the needs of the enterprise, determines the methods and techniques necessary to implement the tasks.

    In general, the training involves the passage of several stages:

    1. The head of the enterprise determines the main goal of the training and puts it in front of a full-time or invited trainer.
    2. The specialist analyzes the situation and the personnel sent for training. Based on the needs of the company and the data received, he develops a training program and coordinates it with the customer.
    3. Classes are held according to the developed program.
    4. The results and effectiveness of training are analyzed.

    Trainings can be short-term and take no more than one session or long-term, involving several cycles of meetings. Based on this, the specified plan can be expanded with additional stages within the training stage.

    Basic requirements for a coach

    According to statistics, the effectiveness of staff training by 80% depends on the skill level and personal qualities of the specialist conducting it. A number of requirements are put forward for a professional personnel trainer:

    • Possessing public speaking skills and knowledge of body language;
    • Ability to present yourself and the material;
    • The skill of managing collective communication and emotions of students;
    • Ability to create a positive classroom environment;
    • Knowledge of various methods and technologies and the ability to competently combine them;
    • The ability to motivate staff in moving towards the goal, etc.

    In the process of conducting trainings, a specialist can use various methods of presenting information: case studies, business or role-playing games, discussions, brainstorming and other methods.

    Pros and cons of staff training

    Speaking about the advantages of staff training, the following should be noted:

    • Acquisition of new prof. skills, knowledge;
    • Gaining confidence in one's own abilities and skills;
    • Obtaining the skill of analyzing the actions taken, identifying errors and ways to eliminate them;
    • Improving social, psychological and other skills required in work activities.

    The downsides on the other hand include:

    • Dependence on the human factor - the staff is not always ready to learn, shows isolation and resistance when working with a trainer;
    • Mistakes of the training specialist himself;
    • Leakage of information and qualified personnel;
    • Relatively high cost of training courses.

    Despite the presence of a number of shortcomings, employers using trainings for personnel note their high efficiency, which has a significant impact on the development of the enterprise as a whole. Thanks to training, labor productivity increases, creative ideas appear, employees are ready to take the initiative and responsibility for their decisions. Therefore, many of them recognize that this direction of investment is one of the most promising and effective.

    The success of any organization depends on the professionalism of its employees. Now managers no longer ask the question whether it is necessary to train staff. Yes, this is a costly item of expenditure, but a very important one. First of all, the qualifications of employees will increase, which will meet the requirements of the market, as well as the prospect of career growth and motivation will increase.

    5 reasons why you need to train your staff

    Consider five reasons that confirm the importance of learning:

    1. If subordinates are now just doing their job, then after training they will be able to perform tasks many times better and faster.

    2. The more experienced the employees, the more options for the further growth of the company.

    3. It is more profitable to develop an employee than to hire a specialist from outside.

    4. Interesting training can become the main non-material motivation for employees.

    5. The leader will not worry when he goes on vacation, because he will always find a reliable replacement.

    Cons of staff training: when not to train employees

    • If there is no confidence in the employees, it is likely that after training they will leave for a job where they will offer better conditions.
    • If the company does not plan to develop, and the skills of employees will increase, they will not be interested in working in such an organization. We figured out the pros and cons of employee training. Now let's take a look at the views.

    Main types of personnel training

    For personnel training, training, retraining and advanced training are used. The type is chosen depending on the goals of the company.

    Various forms and methods of personnel training are used: short-term, long-term and continuous, group and individual.

    Short-term ones will save time and money, long-term ones will bring more benefits to the employee, and continuous ones are aimed at maintaining and developing the professional level of employees - they represent a set of measures.

    Individual are intended for one person, and group for a team.

    Methods of training employees are very diverse:

    Methods are divided into active and passive. Knowledge can be obtained both at the workplace and at home.

    So that you know how to train employees and get profit from it for your company, we will tell you about popularmethods.

    Distance education. This format is quite often used in companies. Communication between the teacher and the student is carried out using the Internet. The student receives material to study and completes assignments. The level of knowledge is determined by testing. The course can be taken anywhere and anytime. The main thing is not to be lazy and complete tasks on time.

    Video lessons are modern teaching methods: it is convenient to apply in organizations. The method does not require a search for a teacher and a room. The disadvantages include the lack of communication with the lecturer. Video tutorials are well suited for explaining complex and controversial topics. It is better to see or hear once than to read seven times.

    Lectures contain a large amount of information, are held for a large audience and in a short time. Employers are usually attracted by affordable prices. The disadvantage is the lack of "feedback".

    Seminars involve a limited number of listeners. The quality of teaching depends on the ability of the teacher to conduct a dialogue. The lecturer brings theoretical material to the audience and finds out how the audience learned it.

    Trainings. Here, much attention is paid to the development of theoretical material with the help of practical tasks. Unlike lectures, trainers give "feedback" to their students.

    By using any of these methods, set the right goals and choose the right solution.

    Typical mistakes in staff training

    If you are planning to train your employees, check out typical mistakes and try not to repeat them:

    • The specifics of work in the company are not taken into account, but instead a ready-made course of a successful trainer is chosen. As a result, learning efficiency is reduced.
    • Few practical examples used
    • After training, employees do not apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
    • When conducting short-term trainings, the acquired knowledge leaks. So, if employees leave, the course has to be repeated - already for new employees.

    Do not force colleagues to participate in training, but motivate

    How to improve the effectiveness of employee training

    If you are a manager and send an employee for training, discuss with him before starting the course:

    • what questions are important to know the answers to;
    • make a list of these questions;
    • what result do you expect.

    After completing the course, find out:

    • what questions did the employee receive answers to;
    • what knowledge he can apply in his work and how he will do it;
    • when it will happen and what will it lead to.

    In other words, it is important that at the next meeting the employee shares new knowledge and tells how it can be used for the benefit of the company.

    If the organization plans corporate training, it is advisable to hold a meeting and talk about the course, goals and expected result. When finished, take stock, make a plan for introducing new knowledge into the workflow, and follow the progress of resolving issues.

    Training becomes necessary when the demands on the work of employees increase. It needs to be done regularly. Prospective participants should be motivated to take the course.

    Everyone will benefit. Employees will learn how to work in a competitive business, improve the quality of knowledge, labor productivity, and qualifications. The employer will receive a team of specialists who will take the business to a new level.

    24.09.2018 2018-09-24 8 697

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    Greetings, dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about the pros and cons of personal growth training. Sometimes it happens that a person, moving towards some goals, meets an obstacle on his way and does not know what to do next. It happens that periods of stagnation make themselves felt, you want to change, develop or find motivation to move forward. Someone lacks positive emotions and uplifting mood. Or maybe, having some success in some enterprise, a person wants to keep it and increase it.

    A method of changing life for the better, which has been widely used in recent years, is attending personal trainings or trainings for personal growth. Despite such popularity, psychological training for personal growth is a double-edged sword.

    Benefits of Personal Growth Training

    One of the main advantages of psychological training is that no one gives you a specific pattern of behavior, no one teaches you about life and does not lecture. Step by step, performing the proposed exercises, you yourself come to a new perception of yourself and the life around you. You realize how you need to change your behavior in order to achieve the desired results.

    For each specific case, there are tasks of personal growth training. There is an opportunity to correct some shortcomings, develop new skills and abilities, improve and even restore relationships with people important to you, and see new perspectives. It is also a great chance to get into a new environment, try out unusual communication styles in practice, try on new personal roles. Many people are attracted by the opportunity to get warm live communication - all this is the goal of personal growth training.

    Cons of personal training

    The principle of "here and now" involves direct communication in a group, which is considered the basis of your development, it requires abstraction from the past and the future. However, this principle is somewhat of a target for opponents of training format programs, as it distorts the communication process.

    If we do not take into account past experience and, at the same time, digress from the discussion of future activities, then we will deprive human relations of originality. One of the critics noted that the activity of the training group is reduced to the mutual analysis of fleeting impressions. The results of such communication are unlikely to be used in everyday life, since people usually return to their usual behavior pattern, falling into the same conditions. Moreover, it will not be useful for everyone to bare their souls in front of strangers.

    Another disadvantage is that the effect of personal effectiveness training is limited in time. Often, immediately after its completion, participants experience a huge emotional upsurge and a surge of strength, they have an irresistible desire to immediately implement all the knowledge gained and apply proven practices. It is worth noting that this period usually does not last long and after a couple of weeks people notice that everything returns to its original place. And recently experienced vivid emotions are gradually replaced by routine.

    Those who want to “recharge” again are looking for opportunities to sign up for the next personal growth training. They say that the consequences of personal growth trainings (and others too) are akin to drugs and are addictive: if you take them more than once every six months, then problems will not keep you waiting. Such addiction helps to reduce the impact of psychological shock.

    In other words, if the use of trainings is dosed, and participation in them is really important for you and can bring the achievement of the desired goals, then this type of self-development can be beneficial. In cases of excessive enthusiasm for this form of self-development, you run the risk of being in a state that psychologists call "withdrawal from life."

    P.S.: How often do you participate in trainings? Write about it below in the comments to this article.


    An active sales department is the locomotive of any business. Only a very young entrepreneur who is ready to sell his product on his own can disagree with this statement. As you grow up and gain experience, scale your business and take your company to new frontiers, there is an urgent need to form a healthy sales force.

    The best way to quickly create a working sales department is to find and train active managers for the needs of your company. Where to find? How to teach? Who will do all this if the company is young and there is neither an intelligent personnel officer nor a competent head of the sales department, and if there is, then they work spontaneously, having neither specialized education nor significant experience? Now, more and more often, mature business owners and smart managers outsource many of the functions of creating and developing their company to third-party organizations, hiring experienced accountants, lawyers, trainers, and personnel officers. Why keep employees on staff, pay taxes for them, if the company needs their services only from time to time?

    Many training and consulting centers provide on-the-job training. What are the pros and cons of such training?

    A huge advantage of conducting corporate trainings is their adaptation to the needs and problems of the company. At the same time, time and money are saved, since employees do not waste energy, do not break away from the work process to get to the audience, where trainings are held according to the “hodgepodge” principle, when the trainer broadcasts about some general issue to everyone at once.

    On-the-job training is characterized by freedom in scheduling classes: a professional trainer conducts them only at a convenient time for the customer. At the same time, sales staff remain in their usual place, they do not need time to adapt to an unfamiliar audience and new people.

    Internet training, a distance method in which the trainer communicates from anywhere in the world, “coming” to the office of his students at a prearranged time, using Skype, M-agent and the like, an even more convenient way for the master to communicate with the audience. A big plus of such training is expanded opportunities for companies from those cities of the world where either there are no professional trainers, or their services are so expensive that there is no opportunity for a young team to buy such a product.

    Distance training via the Internet online is a budget option, since the trainer does not spend his time traveling, he does not need to pay for travel and accommodation, renting a hall, and the like. The only disadvantage of this type of training is that a live exchange of energies has a much more powerful effect on the listeners.

    All other opportunities for online learning are huge:

    · freedom of choice of trainings;

    · saving working time;

    · continuous learning process (no need to distract employees from their main work by sending them to 2-3 day seminars);

    · affordable prices (much lower than when participating in open trainings and seminars);

    · lectures and practical tasks, skills development are absolutely identical to off-line learning;

    · independence from the location of the company (geographical status does not matter);

    · serious result after training;

    · Possibility of post-training service.

    The only question is where to find such a coach who, like a doctor, can correctly diagnose the company and cure all growing pains.

    Contact us! I have been recruiting and training staff for many years, gained practical experience and a lot of technological solutions for companies of any status and type of business, regardless of country and city.

    Zhanna Pyatirikova, a business coach who has been training sales staff for many years, knows the secrets of companies' success, works to the point.

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