• The temptation to give up will be especially strong shortly before victory. Quotes pictures about love Before victory, you always want to give up


    2. The trick of life is to die young, but as late as possible.
    3. Don't speak unless it improves the silence.
    4. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
    5. the strong will overcome the obstacle, the wise - all the way.
    6. Don't be afraid to procrastinate, be afraid to stop.
    7. A fool has stupid happiness.

    8. if you stumbled and fell, this does not mean that you are going the wrong way.
    9. a hut where they laugh is richer than a palace where they are bored. 10. Always look at things from the bright side, and if there are none, rub the dark ones until they shine.
    11. What happens, happens on time. 12. He who points out your shortcomings is not always your enemy; the one who talks about your virtues is not always your friend.
    13. Don't be afraid that you don't know - be afraid that you don't learn.
    14. Teachers only open doors, then you go on your own. 15. No matter how strong the wind blows, the mountain will not bow before it.
    16. live in peace. The time will come, and the flowers will bloom themselves. 17. There is no friend without a flaw; if you look for a flaw, you will be left without a friend.
    18. misfortune enters the door that was opened to him. 19. No one returns from travel the way he was before.
    20. those who are able to blush cannot have a black heart.
    21. Better one day to be a man than a thousand days to be a shadow.
    22. your home is where your thoughts are calm. 23. The man who was able to move the mountain began by dragging small pebbles from place to place.
    24. If you make a mistake, it's better to laugh right away. 25. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is today.

    Not giving up is the only way to succeed. There is no more important skill in life than getting yourself back on your feet after a setback. To do this as quickly as possible, without falling into depression and all serious, here are 12 points to remember:
    As long as you are alive, everything is possible. Death is the only good reason to give up. In the meantime, you are alive and well, you have an unlimited number of attempts to achieve your goal.
    Be realistic. It is impossible to do something well the first time, but this is not a reason to immediately quit everything. There will be mistakes, there will be mistakes, but there will be your own experience, and there will be your own path.
    You are stronger than you think. One tiny problem has no chance of stopping you. As there is no chance for ten, a hundred or a thousand of the same tiny failures.
    Show yourself. Take responsibility, show yourself, declare yourself, achieve what you want to achieve. Humility is useful only sometimes and in very moderate doses.
    Has anyone done this before? Yes? Great, and you can too.
    Believe in your dream, even if they tell you it's impossible. Do you really think that anything standing on earth was created with the full support and approval of others?
    Your loved ones can inspire you more than anyone else to not give up and continue on your way. Share your experiences with them, don't keep everything to yourself.
    There are people worse off than you. Always. It is even harder for millions of people, but they continue to fight for their existence.
    You deserve happiness just like everyone else on the planet.
    By inspiring others, you help yourself not to give up. There is nothing more motivating than helping others.
    You are already so close. Chinese wisdom says that the temptation to give up will be especially strong shortly before victory. So if the desire to surrender has become especially great, victory is not far off. Brace yourself!
    Everything has its time. Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper for lack of ideas, Mendeleev had a C in chemistry, Einstein didn't speak until he was 4, and his teacher described him as mentally retarded. Remember this when you feel like nothing is working. Your time will come too.

    The temptation to give up will be especially strong before victory. Chinese proverbs

    • Gambling leads to robbery; debauchery leads to murder.
    • The shark will be happy if the whole world is under water.
    • Poor - so do not deceive, rich - so do not be arrogant.
    • Without fire, brushwood will not catch fire.
    • The noble man does not remember the old evil.
    • Close neighbors are better than distant relatives.
    • Be afraid that the lazy person will not plow, and that the yellow earth will not give birth, do not be afraid.
    • There are three cases of disrespect for parents, there is no descendant - the most terrible of them.
    • There are only pure brides, but there are no pure matchmakers.
    • There is only the wrong way, but there is no stalemate.
    • Open your eyes quickly, open your mouth slowly.
    • You will perform virtuous deeds for three years - few people will know about it; once you commit a bad one, the whole Celestial Empire will know.
    • He beats - regrets, scolds - loves, gets angry - tramples his feet.
    • On a long journey there is no light luggage.
    • In his youth, he wandered around idle, adults dream of digging a treasure, old age will come - he will go to the monks.
    • It is good to earn money in an unfamiliar place, it is good to celebrate the New Year in a familiar place.
    • You can't put two spoons in one mouth.
    • A fly will not fly into a whole egg.
    • The nobleman dies - a hundred guests at the gate, the general dies - and the soldier will not come.
    • Mutual trust is the basis of friendship.
    • Borrowed - return, the second time it will be easy to take.
    • Water flows down, and a person tends up.
    • There are many wolves, but little meat.
    • Always know your limit.

    Why resist power if it is stronger? To avoid becoming her slave! Why resist even when it seems pointless? Today, when the authorities in Russia have shown their intention to once again peel off the population like sticky, in response you can hear here and there: “It is useless to resist! What's the point of this? For many years I hung leaflets, went to rallies - what's the point?

    What is the difference between a broken person and an unbroken one? And what is the difference between a homeless person and a citizen living with his hard lot? It's not even that the bum has gone down, that he is lying in shit on the side of the road of life. The bum became like this because he stopped fighting. Life dealt him a blow, he gave up, stopped resisting - and lies at the bottom, not even trying to get up.

    It is as if a broken man's back is broken, and he becomes a paralytic. The powerful of this world perfectly know the technologies for breaking ridges - and apply them to a submissive people.

    When the French farmers raised some kind of tax by half a percent, they ringed the whole of Paris - and forced the authorities to back down. Or a case in England that got into the media: a farmer, offended by something, drove up on a tractor to the municipality building - and from a cart with a distributor threw manure over the entire building.

    And we have? A typical egregious case has just happened: a female farmer refused to pay a bribe of 2 million rubles. to the representative of the Khabarovsk governor - and he trampled her beds with strawberries with his SUV. What is the reaction of other villagers to this? That's right, none. Because our authorities and tear us in the tail and mane!

    Someone came up with a fairly simple experiment with fish. In one part of the aquarium, divided in two by a glass wall, a pike was planted, and fry were launched into the other. The pike's reflex immediately worked, and she hit the wall with all her might. This happened several times until the pike gave up. Then the wall was removed - but even when the fry swam next to the pike's face, she did not try to grab them. She developed a new reflex - the surrender reflex ...

    This is how slaves are brought up - they break their backs, put a capitulation chip in them: the idea that any resistance is useless.

    A person who continues to resist in the most difficult situation will never be a slave. Slavery is not in chains, no matter how heavy they may be, slavery is in the mind. The chains could not turn Spartacus into a slave, and he vividly proved to what extent he is not a slave.

    The man was put on a chain, but he sits and gnaws at it. And while he gnaws, breaking his teeth, he is not a slave. And as soon as he begins to supposedly rationally think: “Well, what is the use of this? If you weigh all the arguments, think without emotions, there is no point in resistance, it is better to accept. And as soon as such a decision is made, these are genuine slave shackles. The man turns into a spineless worm.

    Remember all those not very deep, sometimes even stupid martial arts movies? How are they taught to break through the board? Beat, beat and beat, breaking his hand into blood. At first it seems meaningless: there is nothing but pain. But if you give up, then there will be nothing: the laws of the world cannot be overcome, the master is always the master, and the slave is always the slave. But if you show frenzied perseverance, willpower, the incredible happens - a fist of flesh and blood breaks through a wooden board.

    Why is it necessary to hit a wall that seems impenetrable? Because every blow is a victory over yourself, proof that you are not a slave. And, perhaps, the next blow will be victorious and the wall will capitulate, or even shatter to pieces.

    A Chinese proverb says: "The temptation to give up will be especially strong shortly before victory."

    Nikolai Levashov about the actions of the Light Forces against the Dark

    4 Reasons to Participate in Protests

    Many residents of Russia believe that participation in rallies and pickets is a waste of time. And some people think that only loafers go there. These opinions are wrong for the following reasons:

    1. Any protest action attracts the attention of authorities at all levels. They are sensitive to such actions and therefore try to ban them under any pretext. And the more people participate in the actions, the greater the likelihood of relaxation in the laws being passed for the inhabitants of the country.

    According to Aleksey Venediktov, editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, every morning the president is provided with information about the situation in the country by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Presidential Administration, and governors. Based on them, he makes his decisions.

    If protest actions caused indifference among officials, then, believe me, no one would ban them, or establish inconvenient places for them.

    3. As paradoxical as it sounds, protest actions set the vector of the country's political life. Though not immediately. But the leaders of the country and regions are also people and are subjected to psychological pressure from the Russians. Mass rallies and pickets make them nervous. They are afraid of a repetition of the Ukrainian events. Therefore, they try to minimize political risks, even through the adoption of conducive laws.

    4. Thanks to active participation in protest actions, anyone can become a leader of any political movement. This is a street social elevator. How did Sergei Udaltsov. Now this person is very popular in the country. His name is heard. In his place can be any of you.

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    A people with thousands of years of experience cannot give bad advice.

    The written history of China has 3500 years, and all this time the Celestial Empire was famous for its special vision of the world and the place of man in it. There are many things in Chinese culture that can help each of us in life.

    website collected proverbs and sayings in which the wisdom of China is revealed as fully as the taste of freshly brewed tea.

    1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
    2. An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place and circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.
    3. The one who points out your faults is not always your enemy; the one who talks about your virtues is not always your friend.
    4. The temptation to give up will be especially strong shortly before victory.
    5. The trick of life is to die young, but as late as possible.
    6. Everything lost, except time, can be found.
    7. Don't be afraid to slow down, be afraid to stop.
    8. Experience is the hairbrush we get after we've gone bald.
    9. Don't speak unless it improves the silence.
    10. The strong will overcome the barrier, the wise all the way.
    11. A hut where they laugh is richer than a palace where they are bored.
    12. Live in peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.
    13. A fool has stupid happiness.
    14. If you stumble and fall, it does not mean that you are going the wrong way.
    15. If you sit on the shore for a very long time, then sooner or later the corpse of your enemy will float past you.
    16. Always look at things from the bright side, and if there are none, rub the dark ones until they shine.
    17. What happens, happens at the right time.
    18. The one who does not swim anywhere, there is no tailwind.
    19. Don't be afraid that you don't know - be afraid that you don't learn.
    20. Teachers only open doors, then you go on your own.
    21. No matter how strong the wind blows, the mountain will not bow before it.
    22. You said - I believed, you repeated - I doubted, you began to insist, and I realized that you were lying.
    23. If you have talent, don't be afraid that you're out of luck right now.
    24. There is no friend without flaw; if you look for a flaw, you will be left without a friend.
    25. He who does not know how to rest cannot work well either.
    26. Those who are able to blush cannot have a black heart.
    27. Misfortune enters the door that was opened to him.
    28. What was created in a hundred years can be destroyed in one hour.
    29. Sleeping on the same pillow does not mean seeing the same dreams.
    30. Better one day to be a man than a thousand days to be a shadow.
    31. A big river flows quietly, a smart person does not raise his voice.
    32. If a woman has no talent, this is already a virtue.
    33. No one comes back from travel the way he was before.
    34. The best fight is the one that never happened.
    35. You will not endure small things - you will upset big plans.
    36. The person who was able to move a mountain started by dragging small pebbles from place to place.
    37. There is only the wrong way, but there is no stalemate.
    38. If you make a mistake, it's better to laugh right away.
    39. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is today.
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