• Ways to dye Easter eggs without chemical dyes. How to dye eggs with food coloring In what water to dissolve egg paint


    One of the easiest ways to color eggs for Easter is to use food coloring. The more flowers available, the brighter and more elegant the Easter holiday table will turn out. You can also paint eggs in several colors at once, but here you will need more time and attention. Unlike painting eggs in onion skins, here the eggs must first be boiled. Today I will show you in great detail how to color eggs for Easter with food coloring so that you can easily carry out this procedure at home.

    For dyeing eggs you need:

    • food coloring bags
    • hot water,
    • vinegar,
    • eggs.

    Do not forget that food coloring for coloring eggs is great for coloring not only eggs, but also hands. Therefore, it is best to work with gloves. Hard boil eggs, you also need to take disposable or glass small cups so that it is convenient to dip them into the dye.

    Instructions for diluting the dye are usually written on the package. There is nothing difficult - you just need to pour the contents into a glass and pour 70-100 ml of hot water. Also, you need to pour 1 tbsp into each glass. table vinegar. Stir until all granules are dissolved.

    Gently drop the egg into the dye beaker.

    Repeat the manipulations with each cup of dye, now leave the eggs in the paint for a while to make the color brighter and more saturated.

    With a tablespoon, carefully remove the eggs from the cups, choose a place for drying - it is convenient to use small glasses. Wait 10 minutes for excess paint on the glass.

    Gently wipe each egg with a paper towel - Easter eggs are ready. Keep them in the refrigerator until Easter Day.

    In addition to the colors proposed by the manufacturer, you can experiment by mixing different dyes. And if you decide to combine two colors, then this is also very simple. First, dip the egg in one color to half and wait 2-3 minutes. Then carefully remove the egg, wipe the excess paint with a napkin. Turn the egg over and dip the other half into the other color of the dye. Wait a couple of minutes again, then let the egg "drain". Wipe the dyed egg dry afterwards. To brighten the color and shine, you can lightly rub the egg with vegetable oil.

    The simplest, most affordable and inexpensive way is staining with purchased dyes. It is very important that these dyes are food grade. Since the shell of eggs is quite thin, some of the dyes penetrate through it when painting. If they are food, then the manufacturers assume that these powders should not be harmful to human health.

    Let's take a closer look at how to use powders correctly and how to color eggs for Easter with food coloring.

    We will need:

    - eggs,
    - pack of food coloring
    - vinegar 9%,
    - hot water
    - glass containers
    - cloth towel.

    First of all, prepare a glass container. It is convenient to use ordinary jars with a capacity of five hundred milliliters. Rinse them under water. Put in each of them one color of the dye.

    Usually, in a standard purchase pack there are five to six colors. Pour one hundred milliliters of water into each jar. The water must be hot. Add one teaspoon of vinegar to each jar. Do not confuse, vinegar should be nine percent.

    Boil the eggs, before painting, they should be hot, like water in jars.

    Carefully place one egg into each jar using a tablespoon.

    Painting time is approximately one to five minutes. The longer the eggs are in the solution with paint, the brighter they will be colored.

    After taking them out of the jar, put them on a cloth towel, let them dry completely.
    That's actually the whole simple procedure for coloring Easter eggs with food coloring.

    If desired, you can use only for painting eggs.

    Easter is coming. This year it falls on April 19th. According to church tradition, you need to paint eggs on Clean Thursday, which means that there comes a hot time of preparation in every house for the bright holiday of the resurrection of Jesus - they paint eggs, make dough for Easter cakes and cook.

    And also in families where there are small children or needlewomen hostesses, they make crafts to decorate their home and for gifts to relatives and friends.

    I remember when I was a child, my grandmother dyed testicles red-brown with onion skins. Now you won’t surprise anyone with red, and housewives come up with all sorts of ways to decorate. After all, it is customary to be christened on Christ's Resurrection, and and. And so you want to stand out so that the donated egg is liked and remembered.

    And every year I wonder how to color eggs for easter and surf the internet for new information. This time I decided to collect all the methods I liked in one place.

    Dyed Easter eggs vary in the way they are dyed.

    • Krashenki - dyed in one color with natural or food coloring
    • Drapes (or shkryabanks) - on a surface painted in one color, a drawing is scratched out with a sharp object, for example, a needle or a clerical knife. It is preferable to use brown copies, because. their shell is stronger
    • Krapanki - first they are painted in one color, then wax is applied with drops and dipped in paint of a different color. After drying, the wax is removed by immersion in hot water or by scraping. In ancient times it was forbidden to apply more than three colors

    • Pysanky are painted by hand and are considered the most difficult way. In capable hands, this is a work of art. The beeswax is heated and, with the help of a special steel pen, a pattern is applied to a raw cold testicle. Then it is painted in the desired color, and the pattern is applied again and the whole process is repeated until the desired result is obtained. When all the patterns are applied, you need to carefully stop the wax from the surface above the candle flame
    • Sloths are the easiest way. The use of thermal stickers is not time-consuming, and the result pleases the eye with a variety of patterns
    • Stickers - more suitable for crafts with children. Improvised materials are glued to the surface - cereals, peas, beads, braid, seeds
    • Beads - beaded pattern requires perseverance and patience, and is most often used on souvenir eggs
    • Malevanka (to paint) - signs with an invented pattern and does not carry any semantic load. This method is suitable for children's activities in the manufacture of gift souvenirs.

    The last three types are more often used to create crafts for Easter, because. these species are best used on empty eggs.

    Basic rules for successful painting

    Regardless of which painting method you choose, you need to properly prepare for the process:

    1. We wash with soap and a sponge so that the paint lies evenly. Or use alcohol or vodka
    2. Before cooking, be sure to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, 1.5-2 hours in advance, so that they have time to warm up. In this case, the shell will not crack from the temperature difference. Or pierce them with a sharp needle, but this is a more laborious process.
    3. When cooking, add for each liter of water - 1-1.5 tbsp. salt. If the eggs do crack, the salt will help seal the egg white and keep it from spilling.
    4. To keep the paint stronger, do not forget about the vinegar. A tablespoon for 1 liter of water will be enough
    5. For painting, it is preferable to use the white color of the shell, but if you paint with onion peel, then you can take brown - the color will be brighter and it will take less time to paint
    6. For shine, grease them with vegetable oil and polish with a dry cloth.
    7. To make the shell easier to clean, dip the boiled eggs in cold water for a couple of minutes.
    8. If there are children in the house, then it is better to use natural dyes.

    How to dye eggs in onion skins so that they do not crack

    The most traditional way of staining is the use of onion peel. I usually save it up starting in the fall. Moreover, I need it not only for Easter, but also for horticultural work as a fertilizer and pest repellent when planting potatoes. By the way, if you don’t have the husk, then you can ask the sellers of vegetables for it - they will gladly get rid of it. Checked.

    • Prepare onion skins and a box of eggs. If you have a red onion peel, then the color will turn out to be more saturated and bright.

    • Fill the husk with boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and let cool

    • Add salt to the saucepan. 1 tbsp is enough per liter of water.

    • Immerse eggs in a saucepan and put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes. Turn off and chill

    • Dip in cold water, soak for a few minutes, wipe to dryness.

    This is the usual way. There are others. In some families, it is customary to boil water with husks for 40-50 minutes and leave it to infuse overnight. And in the morning, boil eggs in this or strained water from the leaves. I tried it this way and that - I didn’t see the difference, so I prefer the quick way.

    Original painting in a husk with a pattern

    Patterned eggs can be made using parsley leaves, dill, or other herbs. To fix the leaflet, use a nylon stocking or gauze.

    • We put green leaves soaked in water on a raw testicle for better fixation.

    • Wrap tightly in a stocking or gauze, tie the ends with a thread

    • Put a layer of husks in a saucepan, on top of the eggs and pour water

    • We finish with another onion layer and add water. We put on fire, boil for 10 minutes

    • We take it out of the pan, remove the stocking and clean it from the greens.

    For beauty, you can lubricate with sunflower oil.

    We use brilliant green for marble stains

    To obtain a marble effect, we take the usual onion peel and a vial of brilliant green. It is preferable to take an item for decoration in white. In this case, the picture will turn out clear and bright.

    • To create a beautiful pattern, cut the husk finely with scissors. The smaller the leaves, the more beautiful the pattern. Another nuance - the combined use of red and golden husks will sparkle on the surface with richer shades.

    • In order not to paint our hands, we use gloves. We cut pieces of gauze in such a size that you can wrap the egg, and there would still be tips

    • We dip the raw egg in water and turn it in pieces of the husk so that the shell is completely stuck around

    • Spread on cheesecloth, sprinkle with leaves on top and wrap in a bag. The gauze should tightly fit the surface. We fix with threads

    • We put the prepared bags in a container (it is better to take the old one so that it is not a pity) and pour a vial of brilliant green (10 ml), add water to hide the protruding parts and pour salt. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil over medium heat for 8 minutes

    • Fill with cold water so that the shells are easily peeled off and leave to cool

    Remove the gauze from the cooled eggs and wipe the surface with a cotton pad dipped in oil to add shine.

    How to create patterns with rice and paint

    I offer another interesting coloring recipe. Suitable for those who are always in a hurry - it is done easily and quickly.

    Prepare multi-colored flowers (three pcs.) And 1.5 cups of rice and 9% vinegar

    • We put eggs on fire to cook (we need hot ones), and at this time we lay out rice in plastic bags

    • If the dye is dry, then dilute with water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and pour 2-3 teaspoons into each bag

    • Shake the bag well so that the paint evenly stains the entire rice. We take out the boiled hot (required) egg and put it in the bag

    • Press each egg tightly with colored rice so that it is not visible, and tightly tie the bags

    Leave for a while. The longer the egg is in the rice, the brighter and more intense the pattern will be.

    Coloring with food coloring at home

    Food coloring gives a huge scope for creativity. With their help, you can create various patterns on the shell, and if you use improvised means in the form of threads, electrical tapes or elastic bands, then every year you can surprise your family and friends with elegant Easter clothes.

    1 way - classic

    In stores before Easter, a huge number of Easter kits for painting are sold. We take any one you like, read the instructions and perform the actions. Usually, pre-boiled white products are used for this method.

    In separate containers (most often I use large circles), in which one egg fits well, we dilute the dye. If there are only 4 colors in a pack, then it's not scary. You can paint in them first, and then mix the colors and get other colors. Pour vinegar 9% into a mug and lower the testicle. Hold in the solution until the desired shade is obtained and dry on a cardboard stand. They are often included as well. If not, then you can make your own.

    2 way - rainbow

    If there is time and desire, then we will experiment and get a rainbow on our table.

    • We need three primary colors - red, yellow and blue, vinegar 9%, water and a drying stand. The egg is already boiled and dried dry. Better if it is warm or hot. This will make the paint stick easier and stronger.
    • We dilute each color in a separate container with 100 ml of water per 1 tbsp of dye plus 1 tbsp. vinegar

    • We lower the egg at an angle into the red dye and hold for a couple of minutes. We take out, blot a drop from the bottom with a napkin and send it to the dryer to dry

    • Dip on the other side into the yellow dye and repeat the process
    • We lower the unpainted part in blue, withstand the allotted time and dry.

    It turns out a rainbow egg.

    3 way - striped

    With this method, you can use tape or thread. With electrical tape, the pattern will be more pronounced. And don't forget the gloves.

    • Prepare paint containers

    • We boil the eggs, wipe them with a napkin and, without waiting for them to cool, we wind the electrical tape in random order, which we will first cut along if it is too wide

    • Dip in a glass of dye for a couple of minutes

    • We take it out, carefully get wet from excess moisture. On the free space again stick the electrical tape and lower it into a glass with another paint

    • After waiting for the allotted time, we take it out and blot it with a napkin. We remove the tape and get a beautiful result

    • In the same way, we decorate with polka dots or a triangle. Moreover, you can glue circles or triangles on an already painted egg.

    • If we wrap it with threads, then the pattern is less pronounced, but gentle and unobtrusive.

    4 way - patterned

    We use different rubber bands. There are thick ones, there are rubber bands for money, and there are very thin ones. The combination gives an interesting result.

    • We wrap the egg with rubber bands and dip it in the paint for a while. Then we'll discuss

    • We get interesting patterned specimens.

    5 way - speckled

    There are several options. You can dilute ordinary acrylic paint and use a brush or toothbrush to spray on a white egg or the second option on an already painted one.

    Using a wax crayon to decorate

    If there is a wax pencil, then use it. It is certainly more convenient to use.

    • If there is no drawing skill, sketch a sketch of the future pattern with a pencil

    • Wax can be used instead of a pencil. We take a candle and use melted wax with a toothpick or a match to apply a pattern to the surface

    • Then we paint in the usual way with natural or food dyes. Just use a non-hot liquid, otherwise the wax will melt. We get a wonderful pattern. Melt the wax with a candle or carefully scratch it.

    Coloring with natural dyes

    With the help of natural products, you can get beautiful and delicate colors. Unlike food, the process will take, of course, more time. But adherents of folk recipes will undoubtedly appreciate their dignity.

    To obtain golden and yellow flowers, birch leaves, both fresh and dried, are suitable. We brew them with boiling water for 30 minutes, and then boil white eggs in the solution for 10 minutes

    Spinach will give a light green tint. Grind the leaves into a gruel and boil the already boiled eggs in the spinach solution for one minute.

    Pink color can be obtained with cranberry or cherry juice. We squeeze the juice from the berries, boil the eggs in it and leave it overnight.

    A beautiful brown-chocolate color is obtained with coffee or tea. Boil eggs in strong coffee solution (10 minutes).

    In the table you can see which dyes and how to use to obtain the desired color.

    How to use beets for painting at home

    Beets give the shell a pink color. There are several ways to color this vegetable. See one of them in the table above - coloring with beetroot juice. Squeeze out the juice, and leave the finished egg in it for three hours. Be sure to add vinegar for color fastness.

    Another way is done like this - cut the beets into cubes or three on a grater. The pattern on the surface of the shell depends on the grinding method. Boil for 10-20 minutes. The vegetable should become soft, and the color should be saturated red. Immerse the eggs in the beetroot mass. We leave it all night. The color comes out uneven and iridescent.

    Color eggs with turmeric for Easter

    To get the yellow color, use turmeric. Eggs are pre-boiled.

    Pour into the bowl 3 tbsp. l. spices and dilute with boiling water, add 2 tbsp. vinegar for durability, and dip the eggs into the solution. Let cool, and then send to spend the night in the refrigerator for more intense coloring.

    How to dye with red cabbage so that the paint does not wear off

    Surprisingly, we get the blue color from red cabbage. Such is the chemistry!

    • Cut into small cubes
    • Fill with water to cover and put on fire for 20 minutes

    • Put eggs (ready-made) in a container and pour strained cabbage broth. In one cup (left) pour 1 tbsp. soda. The color changes immediately. In another 2 tbsp. vinegar 9%. And fill the third with one solution. Leave for 3 hours, then take out
    • We conduct an experiment on the duration of the immersion time in different solutions. The picture shows the difference, and if you look even closer, the shades of color glare very beautifully.

    • If eggs are placed in a non-strained hot mass and left overnight, the color is obtained with a marble effect. After drying, the shell takes on a matte appearance. We shine with a cotton pad dipped in oil.

    How to get colorful eggs with cloth

    Unusual way of coloring. Look for unnecessary pieces of brightly shedding rags. Permanently painted will not work. You also need white cotton cloth, water and vinegar.

    • We take a piece of fabric measuring 18 by 18 and wrap an egg in it. Make sure that the fabric fits snugly (no wrinkles), secure with an elastic band. Top with white cloth

    • Fold the tops into a saucepan with tails, pour water and vinegar, boil after boiling for 10-12 minutes

    • Cool and remove from fabric clothing.

    We use ordinary napkins when painting

    With the help of a napkin, we get bright and non-repeating colors. You can choose the colors yourself, depending on your preferences and the quantity available.

    Eggs are used already prepared. We dilute the paint - yellow, red and blue, add vinegar for color fastness. Be sure to wear gloves

    • We wrap the egg in a napkin, preferably in two or three layers.

    • We apply paint with a spoon, cotton swab or syringe. First of one color, then turn over with the white side and smear with another. Because we have taken the primary colors, when crossed they give other shades - green, orange
    • The task is to completely paint over the napkin. Set the colors aside to dry for 5 minutes.

    • We unfold and inspect. There are places where the paint has not reached. It's OK. You decide for yourself - leave it as it is or enhance the effect with mother-of-pearl paints for overflow. In the meantime, let it dry naturally

    • We take pink and blue mother-of-pearl, and apply in turn with brush strokes in the places we need. Let's dry.

    We decorate eggs for Easter with our own hands without dyes with children

    Joint creativity with children in preparation for Easter will benefit both mother and child.

    Let's use a quick and easy way. We buy thermal stickers, cut them. Boil the eggs, dry with a napkin.

    • We put clothes on the egg, and on a spoon or other device we lower it into boiling water for a few seconds. As soon as the sticker tightly clasps the testicle, we take it out onto a plate

    • By the way, you can put a sticker on a painted copy

    • FixPrice sells self-adhesive tape. It keeps well on the shell and looks very elegant.

    • For decoration, children's water-based markers or the same paints are suitable. With their help, we draw funny and funny faces, apply various patterns and drawings.

    • Monochrome patterns in one color look very nice.
    • And more options for inspiration and imitation. You can get by with purchased eyes and a marker, and get, in fact, masterpieces.

    • You can decorate eggs with varnish. We put on gloves.

    • Pour varnish of different bright colors into a container with water. We draw various patterns with a toothpick and lower the testicle.

    Napkin technique in decoupage for decoration

    A safe and unusual decorating method suitable for already boiled white eggs.

    In needlework stores, we buy napkins with a small Easter-themed pattern. We tear out motifs of a suitable size with our hands. You can also use scissors, but then the borders of the picture will be clearer.

    • Apply a piece to the surface

    • Glue with a brush using egg white. This technique is also suitable for classes with children, but requires accuracy and patience.

    Video on how to beautifully paint eggs at home

    Potal is used in needlework and gives the products an expensive and rich look. Get inspired by watching the video and repeat the process. Your loved ones will be surprised by the richness of the decor.

    Choose your favorite option for decorating Easter eggs or even several. Happy Easter!

    Each housewife has her favorite way of painting eggs for Easter, and often from year to year she uses only it. The signature style of painting eggs is a real family tradition, take care of it! If you try to decorate Easter eggs differently every year, you will need the methods described in the new book of Easter recipes by Dmitry Novokreshchenov, the author of the Baker's Nest bakery buffet and the culinary Food Studio in Suzdal. So, how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

    Chicken eggs must be washed before painting, preferably with soap and a brush. Keep eggs in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. The causative agents of salmonellosis, which prefer chicken eggs, are very resistant to external influences, and when cooked, they begin to die only after 5 minutes.

    Eggs taken out of the refrigerator should be warmed to room temperature. Pour eggs with cold water, to which 1 tablespoon of salt is added so that the shell does not burst during cooking.

    After boiling, the eggs must be cooled and be sure to degrease by rubbing them with alcohol - the paint will lie more evenly. Hands should also be washed with soap before work: any greasy trace will disrupt the pattern.

    On white eggs, the colors are brighter, on dark tones they will come out more muted. Eggs with brown shells are stronger than white ones.

    Eggs intended for human consumption can only be dyed with natural dyes, especially if you are going to give an Easter egg to a child. Look in the refrigerator: there are sure to be some completely safe "paints" for your creativity.

    How to dye eggs in onion skins. The intensity of coloring depends on the time: if the eggs cooked in advance are dipped in boiling onion broth for a few seconds, a light yellow tint will be obtained.

    A red-brown color will turn out if you boil the eggs in the husk. If you wrap the egg with husk and tie it with a piece of cotton fabric before cooking, the color will turn out to be "marble".

    Natural dyes for eggs. Remember which foods leave the brightest stains on a baby's bib and use this tip. If you dip an already hard-boiled egg into carrot juice, it will turn a light yellow color. A similar effect will give turmeric diluted with water - a seasoning used in the preparation of pilaf and curry.

    A burgundy hue will be given to the eggs by beets or blueberries. Spinach and nettle leaves will turn eggs green, and red cabbage leaf juice will turn blue. You can use coffee: it gives brown shades. The longer the eggs are in the liquid, the more intense the tone will be.

    Homemade dyes for eggs. An interesting effect can be obtained by wrapping the "blank" with bright threads of different colors and welding it like that. You can wrap hard-boiled eggs in colored silk shreds, tie them with threads, put them in water with soda and boil. The patches are removed after cooling.

    After dyeing, the eggs are "polished": they are rubbed to give shine with vegetable oil.

    Eggs in a speck. Wet eggs are rolled in rice or millet, then wrapped in gauze or a piece of nylon stockings, tied tightly and boiled in dye.

    Egg stencils. With the help of a piece of stocking, you can attach the leaves of any plant with curly leaves to the eggs: in this case, you need to boil the eggs for a long time, about half an hour, then the white pattern on a dark background will be clear and contrasting.

    Invite the children to cut out various geometric shapes from ordinary transparent tape, and then stick them on the shell in random order. Then dip the eggs into the dye and boil. After painting, the adhesive tape peels off, the places under it remain unpainted.

    How to paint eggs. For the smallest painters, offer to paint eggs with waterproof felt-tip pens or markers. True, in this way it is better to decorate decorative eggs, and not those that are intended for food.

    Another option is finger paints that do not contain chemical ingredients, with their help the kid will be happy to create his own unique masterpieces.

    Easter eggs - home decoration

    Easter eggs are not only an attribute of the festive table, but also a wonderful decoration for the interior. Blanks can be made of any materials: wood, plaster, cardboard. You can also use ordinary eggs, more precisely, intact shells.

    Gently "drill" through the hole from the ends of the egg and ask the baby to blow out the contents (it can be used to make an omelette or Easter baking). To make the shell stronger, put it in a saucepan, pour warm water with the addition of vinegar essence (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and hold for at least half an hour.

    If you want to tint the whole egg in one color, you need to blow it out after dyeing, otherwise it will be difficult to "drown" it in the dye.

    The easiest and most effective decoration option is to decorate a white egg with a mosaic of pieces of shell in a contrasting (for example, red or yellow) color. The ornament can be "planted" on glue or on a layer of melted paraffin.

    Together with your child, paint the testicles yellow with gouache paint. Cut out scallops and beaks from colored paper and turn the blanks into little chickens. Draw the eyes of the chicks with a felt-tip pen or make them from beads.

    Decorate the shell with any braid or ribbon, simply by gluing it and at the same time masking the holes in the ends with bows.

    Decorated eggs can be folded into a beautiful basket or a bright knitted hat. Such a "nest" is left in a secluded corner, and in the morning they ask the baby to look for it. Among the eggs, there must also be a treat.

    Onion peel is a simple, cheap, and most importantly, natural remedy for coloring Easter eggs.

    With its help, you can get dyes from light brown to rich chocolate color. The shade depends on the amount and variety of onion peel. So, red onion peel gives a purple tint.


    In onion peels, even brown-shelled eggs are well stained.

    What will you need

    • Onion peel. At least a dozen eggs - a tightly packed half-liter jar. The more, the richer the color will be.
    • Water.
    • 1 tablespoon of table salt.
    • Paper towels.

    How to color eggs

    Take the eggs out of the refrigerator and wash well. They should be at room temperature, so let them stand for a while.

    At this time, pour the onion peel into the pan. It is better to take a small dish and dye the eggs in batches so that the onion solution is saturated. Pour boiling water over the husk. The water should completely cover the eggs.

    Put on high heat and cook for 40 minutes. You can also first fill the husk with cold water, leave for a couple of hours, and then boil for 10-20 minutes.

    When the eggs are warm, carefully place them in the pan along with the salt. Salt is added so that the eggs do not crack during cooking and coloring.

    Sometimes the solution is pre-filtered. Allegedly to avoid divorce. In fact, the presence or absence of husks in the pan does not affect this.

    Boil eggs in onion skins for 10-20 minutes. The longer, the richer the color will be. Some housewives turn down the heat and leave the eggs in the solution for an hour or more. It is believed that with long cooking, Easter eggs are stored longer, and they taste like red-hot.

    Put the painted eggs on a paper towel, and when cool, rub each with gauze dipped in vegetable oil. This will give the paint a shine.


    What other options are there

    When stained with onion peel, eggs can be made even more elegant. To get stripes, wrap eggs with white thread or. If you moisten the eggs in water, roll in rice and wrap tightly with gauze or nylon, you get a speck. Also, as a stencil, you can take sprigs of parsley and dill, lace, plaster.

    Onion skins can be used to make marbled eggs. Thanks to this method of staining, a bizarre pattern appears on the shell with different shades of brown.

    Before you send the eggs to the pan with saline, they need to be rolled in onion peel and wrapped with gauze or nylon.

    The husk is sometimes mixed with finely cut paper to produce white blotches on the shell. You can also add green to the coloring solution to get emerald spots.

    In addition to onion peel, you can use other natural dyes. They are best for coloring white eggs.

    What will you need

    • , cranberries, hibiscus, beets, spinach or red cabbage. Shown below are the colors that can be achieved with these products.
    • Water.
    • 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%.
    • Gauze and some vegetable oil.

    How to color eggs

    Grind food, fill with water and boil them for about 10-15 minutes. The decoction can be strained or left as is. In the latter case, the eggs will get divorced. Add vinegar to the decoction.

    Lay out and leave for a few minutes or until the liquid has completely cooled. The longer the eggs are infused, the richer the color will turn out. You can even refrigerate them overnight.

    To make colored eggs shine, you can wipe them with gauze soaked in vegetable oil.

    In this video, Lifehacker showed how to color eggs with turmeric, cranberries and hibiscus tea.

    Beetroot gives the eggs a pink hue, spinach green, and red cabbage blue. By the way, even two colors can be obtained from red cabbage. If you do not add vinegar to it, then the eggs will turn purple-raspberry.

    On the eve of Easter, store shelves are full of kits for coloring eggs. With their help, it is better to paint eggs with a white shell.


    What will you need

    • Food colorings. They are available in the form of tablets or powders in basic colors: red, yellow, green, blue.
    • 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%.

    How to color eggs

    The kit comes with detailed instructions for use. As a rule, you need to dissolve the dye in 200-250 milliliters of hot water and add vinegar.

    In the resulting solution, alternately dip the hard-boiled eggs for 5-7 minutes. This should be done immediately after cooking, as hot eggs are stained with food coloring.

    amanda farah/Flickr.com

    Transfer the colored eggs to the stand. If they are simply laid out on paper, smudges may remain on the shell.

    The stand can be made from a dishwashing sponge and safety pins, or from Styrofoam and matches.


    What other options are there

    With the help of food coloring, you can make not only plain, but also multi-colored dyes.

    To make rainbow coloring, the eggs must be alternately dipped in solutions of different colors or dyed through a napkin. Here is a detailed instruction.

    By changing the concentration of the solution or the staining time, you can get an ombre effect. This is when the same color turns into an increasingly lighter tone.

    These are the eggs you get when you put them in a bag of dyed rice.

    Multi-colored patterns are easy to make by sticking duct tape on the eggs while dyeing.

    You can make "space" eggs by drawing stars with a toothbrush.

    In addition to soluble, artificial dyes with pearl effect are very popular.

    What will you need

    • White paper or .
    • Medical gloves.
    • Pearlescent dyes.

    How to color eggs

    Line your table with paper or paper towels. Wear gloves to keep your hands clean. Going from color to color, gloves need to be washed, and it is better to change them for new ones.

    Hard-boil the eggs and let them cool slightly so that they can be handled. Put a few drops of dye on each egg and rub it thoroughly over the entire surface. Place on a stand and let dry for 1-2 minutes.

    If desired, the procedure can be repeated: the color will be more saturated. For the same purpose, eggs are sometimes pre-stained in soluble dyes.

    How to dye eggs with fabric

    A simply stunning and unique pattern will turn out if you transfer drawings from natural silk fabric onto eggs.

    What will you need

    • Bright natural silk fabric.
    • Scissors and ruler.
    • Stationery gum or thread.
    • White fabric.
    • Water.
    • 3 tablespoons.

    How to color eggs

    Cut the fabric into strips with sides of about 18 cm, lay the raw eggs on the right side of the fabric and tie tightly. Then tie the eggs with a plain white cloth.

    Place the eggs in a pot of cold water. It should completely cover them. Add vinegar and cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Remove the eggs, cool completely and remove the cloth from them.

    How to decorate eggs with thermal stickers

    With the help of thermal stickers, you can decorate both painted and unpainted hard-boiled eggs.

    Alex Kapranoff/Flickr.com

    What will you need

    • Scissors.
    • Spoon.
    • Water.

    How to decorate eggs

    Cut the stickers and match them to the size of the eggs. It is important. After all, if the sticker is too large, it will not adhere tightly to the shell and will bulge ugly from below or above.

    After putting on the sticker, gently lower the egg into boiling water on a spoon for a few seconds. The sticker will wrap around the egg very quickly.

    How else to decorate Easter eggs

    Colored eggs are optional. For example, you can create a pattern using decorative paper tape.

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