• Is it good to engage in self-satisfaction? Is it good for a woman to masturbate: what is adaptive and maladaptive masturbation, and how to do it correctly? The "nature" of child masturbation


    In the office of a urologist, it is not customary to dissemble. However, like a gynecologist. Therefore, it is no longer a secret to anyone that almost 95% of the adult population of the planet had or has experience of self-satisfaction. Don't let this number fool you. It's likely even higher...

    If we open the Brief Medical Encyclopedia, published in the USSR in the 70s of the last century, we will be surprised to learn that masturbation is one of the forms of sexual perversion. It is unlikely that Soviet doctors adhered to this position; rather, such was the attitude of public opinion of the most “moral” power in the world. The younger generation was threatened with all the punishments of heaven: from impotence and infertility to curvature of the genital organs and even schizophrenia. However, it would be foolish to blame the communist system for everything.

    The first in the history of medicine to consider masturbation as a medical problem was the Swiss doctor S. Tissot (1728-1797). It was he who turned masturbation, for reasons only known to him, from a simple sin into a disease requiring treatment. According to Tissot, any sexual activity was dangerous because it caused "a rush of blood to the head, reducing the blood supply to other organs, as a result of which the nerves and other vital tissues gradually degenerate, which sooner or later leads to insanity."

    original title masturbation- onanism. This term has been known since biblical times. True, modern scholars consider the story of Onan as a description of a completely different action - interrupted sexual intercourse. In the book of Genesis (38), Judah tells his son Onan to marry his brother's wife and have intercourse with her. Onan resists. “And Judas said to Onan: Go in to your brother's wife, marry her as a brother-in-law, and restore seed to your brother. Onan knew that the seed would not be for him, and therefore, when he went in to his brother's wife, he poured it out on the ground so as not to give the seed to his brother. Evil was before the eyes of the Lord what he did; and he slew him also.”

    As you can see, masturbation is out of the question here. However, the name "masturbation" has been around ever since.

    But today masturbation considered to be an absolutely normal form of female and male sexuality. Moreover, urologists-sexologists and gynecologists report the positive impact of self-satisfaction not only on the human psyche, but also on his sexuality and the whole organism as a whole, highlighting the obvious advantages of masturbation:

    « Masturbation- perhaps the best prophylactic against prostatitis, but do not forget that during masturbation, the prostate drains much worse than during sexual intercourse "

    "For woman masturbation- a great way to emotionally discharge during PMS and, like any sexual "training", it provides increased blood circulation, creates an additional tone for muscles and skin"

    “In both sexes, masturbation improves sleep and memory, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system and helps to cope with stress and depression.”

    “Self-satisfaction, as one of the options for sex, helps to increase the number of antibodies in the human body by 30-40%, which helps strengthen immunity and protects against infectious diseases”

    However, we should not forget that the most NORMAL form of sexual activity is, after all, sexual activity with a partner. And we cannot ignore the fact that for people who are shy, prone to isolation, and insecure, masturbation can do a disservice, accustoming them to the idea of ​​the possibility of substituting a full-fledged personal life for its physiological surrogate. And also, according to some reports, masturbation can lead to varicocele (varicose veins of the spermatic cord), due to a violation of the natural “pump”, which is created during a full sexual intercourse and is essential for both men and women.

    In addition, sexologists pay attention to the fact that self-satisfaction is considered normal, which causes a person only physical pleasure, but not moral or psychological. The desire to masturbate in front of other people, or spy on strangers during this intimate activity can be regarded as hooliganism and indicate some mental disorders that doctors already consider as a pathology.

    Urologists note that, contrary to popular belief, there are differences between male and female masturbation. Let's start with the fact that self-satisfaction is "more useful" for men, and sometimes it is simply necessary (if there is a risk of prostatitis). The stronger sex probably feels this subconsciously, so they resort to masturbation (even with a permanent partner) 40% more often than a woman who has a partner. In addition, women, as more refined natures, try to find a certain aesthetics in the process of self-satisfaction. They need a certain entourage, mood, atmosphere. Men are more straightforward and perceive masturbation as a natural physiological process. But, women many times more often than men resort to experiments, they like to visit sex shops. Therefore, probably, women's "games" with themselves so often become the object of attention of directors of erotic films, and men - almost never.

    As a summary of this short material, I would like to report the following:

    If the “sin” of self-satisfaction is inherent in you, self-satisfy for health, but do not abuse it. There are no medical contraindications if you masturbate no more than once a week. Carefully monitor your well-being and try to really have fun, and not compensate for your complexes. The frequency, duration, and activity of your intimate hobby are entirely up to you.

    When discussing the dangers of masturbation, one should not ignore the subjective opinion of the masturbator himself: the more “destructive” he considers this vice for himself, the more harmful its consequences can be.

    Very often people suffering from schizophrenia, psychopathy and other psychopathology indulge in masturbation. However, many people engage in masturbation completely unconsciously, especially at night, during sleep.

    V. M. Bekhterev explained this by the fact that these persons in the state of wakefulness, understanding the harm of onanism, persistently suppress vicious desire, while in a dream they mechanically masturbate.

    The main harm of onanism lies in its negative impact on the state and functions of the higher nervous system. After normal sexual intercourse, a man experiences a natural calm, improvement in his general condition, satisfaction.

    Moreover, during sexual intercourse, in the formation of feelings, such factors as the appearance of a woman, heightened tactile sensations, visual perceptions, etc., also acquire significant significance.

    With onanism, this whole complex of complex emotional perception is absent and is replaced by artificial irritation of the genital organs or fantasizing.

    After an onanistic act, after an orgasm, no matter how much relief it brings, in the future there is a feeling of depression, oppression of the general state, physical weakness, etc.

    The masturbator is well aware that he suffers from a vice, according to some - even a serious one, represents the unnaturalness and immorality of what is being done.

    Realizing that masturbation humiliates human dignity and harms health, these persons experience remorse, painful emotional experiences, are ashamed of their vice and always reproach themselves for supposedly immoral acts.

    Usually, in these conclusions, exceptionally great importance is attached to the loss of the seed, which, according to onanists, is a biologically valuable substance.

    There is no doubt that the experiences of persons engaged in masturbation are unjustifiably exaggerated, which, in all likelihood, is facilitated by the unnaturalness of the act and the social condemnation of the vice.

    Without denying the undoubted harm inflicted on the nervous system by persistent and systematic onanism, it should be emphasized that its degree is greatly exaggerated not only by the onanists themselves, but also by the medical community.

    It should be thought that the harm of masturbation is especially great if teenagers or young men are engaged in it, whose body is still developing and not fully formed.

    For assessing possible harm, the age of the subject, to which the onset of masturbation belongs, as well as the duration and frequency of onanistic acts, may be of primary importance.

    It has been established that as a result of persistent onanism, a person's working capacity can suffer significantly and fatigue sets in faster.

    For example, after an onanistic act, the dynamometer readings become 1/3 and even 1/2 lower than before it.

    A person engaged in masturbation often cannot concentrate, becomes absent-minded, indecisive, gloomy, capricious, touchy.

    The memory of onanists deteriorates, isolation, depression, indifference to the environment appear.

    Therefore, it is quite natural that such a subject seeks solitude, avoids society.

    In some cases, onanism in persons with an unstable emotional sphere can lead to severe neurosis and even mental disorders.

    Onanism deeply depresses with its impotence to cope with a bad habit. Frightened by those around him, and even more often by reading pamphlets describing fantastic horrors as a consequence of onanism, the patient constantly lives under the threat of future illnesses and the thought of his unfitness for life.

    A condition is created that can lead to the development of psychasthenia. Therefore, onanism predisposes to all kinds of diseases, both somatic and nervous.

    An onanistic act is under no circumstances equivalent to sexual intercourse, especially if there are frequent onanistic acts.

    Practiced onanism in physically healthy people (with a strong type of higher nervous activity) may sometimes not cause much harm. At the same time, it should be remembered that the harmful effects of onanism are aggravated by the fact that they often begin to engage in it in childhood.

    In addition, a second person is not needed for this, and a bad erection or its absence is not an obstacle to performing onanistic acts.

    Those engaged in masturbation may suffer from prostorrhea, i.e., the release of a prostatic secret, and spermatorrhea, an involuntary separation of the seed.

    It should be noted, however, that prostorrhea and spermatorrhea may depend on completely different causes and be dependent on onanism.

    In parallel with prostorrhea and ejaculation, there is also an increased secretion of the secretion of the glands of Cooper and Littre.

    The release of the secrets of these glands in masturbators can occur even with the most insignificant excitations (reading books or looking at paintings, photographs, films of erotic and pornographic content, etc.).

    According to A. I. Vasiliev, among urological patients, masturbation was the cause of colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle) in 15% of cases. AP Kolomiytsev during the examination found changes in the posterior urethra and seminal tubercle in 13% of persons engaged in masturbation or used interrupted sexual intercourse.

    Masturbation is the cause of prostatitis.

    Due to frequent masturbation acts in persons engaged in masturbation, there is a weakening of the tone of the prostate muscles. The gland in these cases becomes atonic and flabby, and congestive prostatitis may also form in connection with this.

    The occurrence of aseptic, catarrhal or congestive prostatitis, as well as damage to the glandular ducts of the prostate as a result of onanism, is due to frequent flushes of blood and the presence of constant congestion.

    In addition, prolonged and persistent onanism often contributes to the defeat of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation.

    It is clear that congestion in the prostate can cause other diseases, which, in turn, leads to impotence.

    As a result of onanism, paraphimosis can develop, most often with a narrow opening of the preputial sac.

    The foreskin, infringing on the head of the penis, leads to its swelling and increase in volume. At the same time, the foreskin itself also swells sharply, increases in size and becomes painful.

    Untimely reduction of the head can lead to its necrosis in the restrained ring of the foreskin.

    Frequent friction of delicate skin and foreskin can contribute to the occurrence of balanoposthitis, i.e., inflammation of the skin of the head and foreskin.

    It is impossible not to mention the other side of the harmful consequences of onanism.

    We are talking about the psychological impact of the bad habit of masturbation, as a result of which certain attitudes are formed in the psyche of the subject, mostly associated with ideas about sexual inferiority.

    In such cases, masturbators develop self-doubt, thoughts about possible failures when trying to sexual intimacy and inferiority in this regard.

    Some of them believe that they suffer from an irreparable sexual disorder, and find "consolation" in the continuation of masturbation after a failed sexual intercourse.

    The vast majority of people (up to 80-90%) note that masturbation was accompanied by a general neurasthenic state, irritability, awareness of their physical and sexual inferiority, depression, loss of strength, depression, fear of the possibility of serious consequences, etc.

    Most modern domestic and foreign sexologists do not classify masturbation as a bad habit, as the people involved in it themselves believe.

    The benefits or harms of onanism are a subject of dispute among specialists in various fields of medicine. Some argue that such classes are not only useful, but even necessary. Others argue that this manifestation is considered a serious disease that can destroy his strong essence in a man and warn against such hobbies. There is no single answer to the question of whether it is possible to engage in masturbation. Statistics show that more than 95% of the stronger sex at least once tried to self-satisfy.

    The first onanism occurs at the age of 12-15 years. It is important that about 78% of the male population, having a permanent partner, continue to masturbate, and 13% even said that they like this hobby more than sex.

    Harm to health

    Although masturbation is not fatal, in certain patterns it can be quite dangerous.

    These are the following cases:

    • Sexual maturity has not been reached. In this matter, the body is not prepared for those processes and disturbances that are experienced in the process of the act.
    • Elderly age. A man in old age is already exhausted, so passion can lead to serious problems with pressure.
    • Frequent handjobs. It leads to an excess of the body's needs in sexual relations, which is fraught with diseases of the reproductive and nervous systems.
    • Procrastination of the act. We are talking about a conscious extension of the time until the onset of orgasm. This is the greatest stress for the body.
    • Too rough action. Thus, the man irritates the genitals and reduces their sensitivity. Then with a normal act it will be difficult to get satisfaction.

    Psychological harm

    When asked whether it is possible to engage in masturbation regularly, scientists answered. They have proven that this activity has an impact on the emotional and psychological health of a man. In addition, the cardiovascular system suffers, which leads to early heart attacks, tachycardia, fainting, pain in the heart after masturbation.

    The first and most serious problems will be those related to the nervous system. When a person pleases himself, causes an erection on his own, the signal from the brain to the genitals is transmitted with disturbances.

    Over time, this process leads to the inability to have a normal sexual life with a partner. Unstable emotional states are not rare. Sometimes depression even occurs against the background of frequent self-satisfaction, especially in old age.

    Harm of frequent masturbation

    Self-satisfaction in an uncontrolled frequency can lead to such serious pathologies as:

    • weakness, since onanism requires the expenditure of an excessive amount of strength;
    • addiction;
    • involuntary ejaculation.

    The nervous system is disturbed, against the background of this, the physiological processes in the body change:

    1. The produced glucose is not consumed in the proper amount during masturbation, therefore, the risk of developing diabetes increases.
    2. Residual adrenaline in large quantities is concentrated in the body.
    3. The possibility of developing varicocele disease, which leads to infertility.
    4. Frequent blood flow causes an increase in the size of the genitals. As a result, prostatitis is born.

    In addition to the above, when answering the question of whether it is possible to engage in everyday masturbation at all, it is worth considering the consequences that are caused by such factors:

    • There is an oppression of the spinal centers, which are responsible for the process of arousal and ejaculation. This moment is harmful to normal reproductive function.
    • There is irritability, memory impairment, rejection of oneself as a person, nervousness.
    • Impotence may develop due to a weakening of the tone of the muscular skeleton of the prostate, which in turn leads to congestion.
    • The occurrence of swelling of the head of the penis, the foreskin may hurt, discomfort is felt.
    • Damage to hearing, speech, smell, vision.
    • Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process of the head and foreskin of the penis.
    • Negative impact on the functioning of the respiratory system and the circulatory process. Subsequently, these features lead to lung damage.
    • Problems with a stable sex life.
    • Increased excitability affects the development of neuroses.
    • With onanism, all the senses are not used, therefore, although satisfaction comes, a man may be haunted by a feeling of oppression and depression.

    In order to understand whether it is possible to engage in masturbation, it is worth considering the age category of a man, the duration of the process and the frequency of masturbation. When the process has been present in life for a long time, it is worth visiting a doctor to get rid of the habit.

    Young people who know what harm the process brings can feel inferior, thereby leading themselves to an abnormal sexual life later on a psychological level.

    The benefits of masturbation

    Despite the fact that masturbation entails a lot of negative consequences, there are still circumstances in which it will be useful. These include situations where a man does not have sexual relations for a long time, for example, among sailors, business travelers, etc.

    But again, a positive impact can only be obtained from temporary, infrequent activities that should be stopped as soon as it becomes possible to have a normal sexual life with a woman. Also, the benefits will be visible when you need to relieve emotional stress, but it is not recommended to get carried away.

    When there is a need for self-satisfaction to reduce the risk of unwanted manifestations, it is important to follow these rules:

    • to masturbate only when a normal sexual life is impossible for a number of temporary reasons;
    • avoid harsh and rough influences;
    • touch the genitals with hands or objects as carefully as possible.

    How many times can you masturbate and still not harm yourself

    It is important to note that constant masturbation is the path to impotence, these concepts are interconnected. And in order not to become powerless in bed, you need to be aware of how many times you can masturbate.

    The harm from the process in this case is not so much physiological as psychological. With constant self-satisfaction, the work of blood vessels is disrupted, the penis does not receive the necessary amount of blood.

    What can early onset of sexual activity through masturbation lead to?

    A dangerous phenomenon is the early onset of masturbation. The harm and seriousness of the issue lies in the fact that schoolchildren who know their body through onanism do not know the measure in actions.

    Teenagers often do this too often.

    In order to determine whether a child is engaged in masturbation, it is necessary to pay attention to the following features of his behavior:

    • excessive fatigue for no apparent reason;
    • isolation, unwillingness to communicate with peers, relatives;
    • speech, worldview changes.

    In this case, the solution to the problem will be a conversation with a teenager, during which it is important to explain how many times a week he can masturbate and whether it is necessary in principle at his age.

    It is important to let the child understand that temporary self-gratification can lead to undesirable consequences. But do not use all sorts of horror stories in a conversation, it is more correct to show a documentary on this topic or convince the boy to consult a doctor.

    How often can you masturbate

    The advantages and disadvantages of the process lie in its frequency. That is why it is worth knowing how many times you can masturbate so that it does not turn into a habit.

    Thanks to masturbation, it is possible to prevent prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes, but in return get more serious diseases:

    1. Stop physical development, especially in adolescence.
    2. Exhaustion and chronic fatigue of the body.
    3. The disappearance of the desire to engage in classic sex.
    4. Difficulties in sex with a partner due to erectile dysfunction.

    Is masturbation immoral?

    The question of the immorality of masturbation has been established since childhood, when parents intimidate their children with negative health consequences. Therefore, there is an opinion that self-gratification is an action that, due to its immorality, stands between a terrible sin and the murder of a person.

    Nowadays, such a process is not something supernatural, when a man himself decides how many times he can and should masturbate, while he is at home alone, and does not expose his dignity in the parks.

    He has every right to do so. This question will be considered a deviation if a person neglects sex with a woman, preferring masturbation, or does it in public. Here on the face of mental disorders.

    According to statistics, not all, but 95% of the fair sex are masturbating. At the same time, gynecologists and sexologists say that this is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful activity. Is it useful for a woman to masturbate, and how to do it correctly in order to give her body pleasure and benefit?

    Adaptive and maladaptive masturbation

    Before delving into such an intimate topic and dealing with the main issue, it is necessary to explain two concepts. What is adaptive and maladaptive masturbation?

    Adaptive is the type of onanism that is good for a woman's health. It is this type that contributes to the development of a woman sexually, making it possible to get an orgasm during sex with a man. Adaptive can be explained by the word adaptive, which expresses its usefulness.

    Maladaptive is just a way to get pleasure, but it does not in any way develop the ability and ability of a woman to experience an orgasm during sexual contact with a sexual partner. An example of this type of masturbation is getting an orgasm with a jet from a tap, a ball and other objects, by crossing legs, and so on.

    In general, there is a kind of stereotype that a woman should only have an orgasm during intercourse. Theoretically, even Sigmund Freud adheres to this concept, arguing that the vaginal orgasm is more mature than the clitoral.

    In fact, not everyone succeeds in getting an orgasm during the sexual intercourse itself, that is, during stimulation with the penis. But it is much easier to bring a girl to orgasm with your fingers, so this way it will not be difficult. Therefore, first try to do everything with your hands, believe me, this is no worse than manhood.

    If you are set for more, then training is necessary, in which adaptive masturbation will help. That is, a woman must learn to experience the peak of bliss with the help of an ordinary dildo.

    Video "A little about female masturbation"

    An informational video in which the blogger talks in detail about the benefits of masturbation for a woman.

    Types of orgasm

    Having drawn conclusions about the types of masturbation, it is worth paying attention to the types of orgasm. There are also several of them.

    Interestingly, in women, the main source of orgasm is not the vagina, but the clitoris. And this organ, unfortunately, is not in the vagina, where it should be, but nearby. Therefore, during intercourse, he does not take any part.

    Interesting fact:

    According to statistics, about 60% of girls can get a clitoral orgasm, and only about 20% can get vaginal.

    That is why during intercourse, the clitoris must be acted upon with the help of the hands of a sexual partner or do it yourself.

    If, however, learning to have a clitoral orgasm is most often not difficult, and for this there is no need to purchase special devices and devices, then you will have to try with vaginal ones. Adaptive masturbation in this case is an excellent option that will help not only to enjoy, but also to learn a lot.

    Benefit and harm

    Even this activity has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the picture from both sides.

    The useful properties of female masturbation include:

    • an increase in mood upon reaching orgasm, which occurs due to the production of a hormone - serotonin, which is also a hormone of happiness;
    • a positive impact on relationships with a partner, since after such classes a woman can tell her lover which points can quickly and effectively lead to the desired ending;
    • it has been proven that masturbation is the most accessible and simple method for reducing physical and mental stress;
    • during masturbation, as well as during sex, especially when reaching orgasm, there is an analgesic effect.

    The latter fact has also been confirmed by scientific research. Therefore, the excuse that the head hurts is clearly not relevant in this case.

    As for harm, here you can also highlight several nuances:

    • if basic hygiene rules are not followed, masturbation can be harmful, for example, if various sex toys are not cleaned enough, bacteria grow and multiply on their surface;
    • according to some sexologists, with the regular practice of onanism, there may be little difficulty in achieving orgasm during sex with a partner.

    If everything is clear with the first point, as a conclusion - you just need to carefully monitor the hygiene of your body and the sexual devices used, then the second point can be misleading. Some women think that with frequent sexual contact, there is even more desire.

    However, this is often not the case. Masturbation can lead to the fact that it will be difficult for a woman to get an orgasm from the actions of a partner, since she herself knows her erogenous places better, knows better the speed necessary to reach the final, and so on.

    How to masturbate properly?

    Before you start the process itself, tune in. Fantasy plays a huge role here. Depending on what happens in your head, the final result will also differ. If your head is full of other problems, then it is better to postpone this matter until the next time. In this case, it is unlikely that something will work.

    In men without sexual fantasies, an erection does not occur at all. So think of something that will make you turn on, give you goosebumps, so that the process will speed up a lot.

    Most often, women, in order to get pleasure, prefer clitoral masturbation without penetration. For this, either hands or a jet of water in the shower are usually used. Of course, you can also use a sex toy - satisfire, which will bring you to orgasm with the help of vacuum waves in a matter of seconds.

    A few tips on how to masturbate properly:

    • retire in a calm atmosphere, turn on calm music, make twilight, you can even get naked to get a taste;
    • close your eyes and activate your fantasies, you can view various photos or videos while stroking different parts of the body;
    • during clitoral stimulation, try different paces and movements, choosing the option that suits you best;
    • in anticipation of the final, take your time, give yourself some time to enjoy these sensations.

    With a little practice, you will find the best pace and movements for you, which will bring an incredible orgasm.

    Poses and ways

    There are several positions that can be comfortable while masturbating.

    Among them are:

    • on all fours, if necessary, you can put pillows under your stomach, while petting can be done both with your hands and with a vibrator;
    • for a sitting posture, a sofa or a chair with a back, but without armrests, is most suitable, while the legs must be spread as wide as possible, if desired, catching them on the legs of the chair or lifting them up;
    • in a standing position, which girls often choose in the shower, you can put one foot on the edge of the bath or sink;
    • a good kneeling position, with the legs wide apart, and the torso pointing to one side.

    If many years ago there was an opinion that masturbation, especially female, is a perversion that can lead to many consequences, today scientists have completely refuted this theory.

    First of all, you should not forget that you may not be able to get an orgasm right away. Therefore, for starters, treat masturbation not as a method of satisfaction, but as a workout.

    Just get from this pleasant sensations and enjoy them. Do not set yourself the goal of finishing as quickly as possible, but just get high from the process itself.

    The second thing to pay attention to is the environment. If your imagination is not enough for you, then just use the Internet. Erotic films raise desire very strongly, and excitement appears simply automatically.

    For starters, you can use your fingers. This will allow you to feel exactly where those treasured points are. After that, you can proceed to the impact with a vibrator. Some argue that it is not so easy to find the G-spot on your own, due to its location, that is, it is simply inconvenient. However, many can refute this theory.

    After that, you can begin to influence this area with a vibrator. This will help to learn the vaginal orgasm. As a result of such training, it is not a fact that it will be possible to learn how to get a vaginal orgasm during stimulation by the penis. But with your fingers, your partner will definitely be able to give you pleasure. In addition, manual sex, which is performed with the help of a partner's fingers, is also quite popular and effective.

    Perhaps these are all the basic rules and recommendations. The answer to the main question was found: masturbation does not bring any harm, but, on the contrary, is very useful for the female body, as well as for sexual intercourse with a partner. Do everything right, and enjoy the process and, of course, the result!

    Video "Top 15 Ways of Female Masturbation"

    Demonstrative video with detailed explanations of how to masturbate, and how it is useful for the female body.

    Masturbation is a process that is aimed at the sexual self-satisfaction of a person. Today, it is considered absolutely normal among both men and women. Most often, masturbation is practiced by adolescents during puberty, when their production of sex hormones is overestimated, but it is often observed in adults. Therefore, many are interested in what will happen if you masturbate every day.

    How often can

    For a long time, masturbation was considered harmful to the body, and many were ashamed to admit to such a practice. Today, the desire for physiological satisfaction no longer has such a pronounced alienation. Moreover, many sexologists prove that masturbation is not only safe, but also beneficial for the body.

    The phenomenon of onanism will be favorably reflected in sexual satisfaction only if it is carried out moderately. The frequent practice of self-satisfaction in young men will only deplete the body, slow down its physical development. More mature men feel sexual arousal several times a day, but masturbating at the same frequency can be dangerous. Self-satisfaction up to 4 times a week is optimal.

    Just like men, girls experience sexual arousal, but the opportunity to have full sex is not always there. Therefore, they can start masturbating based on their needs and health status. Sexologists in this regard argue that frequent self-satisfaction does not cause severe physical exhaustion in girls, as it happens in men.

    However, what will happen if you masturbate every day, the body will not like it much. This is justified by the fact that a strong orgasm several times a day can dull the sensitivity. That is why it is desirable for women to satisfy themselves no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Harm to health

    Periodic masturbation cannot negatively affect a person's condition, however, excessively frequent practice of self-satisfaction significantly increases the risk of developing a number of disorders in the body.

    When asked what will happen if you masturbate every day, urologists warn that with such frequent ejaculation, a man has an increase in the load on the reproductive system. A masturbating man often experiences psychological difficulties. Because of his habit, it may be difficult for him to communicate with women, make new acquaintances.

    In more advanced cases, such people become notorious. It is very difficult for them to establish full-fledged intimate relationships with women due to the fact that in itself the image of sex in a person will be associated with negative aspects. Purely physiological satisfaction will be possible only in a simple way of masturbation. Moreover, masturbation, which is practiced very often, can develop addiction.

    In this case, a person will perceive it as the best form of intimate relationships, in which there are no failures. Masturbation will begin to be perceived as the only real opportunity to satisfy oneself sexually.

    What happens if you masturbate very often: harm from onanism and the rules of safe self-satisfaction

    Masturbation will be harmful if it is uncontrolled and too frequent. Moreover, such a practice should not be carried out with diseases of the prostate, nervous or physical exhaustion.

    Particularly negatively frequent onanism affects young boys up to fourteen years old, whose reproductive system is still fully functioning. Masturbation at the same time will do more harm than good to the body and, moreover, will cause obsession with sex.

    Harm of frequent masturbation

    People who think about their intimate life often ask doctors what will happen if they masturbate very often.

    It should be noted that the abuse of this process can cause the following consequences in a person:

    1. Risk of damage to the genitals.
    2. A high probability of infection and the onset of inflammation if the rules of safe self-satisfaction are not followed.
    3. Physical and moral exhaustion, the development of complexes and feelings of inferiority.
    4. The risk of developing mental dependence on masturbation.
    5. Problems with rapid ejaculation can make it difficult to have real intimate relationships with a partner.
    6. A high probability of uncontrolled ejaculation in a teenager or a man.

    Moreover, not everyone knows what will happen if you masturbate very often (more than 3 times a day). Such practices can form a neurosis in a person, during which the manipulation of the genitals will become a vital necessity. Without masturbation, a person will no longer be able to get a sense of satisfaction, this process will become a habit for him.

    At the same time, it should be understood that onanism does not appear in any way on weight, height, penis size or vision, as men who practice self-satisfaction often imagine.

    Rules for safe masturbation

    In order for masturbation to become a pleasant “relaxation” for the body and not lead to dangerous consequences, you should adhere to the following recommendations for its safe implementation:

    1. Be sure to wash your hands before each process. This is a basic rule that will help protect a person from unwanted microbes, fungal infection and other unpleasant diseases.
    2. Perform masturbation at home. It is at home that it will be easiest for a person to relax.
    3. When using intimate toys, it is worth remembering that they should always be clean. It is also important to know the measure so as not to harm yourself. It is extremely dangerous to use sharp objects or improvised means.
    4. If you masturbate very often, it will be easy to predict. The first thing a person will begin to notice in himself is the lack of natural lubrication. To replace it, you need to use special water-based lubricants. They will protect against damage to the genitals.
    5. Do not perform self-gratification in public places. It is also better not to abuse watching erotic videos, as this can lead to uncontrolled ejaculation in real life.

    It's important to know that masturbation does help you relax and release sexual tension, but it shouldn't be a habit. It is better to treat it as a natural process that should not interfere with a normal sexual life with a partner or partner.

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