• Adding shine to hair at home. how to make hair shiny and silky how to make hair silky


    silky, shiny hair is always pleasing to the eye. It's not only beauty, but real health barometer. If the hair is noticeably dull, has lost its usual shine - this is a signal from the body that not everything is in order with it. Analyze your diet, especially in the winter-spring period, whether it is sufficiently saturated with vitamins. Eat more foods that are rich in vitamin B. These are foods: yeast, bread, eggs, liver, cereals. Good sources of nutrients can be milk, cabbage, especially Brussels sprouts.

    If everything is in order here, then the reason is simply in the wrong hair care.

    hair type determines the sebum secretion of the scalp. They are normal, oily and dry. Proper hair care is impossible without determining your type.

    H normal hair has a pleasant lively shine, density, does not split, does not stick together, and fits well.

    AND greasy hair has an oily appearance, untidy a few days after washing it. With frequent washing with hot water, the greasiness of the hair only intensifies.

    WITH ear hair has increased brittleness, dull, not elastic. The scalp is often covered with small dry scales.

    Only knowing the type of your hair, you can choose the right products for their care.

    Of course,- every woman wants to have soft hair, no matter what type it is. Long or short, oily or dry, thin, hard - you want them to become shiny, silky to the touch.

    To keep your hair from losing its natural shine, hide it from the drying sun in the summer, which also bleaches your hair. Dries hair and hair dryer. Try to use it mainly for styling hair and at a low temperature. When drying hair in a natural way, their shine will become much brighter.

    natural, natural shine of your hair will help the use of brushes with natural bristles for combing them.

    Their structure significantly affects the radiance of hair. Wavy hair will never be as shiny as straight hair.

    Trim your split ends once a month. To prevent hair from looking like straw, apply moisturizer. It is good to make a mask of vegetable oil at night. Apply to damp hair, wrap and leave until morning. Oil can be different: avocado, argon. Royal jelly and maple sap will do.

    Separately, it must be said about macadamia oil. It has good spreadability, so it covers the hair evenly. Especially effective for dry and brittle hair. Well strengthens hair, gives them shine, evens out the structure.

    What else can be done to make hair silky and soft, how to restore their healthy shine?

    You can mix any hair mask with conditioner, add a few drops of sea buckthorn or string oil. Distribute through the hair, massage a little and rinse.

    In extreme cases, you can purchase products from professional cosmetics. These are various hair sprays. They are very different: products with silk, with a brilliant sheen, with a healing effect, with herbs in the composition, with antistatic agents (antistatic effect).

    After coloring, use a special shampoo for colored hair.

    Once a week, you can use an effective peeling shampoo.

    Use tea, onion peel decoction, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar to rinse your hair.

    Last time on the cosmetics market appeared care products for different types of hair containing silk. Even in ancient times, the fact of a beneficial effect on the hair of natural silk was revealed. Beauties often used natural silk scarves to give their hair shine and softness. You can try. Indeed, it has been found that silk contains a large amount of substances in its composition that are necessary for metabolic processes in the skin and, due to its chemical composition, has a huge moisturizing effect. Silk proteins are part of many hair care products, especially dry and damaged hair. They fill the areas of hair that are damaged and the hair becomes smooth like silk.

    Has proven to be excellent"Silk" mask "Homemade Recipes", which has a high content of natural ingredients. The content of vitamins PP, B5, C provides comprehensive hair care. Hair roots are strengthened, metabolic processes are stimulated, the hair structure is restored. Silk proteins provide hair elasticity, protect them from moisture loss, from brittleness. Hair will become shiny and smooth.

    good influence puts a cream with proteins on the hair. If you decide to purchase such a cream, pay attention to the composition: there should be chickpeas, wheat germ, emblica, eclipta. These components, with regular use will return the natural shine, softness and health to the hair.

    Masks and hair creams can be prepared by yourself "home recipes", using silk amino acids (silk derivative) as the main active ingredient. This drug has a lot of excellent properties. One of which is to protect hair from moisture loss, making it smooth and silky. Silk amino acids are easily mixed with various creams and shampoos. Their concentration in cosmetics should be 1-1.5%. Amino acids, unlike silk proteins, have a lower molecular weight and therefore penetrate the skin more easily.

    Mmaybe this is weird but masks prepared at home no less effective:

    Using a blender, combine half an avocado (or banana), 1 yolk, juice from half a lemon and add 2 teaspoons. spoons of olive oil and 2 tsp. spoons of honey

    Mix one spoonful of mayonnaise, burdock or castor oil, 1 yolk or 2 table. spoons of kefir. It is good to use to restore the shine of damaged, curly hair from birth.

    Mix and beat 4 tbsp. spoons of rum (cognac) and 1 egg.

    All masks should be homogeneous, distributed evenly through the hair, left for half an hour, washed off with warm water.

    You can add vitamin B to your shampoo - (sold in a pharmacy). Keep on hair for 5 minutes and rinse.

    P continuation follows:

    Shiny and silky hair is always pleasantly pleasing to the eyes of others. This is not only an indicator of beauty, but also a real indicator of excellent health. If the hair has become very dull and does not shine as before, then the body gives a signal that not everything is as good as it was before. Pay special attention to the diet in winter and spring, whether it contains enough vitamins. Eat more foods that are rich in vitamin B. Namely: bread, yeast, eggs, cereals, liver. Other good sources are sprouts, especially Brussels sprouts, and milk.

    If everything is in order with your nutrition, you eat all of the above, then you are not properly caring for your hair.

    Hair type is determined by the sebum secretion of the scalp. They are dry, oily and normal. You can properly care for your hair only when you have determined your type.

    Normal hair is distinguished by a pleasant lively shine, does not split, is quite thick, does not stick together, and at the same time fits well.

    Oily hair looks oily, becomes unkempt immediately after a few days after shampooing. If you wash your hair often with hot water, then it becomes greasy much faster.

    Dry hair has increased brittleness, it is not elastic and dull. The scalp is often covered with scales.

    Only by correctly determining the type - you can choose the appropriate care products.

    It is clear that every woman wants to have soft hair, no matter what type they are. Short or long, dry or oily looking, hard or thin to the touch, you want them to be shiny and silky to the touch.

    To keep your hair from losing its natural shine, hide it from the sun in the summer, which dries it and also bleaches it. Blow dry hair very dry. Use it rarely, when it is very necessary, just use a low temperature. If you dry your hair naturally, then their shine will only improve.

    To enhance the natural, natural shine of the hair - comb with a brush made ofnatural bristles.

    It greatly affects the hair and its original structure. And it should be borne in mind that curly hair will never shine as smooth.

    Once a month, you can trim split ends. To prevent your hair from looking like straw, moisturize your hair with special products. An overnight sunflower oil mask will help perfectly. Apply to slightly damp hair, twist and lie down to rest. Oil can be anything - avocado, argon. You can also use maple sap and royal jelly.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning macadamia oil. It spreads well, so it is possible to cover the hair evenly. Especially effective if the hair is dry and brittle. Gives hair shine, strengthens it, and evens out the structure.

    What else should be done to make the hair soft and silky, and how to restore its healthy shine?

    You can mix any mask with hair conditioner, add a couple of drops of string or sea buckthorn oil. Spread over the entire length, massage a little, and then rinse.

    You can also use professional cosmetics. This is a variety of hair sprays. They are very different: products with a brilliant sheen, with silk, with herbs in the composition, with a healing effect, with antistatic agents, etc.

    After dyeing, you can use a special shampoo designed for colored hair.

    Once a week you can use an effective peeling shampoo. You can rinse your hair with tea, lemon juice, decoction of onion peel and apple cider vinegar.

    Recently, on the cosmetics market, you can see care products for different types of hair that contain silk. Even our ancient ancestors determined the wonderful effect of natural silk on hair. You can also try. Indeed, scientists have proven that silk, or rather, it contains a huge amount of substances that help carry out the metabolic process in the skin, and due to the fact that it has a chemical composition, it moisturizes very well. Silk proteins are a popular ingredient in many hair care products, especially if your hair is damaged and dry. They are located on those parts of the hair that are most damaged, and therefore the hair is smooth, like silk.

    The “Silk” mask from the “Home Recipes” series, which contains a large number of natural ingredients, left an excellent impression of itself. It contains vitamins B5, C, PP, which create a comprehensive hair care. It is the hair roots that are made stronger, metabolic processes are stimulated, and the hair structure is restored faster. Silk proteins make your hair elastic, protect it from moisture loss, break less. Hair will become smooth and shiny over time.

    A cream with proteins has a positive effect on hair. If you decide to buy such a cream, then look at the composition, it should include chickpeas, wheat germ, eclipta and emblic. These components, if used regularly, will restore softness, natural shine, and most importantly health to your hair.

    Masks and hair creams can be prepared at home according to folk recipes. Use the active substance of silk amino acids for the base. This remedy contains many excellent remedies. The main one, of which they consider protecting hair from moisture loss, will give them silkiness and smoothness. Silk amino acids combine perfectly with a variety of creams and shampoos. Their concentration in cosmetics should be about one and a half percent. Amino acids, unlike silk proteins, have a light molecular weight, and therefore easily penetrate the skin.

    It may sound strange, but homemade masks are very effective. There are several recipes:

    - using a blender, mix half an avocado or banana, juice of half a lemon, one yolk, two teaspoons of honey and olive oil;

    - mix a spoonful of mayonnaise, castor and burdock oil, yolk or two tablespoons of kefir. It helps a lot in restoring shine if your hair is damaged and wavy from birth;

    - mix four tablespoons of cognac or rum and an egg, beat everything well;

    Any of the masks should be homogeneous, it should be distributed evenly over the entire length, hold for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.

    You can add vitamin B to your shampoo, it is sold in pharmacies. Leave on hair for five minutes and rinse.

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    Often the cause of dull hair is simply because you dry your hair incorrectly. If you use a hair dryer with a nozzle that is too wide or direct the air in a chaotic manner, the hair scales will fluff up, and your hair will look matte.

    So, remember the 3 rules for drying hair with a hair dryer for shine:

    1. Narrow nozzle - the air flow should be dense, clearly directed.

    2. Dry your hair by holding the nozzle at an angle and in a downward direction, from the roots to the ends. It is this movement that will smooth the scales and make the hair shiny.


    3. Always finish styling with cold air.

    2. Coconut oil

    Coconut oil is a universal remedy for the beauty of skin and hair. To make your hair shiny, prepare a coconut oil mask - warm it up a little in a steam bath and apply a warm product to your hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a shower cap. And then just wash your hair as usual.

    3. Avocado mask

    Avocado is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing oils. An avocado mask is a recipe that even Jennifer Lopez uses regularly! Mash the fruit of a ripe avocado with a fork, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and evenly distribute the gruel over the entire length of the hair. Healthy shine after washing is guaranteed!

    4. Beer rinse

    "Live" light beer is a great way to give your hair a dazzling shine. Clean wet hair should be thoroughly rinsed in beer. To get rid of the smell, you can apply conditioner after the procedure. In addition, beer not only gives a cosmetic shine effect, but also really nourishes the hair, thanks to the yeast content. Brilliant!

    5. Lemon juice

    We note right away that this method is not suitable for girls with dry hair, because lemon juice tends to dry them out. But at the same time, lemon juice really knows how to give shine to hair - it is enough to distribute it along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

    6. Gelatin masks

    On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for "gelatin hair lamination" - and this, of course, is absolute nonsense. It will not work to make lamination with gelatin, but to give your hair a beautiful light shine is easy. Dilute 3 tablespoons of gelatin with 4 tablespoons of boiled water. Put the mixture in a steam bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool and apply the product to the hair, leave for 40 minutes and rinse.

    7. Nettle rinse

    "Grandma's" recipes are sometimes very effective! The fact that you need to rinse your hair with nettle after washing, you probably heard, but did not try. Dry nettles can be bought at a pharmacy - pour boiling water over it, let it brew and rinse your hair. They are finally starting to shine!

    8. Basil infusion

    Another useful homemade conditioner recipe for shiny hair is basil infusion. This seasoning is good not only in Italian dishes, but also as a folk remedy for our hair. The recipe is as follows: pour two tablespoons of dry basil with a glass of boiling water, let cool. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with this infusion - and you will be happy.

    To make hair shiny and soft, special rinses will help. Tap water severely damages hair, making it brittle and dry. To avoid this, you can use mineral water instead of hair balm. Daily rinsing with non-carbonated mineral water will help to add shine and brightness to dull hair and make it more manageable. In addition, it is recommended to rinse your hair after washing with “live” quality beer, because it contains many nutrients necessary for a healthy scalp and active hair growth. Rinsing with slightly warmed beer will help make your hair shiny and silky.

    Also, hair is often rinsed with various decoctions, for example, a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or nettle. Such decoctions help saturate the hair with nutrients, enhance growth and soften the effect of hard running water on the scalp.

    To prepare a decoction of chamomile, you should take two tablespoons of dried flowers and pour them with a glass of boiled water. The flowers should be infused for half an hour, after which you can rinse washed hair with a decoction. It is not necessary to wash off the decoction. It should be borne in mind that a strong decoction of chamomile can give a copper tint even to dark hair.

    beauty masks

    Your hair will become softer and silkier to the touch if you apply any masks at least once a week. Homemade hair care products can be made from products that are easy to find in any kitchen, such as:

    - kefir;
    - egg;
    - burdock oil, etc.

    Professional hairdressers recommend using mayonnaise as a nourishing hair mask. It is necessary to apply fresh mayonnaise to the hair along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is better not to use such a mask more than once a week so that the hair does not become greasy.

    To keep your hair always saturated with moisture and remain soft and shiny, often apply a kefir mask to your head: fresh kefir warmed to room temperature is carefully applied to the scalp, hair roots and spreads along the entire length. Hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a warm scarf. This mask can be left on the head for an hour or even two. An egg mask is made in the same way, only beaten and strained yolks are used instead of kefir.

    It is better to do a burdock oil mask in a course of 2-3 months at least once a week. To achieve the best result, you should rub burdock oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy, into the scalp, gradually distributing it along the entire length of the hair. Then you need to cover your hair with polyethylene, wrap it with a warm scarf and leave the mask for 1.5 hours. You need to wash off the oil with shampoo, because it is washed off quite hard. But the result will be noticeable immediately - the hair will be very soft and shiny.

    Olya Likhacheva

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


    The shape of the hairstyle is an individual matter: someone likes long, someone prefers short haircuts, but the basis of beauty is in the health of the hair. Women and men pay a lot of attention to this part of the female image. The question, smooth in winter and summer, worries the ladies for a very long time. The use of varnishes, paints, drying the head with a hairdryer makes them dry, brittle, dull. If you want to always look beautiful, well-groomed and attractive, use balms, hair masks.

    Why does hair get frizzy

    Naughty, very voluminous and brittle fluffy hair cause a lot of trouble. Girls have to make an effort to give them a well-groomed look. Many people think that this is a sign of weak, dry hair, but even if they are healthy, they can still be frizzy. This does not affect the general condition of their owner in any way, but problems begin with the hairstyle. Hair becomes so from moisture, which is unevenly distributed in them. The porous structure of the curls leads to their twisting. Fluffy hair under the influence of heating devices increase volume.

    How to make hair shiny and smooth at home

    What to do with hair that is very frizzy and looks lifeless? There are many ways to give them shine, strength and smoothness. A visit to a beauty salon is one of them. The specialist will make moisturizing masks and other procedures to restore the health of the hair. If there is neither time nor money to visit beauty salons, but you always want to look amazing, there is a solution. How to make your hair smooth now? Six steps will help you in this matter:

    1. The temperature of the water you wash your hair with should be around 40 degrees.
    2. Shampoo is selected specifically for the type of hair.
    3. Conditioner is a must-have hair care product, apply it after every shampoo.
    4. A wooden comb smoothes the hair structure well.
    5. Blow-drying dries out hair, so it is better to refuse it.
    6. An oil mask makes them smooth, shiny, so use it regularly.

    Another important cause of dry, brittle hair is a lack of vitamins. It is characteristic in winter or spring, because the body is weakened during these periods. You need to start drinking vitamin complexes to restore balance. Proper nutrition plays an important role, and bad habits negatively affect the condition of the hair. Following the tips, you will understand how to make your hair beautiful, and the density and volume of the hairstyle that you get after a while will be admirable.

    Recipes for masks for shine and smoothness of hair

    What to do so that your hair does not fluff, looks neat and well-groomed? Smoothness and shine cannot be obtained without additional nutrition or enhanced care. It is not necessary to go to salons, use professional products: they are easily replaced by masks prepared at home. By choosing the necessary composition, you will return strength, shine to your hair in the shortest possible time. The main advantage of masks is that making them at home is not difficult, and using them is very easy and simple.

    1. Oil mask. Using it twice a week, you give your hair all the necessary trace elements, vitamins, improve their structure. It will require four ingredients: castor and burdock oils, chamomile decoction, chicken egg. This procedure is done in two approaches. First, the oils are mixed, heated in a water bath, then they cover the entire length of the hair with a mass, wrap the head with a cloth or towel. After an hour, all this must be washed off, and then apply a mixed egg. After 15 minutes, rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile.
    2. Gelatin. Applying this mask once a week will show you how to make your hair smooth and silky with minimal effort. Pour gelatin with boiled chilled water, mix, and after 20 minutes add balm. It is allowed to include other components in the mask recipe: mustard, kefir, egg, herbal decoctions. Apply the mixture to your hair, put on a bag, wrap your head with a towel, warm it up with a hairdryer for 10 minutes. After half an hour, wash your hair without shampoo.
    3. Clay. Strength and shine will return to the hair after one treatment. If they are severely damaged, the mask should be used twice a week. Clay bought in cosmetic stores or pharmacies is mixed with honey, butter or burdock oil, lemon juice and yolk in equal proportions. The mask should be thick in consistency, it is applied to the hair, and after 15 minutes it is washed off the head with shampoo. Balm should not be used after that.
    4. Acetic. This is a good hair product so that it does not fluff, does not break, but has a well-groomed, presentable appearance. The mask is used every 14 days, and is prepared from an apple crushed on a fine grater plus a pounded yolk. The two components are mixed, after which apple cider vinegar is added. Calculate its amount in the composition of the mask according to the type of hair. If your hair is oily, add 4 tablespoons of vinegar, and if dry or normal, 2. Apply the finished mask to your hair and wash off after 30 minutes with warm water.
    5. Honey. With it, it will become clear how to make hair soft and straight, and the procedure is considered the simplest and most effective. For the mask, we take a teaspoon of honey, a little conditioner, onion juice and olive oil (it is often replaced with burdock). We mix all the components, apply the mixture on the hair, wrap the head first with a bag, then with a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. To consolidate the result before rinsing, add lemon juice to it. By applying this mixture once a month, you will get rid of dryness and dullness.
    6. Egg. For this mask, which gives silky hair, making them manageable, you will need castor oil, egg, glycerin and vinegar. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, and then rub the mass into the scalp. After that, it is worth wrapping your head with a towel, slightly warming it with a hairdryer. After an hour, it's time to wash off the mask with warm water so that the egg does not curl and turn into flakes: then the composition will be difficult to remove from the hair. The effect is fixed with the constant use of the mask once a week.

    How much does hair straightening cost in a salon

    Beauties want to know how to straighten their hair forever. Someone is convinced that it is better to do it in the salon, because it is more reliable: the effect lasts longer, and the quality of the final result is much higher. Home straightening of curly hair is performed by ironing, using masks or special balms. In the salon, chemical straightening with keratin is done quickly, and you do not have to torment yourself with an exhausting struggle with wavy curls. The minimum price for the service and the addresses of salons in Moscow are presented in the summary table.

    Name, address of the salon

    Beauty Studio, Kutuzovsky prospect, 33

    Kawaicat, st. Baumanskaya, 11

    Emerald, st. Emerald, 52

    Lime, Leningrad highway, 15

    Divya, st. Lukhmanovskaya, 5

    Taifa, st. Lyusinovskaya, 72

    RAI, st. Sokolnichesky Val, 1B

    Very, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 12

    Etisel, st. Upper Radishchevskaya, 4с1

    Fiore, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 13/9с1

    Any person who is naturally endowed with curls dreams of straight, obedient hair. They will become the main decoration of every woman and any man. Hair suffers from heating devices, becomes lifeless and dry. From the video below, you will learn that they do not have to be straightened with an iron or hair dryer to get the effect.

    How to make hair smooth

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