• Diet queen natasha. Natasha Koroleva: the secrets of harmony and beauty


    All women of our world strive to look attractive, they constantly try different methods of losing weight on themselves, from performing numerous diets to surgical interventions in order to maintain their figure in a slim and toned form. So celebrities in this regard are no exception.

    They try even more to keep their body in proper shape, as they are constantly in front of a large mass of fans, and they must look just fine. Today I will tell you about the secrets of losing weight from Natasha Koroleva.

    Singer Natalya Koroleva was never thin, the attention of others was often attracted by her "roundness" and "bulge". But, she admits that she, like many other representatives of the fair sex, has to constantly monitor her figure. When the situation starts to get out of control, the artist always has in stock a miraculous way to get rid of extra pounds.

    She has not hidden her diets from the public before. But, this time, she described in detail several ways to lose weight, which she used throughout different periods of her life.

    Her height is 160 centimeters, and her weight is 52 kilograms, but she considers 49 - 50 kg to be the ideal weight. After the birth of her son, her body weight increased by as much as fifteen kilograms, but she managed to pull herself together, and in almost one year she returned to her usual state.

    And now she is simply unrecognizable, she has become prettier and returned to her former shape, again became a slender and charming beauty, attracting the views of many men.

    Envious artists believe that Natasha is inclined to be overweight, and she managed to get rid of extra pounds only thanks to the intervention of plastic surgeons. Allegedly, she underwent many operations, up to liposuction, in order to regain her former shape. The singer decided to reveal her secret, trying to put an end to the spread of these terrible rumors about her weight loss.

    She went in for sports, ran every day, but it did not give any cardinal results. Then she turned to a very famous nutritionist from the UK for help. He ordered her to fast for three days every month, followed by a week on steamed vegetables. It seems to be nothing complicated, but the results were simply impressive.

    There is another little secret. If you refuse to use salt, then in three weeks you can lose seven kilograms. Food, of course, becomes terribly bland and tasteless, it is especially difficult to spend the first week like this, but, on the other hand, when you start to really lose weight, you will understand that the game is really worth the candle.

    To maintain weight, it is better to refuse to take flour products and pasta. Preference should be given to low-fat and boiled dishes made from a variety of vegetables, sea fish and lean meat.

    You need to eat every three hours, and once a week you need to adhere to a special diet, which includes only grapefruit and boiled egg white, and you need to eat them alternately, every hour. Natalya got used to taking containers with these products with her so much that she constantly carried a small bag with this food with her, like a camp kitchen.

    Of course, you won’t go far on a diet alone, so you need to regularly train in fitness centers or gyms, use the services of massage therapists in order to keep your muscles in good shape. Therefore, the artist pays attention not only to the advice of nutritionists, but also to an active lifestyle. She regularly does aerobics, swimming, jogging, and in this way she maintains the shape of her body.

    As for the procedures for kneading the body, Natasha recommends to everyone the usual classic massage, without the use of any oils, as it is the most effective. Or the study of subcutaneous fat with the help of vacuum cans, which also has a very good effect on the overall tone, but for the abdomen, electromyostimulation is suitable.

    The artist is convinced that any representative of the fair sex has sufficient willpower and a great desire to achieve the harmony of her body. The main thing is to show an effort, and not quit what you started doing. Even if at first it will be a little difficult, the thought that you will become slim and attractive should warm you.

    She admitted that she loves Ukrainian dumplings very much, and often cooks this delicious dish for herself and her household, and she knows in advance how much time she will need to spend in the gym, doing physical exercises in order to burn the calories received and not gain weight. She follows this very strictly, and does not give herself concessions in sports.


    Any diet implies that you have to live with it - at least for some, but for a certain time, and what's next, extra pounds again? Therefore, you need to constantly adhere to a healthy balanced diet in order to always keep yourself in shape and not run your body.

    This position is more correct than occasionally "sit down" on any diet. It is best to reconsider the lifestyle at a time, and limit yourself to eating fatty and sugary foods in large quantities, and stick to this throughout your life.

    We should not forget about sports, because an active lifestyle helps to maintain our body in a slender and toned form.

    Natalya Koroleva, like a real Ukrainian, was a plump girl in her youth. And at first, in order to keep her weight normal, it was enough for her to exclude confectionery, bread and potatoes from the diet.

    However, after the birth of the child, it turned out that her weight increased by 15 kg and was not going to go anywhere. Short-term starvation diets did not give any result - the weight stubbornly returned.

    A specially designed nutrition system from the famous Russian nutritionist - Margarita Koroleva - helped Natalya not only lose the accumulated kilograms, but also achieve the ideal weight. With a height of 160 cm, she weighed 49 kg! True, today Natalia does not prioritize the mandatory retention of the ideal number of kilograms.

    Even without strict diets, Natalia's figure remains seductive!

    Sometimes the singer allows herself to violate the established diet, but her weight does not exceed 52 kg and no longer increases. The diet of Natalia Koroleva is a balanced diet and is designed for 3 weeks, but if the result has not been achieved, it is quite possible to keep it for as long as you like.

    Diet Basics

    • A complete rejection of all sweet, salty, smoked, fried, pickled, as well as factory seasonings such as mayonnaise, ketchup.
    • It is necessary to completely switch to a salt-free diet. At first it will seem that the food is tasteless, but after a week you will get used to it and will normally eat unsalted dishes.
    • Meals should be frequent and with very small portions. It is best to eat 8-10 times a day with intervals between meals no more than 1.5 hours.
    • It is necessary to drink a large amount of pure non-carbonated water - at least 2 liters per day.
    • The basis of the diet is vegetables and fruits with a minimum amount of calories, as well as lean meat, fish, poultry, egg white and low-fat dairy products.
    • Once a week you need to arrange a fasting day.

    Unloading day of Natalia Koroleva

    In the morning you need to eat 1 grapefruit, after an hour - 1 boiled egg white, after another hour - again 1 grapefruit, after an hour - again 1 protein, and so on all day. You should get 10 meals. Water can be drunk without restrictions.

    Weight loss results of Natasha Koroleva

    In addition to the diet, Natalya is constantly involved in sports - she goes to the pool, runs outdoors in good weather, and on a treadmill in bad weather. Koroleva also does aerobics and dances - because without sports, the body, having got rid of excess fat, would have formed into ugly folds.
    Natalya does not hide the fact that in order to normalize problem areas (stomach, thighs and buttocks), she underwent a course of electrical myostimulation and massages, but these procedures only corrected the main weight loss, saving her an additional 5 kg of fat.

    But it is active dancing and sports (as well as a balanced diet) that help Natalya to maintain harmony and flexibility, as well as amazing skin elasticity and health, even at the age of 40.

    Natasha Koroleva (real name - Natalya Vladimirovna Poryvay) is a pop singer who received popular love after the release of the album "Yellow Tulips", recorded jointly with Igor Nikolaev. Among her songs are such hits as "Little Country", "A Little Bit Doesn't Count", "Blue Swans" and dozens of other lyrical ballads and incendiary dance compositions.

    The childhood of Natasha Koroleva

    Natasha Poryvay, who was born in Kiev, grew up in a creative family: the girl's father was a choirmaster, and her mother, Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila Poryvay, conducted in the Svetoch choir. Irina, 5 years older sister, was a musically gifted child and subsequently performed solo under the pseudonym Rusya. It is not surprising that already at the age of 3, Natasha Poryvay made her debut on stage with the Big Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine, performing the song "Cruiser Aurora".

    At the age of 7, the girl was enrolled in a music school for a piano class and, at the same time, in a choreographic studio named after Grigory Veryovka. An important event that predetermined the fate of the baby was the acquaintance with the composer Vladimir Bystryakov, who took the gifted Natasha under his wing. At the age of 12, she began performing with his songs (“Where did the circus go”, “World of Wonders”), thanks to which she quickly became the star of all city holidays: children's matinees, government congresses, New Year's lights, city days - each event was accompanied by the clear voice of Natasha Break . In 1987, the girl became a diploma winner of the Golden Tuning Fork folk music competition.

    In the same year, Natasha first appeared on television, in the Wider Circle program (a kind of prototype of the Minute of Glory show), which gave a ticket to fame to many novice performers: Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, the Secret group ... But really a significant event for the young singer was the performance at the vocal competition in Evpatoria. She did not win prizes, but attracted the attention of Elvira, an assistant to the famous Moscow TV producer Marta Mogilevskaya. Natasha gave the woman a cassette with her own material, not knowing that later this act would play a huge role in her life.

    Natasha Koroleva in the program "Wider Circle" (1986)

    Some time passed, but no news came from Moscow, and Natasha continued to build a career in her native Ukraine, enrolling in the Kiev Circus Variety School with a degree in Variety Vocal. In the summer of 1989, she went on tour to the States.

    The vociferous girl made a strong impression on American vocal teachers, who invited her to become a student at the Eastman School of Music at the prestigious University of Rochester. But Natasha, who had been contacted by representatives of Marta Mogilevskaya by that time, rejected this tempting offer and set off to conquer Moscow.

    Casting Natasha Koroleva

    The heyday of the career of Natasha Koroleva. "Dolphin and Mermaid"

    In the fall of 1989, Marta Mogilevskaya advised Igor Nikolaev, the former arranger of Alla Pugacheva and an aspiring singer who was in a creative stupor, to find a suitable girl for a joint recording. The choice fell on Natasha for two reasons: firstly, her vocal abilities were an order of magnitude higher than those of the other applicants, and secondly, the short girl looked perfect next to the 172-centimeter singer.

    At the first meeting, Igor was rather skeptical about this venture: the 16-year-old chubby “Khokhlushka” did not look like a spectacular pop diva, besides, she was embarrassed by the singer, who seemed to her a king and a god of music. Nevertheless, after listening, he was pleasantly surprised and soon wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for the young protégé, which became the title track of the album of the same name, which was released in 1990. On the cover of the disc was the inscription: "Natasha Koroleva sings songs by Igor Nikolaev."

    Natasha Poryvai turned into Koroleva in a completely natural way: the pseudonym was invented by Nikolaev, who was sure that the audience would not be able to remember the name “Poryvay”, and it sounds somehow plebeian, another thing is the proud, impressive “Koroleva”.

    After the release of the album, the popularity of Natasha Koroleva began to literally go off scale. "Yellow Tulips" brought the girl to the final of the country's main music competition - "Songs of the Year". Stadiums and concert venues were overcrowded, fans carried yellow tulips to their beloved artist in armfuls, and when Natasha, who broke her leg, took a short time out, admirers of her work asked to take the plastered girl to the stage.

    "Song of the Year-1990": Natasha Koroleva - "Yellow Tulips"

    In 1991, Natasha Koroleva graduated from the circus school. In 1992, the disc "Dolphin and the Mermaid" saw the light of day, and the creative tandem of Igor and Natasha went on a grandiose tour of the cities of Russia with the program of the same name, which over the next three years conquered not only the remote corners of our homeland, but also large cities of the USA, Israel and Germany.

    In 1994, the singer released a solo album called "Fan" (music and lyrics were still the merit of Igor Nikolaev). However, she had to win the trust of listeners who did not want to believe in the end of "Dolphin and the Mermaid" and recognize Natasha as an independent creative unit. Thanks to long hard work, the singer was able to regain the favor of the public. For example, in the spring of 1995, she held three charity concerts in the Far East in support of the victims of the devastating earthquake on Sakhalin.

    In 1995, Koroleva's second exclusively solo album, Confetti, was released, consisting of eleven songs. Among them was the composition "Little Country", which soon conquered the federal television and radio air, turning into an immortal hit for children and adults who continue to believe in a fairy tale.

    Natasha Koroleva - "Little Country"

    At this time, Natasha Koroleva made her debut as an actress in the musical “Old Songs About the Main Thing”, where she played the daughter of the chairman and, together with Lada Dance and Alena Apina, sang the song “Someone went down the hill”. Over time, she appeared in the following three parts of the musical film: in the second, she parodied the image of the heroine Svetlana Svetlichnaya from The Diamond Hand, in the third she sang a duet with Chris Norman, and in the final with Alexander Tsekalo.

    In 1997, Natasha was approved for the role of Malvina in the musical "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio" (it is noteworthy that Christina Orbakaite played Pinocchio himself). In between filming, Natalia worked on new material, and in December of the same year, Koroleva's fans gleefully greeted her new album, Diamonds of Tears. Many listeners noted that Natasha had changed both externally and spiritually - from the cover, it was no longer a girl, but a fully formed lady who looked slyly at the buyers. The lyrics also became more mature: the “little country” was replaced by “a girl dreaming of big love”.

    With the new program, she went on a world tour, during which the auditoriums of London, New York, Berlin and Athens applauded her, and in 1999 she again went on tour with Igor Nikolaev and the concert program "Most Dear".

    In 2000, the Queen thought about specialized education and entered the acting department of GITIS, which she graduated from three years later.

    New work of Natasha Koroleva

    In 2000, the union of Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev broke up both creatively and personally. The singer lost the support of a loved one and the help of a talented composer. The album "Heart", released shortly after the break, did without the participation of Nikolaev. Natalia was assisted by the composer Alexander Konovalov and the songwriter Vladimir Vulykh - they wrote the iconic composition "Was or Wasn't".

    In 2002, the singer released a greatest hits collection entitled "Fragments of the Past". It included 14 hits by Koroleva, as well as a new song "A little bit does not count." “What has become of me now? And life goes on, ”was heard from every radio in the country.

    Natasha Koroleva - "A little does not count"

    Natasha Koroleva's next album was recorded together with her new chosen one Sergei Glushko, also known under the pseudonym Tarzan. The record was called "Believe it or not." Three years later, the couple presented another collaboration titled Paradise Where You Are. The self-titled album was released with the support of the Dream Crystal jewelry house, whose face Natasha has been since August 2006.

    In 2008, Natasha was invited to the show "Dancing with the Stars", pairing the singer with choreographer Evgeny Papunaishvili. In a short time, the Queen had to learn many complex dance steps, but her efforts were rewarded only with the third prize.

    "Dancing with the Stars": Natasha Koroleva and Evgeny Papunaishvili

    And the following year, Natasha presented her writing debut, the largely autobiographical novel Male Striptease. The singer's experiments did not stop there: she soon became the owner of a beauty salon, which was called “Natasha Koroleva's Beauty Salon”.

    In the summer of 2010, the singer, along with Oleg Gazmanov, went to the festival of Russian culture in Germany. All funds from the sale of tickets for the concert of the star were transferred to the Red Cross Charitable Foundation. In November 2013, the star announced the termination of touring activities.

    From 2012 to 2014, Natasha, together with her mother, Lyudmila Poryvay, hosted the program “Dinner Time” on Channel One. As part of the show, home and restaurant cuisines were compared - ordinary housewives challenged professional chefs.

    Personal life of Natasha Koroleva: between a dolphin and a stripper

    It cannot be said that between Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev, at first glance, the so-called "natural chemistry" was discovered. However, while working on the Dolphin and Mermaid program, the man fell in love with the girl, which grew stronger every day, turning into something more intimate, inspiring him to create melodic, slightly sad ballads.

    Natasha's acquaintances noticed that, although she desperately denied it, she also fell in love with Nikolaev: with her mouth open, she caught his every word, copied gestures and manner of speech. They began to live together, but Natasha, brought up in strictness, immediately put the singer before the fact: no civil marriage, only legal relationships: “I had very strict rules and believed that everything should be only after the wedding. True, now I have changed my mind - I think that we must first check the partner, and then marry him ... When I realized that Igor's courtship went too far, I said: "Either officially, or not at all." He had to think..."

    Nevertheless, the musician did not want publicity of the relationship, so Natasha had to take everything into her own hands and make a tricky move with a horse. She, along with her parents, came home to Nikolaev and invited the employees of the registry office there - no feasts, lush outfits and rings, only stamps in the passport.

    In 2000, Natasha Koroleva left her husband. According to the singer, the reason for this was the constant betrayal of Nikolaev. Although the separation took place without scandals and scenes of jealousy, both of them were very upset by this gap.

    In an attempt to distract herself from the oppressive wound on her heart, Natasha plunged headlong into work. For one of the performances, she invited a group of dancers of the "original genre", in other words, strippers. Among them was the blond, broad-shouldered, handsome Tarzan, who was to discuss with Natasha the details of the future payment.

    Known since the 1990s. Russian singer Natasha Koroleva never ceases to amaze her fans: before the photo shoot in Maxim magazine, she noticeably lost weight and regained her 15-year-old shape!

    Natasha Koroleva: height, weight and figure parameters ^

    short biography: Natasha Koroleva (real name Break) was born on May 31, 1973 in Kyiv. Zodiac sign - Gemini, according to the eastern horoscope - Bull. She was brought up in a creative family: the girl's father was a choirmaster, and her mother, Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila Poryvay, conducted in the Svetoch choir.

    Irina, 5 years older sister, was a musically gifted child and subsequently performed solo under the pseudonym Rusya. It is not surprising that already at the age of 3, Natasha Poryvay made her debut on stage with the Big Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine, performing the song "Cruiser Aurora".

    After graduating from school, Natasha entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School for the specialty "Variety Vocal". In 1989, a fateful meeting took place with Igor Nikolaev, a former arranger and aspiring singer who was in a creative stupor, who was looking for a suitable girl for a joint recording.

    This acquaintance turned the whole life of the future star. Natasha Poryvai quite naturally turned into Koroleva: the pseudonym was invented by Nikolaev, who was sure that the audience would not be able to remember the name “Poryvay”, and it somehow doesn’t sound very good, another thing is the proud, impressive “Koroleva”.

    After the release of the album, the popularity of Natasha Koroleva began to literally go off scale. "Yellow Tulips" brought her to the finals of the country's main music competition - "Songs of the Year". Stadiums and concert venues were overcrowded, fans carried yellow tulips in armfuls to their favorite artist.

    Personal life

    It cannot be said that between Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev, at first glance, the so-called "natural chemistry" was discovered. But while working on the Dolphin and Mermaid program, the composer fell in love with the girl, which grew stronger every day, turning into something more intimate, inspiring him to create melodic, slightly sad ballads.

    However, in 2000 Natasha Koroleva left her husband. According to the singer, the reason for this was the constant betrayal of Nikolaev. Although the separation took place without scandals and scenes of jealousy, both of them were very upset by this gap.

    In an attempt to distract herself from the oppressive wound on her heart, Natasha plunged headlong into work. For one of the performances, she invited a group of dancers of the "original genre", in other words, strippers. Among them was the blond, broad-shouldered, handsome Tarzan, who was to discuss the details of the future payment.

    But thoughts of dry numbers were driven out of Natasha's head by a spark of passion that flared up in an instant. Sergei, who had recently gone through a divorce, was not looking for a serious relationship, and with pleasure had an affair with a popular beauty. On the very first night, Natasha became pregnant, which Sergei was incredibly happy about. Arkhip, the firstborn of Natasha and Tarzan, was born in February 2002, and in August 2003 the lovers officially married.

    • Also, her face at one time sharply “younger”, all her fans immediately saw this and raised a fuss in the press. Most likely, there was a circular facelift, because at this age, most people begin to hang a little skin on the neck, and Natasha everything is absolutely perfect there.
    • It is worth noting the too good shape of the bust. The singer's chest is elastic and toned, which gives reason to think about mammoplasty.

    And yet, over the years, Natalia Koroleva has not changed much, you can see for yourself, she looks just great.

    Does Natasha Koroleva go on diets ^

    The singer has a hereditary tendency to be overweight, which could not be said if she herself had not admitted it. According to her, in her youth she had to visit a famous nutritionist from London, who advised her to fast 3 days a month, and then eat only vegetables for some time. Most recently, the singer turned to another doctor - who made a nutrition plan for her.

    In just a few weeks, Natasha Koroleva noticeably lost weight, and this could not be hidden from the ubiquitous journalists: photographs and articles on this topic began to appear in almost all media, and someone even suggested that the girl had undergone an operation to remove fat, or she was taking pills .

    When people found out that Natasha had lost a lot of weight, a flurry of questions rained down on her, because she changed her figure in just 4 weeks. Of course, the singer kept silent, but exactly until she was tired of various rumors.

    To avoid gossip and gossip, Natasha Koroleva, who has lost weight, nevertheless shared some of the secrets of her nutrition plan, which will be discussed below.

    Natasha Koroleva: height 160 cm, weight 50 kg

    Natasha Koroleva: before and after weight loss

    At the moment, the height and weight of Natasha Koroleva are 160 cm and 50-52 kg, but more recently she weighed 69 kg. Such results make us believe that her diet is really effective, but for greater persuasiveness, it is worth comparing before and after photos.

    Sizes of clothes and shoes

    Parameters of the figure of Natasha Koroleva: 99-68-95 (chest-waist-hips)

    Slimming secrets of Natasha Koroleva

    • During cooking, you can not salt food: table salt initiates fluid retention in the body. Of course, at first the food will be too insipid, but you can quickly get used to it, besides, eating in large quantities in any case will not work;
    • To reduce the calorie content of the diet, it is imperative to eat in small portions, but you need to eat food every 2 hours so that you do not have to starve;

    Natasha Koroleva with her son Arkhip: photo

    • In the menu, the main advantage should be given to protein foods and vegetables, but you will have to forget about fast carbohydrates, because. they harm the body. These include any sweets, flour, fried and too fatty foods, as well as fast food and convenience foods;
    • To speed up the outflow of excess fluid, it is recommended to drink plenty of clean water;
    • Every week you need to do a fasting day: for example, on apples, proteins and grapefruit, kefir or buckwheat.

    Natasha Koroleva with her husband Sergei Glushko (Tarzan): photo

    Judging by the fact that Natasha Koroleva lost 17 kg, her diet really works, and not without success.

    How Natasha Koroleva is losing weight: menus and recipes ^

    Natasha Koroleva lost weight: before and after photos

    Rules for losing weight Natasha Koroleva

    • Each diet cycle lasts 3 days, and the products specified in the menu cannot be changed;
    • Do not forget that you need to eat every couple of hours.

    To understand how Natasha Koroleva lost weight, it is necessary to use her secrets and rules: only in this case will it be possible to quickly remove kilograms.

    Diet of Natasha Koroleva: menu

    The singer's weight loss menu is as follows:

    • From the first to the third days we eat only one rice;
    • From the fourth to the seventh days we eat only boiled chicken meat;
    • The remaining three days we use exclusively fresh or boiled vegetables (800 g each). You can make salads out of them.

    In addition to this option, Natalia also uses a more balanced diet for weight loss:

    • In the morning we eat berries, oatmeal or cottage cheese;
    • For lunch - vegetables;
    • We have lunch with boiled meat with vegetables;
    • We have an afternoon glass of vegetable juice;
    • For dinner, we eat fruit or boiled fish.


    Knowing what diet Natasha Koroleva was on is not enough - it is also important to be able to properly prepare the dishes that she ate for 9 days.

    rice recipe:

    • We brew rice in the evening (1 cup), boil it in water in the morning;
    • We eat 200 g of porridge at once, and divide the rest for the whole day.

    Boiled Chicken Recipe:

    • We remove fat and skin from the chicken, throw it into a saucepan with water and cook together with carrots and onions;
    • Throw vegetables away. The broth is drinkable.

    Fresh Vegetable Salad Recipe:

    • Cut celery, cucumber and tomato, rub carrots;
    • We mix everything, pour over the juice squeezed from the lemon.

    Diet of Natasha Koroleva: the opinion of nutritionists ^

    Most often, nutritionists speak extremely harshly about strict diets, but this does not apply to the 9-day nutrition method: according to doctors, it is completely harmless for those who do not have chronic diseases. Absolutely healthy people can transform their figure in the same way as the singer lost weight. If there are any health problems, then it is better to refuse this idea.

    Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev: photo 2017

    It is worth noting that how much Natasha Koroleva lost weight is the result of two nutrition systems: in 9 days she threw off about 7 kg, and the remaining 8 kg in about 2-3 weeks.

    When Natasha lost weight, this did not go unnoticed by viewers, because it is difficult for such a public and popular girl to hide even the details of her life, not to mention the changes in her figure.

    What Natasha Koroleva looks like now: photo

    Feedback from our readers

    Marina, 28 years old:

    “I was delighted with Natalia's weight loss, and also decided to try the 9-day diet on myself. I liked the result: I lost 6 kg, and finally I fit into my favorite dress.

    Lyudmila, 34 years old:

    “Seeing how the Queen has changed, I also went on such a diet, and as a result I became 8 kg thinner. It is difficult to transfer, but the result is impressive”

    Larisa, 29 years old:

    “To lose 7 kg, it was enough for me to just sit on the same diet that Natasha used. Of course, it was difficult to resist the temptations, but for the sake of harmony it’s worth to endure. ”

    Photo ^

    FULL NAME: Natalia Vladimirovna Poryvay

    DATE OF BIRTH: 05/31/1973 (Gemini)

    PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyiv, Ukraine

    EYE COLOR: Blue

    HAIR COLOR: brunet

    FAMILY STATUS: Married

    FAMILY: Parents: Vladimir Arkhipovich Break, Lyudmila Ivanovna Break. Spouse: Sergey Glushko. Children: Arkhip Sergeevich Glushko.

    HEIGHT: 160 cm

    OCCUPATION: singer, actress


    Soviet and Russian pop singer and actress of Ukrainian origin. Natasha's family are creative people, so it is not surprising that Koroleva's biography is closely connected with art. It is not surprising that at the age of 3 Natasha made her debut on stage with the Great Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine, performing the song "Cruiser Aurora". At the age of 7, the girl was recorded in music school for the piano class and, in parallel, to the choreographic studio named after Grigory Veryovka. An important event that predetermined the fate of the baby was the acquaintance with the composer Vladimir Bystryakov, who took the gifted Natasha under his wing. In 1987, the girl became a diploma winner of the Golden Tuning Fork folk music competition. In the same year, Natasha first appeared on television, in the Wider Circle program (a kind of prototype of the Minute of Glory show), which gave many novice performers a ticket to fame: Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, the group "Secret" ... The career of the singer Natasha Koroleva so rapidly broke ahead of the rest of the planet that in 1998, despite her young age, she sang on the stages not only of the post-Soviet space, but also went with a concert in the USA as part of a children's rock band opera "Child of the World". Leading soloist Natasha discouraged the audience with her appearance. After the performance, she was offered to enroll in the prestigious University of Rochester. But the girl did not accept the offer, preferring Moscow to America, where she went to audition for the composer Igor Nikolaev. At the first meeting, Igor was rather skeptical about this venture: the 16-year-old plump "Khokhlushka" did not look like a spectacular pop diva, besides, she was shy a singer who seemed to her a king and a god of music. Nevertheless, after listening, he was pleasantly surprised and soon wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for the young protégé, which became the title track of the album of the same name, which was released in 1990. On the cover of the disc there was an inscription: “Natasha Koroleva sings songs by Igor Nikolaev.” In 1991, Natasha Koroleva graduated from the circus school. In 1992, the disc "Dolphin and the Mermaid" saw the light of day, and the creative tandem of Igor and Natasha went on a grandiose tour of the cities of Russia with the program of the same name, which over the next three years conquered not only the remote corners of our homeland, but also large cities of the USA, Israel and Germany. In 1994, the singer released a solo album called "Fan" (music and lyrics were still the merit of Igor Nikolaev). However, she had to win the trust of listeners who did not want to believe in the end of "Dolphin and the Mermaid" and recognize Natasha as an independent creative unit.

    In 2000, the Queen thought about specialized education and entered the acting department of GITIS, which she graduated from three years later.

    In 2008, Natasha Koroleva went into business. The artist created the author's collection of jewelry "Mothers and Daughters". A year later, the singer opened her own beauty salon, and two years later, a second one. The active development of her own business did not mean at all that Natasha had left the creative sphere. The actress took part in the TV show "Two Stars" and "Dancing with the Stars". In 2010, Natasha participated in the program Give Yourself Life.

    Natasha Koroleva's first husband was her mentor and composer Igor Nikolaev. Koroleva's principles did not give her the right to live with a man in a civil marriage, so in 1991 the couple formalized the relationship. The couple lived together for 10 years, after which the marriage of Koroleva and Nikolaev broke up. The reason, according to the singer, was her husband's betrayal. Literally a year after the break with Nikolaev, it became known that Koroleva would soon give birth to a child, but from another man. Her second chosen one was Sergey Glushko, nicknamed Tarzan - a prominent man with inflated forms, which is inherent in all strippers. The future spouses met at a working meeting: Sergey came to discuss the fee for the participation of his team in Natalya's concert program. The novel developed rapidly, but all the acquaintances of the singer were sure that this was only a small affair to forget her ex-husband. No one seriously believed in a relationship with a young stripper.

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