• Rules of the game of cards 120. Game of a thousand for two rules. Four nines after demolition


    How to play "thousand" - this question is asked by many fans of card games. Indeed, the rules are not so simple, and the game itself requires participants to have intelligence, analysis skills and the ability to take risks at the right time, and hold their horses at the wrong time.

    Basic Rules

    The "thousand" is played by a company of 2-4 people, but it would be best to do it with three people. For the game, only cards from nine to ace are used, which are arranged in seniority as follows - nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace. The main objective of the game is to score a thousand points, and whoever does it first is the winner.

    Each "move" or "game" is divided into four successive stages - the surrender of all cards from the deck, bidding with the announcement of rates, drawing cards from hands and directly counting the points that the players ended up with.

    Dealing cards

    Let's describe how to play "thousand" threesome.

    The first to deal is determined by the player selected by the lottery, later on the deal will be made by the participant to the left of the first dealer, and so on. The deck is carefully shuffled, then the player to the dealer's left removes the top half of the deck and places it down.

    After that, the dealer looks at which card in the deck lies at the bottom, and if it is a nine, then he shows it to everyone, and then the left player again removes the deck. If three times when the left player removed the deck, there was a nine below, then he is assigned a penalty of 120 points. If there is a jack below, then the dealer himself removes the deck, but only once.

    After these complex manipulations, the game "thousand" begins, in which everyone will play with seven cards. The remaining three cards must be placed face down in the center of the table - this will be a buy-in.


    At this stage, the participants actually begin to play "thousand". How it's done? Very simply, bidding begins. All players compete with each other for the right to bet and take points from this bet. The bet is most commonly referred to as "order". The delivery person makes the first order. He makes it necessarily the size of a hundred points. Then the bet is made by the player sitting on the left hand. He either raises the order or says "fold" and misses the betting that round. You need to raise your bet by at least 5 points.

    If a player does not have a pair of king and queen of one revenge (marriage) in his cards, then he cannot bargain above one hundred and twenty points. Also, the amount of points for which it is traded can never be higher than one hundred and twenty points + points for marriage, or marriages.

    Points for cards are calculated as follows:

    • ace - 11 points;
    • ten - 10 points;
    • king - 4 points;
    • lady - 3 points;
    • jack - 2 points;
    • nine - 0 points.

    Marriage points a little more:

    • spade margin - four dozen points;
    • on clubs - six tens of points;
    • diamonds - eight tens of points;
    • on hearts - a hundred points, maximum.

    That's the way to play 1000. As is obvious, the rules are complex, but quite understandable. Players bargain until two out of three players have passed. After that, all three cards are taken from the draw, opened and given to the winner. This player takes two unnecessary cards and gives one to each opponent.

    How to play "thousand" cards next? The winning player announces his final bet. You can't lower it, but you can raise it. If, even after taking the cards, the player sees that, together with the buy-in, he cannot get the number of points declared in the bet, then the only thing he can do is "draw the deck." The "deck schedule" goes like this - the participant loses the number of points that he bet, and his opponents receive 60 points each. The cards are dealt again, and the trade goes on again.


    If you want to play "thousand", how to draw points? Actually, it's quite simple. The first move at this stage is made by the dealer. He places any card from his hand on the table. The next player, clockwise, places a card of the same suit on top, either trump or any suit. This is done in the specified sequence. The one of the three participants who puts the card with the highest seniority takes all the cards for himself and in the next step of the drawing in the same turn, the first one goes. Remember that the ten is the highest, only an ace is higher than it!

    If a player has a marriage in his hands, and he took the last trick, then he can leave one of the cards of the marriage, queen or king, and make this suit trump. There is no trump suit on the first move. Sometimes slang is used when declaring marriage - after the word marriage is added:

    • "Papa", "father" or "he" if a king is placed.
    • "Mom", "mother" or "she" if a lady.
    • "It" if you are playing with an ace margin and an ace is placed. Ace marriage means that four aces of different suits make up a marriage.

    There are eight draws in total.


    When all the cards have been played, a procedure such as scoring begins. If a player has never taken a bribe for the entire rally, then he receives a "bolt". After receiving the third "bolt" there is a penalty of 120 points.

    Points are calculated simply - the sum of all cards in the hand is counted, and the king and queen of the same suit are counted by mariage points. The winner will be the player who, according to the results of the previous rounds, will score a thousand in total.

    However, the instruction on how to play "thousand" cards would be incomplete if we did not talk about the "barrel". As soon as the player scores 880 points or more, he sits on the "barrel". His points go down to 880 and he needs to do the following:

    • Bet more than 120 points in a bet.
    • Win a trade.
    • Score 120 points in a draw.

    All this must be done in one move. The player will have three attempts, and if nothing comes of it, then his points will drop to zero.

    Cards, "thousand": play together

    Let's look at this option. Quite often people ask themselves how to play "one thousand" together? Is it possible? In fact, quite, and quite simply. At the beginning, each player receives 10 cards, and 4 remain in the draw: two closed piles of two cards each. Then everything goes classically - first, bargaining. The player who declares the maximum points wins it. This participant gets the right to open one pile lying on the table, show it to the second player and put the cards to himself. Then any two cards are placed by this player on the table in a closed pile. Then the next stage finally begins - the draw described above. If the player fails to score the points that he stated on the bets, then he subtracts them from his points, if he succeeds, then he adds everything that he received. There are usually no "barrels" in a one-on-one game, but this can be discussed by the participants separately - it all depends on their desires.

    Thousand Game. You can also play with the computer

    You don't have to play 1000 with people. If you cannot find companions for yourself, and fun attracts you, then it is quite possible to play with the computer. There are many sites for this. They offer flash online options, as well as various games that you can install on your computer. You can play both with virtual opponents-bots, and with friends or people from the Internet. How to play "thousand" cards with a computer? Very convenient, because he will count the points himself. However, the computer can be a very smart opponent, so be careful.

    Individual arrangements

    To make the game "thousand" more exciting, you can play it with individual agreements. These arrangements can both simplify and complicate the process. Here are examples of such rules:

    If at the moment when the trade began, the player has already spent 120 points, then he must pass.

    If there are less than 5 points in the buy-in of cards, then the one who received it can demand a re-deal if he was the dealer and bet 100 automatically.

    During the draw, you can declare the trump suit on the very first move as a marriage to anyone.

    The rule of the "Golden horse" - in the first three games, the points scored and not scored by the players are multiplied by two. At the same time, in the first three games, each of the players must take at least 120 points. If no one takes 120 points, then the game starts over.

    Ace marriage. When a player has four aces in his hand, if he puts the first one on the table in the draw, he will automatically receive 200 points, and the ace suit will become the trump suit. In the following draws, he must start the draw with an ace.

    The game with bed marriage - a queen and a jack, having the same suit, constitute a "mini-marriage" and cost 50 percent of the cost of a regular one.

    If a player has four nines in his hand, then by laying the first on the table, he gets 360 or 200 points. Also, with 4 nines, the participant can, if he wishes, announce a re-deal of cards.

    All these agreements are optional, and are negotiated by the players individually before the game.

    Number of players: 3
    Card seniority: 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
    Purpose of the game: be the first to score 1000 points or more.
    Rules of the game. Thousand is a very popular card game in Russia, especially among young people and students. The game is considered intellectual, because in order to win you need to think, analyze and be able to take risks in the right situation. The goal of the game is for the player to score 1000 or more points. The game consists of several parties, which can be 10, or maybe 20, 30 or more. A separate game consists of four important stages - the delivery of cards, trading, drawing and scoring.

    Delivery of cards. The first dealer in the game is determined by lot, in the following games the players deal cards in turn in a clockwise direction. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed by the player to the left of the dealer (removal means dividing the deck into 2 parts and exchanging places in the deck), then the dealer looks at the bottom card in the deck, if this card is nine, then this card is shown to all players and the process of removing the deck is repeated. If the player to the left of the dealer has dealt the deck 3 times and the last card was 3 times a nine, then that player will be penalized by -120 points. If the last card is a jack, then the dealer himself removes the deck, but only once, regardless of which card is at the bottom of the deck. After that, each player is dealt 7 cards one at a time, and the remaining 3 cards are placed in the center of the table in a closed form - this is a buy-in.

    Trade. The next stage of the game is trading, where players bid for the right to place a bet in the game and win points from that bet in the draw. Often the rate is called an order. The dealer is the first to bet, and this does not depend on his desire, the dealer's bet is immediately equal to 100 points. The following players in a clockwise direction, depending on their desire, can bargain, raising the bet, or they can say "Pass" and skip the trade, if the player passes, then he does not participate in further trading in this game. If a player is bidding, he must raise the last player's bid by at least 5 points. A player cannot bet more than 120 points if his cards do not contain a king and queen of the same suit, a pair of these cards is called a "marriage". That is, you can not bargain above the value of 120 points plus points for marriage or marriages, if there are several of them.

    Points for cards

    11 points - for an ace;
    10 points - for ten;
    4 points - for the king;
    3 points - for a lady;
    2 points - for a jack;
    0 points - for nine.

    Marriage points

    40 points - for the queen and king of spades;
    60 points - for a queen and a king of clubs;
    80 points - for a queen and a king of diamonds;
    100 points - for a queen and a king of hearts.

    Players' betting continues until two players say "Pass". After that, 3 buy-in cards are opened and given to the player who won the trade. This player then chooses any of his two unwanted cards and gives one to each opponent. Next, the player who won the trade announces his final bet, which he can raise (you cannot lower the bet), and the next stage of the game begins - the drawing of cards. If this player, after taking the buy-in cards, sees that he will not be able to take, together with the buy-in cards, the number of points that he announced in his bet, then he can "paint the deck", which means that the number of points that he announced in a bet, and each of his opponents will receive 60 points, after which the dealer again shuffles and distributes cards, and trading begins anew.

    Draw. In the draw of cards, players play all their cards and receive points for them. One played card from the player, and there are three of them in total, is called a trick. There are 8 tricks in total. The first move in the draw belongs to the dealer. He can enter from any of his cards, and each next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no card of that suit, then he must put a trump card, if there is no trump card, then he must put his any card. The player who puts the highest card takes the bribe for himself and gets the right to make the first move in the next bribe. The seniority of the cards is determined according to their points. For example, 10 is older than a king, since 10 is worth 10 points and a king is worth 4 points. The draw process has several features. If the player has a margin (a queen and a king of the same suit, and sometimes 4 aces are also considered a margin, which will be described below), then the player, provided that he took the previous trick, can go with one of the marriage cards from the queen or king and announce trump suit. The trump suit will be the suit of the marriage cards. At the first move of the draw, it is impossible to declare a trump suit, since the player must take a bribe, and only then declare it. When declaring a marriage, players often use card slang, putting down a marriage card, respectively, they say "praise", "marriage" and add the following:
    1. "he", "father", "dad" is the king;
    2. "she", "mother", "mother" is a lady;
    3. "it" is an ace if played with an ace margin.

    Scoring. After playing all the cards, the players begin to count the points in the taken cards. The player who has not taken a single trick receives one "bolt" or "stick". If a player collects 3 bolts, then he is penalized by -120 points. The player who scores 1000 or more points first is the winner. On the way to 1000 points, there is the next obstacle, which is called the "barrel". If a player scores points in the range from 880 to 1000, then it is considered that the player "sat on the barrel", which means that his points become equal to 880 points and in order to score 1000 or more points, the player needs to do the following. The player sitting on the barrel has only 3 games to do this, because if in 3 games he does not score 1000 or more points, then the points of this player are reset to zero. The player in these three games must bet 120 or more points, win the betting and score these points in the draw.
    The game of Thousand has many agreements, and these are changes to the rules in the game, thanks to which the game becomes so diverse and has as many options for playing as no other card game has.

    Arrangements in the game

    Delivery of cards. If in the process of distributing cards one player had 4 nines, then before the start of trading, he may demand a new delivery of cards.
    If, after the cards are dealt, the player's total points are less than 14, then before the start of trading, the player may demand a new deal of cards.
    Trade. If a player has minus 120 points at the starting moment in trading, then he has no right to participate in trading and always passes.
    If the amount of cards in the buyout is less than 5 points, then the player who received the buyback can, at his own request, cancel the results of the trade and demand a new deal of cards. This rule is valid only if the player received a buyback order of 100 points. If the player raised the bet on his own, then there will be no retake.
    If the amount of cards in the buyout is less than 5 points, then the player who received the buyback can, at his own request, cancel the results of the trade and demand a new deal of cards. This rule only applies if the player has received a draw at a rate of 100 points. If the player raised the bet on his own, then there will be no retake.
    It is not 120 points that is signed, but the amount of the bet, that is, each of the non-playing players will receive half the bet.
    The number of paintings is limited to three for each player.
    When painting, the bet is not deducted from the painting player.
    At the third painting, the player receives a penalty of -120 points.
    If one of the players sits on a barrel and there is no penalty for painting, then painting is either not allowed, or it is possible.
    If there is a golden horse and there is no penalty for painting, then it is either impossible or possible to paint.
    The player can increase his bet during the golden round.
    If after the demolition of cards the player receives 4 nines, then before the start of the game the player may demand a new handover of cards.
    The game is "blind" - the meaning of the game is that the player who dealt the cards, despite his cards, must make a bet of 120 points without fail, the buyback does not show anyone, if two other players pass and do not raise the bet, then the points scored by this player in this game are increased by 2 times. If any of the other players bet more, then the dealer can look at his cards and the game continues as usual, but the points are no longer doubled.
    Darkness is allowed only to the player who sits to the left of the dealer.
    When playing blindly, the demolition is not shown.
    If, after the demolition, the total of the player's cards is less than 14, then the player can demand a re-deal of the cards.
    If a player takes a buyback at a bet of 100 points, then he does not show this buyback to the other players.
    The points of the player who ordered (won the bet) the game are rounded up before being compared with the bet made.
    You can only darken if the player has at least 240 points or more than 0, or more than 120, etc.
    During the "darkness" points are not doubled for declaring trump cards.
    As soon as the buyback opens, it can be bought from the player who won the trade, assigning 120, 240, etc. for him. points.
    During trading, a different number of points from five is added.
    The trump suit is allowed to be announced from the first move.
    If in the process of three games in a row a player has not scored a single point (called a "bolt"), then 120 points are deducted from this player.
    If in the process of any three games the player has not scored a single point, then 120 points are deducted from him.
    "Golden horse" - the points that the player scored or did not score in the first three games are multiplied by 2. In the first 3 games, each player must take 120 points on his cards, all points scored are multiplied by 2. If none of the players did not take 120 points, then the game starts again.
    Ace marriage - if a player has 4 aces in his hands, then putting the first ace on the table, the player receives 200 points and the suit of the first laid out ace becomes the trump suit in the game.
    When an ace margin is announced, all 4 aces must be laid out in a row. That is, play 4 tricks in a row with the participation of aces.
    Only the player who did not announce them can enter from trump cards.
    Bed marriage - queen and jack of the same suit, cost half the cost of the main one.
    If the player has 4 nines in his hand, then by putting the first nine, the player receives 360 points. There is an option when the player gets 200 points.
    Points for the announced trump card are awarded only to the player who won the bet.
    If a player descended from the barrel 3 times, then the score of this player becomes equal to zero.
    If one of the players is sitting on a barrel and another player has climbed onto it, then the first player rolls off the barrel.
    If 2 or 3 players climb the barrel at the same time, they immediately roll off it.
    If after any drawing a player scores 55 points, then the score of this player becomes equal to zero.
    In order to win the game you need to score more than 1000 points.
    You can take penalty points not -120, but, for example, -100.
    If a player flies off the barrel 3 times, then his score becomes equal to five or zero, and then this player must reach a thousand without a barrel.
    Write-off "according to aces" - half of the player's bet is deducted from the sum of the player's points, and a certain number of aces in his hands is added to the opponents.
    Dump truck - if a player scores 555 points at the end of the draw, then all his points are reset to zero and become equal to 0.
    Negative dump truck - a situation in the game when a player scores -555 points, due to which his score becomes 0.
    It is possible to use other values ​​in points for declaring the trump suit: spades - 100 points, hearts - 80 points, clubs - 60 points, diamonds - 40 points. Or: spades - 100 points, clubs - 80 points, hearts - 60 points, diamonds - 40 points.

    Note. It is worth noting that the players do not always comply with the above agreements, but use their own. For example, if there is an ace margin, it is not necessary to enter the ace with the first card, you can enter any other one, take this trick, and only after that enter from the ace and announce the trump suit.

    A thousand with a trade for two

    The game follows the rules of the traditional thousand with some changes. Each player is dealt 10 cards, the remaining 4 lie on the table in two closed piles of 2 cards each. The game consists of two stages: announcement and draw. Players take turns declaring the number of points they are committed to taking in the draw. The player who declares the highest number of points wins the auction. This player opens one of the piles lying on the table, shows the opponent and includes the cards of the pile in his cards, and puts any two of his cards on the table in a closed pile, after which he goes first. If this player scores the announced or more points in the draws, then the announced one is recorded for him. If the player did not get this amount, then he counts it for himself with a minus sign. The opponent writes down points for himself from his bribes and margins declared by him.

    A thousand with a trade for three

    The game follows the rules of the traditional thousand with some changes. Each player is dealt 7 cards, 3 cards remain on the table in a closed pile - this is a buy-in. The trading rules are the same as in a thousand with trading for two. The player who won the auction opens the buy cards, shows them to the players and attaches them to his cards, after which he hands over any one of his cards to other players. Trading is allowed to be carried out blindly. Each player may bargain without raising their cards. The player who won the blind auction does not show the buyback to the opponents, and when recording, all his points and the opponents' points are doubled.

    five hundred one

    The game follows the rules of the traditional thousand with some changes. The trump card is declared by the player who took the buyback after the auction. During the draw, the trump suit does not change. Marriage is announced after taking a bribe. When a marriage is announced, they make a move from him with a king or a queen. The following points are awarded for marriages:

    20 points - for a club marriage;
    40 points - for diamond marriage;
    60 points - for peak marriage;
    80 points - for a hearts marriage.

    The player who scores 501 points or more first is the winner.

    A thousand (1000) has long belonged to the category, most popular card games, and there's no arguing with that. It makes no sense to understand the reasons for such popularity, but you should simply accept this fact. The most interesting and popular option card game rules 1000 (thousand), this is a game for three players. This is due to the number of cards in the deck. Only twenty-four cards are selected from a deck of playing cards (the most short deck of cards of those used). Starting from aces and up to nines, inclusive.

    Of course, there are rules that describe the ability to play four thousand, but with such a game, one of the participants (in turn, this applies to everyone) will have to take the place of the “dummy”, i.e., his playing cards are cards from the buy-in. This option is not very popular among fans of card games.

    1. The meaning of the game ash tree stump, as the name implies, is to score a thousand points.

    2. The game is played for tricks :)). In the sense that in order to score points, everyone should try to take as many tricks as possible.

    3. The sum of all cards in the deck gives 120 points. Aces are valued at 11, kings 4, queen has 3 points, jack 2, tens correspond to their face value, i.e. 10 points. The seniority of the cards corresponds to their value, i.e. ace, ten, king, queen, jack. Nines, although they participate in the game, do not have any point value. Margins are also used (see card terminology), which in principle can be considered card game feature thousand (1000).

    4. Bonus points are added for the announcement of each marriage:

    For the Heart Marriage 100 points, for the announcement of the Tambourine 80 points, the Club is estimated at 60 points, the Peak at 40.

    5. Another purpose of marriage is to determine the trump suit, so that depending on the layout, the trump suit can change several times in one game (hand).

    6. For example, one of the players has a diamond margin (80 points) in his hands, and the trump suit in the game is a spade, then declaring his margin, he says: “eighty diamonds”. This means that the trump card has changed to a diamond suit. Or he says: "eighty in suit", in which case he simply announced his eighty points, and the trump card remained the same.

    7. In order for the points to be counted, it is necessary to declare your margins. If the player simply exits with a king or queen (without a verbal announcement), as described in the example above. Marriage points do not count. And to the subsequent statement: “Oh, I forgot!” Everyone answers in unison: “Oh, it happens, gee, gee ...”, and continue the game.

    Bidding in the card game thousand

    And as in any card game rules, which is based on a set of bribes, and also provides for the presence of a buy-in, everything starts with bidding for the right of the first move and buy-in.

    After all the cards have been dealt, the player seated to the left of the dealer has the right to make the first statement. Actually, this is not even a statement, but rather a prerequisite, since its rate is mandatory. He must score a hundred points in any case. If two opponents folded (refused to bid for a buyback), then he is forced to play and score one hundred points. If in the first round of bidding both folded and gave the game to the “obligation” (100 points), then the one who is on “one hundred” may not show cards from the draw.

    1. Of course, after taking the buyback, he can reorder the game. State what goes for more points. Raising the stakes before taking the buyback, with two passes, simply does not make sense.

    2. Bets in the auction are usually raised by five or ten (as agreed) points. But no more than a hundred and twenty. The sum of points of all cards in the deck is 120. To claim a larger amount, you must have a margin on hand. And since all the cards, with the exception of the buy-in, are in hand, it will not work to cheat. And rivals may demand to show marriage even at the bidding stage.

    3. Bidding is won by the one who announced the highest bid, after which two passes followed.

    4. The one who took the buyback (three cards) without fail shows it to his partners on the card table. Then he can re-announce the game (raise the stakes). In this case, it must be borne in mind that you will have to choose two unnecessary cards and distribute them to your opponents. Thus, before the start of the actual draw itself, everyone should have eight cards in their hands.

    Marriage announcement in the game thousand

    if a player forgot to deal two unnecessary cards, but immediately made an exit (usually an ace or ten) from the highest cards in this game. Then the opponent has every right to take this card for himself. In this case, after the phrase, which has already become a classic, “Oh, I forgot,” the following must be done: first, we are imbued with a feeling of deep gratitude to him; second, we say: "Thank you"; third, we say: "Gee, gee ..." and play on.

    1. In order to declare your marriage, you need to take a bribe. In more detail, the obligatory condition is only in the first draw, that is, when all three participants will take down one card per trick. After that, the one who took the bribe has the right to make an announcement of his marriage.

    2. On the card being played, you need to demolish cards of the same suit, if there are none, then a trump card. If there are no cards of a trump suit in hand, then any.

    4. In order for the marriage to play, there is no need to play both the king and the queen in order for the points to be counted, it is enough to exit with one of them. It happens that another player can take the trump king with a ten or an ace and kill the trump card with his margin.

    Feature of counting in the card game thousand (1000)

    They consist in the fact that, for the one who announced the game (who appointed the number of points that he intends to score), the cards are counted up to one point, and for the rest, the sum of the points is rounded to five or zero. For example, 67 will give 65 points, and with 68 scored, rounded up to 70.

    1. In case of not winning the declared bet (even by one point), all declared points are deducted from the record.

    2. When scoring more points than announced, only the amount that was played is included in the record. He declared one hundred and forty, and took one hundred and seventy, only one hundred and forty is recorded.

    3. Points are added to previously earned points and the final amount is recorded in the table.

    4. Recording points in a card game thousand (1000) is usually assigned to the one who sits to the left of the dealer, so that everyone in turn must to play tricks with numbers in calligraphic handwriting participate in record keeping. The advantages of such thousand card game rules(1000) - there is no confusion with the right to deal cards. The one who wrote down last time is the one who deals the cards this time.

    Minuses are fines for wrong records in the table. The size of the fine is negotiated in advance, usually a hundred points in the minus, so as not to be bored.

    Features in the card game thousand (1000)

    There are several features that are not found in other card games

    1. Possibility to paint and write off the declared game. If a player sees that he cannot score the declared points, then he can paint the game. How does this happen?

    From his record, the declared amount of the bet is deducted, and the opponents are added to those already scored by half of this amount, each.

    It is also possible that nothing is deducted from the player's record, it is simply added to the score of his opponents by half of the declared amount of points. In the table of records, this option is marked with the letter "P".

    This option in the rules of the card game thousand (1000) is quite popular among players and is most likely associated with the special cunning ingenuity of some players who do not want to sit on the barrel.

    2. The second feature is the ability to write off the game. That is, the conditions are the same, it is not possible to score the declared points. The player in the table of records put the letter "C", and the rest of the dash.

    3. A dash is also put to the one who did not score the minimum number of points for the game. For example: two nines and a jack are two points.

    4. Three dashes (in a row or for the whole game, by agreement) are penalized by one hundred and twenty points. After subtracting the penalty, the player can start typing dashes again

    Card game thousand Well, here we are on the barrel

    1. The condition for sitting on the barrel is a set of 880 points by one of the players

    According to some intelligence data, the rules go to the barrel when you score 900 points.

    2. If any of the players is on the barrel, no one has the right to paint or write off the game.

    3. Marriage points are no longer counted for the one on the barrel, although he can also order or outbid the trump suit. When bidding does not have the right to go more than one hundred and twenty.

    4. He needs to score one hundred and twenty points in three attempts, that is, in one round.

    5. Points are counted up to one. I scored 34 cards, and they write down 34.

    On the next hand, he scored 57, write down 91.

    6. If in three attempts he could not reach a thousand (1000), he is penalized by one hundred and twenty points and flies off the barrel. Moreover, the points scored are rounded up to tenths (always down), for example: 993 is rounded up to 990 and 120 penalties are subtracted, we get 870.

    7. In the case when the second player sits on the barrel, and the first one is still sitting on it, then the first one flies off the barrel with a sigh of relief under the same conditions, i.e. - 120.

    But it doesn't even end there. description of the rules of the card game 1000 (thousand). As in many other popular card games, thousand includes many nuances in its rules.

    1. If any of the players scored 555 points in plus or minus, then his record is reset to zero.

    2. If in the hands of any player the sum of cards gives up to 13 points, he has the right to demand a re-deal.

    3. The player has three nines or four jacks, even after the distribution of cards from the draw, also gives the right to demand a re-deal.

    4. A re-deal is also required, provided that the cards in the draw are less than five points, or two nines, or three jacks.

    5. An announcement of a retake is possible only before the first exit.

    Rules of the game

    Since the rules of the game are a thousand large and it is problematic to contain them on one page, I had to break them into sections.

    To play a thousand, a deck of 24 cards is used (from nine to ace). The number of players - preferably three people, this is the best option. If necessary, you can paint for four. There is also a two-player option.

    Dealing cards and shifting. Before the deal, the player does not shuffle the cards (the cards are shuffled only before the very first distribution, that is, before the game), but simply collects them from the table in a pile and gives them to move to the neighbor on the right. This is one of the principles in the game - do not shuffle the cards and move the deck. After the neighbor has moved the cards, the dealer looks at the bottom card. If it is not a jack or a nine, then he deals cards; this is usually the case, as these cards don't end up on the bottom that often.

    Trade. The player to the left of the dealer automatically says "Hundred" (sitting on a hundred). The player following him "has the floor", he can raise the bet (bets are raised in fives, that is, 105, 110, 120, 135, etc.) or say "Pass". The third player says the next word (he, by the way, is the dealer). In turn, he can raise even higher (if the second player raised in front of him, if he did not raise, then the player can raise higher than the first, that is, higher than a hundred) or also pass. The rescuing player does not take part in further trading. After the third player, the first player again has the word (he was sitting on a hundred), he can also raise the previous bet even higher or say “Pass”. This goes on in circles. It turns out that, in turn, the player can only declare more than the previous one. When two pass, the third wins the fight for the buyback. Usually two or one round of betting is enough. Sometimes it happens that the first two folded immediately, in this case, the buyback is given to the player on a hundred without a fight.

    Draw. It's actually what the whole game is about. The player is the one who took the buy-in, the rest are the opponents (you can say “whistlers”, but this term does not apply to the “thousand”, although it correctly defines the name of the opponents). The player announces an application, how much he plans to score and which must be no less than the one he declared before taking the buyback. This is his main goal in this particular draw - to take no less than he ordered. The goal of the opponents is to prevent him from doing this, here they play as if as a team (of course, it is impossible to confer), and at the same time they strive to collect a few bribes for themselves.

    Rules of the game.

    Card game "Thousand" refers to the type of preference games. On our project, a version of the game for three players is implemented.
    The game is played up to 1001 or more points.
    The main objective of the game is to be the first to score 1001 points.
    Number and cost of cards:
    The game has 24 cards, 4 suits, 6 cards per suit in ascending order of seniority: Nine, Jack, Queen, King, Ten, Ace.
    The sum of the face values ​​of all cards participating in the game is 120 points.
    The sum of the face values ​​of cards in the same suit is 30 points.
    For one round it is possible to take from 0 to 300 points.

    When calculating points in bribes, denominations are used:
    Nine - 0 points
    Jack - 2 points
    Lady - 3 points
    King - 4 points
    Ten - 10 points
    Ace - 11 points

    Marriage denominations (queen and king):
    Ace (4 aces) - 200 points
    Hearts - 100 points
    Diamond - 80 points
    Cross - 60 points
    Peak - 40 points

    The game consists of rounds. Each round has a player who must score at least 100 points. Such a player is called "sitting on a hundred" A forced bet of 100 points is transferred between players clockwise with each round.

    At the beginning of the round, each player is dealt 7 cards, 3 cards remain in the draw.
    Next, bidding begins. The first to have the word is the player following the "sitting on a hundred", clockwise. The player can either raise the bet or say "PASS" and refuse to bet further. The player who has set the maximum bid wins the auction, gets the right to make the first move and takes the buyback. After evaluating 10 cards that are in the player's hands, the player is obliged to give one card he does not need to opponents. After the transfer of cards to opponents, the player who ordered the game has the right to raise the bet. The maximum possible value of the bet is 300 points.

    Game progress.
    After the bet is determined, the player makes the first move. Declaring a margin on the first move is not possible. Marriage can be declared on the first move, having at least one trick in hand. Marriage announcement entails receiving points, in accordance with the par value of the margin, and setting trump cards, corresponding to the suit. Attention, if a player does not have bribes in his hands, but he walks with one of the mariage cards, then such a move is acceptable, but there is no announcement of mariage and, accordingly, trump cards. Marriage is not declared if the player is forced to discard one of the Marriage cards.

    After the first entry, players are required to discard cards of the suit in which the entry was made, in the absence of this suit in their hands, the player is obliged to walk with trump cards, in the absence of a trump card, the player can discard any card. After 3 players have laid down the cards, the player who laid out the highest card takes the trick. The denominations of the bribe cards are recorded in the player's points. The right of the first move passes to him. He makes the next move.

    After each round, points are calculated for each player. Points are made up of the denominations of the cards that the player took during the round, and the denominations of the marriages announced by the player. The player who ordered the game must score no less points than he ordered. Otherwise, points are deducted from him in the amount of the ordered game. The player who has not taken a single bribe receives a "stick", if the player has scored three "sticks", then he is fined 120 points.

    If the total amount of the player's points exceeds 880 points, the accrual of further points to him stops, the player sits on the "barrel".

    The rules for betting in a round in which someone plays the barrel are different from the rules for other rounds.

    The achievement by one or more players of the total of 880 points is called a "barrel". The rules of the barrel game are as follows:
    The player who is on the "barrel" receives a buyback depending on the value of the convention parameter of the table "Trade on the barrel"
    The player on the "barrel" must score 121 points.
    The player on the barrel has three attempts to play 121 points. At the same time, with two unsuccessful attempts, he does not receive penalty points.
    If the third attempt did not bring success, then the player flies off the "barrel" and 120 points are removed from the player, one unplayed barrel is recorded in the player's asset
    If another player climbs onto the "barrel", then the player sitting on the barrel is dropped from it, 120 points are deducted from the player sitting on the barrel.
    If the barrel player plays the game with a bet of 121, regardless of whether the player has "barreled" or not, the opponents do not count either points or sticks in this round. They "stand still".
    If 2 or 3 players hit the barrel at the same time, then they all roll off it, 120 points are deducted from each player.
    If on the "barrel", another player, the caskler's bet is overbought, then the caskler will not receive points, sticks at the end of the round
    If the keg raises the stake on the keg and wins the trade, then, if he does not take the bet indicated during the trade, the keg receives a penalty in the amount of the bet and flies off the keg.

    The game ends if one of the players takes the "barrel".
    The game ends if any of the players has a points value of -1000.

    Changeable table convention parameters. During the game, the parameters can be specified by clicking the "Score" button.
    - Retake: YES/NO
    If the parameter is "YES", then after the players have 8 cards in their hands and one of the players has 4 nines or less than 14 points in their hands, the player can ask to re-deal the cards.

    - Barrel trading: YES/NO
    If the parameter is set to "YES", then the trade proceeds as usual, while the player who plays the barrel automatically declares the game for 121 points, if "NO", then the player who plays the barrel declares the game for 121 and takes a buy-in, trading is not provided to other players.

    - Ace Marriage: YES/NO
    If the parameter is "YES", then the game has an ace margin. Ace marriage is 4 aces, the value of the marriage is 200 points. This margin is subject to the rules of regular margin, i.e. such a margin cannot be declared on the first move.

    - Trading in the red: 0/-100/-200/-300/-1000
    If the player scored less game points than specified in this parameter, then the player automatically says a pass when trading.

    - Buyback on a hundred is not shown: YES / NO
    If the parameter is "YES", then the buyback is not displayed to opponents if it is taken by "sitting on a hundred"

    - Schedule the game: YES/NO
    If a player sees that he obviously cannot collect the bet indicated during trading, he can paint the game. See "Fine on painting". On the "barrel" you can not paint the game.

    - Fine on painting: YES/NO
    If the parameter is set to "YES", then upon the fact of the game painting, the player receives a fine in the amount of the bet made during trading, his opponents receive 50% of the ordered game. If the parameter is "NO", then after the painting of the game, the player receives one stick, his opponents receive 50% of the ordered game.

    - Zeroing at -+555 points (Dump Truck): YES/NO
    If the parameter is "YES", then when any player reaches 555 or -555 points after the next round, the points of this player become equal to 0.

    - Golden Horse: YES/NO
    If the parameter is "YES", then the points scored and not scored in the first three rounds in the game are multiplied by two.

    Win calculation.
    At the end of the game, the winner of the game will receive the game points of the losing players, in proportion to their points.

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