• The most crashed planes. Why and where do planes crash most often? Why are people afraid to fly?


    I've been wanting to address this topic for a long time, and finally. I myself could never understand the problem of fear of flying, but it turned out that the problem is much more widespread than even I thought. They write that about 30% of the population experiences discomfort to some extent during flights. These are not necessarily panic attacks (although many have this), but may simply be anxiety or a desire to resort to side remedies to suppress stress (pills, alcohol). At the same time, statistics claim that 2% of the population refuses to fly at all, and many avoid flying if there are other travel options.

    Frankly, I didn’t imagine that the problem could be so widespread. I fly regularly myself, and sometimes I come across people who nervously grab their armrests at every vibration. However, this behavior is quite rare. However, if the person sitting next to you is afraid of flying, you won’t be able to tell right away.

    Today I will try to reassure such citizens somewhat, first of all, from a position of logic (what else can I do). I believe that most people are susceptible to aerophobia due to prejudice, incompetence and ignorance of numbers.

    Why are people afraid to fly?

    So, aerophobia has a psychological and subjective basis. I think fear comes from the unfamiliarity of the situation. For example, we interact with cars every day, and they have become something ordinary for us, and they are also quite understandable - four wheels and a steering wheel, you fill up with gas and it drives :) And there is also the illusion of position control, that I am a good driver , I know nothing will happen. Even without taking into account the fact that everyone sometimes makes mistakes, for some reason few people think about the presence of inappropriate people on the roads, and that no matter what kind of driver you are, this will not save you from a drunken idiot who is rushing towards you. red or oncoming traffic.

    But the plane, it seems, is completely incomprehensible and unusual, rushing at incredible speed, I don’t understand where, at an enormous altitude. And nothing can be done (although nothing needs to be done). Probably, it is precisely this understanding that there is an abyss under you and the thought that if something happens nothing will save you, that leads people to aerophobia. And if the incident happened on the ground, then it will not necessarily end in death, they will still have time to help, etc. It seems like this is so, but the problem is that accidents with ground transport themselves occur much more often, and the number of incidents many times compensates for the lower risk of dying in them.

    But all these fears would have remained, rather, in a latent state, if not for journalists (I don’t like journalists :)). If a plane crashes somewhere (God forbid another terrorist attack) - cases in themselves are very rare, as I will show later - then journalists begin to spin this topic for a long time and methodically, throughout the week it is in first place in the news blocks, and In the end, the desired effect is achieved - people begin to associate the plane with something dangerous. The seeds of fear that journalists spread fall on fertile soil (remember the fear of the unknown). The situation is aggravated by the fact that during a plane crash, many people can die at once - up to several hundred. This is not an accident involving a car, where 2-3 people die, despite the fact that there are thousands of such cars (seriously!) in the world every day. This is 200 people at once, what a tragedy (I do not rejoice and do not neglect the lives of these people, I just think that the issue must be approached pragmatically, and situations must be assessed equally).

    Even if the planes haven’t crashed for a long time, journalists give us information to maintain the required degree. For example, you could disseminate a study that describes the safest seats on an airplane, those with the least likelihood of dying if something happens (does anyone really pay attention to this??).

    As a result, people rush to choose a more reliable airline, study the statistics of air crashes by airline and by plane, wanting to find out which planes crash more often. This is an absolutely pointless exercise, and the probabilities, if they differ, are negligible. All aircraft and airlines, without exception, are subject to the same high safety requirements. And such activity is akin to if we checked which bus route in the city had the most accidents and refused to travel on some routes if we found out that the statistics there were worse.

    By the way, it turned out that enterprising people take advantage of these fears; they even sell courses on overcoming aerophobia :) Here is an interesting interview with the author of the course.

    For some reason, few people think that aircraft are operated and maintained exclusively by specialists (and maintenance and checks are carried out regularly, before each flight). In contrast to the same road traffic, where anyone can get behind the wheel, in any condition, in a faulty vehicle. But no, no one is afraid to cross the road at a zebra crossing; many don’t even look both ways.

    In addition, the plane flies in almost free space, which means the probability of colliding with something is negligible, unlike, again, city traffic. There are no hundreds of other planes flying around the plane in the immediate vicinity, there are no reckless drivers there, no one is overtaking anyone or cutting anyone off. The movement of the aircraft is controlled by air traffic control services from the ground.

    Air crash statistics

    Let's look at the numbers. Yes, accidents with airplanes happen from time to time, like any other type of transport; an airplane cannot provide absolute safety. How many people die in these incidents?

    I managed to find such statistics. Number of deaths from aircraft accidents per year, from 1946 to 2014.

    The graph shows that the death toll has been decreasing over the years, despite the increase in traffic. What does this mean? Air travel has become increasingly safer over the years.

    According to statistics from ICAO - the International Civil Aviation Organization - in 2013, more than three billion people (3132 million) were transported by commercial airlines in the world:

    The previous graph shows that in recent years, between 300 and 1,000 people have died per year in aircraft accidents. Well, let’s take the maximum – 1000. It turns out that in the worst year, out of three billion, 1000 people will die per year. Or 1 person out of 3 million. In fact, even this figure is overestimated, because we calculated based on the worst year, in reality it is 1 in 8-10 million. This is the probability of dying while boarding a plane once.

    By the way, many people are afraid of terrorist attacks on airplanes; even fewer people die from terrorist attacks.

    But is this a lot or a little?

    Even a train does not provide such a level of safety, where deaths are one and a half times more likely. In fact, this is only for passengers in train accidents, and if you take into account the cases of injury and death of people in a collision with a train, then the statistics are much worse; for example, in the Central Federal District alone (population approx. 40 million) in 2012, more than 1,200 people died in railway incidents. Yes, only 2-3 people a year die from being jammed by doors on electric trains (I haven’t heard of anyone being afraid to travel on electric trains).

    If we talk about motor transport, then in Russia alone more than 20 thousand people die annually in road accidents (and 1240 thousand worldwide). More than a million people in the world per year. It turns out that about 1 person out of 6000. It turns out that in St. Petersburg, with a population of five million, 1 person will die in plane crashes per year, and about 800 in traffic accidents. Or, for example, 3-5 people will die from a collision with a moose on the highway alone. That is, it is more likely to die on the way to the airport than on the plane. But is anyone afraid to ride a minibus or cross the road?

    (In fact, the above discussion about safety is not entirely correct. The mortality rate in road accidents is a thousand times higher than the mortality rate in airplanes for the reason that we use motor vehicles much more often. Here it is more correct to compare the specific number of deaths per unit distance. But here, too, the advantage is side of the plane. For airplanes this number is 0.6 fatalities per 160 million km. For trains - 0.9 fatalities per 160 million km, and for cars 1.6 fatalities. That is, driving 1 km in a car is almost three times more dangerous than flying by plane (not to mention two-wheelers, where 42 people die per 160 million km).

    On the same ICAO website there are these numbers:

    I didn’t understand what period the data was taken for, I assume it was for the last year. But the following figures are interesting from the statistics. Of the 54 accidents involving aircraft, only 5 (10%) resulted in fatalities. And we must understand that not all such incidents kill all passengers; many survive; There are also simply incredible cases, even when falling from a great height, for example, this one. Even in serious accidents involving impact with the ground, fire, broken wings and other horrors, the mortality rate is about 50%.

    Is turbulence dangerous?

    Many people experience unpleasant (psychological) sensations during turbulence. It seems that turbulence is much more dangerous than normal flight. But are these fears justified?

    As you may have guessed, turbulence is not dangerous for an airplane 😀

    Turbulence is caused by the heterogeneity of the atmosphere, passing through zones with differences in pressure, temperature, and wind speed. Physically, it will be expressed in some vibrations of the aircraft and “bumpiness”. Some degree of turbulence is felt on 90% of flights; if it were dangerous, planes would crash all the time.

    It is worth noting that the aircraft will avoid potentially dangerous areas. However, in any case, airplanes are designed to withstand loads much greater than those encountered during flight. I came across a figure that over the past 25 years not a single plane has crashed due to turbulence. Regardless of this, there are statistics according to which only 6% of aircraft accidents occur during flight, when turbulence occurs. And we remember how relatively few accidents happen to airplanes in general.

    The only risk during turbulence is the risk of getting injured inside the plane, hurting yourself or being hit by a suitcase falling from the luggage rack. But you know, you can hurt yourself on a bus, when you drive along an uneven road; no one frantically grabs the handrails on the first bump. Therefore, while passing through a turbulence zone, it is worth advising you to simply stay in your place.

    How many planes are in the sky now?

    The service flightradar24.com, which I wrote about in detail here, can answer this question. On the website we can clearly observe the location of aircraft in real time. You can search for specific flights.

    The site claims there are just under 14,000 planes in the air right now. And these are tens of thousands of people. And 30% of them think that flying is dangerous)))

    Let's sum it up

    So it's clear that fears about flying are incredibly exaggerated. There are many much more dangerous, but familiar to us processes, which, however, for some reason we do not refuse. Flying on an airplane seems to us something special, non-standard and arousing mistrust. However, statistics show that this mistrust is unfounded.

    And one more thing: I hope that the people who clap after landing (thank God I'm saved!) also clap when their bus stops.

    Finally, I present to your attention some excerpts from the onboard safety instructions. Study them so you know how to behave if a critical situation does arise.

    It's considered an airplane. Road accidents are much more common than aircraft crashes. However, plane crashes are more widespread. Dozens, or even hundreds of people die in them. This is confirmed by the statistics of plane crashes in Russia.

    Top 5 incidents by number of victims (2006−2015)

    Over the past 10 years, aviation accidents have occurred for various reasons. In approximately 80% of cases, the cause of the crash was human error. Errors were made either by crew members or ground services.

    Disaster in Irkutsk (2006)

    The statistics of plane crashes in Russia over 10 years are sad. During this period, several major plane crashes occurred, claiming the lives of both adults and children. One of them happened on July 9, 2006. On that day, the Airbus A310-324 airliner, owned by Siberia Airlines, was making a passenger flight from Moscow to Irkutsk.

    The aircraft flew safely to its destination and began to land. For some reason it was unable to stop on the runway. The plane rolled off the runway at high speed and crashed into a concrete barrier.

    Due to the collision, the hull of the airliner collapsed. A fire started in the cabin. Some people survived thanks to the actions of the crew. If the conductors had not taken the necessary measures, the statistics of plane crashes in Russia would have been more terrifying.

    One of the brave crew members turned out to be Andrei Dyakonov. To save people, a young flight attendant knocked down the door on the plane. Andrei Dyakonov himself did not have time to get out of the burning cabin. He let passengers out until the last moment.

    Victoria Zilbershtein, who works as a flight attendant, performed a heroic feat. Due to a plane colliding with a concrete barrier, the girl found herself under a rubble of suitcases and chairs. Having got out from under it, the flight attendant began to make her way towards the emergency exit. She opened the hatch and began to let people out. Then she got out herself.

    Tragedy near Donetsk (2006)

    Statistics of plane crashes in the Russian Federation indicate that one of the large-scale plane crashes occurred on the morning of August 22, 2006. The Tu-154M aircraft, owned by the Russian company Pulkovo, took off from St. Petersburg. There were 10 crew members and 160 passengers on board. The people on this flight included 45 children.

    While flying over the Donetsk region, the plane encountered unfavorable weather conditions - thunderstorms and heavy hail. The crew, trying to get out of difficult weather conditions, made a fatal mistake. The plane began to rapidly lose altitude, and then it crashed, crashing into the side of a ravine. All people on board were killed.

    An investigation was carried out after the disaster. Statistics of aircraft crashes in Russia show that airliners often crash due to some problems that were not noticed by the crew in a timely manner. In this case, the cause of the tragedy was mistakes made by the pilots.

    Plane crash in Perm (2008)

    In the fall, the statistics of plane crashes in Russia was supplemented by another tragedy. On the night of September 14, an airliner of the Russian airline Aeroflot-Nord, Boeing 737-505, took off from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. The passenger flight was carried out to Perm. The flight went well, but at the moment of landing, tragedy struck. The airliner crashed a few kilometers short of the airport.

    There were 6 crew members and 82 passengers on board the fatal flight. No one was destined to survive the plane crash. Among the dead were 7 children. An investigation conducted after the tragedy showed that the plane was fully operational. occurred due to errors by crew members.

    Perhaps pilot fatigue played a fatal role. Before the tragic flight, they carried out several flights and did not have time to fully rest. One of the pilots was intoxicated. This was confirmed by a forensic medical examination.

    Plane accident in Kazan (2013)

    Statistics of passenger plane crashes in Russia include an event that occurred on the evening of November 17, 2013. A Tatarstan airline Boeing 737-500 aircraft took off from Domodedovo to Kazan. 44 people purchased tickets for the ill-fated flight. There were also 6 crew members on board.

    The crash occurred during landing. The plane crashed into the ground and crashed. All people on the plane died. The cause of the fall was the commission of incorrect actions by crew members. Perhaps the pilots were not professionally trained enough. The investigation suspected that the deceased pilot-in-command had illegally obtained a commercial pilot's certificate.

    Plane crash over Sinai (2015)

    A terrorist act is one of the reasons why planes crashed in Russia. Statistics show that in 2015, our country experienced the largest disaster due to the actions of militants - the Airbus A321 airliner crashed. The plane took off on October 31 from Sharm el-Sheikh towards St. Petersburg. However, the landing was not destined to happen.

    23 minutes after takeoff from the Egyptian airport, radio contact with the airliner crew was lost. It later turned out that the plane crashed in the Sinai Peninsula. There were 217 passengers and 7 crew members on board. No one survived the plane crash. Among the dead were 25 children. The youngest passenger, who became a symbol of the tragedy, was only 10 months old.

    The plane was created 18.5 years before the plane crash. At the date of the crash, the airliner was operated by the Russian Kogalymavia LLC. After the incident, several versions of the causes of the tragedy were put forward. Many believed that the plane crash was caused by Kogalymavia specialists who did not properly maintain the plane. The investigation showed that the crash occurred as a result of a terrorist attack.

    The most reliable airlines in the Russian Federation

    Several dozen air carriers are registered in Russia: Globus, Pobeda, Dexter, Kogalymavia (Metrojet), etc. To determine the reliability, a particular company is assessed according to various criteria. The main one is considered to be the technical safety of aircraft, because often plane crashes occur due to breakdowns.

    The European Aviation Safety Agency has compiled a rating of the most reliable air carriers operating in the Russian Federation. The top three included companies such as Ural Airlines, S7 Airlines and Aeroflot.

    "Ural Airlines"

    The named company is considered the most reliable and safe in Russia. It has been operating regular flights to different parts of the world for more than 20 years. During this period, there were no major plane crashes in Russia. The airline's statistics are very good.

    Only a few accidents are known. All incidents are related to engine problems. Aircraft commanders, when malfunctions were detected, decided to make emergency landings. There were never any casualties or injuries.

    S7 Airlines

    Second place in the list of the safest companies is occupied by S7 Airlines (Siberia). The history of this air carrier dates back to 1957, when the Tolmachevsky United Air Squadron was created. On its basis, in 1992, an airline called Sibir was created. In 2006, the brand was changed. The air carrier became known as S7 Airlines.

    The history of this company includes a plane crash in Russia. The statistics of the air carrier S7 Airlines are as follows:

    1. In the fall of 2001, a passenger plane flying from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk crashed. The airliner crashed straight into the Black Sea. The tragedy claimed the lives of 78 people. The plane crashed due to being hit by an anti-aircraft missile. It was launched during military exercises taking place at that moment on the Crimean peninsula.
    2. At the end of August 2004, a plane flying from Moscow to Sochi crashed. There were 51 people on board. All crew members and passengers were killed. The cause of the tragedy was a terrorist attack.
    3. In the summer of 2006, a plane crash occurred in Irkutsk, which was described above. The crew was unable to land. 125 people died.


    Airplane crash statistics for Russian airlines show that another safe air carrier is Aeroflot. He ranks third in the ranking. Aeroflot was founded in 1923. During the collapse of the USSR, many small air carriers separated from it. In 1992, JSC Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines was created. From this moment the modern history of the company begins.

    Now Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. It operates international and domestic flights. During the period from 1992 to the present, there have been 4 plane crashes that have claimed lives. There are also 5 accidents reported without casualties.

    The most famous plane crash is the tragedy that occurred near Mezhdurechensk. News about her spread all over the world. In the spring of 1994, a passenger plane flying from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed. The crash was caused by the pilot of the aircraft. The man put his 15-year-old son at the helm. 75 people died.

    What are the statistics of plane crashes in Russia? A question that arises for many people who decide to go abroad or to another city in their native country. Based on the available information, we can conclude that major plane crashes are rare, given the huge number of flights that take place every day.

    Today, air travel has become so popular that airplanes in terms of frequency of use for tourists are equal to cars and trains. However, air travel seems very dangerous and not entirely reliable to many. Is this really true, how do our ideas about the dangers of air travel compare with statistics and how often do planes crash?

    Choosing transport for travel

    During the period of long-awaited vacations and long holidays, many are faced with the problem of choosing to travel abroad to hot beaches or snowy ski resorts. And it is complex, because many factors need to be correlated, such as ease of movement, the price tag for the trip itself and, most importantly, safety. Let's look at statistical studies and find out how often planes crash and whether the scale of this is really as fatal as people think.

    Are trains safer - misconception or not?

    According to statistical studies, the safest mode of transportation for people is the train. The train has a slightly higher rating. Airplanes do not inspire confidence among the world's population at all. Only sixteen percent of respondents believe in their complete reliability. If we take cars into account, their safety rating is generally low, because they are initially considered very dangerous for driving over long distances.

    However, in the struggle between different modes of transport in terms of reliability, everything is not so simple. Airplanes, according to many years of research by air crash experts and statistical studies, are rightfully recognized. However, people, even despite official scientific confirmation, still do not trust them. Why is this happening? Maybe the news that a plane has crashed somewhere really frightens tourists? Let's understand the situation.

    The plane is not safe?!

    Although statistics is an exact science, the final result depends very much on the calculation method. When determining the level of aircraft safety, the number of tragic events per total number of flight kilometers is taken. It is this type of calculation that is mainly used by statisticians, and it is its results that are published in official sources.

    The whole secret lies in the fact that most disasters occur during takeoffs and landings. On the way, plane crashes are much less common. But this method of calculation is very beneficial for transport companies, and they very often use it so as not to discourage tourists from choosing air travel for travel. Nevertheless, such an indicator as those killed in a plane crash (their number) during accidents during takeoff and landing is acquiring very large proportions.

    If we take into account the calculation of tragic cases per total mileage of movement, then the most dangerous types of movement will be two types of movement - motorcycle and walking. One has only to look at the summary of tragic moments in any city and you can see that a lot of pedestrians die, even more than motorcyclists.

    If you study other methods of statistical research, then the plane will give way to the train in terms of safety. For example, in terms of the number of passenger deaths per number of trips and speed of travel, air travel is the most unfavorable.

    When considering other research methods, it turns out that trains are the best choice for travel. So it’s no wonder that tourists are in a fever from the mere news that a plane has crashed, and traveling by rail rightfully has a safety advantage in people’s minds.

    Rating of the safest airlines

    Be that as it may, you will still have to fly, since there are resorts that simply cannot be reached by any other type of transport, but you really want to. Despite the bad forecasts, negative reviews and gloomy opinions, our country is still not the weakest in terms of air travel safety. But the United States has been a leader in plane crashes for quite a long period of time. If we organize the ranking by countries that own aircraft, we can say that the top five include Finland, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the UAE. It is the companies of these five that are worth flying, and then no plane crash will be terrible. Russia, in this ranking, is in sixteenth place with the company Transaero.

    Causes of plane crashes

    Why do planes crash? Before choosing an airline, tourists first of all give preference to companies with the “youngest” modes of transport in terms of service life. However, this is not at all supported by statistical data. According to them, in Russia the company with the most unworn transport fleet is Aeroflot. Its aircraft are less than five years old. However, Finland, which occupies a leading position in flight safety and a small number of plane crashes, has had its aircraft in operation for more than nine years.

    This fact indicates that an aircraft crash due to wear and tear and service life is unlikely. By choosing an airline based on the criterion of its small transport, the likelihood of a crash does not decrease at all. If we look at the statistics, we can see that a greater number of plane crashes occur due to the human factor, and there is no escape from this.

    How to overcome your fear of flying, because there are situations when traveling by plane simply cannot be avoided. Psychologists give good advice on this matter. If fear is caused by any mental disorders, be it panic attacks or fear of a small enclosed space, then these are the problems that need to be solved.

    However, in many cases, fear is caused by a lack of complete personal control over the situation and the safety of the flight. This must be accepted as inevitable, because any movement by transport depends little on us. Therefore, when traveling by air, it is recommended to simply relax and take your mind off bad thoughts by watching a movie on your tablet or listening to pleasant music. Never use alcohol to relieve stress. In fact, if it dulls the nervous state, it will only be for a short time, and then the problem will only get worse. The fear of flying needs to be addressed first of all with yourself. There is no need to simply get on your nerves, taking into account the information from news channels about how often planes crash, but you just need to calm down and try to take control of your emotions.

    Which planes have the most accidents?

    If we look at global statistics, Boeing can be considered the most unreliable, the second in the number of crashes is An, and the IL is in third place. If we turn to Russian research, we can see that the most “falling” in our country will be “An”. Why do planes crash? In 2005 alone, as many as nine cars of this brand crashed in Russia. In the world, they account for nineteen percent of all disasters.

    The causes of plane crashes in Russia are explained by journalists in one key - the outdated transport fleet of domestic companies. Is this really true and how often do planes crash for this reason?

    Causes of Russian plane crashes

    In general, the aging of aircraft is expressed not in the number of years that have passed since its production, but in the amount of hours flown and the general technical condition. According to statistics, Russia has aircraft dating back to Soviet times, and their percentage is much higher than foreign-made units. However, you should not look at age. Compared to foreign ships, domestic ones flew much fewer hours, and Soviet production quality was one of the best in the world.

    For what reason then does Russia purchase foreign aircraft for a lot of money when it has its own quite reliable aircraft? An example is the Tu aircraft. They have excellent flight safety statistics, and pilots consider them to be the most convenient in terms of technical design.

    One of the reasons is the fact that Tu aircraft are very expensive in terms of the amount of fuel they consume. And since air travel has long become a separate type of business, company directors, in pursuit of reducing the cost of servicing their fleet of aircraft, give preference to foreign airliners, which are much more economical than their Russian counterparts.

    Another reason is the decline of aircraft. The technologies for their production are significantly outdated, investments in aircraft factories are not being carried out. Therefore, our country cannot compete with more advanced foreign units.

    How to save the situation?

    In Russia, in order to stabilize the situation with the aircraft production market, the President signed a Decree on the creation of the United Aircraft Corporation. Moreover, investments in aircraft factories amounting to ten billion dollars were planned. This happened back in 2006. Currently the situation has not improved at all. The process of forming the corporation was greatly slowed down and, according to journalists, the purpose of its creation was not to study the competitor market, but to unite all the assets of Russian airlines in one place.

    Nevertheless, there are positive developments. The Ilyushin Finance company purchased Il and Tu aircraft from Russia. The Tashkent production association has concluded an agreement with the St. Petersburg airline for the supply of Il aircraft to Russia, most of which will be Russian-built.

    What you need to know about a plane crash?

    No one is safe from an aircraft crash. However, if you have the necessary information about what happens when a plane crashes, you have a chance of surviving the crash. In the nineties, there was an accident with the B-707 airliner. The death toll in the plane crash numbered in the hundreds. However, five passengers used the information from the flight attendant's instructions and survived.

    In some cases, there is a chance to be saved if you have the necessary knowledge. They are not as useless as they seem at first glance. Knowing what happens when a plane crashes, you can apply many effective methods for your own safety.

    The main ways to protect yourself, as the statistics of plane crashes show us, is to follow safety precautions. First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to remain in shoes and clothing. This will provide protection in case of fire. Remove all foreign objects from your clothing pockets and fasten your seat belt tightly. It is allowed to be removed only after a special command from the flight attendant.

    Immediately before an accident, if possible, you need to take a protective position - you need to bend as low as possible and clasp your hands very tightly under your knees. The head should be placed on them, and if this cannot be done, then lower it as far as possible. Your feet should rest as firmly as possible on the floor. This technique, and it is fully proven by the statistics of plane crashes, often saves the lives of passengers in a plane crash.


    As you can see, flying is not such a scary thing. The main thing is to use tickets for flights only from time-tested airlines that have had a small number of accidents, and also to comply with the safety requirements for aircraft passengers, so that later experts do not have to study the crashing plane on which you flew to rest in a warm country. Safe flights and successful landings and takeoffs!

    Statistics of the world's largest air disasters for 1974-2019 show that the main cause of air tragedies is the human factor (crew or dispatcher error).

    The worst plane crash involving two airliners occurred in 1977 in the Canary Islands - while attempting to take off at Tenerife airport, a Boeing-747 of the Dutch airline KLM crashed into a Boeing-747 of PanAm in fog. The collision killed 578 people. The collision of the airliners occurred due to a language barrier: the Dutch pilots did not understand well the commands of the dispatcher, who spoke English with a Spanish accent.

    In 1985 there was plane crash, which is considered a record for the number of passengers, killed in the same plane crash over the past 40 years. There were 524 people on board the crashed Japanese Boeing 747, of whom only four survived. The cause of the Boeing's death was poor quality repairs.

    TOP 10 largest air disasters by number of passenger casualties (1974-2019)

    Airplane Number of victims Year Disaster place Stra-na avi-avla-businessman- Cause of disaster
    1. Boeing-747578 1977 Canary IslandsNetherlands, USA
    2. Boeing-747520 1985 JapanJapan
    3. IL-76, Boeing349 1996 IndiaCollision in the air-
    4. DC-10346 1974 FranceTurkey
    5. Boeing-737329 1985 Atlantic-IndiaTerra-ct
    6. Boeing-777298 2014 UkraineMalaysiaTerra-ct
    7. IL-76275 2003 IranIran
    8. A 300264 1994 JapanChina-
    9. DC-8250 1985 NewfoundlandCanadaLoss of speed on takeoff
    10. DC-10257 1979 AntarcticaNew ZealandCollision with the ground

    The largest plane crashes in the world 1974-2019

    Year The place is avi-aka-tastro-fy Airplane Stra-na avi-avla-businessman- Cause of disaster Number of victims
    2019 RussiaSSJ-100RussiaI made a hard landing at the airport and caught fire41
    2019 EthiopiaBoeing 737EthiopiaCrash after take-off in the area of ​​the city of Bisho-ftu (Debre-Zeit)157
    2019 IranBoeing 707IranThe cargo plane, however, could not slow down on the runway and crashed into city buildings in the outskirts of Tehran.16
    2018 IndonesiaBoeing 737 MaxIndonesiaCrashed from an impact on the water off the western coast of the island of Java185
    2018 UkraineMcDonnell Douglas MD-83UkraineDuring landing at the airport, it rolled out of the runwayno casualties
    2018 Cuba-Boeing 737Cuba-Crashed after take-off104
    2018 SyriaAn-26RussiaA military transport plane crashed during landing39
    2018 RussiaAn-148RussiaDisappeared from the radar screens a few minutes after take-off from the airport Domo-dedo-vo71
    2017 KyrgyzstanBoeing-747TurkeyBecause of the fog, it crashed while approaching the landing, falling on residential buildings near Bishkek37
    2017 USACessna 210USAThe plane disappeared from radar during a flight from Arizona to Colorado.4
    2016 RussiaTu-154RussiaDisappeared from radars over the Black Sea during a flight from Sochi to Syria92
    2016 IndonesiaHercules C130IndonesiaAir Force plane crashed on a rock13
    2016 ColombiaAvro RJ-85BoliviaFell not far from the airport of the city of Medellin due to lack of fuel. On board were football players and workers of the Brazilian club Chape Coense.75
    2016 UAEBoeing-737UAELighted up while landing at the airportNo
    2016 RussiaIL-76RussiaCrashed while putting out forest fires in the Irkutsk region10
    2016 EgyptAirbus A320EgyptCrashed near the Greek island of Karpatos66
    2016 AfghanistanAn-12AzerbaijanCollision with an obstacle during takeoff7
    2016 RussiaBoeing-737UAEBad weather conditions. Crashed while landing at the airport62
    2016 NepalpassengerNepalSovereign made a hard emergency landing in the Kali-kot area in Chilkha-e2
    2016 NepalViking 9N-AHH Twin OtterNepalA passenger plane disappeared from radar in the west of Nepal21
    2015 IndiaBombardier DASH8 Q400IndiaCollision of an aircraft with wild animals, departure from the runway and total damageNo
    2015 SudanAn-12SudanThe cargo plane crashed after takeoff 800 m from the Juba airport.39
    2015 EgyptAirbus A321RussiaDisappeared from the radar screens and crashed. Fell from the echelon (the reasons are being established)224
    2015 IndonesiaATR 42-30IndonesiaCrashed in a collision with a mountain54
    2015 IndonesiaHercules C-130IndonesiaTechnical malfunction. Fell after taking off116
    2015 FranceAirbus A320GermanyCutting - I lost height. Wrecked in the Alps in the South of France150
    2014 IndonesiaAirbus A320-200IndonesiaDisappeared from the radar screens. crash due to bad weather conditions162
    2014 RussiaDassault Falcon 50FranceCrash during takeoff at Vnukovo airport. On board was the head of the French oil and gas concern Total, Christophe de Margery4
    2014 Algeriacargo-howl An-12UkraineCrashed 10 miles from the airfield7
    2014 IranIrAn-140IranCrashed during takeoff due to engine failure39
    2014 Niger (Sahara)McDonnell Douglas MD-83AlgeriaWrecked in the Sahara Desert116
    2014 TaiwanATR-72TaiwanWrecked and caught fire during an emergency landing51
    2014 UkraineBoeing 777MalaysiaShot down by terrorists with a surface-to-air missile at an altitude of 10 thousand km in the Donetsk region from the Buk-M1 air defense system298
    2014 UkraineIL-76UkraineA military aircraft with Ukrainian military personnel was shot down by terrorists using MANPADS over the airport of Luga-nsk.49
    2014 UkraineMi-8UkraineShot down by terrorists near Slavyanskoe. The helicopter delivered military personnel for the company14
    2014 LaosAn-74LaosDuring the landing approach in Phonsa Van, it fell below the safe altitude, touched trees with the landing gear, capsized, crashed and burned16
    2014 Indian OceanBoeing 777-200MalaysiaA recent flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared from air traffic control radars239
    2014 Gromba-lia (Nabe-l)An-26LibyaA military aircraft, en route to an airport in the suburbs of Tunisia, crashed11
    2014 NepalRA-183NepalThe body flew from Pokhara airport to Jumla in bad weather and after 15 minutes disappeared from radar18
    2014 AlgeriaS-130 HerculesAlgeriaA military aircraft crashed in a mountainous area near the populated area of ​​Umm al-Ba'waki.119
    2013 RussiaAn-12RussiaCrashed during landing approach to Vostochny airfield9
    2013 RussiaBoeing 737-500RussiaWhen approaching the second circle with an altitude gain of up to 700 meters, the plane that crashed near Kazan experienced a loss of flight speed after -blowing, transferring it into a dive50
    2013 UkraineAn-24UkraineBroke during landing approach5
    2013 KazakhstanCRJ-200KazakhstanDon't fly to the airport21
    2012 RussiaTu-204-100RussiaRolled out of the runway, broke through the airfield fence, crossed a deep ditch and collapsed, breaking apart. divided into three large parts -5
    2012 KazakhstanAn-72KazakhstanIt crashed on the way to the airport. Equipment malfunction and crew errors27
    2012 NepalDornierNepalIt fell and caught fire not far from the airport.19
    2012 RussiaAn-28RussiaHe fell and was discovered lying on his side in the thickets of cedar-brush.10
    2012 NigeriaMD-83NigeriaFell apart and caught fire153
    2012 IndonesiaSukhoi SuperJet-100RussiaCrashed into the slope of Mount Sala-k in a difficult-to-reach area45
    2012 NepalDornierNepal17
    2012 PakistanBoeing-737PakistanFell near the Chakla-la military air base127
    2012 RussiaATR-72RussiaFell during takeoff from Tyumen airport33
    2011 Papua New GuineaDash 8Papua New GuineaCrashed on the northern coast28
    2011 IndonesiaCASA C-212IndonesiaLost from the radar and crashed18
    2011 RussiaYak-42Russia"I suffered a catastrophe during take-off. I had to deliver hockey-isto-to Yaroslav-skogo Lokomotiv-va43
    2011 MoroccoLockheed C-130 HerculesMoroccoImsti-tan crashed into the mountain while landing78
    2011 RussiaTU-134RussiaI made a hard landing on the highway near the Petrozavodsk airport. During landing, the aircraft's fuselage collapsed and a fire broke out44
    2011 CongoCRJ-100GeorgiaDuring landing in bad weather conditions, the plane hit the runway, split into two parts and caught fire32
    2011 IranBoeing 727IranCrashed during landing approach78
    2011 CongoBoeing 727CongoCrashed during landing approach75
    2010 Cuba-ATR-72-212Cuba-Crashed near the city of Sancti Spiritus in the center of Cuba68
    2010 ChinaE-90ChinaCrashed during landing42
    2010 AfghanistanAn-24AfghanistanCrashed over the Sala-ng pass in the Hindu Kush mountains north of Kabul42
    2010 IndiaBoeing 737-800IndiaRolled out of the take-off area along the runway. It broke through the fence, the plane broke into two parts, rolled along a forested slope and caught fire158
    2010 PakistanA321PakistanIn conditions of low clouds and rain, it crashed into the hilly ridge of Marga-lla to the north of Isla-maba-da. Crew error152
    2010 LibyaA330LibyaCrashed during landing approach103
    2010 RussiaTU-154MPoland-Crashed during landing approach96
    2010 LibyaBoeing 737EthiopiaCrew error, increase in altitude. Wrecked over the Mediterranean Sea.90
    2009 IranTu-154IranCrashed 200 km from Tegran-168
    2009 Comoros IslandsA-310YemenFell into the Indian Ocean153
    2009 Atlantic-A-330FranceEngine explosion.228
    2009 IndonesiaS-130 HerculesIndonesiaThe plane fell on residential buildings after takeoff97
    2008 SpainMD-82SpainAfter take-off, it fell to the ground and caught fire154
    2008 RussiaBoeing-737-500RussiaWhen landing at the airport, he went around for the second time, after which he crashed in the suburbs.88
    2007 BrazilA-320BrazilExplosion on the runway199
    2007 CameroonBoeing 737KenyaLoss of control114
    2007 IndonesiaBoeing 737IndonesiaCollision with the ground102
    2007 ThailandMD-82ThailandWhen landing in heavy rain, fell at the airport87
    2006 UkraineTU-154MRussiaLost control, fell into a tailspin170
    2006 BrazilBoeing 373BrazilCrashed during landing155
    2006 RussiaA-320RussiaThe accident occurred during the prize-winning runway113
    2006 RussiaA-310RussiaDuring landing, he rolled out of the runway along the runway, knocked down the concrete fence of the airfield and crashed into a garage124
    2005 IndonesiaBoeing 737Indo-nesiaAirplane crash on a residential block after take-off147
    2005 AthensBoeing 737CyprusCollision between the road and the mountain121
    2004 EgyptBoeing-737EgyptFalling into the Red Sea, colliding with water148
    2003 IranIL-76IranCollision with the ground in conditions of poor visibility275
    2003 BeninBoeing-727BeninDisaster due to overload of the liner138
    2003 SudanBoeing-737SudanFell on the runway and caught fire116
    2003 AlgeriaBoeing-737AlgeriaOne of the engines caught fire during takeoff103
    2002 TaiwanBoeing-747ChinaFell into the sea-225
    2002 NigeriaBAC-1-11-500NigeriaWrecked148
    2002 ChinaBoeing-767ChinaCollision between the road and the mountain128
    2002 ChinaMD-82ChinaFell into the sea-112
    2002 IranTu-154IranWrecked119
    2001 USAA-300USAFire in the air-246
    2001 RussiaTu-154RussiaFell on approach to landing145
    2001 USABoeing-727-400USATerra-ct. The liner was directed to Penta-gon184
    2001 USAtwo Boeing 767sUSATerra-ct. Two airliners were sent to WTC137
    2000 Antlantika-A-310KenyaFell into the Atlantic Ocean179
    2000 BahrainAirbusSaudi ArabiaFell into the sea-143
    2000 PhillippinsBoeing-737PhillippinsFell on the runway during landing approach131
    2000 FranceConco rdFranceFell during takeoff - on the runway109
    1985 Atlantic-Boeing-737IndiaTerra-ct329
    1999 Antlantika-Boeing-767EgyptFell into the Atlantic Ocean217
    1996 IndiaIL-76, BoeingKaza-khstan, Saudi ArabiaCollision in the air-349
    1994 JapanA 300ChinaWrecked264
    1985 JapanBoeing-747JapanPoor quality repair of an airliner520
    1985 NewfoundlandDC-8CanadaLoss of speed on takeoff250
    1979 AntarcticaDC-10New ZealandCollision with the ground257
    1977 Canary IslandsBoeing-747Netherlands, USAThe dispatcher's command was incorrectly received.578
    1974 FranceDC-10TurkeyOpening the cargo compartment hatch346

    Statistics of the largest plane crashes over the past 7 years

    Plane crashes of 2015

    November 4, 2015 after takeoff near Juba International Airport. The crash killed 39 people, including 6 crew members, 12 passengers and 21 residents of the village where the plane crashed. Debris was scattered 800 meters from the airport along the White Nile River.

    October 31, 2015 The airliner, traveling on flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, took off from Egypt at 6.51 Moscow time, after which it disappeared from radar screens. The plane crash killed 224 people. There were 217 passengers and 7 crew members on board.


    August 16, 2015 with 54 passengers on board, disappeared from radar near the Indonesian province of Papua. There were 49 passengers on board, including five children, as well as 5 crew members. The plane belongs to Trigana Air Service.

    June 30, 2015, fell on a hotel and nearby houses in the Indonesian city of Medan. The plane, which began service in 1964, crashed two minutes after takeoff in Medan after flying about five kilometers. There were military personnel and their families on board. According to the latest data, 116 people died. Of these, 101 were passengers, 12 crew members and three people who were on the ground at the time the plane crashed.

    March 24, 2015 airplane . According to the latest data, there were 150 people on board - 144 passengers and 6 crew members. The A320 airliner, en route from Barcelona to Dusseldorf on flight 4U9525, crashed in the area of ​​the extremely inaccessible Trois-Evèvches mountain range in the Haute-Provence Alps near the town of Digne-les-Bains.

    Plane crashes of 2014

    December 28, 2014 passenger aircraft Airbus A320-216 (registration number PK-AXC) of Indonesia AirAsia, flying QZ8501 from Surabaya (Indonesia) to Singapore, disappeared from radar while over the Java Sea in the area between the islands of Kalimantan (Borneo) and Belitung (Indonesia). There were 155 passengers (including 17 children) and 7 crew members on board. By December 31, rescuers found 7 bodies of victims and the wreckage of the crashed airliner in the waters of the Karimata Strait. Search work continues.

    October 10, 2014 in the east of the Republic of Tuva, a Mi-8 helicopter (registration number RA-24614) of Tuva Airlines (Tuva-Avia), flying from the village, disappeared. Sorug village in Kyzyl. There were 14 people on board. As of January 5, 2015, the search for the aircraft yielded no results.

    August 30, 2014 with a Ukrainian crew that transported oil equipment along the route Taman Rasset (Algeria) - Malabo (Equatorial Guinea). The plane crashed 10 miles from the airfield. 7 members of the plane's crew were found at the crash site. Rescue teams found no one alive.

    August 10, 2014 5 kilometers from Mehrabad Airport in Tehran (Iran) (registration number EP-GPA) of Iranian production, owned by Sepahan Air and traveling on flight 5915 Tehran-Tebes. Of the 40 passengers and 8 crew members on board, 39 were killed. Several people on the ground were injured.

    July 24, 2014(registration number EC-LTV), leased by the Algerian airline Air Algerie from the Spanish Swiftair, was flying on the route Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) - Algeria on flight AH5017. Contact with the plane was lost 50 minutes after takeoff, and later that day the wreckage of the plane was discovered in the desert in northern Mali (Kidal region). All 110 passengers and 6 crew members on board were killed. The cause of the crash has not been established and an investigation is underway.

    July 23, 2014, operating flight 222 on the route Kaohsiung - Magong (Taiwan), crashed into residential buildings during a re-landing in stormy weather conditions. Of the 54 passengers and 4 crew members on board, 51 people died.

    July 17, 2014 in the sky over the Donetsk region in the Torez area (registration number 9M-MRD) of Malaysia Airlines, operating flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. 298 people died, including 283 passengers (including 85 children) and 15 crew members. An investigation into the cause of the incident is underway. This plane crash became the largest in the 21st century and entered the top ten largest in the history of aviation. The Dutch prosecutor's office established that he arrived in Ukraine shortly before the tragedy. Experts are also confident that the missile launcher was controlled either by Russian specialists or by militants under the leadership of these specialists.

    June 14, 2014 When landing at the Lugansk airport, militants of the unrecognized LPR shot down a Ukrainian military transport aircraft Il-76 with a MANPADS, which was carrying out the task of replacing personnel, delivering ammunition and armored vehicles for the Ukrainian Armed Forces group that was defending the Lugansk airport from terrorists. The plane crashed near the village of Krasnoye, 2 km from the runway. There were 49 people on board. As a result of the disaster, everyone died.

    May 31, 2014 Mi-8AMT helicopter (registration number RA-22423) of SPARK Aviation airline fell into the lake. Munozero (Murmansk region). Of the 18 people on board, 16 died, including Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region Sergei Skomorokhov and General Director of the Apatit company Alexey Grigoriev.

    May 17, 2014 An-74TK-300 passenger aircraft (registration number RDPL-34020) of the Laotian government, transporting the Minister of Defense of this country, the mayor of the Laotian capital Vientiane and a number of other high-ranking officials from Wattay Airport (Vientiane) to Xiang Khouang Province, sank lower when landing in Phonsavane a safe height, touched trees with the landing gear, overturned, crashed and burned. 16 people died, only one woman survived.

    March 8, 2014 passenger plane in the South China Sea area. There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board. On March 24, 2014, the airline announced that the plane likely crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, killing all on board. The cause of the crash has not been established; search operations in the area of ​​the disappearance of the aircraft continue to this day.

    February 21, 2014 An An-26 transport aircraft (registration number 5A-DOW) of the Libyan company Libyan Air Cargo, performing an ambulance flight to Tunis-Carthage airport, crashed near the city of Grombalia (33 km from the destination airport), presumably due to engine problems. 11 people died - six crew members, three doctors and two patients.

    February 16, 2014 passenger aircraft de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter / registration number 9N-ABB / Nepal Airlines, flying domestic flight 183 on the route Kathmandu - Pokhara - Jumla, in difficult weather conditions crashed into a hillside in the jungle near the village. Dikura. There were 18 people on board flight RA-183 - 14 adult passengers, one child and three crew members. Later, wreckage of the plane was discovered in the mountains; there were no survivors.

    February 11, 2014 In the area of ​​​​the Jebel Fortas mountain range in the province of Um el-Bouaghi / Algeria / a military transport aircraft Lockheed C-130H-30 Hercules (registration number 7T-WHM) of the Algerian Air Force, flying along the Tamanrasset-Ouargla-Constantina route, crashed. There were 78 people on board - military personnel and members of their families. Only one passenger, who received serious injuries to the head and chest, managed to escape. The cause of the disaster was bad weather conditions.

    Plane crashes of 2013

    December 26, 2013 At about 21:45 local time in the suburbs of Irkutsk in the area of ​​the Batareinaya VSZD station, the aircraft crashed while landing at the Vostochny airfield. The purpose of the flight was to deliver aircraft parts.
    At a distance of 1 km from the runway, the aircraft disappeared from the radar screens. When the plane fell, its wings touched the warehouses of the military unit.
    There were 9 people on board the plane, including 6 crew members and 3 aviation technicians.

    November 17, 2013 A Tatarstan Airlines Boeing 737 plane crashed at Kazan airport. The crash killed 50 people: six crew members and 44 passengers, including the son of the President of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov, the head of the FSB department for Tatarstan Alexander Antonov and two children - girls 11 and 15 years old.
    When approaching the second circle with a climb to 700 meters, the plane that crashed near Kazan experienced a loss of flight speed, followed by a dive. The Boeing collided with the ground, sticking into the ground almost vertically at a speed of 450 kilometers per hour.

    February 13, 2013 The plane of the Ukrainian airline Southern Airlines split in half as a result of an emergency landing at Donetsk airport. There were 52 people on board the An-24, five of them died. 26 passengers sought medical help, nine of them were hospitalized. On January 29, a CRJ-200 aircraft of SCAT airlines, operating a flight from Kokchetav to Almaty, crashed five kilometers short of Almaty airport. There were five crew members and 16 passengers on board the plane. No one survived.

    Plane crashes of 2012

    December 29, 2012 with a Tu-204-100 aircraft of Red Wings Airlines, performing ferry flight (without passengers) No. 9268 on the route Pardubice - Moscow, on December 29, 2012, a plane crash occurred at Vnukovo airport. When landing on runway 19 of the airfield, at approximately 16:36 Moscow time, the plane rolled off the runway, broke through the airfield fence, crossed a deep ditch between the airfield fence and the Kiev highway running along it (federal highway M3 "Ukraine") and collapsed, breaking into three large parts.
    There was only a crew of 8 people on board the liner. Four of them died on the spot, including the aircraft commander, another died in the hospital and four were injured.

    December 25, 2012 On approach to the Chimkent airport, a departmental plane of the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan crashed, flying from Astana to Chimkent. All 27 people on board, including seven crew members, were killed. The reasons for the plane crash were equipment malfunction and crew errors.

    September 27, 2012 A Sita Air Dornier plane carrying 12 passengers and seven crew members crashed and caught fire near the airport in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu. All 19 people on board the Sita Air plane were killed. Among them are 12 foreign tourists - seven Chinese and five British. The plane was heading to the city of Lukla, a transit point for tourists and climbers traveling to the vicinity of Mount Everest.

    September 11, 2012 An An 28 scheduled plane, owned by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise, disappeared from contact in the area of ​​the village of Palan. There were 13 people on board the plane flying Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Palana. The plane was found lying on its side in the thicket of dwarf cedar ten kilometers from Palana. Ten people died in the plane crash.

    June 3, 2012 The MD 83 airliner of the Nigerian airline Dana Air, flying from the country's capital Abuja to Lagos, fell into a densely populated residential area north of Lagos airport, broke into pieces and caught fire. When it fell, the plane rammed a two-story residential building in which at least 40 people lived. There were 153 people on board the liner, including six crew members.

    May 9, 2012 A Sukhoi SuperJet 100 (SSJ 100) crashed in Indonesia. During a demonstration flight, SSJ 100 crashed into the slope of Mount Salak at an altitude of 1.6 kilometers in difficult terrain. There were 45 people on board the plane, which was flown by a Russian crew, including eight Russians. They all died. During the lengthy search and rescue operation, it was possible to first locate, and then evacuate and identify the remains of all victims of the disaster.

    May 14, 2012 In northwestern Nepal, a Dornier aircraft operated by Agni Air, flying from the city of Pokhara, crashed while landing at Jomsom airport. There were three crew members and 18 passengers on board the aircraft. The plane crash killed 17 people.

    April 20, 2012 In Pakistan, a Boeing 737 passenger plane of Bhoja Airline crashed while flying from the Pakistani city of Karachi. The plane crashed near the Chaklala military airbase, located near the Pakistani capital Islamabad. All 127 people on board were killed.

    April 2, 2012 An ATR 72 aircraft operated by UTair airlines, operating from Tyumen to Surgut, crashed during takeoff from Tyumen airport. There were 43 people on board, 39 passengers and four crew members. The plane crash killed 33 people.

    2011 plane crashes

    October 13, 2011 A PNG Airlines Dash 8 crashed on the northern coast of Papua New Guinea. 28 people were killed in the crash, four survived. Among the survivors, two pilots are citizens of Australia and New Zealand.

    September 29, 2011 An Indonesian airline PT Nusantara Buana Air plane crashed on the island of Sumatra. A CASA C 212 passenger aircraft flying from the capital of North Sumatra province, Medan, to the neighboring province of Aceh, issued a distress signal, which was received by a small Susi Air aircraft. A few minutes later the plane disappeared from radar. Residents of an Indonesian village reported the crash of a passenger plane to authorities. The victims of the disaster were 18 people - 14 passengers and four crew members. Among the dead are four children.

    September 7, 2011 The Yak 42 plane of the Yak Service airline crashed during takeoff from Tunoshna airport in the Yaroslavl region. On board the plane was the hockey team "Lokomotiv" (Yaroslavl), which was flying to a match in Minsk. In total, there were 45 people on the plane: 37 passengers and eight crew members. Only two hockey player Alexander Galimov and flight engineer Alexander Sizov survived the crash, but on September 12 Galimov died at the Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky in Moscow.

    July 26, 2011 A Lockheed C 130 Hercules military transport plane crashed into Mount Imstitan while landing near the town of Goulimin, located 700 kilometers south of the Moroccan capital of Rabat. The plane belonged to the Royal Moroccan Air Force and was heading to the military airfield in Goulimina. The crash killed 78 people, including 12 civilians. Three were seriously injured.

    July 8, 2011 A Hewa Bora Boeing 727 crashed at Kisangani International Airport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There were 178 people on board, of whom 127 died. The airliner crashed while landing in bad weather conditions; the pilot tried to land the plane, but missed the runway.

    June 21, 2011 A RusAir Tu 134 plane flying from Moscow to Petrozavodsk (Karelia) made a hard landing on a highway one kilometer from Petrozavodsk airport in difficult weather conditions. During landing, the plane's fuselage collapsed and a fire occurred. Of the 52 passengers and crew members on board, 44 were killed. Eight victims were hospitalized in serious condition, two of them, a child and a girl, later died in hospitals.

    April 4, 2011 A UN mission CRJ 100 plane, owned by the Georgian airline Airzena, crashed at Kinshasa airport (Democratic Republic of Congo). During landing in bad weather conditions, the plane hit the runway, split into two parts and caught fire. Of the 33 people on board the plane, 32 died and one survived.

    January 9, 2011 An IranAir Boeing 727 plane crashed in the north-west of Iran near the city of Urmia (Urumiyeh) in the province of West Azerbaijan, 700 km from Tehran. There were 105 people on board the plane at the time of the incident, including 94 passengers and 11 crew members. 78 people were killed, 27 people were injured and were hospitalized.

    Plane crashes of 2010

    November 4, 2010 The ATR 72 212 aircraft of the Cuban airline Aerocaribbean, flying Santiago de Cuba Havana, crashed near the city of Sancti Spiritus in the center of Cuba. There were 61 passengers and seven crew members on board, including 40 Cubans and 28 foreign nationals. There are no survivors from the plane crash.

    August 24, 2010 A Henan Airlines passenger plane crashed during landing in the city of Yichun in Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China. There were 91 passengers and five crew members on board. 42 people died.

    July 28, 2010 An A321 aircraft from the private airline Airblue, en route from Karachi to the Pakistani capital Islamabad, crashed in the hilly terrain north of its destination. After receiving permission to land, the Airbus crashed into the hilly Margalla range north of Islamabad in low clouds and rain. There were 152 people on board, including 6 crew members. Everyone died.

    May 22, 2010 A Boeing 737 800 aircraft operated by the Indian airline Air India, flying from Dubai (UAE) to Mangalore (Indian state of Karnataka), crashed in southern India during landing. The airliner landed, but could not stop and rolled off the runway at high speed. Having broken through the fence, the plane broke into two parts, rolled down a forested slope and caught fire. There were 166 people on board, including six crew members. According to the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation, 158 people were killed, eight passengers were saved.

    May 17, 2010 An Afghan Pamir Airways An 24 passenger plane with 38 passengers on board and five crew members crashed over the Salang Pass in the Hindu Kush mountains north of Kabul. The plane was flying from the northern Afghan province of Kunduz to Kabul. The crew included Tajik pilots.

    May 12, 2010 An A 330 plane belonging to the Libyan airline Al Afriqiyah crashed at the airport of the Libyan capital Tripoli. The plane arrived from the South African city of Johannesburg and crashed on approach. In total, there were 93 passengers and 11 crew members on board the crashed plane, according to the airline. The only passenger to survive the crash was an eight-year-old boy.

    April 10, 2010 The presidential plane of the leader of Poland Tu 154, flying from Warsaw to Smolensk, crashed while landing 300-400 meters from the runway of the Severny military airfield in the Smolensk region. There were 96 people on board - 88 passengers and eight crew members, including Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife. Everyone on the plane died.

    January 25, 2010 A Boeing 737 800 passenger plane of the Ethiopian state airline Ethiopian Airlines, taking off from Beirut (Lebanon) and flying to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), crashed over the Mediterranean Sea. There were 90 people and crew on board the liner. The weather conditions were not favorable for the flight: there was a thunderstorm and heavy rain.

    2009 plane crashes

    July 15, 2009 In Iran, a Tu 154 plane crashed on a flight from Tehran to Yerevan. The airliner belonged to Caspian Airlines. There were 153 people on board the plane plus crew members, the passengers were mainly citizens of Armenia, as well as Iran and Georgia. All 168 people died.

    June 30, 2009 A Yemenia airliner A310 crashed near the Comoros Islands. The plane was flying from Paris with intermediate stops in five cities, the last of which was the capital of Yemen, Sanaa. There were 142 passengers and 11 crew members on board the crashed plane. The only surviving passenger was a 12-year-old girl (according to other sources, she was 13 or 14 years old), she had numerous bruises, burned knees and a broken collarbone. Her mother died in the accident. The girl was rescued from the ocean 12 hours after the plane crash.

    June 1, 2009 An Air France A330 passenger plane crashed over the Atlantic Ocean. The plane took off from Rio de Janeiro International Airport and was scheduled to land at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Contact with the plane was lost four hours after takeoff, when the plane was flying over the Atlantic. There were 228 people on board, one child survived.
    4 minutes before the plane disappeared, 24 automatic messages about malfunctions were received from it. The wreckage of the plane was found 900 kilometers from the Fernando de Noronha archipelago and 69.5 kilometers from the place where the Airbus sent the last electronic signal about a malfunction on board.

    May 20, 2009 Near the city of Madiun in the Indonesian province of East Java, an Indonesian Air Force C 130 Hercules transport plane, en route from Jakarta to the eastern part of the island, crashed. The plane crashed onto several houses. There were 110 people on board the plane, 11 crew members and 99 passengers. Of the passengers, 15 people survived - they received injuries of varying degrees of severity. 97 people died in the disaster, including residents of the village where the plane fell.

    PHOTOS of the world's biggest plane crashes

    For all the dramatic nature of tragedies in the air, the history of aviation also knows cases that can be called curious and happy at the same time. At one time, the young King of Morocco, Hassan II, found himself in the air during an anti-government coup. A rebel officer in an F-5 fighter attacked the huge royal Boeing 727. Already on approach to Rabat, the fighter fired the first missile. She destroyed the plane's rightmost engine, but the plane continued to fly on the remaining three. The second missile destroyed a nearby turbine, but Boeing survived that too. The fighter pilot opened fire from a 20-mm cannon, but even after that the plane continued to fly. Only after the chief pilot of the Boeing 727 announced on the radio that the king had been killed (this was a military ploy) did the fighter turn back to the base, and the airliner landed safely at the capital’s airport.

    Recently, cases of plane crashes have not only become more frequent compared to even the end of the twentieth century, but they have become more widespread. Several Airbus crashes have forced some to turn to other modes of transport.

    But in fact, according to statistics, an airplane is the safest form of transport. Some types of winged vehicles have never been involved in serious incidents at all. Which ones exactly? A rating compiled on the basis of summary information provided by BusinessWeek and London-based insurance consultant Ascend will help you figure this out. It is worth noting that plane crashes related to terrorism were not taken into account in the statistics.

    The aircraft are arranged in descending order of the number of accidents over the total flight time of all aircraft of this type. In simple terms, in this case, the most important factors are the total number of aircraft of each type produced, the total flight time of each individual aircraft and the service life of the airlines.

    In fact, in 30 years, the safest aircraft may well become dangerous or the most dangerous. In addition, do not forget about which company operates the liner: in capable hands, a balalaika chair can be found. But when operating in third world countries, problems can arise in almost any aircraft.

    1. Boeing 777

    Boeing 777-300 of Transaero company. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been produced since 1995, 748 aircraft have been built. According to the official rating, there was not a single disaster, with a total flight time of more than 20 million hours. However, in reality there were several accidents. Two ended completely safely, and in one three passengers died. But 2014 knocked the plane out of the top spot due to two mysterious disappearances: on March 8, a Malaysian Boeing disappeared in the Indian Ocean, and on July 17, another plane of the same type was shot down over Ukraine. (But we agreed not to count terrorist acts and the results of military operations.)

    2.Airbus A340

    Airbus A340-600 of Lufthansa airlines. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been produced since 1993, 341 aircraft have been built. He has only five accidents to his name with a total flight time of more than 13.5 million hours. In this case, not a single person was injured.

    3.Airbus A330

    Airbus A330-200 of Aeroflot airlines. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been produced since 1993, 577 aircraft have been built. In total, eight aircraft of this type of various modifications were lost. The first accident, which occurred in 1994 in Toulouse, ended in the death of all seven crew members. Another (fifth) disaster in 2009 over the Atlantic Ocean claimed the lives of all 228 crew members and passengers. The cause of the disaster is unknown. In 2005, while landing in Tripoli, 103 of the 104 people on board were killed. All aircraft of this type have flown more than 14 million hours, so they deservedly occupy third place in the ranking.

    4. Boeing 747

    Computer reconstruction of a Boeing 747 crash over Tokyo in 1985. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been in production since 1970, with 941 aircraft in service. One disaster per 17.5 million hours. During the operation of aircraft of this series (more than 40 years), a total of 51 aircraft were lost and 18 fatal accidents occurred. The largest of them happened in 1985 in Tokyo due to poor-quality repairs (which does not really relate to the reliability of the aircraft): the pilots lost control and collided with a mountain. 520 of the 524 people on board were killed.

    5. Boeing 737 NG

    Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-900 in Disneyland livery. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been in production since 1997. There are 2,623 aircraft in service. One disaster every 17 million hours. Boeing 737 is the most popular modern passenger aircraft. During this time, three disasters occurred.

    6. Boeing 767

    Boeing 767-300ER Roman Abramovich. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been produced since 1982. There are 879 aircraft in operation. One disaster per 15.5 million hours. The Boeing 767 is one of the most popular aircraft among airlines with long-haul flights. However, according to data for 2012, a total of 15 aircraft of this type were lost. The disasters claimed the lives of 851 people.

    7. Airbus A320

    Airbus A320 of Aeroflot airlines. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been in production since 1988. There are more than 3,600 aircraft in operation (together with the A319 and A321). One crash per 15 million hours, a total of 33 aircraft were lost. The largest accident claimed the lives of 199 people. The worst year for this type of aircraft was 2006: then four aircraft were lost at once, while three of them burned down in a hangar at Brussels Airport (no one was injured). In addition to the last very high-profile accident in the French Alps, which occurred at the intent of the co-pilot, another one happened next: on March 29, 2015, in Canada, the plane made a hard landing, as a result of which 23 passengers were injured.

    8. Boeing 757

    Boeing 757 American Airlines. Photo: WIkipedia

    The airliner has been produced since 1982. There are 973 aircraft in operation. One disaster every 15 million hours. In total, eight aircraft of this type were lost (of the eight tragedies, only three occurred as a result of malfunctions). Infamous as a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks, when two vehicles of this type, hijacked by terrorists, were aimed at buildings in Washington and Pennsylvania. Another car crashed over Lake Constance as a result of a collision with a Tu-154 due to a controller error.

    9. Boeing 737 CFMI

    Boeing 737-500 of Utair airlines. Photo: www.utair.ru

    The airliner has been produced since 1984. There are 1,760 aircraft in operation. One disaster every 5.5 million hours. A total of 174 aircraft were lost and 3,835 people died. Liners of this type were hijacked by terrorists 110 times and subjected to other criminal acts (for example, hijacking), resulting in the death of more than 500 people. The largest crash of such an aircraft in Russia occurred in Perm on September 14, 2008, when the plane fell within the city directly onto the railway tracks.

    10. McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

    A McDonnell Douglas MD-11F cargo truck used by FedEx. Photo: Wikipedia

    The airliner has been in production since 1990. There are 187 aircraft in operation. One disaster every 4 million hours. Only 10 aircraft of this type were lost. 245 people died in the disasters.

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