• How to choose a profession based on temperament? Temperament and professions: how to choose a profession based on your character Profession and temperament


    Have you ever wondered why some people find it so easy to get along with everyone they meet, while others find it difficult to talk even with a close friend? Communication skills, a penchant for certain types of activities, knowledge and skills - all this, of course, is important in building a career. But knowledgeable people argue that the main thing in choosing a profession is not knowledge and skills (although they are oh so important), but temperament.

    We will talk about what this temperament is, how it affects fate and whether it should be taken into account when choosing a profession.

    What is temperament

    Temperament is the foundation on which the personality is formed as a social being.

    It is customary to distinguish 4 types of temperament:

    • sanguine,
    • choleric,
    • melancholic,
    • phlegmatic person.

    Already in early childhood, it is possible to determine the general features inherent in a particular temperament. You just need a little patience and observation.

    And if you are not eager to find out which professions are suitable for different types of temperament, you can use a faster method: try.

    Defining Temperament: Traits to Look for

    We have already mentioned that to determine temperament, you just need to take a close look at the person. But do we know what to look for?

    Here are the main parameters that will help you determine your temperament type and choose the right profession.


    Activity is the expressed energy potential of a person with which a person overcomes obstacles and achieves a goal.

    It is by this quality that the type of person is determined.

    You will be surprised, but the people with the highest activity are: phlegmatic. True, due to low reactivity ( this is the body’s ability to respond to a variety of physiological and pathogenic environmental stimuli) they turn on much more slowly.

    It is important for phlegmatic students to know the following: do not take breaks from classes and... Don't worry about overwork - your energy is enough for three.

    Characterized by a high degree of activity and reactivity choleric. With such parameters, he quickly copes with all tasks, while still managing to swear and curse people who may not pay attention to him at all.

    Among choleric people there are often couriers and drivers (truck drivers). They expend a lot of energy not only through physical activity, but also through swearing. True, they do not realize that the latter is just a waste of physical strength.

    Sanguines moderately active. They do not tolerate a monotonous type of activity, so they quickly lose all interest in it. An occupation in which they can quickly switch is best suited for them. Organizer of mass and corporate events, dispatcher, host of events - these are the suitable professions for this type of temperament. If you leave such work to a phlegmatic or melancholic person, oh, destruction!

    Melancholic people same – people with the lowest activity. They need special working conditions, ideally office ones, where they can grow like a fragile flower, feeling safe in this already cruel and terrible world.

    Rate of reactions

    Reaction rate is the speed of mental processes, which is measured by the number of thoughts (associations) per unit of time.

    This indicator will be high in choleric and sanguine people. And if a melancholic person gets a good rest, then he will too. But phlegmatic people are distinguished by slow reactions.

    All sorts of misunderstandings occur precisely when people are not familiar with such temperamental features in choosing a profession.

    Let's consider example of a common mistake , which can be completely avoided. Very often, leadership positions are occupied by sanguine and choleric people with a high speed of mental reactions. And basically they are completely unfamiliar (although they should be!) with the psychological laws of communication.

    In addition, such managers have a reduced sensitivity - the ability to understand and feel another person. That is why they lose sight of the fact that their subordinates (most often phlegmatic and melancholic) simply do not have time to follow the boss’s train of thought.

    In this case, the boss is sure that his subordinates are downright stupid. It is not surprising that he is trying to get rid of such workers as quickly as possible. But more often than not, the former joy gives way to disappointment when it turns out that the fired employees brought stunning profits to another company.

    Melancholic and phlegmatic people can train their speed of mental reactions. To do this, it is enough to take part in team sports.

    Plasticity and rigidity

    There are two more concepts that, like temperament, affect the profession:

    1. Plastic shows how easily and flexibly a person adapts to external conditions and influences. Sanguine people have the highest plasticity.
    2. Rigidity – weak expression of adaptive behavior. That is, rigidity is the opposite of plasticity, a property that is possessed mainly by melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric people. For example, sanguine people will easily endure changes in life and company, while others will suffer, worry, experience fear and anxiety.

    People with a flexible temperament live easier. They experience moments of joy more often and adapt more easily and quickly to new environmental conditions. And this is especially important in the modern world, which is changing at a rapid pace.

    But this does not mean that the rest cannot survive in their professional activities. You just need a reasonable and systematic approach, the ability to understand yourself, as well as a clear understanding of which professions are suitable for different temperaments.

    There are no good or bad temperament types. All options are the norm, without advantages or disadvantages, but with their own characteristics.

    Introversion and extroversion

    And here is another parameter that clearly shows us how temperament influences the choice of profession.

    Experienced teachers and managers of large companies know that extroverts They do search work better than others. And if you need good and accurate execution of a task, then this is the best place to do it introvert. The main difference is that extroverts focus on external impressions, while introverts focus on internal ones. And the secret is emotional excitability.

    Emotional excitability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact that is necessary for the appearance of an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its development.

    The highest emotional excitability was found in sanguine people, choleric people and melancholic people. But in phlegmatic people it is lowered.

    Different types of emotional excitability speak about the characteristics of the body, and not about the fact that someone is better or worse than others.

    What does this mean for a student: if you can’t understand some core subject, it’s not the end of the world. You can participate in a variety of student activities, from sports competitions to scientific conferences. And under no circumstances set yourself up for failure. The path to success is never easy.

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    Appearance and reactions

    You will be surprised, but often temperament can be determined just by looking at a person's appearance.

    Usually Sanguine people have a picnic physique : they tend to be overweight, and on the face, those muscles that are involved in raising the corners of the mouth are genetically better developed. Simply put, sanguine people laugh more than others. And the more often they do this, the more developed these muscles are.

    Sanguine people are optimistic, and later in life they become even more optimistic. Even if the situation is ambiguous, the corners of their mouth will rise out of habit, which will automatically improve their mood. Numerous people talk about this James Lange's research , which revealed the connection between muscles and emotions. Perhaps this is why the teaching “keep a smile” is so widespread in America: a person’s mood will be the same as he sets it for himself with the help of facial expressions.

    Melancholic people are prone to depressive reactions . They have more developed muscles that are responsible for lowering the corners of the mouth down. That is why, as life progresses, melancholic people become more and more melancholic.

    And the line of the mouth of choleric and phlegmatic people is horizontal . These are exactly the people who make their own mood.

    Determine: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic?

    If you still don’t know who you consider yourself to be, let’s finally find out what type of temperament you are. This knowledge will help you understand what your strongest traits are so that you can train and develop them as much as possible and use them in study and work with maximum benefit for yourself.

    Cholerics have a high concentration of attention, are energetic, attentive, and stress-resistant. : entrepreneurs, surgeons, journalists, managers, pilots, investigators and others.

    Sanguines gifted with natural organizational and communication skills. Ideal professions for sanguine people: managers, teachers, organizers, engineers and others.

    Phlegmatic people analytical and slow by nature. That is why the ideal professions for phlegmatic people are accountants, economists, and scientists.

    Melancholic people highly dependent on mood. Fatigue quickly overtakes them, and it takes them a long time to adapt to the new team. Communication with people is not their strong point. They should not choose specialties with a high concentration of attention and resistance to stress. Ideal professions for melancholic people: composers, writers, veterinarians, artists and others.

    In their pure form, all these types of temperaments are very rare. Most often, a person is a mixture of two or more types with their inherent strengths and weaknesses.

    Despite the fact that temperament is an innate property of a person, it can be adjusted throughout life. To do this, it is important to study yourself and your characteristics well. This is important to know so that the introvert does not torture himself while striving to take a leadership position or becoming a top manager. At the same time, an extrovert will not be happy in the position of a forester or accountant.

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    There are people of 4 types of temperament - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperament is an innate property that is directly related to the characteristics of the human nervous system. This means that changing temperament is quite difficult. It is more important to choose a profession that matches your temperament. If you don’t know your temperament yet, there are special tests to determine it.

    Professions that suit choleric people

    The first temperament is choleric. Such people love to take risks; they get excited when faced with difficulties. They are quite energetic, but they cannot always follow through. The reason for this is the rapid loss of interest in the matter. Choleric is very impulsive and emotional in communication, quite open and straightforward. He cannot sit in one place for a long time, he has a huge number of acquaintances, as he constantly strives to communicate. He loves to learn something new. His performance greatly depends on his mood. But his mood, in turn, changes often and quite quickly.

    Choleric people are suitable for professions in which it is important to win over and establish contact. Gets used to changes fairly quickly. But choleric people have a hard time with monotonous and monotonous work. This type of work will not suit them. In order for a choleric person to work well, his interest in work must be constantly “warmed up”, that is, he must be interested in new ideas, for example. Suitable professions include: radio and television presenter, journalist, director, designer, sales manager. Cholerics also make good leaders and entrepreneurs.

    Professions for a melancholic person

    The second temperament is melancholic. Such people are very sensitive, vulnerable and receptive. They always take even the most insignificant event too to heart. A melancholic person is very withdrawn. In his work, approval and support are always important to him, but he endures criticism with difficulty and very painfully. He is very efficient and attentive in his work.

    A job that requires observation and attention to detail is suitable for him, but communication should be kept to a minimum (melancholic people are very unsociable). Suitable job: writer, artist, analyst, programmer. Not suitable for him: advertising agent, manager.

    Professions that suit sanguine people

    The third temperament is sanguine. A very active and cheerful person. He has a very high efficiency. Able to focus on the task at hand for a long time, but at the same time able to switch quickly. Sanguine is very sociable and open. His circle of friends and acquaintances is very wide. His self-esteem is quite stable and adequate, but sometimes it is a little high. Very developed organizational skills.

    Its performance is always stable and practically independent of external and internal factors. It is suitable for work that requires both mental and physical labor. It will not be easy for him to work in a field where he does not have a clearly formulated and assigned task. Suitable professions: economist, salesperson, administrator, journalist, lawyer, HR manager. Not suitable: clerk, radio installer.

    Suitable professions for a phlegmatic person

    The fourth temperament is phlegmatic. A person with a very stable nervous system. Such people are very balanced and quite stress-resistant, reasonable and not too talkative. To work, he needs a calm and familiar environment.

    Such people can spend almost 24 hours doing their job. Their performance is at its maximum. Monotonous work suits him. Also, work that requires special care will be ideal for them. Suitable professions: engineer, agronomist, dispatcher, veterinarian, jeweler, system administrator, doctor. Not suitable: manager.

    When choosing your profession, it is worth considering many factors. And if suddenly the profession that attracts you is not suitable for your temperament, there is no need to be upset. There are a huge number of specialties in the world, so you can always find a compromise.

    What is temperament, how does it affect a person’s destiny? Should it be taken into account when choosing the area of ​​application of forces? Which profession is right for you? What is your reaction speed and does success in your professional activities depend on it? Is it possible to change your temperament type? Experts on human souls discuss these and other topics.

    What is the difference?

    Temperament is the foundation on which the personality is formed as a social being. Traditionally, there are four types of temperament:

    • sanguine,
    • choleric,
    • phlegmatic person,
    • melancholic.

    “Temperament can be determined from childhood: it is enough to observe the child and note a number of characteristic features inherent in one type or another. There are also many psychological tests, by answering the questions you can easily classify yourself as one type or another,” says Nina Novichkova, sales director of the recruiting company Adecco Group Russia.

    Temperament can be determined from childhood

    Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist of the European registry Mikhail Litvak in his book “The Sperm Principle” discusses how important it is to take into account your temperament when choosing a profession. “Activity characterizes the expression of a person’s energy potential, with which a person achieves a goal and overcomes obstacles,” notes Mikhail. - Activity is, of course, the main quality of temperament that contributes to achieving the goal. The phlegmatic person is most active. True, due to low reactivity, the phlegmatic person turns on somewhat more slowly. To my surprise, there were quite a few phlegmatic people among the goalkeepers. Their reaction is fast, but they achieve this speed slowly. Interruptions are detrimental for them.” When Mikhail was a consultant in the handball team, he advised the coach not to replace the main goalkeeper (she turned out to be phlegmatic) for one or two minutes, since it is difficult for her to get involved every time, but to replace her completely when the game is already over. He advised the tennis player, who almost always lost the first game, to take this fact calmly and just warm up longer.

    The fact is that it is difficult to go against nature. If you are a phlegmatic person, do not take breaks from your studies. Don't be afraid to get overtired. You have enough energy for three. A choleric person with high activity and reactivity can do a lot and still swear, even when his partner does not hear him (for example, sometimes a driver curses another driver whose car is already far away). Well, swear if it makes you feel better, but remember that it is a waste of energy. Sanguine people are quite active, but if the activity is monotonous, they can quickly lose interest in it. It is better for them to choose an occupation where they need to switch frequently. Organization of corporate evenings, mass celebrations, dispatch work - this is the field of activity for a sanguine person. For a phlegmatic or melancholic person this is disastrous. The melancholic person has the lowest activity: he requires special conditions for work, preferably an office environment.

    The pace of reactions determines the speed of mental processes and is easily measured by the number of associations (thoughts) per unit of time. It is elevated in choleric people, sanguine people, as well as in well-rested melancholic people. Phlegmatic people have slower reactions. Ignorance of these features often leads to misunderstandings. Among managers of various ranks, one can quite often find choleric and sanguine people with an accelerated rate of mental reactions. If they do not know the psychological laws of communication and, moreover, they have reduced sensitivity (the ability to feel, understand another person), they do not notice that their subordinates - phlegmatic and melancholic - do not have time to follow the course of their thoughts. Managers get the impression that their subordinates are stupid. In accordance with this conclusion, personnel placement takes place, work is distributed, etc. Often, bosses are happy to get rid of melancholic people, and then with surprise and bitterness they learn what profit this slow worker brought to another enterprise. Phlegmatic and melancholic people should try to increase their rate of mental reactions. The best help here is not psychological exercises, but game sports.

    Are you flexible or rigid?

    Psychologically literate managers know that an extrovert can handle search work better, but if precise execution is needed, an introvert will be useful.

    Emotional excitability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact required for the occurrence of an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its development. For example, with sanguine, choleric and melancholic types of temperament, emotional excitability is increased, and with phlegmatic types it is decreased. It is important to understand that this is neither good nor bad, it is simply a feature of the body and psyche. Plasticity reflects the ease and flexibility of a person’s adaptation to external influences. Sanguine people have the highest plasticity.

    Rigidity is the opposite quality, it is the inertia of adaptive behavior. Phlegmatic people, melancholic people and choleric people are rigid. If the company is expecting changes, sanguine people will endure them relatively easily, but people with other types of temperament will be anxious, afraid, worried. A person with a flexible temperament has an easier life: he is more happy and adapts to a new environment faster. In our rapidly changing world, this often becomes decisive in the matter of professional success. Is there anything that can be done here? Mikhail Litvak is sure that, of course, it is possible. You just need to act systematically.

    Melancholic and phlegmatic people suffer mainly from the peculiarities of their temperament. “It is from the features, not from the shortcomings. All variants of temperament are the norm, continues Mikhail. - You just need to know yourself, and then the features of your personality will bring both you and those around you joy, and not grief. The same rules apply here as when assessing your physical data. If you are 172 cm tall, then you need to understand that the chances of achieving great success in basketball are insignificant. But if you’re already on a team, then it’s better not to apply for the role of center.” You can also compensate for your low height for basketball with jumping ability, shooting accuracy, and understanding of game strategy. Of course, there are sports where your height will be an advantage, but there is not always a choice. Therefore, you should adapt.

    Traits such as extroversion and introversion are also associated with temperament. An extrovert is more likely to focus on external impressions, while an introvert is more likely to focus on internal ideas. Psychologically literate managers know that an extrovert can handle search work better, but if precise execution is needed, an introvert, who is more inclined to desk work, will be useful here. Mikhail Litvak is sure that character is mixed with temperament, but a person’s fate depends on character. “If you sow an opportunity, you will reap a habit. If you sow a habit, you will reap a character. If you sow character, you will reap destiny,” says the famous proverb.

    Mask of laughter

    Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person.

    Temperament is also associated with the physical qualities of a person. Sanguine people, as a rule, have a picnic build, they tend to be overweight, and in their facial muscles the muscles that raise the corners of the mouth are genetically better developed. When the situation is clearly cheerful, the sanguine person laughs. The more often he laughs, the more these muscles develop. A sanguine person is already an optimist, but in the process of life he becomes even more optimistic: when the situation is emotionally uncertain, most likely, the corners of his lips will be raised upward. At the same time, as studies have shown, mood actually improves. Based on the theory of James Lange, indicating the connection between emotions and muscles, the Americans put forward the thesis: “Keep a smile.”

    Melancholic people who are prone to depressive reactions have genetically more developed facial muscles that pull the corners of the mouth down. This is why melancholic people become even more melancholic throughout their lives. Phlegmatic and choleric people have a horizontal mouth line.

    Start your education with the “mask of laughter” exercise. It is performed in front of a mirror. Inhale slowly. The corners of the mouth rise upward as much as possible, the eyes squint, the mouth opens slightly, exposing the teeth. Hold your breath. Now exhale quickly and relax your facial muscles. This exercise should be done as often as possible, preferably in combination with other exercises to strengthen the facial muscles.

    Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic?

    If you are given strengths thanks to your temperament, it is worth developing them and using them in your work.

    “Temperament determines the predisposition to a particular activity and affects a person’s productivity. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a profession that matches your temperament, says Nina Novichkova. - For example, choleric people They are distinguished by high concentration, energy, attentiveness, and resistance to stress. Professions suitable for them:

    • entrepreneur,
    • journalist,
    • surgeon,
    • pilot,
    • manager,
    • investigator
    • and etc.

    Sanguine are distinguished by natural organizational and communicative qualities. Therefore, the following professions are recommended for him:

    • manager,
    • organizer,
    • teachers,
    • engineer
    • and etc.".

    Phlegmatic people are naturally slow and analytical, therefore they will make good:

    • economists,
    • accountants,
    • scientific workers.

    Melancholic people- people of mood. They get tired quickly and take a long time to adapt to a new team, so they should not choose a profession that requires constant communication with people, a high concentration of attention or resistance to stress. In this case, the recommended professions:

    • artist,
    • composer,
    • writer,
    • vet
    • and etc.

    It is also necessary to remember that the above types of temperaments are extremely rare in their pure form. Usually a person is a mixture of two types, so he has strengths and weaknesses from each of them. “Although temperament is innate, it can still be partially corrected. Knowing and taking into account your individual characteristics is important, as this will help you not only in choosing a profession, but also in building a successful career,” sums up Nina.

    “A person’s temperament seriously influences the choice of profession and success in it. And even for a position,” business coach and entrepreneur Elena Latenkova agrees with her colleague. - For example, an introvert is unlikely to be a leader and occupy a top manager position. He is immersed in his inner world, and he is much more comfortable working with himself and not taking responsibility for others. He likes to be alone and analyze information.”

    Is it possible to develop in yourself qualities that you lack precisely because you have a certain temperament given by nature? Breaking your nature, the qualities already inherent in you, is a thankless and unnecessary task. It's like breaking yourself. If you are given strengths thanks to your temperament, it is worth developing them and using them in your work. “Nevertheless, if a person for some reason sets a goal to acquire new qualities and he has the strength, energy and great desire for this, then he can achieve the goal: become more collected, more energetic or, conversely, focused and calm - when required a short-term task or a long-term goal,” says Elena. “There is a lot of literature on this topic, a lot of trainings.” If you methodically develop a certain quality in yourself day by day, the skill will come.

    Temperament and profession. How to choose a profession according to the type of temperament - choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic

    People often wonder why work is not satisfying. It would seem that everything is not bad - a tolerable salary, good working conditions and a fairly friendly team, but something is constantly disturbing and the work is becoming more and more annoying every day.
    It often happens that the whole problem is in a person’s character, especially your psychological type, your temperament.
    Recently, research on the topic of the relationship between a person’s temperament and his choice of profession has become increasingly popular among psychologists.

    Choleric temperament and profession

    Choleric workers compare favorably with other types of temperament in that they are the least susceptible to stress. Even if they have a tense situation at work, they very quickly regain their strength and are eager to fight again. Most often, choleric people are excellent leaders, so they can easily and effectively manage any processes - they make the best, albeit strict, bosses.

    Cholerics are suitable for those professions that require intense energy and increased concentration:
    — TV reporter,
    - artist,
    - merchandiser,
    - diplomat,
    - supplier,
    - journalist,
    - entrepreneur,
    - pilot,
    - surgeon,
    - dispatcher,
    - trainer,
    - driver,
    - manager,
    - director,
    - builder,
    - cook,
    - geologist,
    — investigator,
    - electrician.
    These are the professions that choleric people should pay attention to.

    3. Contraindicated professions

    Choleric temperament and a profession that requires monotonous and monotonous work are incompatible: energetic and impetuous choleric people will simply wither away from it:

    - librarian,
    - accountant,
    - florist.

    Among the famous choleric people who achieved the greatest success in life are the following people:

    Peter I, A.V. Suvorov, A.S. Pushkin, D.I. Mendeleev.

    Phlegmatic temperament and choice of profession

    The main feature of phlegmatic people, which makes them the most powerful, is slowness. In stressful situations that arise at work, only phlegmatic people are able to completely calmly analyze the current situation and make the best decision. They hesitate for a long time, look for several options for solving an issue or problem, but the assigned task will be completed perfectly. However, they will not do more or better than what is required of them.

    Phlegmatic people are most productive in monotonous and monotonous work, the exact sciences:

    - mechanic,
    - agricultural worker,
    - electrician,
    - engineer,
    - general practitioner,
    - agronomist,
    - driver,
    - economist,
    - botanist,
    — physicist,
    - astronomer,
    - mathematician.

    3. Professions contraindicated for phlegmatic people

    A phlegmatic temperament and the choice of a profession that will require a bright, public life is an erroneous combination that will ultimately torment the measured and quiet phlegmatic person. The following professions are strictly contraindicated for him:

    - surgeon,
    - manager,
    - artist,
    — TV reporter,
    - conductor,

    - businessman.

    4. Famous phlegmatic people

    Many of the phlegmatic people achieved great success and became famous with their regularity and slowness:

    I. A. Krylov, I. Newton, M. I. Kutuzov.

    A profession suitable by temperament for sanguine people

    A sanguine person is born to occupy leadership positions. They make the most pleasant and sincere bosses. This is always a very prudent person who knows how to persuade and win over. The only thing that can cause confusion in sanguine people is some technical aspects in which they are not at all strong.

    - manager,
    - waiter,
    - doctor,
    - teacher,
    - psychologist,
    - organizer,
    - teacher,
    - salesman,
    - process engineer.

    3. Professions contraindicated for sanguine people

    Monotonous and conveyor work, which will require constant attention, is clearly not for sanguine people. So some professions can be immediately excluded:

    - weaver,
    - clerk,
    - accountant,
    - master watchmaker,
    - radio installer,
    - bibliographer,
    - archivist,
    - restorer.

    4. Famous sanguine people

    History knows the names of the following famous sanguine people, to whom their chosen profession by temperament brought fame and worldwide fame:

    N. Bonaparte, A. I. Herzen, P. Beaumarchais.

    Melancholic temperament and profession

    Melancholic people like to work alone. These people are very emotional and sensitive, and therefore easily pick up on subtleties in the behavior of people around them. They are perfectly capable of feeling art, music, literature. They are observant. Melancholic people become depressed at the slightest failure, they are very anxious and are often sad and sad for no reason.

    Melancholic people need to choose professions that will provide them with a calm and safe environment that does not require them to frequently change activities or quickly react:

    - teacher,
    - artist,
    — fashion designer,
    - designer,
    - composer,
    - writer,
    - geologist,
    - vet,
    - agronomist,
    - livestock specialist,
    - accountant,
    - turner,
    - locksmith,
    - radio mechanic.

    3. Professions contraindicated for melancholic people
    A melancholic temperament and choosing a profession that requires constant communication with people will be a wrong option. The delicate nervous organization of melancholic people will not withstand the stress of such professions as:

    - a doctor (especially a surgeon),
    - rescuer,
    - pilot,
    - dispatcher.

    4. Famous melancholic people

    Among the famous melancholic people there are a lot of cultural figures:

    So you shouldn’t ignore psychologists who advise choosing a profession according to your temperament type. This will provide you with job satisfaction, a good mood every day, and pleasant relationships with your superiors and the team as a whole. A profession chosen by temperament will help you achieve much more success in career growth than a job chosen depending on salary or proximity to home.

    It is no secret that the quality of a person’s future life largely depends on the choice of profession: his social status, material well-being, mental and physical state.

    Often, when entering an educational institution, young people do not take into account their abilities and predispositions. By giving preference to the most prestigious professions, which are according to the morals of your parents, or by acting “in company” with a friend, you can complicate your life.

    How does the chosen type of activity suit your character? What type of job suits you according to your temperament? Let's take a look at the recommendations regarding career guidance

    Work for the melancholic

    If your temperament type is melancholic, you will cope well with solving complex problems that require observation and attention to detail.

    The following professions are suitable for you: writer, composer, artist, seamstress-fashion designer, designer, analyst, accountant, programmer, researcher; working with technology is also suitable. You can become an excellent psychologist, provided that these are individual consultations and not group ones.

    High productivity is possible only in a friendly team and a calm environment in the workplace. You need to get a good night's sleep, because... healthy sleep is the key to a good mood and, therefore, effective work.

    Work for a sanguine person

    If your temperament type is sanguine, all areas of activity where you can use the gift of persuasion are perfect for you; you also need to make decisions quickly and switch from one activity to another.

    The following professions are ideal: manager, activities related to advertising, sales, coaching, teacher, waiter, salesman, lawyer, journalist, recruiting manager.

    Professions where you constantly need live communication with people, creativity, and a non-standard approach are suitable for you. One way or another, your type of temperament is the most universal - you can find yourself in almost any activity, taking into account your interests and skills.

    Work for a phlegmatic person

    If your type of temperament is phlegmatic, a job where you need to act routinely according to an already given algorithm, without undue haste, is suitable for you.

    The following professions are suitable: auditor, accountant, engineer, jeweler, financier, pharmacist, laboratory assistant, agronomist, scientist, analyst, botanist, physicist, mathematician.

    The ideal employment for you is office work and work from home. Try yourself in trading - this is exactly the profession where you need to be guided by the motto “Measure seven times...”.

    Work for a choleric person

    If your temperament type is choleric, avoid assembly line and paperwork.

    The most suitable professions for you are: sales manager, PR manager, journalist, security guard, fireman, athlete.

    With your qualities, it would be good to go into politics, you can engage in entrepreneurial activities or take a leadership position (where? It doesn’t matter in principle).

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