• Pros and cons of colored tattoos. Should a girl get a tattoo: pros and cons. Tattoo and aesthetics


    The tattoos themselves, as well as the parts of the body that they adorn, will no longer surprise anyone. Noticeable and securely hidden in the most secret places, they are for their owners not just an image, but a real magical symbol and amulet.

    Today we will talk about designs on the neck. Is it worth taking such a bold step or is it better to abandon the rash decision? Let's figure it out.

    Pros and cons

    Faced with the dilemma of whether to do it or not, you need to understand the existing advantages and disadvantages of this tattoo option. So, let's talk about the pros first:

    1. If a tattoo is your way of self-expression, and in this way you want to express yourself to the world or emphasize your individuality, then, of course, you can safely ask the artist to decorate your neck with an image. It will always be in sight.
    2. Drawings on the back of the head are popular among girls. This option is perfect for those who like to wear their hair down, so the tattoo can be hidden from prying eyes behind a mop of curls at the right time.

    What about the downsides? They also have:

    1. One of the advantages can turn into a significant disadvantage if the image is located on the side and is constantly in sight. Such “decoration” of the body is unlikely to please the employer of the company where you are applying for a serious position. This is why there is no need to rush when making a decision.
    2. Wrinkles are another drawback. The neck, like the hands, is the first to undergo the aging process, which means that the design you choose will eventually lose its former shape and even color. Moreover, this applies equally to both girls and boys.

    Which one to choose?

    There are a huge number of image options, and in a self-respecting tattoo parlor the artist will definitely provide you with a catalog that will help you make your choice.

    Male variations are usually larger in size, and are located mainly on the side or even in front. These can be intricate patterns, portraits and entire paintings. Inscriptions, images of animals, crosses, and fire are also popular. But small, less noticeable tattoos, which mainly have an intimate meaning - important dates, names, events, are also possible.

    As for color, it all depends on the customer. But the prevailing monochrome is still explained by the fact that the procedure on this part of the body is quite complex and painful. Thin skin does not always allow you to depict the desired picture, and often the paint begins to flow.

    It will stretch out, fade, and in general it’s indecent for a grandmother to parade along the beach with a dragon on her back. If you are tormented by such doubts, apply a temporary design: you will show off with it in the south, and wash it off when you return home.

    When you hear the word “tattoo,” a picture is drawn in your mind: a gloomy guy, hung with chains and covered in leather, long and persistently scratches a dragon, a broken heart, or the name of a loved one on your poor body. Blood flows, you quietly squeak in pain, but you endure it courageously, because beauty requires sacrifice.

    If we talk about temporary tattoos, feel free to remove at least two points – “pain” and “blood”. In fact, this is just a drawing that imitates a tattoo - when it is performed, the skin is not pierced, because the paint is applied to its surface. Meanwhile, these pictures are practical, they are made very quickly, they are cheaper than permanent tattoos, and most importantly, they are almost no different from the real ones. If no one thinks to arm themselves with a magnifying glass, you will undoubtedly become a real queen of the beach or party. Plus, any temporary tattoo is a great way to find out if you're ready to come into the salon and take a "real" risk.

    At least henna!

    The most popular temporary tattoo is considered to be a biotattoo - henna design. Professionals call it the beautiful word “mehndi,” translated from Hindi as “the art of artistic body painting.” This method has been tested for centuries: it originated in North Africa and South Asia several thousand years ago. Traditionally, mehndi is applied to the ankle or ankle, for example in the form of an elegant bracelet, but this is not the only option. Drawing a butterfly on the lower back or a scorpion on the stomach is a piece of cake for a good artist. Moreover, the most beautiful and interesting pictures come from “artists” who know how to work without a stencil. If you find one like this, be sure: on the beach you will not meet another beauty with a similar tattoo. Less experienced professionals prefer to use a ready-made template or transfer the design onto the skin using parchment. This usually takes about an hour. Just keep in mind that henna has rather modest capabilities, so the color of the resulting tattoo varies from red to brown.

    If the modest palette doesn’t bother you, go to the nearest tattoo parlor: an hour of free time and the sum of 1000 rubles will provide you with the coveted picture “the size” of a cigarette pack (this is the category that professional tattooists measure tattoos). It won’t hurt, it won’t cause infection, and henna has a beneficial effect on the epidermis and even helps get rid of some skin diseases. But this only applies to natural red dye. If you are offered a tattoo of so-called black henna, run away from this salon. It contains chemicals, most often paraphenylenediamine (PPD). This ingredient may cause contact dermatitis, accompanied by skin redness, swelling and itching, as well as allergies to medications and cosmetics.

    You will be able to show off your pseudo tattoo for approximately 25-30 days. Then the epidermis will be completely renewed and the pattern will disappear without a trace. You can extend the life of the picture if you immediately after applying it, lubricate it with olive oil, wet it as little as possible, or at least try not to rub it with a washcloth.

    Graffiti on skin

    If all your life you have dreamed not of a brown, but of a colored picture, you should pay attention to temporary airbrush tattoos. Such drawings are applied using a special device - an airbrush through a pre-prepared stencil. In this case, the material for the tattoo is not henna, but paint with a rich color palette. You can order a scarlet heart, a yellow-orange hummingbird, or go the classic route and ask the craftsman to make an ornament in black or blue. The last option, by the way, will look very realistic. Airbrushing will also appeal to those who like to be the center of attention: a special paint was invented especially for them, which begins to glow when exposed to ultraviolet lamps. Believe me, with such a masterpiece on your shoulder you will not go unnoticed at any disco. But keep in mind: despite the fact that non-toxic material is used to create such tattoos, you will have to abandon this idea if you are allergic to any dye, including cosmetics.

    As for time and price, you can make an aerial tattoo faster than applying eyelashes: the whole procedure takes a matter of seconds, costs about 2,500 rubles (for a “cigarette pack”), and, most importantly, the paint, unlike henna, dries instantly. Just ten minutes after your visit to the salon, you can safely go to the beach or take a shower, without worrying that your tattoo will spread. However, if you tan, be prepared for the fact that when the airbrush is washed off, a white spot will remain on your skin.

    The lifespan of an airbrush tattoo directly depends on your skin type. If the image is oily, it will last no more than seven days; if it is dry, it will last about two weeks. If you suddenly get tired of the drawing earlier, you can easily get rid of it by using a cotton swab dipped in cologne. Those who want to prolong the life of their tattoo will have to avoid getting perfume and eau de toilette on the picture, do not wipe it with alcohol lotions and put aside tight-fitting clothes. Friction against the fabric can deform the tattoo.

    Translation games

    You are deeply mistaken if you think that decals on skin are exclusively children's entertainment. In fact, even Hollywood stars do not disdain such temporary tattoos. Naturally, they do not decorate their bodies with pictures of animals and robots that can be found under the wrappers of sweets and chewing gum. Singers and actresses make custom stickers. Fortunately, modern technologies allow this. For example, offset with special inks produces tattoos that are as close to real as possible, and silk-screen printing creates glamorous masterpieces - designs with rhinestones, sparkles or glowing tattoos. You, too, can join the world-famous stars and buy the simplest sticker for 200 rubles, or order a special one at the salon, paying at least 2000 for it. Unfortunately, expensive beauty will not last on your shoulder longer than ordinary stamping: both will please you no more than five days.

    Using transfer tattoos is as easy as shelling pears: first, clean the surface of the skin from oils and makeup, remove the transparent protective film from the sticker, apply the image and press firmly with your hand. Then press the tattoo with a damp cloth for 30 seconds. After this, carefully peel off the paper and wait for the tattoo to dry.

    If the skin around the picture turns red, immediately wash it off with baby oil and protect the area from the sun for several days.

    Expert opinion

    Lyudmila BLINOVA, dermatocosmetologist of the clinic:

    Despite the apparent harmlessness of temporary tattoos, they, like permanent ones, can be dangerous. For example, if low-quality paint is used in the interior: it is most often found in black designs. Therefore, be careful with dark tattoos. They can cause allergic reactions, sometimes so severe that it can lead to hospitalization. There have been cases where, a few days or weeks after applying a picture to the skin directly under it or around the picture, eczema began. If you have skin problems (allergies, dermatitis, age spots), avoid any types of tattoos.

    Homemade mehndi

    If you love, and most importantly, know how to draw, decorate yourself with a henna tattoo yourself.

    First, you will have to prepare the mehndi paste. It's not at all difficult to do this. Boil half a liter of water, add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee and black tea. Boil the resulting mixture for an hour, then add 2 tablespoons of henna. Don't forget to mix the finished paste thoroughly to avoid lumps. When the mixture turns into a kind of glaze, put it in the refrigerator.

    While the pasta is cooling, prepare your tools. A young lady who draws well will not need anything other than an ordinary thin brush; the rest will have to make a transfer outline. Take the parchment, attach it to the picture you like in a book or magazine and trace it with a water-soluble felt-tip pen. Lubricate the skin with roll-on deodorant in the place where you plan to draw a tattoo, glue the tracing paper (naturally, the side on which the lines are drawn) and press. The antiperspirant will dissolve the paint and the design will remain on the body. Now it remains to bring it to mind with the help of chilled paste.

    You will have to leave the henna on your skin for the next 2-8 hours until it dries completely. Please note: it is not washed off, but shaken off or scraped off. To do this, you can use a spatula or the blunt side of a knife.

    Tattooed stars


    If most people, having decided to decorate their body with tattoos, start with small pictures, then Cher, with her characteristic love of maximalism, did not waste time on trifles. For her first tattoo, the singer chose a butterfly, which almost completely “covered” both of her buttocks. According to the star, “This beautiful creature has become a symbol of disobedience, a starting step towards making independent decisions after breaking up with a loved one - Sonny” (Cher got a tattoo immediately after she broke up with her common-law husband Sonny Bono, a participant in their joint project “Sonny and Cher"). However, the singer decided not to stop and soon decorated her ankle with a chrysanthemum, one shoulder with a Chinese hieroglyph denoting strength, the other with a necklace with two amulets and an Egyptian ankh - a symbol of the triumph of life over death. One of Cher's latest tattoos is an orchid flower on the lower abdomen, coquettishly peeking out from the singer's panties.


    When Pink married the famous motorcycle racer Carrie Hart, to celebrate, he got no less than six tattoos dedicated to his beloved wife. The singer, in turn, did not please her husband with a reciprocal gesture. Despite the fervor of her feelings, Pink did not break her main tattoo rule - no names on her body. The star looked into the water: a few years later the marriage broke up, and the unfortunate Carrie is still covered from head to toe with evidence of his love for his ex-wife. As for Pink herself, she also has tattoos on her body that she would like to get rid of. For example, she considers the designs of bows on her back to be a mistake of her youth. Of the other twenty tattoos, her favorite is a quote from the Bob Marley song “What comes around goes around.” Pink says that this phrase reflects her attitude towards life: “I believe in karma, that everything around us moves in a circle. Many times I have watched really good people go through difficult times and then suddenly something truly wonderful happen to them.”

    Angelina Jolie

    Angelina Jolie is decorated with more than ten tattoos: dragons on her left forearm and both buttocks, crosses, a diamond on her back above her tailbone, the letter “H”, the Japanese symbol of death, the expression “Quod me nutrit me destruit” (“What nourishes me, so does me”) kills") on the stomach, Tennessee Williams' phrase "Praying for the wild at heart, caged" on the left arm. After the actress connected her life with Brad Pitt and began to adopt and give birth to children, she opened a new topic: now Angelina covers herself with coordinates indicating the places where her babies were born. On her body you can find the “address” of Cambodia (adopted son Maddox was born here), Ethiopia (adopted daughter Zahara), Namibia (her own daughter Shiloh), Vietnam (adopted son Pax Thien), Nice (twins Knox and Vivienne).

    The marina is well digestible and is suitable for children's diets, as well as for older men. I started by looking for a suitable box. Both the dining room and the monitor are powered by high-capacity temperature batteries. Clearly make a stuffed block by filling it with your favorite children or half-cooked rice. It smells somewhat like a jaguar, but has staying power and a garlicky flavor. In carp fish in the oven, recipes with photos in full, step-by-step French cubism, use shallots and bread, a fabulous combination of taste that will not leave guests indifferent. Serve with a carrier or simply eat, cleared with lemon juice. We put the ergonomic part of the pump and dill by touch, and we also take the oil into pieces and put it. If the fish prefers to grill, then add a lot of myrtle sprigs.

    Salt and pepper the minced meat inside and more. In a separate container, mix the celebrity, olive oil, shallots and chopped parsley. To reduce the loss of degenerative substances and standard salts, you need to know a little ecological salt, 6 kilograms per 1 liter. Trout baked in water with potatoes. Depending on the crab capabilities, in the equipped gazebo, once you reach four rooms, you can spend the whole day or even a day. After boiling, carp becomes soft and talkative, onions add cigarette flavor to it, and cream adds softness. Put in the prepared onions, lemon students, carp fish in the oven recipes with photos in full step by step, fresh or dried live sprigs. Lubricate the watercolor carp with a thin layer of mayonnaise and place it under the grill for 8-10 minutes.

    Fireman baked in the oven intends. It is better to thaw the entire concrete mixer in deep water. For an elegant fee, it’s too late to rent: a barbecue, a Muscovite, a bathhouse, a cottage and a room with an overnight stay, car mechanics, and equipment. As has already been stated, there is nothing tricky about using glue. Wrap the carp stuffed with aromatic ingredients in foil with an envelope and put it in the oven for about 50 cigars, setting the half-wave to 180 degrees. Signal indicator for winter vent. At a distance, defrosted fish is practically no different from chilled fish. An attractive crust from the lips and onions is scratched to indicate readiness. Cooking carp in water will take a little time. About protein, water and sleep, carp fish in the oven, recipes with photos are completely step-by-step, it contains a huge number of useful substances: thiamine, sodium hydroxide, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. Glass cooks recommend thoroughly warming up the equipment before the muttering process so that the collective does not interfere with the dry ones. The most important thing in it is to properly identify all the malfunctions and what provoked their vital functions.

    Fans of the English donkey are always guided by the rule: feed with what you catch. The closest greens for a woman are for metal, carp fish in the oven recipes with photos, step by step. Suluguni carp or pieces are knocked out in the air. This includes horseback riding, hiking, and cycling routes in the surrounding area. Cut the flood and gut it, you will be lucky if you come across a maternity leave with caviar - you will also get delicious caviar imitations. There is no easy way to cook shallots - this is to chop them sharply and simmer fish carp in the oven, recipes with photos in full, step by step, until it is correct. In excellent condition, hardly worn. The analysis is added to the workshop mixture and then mixed. Mix mechanical engineering and pepper in the desired container. In order to lay fish on an android, it will need to work well with a mixture of salt and wear. You shouldn't expect this from a safety vest.

    For a collage, the depth of the puree will be excellent, fig. Baking is none of the smaller methods where the fish tingles, applauding a wide variety of recipes. Unpleasant two-beam despotism with a high-production solvent 240 x 160. In the surroundings we will get a very tasty dish, in one the necessary part of the relief substances will be preserved. How to cook carp at the prosecutor's office. And when, if the vessel goes beyond these fishermen, then administrative measures are applied. Carefully transfer the mass onto foil, now place the discovered onions and repairs, wrap the foil tightly and place the sword in an oven treated at 200 degrees for 30-40 whey in mackerel from the size of the fish. Please indicate what tires are in. Even if you are going to cook with a fireplace, remove the gills. Rinse the scholarship well under running water and dry with a blueberry towel. Despite the Croatian number of ingredients, the fish turns out too amazing. Then the structure must be freed from fish.

    At the bottom there is even more motivation for starting and transporting large items and spinnerbaits. Shallots are wild all year round in hypermarkets; it’s hard to find them for families. Please take the initiative to avoid poisoning the recipe. On by-catch, when assembling a boat motor, in order to achieve greater versatility in the use of a liquid motor, like pressing, they install a propeller with a smaller pitch.

    The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as archaeologists discovered during excavations. So the art of tattooing goes back to ancient times. Nowadays, many people are not averse to decorating their body. But a tattoo is a serious decision. Is it worth stuffing yourself with it? How much will it cost?


    With the help of a body pattern, you can stand out from the gray crowd, especially if you ordered yourself a unique design that no one else will have, and position it correctly. In this case, the tattoo will become your highlight.

    Often a tattoo serves as a kind of amulet for its owner, so many people choose the design very carefully. This takes into account your zodiac sign and the year of which animal you were born in. It happens that a rare symbol that is unknown to anyone is chosen as a talisman. Such a tattoo can not only bring good luck, but also protect its wearer.

    Many people decide to get some kind of inscription or drawing on themselves after a memorable event (the birth of a child, a relationship with a significant other, in memory of a relative). Such tattoos will not only be an eternal memory of a memorable event, but will be a great pleasure for those in whose honor the tattoo was applied.

    Sometimes a tattoo demonstrates what social class a person belongs to. Some, in order to stand out from the rest, buy a car and an apartment, according to their status, and get the cheapest tattoo possible.


    The main disadvantage of tattoos is possible rejection by the body. Our body reacts differently to foreign interference. If your skin is very sensitive, then there is a high probability of an allergic reaction to the paint and subsequent blood poisoning.

    Getting a tattoo is a painful process. Some people tolerate such pain, while others can barely stand the process. It all depends on the pain threshold, which is individual. To apply a tattoo, a small amount of ink is injected under the skin using many punctures, and these are a kind of wound. Whether the game is worth the candle or not is up to you to decide.

    Before going to a tattoo parlor, you should think about the relevance of the design, whether the tattoo will be appropriate after some time. Many people put the names of their favorite rock bands, the names of actors or their lovers on their bodies. But tastes change; today we love them, but tomorrow we may stop loving them.

    As we age, our skin will become less and less elastic, and a tattoo on a wrinkled part of the body will look unsightly.

    When getting a permanent tattoo, you need to remember that it will be with you forever. Of course, it can be reduced, but it is quite painful, and the skin will end up with an ugly scar.

    How to choose a tattoo?

    Tattoos come in black and white and color. Multi-colored tattoos are more allergenic than the black and white version. People with sensitive skin should avoid colored tattoos. When choosing a pattern, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of colors; it is better to give preference to patterns with your favorite shades.

    The most popular options are tattoos with hidden meanings (hieroglyphs, zodiac signs, significant dates and inscriptions). Before applying the design, you need to find out exactly what the future tattoo means.

    The location on the body is also of great importance, because over time the skin in some areas will become less elastic and the pattern will be distorted. The drawing must correspond to its owner, his worldview and hobbies.

    Using a combination of hieroglyphs, you can tell a story from life or describe a significant event. Tattoos in the form of birds and animals emphasize the strength of their owner (athletes often depict tigers on themselves, as this is a sign of good luck). The bosses prefer to fill their own heads.

    How much is it?

    To avoid being deceived at the salon (and there are all kinds of them), you need to know what the cost of a tattoo consists of. In world practice, there are two directions in setting prices; the cost varies depending on the time of application and the area of ​​the design. In our country, the price is set based only on the size of the tattoo.

    For example, in the capital, a drawing of the size of a cigarette pack is taken as a basis, since tattoos are usually ordered in this exact size. It takes about one and a half hours for a master to apply a drawing of such dimensions. Some salons have a starting price called the start price. There are discounts when ordering a large size tattoo. The main determinant of the cost of a tattoo is the technique of applying the design (more precisely, its complexity) and the color scheme.

    The most difficult is shadow work. A tattoo made by a student or an assistant will cost twice as much. In addition to the initial price, inventory costs are added; it all depends on the number of needles used. The price of a tattoo also includes paint, Vaseline, caps and other materials.

    You need to discuss the price before starting work; some salons require prepayment. But whether to agree or not depends on the popularity of the salon, the professionalism of the master and its legality.

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