• Properties and uses of shea butter. Methods of using shea butter and recipes for the face, hair and body Shea butter cosmetic composition application


    If you love natural cosmetics, then you are familiar with many herbal ingredients that are used to create a variety of creams, lotions, tonics and other products labeled “Bio” or “Natural”. One of the frequently used natural ingredients is shea butter. The uses and properties of this herbal product are the topic of this article.

    What kind of oil is this?

    This product is obtained from the fruit of a tree called shea. The substance has a solid consistency at temperatures below 35˚C. If you increase this thermal index, then shea butter, or shea butter, begins to melt more easily. The smell of this herbal product is delicate and pleasant, with nutty notes.

    Depending on the characteristics of the raw materials and the method of oil production, its color can vary from white to greenish-yellow. It is eaten, used for the production of chocolate, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

    Delicious and keeps for a long time

    At room temperature, this plant product is very similar to This similarity is probably the main thing that catches the eye of a European. The Scottish traveler Mungo Park, who was one of the first people from the Old World to witness the production of shea butter, appreciated the nutritional qualities of the product. He noted that this plant material can be stored unsalted for a whole year. The taste of the exotic product, according to Park, is in no way inferior to the premium quality cow butter familiar to Europeans. It is not surprising that the local population of Burkina Faso and other African countries includes this vegetable fat in their daily diet. After the notes of the Scot, who so enthusiastically described shea butter, the use and properties of this product aroused great interest among Europeans.

    How is it produced?

    In the homeland of the tree, shea butter is produced by hand, probably even today. The nut harvest falls during the rainy season. An interesting feature of shea butter production is the fact that it is completely feminized. The entire difficult process of extracting the fatty product is carried out by beautiful and hard-working African women.

    After the nuts are harvested, they are placed in vats and kept in the ground for about two weeks. The pulp of the fruit rots, and the seeds are easier to extract. They are boiled to prevent sprouting and then roasted for four days. This semi-finished product can be stored for a long time, up to nine months.

    To extract oil from the seeds, they are peeled and fried for a whole day. The prepared kernels are crushed, pounded in a mortar to a paste-like state and kneaded intensively. The resulting mixture is rinsed in plenty of water several times, separating the foam. Next, this substance is boiled for several hours, removing the top layer. This is the precious target product - shea butter. The use and properties of this fat in Africa are mainly associated with the nutritional value of the raw material.

    Where can this product be used?

    This shea butter is exotic for us, but Africans cook food with it, smear walls and windows during the rainy season, and use it for simple medicinal and cosmetic needs. About 90% of the produced product is used for their own needs by the population of the black continent.

    After shea butter was tried in Europe and the USA, the use and properties of this plant material formed the basis for many scientific and technological developments. Today in Africa, for the most part, it is not the finished fatty substance that is purchased, but the seeds of the plant itself. Mechanically processed shea butter, the properties and application, photos and descriptions of which are now familiar to many inhabitants of the planet, is considered a cleaner and more stable product. It is used for food purposes and in the production of cosmetics. The qualities of this oil are determined by its composition. Let's take a closer look at what's in the treasured jar of herbal substance.

    What does this herbal product consist of?

    Nowadays, shea butter is often included in cosmetic products.

    The properties and uses of this fatty substance are directly based on its composition. Shea butter contains the following biologically active substances:

    Triglycerides or fatty acids:

    • Oleic (up to 55%) is an omega-9 acid, a good emulsifier, widely used in chemical synthesis, soap making, and cosmetics production.
    • Stearic (up to 45%) is a carboxylic acid, the most common in nature. For the human body, this substance is an energy depot. This acid is widely used in soap making and in the production of cosmetic products.
    • Palmitic (up to 7%) is a monobasic unsaturated acid that imparts hydrophobic properties and is used in the production of soap, detergent compositions and cosmetics.
    • Linoleic (up to 8%) is a monobasic omega-6 acid and is considered essential for the human body. This acid promotes the restoration and normal functioning of cell membranes.
    • Linolenic acid (1%) - refers to and is of considerable value for the human body.


    • Polyphenols have antimicrobial activity and have adaptogenic and antioxidant effects.
    • Tocopherols, which together form vitamin E, have a rejuvenating, regenerating, antioxidant, and oncoprotective effect.
    • Triterpenes stimulate oxygenation of cells, reduce cholesterol levels, and serve as a sun filter.
    • Steroids have high biological activity and rejuvenating effects.
    • Terpene alcohols give the oil its odor. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and deliver beneficial substances deep into the skin.

    Hydrocarbons (up to 3%) perform a moisturizing function.

    The effect depends on the method of application

    Thus, we can conclude that shea butter, whose properties and applications, reviews and benefits for the body are the topic of our review, is considered a very valuable product. If consumed orally, essential fatty acids help effectively lower cholesterol levels. This oil rejuvenates the body, actively fights aging and cancer, and saturates cells with oxygen.

    According to reviews, if shea butter is applied externally, skin hydration, regeneration, and rejuvenation are observed, and peripheral blood circulation improves. There is a restoration of cell membranes, relief of inflammation, and elimination of peeling. Shea butter, whose properties and use in cosmetology are now of great interest, can be used as a single product, but is most often included in a wide range of facial and body skin care products, as well as hair care.

    Shea butter for facial skin

    This vegetable fat-like ingredient will be useful for dry, aging, irritated skin. You will find all the interesting information about shea butter, properties and use for the face, reviews and recommendations from specialists and consumers below.

    This ingredient has been actively included in cosmetics for two decades and has earned people's love and recognition. Shea butter soothes inflamed areas, softens rough areas, protects against negative environmental influences, restores barrier functions, has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect, and serves as a sun filter. The presence of phytosteroids makes this herbal ingredient a unique and effective assistant in the fight against aging of the body. Shea butter triggers cell renewal at a level inherent in a young body. Women who use creams and masks with shea butter note excellent results: the skin is perfectly moisturized, wrinkles are reduced, and elasticity returns.

    Experts recommend using cosmetics with shea butter after thirty years, when beautiful ladies encounter the first signs. For young girls, this ingredient will help in the fight against acne. Consumers report a reduction in skin inflammation and rapid healing of acne scars. Shea butter, whose properties and use for the face are appreciated by consumers, prevents the formation of comedones and does not clog pores. This means that the mechanism of formation of blackheads and pimples is interrupted, and the skin becomes clean, even, smooth and fresh.

    Shea butter for a beautiful body

    Shea butter has proven itself well as an anti-cellulite component. It increases skin microcirculation and fights the notorious orange peel. If coffee extract was added to the cellulite cream, then shea terpenes will deliver them to the deep layers of the dermis. Women also note that not only the lumpy structure disappears, but the skin becomes more elastic and soft.

    Stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and for a number of other reasons can also be made less noticeable with the help of shea butter. By providing a regenerating effect and restoring cellular structures, this herbal component prevents the formation of stretch marks and helps to improve the healing of scars.

    Cinnamic acid, which is part of shea butter, serves as a natural UV filter and is actively used in the production of special sunscreens.

    Shea butter for hair

    Of particular interest is the topic: “Shea butter: properties and applications for hair.” Modern women subject their curls to daily heat styling, apply styling products, dye and resort to the use of newfangled hairdressing services. All this, of course, makes us beautiful, but has an adverse effect on the hair structure. They become dry, brittle and lose their natural shine.

    Shea butter has shown excellent results in restoring damaged hair. If your scalp is dry, you can apply shea butter along the entire length and rub into the roots. Otherwise, experts recommend using shea butter on your hair, leaving a few centimeters from the roots. The mask should be kept on for two to five minutes, depending on the dryness and degree of damage to the hair. Women note that after the first week of using products with shea butter, their hair comes to life, becomes elastic, soft and shiny.

    Other Ways to Use Shea Butter

    In addition to the cosmetic industry, this herbal ingredient is widely used in food production. Quite a long time ago, shea butter, whose properties and use in the food industry became in demand immediately after its appearance in Europe, began to be introduced in the production of margarine. This substance contains a lot of triglycerides, which, through hydration, give a high yield of saturated fats and make production profitable.

    Shea butter is also often used in chocolate making as a substitute for cocoa butter. This significantly reduces the cost of its production and does not negatively affect the quality of the delicacy itself. However, experts say that such a product cannot be called chocolate and give it the definition of “confectionery bar.”

    For beauty from within

    It can be said that shea butter is clearly underrated as a nutritional product. It can be used as a complete butter substitute, and this product is much better than its animal counterpart. It not only does not contain cholesterol, but also helps fight atherosclerosis, protects against aging, and prevents the development of cancer. The presence of phytohormones in it makes shea butter very useful for women during menopause. This will serve as a good alternative to anti-climactic drugs of pharmaceutical origin.

    In the article we consider shea butter - its types and production technologies. You will learn how a natural product is used in cosmetology, what contraindications there are for its use, and whether it is suitable during pregnancy. We will tell you where to buy shea butter and how much it costs, and reviews will demonstrate the therapeutic and cosmetological effect of shea butter.

    Shea butter is pressed from the seeds of Vitellaria astonishing (shea, shea butter) - a tree that grows in western and central Africa.

    Unrefined shea butter retains up to 80% of nutrients:

    • triglycerides (stearic, oleic, arachidic, linoleic, palmitic, myristic acids) are the main sources of cell energy, normalizing their life cycle;
    • squalene is a polyunsaturated hydrocarbon that prevents oxygen deficiency at the cellular level;
    • phytosterols – neutralizers of bad cholesterol;
    • xanthophyll is a type of carotenoids that protects the body from free radicals and improves vision;
    • vitamin E – a component that prevents rapid skin aging;
    • carotene (vitamin A) is an effective natural antioxidant necessary for metabolism and the prevention of cellular pathologies;
    • tocopherols – substances necessary for the formation of healthy cells and protecting them from negative factors;
    • triterpene alcohol.

    Shea butter is produced mechanically (manually) or industrially.

    The manual method involves a multi-step procedure, during which local residents collect the fruits, extract the seeds from them and fry them for several days in large vats. Then it is crushed in a mortar and mixed with water, soaked and boiled until a greasy white film appears. It is the fatty deposit that will become natural shea butter after cooling.

    In industrial production, the cold pressing method is used, when the seed kernels are pressed with a special press, and then the fatty mass is extracted and subjected to finishing processing. In addition, a refining method is used, in which the raw material is crushed, settled, filtered, purified and hydrated (combined with water). The whiter the shea butter, the more thoroughly it is purified.

    Types of oil

    Depending on the production technology, shea butter is divided into several classes:

    • unrefined – class A – the healthiest oil, in which the maximum of natural substances remains;
    • refined - classes from B to E (the higher the class, the more refined the product has been), while class B and C are oils made without chemical impurities, most often with the addition of cocoa butter (this is what is used in cosmetology), and class D and E – low purity oil with synthetic additives, intended for the production of household chemicals.

    Whether the oil has been refined can be easily determined by its external characteristics. Unrefined ivory oil has a brownish or greenish tint. Its consistency is dense, and its pleasant aroma has nutty notes.

    White refined shea butter is odorless, but its consistency is softer and more delicate. Despite the fact that during the refining process it loses some of its beneficial substances, it is what they prefer to add to cosmetic products.

    There is also shea essential oil - it is transparent with a slight nutty aroma. It is used in aromatherapy and added to cosmetic masks. In its pure form, shea butter essential oil heals cracks and small wounds on the skin well.

    Shea butter uses

    Native Africans call shea butter “the gold of women.” African beauties use it to protect their skin from the scorching sun and dry wind.

    For a third of the population living below the poverty line, the natural product is the only source of dietary fat, so it is added to various dishes instead of butter, and is also used for household needs in lighting lamps and as a kind of plaster to protect homes from insects.

    The medicinal properties of the oil make it a popular component in folk recipes.

    It can be used to relieve inflammation and swelling, treat wounds, and take care of the skin:

    • For newborns, the umbilical cord is lubricated to prevent suppuration, and skin folds are also treated for diaper rash;
    • rubbed into sore joints to reduce inflammation and relieve swelling;
    • applied for sprains and muscle pain to eliminate discomfort and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • soften and moisturize the skin with dermatitis and psoriasis, including in medicinal ointments and gels;
    • used as an antiseptic with a high bactericidal effect as part of intimate hygiene products;
    • relieve pain, moisturize and soothe the skin after sunburn.

    In European countries, shea butter is a popular component of cosmetic products. In cosmetology, it is also used in its pure form to rejuvenate the skin, moisturize dry areas on the elbows and feet, and restore hair.

    Shea butter in cosmetology

    The use of shea butter in cosmetology is aimed at skin and hair care. It has a softening, moisturizing, protective and regenerating effect.

    According to buyers, there is no significant difference between refined and unrefined oil - both have a beneficial effect on the skin.

    To achieve the maximum effect from using shea butter, follow the rules in the instructions for use:

    • Melt pure shea butter in a water bath before adding it to homemade masks (this is not necessary if you apply the oil directly to the skin, as it melts at body temperature);
    • Before applying care products, thoroughly prepare the skin - clean and, if necessary, steam;
    • Apply night cream 2 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling in the morning;
    • Depending on the recommendations, rinse off the product with lukewarm water or soak the excess with a clean napkin half an hour after application.

    For face

    The ability to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin allows shea butter to restore and rejuvenate facial skin - eliminate visible signs of aging and prevent its aging. Apply a small portion of oil to your face twice a week and you will notice the result.

    Shea butter products are ideal for wrinkles, including the skin around the eyes, as they increase skin firmness and elasticity. They are also able to effectively protect delicate facial skin from negative external factors - wind, low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation. It's no wonder that protective face creams with shea butter are so readily used by people jogging in the winter.

    The bactericidal effect of the product eliminates skin problems - removes pimples and acne, and also prevents their appearance.

    Interestingly, shea butter enhances the color of cosmetics, so it is applied as a base before applying eye shadow and blush.

    For body

    Shea butter is great for the skin, so it is worth lubricating dry and rough areas - elbows, knees, feet. It is indispensable for dehydrated skin, when it is necessary to eliminate flaking, as well as soothe and soften areas after depilation.

    When used in massage treatments and wraps, shea butter improves overall skin tone and fights cellulite. Shea essential oil is good to use while taking a bath, adding a few drops to the water.

    Shea butter is used not only for the beauty and rejuvenation of the skin, but also to eliminate unpleasant itching and discomfort that occurs after insect bites.

    For hair

    The moisturizing and nourishing properties of shea butter allow it to be included in hair products of any type to restore its beauty and health.

    Shampoos, balms and homemade masks with shea butter give hair shine and radiance, eliminate dandruff, restore hair structure along the entire length and protect it from ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures, covering the hair with a protective film.

    The natural product demonstrates high effectiveness in the treatment of brittle and damaged hair with split ends, as it quickly restores the cellular structure and replenishes the lack of water. Add a small portion of pure shea butter to your favorite shampoo to give your hair extra nourishment.

    For lips, eyelashes and eyelids

    Balms with shea butter moisturize lips and protect them from external factors, so apply the product 30-40 minutes before going to the beach or while relaxing at a ski resort to protect against sun rays, biting wind and frost.

    Many people apply shea butter to their eyelashes to make them thick and long, as well as on their eyelids if their delicate skin gets dry and flaky from makeup.

    Shea butter during pregnancy

    The product can also reduce the number of stretch marks that have already appeared, but only if you start using it immediately after childbirth.


    When studying the benefits that using shea butter can bring, not a single side effect was identified. A natural remedy cannot harm the human body if the composition does not include dangerous chemical components, therefore it is recommended for infants and pregnant women.

    Shea butter should be used with caution only if you are intolerant or allergic to other nuts. If you have skin diseases, consult a dermatologist.

    Where can I buy

    You can buy shea butter in pharmacies, cosmetics stores, organic boutiques and on the Internet. The price for 100 g of product ranges from 450 to 550 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

    Thus, unrefined Spivak shea butter, completely natural and without additives, costs 140 rubles per 100 g, and for 50 g of refined butter from Botanika you will have to pay 380-400 rubles.

    Shea butter is actively used in cosmetology. It can be applied instead of cream to nourish and soften the skin. The product counteracts age-related changes, prevents dehydration and protects against the negative influence of environmental factors. You can use pure shea butter as a makeup remover.

    The second name of the product is shea butter. Unlike many vegetable oils, it has a solid texture. At room temperature it thickens and looks like melted butter, only a little lighter. The product is useful for any skin type, but to achieve a positive effect you need to use shea butter correctly.

    Effect of oil on skin

    The product stimulates collagen synthesis and protects against ultraviolet radiation. These properties make the oil indispensable for aging skin. With regular use, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is cleansed and acquires a healthy glow. Women use oil in cold and windy weather for additional protection.

    The product is enriched with vitamins A and E, which are natural antioxidants and stop the aging process. It also contains vitamin F. It regulates lipid metabolism in epidermal cells.

    Shea butter works as follows:

    • eliminates inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect, which allows the product to be used for problem skin and acne;
    • softens dry skin, counteracts cracks and peeling;
    • normalizes repair processes and prevents the appearance of scars;
    • eliminates age spots and is suitable for whitening sensitive skin;
    • treats sunburn and some dermatological diseases.

    You can apply the oil not only to the face, but also to the neck, décolleté, hands, and scalp. A noticeable result will appear only with regular use of the product. Like many natural remedies, shea butter has a cumulative effect.

    Methods of use, recipes

    The oil is widely used in home cosmetology. The recipe varies depending on the purpose of the cosmetic composition. According to the instructions, you should not get too carried away with oil in case of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. The product will not be harmful to oily skin, but in its pure form it will not be beneficial. But shea butter can enhance the effect of other components of masks, creams, homemade tonics and serums.

    Anti-aging masks

    Women more often use shea butter to combat wrinkles. The product eliminates age-related changes, removes nasolabial folds, and evens out the tone. The following recipes have proven effective:

    • mix 1 tbsp. l. olive, avocado and shea butters, add 3 drops of neroli and 2 drops of sandalwood and patchouli. Before adding the components to the shea butter composition, the latter is preheated in a water bath. The base oils are mixed and essential essences are added. Skin treatment is carried out before going to bed and after waking up. The procedure is repeated three times a week;
    • For 10 ml of wheat germ oil, take 5 ml of shea and argan, add 2 drops of sandalwood, rose and petitgrain extracts. Cover the face with a homogeneous mixture, paying attention to the skin around the eyes. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with water. The procedure is repeated every three days. The mask eliminates dark circles under the eyes, nourishes, and eliminates dryness;
    • grate a medium raw potato, mix with 2 tsp. milk, add a little flour for viscosity and 1 tbsp. l. shea butter Apply to the area around the eyes. The mask eliminates dark circles under the eyes and smoothes out crow's feet. The product is suitable for sensitive and delicate skin.

    For problem skin

    Shea butter gets rid of acne, inflammation, blackheads. With the help of regenerating masks, it is possible to eliminate traces of post-acne and hyperpigmentation. For this purpose, the following recipes will be useful:

    • mix 12 g of honey with 5 g of shea butter, 12 drops of cashew oil and 5 drops of salicylic acid. The product is applied to cleansed skin and washed off with warm water after half an hour. It is useful to rinse your face with a decoction of calendula or chamomile after the procedure. This mask will help with dermatitis on the face;
    • dilute 12 g of yeast in a small amount of warm black tea, add 14 drops of shea butter. The skin is first cleaned and steamed, then the mask is applied evenly. After 15 minutes, wash off with cool water;
    • grind 1 tbsp. l. gooseberry fruits, add 3 g of shea butter and a few drops of cassia. After cleansing the skin, apply the mask with a wide brush. Wash off after 5-7 minutes. The mask is not used for eczema in the acute period, but during the healing stage the product will be beneficial.

    For increased dryness

    Shea butter effectively fights peeling, cracks, and dehydration. The oil is used to treat the skin for psoriasis and frostbite. The product retains moisture in the epidermal cells and normalizes tissue metabolism.

    • If you are prone to dryness and fading will be helped by a mask of 1 egg yolk, shea and flaxseed oils, taken 30 ml each, and 1 tbsp. l. honey Heat the ingredients to body temperature and mix until smooth, apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with water. The product eliminates swelling, soothes and softens the skin, and adds elasticity.
    • Shea butter is suitable for removing makeup. To do this, just apply a portion of oil to dry skin, rub with light massage movements, and after two minutes wash with soapy foam. Shea butter dissolves regular and waterproof cosmetics. Women use shea butter for washing, anti-aging massage, and night eyelid skin care. If the product does not cause allergic reactions, then the scope of its use in home cosmetology has no limits.

    Cosmetologists recommend using the oil for various purposes. The product is sold in small quantities, so women use shea butter sparingly. But if you have skin problems, you shouldn’t skimp on your health. It is recommended to treat rough skin of elbows, palms, and knees with oil. The product can be used in its pure form to treat problem skin. The oil is safe and suitable for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. At the same time, oil cannot be applied to the upper eyelid, like any other cosmetic product.

    Despite the oily texture, the product intensely moisturizes. This allows the composition to be used to treat chapped lips, flaky and dehydrated skin. Shea butter can replace chapstick. After the procedure, your lips will be fresh, juicy and soft. They will stop chapping, and relapses of herpes will be less frequent.

    Who should not use oil

    Cosmetologists remind that the product has contraindications:

    • latex intolerance;
    • nut allergy;
    • rosacea – oil can be used in limited quantities without massage and not as part of masks;
    • oily skin – with frequent use, oil clogs pores.

    Unrefined, cold-pressed oil is especially valued. High-quality oil does not contain hexane or flavorings. The naturalness of the product is indicated by an unobtrusive nutty smell. The absence of aroma indicates spoilage of the oil or the presence of solvents in the composition. Shea butter produced by Spivak received high marks from cosmetologists and dermatologists. The products of the L’occitane and Levrana brands deserve positive characteristics.

    One of the most popular products in cosmetology and the food industry all over the world is the oil of the fruit of the Vitellaria amazinga tree. This plant is endemic only to equatorial Africa, but its plantations are so large that they are enough to satisfy all the needs of people. Shea butter (karite) is a unique healthy product that can not only be applied to the skin and hair, but also used internally without fear. The product has found its use in people of any gender and age, even small children and pregnant women.

    Shea butter composition

    The main components of the finished product are fatty acids, which in excellent combination mutually potentiate the effects of the herbal remedy. Thanks to the long but gentle method of obtaining oil, all the active substances of vitellaria fruits are transferred to shea butter.

    The composition of shea butter is multicomponent, it includes:

    • fatty acids, including polyunsaturated ones (oleic, linoleic, palmitic and linolenic);
    • tocopherol – vitamin E;
    • natural steroids (stigmasterol is especially important);
    • phenols;
    • some hydrocarbons;
    • terpene alcohol;
    • B vitamins.

    Such a multi-component composition provides wide possibilities for using shea butter (karite). The combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids with active plant steroids, which contribute to a mutually powerful potentiation of effects, is especially important.

    Properties of shea butter

    The properties of shea butter depend on the method of application. It can be used externally in its pure form or in combinations, and also taken internally.

    As a result of the complex effect on the body, as well as local effects, the following properties of shea butter quickly appear:

    • active moisturizing and softening of the skin;
    • anti-inflammatory effect for any method of application;
    • relieving itching and irritation;
    • vitaminization of skin and hair;
    • facilitating bowel function;
    • healing of minor abrasions and diaper rash;
    • powerful softening and protection of the skin from the effects of aggressive environmental factors.

    Since the product is low-allergenic, the use of hair, etc. accessible to most people. The use of shea butter is allowed in children from the first days of life, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for any somatic diseases. The only exception is proven skin cancer.

    Different states of shea butter

    There are two types of ready-made product - liquid and solid. The last option is typical for the usual state of shea butter, since it melts only at temperatures above 36 degrees. Shea butter is actively used in both solid and liquid form.

    How to use hard shea butter?

    Freshly prepared product in solid state can be used in the following situations:

    • as well as use, it is permissible to use shea butter in food - for example, as a substitute for standard butter for sandwiches;
    • orally for medicinal purposes to cleanse the intestines - at least 50 grams once at night;
    • to facilitate emptying of the rectum by lubricating the anal ring and mucous membrane;
    • for healing small wounds for the purpose of disinfecting them, the oil is applied in a small layer under the plaster;
    • for the prevention of scar formation by local application;
    • for the base of ointments with other components - the softening and moisturizing effect is sharply enhanced.

    But the use of solid shea butter is not basic. The main area of ​​use of the product is cosmetology, which implies the active distribution of shea butter over large surfaces. For this, liquid shea butter is used.

    Application of vitellaria oil in liquid form

    It is used in the following situations:

    • for intensive nutrition and moisturizing of the skin;
    • to stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis (especially effective);
    • to protect against dryness and irritation;
    • for strengthening and healing hair, including to combat split ends;
    • for the prevention of sunburn and chapping of the skin and lips.

    Shea butter may have special indications for specific people. In particular, it can be used for intensive vitaminization and activation of subcutaneous blood flow. But only a specialist in the field of dermatology or cosmetology can determine the benefits for individual indications.

    Most common way to use

    How to use shea butter in the easiest way? In a standard situation, shea butter is applied externally in its pure form. The frequency of the procedure is at least 3 times a week, daily use is possible. The usual exposure time is 30 minutes, but to improve hair health, it can be left under a towel or cellophane even overnight.

    After the procedure, the oil should be thoroughly washed off with neutral soap. If it thickens, the remaining product is difficult to remove from hair and skin. To make the task easier, use hot water - up to the temperature that a person can tolerate.

    Shea butter can also be used as part of combination products. It combines well with other oils, as well as many natural and artificial ingredients. The product always potentiates the moisturizing and regenerative effects of any cosmetic products - ointments, creams, lotions or shampoos.

    Particular uses of shea butter

    Numerous beneficial properties predispose to the widespread use of shea butter. The low level of allergies, natural balanced composition and almost complete absence of adverse reactions allow the use of shea butter even by children and pregnant women. After a preliminary test, vitellaria can be applied even to people with polyvalent allergies.

    Shea butter in cosmetology

    Shea butter is most widely used in cosmetology. It is used in the following situations and forms:

    • on the skin of the body and limbs;
    • in pure form or as an active additive in creams, lotions or ointments;
    • on the head area for the purpose of healing and strengthening hair;
    • in the form of additives in shampoos;
    • on the lips to prevent chapping.

    The main effect of shea butter in cosmetics is protective. It moisturizes the skin after application and forms a kind of film that has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The effect of shea butter does not last long, but it can be used for many years without risk to health.

    Shea butter during pregnancy

    The product is approved for use by pregnant women. effective as a skin care product. In addition, it is used to prevent the formation of stretch marks. It is applied to the skin of the abdomen not only in liquid, but also in thick form in small layers. You can rub in a little to moisturize and deeply soften the surface.

    Despite the absence of serious adverse reactions, it is better not to use the product to moisturize the nipples and prevent the formation of cracks.

    Shea butter for children

    Shea butter has been used in children since birth. Any diaper rash or irritation can be treated with a small amount of the product. After 3-4 daily procedures, the baby will recover quickly.

    Oil can be added to diaper creams to reduce irritation and enhance emollient properties. After such procedures, the child sleeps more soundly at night.

    Where is shea essential oil useful?

    Shea essential oil is also used in cosmetology and folk medicine. A few drops of it are added to shampoos and creams to enhance the activity of other components in the composition of the products. In addition, aromatherapy with shea essential oil is effectively used to rejuvenate the body and fight persistent colds. When inhaling the vapors of shea essential oil, local bronchopulmonary protection is activated, which promotes a speedy recovery from respiratory ailments.

    Thus, shea butter has many beneficial properties. Shea butter is effectively used in cosmetology; it is used in the food industry, as well as in folk medicine. In the vast majority of cases, using the product is completely safe. However, sensitive people should consult a specialist before using shea butter for the first time.

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