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    Cough is the most common respiratory disease in children. Attacks most often occur during the cold season - autumn and winter. Every parent wants to buy the best expectorant that will help in a short period and has a minimum of contraindications. What do pediatricians think about this, and what pills do they themselves prescribe to young patients?

    How to help a child with a wet cough

    Any expectorant can help clear mucus from the lungs. Due to the thinning effect, mucus with harmful microbes leaves the body without difficulty. An expectorant for coughs can be made at home. They are suitable for children 2 years old and up. Up to 1 year, homemade mixtures and decoctions should be given only after consulting an experienced doctor.

    Expectorants for children in a variety are offered by pharmaceutical companies. Self-medication is not the best therapy for young patients. In 60% of cases, such actions only worsen the condition of the child and lead to the occurrence of chronic diseases.

    If the baby is not yet 5 years old, then bronchial spasm may indicate bronchitis. This disease is characterized by severe swelling of the respiratory mucosa. Warming up in this case is contraindicated. It is generally advisable to call an ambulance or a district pediatrician who will select a competent therapy.

    Expectorants for dry cough: what is it

    It is difficult for a child who is under one year old to cope with the disease on his own. Weak respiratory muscles of the bronchi may not always expel mucus. Therefore, parents need to understand how to make the spasm productive. A remedy for dry cough is prescribed only if there is no discharge.

    Expectorants for children under 5 years old are presented in the form of syrups. Any kid drinks them easily. Effective medicines are often combined with procedures - inhalations, herbal teas and rubbing. If the child is already 7 years old, then therapy is carried out with pills. These can be cheap drugs and more expensive, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the parents.

    Expectorants for children under 5 years old are presented in the form of syrups. Any kid drinks them easily. Effective medicines are often combined with procedures - inhalations, herbal teas and rubbing. If the child is already 7 years old, then therapy is carried out with pills. These can be cheap drugs and more expensive, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the parents.

    How to choose medication for an infant

    Expectorants for wet cough presented in variety. Most often, the pediatrician prescribes the following drugs that remove mucus from the respiratory tract:

    1. Altay is a cough syrup for children based on a natural extract. These are expectorant drugs, they reduce spasms and relieve inflammation. If the baby is one year old, then the drug is given strictly according to the instructions. Cough remedies for children made from natural ingredients can cause an allergic reaction. In this case one year old child you need to show the pediatrician and change the treatment abruptly. Side effects of Althea also include nausea and vomiting.
    2. Licorice root is an expectorant drug that can be easily found in pharmacies. Decoctions from this remedy quickly remove phlegm, thinning mucus. These antitussives should be given carefully for children. If there is no regular intake of fluid in the body, then mucus will accumulate in the lungs, this is a sure way to pneumonia.
    3. Pertussin - which was used during the Soviet Union. It is an inexpensive medicine available to any family. The syrup helps to cough up and soothe seizures. it good remedy, it became part of many modern medicines, the price of which is more than 300 rubles per bottle. But even such effective syrups have contraindications - allergies, rashes and nausea.
    4. Gedelix is \u200b\u200ban expectorant drug that dilutes phlegm. For children under one year old, it is actively prescribed in many clinics in the country. It is an effective expectorant based on plant extracts. Contraindications include diarrhea and allergies.
    5. Stopussin-Fito - improves expectoration and relieves inflammation. This is a plant-based antitussive. Therefore, the appearance of a rash (an allergic reaction to the ingredients) is possible.

    What are the best cough remedies for children to use in treating the disease

    In rare cases, expectorant syrups can cause swelling. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance. The doctor will need to tell you which expectorant is causing this reaction when you cough.

    Warnings from doctors

    For cough for children from 1 year old, a more extensive list of medicines is offered. Folk remedies are also acceptable for bronchial spasms, but it should be understood that young patients are sensitive to foods such as honey, raspberries and other allergens.

    Up to two years of age, the baby's respiratory system is not fully developed. Any means for coughing up phlegm in the wrong dosage can worsen the condition. This must be taken into account and never experiment with medicines from the pharmacy. Cough medicine for children who are 0-24 months old is prescribed only by a pediatrician.

    It is important to know that in 2010, public health in France and Italy banned the prescription of expectorants for coughs in patients under the age of two. This is due to the fact that the respiratory system does not remove mucus to a greater extent, but carries it throughout the body. In this case, a common cold develops into a dangerous disease.

    In this case, children should be given more drink for coughing. These can be decoctions of chamomile and other medicinal herbs. The best remedy is walking in the fresh air, regular airing and wet cleaning.

    List of products for children from 2 years old

    Cough medicine for children from 1 should also be used after a doctor's appointment. At this age, the drugs that were listed above still help. A folk remedy for cough with honey and chamomile decoction will also be effective. These ingredients are simply mixed and given to your baby as a daily drink.

    How to help a child if a cough provokes vomiting

    There are her other antitussives that are permissible for children from one year old:

    1. Mukaltin is a pill that is best prescribed by a doctor's prescription.
    2. Dry cough medicine for children from 2 - the powder is diluted with warm water according to the instructions. It is necessary to apply the product after meals, after 15-20 minutes. The dosage is also prescribed in the instructions.
    3. Linkas syrup is the best expectorant, according to many parents. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients - violet, marshmallow and hyssop. This cough suppressant for 1 year old children is well tolerated and has a minimum of side effects.
    4. Syrup "Doctor Theiss" - prescribed to thin the phlegm. Made with plantain leaves.

    Folk remedies are also permissible to use. These are various decoctions and mixtures. The best remedy that has come from ancient times is boiled milk with the addition of a spoonful of honey. The drink is not suitable for children suffering from allergies to these products.

    Medicines for wet coughs for children from the age of five

    Children from 5 years old can boast of better health. But this does not prevent parents from thinking about which remedy to choose in order to defeat a cough. Children from 4-5 years old can be prescribed pills. If children 3 years old are difficult to get them to use, then older children can easily eat such drugs.

    When phlegm is not coughing up well, the following medications should be chosen:

    1. Thermopsol - prescribed from 5 years old, these are tablets. The course of treatment is 5-7 days, as prescribed by the pediatrician. For adults, the drug is also suitable.
    2. Codelac Broncho with thyme - this remedy is possible if the child is 10 years old. You need to drink one pill a day, the course of therapy should not exceed four days. From the age of 5, the drug is prohibited, as severe complications can occur - choking, allergies or diarrhea, which causes dehydration.
    3. Marsh rosemary herb is folk remedies, known for a long time. The mixture should be brewed and drunk 3 times every day, there should be about 100 ml in a glass.
    4. Syrup Bronchicum C - it can be drunk by babies up to 2 years old, but it is better to start from the age of 3 years. The drug is considered powerful, especially when the recommendations of the treating pediatrician are followed.
    5. Bromhexine - has a mucolytic property, it perfectly dilutes phlegm. The drug should be given taking into account the patient's age.

    There are many choices effective drugs, aimed at improving expectoration when coughing. When choosing a suitable medication for a child, it is necessary to take into account the age of the small patient, the presence of contraindications and the recommendations of the attending physician. Traditionally, experts recommend purchasing expectorants for children that have a natural basis. Such drugs often do not cause pronounced side effects, they can be used even at a very early age.

    Varieties of expectorant drugs for children

    Drugs that thin sputum and have an expectorant effect in the development of cough have 2 main types:

    1. Medicines that can enhance the reflex response.
    2. Means that have a direct resorptive effect on the mucous surface of the bronchial cavity.

    Medicines to enhance the reflex response often contain active substances that irritate the inner layer of the stomach, increase vomiting reflexes, and increase peristalsis in the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Such funds help transport mucous secretions from the bronchial cavities. This group of medicines mainly includes herbal products enriched with extracts of marshmallow, thermopsis, plantain, coltsfoot and other medicinal herbs.

    Expectorant drugs that exhibit a direct resorptive effect on the mucous surface of the bronchi may contain ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium iodide, extracts of medicinal plants. Medicines representing this group have an irritating effect on the inner surface of the bronchial cavities, increase the secretion and excretion of sputum.

    Products for children under 1 year old

    Babies under 12 months old may be prescribed the following expectorant products in the form of syrups:

    1. Gedelix.
    2. Lazolvan.
    3. Linkas.


    This remedy is considered safe for patients in the first year of life. The drug helps to improve coughing in the development of viral and bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The syrup is recommended to be taken after consultation with the pediatrician, in the dosage recommended by the doctor. The standard dose in the neonatal period is 2.5 ml once a day. Contraindications to taking the drug are pathologies of the cardiovascular system, intolerance to the active substance of the drug.


    The use of the baby form of Lazolvan to improve expectoration, which has a pleasant fruity taste and aroma, is allowed from birth. The medication helps to convert a dry cough into a productive cough with the development of pathologies of the lower respiratory tract:

    • bronchitis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • bronchiectasis;
    • pneumonia.

    Infants are prescribed 2.5 ml of syrup twice in 24 hours. The main contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance to the main active ingredient (ambroxol hydrochloride).


    Many experts consider Linkas the best remedy For children from 6 months. The preparation contains several extracts of medicinal plants, including licorice, leaves of hyssop, ziziphus fruits, fragrant violet and others. In addition to stimulating expectoration, the syrup exhibits anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, antispasmodic properties.

    The use of this agent for the elimination of sputum becomes relevant with the development of diseases that prevent its full discharge - laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, ARVI. The drug is also prescribed for wet and allergic coughs. The dosage for children under 12 months old is 2.5 ml three times a day. Limitations to the use of Linkas are the presence of diabetes mellitus in the baby and hypersensitivity to its composition.

    Medicines for expectoration from 12 months

    Among the best drugs for children over 1 year old are:

    1. Ambrobene.
    2. Bronchicum.
    3. Fluifort.


    The main active ingredient of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride. The syrup is recommended for use in the development of an unproductive cough, which becomes the cause of difficult sputum discharge. The drug is prescribed for children suffering from acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system - bronchitis, COPD, bronchiectasis, bacterial pneumonia.

    If the doctor has not prescribed a different treatment regimen, babies from 1 year old take 2.5 ml of medication twice a day. The syrup should not be used if the patient detects hypersensitivity to its components, individual fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, sucrose deficiency.


    This product has natural origincontains thyme extract. The medication helps to fight dry cough caused by tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammatory processes in the lungs and other respiratory disorders. After 1 year, the drug is used in the form of a syrup or elixir. The decision to use a particular form of product should be made by a specialist.

    The standard dosage of Bronchicum for children over 12 months of age is as follows:

    • syrup - 2.5 ml three times a day;
    • elixir - ½ teaspoon three times a day.

    The medication is not prescribed for children who are hypersensitive to thyme herb, have heart failure, severe renal and hepatic pathologies, fructose intolerance. If the baby has epilepsy, craniocerebral trauma or other pathologies of the brain, the use of the drug requires increased caution.


    This product is specially designed for the treatment of young children. The syrup has a pleasant cherry aroma, contains the active substance carbocisteine \u200b\u200band auxiliary components. The drug combines expectorant and mucolytic properties, promotes dilution of bronchial secretions, evacuation of mucus from the respiratory tract, a speedy recovery little patient. The syrup is used for dry coughs, provoked by bronchial inflammation, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, adenoiditis.

    An expectorant for cough for children is recommended to be taken after meals. The dosage according to the instructions is 2.5 ml twice or thrice during the day. The main contraindications to treatment with Fluifort are the presence of individual intolerance to its composition and diabetes mellitus.

    The duration of the therapeutic course with the use of any expectorant drugs must be agreed with the attending physician. Too long-term use of funds to stimulate coughing is not recommended, as it can lead to various undesirable effects.

    What drugs are suitable for children from 2 years old

    It is possible to improve the discharge of mucous secretions when a 2-year-old child develops an unproductive cough thanks to several drugs:

    1. Licorice syrup.
    2. Libeksin Muko.
    3. Vicks Active.

    Licorice root syrup

    Licorice root syrup has a complex effect on the body:

    • liquefies and removes phlegm;
    • disinfects the respiratory tract;
    • heals microcracks formed during coughing;
    • relieves inflammation in the bronchi;
    • relieves bouts of painful coughing.

    This inexpensive but effective remedy is given to the child in the amount of 2-10 drops dissolved in a teaspoon of water. The medication is taken no more than 3 times a day. Licorice root syrup is contraindicated if the patient has bronchial asthma, arrhythmias, abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and intolerance to the active substance.

    Libeksin Muko

    An expectorant for children, in the form of a syrup, brings marked relief from a dry cough, difficult separation of bronchial secretions. The active ingredient of the drug is carbocisteine, which helps to quickly remove phlegm from the respiratory tract, eliminate discomfort in the throat and chest, and reduce the number of night and daytime coughing fits. The product can be used at any stage of the disease, does not cause addiction, does not lead to depression of the respiratory center.

    Patients who have reached 2 years old receive 5 ml of syrup twice a day, no longer than 8 days. Before starting therapy with this remedy, you should familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications. These include cystitis, acute form glomerulonephritis, phenylketonuria, hypersensitivity to the composition of the medication.

    Vicks Active

    This expectorant product is available in effervescent tablets. The medication is based on acetylcysteine. Due to the intake of the drug, an active stimulation of expectoration, secretomotor and secretolytic action occurs. Vicks Active affects the thinning, volume increase and accelerated excretion of sputum, allows you to get a positive effect in the presence of mucopurulent bronchial secretions.

    After 2 years, the form of the drug is used with a dosage of 200 mg. Before swallowing Vicks Active is dissolved in a glass of water (½ tablet 2-3 times a day). To avoid overdose, it is recommended to take no more than 200-300 mg of this medication per day.

    Expectorant medicines for patients from 3 years old

    Children from 3 years old can be assigned:

    1. Dr. Mom.
    2. Amtersol.
    3. Codelac Broncho.

    Dr. Mom

    The syrup called Dr. Mom is a multi-ingredient herbal remedy. The drug has a pronounced mucolytic, bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the transition of the dry type of the syndrome into a productive cough.

    The drug is taken three times a day after meals, in a volume of 2.5 ml. A syrup is not prescribed if the baby is intolerant of its composition, has a severe allergic history, and is prone to developing bronchospasm.


    This phytopreparation contains an extract of thermopsis herb, enriched with licorice extract. The medication helps to fight inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by the appearance of a painful cough (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis). The medicine is taken no more than 3 times a day. A single dosage after 3 years is half a teaspoon. The product should not be used if the patient has hypersensitivity to its components, diabetes, brain trauma, renal and hepatic pathologies.

    Codelac Broncho

    The syrup is a combination product created with the addition of thyme extract. The medicine helps to reduce the viscosity of the mucous secretion, to accelerate its discharge from the bronchi. The medication can be prescribed for both dry and wet coughs.

    The drug is used in consultation with the doctor (most often - three times a day, 2.5 ml each). Treatment should be abandoned if the child is hypersensitive to the components of the syrup. With caution, the drug is prescribed for asthmatics, patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency.

    In the process of treating children with drugs that stimulate expectoration, it is important to avoid taking them at the same time with antitussive medications. This combination is prohibited, as it provokes a deterioration in sputum discharge.

    The choice of medication depends on the nature of the cough. For diseases accompanied by a productive cough, expectorants are indicated. The most popular medicines are in the form of syrups. They are easy to dose, taste good, and correct application are able to quickly eliminate or alleviate such a manifestation of bronchitis, tracheitis or acute respiratory infections, such as cough.

    Features of the use of expectorant and anti-inflammatory syrups

    Preparations for sputum discharge or reflex action

    The most famous syrups of this group include herbal preparations from the extract of marshmallow. They are excellent stimulators of respiratory motor function. Natural substances in their composition have a minimum of contraindications. But they are still there. Usually this is an individual intolerance. Sweet syrups should be taken with care by people with diabetes. Alcohol in the composition of drugs also introduces some restrictions on the intake of syrups.

    Treatment for allergic cough in adults has been described.

    Resorptive direct action

    The main task of these drugs is to remove the accumulated viscous phlegm from the bronchi.

    The funds include:

    • enzymes with sputum thinning properties (ribonuclease, trypsin);
    • substances containing sulfur (acetylcysteine, carbocysteine);
    • synthetic derivatives of natural vizicin (bromhexine and ambroxol).

    From what cough Bromhexine read.

    For adults

    Modern pharmacy is increasingly turning to the gifts of nature. Most syrups are based on medicinal herbs. Many products are available in several types and concentrations. The syrup has several advantages over other dosage forms. These include:

    • high suction speed;
    • convenience of reception;
    • ease of dosage.

    Let's take a look at the most popular syrups to help with productive coughs.

    Reflex action

    Althea officinalis

    A brownish thick phytopreparation with a peculiar smell and sweet taste in pharmacies is sold in dark glass bottles. It is consumed in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day after meals, diluted with a small amount of warm boiled water with a productive cough.

    Licorice with thermopsis

    Its main difference is its combined action and plant origin. As the name suggests, the active ingredients of the syrup are licorice and thermopsis. In addition to them, it contains: potassium and ammonium bromide, sodium benzoate. Alcoholic syrup is diluted with water when taken. Peptic ulcer disease is a serious contraindication to drug treatment. The restrictions also apply to pregnant women. Because of alcohol, alcoholics cannot take it. The sugar in the composition of the product can negatively affect the condition of those suffering from diabetes.

    Elixir Codelac Broncho

    The composition of ambroxol and glycyrrhizic acid in the composition gives a good effect in the treatment of wet cough with difficult sputum discharge. Both adults and children are treated with it, but only over 12 years old.

    Expectorant syrup has an anti-inflammatory effect and is also used as a mucolytic.

    Find out how to properly take Prospan cough syrup.

    Plantain and coltsfoot

    During 2–3 weeks of treatment with phytosyrup, significant improvements in the bronchi are observed. Adults are prescribed taking the drug 3-4 times a day in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. spoons. The syrup is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating mothers, children under 6 years of age. Do not use it for stomach ulcers.

    Coldrex Broncho

    Secretory syrup with anise scent and licorice flavor. Of the natural components, it includes red pepper tincture, camphor, anise oil and levomenthol. Sodium cyclamate, dextrose and benzoate are also active ingredients. Take the remedy every three hours for 2 tsp. The syrup liquefies phlegm and promotes its excretion. The instructions for use for ammonia-anise drops can be found.

    The dosages of the Breast Cough Collection for children are prescribed.


    Another herbal thyme-based syrup. It belongs to bronchodilators and expectorants. Available in two types: with sugar and without sweeteners. For adults it is enough to take 2-3 tsp. three times a day.

    Direct resorptive and combined action


    Syrup of Swiss origin with extracts of plantain, thyme, primrose and senega, popular in folk medicine, has a double effect: it softens a dry, irritating cough and promotes expectoration of phlegm.


    The popular extract of licorice root became the basis for this phytopreparation. Glycyrrhizin in the syrup acts as a catalyst. The substance has a positive effect on the production of secretions in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

    The medicine has an expectorant effect.

    A child's cough always worries parents. In most cases, he reports on pathological processes occurring in the lower or upper parts of the respiratory system.

    Depending on the pathogen, the cough is bacterial, viral in nature or appears due to allergies.

    Arising once, the symptom is physiological, talking about the natural processes of cleansing the respiratory system. An expectorant for children will help parents to relieve annoying cough and improve the well-being of the baby.

    The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the drugs is quite wide. Expectorant drugs are prescribed for the following pathologies:

    1. infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract caused by pathogenic organisms (bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
    2. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and lungs, arising from external factors or internal processes (allergies, bronchospasm, asthma);
    3. diseases of the upper respiratory tract with the formation of viscous sputum (rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis);
    4. pathology of ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis).

    For any diseases that are accompanied by increased secretion of the glands of the respiratory system, it is advisable to use drugs for expectoration. These can be prescribed by a pediatrician, pulmonologist, otolaryngologist.

    The scope of herbal expectorant formulations is wider. Herbal preparations are prescribed for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, in order to normalize the work of the digestive tract and to increase immunity.

    The mechanism of action of drugs

    The common task for all expectorant drugs is to remove phlegm from the respiratory organs.

    Normally, they produce up to 100 ml of mucus per day, of which most are in the lower sections.

    The resulting liquid is necessary for normal gas exchange. If, for some reason, the volume of sputum increases or it becomes thicker, a problem arises. An expectorant medication will help to solve it and alleviate the child's condition.

    The method of excretion of sputum depends on which class of drugs the drug belongs to.


    Any expectorant for cough for children can be attributed to a separate type of drug. The mechanism of action unites them into groups. To choose the right medicine, you need to know the age, individual characteristics of the patient and the cause of the cough.

    All drugs are divided into two groups:

    1. Stimulants - enhance the secretory function, improve the passage of mucus through the respiratory tract.
    2. Thinners - make thick phlegm thinner and facilitate its excretion when coughing.
    Sputum thinning drugs
    ExpectorantsMechanism of actionFeatures:
    Cysteine \u200b\u200bderivativesThey break down the disulfide bonds of proteins in the glycoproteins of mucus, thereby contributing to the rapid liquefaction of thick secretionsUse with extreme caution in patients who cannot cough up sputum on their own.
    ProteolyticsDestroy peptide bonds in mucus glycoproteins, eliminate the viscosity of sputum and make it liquidMay cause severe allergic reactions and bronchospasm
    MucoregulatorsPromote an increase in the volume of pulmonary surfactant, equalize the thick and liquid part of the bronchial secretionsRelatively a new group, not thoroughly studied

    Also, medicines can be roughly divided into herbal remedies, synthetic medicines and homeopathy.

    The use of expectorant drugs for children: features

    To choose a good expectorant for children, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of young patients.

    Of course, it is better to see a doctor and find out what exactly is right for the child. But not all parents do this. Many dads and mothers prefer to follow the advice of experienced acquaintances, the older generation and rely on the knowledge of the pharmacist.

    When purchasing medicine for a child, the following rules should be considered:

    • the drug must have a liquid release form, tablets are prescribed for children from 6 years of age or more;
    • the composition should not contain substances that can cause allergies in the baby;
    • the medication must be on the list of non-prescription drugs;
    • natural does not mean safe, many herbal compounds cause allergies;
    • expensive - not necessarily effective.

    The opinions of doctors about the use of mucolytic agents differ. Modern pediatricians believe that it is categorically impossible to give them to children under 2 years old.

    These drugs pose a greater risk of side effects than the expected benefits. In babies in the first year of life, the cough reflex is not yet well-adjusted, so the use of drugs that increase the volume of sputum can be dangerous.

    Newborn treatment

    You can not independently give expectorant medicines to a newborn child. In the first months of life, babies develop a physiological rhinitis that does not require treatment.

    Due to the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx, the baby can sometimes cough up. These symptoms are not a signal to start treatment. If parents are not sure about the baby's health, then they should be shown to the pediatrician.

    If necessary the doctor will prescribe Gedelix herbal syrup. Its main feature is ivy. The syrup has an expectorant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Up to 12 months of age, an infant should be given 2.5 ml of the suspension once a day. The duration of the drug should be at least a week. After the disappearance of disturbing symptoms, the suspension must be taken for another 2-3 days.

    For severe diseases of the lower respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia) the doctor prescribes Ambrobene or its analogues (Lazolvan, Haliksol). These funds have an expectorant and mucolytic effect at the same time. During the treatment period, the child is under medical supervision. It is preferable to use drugs in inhalation form. In one procedure, the child is injected with 1 ml of solution.

    If the use of expectorants for newborns is accompanied by a difficult discharge of liquefied sputum, then the accumulated mucus is removed in a hospital using special equipment.

    Toddlers 1-3 years old

    Expectorants for wet coughs for children from 1 to 3 years old are used by parents more decisively. At this age, young patients are better at coughing up sputum. The medicine should still be in liquid form. Tablets for children 1-3 years old are not prescribed.

    • Gedelix in the form of drops is taken 3 times a day. If necessary, the medicine can be diluted with water or juice.
    • Prospan is a vegetable syrup. It is used for tracheitis, pharyngitis, 2.5 ml three times a day. It is advisable to take the drug before meals.
    • Mukaltin - applied 2-3 times a day. The tablet must first be dissolved in a third of a glass of water or juice. Doctors prefer to bypass this drug.
    • Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan) inside or through inhalation is prescribed for thick sputum. The dosage for a child under 3 years old is 1 ml twice a day.
    • Fluimucil - sputum-thinning granules. Dilute with water before use. A single dose for children from one year old is 100 mg. The drug should be taken in the morning and evening.
    • ACC can be used in children under 2 years old only as directed by a doctor. From 2 to 3, the dosage is 100 mg twice a day. An important advantage of the medication is that it also affects the thick sputum of the upper respiratory tract, which means that the spectrum of indications is wider.

    Young children are prone to allergies. If a rash, itching or swelling appears while taking an expectorant drug, then you need to immediately show the child to the doctor.

    Children from 3 years old

    Cough occurs more often in children aged 3-5 years. During this period, children begin to attend preschool institutions, where they encounter a variety of viruses and bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms quickly enter the unprotected respiratory system. It is important for parents of three-year-olds to know what to use when coughing.

    • Herbal remedies.

    Prospan, Gedelix, Doctor IOM, Licorice Root, Pertusin. These drugs are given to the child 3 times a day. The duration of their work is short, but the dosage indicated by the instructions cannot be increased. Frequent side effect natural medicine is allergy.

    • Mucolytics.

    Lazolvan, Haliksol. Used as a syrup or in drops through an inhaler. Medications thin the thick phlegm. Doctors often prescribe them with bronchodilators, which help to widen the airway. Comprehensive treatment allows you to quickly fix the problem.

    • Rinofluimucil - nasal spray.

    It is used as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory system with the formation of thick sputum. Can be used together with Fluimucil granules, which act on the lower respiratory tract. Frequency rate of application 3 times a day, the dosage is selected individually.

    • ACC in the form of powder or effervescent tablets is prescribed for children from 3 years of age to 100 mg. It is necessary to repeat the reception 4 times a day at regular intervals.
    • Bromhexine is a syrup prescribed for bronchitis, tracheobronchitis and pneumonia. It is used in children from two years old, half a measuring spoon. Also, this tool can be used in the form of inhalation in the morning and evening.

    Any expectorant for children 2 years of age or older or young children should be given with plenty of fluids. The more the child drinks, the more effective the medicine will be.

    A coughing baby needs to be provided with optimal conditions of stay, which will also bring the moment of recovery closer. Damp cool air, regular ventilation of the room, free breathing underwear and walks (in the absence of an elevated temperature) are what doctors recommend.

    Expectorant drugs must be given in an age-specific dosage and not deviated from the instructions, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. Medication should not be offered to children before bedtime, as most medications work immediately. As a result, the child will not be able to rest due to the cough.

    Often, moms and dads expect medication to eliminate the symptom right away. However, treatment with expectorants does not suppress coughing. On the contrary, it becomes more moist, productive and lighter. Parents should understand this when using the indicated drugs.

    Cough treatment expectorants (part 2)

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