• What is better to the child from. What is the best child? What a medicine from wet cough give children


    Greetings all my friends and blog readers.

    Today we will talk about what is better to give a child from cough. You will learn what funds are the most effective for children. Of course, all the recommendations in this article are only awareness.

    In order to assign proper treatment, it will be necessary to contact the doctor. Do you have a crumb? Then it will not be superfluous to pass a useful course " Children's health system from A to Z" So, let's begin.

    This is a kind of protective reaction. With it, it is possible to get rid of sputum and microorganisms in the respiratory tract.

    When the cough is no temperature, it does not cause discomfort and treat it, it may not be necessary at all - it is enough to make it more productive for rapid restoration.

    Regarding other cases, you should pay attention to the symptoms and choose the physication correctly. It may be syrup or pills, often parents resort to people's methods of treatment - rags and informs.

    Best choice for treatment

    Immediately I want to write that these drugs are written as familiarization. Do not use an article as a guide to action. Be sure to consult your pediatrician.

    A rather popular product is a cough syrup. Its assortment is quite impressive. For children, this is the best choice. Especially carefully select medicines if your crumb is less than two years. The thing is that here most of the drugs are not suitable.

    And the syrups are absolutely safe even for this age, they are characterized by high efficiency, they taste and quickly remove the attacks. For effective treatment It should be determined by its type. So, it is possible to produce cough - with a mocroid, or unproductive - dry.

    With a dry cough, let's give your karapauz syrups that have a diligent action. With the help of a children's syrup, a sputum is achieved and remove it from the body. If the cough leaves, then give the baby "Synecode".

    For breast kids, it is released in the form of droplets. If the cough is wet, then pay attention to the "Dr. Taiss" syrup. He facilitates breath when your child sleeps, displays a sputum. But such a means is contraindicated to children to a year.

    The best syrups from wet cough

    • Lazolvan (Ambroben, Flavmed) - all drugs based on ambroxol. With it, viscous sputum is excreted with bronchitis and pneumonia, bronchial asthma. After half an hour, the kid will feel relieved. The effect of action is saved from six hours and longer.
    • Prospan - consists of plant components. The tool helps to bring the bronchi wet and improves the blood supply to the lungs, restores their drainage function.
    • Bromgexine is a strongly strong musolitic.

    Syrups with dry cough

    • Liebexin Muko - He eliminates the spasm of the bronchi. Until two years of age, this means is contraindicated.
    • Synecode - quickly suppresses cough, taken with caution with accurate readings.

    Antibiotic treatment

    You ask yourself a question: do you need antibiotics if children cough? This solves only the doctor by the character of cough and symptoms. Self-medication is unacceptable here - be sure to consult a pediatrician. It will appoint correct treatment for your baby.

    We all already know, I think that viral infections with antibiotics are not treated, they only aggravate the process of recovery. But if a bacterial infection is joined to the disease, then without antibiotics can not do.

    In addition, let's kid more than water, regularly moisturize air, avoid pulmonary stimuli, especially tobacco smoke.

    To bring the wet in a child when a strong cough begins, put it directly - this pose will be facilitated by the expansion of the lungs, the wet will quickly come out of the body. Explain the baby that the sputum needs to be spitted, and not swallow.

    Best folk remedy

    Radish with honey. Childs drink this syropychik with great pleasure. It is necessary to give the baby such a means every one - two hours on a teaspoon.

    For the preparation of wonderful medications, it is necessary to make a deepening and fill it with honey. Very soon the healing syrup will be ready - let it crude, and the recess will fill with honey again.

    So, dear parents, now you know what to give your crumb, if he coughes. On this I say goodbye to you, my dear readers. Subscribe to blog updates. Do not forget to read the article to your friends from social networks.

    The motto "All Best - Children" is guided by most parents. They wish to see their child in a comfortable bed, beautiful stroller, fashionable clothes, especially if the parents themselves. Over time, expensive toys, gadgets, entertainment are added to this, and more and more parental forces and time is spent on their acquisition. Consider life situations.


    My girlfriend Elena is a doctor, she works a lot: permanent duty, including on weekends, consulting in a paid clinic. Elena's husband is divorced and trying to prove him and herself that it is quite self-sufficient. The way of evidence is a daughter, which is 12 years old. Elena believes that she must have all the best. The phone changes annually. Laptop and tablet - not older than two years. Things are bought only in expensive stores. And all this is a purely Mine initiative. The daughter is growing good: it learns great, knows how to cook and does not ask for the mother of constant new things and fashion gadgets. Elena often sighs, recalling that in her childhood there were no good things: "I had nothing in my childhood - let my daughter be all the best." Somehow Elena told that on the day off, his daughter prevents her to work, constantly names on the phone and inventing problems. Sometimes the mother has to go to an increased tone: it is surprised that the daughter is not able to understand that all this for her.

    Obviously, the child misses without mom. The output is designed to make a person with his family at home. Joint vacation, games with mom, shopping and just common home affairs - this is what remains in the memory of children forever. An adult does not remember how many laptops were in his childhood, but will remember how parents read him books, taught to play chess, rode with him on bicycles. The older generation remembers how adults gathered in the courtyards: played football with children, poured the skating rink in the middle of the yard, built snow fortresses, trees sat down. How many pride were for their parents and joy from joint activities. Kiss and fairy tale on the night were natural. Our mothers did not study psychology, but always were near. And this is the best thing they could give us.

    Who needs the best toys and, stylish things and expensive cosmetics? Most often it is not the desire of the children themselves. And the parent dream, unrealized in childhood.

    I am a child: I need all the best

    Parents's desire to provide children to all the best turns into a competition.


    My colleague Irina does not apply to the category of secured people. Permanent debts and loans - the norm of her life. The daughter of the fellow fellow is growing an uncompatible girl. True, the colleague itself either does not notice, or does not want to notice. I unsuccessfully tried to understand why a nine-year-old girl lives ropes of three adults in the family - Moms, Dad and Grandma, until heard dialogue:

    - Olka (classmate) bought gold earrings.

    - Large?

    - Little, with blue peasant.

    - Blue stone ... Probably aquamarine or turquoise. Yes, they are cheap: there are about five thousand. I ask my grandmother - she will buy good earrings for her birthday with expensive stone.

    I am absolutely sure that children do not need jewels. But the essence is not even in this, but in the fact that Mom is ready to take over and its loved ones the next financial problem just because you need to be no worse than others. Attempts to explain to the young mother - unsuccessful. She immediately enters the conflict, motivating his behavior by what is ready to starve, but her child will have the best. Interestingly, under the word "the best" implies: the most expensive portfolio, down jacket, boots with rhinestones, etc. They take new loans to pay off the previous ones, the situation in the family is administered, because the cause of financial problems is considered not incommensurable with spending income, but Dad's inability to make a lot of money.

    Nadya says: "Unlike Pope, Mom understands that I am a child and I need all the best. In general, nothing understands. If you are incapable of earning money, I could take me on the machine from school. "

    In the words of the girl, the requirement is heard: "I am a child! Give me all the best! " But the best for whom? For the girl younger adolescence, it is very useful to ride the school bus where the culture of behavior in transport is given, the skills of interaction are assisted, the rules of the road are fixed.

    Children's requirements often transfers all borders, and parents perform children's teams, soothing themselves by the desire to give the best. It is important to understand that a generation operates that operates material objects has already appeared. Material values \u200b\u200bfor many children prevail over moral. In the shower in such children, even if they agree with the failure to comply with their desires, the resentment may still be. In the soul, the child is beginning to be formed: the first "did not give", the first anger and the first desire for revenge. Is it worth talking about the possible consequences of such "leaving"?

    Permanent convinces the child is that he can get everything he wants at any time. As a result - unpleasant surprises and disappointments are waiting for him in an independent life due to financial carelessness.

    Love, egoism or childocentrism?

    Modern society dictates the cult of children. Few people think that childocentrism is an artificially created marketing system. Children are a tool for promoting goods and services. Make a person to love himself with incredible love to acquire all the most expensive for himself - the task is complicated. And the love of child is indisputable, and games with such love are pre-successful.


    The new year in the family of Olga is celebrated in the country's country. Traditionally, a senior man played the role of Santa Claus, played the phantas. Once, Olga's girlfriend said that he paid the services of animators, salute and expensive gifts-surprises. For the first time Olga wondered and changed the scenario of the holiday.

    Paid actors have not brought great pleasure. At the same time, the grandfather seemed offended, as he felt unnecessary. Gifts were faceless compared to those who were carefully chosen for each family member.

    Children Surprise liked, but not more than annual entertainment with "his" Santa Moroz. Olga caught herself on the thought that he did it all only to ensure that the children get "all the best."

    A year ago, Olga loved children no less. Just at the moment, the woman succumbed to the universal fashion, justifying her desire for love for children.

    In Russian culture, children were always loved, but considered them part of society called "Family". Here, respected each other, cared for old and small, understood the problems of all family members and tried to help. The cult of the family is the greatest gift of our ancestors to pedagogy.

    Today the market imposes a child's cult, pumping out from parents tools for goods and services. Who said that the child is better what is given by? A happy family is able to solve most problems independently. But we actively impose the scope of services. And now it turns out that the perfect dad is not the one who goes on the weekend to fishing with children or riding bicycles, but the one who works overtime to earn on the water park. And the perfect mother is not the one that the cake itself will bore, and the one that reduces the pizzeria.

    What is the best?

    And now with a clean conscience, I will replace the word "love" to another verb - "ignore" ... It will be more honest. , Therefore, spends weekends at work. Mother does not want to work at home for his children, so it does not prepare, but orders burgers. Parents bump off from children, hiding their inconsistency and unwillingness to communicate with children for beautiful explanations and services and justifying themselves by what is the best. We are ready to work day and night, but lazy to do at least something for your children.

    So what is hiding behind the desire to give all the best - the satisfaction of their ambitions or the desire to pay off the child?

    Let's finally understand that the best thing that parents can give their children is sincere love and communication. And this requires not tools, but forces and time. Sometimes through fatigue, irritability, regretful of unearned funds. The time spent with the children will return to us in old age. It will remember the children all life. Hugs, kisses, parents' assistance, fairy tale at night, bicycle walks do not cost money, but much more than any gifts are valued.

    I want adults to understand how they need them to their children. Parents are living people from flesh and blood.

    I hope that Elena will refuse overtime shifts on weekends and will hold Sunday with his daughter in the park. Irina will spend strength and time to upbringing his own daughter and solve its financial problems, saving money on expensive purchases. Olga will understand that as a gift from her parents got beautiful family traditionswho are incomparable with any holiday from the animators.

    Dear Parents! Give children the best - give them yourself!

    Svetlana Sadova.

    A runny nose can overtake a small child from the first week of life. For Karapuza and his parents, this state is very unpleasant: the child becomes very capricious, sleeps badly, can not eat. Against this, the children are often losing weight. In itself, the runny nose is not terrible, but it is worn by the child it is very hard, so parents always seek to alleviate the state of the kid.

    Site "I am yours" warns: self-health is dangerous to health! Before taking medicines, a specialist consultation is necessary!

    How the runny nose is developing

    Rubber, or rhinitis, is not a separate disease, it usually joins other diseases: influenza, ORZ, ARVI, measles. Rubber lasted from a week to 10 days, there are several stages in its development.

    1. Stage Stage (reflex). The vessels of the nose mucosa are narrowed, dryness, burning appears in the nose, is constantly called sneezing. According to such a "ferry" in the nose, everyone easily understands that a runny nose begins. This stage lasts only a few hours.
    2. Catarial stage. During this stage, the vessels of the mucous membrane are expanding, the mucosa blushes, the nose slightly swells. The main feature of this stage is the appearance of watery discharge from the nose. Sometimes it is accompanied by a tear, the embezzlement of the ears. The exhaust of the nasal mucosa due to the extension of the vessels causes the nasal congestion. This stage lasts a few days.
    3. Stage of recovery. At this stage of allocation becomes thick, and if a bacterial infection is joined (which happens in most cases) - they have a greenish or yellowish shade. Nose Constitution disappears, the general condition is improving.

    Top 5 children's medicines from a cold

    Medicines for the treatment of a cold now there is quite a lot. For children under the year there are some limitations: due to the imperfection of the structure of nasal strokes, it is impossible to use sprays in such kids. This can lead to the spread of infection, so it is better to dig drops up to a year. Let us try to allocate the best preparations that can be used for children under 5 years.

    Aqua Maris

    This drug is a purified marine water containing natural microelements (sodium, magnesium, calcium). In children, Aqua Maris can be applied in the following cases:

    • Acute or chronic runny nose.
    • Adenotitis.
    • Allergy.
    • Prevention during epidemics.
    • Holding hygienic procedures, Moisturizing the nasal mucosa.

    Aqua Maris is produced in 2 forms: drops in the nose and spray.

    • Droplets are sold in 10 ml bottles. They can be assigned to children from 1 day of life. Droplets of Aqua Maris bury 2-3 times a day for 1-2 drops in each nostril. Approximate price of 125 rubles.
    • Spray is available in 50 ml balllings. With a special comfortable nozzle. Spray can only be used for children older than 1 year. It can also be applied for treatment, and for conducting hygienic procedures according to the scheme: 1-2 injection 2-3 times a day. Approximate price 251 ruble.

    The preparation of Aqua Maris is completely safe for the child. The only possible side effect is the risk of developing an allergic reaction, but it is extremely rare.

    Akwalor Bebi.

    This is another preparation based on the natural sea water of the Adriatic Sea. Aqualor Bebi contains only natural components, there are no preservatives in its composition. Isotonic sterile sea water is enriched with trace elements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, zinc and others. This drug not only has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, but also contributes to improving immunity.

    Indications for using Akwar Bube:

    • Treatment and prevention of infections (influenza, ARVI) and inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, adenotyt).
    • Hygiene nasal cavity.
    • Preparation of mucosa to apply other drugs.

    Akwalor Baby is produced in two forms: drops and spray.

    A threshing drug with an active substance phenylephrine. Nazol Baby makes breathing, reducing the elap of the nasal mucosa. The drug is produced in the form of droplets in bottles with a volume of 15 ml.

    Indications for use:

    • Walled diseases, influenza, ORVI.
    • Allergies.

    The drug is allowed for children from birth. Dosage drops are chosen according to age:

    Mama on a notic!

    Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

    • Children up to 1 year bury 1 drop at no more than 4 times a day.
    • Children from 1 year to 6 years already buried 1-2 drops once every 6 hours.

    Despite the fact that Nazol Baby is available specifically for children, this drug has contraindications and restrictions:

    • You can use drops no longer than 3 days.
    • Nazol Bebi is contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, increased sensitivity to its components.
    • When applied, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. In case of overdose, the condition of nervous excitement occurs, the heart rate is disturbed.
    • When applying, droplets may appear headache, dizziness, sleep disorder, plug in the nose.

    Than younger babyEspecially carefully you need to use this drug. Approximate cost of 158 rubles.

    Orivin Bebi.

    The drug Orivine Bebi is a sterile isotonic saline solution, in other words - to all known saline. Orivin Bebi well purifies and moisturizes the nasal mucosa, improving the state of the mucous membrane and increasing local immunity. In its composition, it is natural for the body.

    Indication for use:

    • Daily nasal hygiene.
    • Treatment and prevention of a cold, colds.

    Orivin Baby is produced in the form of droplets and spray.

    • Ducklings of Orivine Bebi are produced in 5 ml bottles. For children of any age, the application scheme of this drug: 2-4 drops in each nasal stroke, the frequency of the instillation - in terms of the situation. You can use this drug from the first day of life. Approximate price 199 rubles.
    • Spray Orivin Bebi is produced in the spray cleared of 20 ml. It is recommended for use in children from year. It is possible to use the spray of deryvin baby if necessary several times a day, injecting it into each nasal stroke. Approximate price of 169 rubles.

    Allergy is possible on the components of the drug. Other restrictions does not have this drug.

    Phenylephrine and dimintene vasoconsturing preparation. As auxiliary component, vibration contains lavender oil, therefore it has a specific smell and taste. This drug removes the ease of the nasal cavity and makes breathing.

    Indications for use:

    • Rubberish of any origin.
    • Acute otitis.

    Vibration is produced in the form of droplets, gel and spray, but the manufacturer does not recommend applying spray to children under 6 years.

    Drops must be buried according to the following scheme:

    • Children up to 1 year - 1 drop in each nasal stroke 3-4 times a day.
    • Children over 1 year - 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

    Before use, it is necessary to clean the nasal mucosa. During the use of possible burning, easy sensations in the nose and nasopharynk. The occurrence of an allergic reaction is possible. Approximate cost of 231 ruble.

    And finally get rid of creepy complexes full people. I hope the information will be useful for you!



    Universal remedy - rope of nettle. Spoon of herbs on a glass of boiling water. Brew (boils a couple of minutes) and let it be (hour and a half). Give drinking a child in a warm form - you can on a tablespoon. Several times a day. I so cured my 5-month-old daughter (I wanted to put in the hospital). Suspected inflammation of the lungs - the cough was before vomiting. Two days later, the nettle drink everything passed. True - she was fresh, just crossed in the spring.

    Marat Askarov

    Do not look for an answer here. Go to the doctor.

    Nikita Emelyanov

    dr. Mom

    Och @ ditch @ kk @

    http://www.9months.ru/zdorovie_malyssh/881 http://www.babyblog.ru/community/post/01Medicina/593044 http://www.u-mama.ru/forum/messages.php?id\u003d 10133817.

    Maria Gorchakova

    watching what cough - wet or dry. If dry, then read with bromgexin. If wet, then read the expectorant.

    Elena Kovaleva

    If the cough is dry, then "Ambroben" helps very well, if wet, then the best "Lazolyvan", only for the night it is impossible to give it.

    Olga Moiseenko

    ambroxols are prescribed with a wet cough, and what cough is your child,? How much do you get sick? Maybe already do not need medicine in general ...

    Tatyana Morozova

    We were well helped by the syrup of Icelandic Moss (in the pharmacy I bought) + rubbing breasts and backs of pine oil (it's better to smear and immediately on the bed) we had a dry cough. They began to do so and the next day dismissed cough and he passed throughout the week. Only if you do that, then check first, if the child has allergies to pine oil.
    But these are all the "grandmothers" recipes, the pediatrician control is necessary.

    nadezhda Lebedev

    Vibration and interferon candles with viral infectionwhen there was a child's temperature 38.If temperature 38, it needs to be reduced - this is a virus, the antibiotic does not work here, I like the syrup with a dry cough, it displays a sputum, dripped in the nose of a drop (Nazivin, Popargol, Rode the Akvalor)

    Effective children's cough medicine

    Child disease is always fear and anxiety for parents. It would seem, yesterday, your crumble had fun running or crawled, and in the morning he woke up with hot and capricious. Moms are faced with the main problems in this case, whose kids still do not know how to talk. After all, you can not complain about the headache or a deal in the throat of the crumb. But if the child appears cough, then it is, of course, can be seen immediately. This kindergarten is impossible to confuse this or, and, in most cases, it is necessary to treat. How good and effective will be treated directly depends on how correctly children's medicines were chosen.

    Cough medicines for children: in what cases can be done without special means

    Newborn children very often suffer from a runny nose in the first months of life. This happens for various reasons. Some of them are cleaned by the respiratory tract after the mother's womb, someone has congenital narrow nasal passages that are becoming over time standard size (about six to seven months).

    In this case, cough drugs for children are not required, because this symptom occurs due to the fact that the baby cannot align themselves and does not give mom to clean his nose from mucus. As a result, the secret from the nasal sinuses partially falls into the throat, thereby irritating the cough receptors. Baby breathing at the same time becomes whistling, wheezing and bubble, which is very frightened by inexperienced moms. They begin to seem that the children's cough is accompanied by wipes from the lungs.

    Effective good baby cough drugs up to the year

    The most difficult test for mom is a kid disease up to a year. First, because it is greatly worried about the health and well-being of the crumbs, and secondly, because in pharmacies, there are no suitable drugs in pharmacies. Specialists in the field of medicine are recommended to treat cough in children until the year with antiviral or antibiotic drugs. Only a specialist should be prescribed them after the test of analyzes and identify the cause of this symptom.

    If you still decide to give medicines from cough dry cough, acquire Tantuum Verde in the pharmacy. This spray according to the instructions cannot be given to children under three years old, but some pediatricians allow it to use it for both infants, slightly reducing the minimum dose. Of course, you clearly measure required amount Funds will not succeed, therefore, a small amount of medication can be sprinkled on a pacifier and give it to the baby.

    If you are looking for a medicine to a child from a wet cough, use Gedelix drops. Before using them should also be consulted with a doctor. Also in this case also helps the antiseptic "Miramistin", as well as chamomile tea with a small amount of dried plantain leaves.

    Effective cure for the child from the year to three years

    If a child more than a yearFor its treatment, you can use "Lazolyvan", "Ambroxol" or "Ambroben". If the cough in the child is wet, these tools will help to skitting the sputum and bring it out of lungs or bronchi.

    It is extremely important in this case not to engage in self-medication, but visit or call the pediatrician house. An experienced specialist with a diagnostic and laboratory will determine which disease caused this symptom and prescribe loyal treatment. Thus, with bronchitis or inflammation of the lungs, which kids develop very quickly in improper treatment, in addition to antibiotic expectorant drugs, the taking antibiotics is also shown.

    Good children's cough medicines - nebula for inhalations. This is a "pulmbort" and "Berodal". For such a procedure, a special apparatus is needed - nebulizer. Inhalation with these drugs can be done on saline or alkaline mineral water. If you do not have an inhaler, then you can hang in the neck with a juniper oil, eucalyptus or tea tree.

    Effective children's drugs from dry unproductive symptom in this case are also practically absent. Among them you can select "Synecode", which suppresses coughing urges.

    Good and best baby medicines after three years

    Tabs aged three years, as well as adolescents, it is much easier to find good preparations that help cope with this symptom. Most medicines according to the instructions can be taken from this age.

    When wet cough, you can give the baby expectorant means, for example, "Broncholitin", "Super-Broncho", as well as "Herbion" and "Dr.". From three years, the crumb can also be taken by flouring, actively thinning the sputum, and bringing it out of the lungs. This is a syrup "Lazolyvan", "Ambroxol", as well as Muscuting tablets and Bromgexin.

    With a dry unproductive children's symptom, "Synecode" and "Codellak Neo" are prescribed.

    The Komarovsky pediatrician, known to many on transmissions and Internet rollers, has its own opinion on the effectiveness of this or that way of treating children's cough. He believes that excessive medication in such early age Not only is inappropriate, but also dangerous, because it can seriously undermine the immunity of the baby, which will subsequently leave for a long time, forces and means.

    Dr. Komarovsky recommends to treat children's cough with plant remedies. In pharmacies, they are sold everywhere, but in most cases a lot. Meanwhile, the components are part of these miraculous drugs from children's illnesses, therefore, it is appropriate for their acquisition in dried. We are talking about violet, Salfa. As well as pine kidneys and plantain. With the help of these ingredients, you can independently make medicines that will help cope with the children's cough.

    Dr. Komarovsky also draws the attention of parents to the fact that the drugs from this children's symptom does not happen. And there are various diseases that accompanies dry or wet children's cough. Therefore, before you look for children's effective medicines at the pharmacy, you must visit the doctor. After all, the children's cough is not always associated with respiratory diseases. It may indicate problems with the brain or central nervous system. Coughs from cough in these cases it is meaningless, because they or will not help or facilitate the state for a while. At the same time, the children's organism may unexpectedly and contradictively respond to meaningless reception of these funds.


    All expectorant means from cough with bronchitis

    When ORVI, bronchitis, with a wet cough with poorly discontinated wets, it is recommended to use medicines that either dilute the sputum - musolithic preparations, or make it easier for its separation - expectorant means from cough. These include both plant origin and synthetic drugs.

    Many of us prefer to limit the reception of medicines received not from natural natural resources, however, it should always be remembered that any medicinal plant, whatever positive properties it possesses, as well as synthetic means has side effects, and has a number of contraindications.

    Since the composition of all medicinal plants is very complicated and saturated, except for useful and therapeutic, in the grass and fees include the mass of others, sometimes toxic, harmful substances. Moreover, in our days, the majority of the population suffers from various types of allergies, and any drug, even the most expensive, effective and safe can cause an inadequate reaction of the body.

    Classification of funds facilitating cough and contributing to rapid recovery

    All means to relieve cough are divided into antitussive agents, expectorant and mercolytic.

    • Anti-leaving agents, as well as combined drugs - are shown during a dry, unproductive cough, violating sleep and appetite (see an article with antitussive means with a dry cough).
    • Expectorant means are shown in a productive cough when the sputum is not thick, not viscous.
    • Mulitatic means are shown in a productive cough, but with a thick, hard-taking, viscous sputum.

    Any cough preparations should be appointed only by the attending physician. Beneficial means cannot be used to treat simultaneously with mercolytic, however, there are combined drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

    Expectorant drugs - means of stimulating expectoration are also divided into:

    • Reflexing - These means have an irritant effect on the gastric mucosa, and this in turn excites the vomit, but vomiting does not occur, and the production of mucus in the respiratory tract increases. Also enhanced by the peristalistic of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium removing the sputter from small into large bronchiols and in the trachea. The result of such irritation is to alleviate the expectoration of mucus and the removal of sputum from the bronchi. Basically, these are plant preparations - thermopsis, richness, mother and stepmother, altea, plantain, chablie, etc.
    • Direct resorbative action - after the assimilation of these rehabilitation funds from cough in the gastrointestinal tract, they cause irritation of the bronchi mucosa, thereby increasing the secretion of liquid sputum.

    Mulitatic means - Drugs that are phoned:

    • Mulitatic agents affecting the elasticity and viscosity of bronchial mucus (ADC, etc.)
    • Multic agents accelerating sputum (bromgexin, ambroxol)
    • Multic drugs that reduce mucus formation (Liebeksin Muko, M-cholinoblocators, glucocorticoids).

    Expectorars from cough reflex action

    The use of tinctures from grass Thermopsis should be treated very carefully. In children with the slightest overdose, vomiting may occur. Moreover, the quotizine (alkaloid) complied with its composition in large doses may cause short-term stimulation of respiration in children, which is then replaced by the oppression of breathing.

    Alteia preparations

    Indications: Chronic and acute respiratory diseases - bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, lung emphysema. In which the difficult vocabulary is formed, high viscosity.
    Pharmacological action: When using expectorant products from the grass of the medicinal altea, the effect is achieved by stimulating the peristalsis bronchiole, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes the bronchial secret.
    Contraindications: Increased sensitivity to this drug, ulcer of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman. For preparations in syrup with caution, applied with diabetes and intolerance of fructose. Children under 3 years old, during pregnancy only by testimony.
    Side effects: Allergic manifestations, rare nausea, vomiting

    Mukaltin, Table (20rub).

    Method of use: Children Mukaltin as an expectorant of cough to take, dissolving 1 tablet in 1/3 of a piece of water, adults are recommended 50-100 mg 3/4 p / day before meal, the course of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

    (60 rubles) raw crushed
    Dosage: take inside in the form of infusion, which is prepared as follows - a tablespoon on a glass cold waterThe water bath boil 15 minutes, cooled, filter, press up, adjust to 200 ml. Reception is carried out 3-4 p / day after meals, beaten before taking. Children 3-5 years old 1 desserts. Spoon, 6-14 years old 1-2 tablespoon, adult 1/2 cup on 1 reception. Course of treatment 12-21 days.
    Alteka Syrup (90 rubles) Altea syrup (30-130 rubles)
    Application: Inside after meals, children under 12 years old - 4 p / day of 1 tsp, divorced in a quarter of a glass of water, adults 1 tbsp. l. Syrope, divorced in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, according to the testimony, the length of therapy can be continued.

    Thermopsis preparations

    Cough pills (30-50 rubles)

    Thermopsis Grass has a pronounced expectorant property, in this plant contains many alkaloids (citisin, thermopcin, methylcitic, anagirine, pachicarpine, thermopsidine), which have an exciting effect on the respiratory center, and at high doses to the vomit center. Sodium Hydrocarbonate, which is part of the Tablet Thermopswic also reduces the viscosity of sputum, stimulating the secretion of the Bronchi glands.
    Indications: Pills from cough Thermopesol is shown in the cough with a hardwood wet, with bronchitis and tracheobronchites.
    Contraindications: stomach ulcer and 12 pers. Guts, hypersensitivity
    Use: 1 table. 3 R / day course 3-5 days.

    Codelat Broncho (120-170 rubles) without codeine The composition includes (thermopsis extract, ambroxol, sodium bicarbonate and glycyrrhizinat)
    Codelk Broncho with a chamber 100 ml. Elixir (150 rubles) without codeine As part (thyme extract, ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinat) These are combined expectorant drugs with pronounced and musolitic, and expectorant effects, in addition, have moderate anti-inflammatory activity. The incoming ambroxol reduces the viscosity of sputum, and sodium glycyrrhizinat has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory property.
    Indications: Codelak Broncho are used with difficulty wetting during pneumonia, COPD, bronchitis of sharp and chronic, with bronchiectatic disease.
    Contraindications: Pregnancy, Children under 12, during lactation, with increased sensitivity to components Codela Croncho. With caution at bronchial asthma, peptic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, persons with hepatic and renal failure.
    Dosage: while eating 1 table. 3 p / day, you can not use more than 4-5 days.
    Side effects: Headache, weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, at high doses and long-term reception - nausea, vomiting. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions, dysuria, examine.

    Breast fees number 1, 2, 3, 4

    The composition of which includes medicinal herbs:

    • Breast collection 1 - Mother and stepmother, oregano
    • Breast fee 2 - plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice (phytopectol 40-50 r.)
    • Breast Collection 3 - Altea, Kidney Pine, Anis, Sage
    • Breast Feed 4 - Bugger, Lodka, Chamomile, Calendula, Violet

    In more detail about these collection of medicinal herbs from cough, you can read in our article - breast fees 1,2,3,4 from cough - instructions for use.

    - Bugger, chamomile, nine rhizome, mother and stepmother, calendula, peppermint mint, licorice, plantain.
    Application: An infusion take 4 p / day before eating 1/4 cup or 50 ml, 10-14 days course. Infusion is prepared as follows - 1 tbsp. l. The collection is boiled in a water bath of 15 minutes in 200 ml of water, then cooled, adjusted to 200 ml.
    Side effect: diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, allergic manifestations.
    (Elixir, Manufacturer Ukraine) Composition: Baguchik, Plantain, Anis, Violet, Littleca, Sage, Timyan.

    Plate of plantain, Mother and stepmother, Baguchik and other vegetable preparations

    Sheet of plantain (30 rubles pack)

    The plantain contains a variety of useful biologically active substances, mucus, vitamins, essential oil, oleic acid, bitter and tanning substances, resins, saponins, sterols, emulsions, alkaloids, chlorophil, mannitol, sorbitol, phytoncides, flavonoids, macro and trace elements. It has bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, expectorant, light laxative effect. It also has a mercolite effect, restoring the work of the family epithelium.
    Indications: Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, atherosclerosis (treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain), cystitis, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynk and oral cavity, with atopic dermatitis, with cough, bronchitis, pneumonia as a strong expectorantic treatment.
    Contraindications: gastritis hyperacid, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to vegetable preparations.
    Application: Infusion for half an hour before meals 2 tbsp. spoons. 3 R / day course 1-2 weeks.
    Side effect: heartburn (see pills from heartburn), allergic reactions

    Herbion with plantain (180-230 rubles) More about the use of herbion with dry coughing and herbion with a wet cough, read in our article.

    Grass Big Bolotnika (35 rubles) It is part of an expectorant collection, breast collection number 4 and in bronchief. The vegetable means of expectorant action, the components of the essential oil have a local radiating effect on the mucous bronchi, the richness has both an antimicrobial and moderate anti-inflammatory effect, has an exciting effect on the myometrium and the CNS.
    Dosing: Infusion of 3 p / day 1/2 cup, for infusion requires 2 tablespoons of grass for 200 ml of boiling water.
    Side effects: amplification of bronchospasm, increased irritability, excitability, dizziness.
    Mother and stepmother (40 rubles)
    Application: Thanks to the part of biologically active substances, antimicrobial, expectorant, coating, choleretic, wound-healing and spasmodic properties has antimicrobial, wound-healing and spasmodic properties.
    Dosing: The infusion is used every 3 hours of 15 ml of infusion or 2-3 pcs of 3 p / day per hour before meals. Infusion to prepare as follows - 2 tbsp. Spoons are poured with glass of water and within 15 minutes. Boiled in a water bath, then cool, filter, the volume is adjusted to 200 ml.
    Syrup plantain and mother and stepmothers (200 rubles)
    Contraindications: Children's age up to 6 years, pregnancy, lactation, ulcerative illness.
    Use: Syrup takes to children 6-10 years to 15 years to 2 h. Spoons, adults 1-2 tbsp. Spoon 4 R / day course 14-21 day. Changing the length of therapy is determined by the attending physician.
    Side Effects: Allergic reactions (see all allergy pills)

    Stoptussian phyto syrup (130 rubles) Ingredients: plantain, thyme, chamber. This is a phytopreparation with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
    Contraindicated: during pregnancy and feeding, children under 1 year. Patients with epilepsy (causes), kidney and liver diseases, brain injuries to take care with caution.
    Application: After eating 1-5 years, 1 tsp 3 p / day, 5-10 years old 1-2 hours l. 10-15 years for 2-3 tsp, adults 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 p / day. Usually the course of treatment is not more than 1 week, it is possible to continue therapy by testimony.
    Koldrex Broncho (syrup 110-250 rubles)
    The Coldrex Broncho syrup has the smell of anise and licorice, as part of the main substance is used Givephenesin, and also includes dextrose, macrogol, sodium cyclamat and benzoate, red pepper tincture, seed oil, raceomic, levomentole.
    Contraindicated: children under 3 years old, with ulcerative illness of the stomach, high sensitivity.
    Application: Children with 3-12 years are shown in a single dose of 5 ml every 3 hours, adult 10 ml every 3 hours.
    Side effects: Pains in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, rash.

    Chabret (thyme extract)

    Chabret grass (40 rubles) Chamber oil essential (90 rubles)

    It is also an expectorant tool from the cough of plant origin, has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
    Contraindications and side effects are similar to the seafrontist.
    Use: 1 tbsp. A spoon or 15 bags are poured with a glass of water and boiled 15 minutes in a water bath., cooled, flickering, adjust to 200 ml. Accept after eating 1 tbsp. l. 3 R / day course 14-21 days.

    These are liquid thyme extracts, which are mucolytic and expectorant of cough with bronchitis, pneumonia, with diseases with an approached cough, with a difficult wettero.

    • Bronchikum with syrup and pastin

    After receiving food for children 6-12 months - 0.5 h. Spoons 2 p / day, 2-6 years old - 1 tsp. 2 p / day, 6-12 years old - 1 tsp. 3 p / day, adults 2 tsp 3 p / day. Pastalki should be dissolved, for children 6-12 years old - 1 paste. 3 p / day, adults 1-2 pastes. 3 p / day.

    • Bronchikum TP (primrose with thyme)

    Children 1-4 years old - 0.5 ppm 3 p / day, 5-12 years old - 1 tsp. 4 p / day, adults 1 tsp 6 p / day. Bronchikum should be taken throughout the day at equal intervals.

    • Perptissine (thyme + potassium bromide)

    After receiving food to children 3-6 years at 0.5 h. Such, 6-12 years old 1-2 tsp, over 12 years old on a dessert spoon, adults on a tablespoon 3 p / day, 10-14 days course.

    • Toussamag drops and syrup (thyme extract)

    Children 1-5 years old take 2-3 p / day 10-25 drops, which can be taken in diluted and undivided. Children over 5 years of 20-50 drops, adults 40-60 drops 4 p / day. Syrup should be taken after eating for children 1-5 years 3p / day for 1 h. Such, over 5 years 1-2, Ch.L., adults 2-3, C.L. 4 p / day.

    Gelomirtol (170-250 rubles)

    This is an expectorant of cough in chronic and acute bronchitis, vegetable origin.
    Dosage: children up to 10 years old 120mg 5p / day with acute inflammation, 3 p / day with chronic process. Adults for half an hour before meals with acute bronchitis of 300 mg 4 p / day, with chronic 2 p / day with chronic. With chronic bronchitis, 300 mg is additionally taken to improve the morning wetting of sputum.
    Side effects: dyspepsia, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, increase the mobility of the accretions in the bustling bubble and kidneys.

    Expectaurant from cough direct resorbative action

    Such active substances as ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium and sodium iodide, increase the secretion of liquid sputum, and the same effect possess essential oils Anise fruits, medicinal herbs - a richness, soul man, etc.

    Mulitics from cough with bronchitis

    Multic means contribute to the discharge of viscous sputum, improving the process of its removal, eliminating the nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.


    The musolitic agent reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, reduces the frequency of exacerbations in chronic bronchitis. Showing during laryngitis (treatment in a child), otitis, obstructive, acute bronchitis, pneumonia.
    Contraindicated: during pregnancy, children up to 2 years old, with pulmonary bleeding, with caution at bronchial asthma (can increase bronchospasm), renal and liver failure, adrenal diseases.
    Application: The duration of therapy in acute colds should not exceed 7 days, a longer reception is possible with chronic bronchitis. Acetylcystein preparations are better taken after meals, it should be borne in mind that there is always an additional fluid intake Increases expectorant effect.
    Children 2-5 years old 100 mg 2-3 p / day, from 6-14 years 3 p / day 100mg, adults 200 mg 3 p / day or 600 mg once a day.
    Side effects: noise in ears, headache, stomatitis, vomiting, heartburn, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, bronchospasm, the development of pulmonary bleeding, urticaria, skin rash.

    Mukolithic, has an expectorant and weak antitussive effect. The effect occurs within 2-5 days after the start of therapy.
    Contraindicated: children under 6 years for tablets, with hypersensitivity, in 1 trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.
    Application: Children from 6 years 8 mg 3 p / day, from 2-6 years (in syrup, medicine) 2 mg 3 p / day, adult 8-16 mg 4 p / day. You can conduct treatment in the form of inhalations with bronchitis, they are conducted by 2 p / day; the solution is bred by saline or distilled 1/1 water, heated to the body temperature, dosage for children 2-10 years -2mg, over 10 years old - 4, adults - 8 mg.
    Side effects: vomiting, nausea, allergic reactions, headache, dizziness.

    Combined drugs Joset, Ascoril, Kashnol

    Apply only by strict indications.
    By appointing a doctor with obstructive syndrome.

    • JOSET Syrup Price 150-180 rub.
    • Kashnol Syrup 130 rub.
    • Ascoril table. 300 rub, syrup 250 rubles.

    Ingredients: Bromgexin, Givephenesin, Salbutamol.
    Showing: with bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumonia, lung emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchite.
    Contraindications: children under 3 years old, glaucoma, pregnancy and feeding period, tachyarhythmia, thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, diabetes mellitus, 12-rustic gastric ulcers, hepatic and renal failure, aortic stenosis. It is impossible to take together with non-selective blockers of β-adrenoreceptors, with antitussive agents, Mao inhibitors.
    Dosage: Children strictly to appoint a doctor for 3-6 years to 5 ml 3 p / day, from 6 to 12 years 5-10 ml. 3 p / day, older than 12 years and adults on 10ml. 3 p / day.
    Side effects: increased nervous excitability, headache, cramps, dizziness, drowsiness, tremor, sleep disorder (see how fast to sleep), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, aggravation of stomach ulcers, pressure reduction, tachycardia, urine dye in pink color, rash , urticaria, paradoxical bronchospasm.
    Special instructions: You can not pick up alkaline drink.


    analogs - Lazolyvan (tab. Syrup, bottles 200-360), Ambrone (Table. Ampoules, capsules, syrup 120-200 rubles), Ambrexal (Table. Syrup 70-100 rubles), Ambroxol (Table. Syrup 20-40 rubles) Ambrosan (Table. 100 rubles), Flavmed (Table. Flak. 150-200 rubles), Halixol (Table. 100 rubles).

    This is a musolithic, expectorant medicine, Lazolyvan - today is considered one of the most effective musolithic drugs.
    Indications: when COPD, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, Branchial asthma, and the diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a viscous sputter.
    Contraindicated: in 1 trim pregnancy, 2 and 3 trim reism with caution, patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases.
    Application: Take pills after a meal of 30 mg. 3 p / day for adults. Children showing the reception in the form of a syrup to 2 years at 0.5 ppm 2 p / day, 2-6 years - 0.5 ppm 3 p / day, 6-12 years 1 tsp. 3 p / day, adults for 2 ppm 3 p / day, the course of therapy is usually not more than 5 days. Syrup should be taken while eating with a large amount of liquid.
    Side effects: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, skin rash.


    an expectorant musolitic agent increases the viscosity of sputum, improves the elasticity of the bronchial secret.
    Contraindications: Pregnancy, up to 2 years old (for children) Children under 15 years old (for adult forms - Liebexin Muko, Capsules bronchobos, pills Fluifort), ulcer of the stomach, chronic Glomerofret, cystitis.
    Application: 15 ml or 1 measuring cup 3 p / day, separately from meals. Course treatment can not be held more than 8 days
    Side effects: gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, itching skin, weakness, dizziness.


    List of drugs from dry and wet cough for children. Cereal from cough for children from year. Expectorant for children

    Strange, but when the cough occurs in an adult, he ignores this phenomenon, saying that he feels good. But it is worth choking the child, immediately restless mothers begin to pink it with syrup, tablets and other all sorts of medicines.

    But why not allow the idea that the child is quite healthy, and the cough only testifies to hits in the respiratory tract of foreign particles?! Let's read it in more detail in the nature of the kids, consider a list of drugs and reveal an effective cough medicine for children from year to year.

    Is the cough always signals about the disease?

    Cough is due to falling into the body of foreign particles (mucus, dust, pollen, food), which are annoyed by larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura. In fact, this phenomenon is a physiological reflex even during the period of the disease when the patient rolls the wet.

    In what cases the cough in children has physiological causeWhen there are no symptoms of the disease, and the baby is absolutely healthy?

    • Morning. After a night's night's sleep, a child may have a slight cuff. This is due to the fact that the mucus accumulates in the bronchus.
    • Babe. For breasts, cough is a characteristic phenomenon, since the baby may choke during crying or feeding.
    • Artificial. Babies, struggling for the attention of moms and dads, can cause solitary cuffs, noticing once anxiety on their faces.
    • "Dental". In the period of teething of dairy teeth, the children appear enhanced salivation, which can contribute to a cough reflex.
    • Protective cough occurs when hit small objects Or eating crumbs into the respiratory tract. In this case, the foreign body needs to be removed, most often requires medical care.

    In these cases, you should not give the children expectorant. A cough medicine should be selected correctly in order not to worsen the well-being of the child. The harmless cough differs from a cold short-term, episodic. It does not affect the health of the child.

    Cough character during diseases

    If the cough becomes a consequence of the disease, then the baby sleeps badly, eats, plays, begins to capricious, cry. At the same time, the disease imposes its imprint on the cough reflex:

    • with colds of ORVI, ORZ cough is enhanced in a few hours or days, turning from dry into wet;
    • larygitis causes coughing barking, dry, painful, husky, accompanied by whistling difficulty breathing;
    • when trachekit appears a loud, "breast", deep and painful "loaf";
    • pharyngitis is characterized by a dry cough resulting from the throat;
    • bronchitis "Bukane" is similar to the tracheal, only it is without pain and is accompanied by the release of sputum;
    • pneumonia can cause a wet, deep, thoracic cough with pain in ribs, if the disease is caused by bacteria, or dry, parlor, loud, painless, if the cause of the ailment was chlamydia;
    • in the flu, the swallowing is strong, dry, painful, amplified at high temperature;
    • king in the first two days causes dry, weak painless cough, whereas after the skin rashes it becomes gross and hoarse.

    In this case, even an expensive medicine for children from dry cough will not help, since the treatment must be complex.

    Allergic cough

    After colds, children may have an asthmatic or recurrent cough. It lasts more than two weeks and is constantly repeated after illness. This may be the reason for the appearance of obstructive bronchitis, then, together with the cough, the temperature and throat pain and rhinitis appear.

    If the crosslinking is not accompanied by signs of colds, but is caused by allergens, cold air, physical activity, then the child can emerge asthma. Such cough occurs as a reaction to allergies (wool, fluff, pollen of plants, dust, products). It may appear during an uneven breathing, for example, the child raised, deeply breathed or swallowed cold air. Allergic cough usually appears before dawn, as a reaction to difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

    Watch for the child: Most often, sneezing, tearing, skin rashes, redness, itching appears with allergies. In no case do not contact the Council to the forum, do not read feedback on cough medicines and do not experiment on the child, since all the disease proceeds in different ways.

    Be sure to consult medical pediatrics. And if the child's well-being stabilizes after receiving bronchodylators, then we can talk about the appearance of bronchial asthma.

    How do parents determine what cough in a child?

    If the baby appeared described by the symptom, then you should not panic, cause a doctor directly or look for medicines. Pay attention to the following points:

    If children do not have signs of illness, the handling has a protective physiological nature, so there is no need to look for good medicine from cough to a child. But with a protracted phenomenon, consult your doctor, perhaps there are other reasons for the appearance of this symptom.

    If the cough is a consequence of the disease

    Your actions:

    • to measure the temperature;
    • inspect the throat, almonds, ears, eyes, nose;
    • clarify the child where it hurts;
    • see if there are rashes on the skin;
    • listen, what cough: dry, barking, intermittent, parlor, wet, hoarse, with a sputter;
    • call a doctor.

    Watch out for the child's well-being, the nature of the disease and the view of the cough. For example, with colds, "loaves" from dry can turn into moist due to increased rhinch, while the fluid flows without acute rhinitis.

    However, cough without temperature, runny nose, throat pain may be due to the appearance of Askarid in a child, allergies, diseases of the digestive tract and even with cardiovascular ailments. Therefore, if the described phenomenon lasts more than two weeks, it is better to consult with a doctor and express your concerns, and not give medicine from a strong cough uncontrollably.

    The protracted night "Bukane" may indicate such diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. In this case, children are selected from the nasal sinuses of white and green, strong nasal congestion. Be sure to consult the otolaryngologist!

    Basic and auxiliary medicines eliminating cough

    If you contact the pharmacist for advice on how to buy a cough medicine for children from year and older, then in response you can get tens of names: "Codeine", "Demorphan", "Sedotusesin", "Synecode", "Liebexin", " Helicdine, "Stoptussin", "Broncholitin", "Lorein", "Herbion", "Mukaltin", "Ambroben", "Ats", "Lazolvan", "Bromgexin", "Sinuperet", etc.

    • preparations that prevent cough reflex due to impact on brain nerve cells;
    • medicines that affect bronons and their mucous membranes;
    • medicines that reduce sputum release.

    Some of them can be harmful to the children's body, as they have narcotic substances, other inactive, since the body does not perceive them. Therefore, the pediatrician after inspection issues its treatment.

    • Toddles are prescribed syrups, inhalations, ointments, essential oils, less often sprays.
    • Older kids can assign tablets.

    The most effective inhalation, since the child deeply inhales the pair of the medicinal preparation. But the duration of the procedure and the proportion of the medication with the saline clarify the pediatrician. In any case, when a dry cough appears, the doctor's task is to prescribe a drug that transforms it into wet, and then helps bring the sputum from the body.

    What medicines give children from dry cough

    1. Tablets "Liebexin" is better to use when the appearance of colds. Affects nervous receptors, braking the cough reflex, but does not oppress the respiratory center. Tablets can be given preschoolers.

    2. The preparation of vegetable origin "Linkas" in the form of a syrup has an expectorant, antitussive, bronchhalytic, antispasmodic effect. This is a cough medicine for children from the year, which have no diabetes.

    3. Bitiodine pills peripherally affect cough receptors, do not have narcotic components and any side effects. Therefore, they can be assigned to children.

    4. Tablets "Stoptussin" belong to antitussive drugs and have a mercolite effect due to butamirata and gyufeniesin. They have a number of contraindications and are prescribed to adolescents from 12 years.

    5. Syrup "Broncholitin" perfectly copes with a cough, reducing the selection of sputum and expanding bronchi. Suitable for children from three years. Despite the wide range of applications, this medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects.

    What medicine from wet cough give children?

    1. Syrup "Herbion" from a wet cough has an expectorant action. It has a kind of taste and smell, so not all children drink it.

    2. Tablets "Thermopsis" enhance the removal of sputum and make it more viscous. This drug is contraindicated in infections that will not be able to extend the resulting sputum.

    3. Syrupid "Lazolyvan" - a cure for a wet cough to a child, stimulates the selection of sputum, but does not suppress cough. This medication can be produced for inhalation, which allows for babies treatment.

    4. The Ambroxol preparation in the form of tablets is directed to an increase in mucus secretions. It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

    5. Tablets "ACC" can be prescribed to small children in the treatment of wet cough. Thanks to the acetylcysteine, the sputum dies and comes out of the body. Despite the advantages of the drug, there is a mass of side effects, so treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

    What are expectorant

    The cure for the cough "Synecode" in the form of a syrup is applied against dry cough and during a cough disease. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bright effect. Not more than 7 days apply in syrup for preschoolers over three years old, for infants is sold in pharmacies in the form of droplets.

    Syrup "Gedeliks" perfectly derives a sputum. Medicine of plant origin, produced in Germany. The composition does not have dyes, sugar, flavors, alcohol, therefore can be used with infants.

    The drug "Dr. Taiss" in the form of a syrup is manufactured in Germany. Effective in fighting wet cough. Easy breathing during night sleep and displays a sputum. It is impossible to give children to the year.

    Medication of plant origin "Doctor IOM" in the form of tablets, loyal, syrup. Allows you to transform a dry cough into wet and remove the wet from the body. Appointed for children from three years.

    Tablets and syrup "Bromgexin" increase the selection of sputum, making it viscous. Excellent suitable for children over three years.

    Effective cough medicine for children from year

    As you can see, there are a lot of drugs from dry and wet cough. At the same time, in each category there are subgroups of medicines that have a wide range of impacts due to combined functions. Such medicines include "Stoptussin", "Broncholitin", "Dr. Mom" \u200b\u200band others.

    Try to young children to treat from cough with rubbing, mustard pieces, ointments, inhalations, plant decoctions and syrups. For infants, pediatricians can write down drugs such as Dr. Tais, Lazolvan, Linkas, Gedeelix, etc., but everything will depend on the individual tolerance of medicines and the nature of the disease.

    In any case, parents need to remember two things:

    1. Before buying a drug, clarify in a pharmacy about contraindications and side effects. If concerned, it is necessary to immediately return to the pediatrician and refine the method of treatment.

    2. If the doctor discharged you a new cough medicine for children from year to year, follow the reaction of the kid's body.


    Cough at the child 3 years - causes, types, treatment.

    A child may get sick at any age, differs only by how it transfers the disease. Cough is especially dangerous for babies and little children. In 3 years, the child already understands everything when he is telling him, he may obey and flick. Consciously takes medicines. For the children of three years, you can use different cough preparations.

    Types of cough in a child for 3 years

    When children begin to cough, they annoy a certain center in the brain, so clean the respiratory tract from alien bodies. Often this symptom does not need to be treated specifically, it will take place over time.

    1. Physiological cough, when the larynge begins to annoy dust, the child begins to actively cough. At the same time, he strongly sneezes, so the nasophack displays all the dirt. Often a three-year-old child suffers from cough when you clean, do repair, is in a dusty room. Such a cough is easy to distinguish from others, it lasts not long, can constantly repeat in the morning, also when cleaning, the child behaves normally, he does not have problems with the mood, it is active.

    2. A psychogenic cough may often develop a psychogenic cough, when a brain is included in the process, which responds negatively to different factors. When a child lives in a family, where permanent quarrels, you constantly shout at him, bring to your hysterical, a three-year-old child suffers from a lack of love, he may have a cough. To get rid of this cough, the first thing you need to do everything for the comfort and tranquility of the child. Walk with him, secure him happy lifeYou do not need to constantly bring to cry, also avoid conflicts that are negatively reflected on the psyche of a small child.

    3. Often cough in a child of 3 years can be triggered by bronchial asthma, to accurately learn what coughing in a child of a psychogenic nature or bronchial asthma, you need to pay attention to such differences. Cough on psychological level He is intrusive, it may appear when conversing with a child, night disappears at night, the day is aggravated, it may increase in stress when the child is crying, there is no other symptomatics. Psychological cough in a child of 3 years is frequent.

    Pathological cough, which is associated from serious diseasemay be protracted, dry, sharp, while rises heat Bodies, a man loses appetite, he lays his nose, he does not want to play, wheezing raise, in sputum contains blood pus. Losts such cough for more than a month.

    Couch treatment for a child 3 years

    It is impossible to engage in self-medication, because there may be complications, immediately need to turn to the therapist, it will carefully listen to the child, then determines the view of the cough, then prescribe the necessary treatment.

    For a child for 3 years from cough, such drugs are suitable:

    1. Mulcolics with their help can be called a sputum - to take Lazolyvan, LevetRont, ATSC.

    2. To restore the bronchial cells, which actively produce secretion, you need to take flourishing drugs, effectively treatment with mukodyne.

    3. Effectively from the cough to use expectorant drugs, for 3 years older is allowed to treatment with a spross, ambroxol.

    4. Be sure to make sedative drugs, which positively affect the part of the brain, which is responsible for cough. Prescribe treatment with sync, codipright, sedotusesin.

    5. The preparations of the combined type of stop vehicles are perfectly helping.

    6. Often children for 3 years discharge homeopathic medicines, herbal pharmaceutical medicines - Gedelix. If the cough is very strong, they can assign bronchhalytic drugs, with their help you can expand bronchi, remove inflammation, this is the best antibacterial agent. None of any cases can independently buy antibiotics and give them a three-year-old child, it can lead to severe consequences, side effects.

    Physiotherapeutic cough procedures for a child 3 years

    Cough can be heal with a nebulizer, it can be used and babies, it is a safe device. A special mask is used, with the help of a cloud with drugs, inhalation is carried out up to 5 minutes. Especially good helps to get rid of sputum, remove it from the bronchi, lungs. A solution based on sodium bicarbonate is often used, for this soda is diluted with water. Little children need to carefully carry out such inhalations so that bronchospasm does not arise.

    It is important in the treatment of cough in a child for 3 years to comply with such rules:

    1. The child should walk and get enough sleep well.

    2. In the room where the child is sick, the temperature should be no more than 21 degrees.

    3. Constantly ventilate the room, maintain optimal humidity.

    4. The child should not affect the paint, cleaning products, tobacco smoke, protect it from all these funds.

    5. The child should consume as much liquid as possible - purified mineral water, tea with sugar and lemon, compote from dried fruit.

    People's methods for the treatment of cough in a child 3 years

    It is necessary to take foot baths, bathe a child in healing herbs, perform a massage, also lubricate the feet with a balm, Dr. Mom helps. With the help of cotton, tapping can be wetted. Please note if the child has a high body temperature, it is forbidden to smoke your legs, bathe in a hot tub.

    Milk helps well from cough well, it should be used in warm form, be sure to add borzhomi, honey, butter into it.

    Effectively use the compresses, it is used for it warm vegetable oil, also boiled potatoes, water compresses, honey and apple vinegar.

    Black radish with honey, onion, sweet juice with carrots, freshly squeezed birch juice will help to get rid of dry cough.

    So, the cough in a child of 3 years is important to treat on time so that there is no complication, unlike children of infants, for this age you can use drug drugs and folk treatments.

    In our modern and dynamically changing world with his comfort and walking forward progress, the number of new diseases has increased significantly, including childhood. One of such diseases is the injection of allergies. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is connected with the organism the manifestation of signs of this disease. Especially if the case applies to the children's body ...

    Definition of allergies

    The pharmacy network offers a huge amount of drugs capable of providing a positive effect and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. But if it comes to a child, it is important not just to get rid of allergies, but also not to cause significant harm to the growing organism. Therefore, in front of modern mothers there is a complex task of choosing a medicinal anti-allergenic drug, capable of to have a therapeutic effect and be absolutely safe for their Chad.

    In this case, the self-examination is not welcome, only an experienced doctor will be able to provide the right assistance to the child during allergies. In this article I would like to consider the features of the flow of allergies, the causes of the occurrence and consider a set of drugs for the treatment of children from this ailment.

    Not all the symptoms that violate the performance and well-being in a child should be attributed to the manifestations of allergies. Many of them are signs of development in the children's body of other diseases. Allergies in children is characterized by the appearance of itching, redness of the skin, sneezing, tear and much more. If these signs appeared in a child after a walk or contact with a certain group of objects, it means that the body really picked up any allergen, and the disease began to develop in a child.

    By allergies, the whole complex of symptomatic manifestations due to the high sensitivity of immunity to alien substances or allergens is implied. Symptomatic manifestations of allergic disease in the children's body are:

    1. The appearance of edema;
    2. Attacks of incessant sneezing;
    3. Itching on some skin sections;
    4. Strong runny nose;
    5. Tear.

    These signs are the most common signs of this disease in the children's body.

    And their mother detection should be consistent with the children's doctor to stop the development of the disease and prevent the appearance of deeper symptoms. IN medical institution Experienced specialists will definitely give a complete consultation on the treatment of the disease. According to the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to determine the type of allergen, causing the manifestation of allergic symptoms in the child. It is not worth joking and neglecting such a disease in the children's body, since the consequences of a negligence relationship can be the most unpredictable. Alone to buy and give medicine to a child without consulting a doctor, too, is also not recommended, since the child can develop allergies to the components of the drugs themselves.

    What causes allergies?

    The Austrian pediatrician in the twentieth century first noted the hypersensitivity of his patients in relation to the action on their body of the same substance. These substances that cause manifestations of allergy symptoms and were named with allergens. When penetrating them into the children's body, a protective reaction begins caused by the effect of immunity. The child's immune system is trying to suppress the allergen, penetrated into the body. After the primary contact of the immunity of a child with an allergen, its system is trying to remember the type of alien substance, which if it gets into the body, causes the launch of sensitive cells of immunity.

    At this moment, the inflammatory response begins to develop, in the form of increased blood flow, the appearance of the edema of the tissues and increase the temperature. These symptoms in their amplification can even threaten even the lives of the children's body. In the modern world, the following reasons are distinguished that can cause the development of manifestations of allergies in children:

    1. Microflora disorders in the child's intestine (dysbacteriosis);
    2. The weak development of the child's immune system;
    3. Excessive contact with chemical agents in living conditions, streets or food.

    The above reasons directly cause a child with a manifestation of varying degrees of allergic symptoms. With the amplification of contact, the symptoms of allergies are also beginning to increase, leading to a general deterioration in the well-being of the children's body. Even mother's milk may contain allergens that breastfeeding Be sure to go to the children's body. Mamas need to be attentive to the state and reactions of a child from contact with substances belonging to the above group.

    Diathesis in children

    Diathesis or excessive tendency of the children's body to manifest and develop allergic symptoms or states of inflammatory processes. Diathesis often arises in the first years of the life of the children's body. This disease relates to a specific form of manifestations of allergies in childhood. According to statistical data, many children of the first and second anniversary of life suffer.

    Diathesis is more susceptible to the organisms of infants. In the occurrence of this form of allergies, they appear on the skin so-called diallos. This is a kind of areas of the skin arising on the head in her hair. In addition, during diathesis, the child is noticeable to the appearance of a dairy stamp formed in the area of \u200b\u200bbright red cheeks.

    In most cases, the reason for the appearance of diathesis in infants serves as they use food. It can be as incorrectly selected artificial feed for a child or the wrong food of the future mother wearing a baby. Dietez manifestations serves as a harbinger of appearance in the future in infants of such diseases as: psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis. Therefore, the future mother should closely monitor its own diet, eliminate fast snacks, not eating foods containing a huge amount of dyes and carcinogens, not to use genetically modified vegetables and fruits in the preparation of dishes, as well as abandon alcohol.

    The causes of diathesis in children are and frequent manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy, use of various pharmacotherapy in the period intrauterine development kid, as well as excessive use future mom Food Allergens (Citrus, Nuts, Eggs, Honey).

    Allergy treatment

    Upon the occurrence of a child of an allergic condition associated with the enhanced manifestation of signs of the disease, first aid should be rendered immediately. First, you need to instantly remove or stop contacting allergen with the body of the kid. If you are on the street, where the diversity of pollen pollen flowering plants should immediately go to the room. If allergies cause a pet contact, you need to remove it from the child. In cases of developing allergies and individual types of food, it is necessary to abandon its use.

    If you switched to artificial feeding And the child appeared excessive rash on the body, which is also a manifestation of allergies, it is necessary to change the type of dust for the child. In other words, in the first stages of the struggle, the contact of the children's body with the source of allergens should be stopped.

    When the at the attending physician exactly defined the type of allergen, causing an excessive manifestation of allergic symptoms in the children's body, the child needs to give an anti-allergic drug prescribed by the doctor. Next, it is necessary to facilitate the manifestations of the signs of allergic disease. Skin sections, where the kid has a skin sebum, you can ack with salicylic alcohol. Good for such cases is suitable and any other alcohol tincture.

    If the child began the attacks of anaphylactic shock, they should immediately call the hospital to call a medical team providing ambulance. Before the emergency to arrive, the child should ensure the unobstructed air flow into the lungs. To do this, in the stuffy room you need to open the window and unzipted clothes on the baby's chest. It should not use drugs with excessive smell, as this may result in strengthening in the children's body symptoms of bronchospasm.

    Children's medicines from allergies

    All the variety of drugs produced in the world eliminating allergy symptoms scientists are divided into three large groups:

    1. The first group of drugs from allergies includes medicinal products issued by one of the first to fight it. This refers to many generations Dimedrol, who effectively helps our parents of diazoline and is certainly not without a well-known Tueguil in our country. Today, effectiveness from the action of these drugs is not the highest and can lead to the influence of the children's body of various side effects. The most common ones are: the appearance of excessive drowsiness, a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, as well as a significant slowdown in behavioral responses of the body. The latter, in turn, are not contraindicated in childhood.
    2. In the second group of drugs include antihistamine drugs. They include Zirtek and Claritin.
    3. Scientists refer to the third group of drugs: Telfast and Erius. Unlike the first group of drugs from allergies for children, these drugs are almost safe for the children's body.


    A good drug from manifestation of allergic symptoms in childhood is the new drug called Phenolic. This medicinal product has a positive and soft effect, eliminating any allergies and its signs. You can use the drug phenyatil with children from the first month of life. Reception of the medicine on the basis of the recommendations of the attending physician, but it should not be given it before falling asleep.

    The composition of the phenyatil includes an active substance - dimetiden, capable of delighting the children's body from the manifestations of itching, eliminates irritation and dries the development of inflammation. This medicine is prescribed to children and when they receive a different kind of burns. This anti-allergic agent is produced in our country in the form of droplets that can be given to infants. Unlike solid pills that will not be able to swallow breast child And the ointions remaining on the clothes because of its mobile body, the drops are easy to receive inside the kid. The release of the medication involves the presence in a pack of a comfortable dropper for dosing the drug.

    Foenistil begins to fight the symptoms of allergies in the first minutes of the penetration of the medicine into the children's body. The medicine has pleasant taste and easily tolerated by babies.


    Another effective means capable of cope with signs of allergies in the kid is the Erius preparation. This medicinal remedy has recently appeared in the pharmacy chain of our country, but recognized itself as an effective means. It practically does not possess side effects For a children's body. Doctors prescribe this drug kids in the first year of life. For children, Erius is produced in the form of a transparent syrup of orange.

    The effect of erius is based on termination of development, as well as alleviating the allergic reactions that manifested in the body. Drug syrup is characterized as anti-loving agent. It helps to reduce the capillary permeability and does not give edema to develop in the children's body. Under its influence, there is no appearance of spasms in smooth muscles. Eriou does not affect the processes in the central nervous system. In addition, he does not lead to the emergence of drowsiness in the child. The drug does not slow down the rate of psychomotor reactions in the body.


    From the six-year-old child, a new anti-allergy drug called Telfast is prescribed by the doctors. It is also quite safe for the children's body and is effective in fighting allergies. The Telfast is absorbed very quickly, due to which therapeutic effect on the body is accelerated. It refers to the category of antihistamine funds. Tabs until the specified six-year-old age take this medicinal product is not recommended. The main active component of the drug is a substance Fexophenadin, the action of which to the body of children under the sixth year old is not fully studied.

    For children, older than six-year-old, the dosage of telfast receive slightly increases, as the mass of the body of the body increases. Take a telfast can be taken at any time period, but not before eating food. The medicine is not addictive, which is very convenient for the body. Telfasta should be taken according to the instructions of the attending physician.


    The drug Zoda is recommended for the treatment of allergic symptoms, including in childhood. This medicinal product must be taken inside not depending on the time of meals. Produced in the form of droplets and tablets. It is appointed to children from reaching the twelve-year age twice a day, usually in the morning and evening hours. The active substance of the zoda is cetirizin. It can have an impact on histaminically independent stages of allergic reactions.

    The effect of the drug is based on the prevention of development and facilitating the flow of allergic symptoms. In addition, the zoda is characterized as an anti-allergic agent with anti-face effect. Use this preparation for the treatment of allergic reactions in childhood should follow the prescriptions of the attending physician. Combine receiving an zoda with other drugs is not desirable. Before use, consult your doctor.

    Among the presented diversity of drugs presented to combat allergy symptoms in children, parents should carefully read the detailed instructions for their application. It is not desirable to engage in the self-treatment and use of drugs to destroy parents.

    Thematic video material will tell about the treatment of allergies without drugs:

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    What are the types of drugs from allergies

    For greater therapeutic effect, integrated therapy is often assigned using various antiallergic agents.

    • Antihistamines. The most extensive group of drugs for symptomatic therapy. The main mechanism of action of these drugs - blockade or neutralization of the biologically active substance of histamine in the body. It is the histamine that provokes an allergic reaction in the form of redness, rash, swelling, itching. In addition to the treatment of allergies, antihistamines can also be used for diseases of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
    • Steroid hormones (corticosteroids). Hormonal drugs are used strictly to appoint a doctor, because they have a side effects hazardous side effects. It is impossible to reduce or, on the contrary, increase the course of treatment, sharply throwing the use of steroid hormones in an effective result. These drugs give a quick healing effect, it is advisable to use them with persistent heavy dermatitis, extensive skin inflammation, severe itching.
    • Sorbents with allergies for children. This auxiliary therapy for cleansing the body from allergens. Such sorbents are appointed for this: "Enterosgel", "Polysorb MP", "Smekt", "Polyfepan" and others.
    • Cromons. In modern children's allergology, these medicines are still used more often due to safety and weak absorption in blood. Their main therapeutic feature is a cumulative effect, that is, they begin to act only after two weeks of reception. Cromons are taken in preventive purposes (for example, before the start of flowering of allergenic plants), with bronchial asthma, chronic allergic rhine, conjunctivitis. The main active ingredient of cromons is cromoglycial acid. The list of trading titles includes such drugs: "Lomuzol", "Iphirall", "Intal", "Kromegexal", "Cromolin-sodium" and others. Cromons are in different dosage forms: gels, aerosols, inhalation solutions, nasal sprays, eye drops, rectal candles.
    • Vasomotoring nasal drops. They are used only to relieve nasal respiration during allergic rhine. It is impossible to use these medications for a long time because they cause addictive and negatively affect the mucous membrane. It is forbidden to apply these medicines without appointing a doctor.

    More about generations of antihistamine drugs

    Three generations of antihistamine drugs are distinguished. The new generation of drugs relates to the safest antiallergenic drugs for children. But even the means of the "old" generation found their niche in pharmacology and effectively apply in modern pediatrics.

    Table - Comparative analysis of antihistamine preparations of three generations

    Names generations Titles of drugs pros Minuses
    First "DIMEDROL", "Fencarol", "Diazolin", "Chloropiramine",
    "TAVEGIL", "Supratin"
    High activity, strong action, therapeutic effect; quickly derived from the body Pronounced sedative reaction: drowsiness, lethargy, inhibited physical and mental reactions; dryness mucous toxicity; Fast addictive, only a short course is assigned.
    Second Claritin, Zetin, Klaster, Kestin, "Phenistil", "Lomilan", "Loragexal", "Zodak", "Loratadin" There is no pronounced sedative; receiving once a day; prolonged therapeutic effect; not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract; can be used for a long time Adverse effect on the heart, liver; may be dry mucous membranes; less likely - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache; Allergy to the components of the drug
    "Tefast", "Ksizal", "Fexadine",
    There is no sedative effect, do not pose dangers for the heart and vessels, CNS; Long course of treatment A weak manifestation of a sedative reaction; Individual intolerance to the drug; Side effects are very rare; Low toxicity


    • Antihistamines 1 generation. It is rarely prescribed, do not belong to the medicines of the first choice due to high sedation and toxicity. Only with acute allergic reactions (for example, assistance in insect bite) their use is advisable and justified. Some of them give an anesthetic effect, part of other drugs. Antihistamine first generation compared to other drugs cheaper. Most often, "Supratin", "Tueva", "Chloropiramine" are appointed from the "old" antihistamine. Because of the short action, they must be taken 3 times a day. "Fencarol" is less effective, but an alternative drug with allergies to other antihistamines of the old generation. The most dangerous for children are "Dimedrol" and "Diazoline". These drugs can cause a strong toxic reaction, unpredictable ZNS inhibition.
    • Antihistamines 2 generations. The main danger of these drugs is a cardiotoxic side effect. The negative impact on the heart is enhanced by receiving some antibiotics, antifungal drugs and antidepressants. If the child has chronic liver diseases, antiallergenic drugs can also give an unexpected side effect. Therefore, it is so important that antihistamines for the child prescribe a doctor, and not recommended a pharmacy pharmacy. The most popular, safe and relatively cheap preparation of 2 generations is "Loratadine". This medicine must be in the first-aid kit. The concentration of the active substance is maintained in the body from 12 to 24 hours.
    • Antihistamines 3 (new, last) generation, or metabolites. Have the highest clinical efficacy and lowest toxicity. A sedative effect can only be sensitive children. In most cases, these drugs are prescribed for prolonged treatment of atopic dermatitis, during seasonal allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, chronic urticarized nature, contact dermatitis.
    • Preparations from allergies for children up to the year. What antihistamines are allowed in infants? Tabs are prescribed acceptable dosage forms - drops and syrups. It is also not recommended to use antihistamine preparations of an old generation due to high toxicity and sedation. The dosage of antihistamine drugs depends on body weight and severity of symptoms in allergies. Some syrups (for example, a popular "zyrtek") are allowed to apply only after 6 months. Other funds are allowed from the first months of life: for example, "phenyatil". This is a long-term preparation, with a minimum of side effects, a lot of positive feedback about it. Pediatricians are more often prescribed to infants under the year, proven preparations of 2 generations and with caution apply new pharmacology. For children from year to year, preparations from 3 generation allergies are recommended.

    Medicinal forms of antiallergenic drugs

    A senior child is suitable tablets. Kids - oral droplets and syrups. It is also possible to use local antiallergic drugs: eye drops, nasal sprays, creams, gels, ointments.

    • Tablets from allergies for children. Tablets are the most common form of output anti-allergenic agents. Tablets The child can take from 3 years. But often at this age, the baby still does not know how to swallow the medicine. You can give medicine in crushed form, diluting the powder with water.
    • Drops from allergies for children. This form is convenient for receiving, easily doses using a special vial. There are drops for local treatment of allergic conjunctivitis: "Azelastine", "Gistimet", "Allerger". Also these funds are in the form of nasal spray. Oral drops can also be appointed: "Zirtek", "Phenistil", "Zodak" "Parliament" and others.
    • Allergy syrup for children. Most antihistamines are produced in tablets, but some have an alternative in the form of a syrup: "Loratadine", "Erius", "Zoda", "Claritin", "Lomilan", "Gismanal". Most syrup has age limitations: they cannot be given until breech.
    • Antiallergic ointments for children. This is a large group of drugs that are designed for local treatment and are applied to the affected skin. Neglonal ointments with antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory, drying or softening effect include: "Desitin", "Wundhille", "Solkosaryl", "Histan", "Protopic", zinc, methyluracil ointment, "Eliode", "Radevit", " Phenistil "and others. The doctor may also prescribe antibacterial ointments in secondary bacterial damage to the skin: "Dioxidin", "Arganen", Sulfargin, Dermazin and others. Hormonal oats include: "Histan N", "Skinlight", "Silcaren", "Advantan", "Unide", "Elokom", "Avekort", "Skin-cap".
    • Allergy cream for children. It softens the skin when diaper, atopic dermatitis, helps with peeling and dryness, contributes to the rapid healing of the wound, cracks. The cream may be based on a chemical (most known "Bepanten") or with vegetable components (the most famous "La Cree"). Allergy for newborns recommended hypoallergenic cream "Wastela Stelutopia".
    • Form of injection. With emergency ambulance, when there is a threat of anaphylactic shock, antihistamine injections are recommended. Most of the preparations of all generations are produced in the form of ampoules.


    With great care, you must refer to the use of hormonal ointments and creams. Young children are thin sensitive skinHer permeability is much higher. Even a minor overdose of a hormonal drug can harm the health of the child, lead to an immunosuppressive reaction. The first doses need to be mixed with children's cream and observe the reaction. If a child has occurs, severe redness, the burning is needed to immediately cancel the hormonal agent. In children's allergology, the use of hormonal local drugs based on:

    • hydrocortisone - "Fucenin", "Cortid", "SibIkort", "Oxykort", Lockoid;
    • triamcinolone - "Nazakort", "Florocort", "Foderm", Berlikort;
    • flumetazone - "Sinalar", "Flukort", "Flutsinar" and others.

    Funds from allergies for children appoint a children's doctor. But if you know that a child can have a strong allergic reaction to a bloom of some plant, a product or bite of insects, it is necessary to have an antihistamine drug in the first aid kit.


    When droplets from allergies

    Symptoms of allergies and intolerance are similar, in the first case, the immune system reacts to certain substances, taking them for foreign organism factors. In the second - problems are associated with the lack of enzymes needed to decompose complex compounds falling into the gastrointestinal tract. This occurs intolerance to lactose, fructose and other common food components.

    Varieties of drops from allergies for children:

    • Antihistamines that remove allergy symptoms are inhibited and stopped excretion from inflammatory mediator cells (histidine).
    • Vasomotoring drugs that remove swelling of the mucous membrane. It is not recommended to use such funds more than 5-7 days.
    • Immunomodulating drops that regulate the response of immunity to irritants.
    • Combined drugs responsible for the complex therapeutic effect on the body - anti-allergic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory. This group includes "Vibrocil" drops.

    Antiallergic means must be in the house where children grow. Most often itching and rash is worried about kids, but the teenagers react to insect bites, new products and medicines. The consequences of allergies can be very serious: urticaria, runny nose, sneezing, sometimes, vomiting or diarrhea.

    Indications for the use of antihistamine droplets:

    • allergic reactions when eating, drugs:
    • irritation and rash from insect bites;
    • auxiliary agent for the treatment of eczema;
    • allergic reactions to vaccinations;
    • allergic conjunctivitis;
    • rhinitis, hay fever;
    • hives.

    Antiallergic tool for a child - drops of "phenyatil"

    The active substance of the drug is Maleat Diminden. This antiallergic and anti-inflammatory substance reduces the permeability of capillaries, increasing with an inflammatory process. A sedative effect characteristic of obsolete antihistamine means is weakly expressed.

    Some of the children appointed a pediatrician as a preparation for the planned vaccination. Another kids drops from allergies for children recommended from rash, runny nose, dry cough. All unpleasant symptoms pass in a short period of time, the child behaves quietly - awakes in the afternoon and sleeps well at night.

    Antihistamine drops from allergies for infants very conveniently apply. You can add the recommended amount of a bottle of nutrition, water or juice. Another way is to drop 10-15 undiluted fluid "phenyatil" in a spoon and so give a child 1-6 years. The taste is not clarified, does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

    In the reviews about Phenistil, there is a good tolerability of the means by children and adults. The drug has little contraindications, almost does not cause side effects. Sometimes drowsiness arises, rarely appear disorders of digestion, dryness in the throat and / or oral cavity. The most important contraindications for treating the drug "Phenistil" - the age of the child is less than 1 month, increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, bronchial asthma.

    Drops "Zirtek" or "Zoda" - what is better?

    More and more parents learn from pediatricians, which is a safe and highly efficient means of allergies in children under the year, Zirtek drops. The pharmacy can offer analogues with the same active substance - cetirizin. This is a representative of a new generation of antiallergic agents. Analogs of the drug "Zirtek" - Zodak, "Cetirizin", "Parliament".

    Drops "Zirtek" can be used to treat allergies in children from 6 months, some analogues after 1 year. Among the contraindications to the treatment of cetirizin are mentioned by hypersensitivity to composite components, renal failure, bronchospasm. Drops "ZodaK" are completely similar to the drug "Zirtek" on the active substance, the list of indications and contraindications, therapeutic effect. Zodak is produced by leading European drug manufacturers, the price is approximately 3 lower than that of Zirtek drops.

    Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis

    Rubber and tear are listed among the most likely immunity reactions to various factors. The general is that symptoms may arise on the same stimuli, often manifest seasonally. There are undercrow, acute and chronic forms of the disease. At the very beginning of the treatment, doctors in collaboration with parents are trying to establish the type of allergen, which caused an excessive immunity reaction. In the case of allergic conjunctivitis, in addition to consulting a pediatrician and an allergist, an inspection of an ophthalmologist is necessary.

    Often there are difficulties in diagnosis and treatment, a great risk of a legend in chronic form. Discomfort is associated with nasal embezzlement, redness and dry eye, runny nose. Often these symptoms are observed together with the discharge of varying degrees of viscosity. If an infection is joined, then the pus is accumulated in the corners of the eye, dryness and painful sensations occur.

    To completely eliminate the interaction with irritating substances that cause allergies, it is not always possible. First of all, dangerous flowering of herbs and trees on the street, chemical additives in food. Assist to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of antiallergic drops. In the chronic form of the disease, doctors can still appoint a medical correction of the immune system.


    Principles of antihistamine

    The origin of allergies in the human body is associated with its contact with certain components, which leads to the release of various forms of active substances. They are the cause of allergic manifestations. Among these active substances, histamine has the highest activity, which in the usual state is in a calm phase inside the "fat" cells.

    Antihistamines are aimed at these cells. They reduce the amount of making histamine and associate an active histamine, which managed to work out when contacting allergens. Neutralization of this active substance helps to significantly reduce the manifestations of allergies.

    Let's summarize. The main goal of means against allergy is prevented or eliminated allergic symptoms, by binding histamine in the human body.

    Prevention of allergic manifestations using allergy

    Prevention of allergies using antihistamine means does not always bring one hundred percent result. Eating from allergies will not save completely from the effects of a certain allergen, but reduce manifestations for the body. Is the child who is allergic to citrus? Then no need to give him an orange slice along with a tablet of Supratin. The correct solution is the complete elimination of contacts with allergens. But sometimes avoiding such contacts does not come out (for example, allergic to floral dust at a certain time of the year), so you have to give the baby antihistamines as prevention.

    Classification of antihistamine

    Some allergy medications are applied for many years. They already have enough long-positive effect of treating various manifestations of allergies. But all pharmacological companies constantly produce new antihistamines under their own names. Therefore, you need to know several synonyms of classical drugs, learn them from a kindergarten or ask the pharmacist in the pharmacy kiosk. For example, Clemestine is the same drug as Tuevela, and Pipolfen is a brother of Diprage.

    All antihistamines are produced in the form of droplets, tablets, syrups or capsules. Also occurs a diploma in the form of anal candles. With particularly acute flow of allergies, the use of injections is possible. For this, the injections of Dimedrol, Supratin, Diprazine and Tueguil are usually used.

    Is your child - Allergic? Then you just need to constantly have the necessary antihistamines in a home aid kit, which is appointed a children's doctor. The faster you give your child these medicines, the easier and safer will be in the children's body an allergic reaction.

    Side Effects of Antihistamines

    Unfortunately, all means from allergies possess not only antiallergic action, but also a number of other side effects. The most pronounced is a sedative effect, which is manifested when receiving antihistamine. A number of funds from allergies have a soothing and sleeping pills. People's "Doctors" use this for their own purposes and take antihistamines as soothing or sleeping equipment.

    It should also be noted that it is necessary to take similar types of drugs with extremely careful of those who need a sharp response. For example, drivers should carefully come true against allergies. The doctor will definitely offer them alternative drugs that have a less pronounced soothing effect (phencarol, diazoline).

    Another of the side effects of antihistamine is their ability to enhance the effects of other drugs on the human body. Quite often, doctors use this property of antihistamine preparations to enhance the effect of anesthetic or antipyretic effect. All often met the favorite combination of analgin and diphrol, which use ambulance doctors.

    Unauthorized use of antihistamine drugs can lead to a dangerous overdose, which can cause loss of consciousness, disrupt movement coordination. The combination of antihistamine means together with alcohol is extremely unpredictable! No one accurately predicts the effects of such a mixture on the human body. There are even consequences in the form of lethargic dreams or hallucinogenic white hot.

    Also, some means against allergies are able to have the effect of "drying" mucous membranes. Suchness in the oral cavity is unpleasant, but quite a tolerant thing. But the fact that antihistamines make wet in lungs more viscous, make dangerous drugs for use in acute respiratory diseases. The inappropriate use of these drugs can lead to a variety of hazardous complications (for example, pneumonia).

    There are other side effects in individual antihistamine. All of them are known to doctors, but not willingly disclose ordinary people to avoid the rapid use of these drugs by folk methods.

    Treatment of allergies in children up to the year of life

    At the very first manifestations of allergies, the infants should be immediately shown to the children's doctor! He will be able to choose the desired drug, ideally suitable for your child. Self-treatment of allergies categorically contraindicated! Simple folk remedies It is possible to cure babies, but it is also possible to apply irreparable harm to their health. Treatment should hold a highly qualified children's doctor.

    All means against allergies are divided into three generations, featuring the principle of their action.

    The anti-allergic means of generations have a considerable speed of their action and the same high speed of exit from the body. Therefore, they have to use quite often so that the accumulative effect appears.

    List of generation i generation:

    • phenistil is drops that are perfect for newborn children from 1 month.
    • suprastin for children from year. Pigeons treatment is possible only under the supervision of a pediatrician.
    • dimeedrol is recommended for newborn children from 7 months.
    • fencarol from 3 years.
    • diazoline from 2 years.
    • clemstine from 6 years.
    • tAVEGIL is recommended for children from 6 years.

    Pigeons treatment with generation II gives the most positive results. These antihistamines do not possess such a bright sedative effect, how the preparations I generation are famous. In addition, the II generation acts much longer and the reception is possible to make only 1 time per day.

    List of generation II drugs:

    • claritin is recommended for children over 2 years old.
    • zirtek exists in the form of droplets for newborn children from 6 months, and in the form of tablets for children from 6 years.
    • erius is a syrup that is suitable for children over 1 year old, and in the form of tablets - from 12 years.

    III generation of antihistamine funds is the strongest. These funds are mainly used when long-term treatment is required. With the help of these drugs it is possible to cure even chronic allergic reactions.

    List of generation 3 drugs:

    • terfenadine is produced in the form of a suspension. Recommended for children over 3 years old. This drug is also represented in the form of tablets for children from 6 years.
    • asthemisol - for children from 2 years.

    Other types of drugs against allergies

    In addition to the listed drugs against allergies, there are other drugs: cromons, ointments and homeopathy. Cromons are engaged in adjusting the excretion of histamine fat cells. The huge plus of these medicinal substances is that they do not have side effects. The only drawbacks is the accumulative system, so the treatment takes several weeks. For example, in order to cure a child from allergies to flowering plants, you should begin to give Kromon's baby two weeks before the start of flowering.

    Also in allergic manifestations perfectly help different kinds Outflows. Flutcinar can be used from the urbin, the hydrocortisal ointment will help with psoriasis or eczema, and the advantan can easily cope with dermatitis. Homoopathic agents against allergies combine scientific laboratory research with folk methods for the treatment of allergic reactions. Homeopathy is auxiliary treatment, but it does not have any third-party effects.


    At what age is allergic can manifest

    Allergic in children for the first time may appear during the newborn period. As allergens, a wide variety of stimuli is:

    • Food components that fall into the organism of crumbs together with maternal milk;
    • Artificial mixtures;
    • Detergents and caring means - powder, soap, cream, powder.
    • Medicines.

    In the age of 5-6 months, the first episodes of allergies are often associated with the introduction of new types of food or non-compliance with the Rules of Doctors.

    In hereditary predisposition to allergies, the organism of the crumbs can react to household dust, animal saliva protein and a number of other allergens.

    The high probability of developing allergic reactions in young children is also associated with the fact that their immune, the digestive system is not yet fully developed, and skin is thin and sensitive.

    Allergies in the kids most often manifests itself with changes in the skin - rash, itching, sections of peeling and redness.

    In food intolerance, the baby may have colic, a frequent chair or the opposite of constipation, joining, vomiting.

    Respiratory manifestations of allergic reactions in the form of a runny nose, congestion of nasal strokes, cough, suffocation more often on household dust, plants micro-mask.

    In severe cases, the kids of the first months may arise bronchial asthma.

    As a rule, this disease is fixed in children with hereditary predisposition.

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