• Drawing a Christmas tree in the preparatory group. Topic of the week “New Year is coming. How to draw a Christmas tree: drawing a Christmas tree with felt-tip pens with children


    Summary of organized artistic and creative activities with children in a preparatory group for school. Theme: "Christmas toys"

    Software content:

    Arouse interest in the upcoming New Year holidays.
    Develop communication skills, improve the lexical side of speech.
    Repeat the safety rules for decorating the Christmas tree.
    Expanding the horizons of children: acquaintance with the old custom of making toys for the Christmas tree.
    Raise the desire to participate in the design of the holiday tree.
    Improve the technique of salted dough embossing.
    Develop creativity.

    Preliminary work:

    Reading fiction on winter theme... Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image of a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations.

    Vocabulary work:

    Homemade toys, an old custom.

    Materials, tools, equipment:

    Flat cardboard balls on a string, salted colored dough (red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white), stacks, felt-tip pen caps, a cloth, a glass of water, a brush No. 2, beads, beads, a treat.

    Introductory part:

    Children enter to the New Year's melody, sit down at the tables. A knock on the door. The postman comes in and gives the letter.


    Guys, a letter to you: "Children of the preparatory group of kindergarten № 11" Geese-Swans ". Who is it from? Let's open and find out what is in it (I print it, take out a sheet of paper, read it):

    “Hello dear guys!
    The new year is coming soon. My faithful friend a snowman will bring a fluffy Christmas tree to your hall. I prepared toys for you for the Christmas tree, but then an angry blizzard came and broke all the toys. How to decorate the Christmas tree now? Guys, help me, make toys for the Christmas tree. Thank you in advance. Wait for me on the holiday.
    Your Santa Claus. "


    Guys, do you think we can help Santa Claus?



    And what can you decorate a Christmas tree with?


    Toys, firecrackers, garlands ...


    Is it possible to decorate a Christmas tree with lighted candles? What could happen?



    That's right, of course you can't decorate the tree with candles.


    And this is how Korney Chukovsky decorated the Christmas tree so beautifully, the poem is called "About the Christmas tree":

    Would be at the Christmas tree
    Would she run
    Along the path.
    Would she dance
    Together with us,
    She would knock
    With heels.
    Would spin on a Christmas tree
    Toys -
    Colorful lanterns
    Would turn around on a Christmas tree
    From crimson and silver
    Laugh at the Christmas tree
    Nesting dolls
    And they would clap for joy
    In the palms.
    Because tonight
    At the gate
    Knocked merry
    New Year!
    New, new,
    With a gold beard!


    Guys, do you know that there used to be such an old custom to make homemade toys: firecrackers, eggshell fish, foil stars, houses, huts, garlands ...

    Let us also decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys. For this we need: a flat ball on a string, colored dough, beads, beads, caps, stacks and your imagination. Look, these balls (showing cardboard balls) will they look beautiful on the tree?



    And why?


    They are not beautiful…


    How can you decorate them?


    Christmas trees, hearts, a snowman ...


    Well done, indeed our balls can be decorated in different ways, but in order for us to work well, let's knead our fingers a little.

    Finger gymnastics "Yolochka"

    Before us is a Christmas tree:
    (fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree")

    Bumps, needles.
    (cams, index fingers exposed)

    Balls, lanterns,
    ("Balls" from the fingers - up, down)

    Bunnies and candles
    ("Ears" from the index and middle fingers; both palms folded, fingers clenched)

    Stars, little people.
    (palms folded, fingers extended; middle and index fingers are on the table)


    And now each of you let him think about how he will decorate his balloon, what he will need for this and can get to work (I distribute balloons).

    The main part of the lesson:

    I turn on the New Year's melody. I go up to each child and ask what he will sculpt. I give advice to children who find it difficult to conceive.

    Final part:

    Children bring their works for viewing (put on the table).

    Analysis of the lesson:


    Guys, who remembered what toys they used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?
    Who loved decorating Christmas balls today?
    Who found it difficult at work?

    Well done, you all turned out unusual christmas toys... We still have a few days before the holiday, so our toys will have time to dry, and then we will decorate the Christmas tree with them. I think your toys will look very nice on the tree.

    A knock on the door - a crow flies in.


    Kar-kar-kar. Hello, friends! And I flew in from Santa Claus to find out if you fulfilled his request.



    Well done, what wonderful toys you made for the tree, how beautiful ... kar-kar-kar. For the excellent work, Santa Claus sent you a treat.


    Thank you very much crow and Santa Claus for the treat.


    Goodbye, guys. Kar-kar-kar. (The crow flies away).

    About everything in the world:

    In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

    Section materials

    Lessons for the younger group:

    Classes for the middle group.

    Abstract of a lesson in fine arts - activities in senior group « Christmas tree»

    Purpose: Strengthen the ability to draw a Christmas tree.

    Teach children to correctly depict its trunk, branches, fluffy needles.

    Develop color perception.

    Materials: artificial Christmas tree with balls; a scheme for the phased drawing of a Christmas tree (trunk, needles on the left, on the right, brush, napkins, anti-roll jars, paints, sheets of paper, bunny toy.

    The teacher reads a poem by O. Vysotskaya

    Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

    Our garden has become quiet.

    And birches and aspens

    Boring ones stand.

    Only one Christmas tree

    Cheerful and green.

    Apparently she is not afraid of frost,

    It is evident that she is brave.

    Ignited. Guys, let's remember with you now, and what trees do we know? What tree do we put on New Years? (Christmas tree)


    Ignited. Listen to the riddle carefully, and tell me who it is:

    I stand in the taiga on one leg

    bumps on top, bears below,

    In winter and summer, green

    a dress with needles, and I am called (Christmas tree)


    Oh, guys, look, and who is hiding behind the Christmas tree? (bunny).

    Guys, the bunny says that he is in a hurry not to be late for NG, he is getting ready to come to the forest to choose a Christmas tree, to dress up at home. Tired and fell asleep under the chosen tree. Guys, we can't give him our Christmas tree! (not). Now let's draw a Christmas tree for him, he will take it home and decorate it at home.

    (Put a Christmas tree on the table) - Come on, we will first consider it: what are its branches, needles? What colour? What are the decorations on the tree?

    Physical minutes "Snowball"

    One, two, three, four, (bend fingers, starting with the thumb)

    You and I made a snowball. (sculpt, changing the position of the palms)

    Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, squeeze palms together, stroke one palm with the other)

    And not at all sweet. (shake your finger)

    Once - toss. (throw a snowball up)

    Two - we'll catch. (sit down, catch a snowball)

    Three - drop (get up, drop the snow)

    And ... let's break it. (stomp)

    Ignited. Invite the children to draw a Christmas tree together with the teacher. (The teacher draws in stages, according to the scheme)

    While drawing, remind children how to hold the brush, how to paint, dip the brush into a jar of water, wipe the wet brush on a napkin (no paint). Help with difficulty.

    Conclusion: - Guys, who came to visit us? -What did we draw for the bunny?

    At the end of the lesson, praise everyone

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    How to draw a Christmas tree: drawing a Christmas tree with felt-tip pens with children

    The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentieva, a reader of the Native Path website, a technology teacher, head of the children's creativity circle, a participant in our Internet Workshop of developing games “Through play - to success!”.

    Invite your child to draw as a gift to a friend, loved ones, relatives new year card with festive Christmas trees, balls, beads, beautiful toys!

    Before drawing, consider the Christmas tree in the picture with your child: it has a trunk (what color, shape it is), there are green fluffy thorny branches. The crown of the Christmas tree is prickly, with needles, similar in shape to a triangle: at the bottom it is wide, and at the top, on the top of the tree, it is narrow. The branches do not go from the very bottom of the tree, but start a little higher, so below the ground we see the trunk of the tree.

    We draw a Christmas tree with children with felt-tip pens: materials and tools

    To work you need:

    - white album sheet,

    - markers,

    - a simple pencil,

    - ruler.

    We draw a Christmas tree with children with felt-tip pens: a step-by-step description

    When drawing a Christmas tree this way with young children, give your child a ready-made template. Let him circle it (instead of step 1 and step 2).

    Step 1

    Fold the album sheet in half. In the center, draw an isosceles triangle.

    To do this, draw a thin vertical line in the center of the postcard, barely visible to the eye. At the top of the line, put a point - the top of the triangle. At the bottom of the postcard, draw a horizontal line, on which, from a thin line to the left and right, set aside equal segments, for example, 4 cm each. Connect their ends to the top. Thus, we get an isosceles triangle, i.e. a triangle with two sides equal to each other with a base of 8 cm.

    Step 2

    Draw a rectangle or square of your choice under the Christmas tree, also focusing on the central thin line - this is the trunk of the Christmas tree.

    Step 3

    In the background, behind the Christmas tree, draw two more triangles.

    Step 4

    And now the most interesting work begins! You need to dream up and come up with outfits for the Christmas trees. In the article we give examples of Christmas tree outfits, you can think of other Christmas tree outfits.

    Divide the central Christmas tree with inclined stripes. As a result, we get such cells.

    Step 5

    Select markers of green shades and paint over the resulting cells with green markers of two shades in a checkerboard pattern.

    And you can first draw on a white background in each cell, for example, balls, beads with bright felt-tip pens, and then paint over the remaining places in the cells in green... We will test this option in the next step.

    Step 6

    Draw circles of different sizes on one Christmas tree. And on the other - wavy lines going from top to bottom.

    Step 7

    Color the circles according to your idea. And paint over the space in the triangle between the circles with a green felt-tip pen of a different shade so that this tree does not merge with the first.

    Step 8

    Color the wavy lines with green felt-tip pens of different shades. Draw circles, diamonds, asterisks between the lines - everything that your imagination tells you.

    Step 9

    Paint the distance between wavy lines in different shades green color. Paint over the barrel with brown felt-tip pens 2 - 3 shades. Draw the lines from top to bottom. Decorate the central Christmas tree as your imagination tells you. Or you can glue multi-colored sequins.

    Our postcard is ready! We admire the beauty and put the card in a gift box for the New Year! Such outfits for Christmas trees were invented by seven-year-old Nastya.

    Creative task:

    - What techniques can be used to design such a postcard?

    - Draw triangular Christmas trees and paint them with paints or pencils. And you can combine several methods at once, for example, paints with felt-tip pens, or crayons, or all methods together. Imagine!

    - Make triangular Christmas trees using colored paper applique technique and decorate them with sequins, beads, beads, rhinestones. You will learn how to make an original application of a triangular Christmas tree for a postcard from the article.

    - Learn with your child poems about the Christmas tree for the New Year's holiday. A selection of 38 poems about the Christmas tree for children from 2 to 7 years old can be found in the article.

    Good luck with your creativity !!!

    How to draw a Christmas tree: ways to draw a Christmas tree with paints and pencils

    There are a lot of ways to picture a Christmas tree. Below in the pictures you will see some of them. But you can come up with your own method based on the data below the tables and pictures. Imagine, try, don't be afraid to experiment! Think of what character your tree will be, how you will reflect it in line, in its shape, color.

    We draw a Christmas tree with paints and pencils: the first way to draw

    We draw a Christmas tree with paints and pencils: the second way of drawing

    Program tasks:
    Educational: continue to introduce children to an unconventional way of drawing - printing matchbox, drawing with pokes of different shapes and sizes.
    Developing:develop in children aesthetic perception, the ability to convey the phenomena of reality with the help different materials; enrich vocabulary; to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe season - winter, about the New Year's holiday.
    Educational: foster responsiveness, benevolence, arouse interest in artistic and creative activities.
    Material: tinted paper, gouache, matchbox, fruit net poke, cocktail tube poke, napkins.
    Preliminary work: toning of paper.
    Equipment: screen, projector, laptop, slide presentation "About winter", a letter from a bunny.
    Course of the lesson:-Children, what time of year is it? That's right, do you like winter? Why do you love winter?
    - Have you ever been to the winter forest? Want to visit? Aren't you afraid to freeze?
    Then close your eyes and imagine that we are in a winter forest ...
    We came to the winter forest.
    How many miracles are around here!
    On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat,
    On the left, a fir tree looks at us.
    Snowflakes are spinning in the sky
    They fall beautifully on the ground.
    See how beautiful it is! (slideshow, music playing)
    Do you like the beauty of the winter forest? What did you see there? (winter trees, a lot of snow). Guys, did you notice that trees with leaves grow in one forest - they are called deciduous, and in another - only fir trees and pines, such a forest is called coniferous, and there is a forest in which both trees grow, such a forest called mixed.
    - Are you cold? Let's warm each other up a little. Join hands, is it warmer? This is because you shared your warmth with your friends!
    -Guys, what is it here with us? What is it? A letter, I wonder from whom do you think? (there is a carrot on the envelope). Probably from a bunny. Let's read what he writes to us. He reads the letter: “Hello, children! My bunnies and I live in a forest where only deciduous trees, birches, maples grow, but soon the holiday is New Year and we also want to dance around the Christmas tree, look for gifts under it, but Christmas trees do not grow in our forest. After all, a spruce is a coniferous tree. Could you help us? "
    -Guys, how can we help the rabbits, what can we do? Of course, we can draw a beautiful Christmas tree and decorate it with New Year's toys.
    - Do you like to draw? What do you paint with?
    Well done, and today I invite you to be extraordinary artists, because we will not paint with brushes, but with magical objects. And they are magical because amazing drawings are obtained with their help. Look at the table, what do you see there? That's right, a matchbox, a straw for juice, pokes and paints. All of them will help us draw today.
    -How can you draw a Christmas tree with a box of matches? See how I draw it (show).
    -To make our Christmas tree truly New Year's, let's decorate it with toys, balls, garlands. But we will only draw balls with our fingers, and around the Christmas tree we will draw snowflakes and a snowball. Do you agree?
    - Let's remember how to use paint? And why do we need napkins? Everything you paint with will be put on these plates.
    -Before starting work, you need to stretch our fingers, let's play with them.
    Finger play - massage "Boy - finger"
    Finger boy, where have you been
    Where did you go with your brothers?
    - With this I was lying in the snow,
    - I rode down the hill with this,
    - I walked with this in the forest,
    - I played snowballs with that.
    We are all fingers-friends
    Where they are - there I am!
    -Well, now our fingers are ready, come to the tables.
    Children draw to the music of PI Tchaikovsky "Seasons - Winter"
    -Each of you drew a beautiful picture, well done! Now the bunny and his friends can also celebrate the New Year near a beautiful elegant Christmas tree!

    What's your mood?
    - In! (show thumb). Let's give our good mood
    others. (Children blow the mood off the palm).

    List of used literature:
    -M.A. Parnakh "Lessons of Fine Arts" (course of educational activities for children preschool age) Moscow-2000.
    -AVNikitina “Non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. A guide for educators and parents ", SPb .: KARO, 2007.
    -AAFateeva "Drawing without a brush" (practical application) Yaroslavl, Academy of Development 2006
    - AE Belaya, VI Miryasova "We play with our fingers and develop speech", Publishing house Phlox 1995.

    Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group.

    "Secrets of the Winter Forest"

    Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

    Integration educational areas : "Artistic - aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

    Types of children's activities: communicative, productive.

    Purpose: teaching children unconventional technique drawing: drawing by the poke method (with a hard semi-dry brush) and crumpled paper.



    Exercise children in the ability to draw a Christmas tree, using different visual drawing techniques in one drawing: the poke method (hard semi-dry brush), the method of drawing with crumpled paper.

    Strengthen the ability to properly hold the brush, rinse it after using the paint.


    Develop aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition;

    Develop sensory skills - coordination and fine motor skills of the hands, when drawing;

    Develop accuracy when working with paints;

    Develop children's imagination, the ability to convey the color of winter.


    To cultivate self-confidence, in their creative abilities;

    Foster responsiveness, a desire to help;

    To educate children to love nature through the visual arts.

    Characters:Fairy-Keeper of the winter forest, children.

    Equipment: 4 tables, chairs, easel, projector, tape recorder with audio recording, e-mail from the snow queen, gifts from residents.

    Materials:Tinted album sheets with stenciled Christmas trees drawn in advance. Album, gouache, hard brushes, napkins, jars of water, palette, paper for snowballs.

    GCD move:

    Fairy - Hello guys! I am a fairy Keeper of a magical winter forest, but everyone calls me Olga Igorevna. And I came to you because a disaster struck in my winter forest. And the inhabitants of the forest, my animal helpers, directed me specifically to you. They are sure that you will help because you are strong, smart, brave. See what happened ...

    (the Snow Queen appears on the projector)

    Snow. TO. I'll wave my stick

    I'll take the outfit from the trees!

    May they become colorless

    cold, gray, pale.

    So that your forest stands still forever

    I took your paints!

    Conversation after watching the video:

    Fairy:Well! What should we do now? How to continue to be? Maybe you can tell us how to revive the forest?

    Children's options.

    Fairy: Good. Guys, let's go together to my magic meadow. There I have everything that will help revitalize the forest: return color to the trees. Do you know what color we need?

    Children: Green!

    Everyone goes to the clearing: colorless Christmas trees are drawn on separate sheets of paper. And 2 open paints blue and yellow, a palette, a brush, a jar of water.

    Fairy- And here the Snow Queen applied her sorcery! But no matter how hard she tried, two colors still remained. What kind?

    Children's answers : (blue and yellow remain)

    Fairy - Two colors, two colors

    Guys, is this a lot?

    Where can we get the green color?

    And if we mix colors on the palette?

    We'll mix blue and yellow

    What color do we get?

    Children: Green!

    (paint is mixed only by Fairy and got green color)

    Fairy:We got the color we needed. Let's each take a Christmas tree and paint it to bring our forest to life. I invite you to the creative workshop of little artists. Come in and have a seat.

    Children take jobs. The fairy reminds of a beautiful and correct posture at the table, as well as accuracy when drawing. (Sleeves)

    Fairy: Here comes the green paint! Guys, but first we need to trace our Christmas tree around with our finger, this will help you see the border of the color distribution. Now look how I will animate the tree with the poke method.

    The teacher shows the drawing process and speaks.

    Fairy:I take the tassel near the skirt and hold it upright. Then I paint the green paint with the tip of the brush on the palette. Then, with the tip of the brush, I begin to draw a Christmas tree, while the brush easily jumps over the sheet. After painting, rinse the brushes and place them on the stand.

    Now try it yourself.

    Children draw to the accompaniment of music. The teacher observes and works individually with each child.

    Fairy: Guys, yes you are real wizards, together we were able to conjure our Christmas trees. They are now green again. And the forest dwellers were so happy that they invite us to dance with them.

    Phys. minute accompanied by music and forest dwellers.

    Fairy: Guys, while we were dancing, the forest animals told me.

    That the forest woke up, roused itself, but in winter it did not turn around!

    That the forest woke up, woke up, but it did not turn into winter!

    Let's go back to our places, look at our drawings and think that we still forgot to draw!

    He's fluffy, silvery

    But don't touch him with your hand

    Will become a drop of pure

    As you catch it in the palm of your hand. Guess guys what I mean?

    Children: About snow!

    Fairy: What color is the snow?

    Children: White.

    Fairy: Well here we have destroyed witchcraft Snow Queen… Yes, here's the white paint appeared. In order to draw snow, please take the leaves that are near you and turn them into snowballs.

    The children crumple the paper with the fairy.

    One two three four ,

    We quickly blinded snowballs.

    Fairy:And now we have snowballs that will help us draw snow. And then our forest will become winter. Look how I, with my snowball, using the wetting method, collect white paint on the palette, and, pressing down, paint snow. This drawing technique is called crumpled paper drawing. You can distribute the snow all over the sheet, and be sure to draw a lot of snow on the ground to make snowdrifts.

    Now try it too!

    Children draw snow with the help of lumps under the muses. escort

    F: Well done! Now put your snowballs in the basket and be sure to wipe the paint off your fingers with napkins. And now, let's take our Christmas trees, take them to my magic meadow and see what happened.

    Fairy: Guys, look, our forest has come to life and played with colors. You are real magicians ... Thank you for helping to unravel the secrets of the winter forest and

    defeat the sorcery of the Snow Queen. After all, good always triumphs over evil!

    Fairy: And what helped to defeat witchcraft?


    Fairy: What have we done to help the winter forest?

    Children: They drew.

    Fairy: What did we paint with?

    Children: Tassels and paper.

    Fairy: That's right, guys, we painted with a hard brush using the poke technique and crumpled paper.

    The projector turns on with a screensaver of a busy winter forest and its inhabitants.

    Fairy: And on the other hand, that you helped me, the forest people and I want to thank you and give gifts that will help you develop your creativity.

    In the process of giving gifts to children, celebrate everyone for their initiative and active participation.

    Fairy: Well, now, it's time for us to say goodbye. We will definitely meet with you again. Goodbye! (Children go to the group to the music).

    Municipal budget educational institution kindergarten №3 "Alyonushka"

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