• Interesting ideas from threads. How else can you use yarn other than knitting? Nitkography: do-it-yourself thread paintings for the New Year


    This section presents creative works made from threads using various styles: thread printing, applique from cut threads, crafts from pompoms.

    Most of the crafts in the section's publications are provided with detailed descriptions of their execution and accompanied by colorful photographs. Not only kittens and children like to play with balls. You can make very beautiful figures from multi-colored yarn. These can be folklore motanka dolls; chickens, bullfinches and other birds; mobiles for seasonal interior decoration. Some of the thread crafts described in this section will serve as excellent toys for kids. And hundreds of options for creating applications from colored threads are suitable for creative activities, even with young children. Also pay attention to thread crafts created for interior decoration.

    Magic ways to use threads and yarn - at MAAM.

    Contained in sections:
    Includes sections:
    • Isothread. Schemes and works using the technique of thread graphics. Thread embroidery on cardboard

    Showing publications 1-10 of 1308.
    All sections | Crafts from threads. Pompoms, yarn, isothread, thread printing

    Master class “Making a toy from a pompom” Master class on the topic "Making toys from pompom» Target: to develop the ability to make a toy from pompom; - introduce colleagues to making toys from pompom : - give recommendations for playing games with toys from pom-poms. Equipment: Cardboard, scissors, yarn, colored...

    Presentation of the master class “Bird made of woolen threads” Zukhra Piterskaya Master class "Birds made of wool thread» Master class for parents and children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions "Birds made of wool thread» Prepared: teacher of the 1st qualification category of the Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution "Kindergarten...

    Crafts from threads. Pompoms, yarn, isothread, thread printing - Didactic game for children of early and primary preschool age “Match the thread to the ball”

    Publication “Didactic game for children of early and primary preschool age...” Do-it-yourself didactic game for children of early and primary preschool age “Pick a thread to the ball” Author: teacher of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 25 of the Vichuga city district Ekaterina Andreevna Lebedeva. Tasks:...

    Image library "MAAM-pictures"

    As part of introducing children to the traditions of our ancestors, it was decided to make a motanka doll from threads. Such a doll looks like a little man: it has a head, arms, a torso, and if it is a boy doll, then legs. Initially, our Slavic ancestors made such dolls...

    Appliques for children made from finely chopped wool threads. Master class gr.16. Purpose: Creating a painting as a gift, decoration. Objectives: To promote the development of creative abilities. Develop fine motor skills, visual and tactile perception. Cultivate attention...

    Flower tears - Dewdrops on the leaves Flowers, like stars, Brightly painted with a heavenly brush. They sparkle and radiate. Heaven's gift to us lies on our hearts. (Larisa Kuzminskaya) The purpose of the master class: to show how to make an original pendant. The material will be useful:...

    Crafts from threads. Pompoms, yarn, isothread, thread printing - Master class on drawing with cut woolen threads “Dandelions”

    Summer is an unforgettable, bright time of year. I associate our northern summer with a yellow field of dandelions. Drawing using non-traditional techniques always evokes positive emotions in children. Also, the use of non-traditional drawing techniques develops figurative...

    Knitting yarn is a tape that is a thick thread made from natural cotton. She gained the greatest fame among those who like spaghetti knitting. Because of its nickname, many believe that the yarn originated in Italy, but in fact it was first used...

    Elena Frolova Photo report on the acquaintance of children of the senior group with a new type of artistic and creative activity - the "isothread" technique Elena Frolova Photo report on the acquaintance of the children of the senior group with a new type of artistic and creative activity - the "isothread" technique Isothread -...

    Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Beautiful flags on a string” Drawing lesson in the second junior group “Beautiful flags on a string” Natalya Kosetchenkova Program content: teach children to draw rectangular objects with separate vertical and horizontal lines; introduce the rectangular shape; continue...

    Compositions made from pompoms are very interesting. You can use any yarn for such crafts, either new or the remnants of old unraveled yarn; boucle, fleecy, and smooth will do. Pompoms always come out soft, fluffy, and funny. How do you like the possibility of thread writing? This is an original idea when real colored threads are used instead of pencils or paints. They are laid out on the glue in parallel or in pieces.

    Many crafts can later be given to your family and friends as a nice souvenir for the holidays. Agree that a gift made by the hands of a child is the most expensive and touching. And the resulting fluffies can be used like real toys. The value of such a thing for a child will be much higher than the value of a toy bought in a store. After all, it took so much effort, time and patience to make it.

    Sometimes needlewomen are faced with a problem when a large number of small balls of thread or yarn remain, from which it is no longer possible to make anything worthwhile.

    They often put all these skeins in a basket or bag, leaving them for the period when they finally figure out what to do with these small balls.

    We confidently declare: after reading our article, you will no longer have to rack your brains over this issue, because we will provide you with several interesting ideas for using threads and yarn to decorate the interior of your own home with crafts made from woolen knitting threads and ordinary fine yarn.

    This hobby was invented a long time ago and quickly spread throughout the world due to its practicality, because it is impossible to calculate a skein of thread in such a way as to use it down to the centimeter. In addition, in ancient times, threads were the only way to make and give a doll to a child.

    Now there is no such problem. The modern market offers a bunch of toys that can amaze your baby with their originality and uniqueness, but how can at least one of them compare with the one you made with your own hands, and into which you have invested a piece of your soul and boundless motherly love.

    Well, if you make this masterpiece of handicraft together with your baby, then the process of making crafts from threads with your own hands will forever remain in his memory as one of the warmest moments in life.

    From threads you can make not only thread crafts for children in the form of various dolls, cute animal figures, but also paintings, vases or decorations for lamps.

    Let's look at a few master classes that will make you a real master in this field.

    Yarn paintings

    If you don’t know how to use many small pieces of thread that are no longer enough for pompoms and kititsa, then make a picture from them. You don't need a large amount of materials for this. All you need is scissors, cardboard and glue, and don’t forget about the threads themselves.

    Follow the algorithm of our lesson, and you are guaranteed an excellent result:

    • On the cardboard, trace the contours of the pattern that will be created with threads. If you have printed the finished picture, then stick it on top of the cardboard.
    • Now you have a long job ahead of you. It is necessary to cut all the threads into small, small pieces. Entrust this task to your child or do it with him. This will amuse him and at the same time force him to work a little. All pieces need to be sorted by color.
    • Now start creating the painting. To do this, step by step, lay out threads of the same color on a heavily glued area of ​​the design.
    • This must be continued until there is not a single empty space left in the picture.
    • Let the masterpiece dry and you can safely hang it on the wall!

    Yarn flowers

    If you have some floss or iris threads left, you can use them to create crafts from a ball or paper and threads in the shape of flowers of incredible beauty.

    To do this, you will only need threads, glue, a piece of newspaper, which we will use as a blank, scissors and wire.

    If you want to make the flowers something original, grab ribbons and beads. Let's start our master class on crafts made from threads.

    Manufacturing instructions

    • Create blanks for flowers. This is quite simple to do: you just need to crumple a large piece of paper or newspaper and make a ball out of it.
    • We will wind a thread soaked in glue around this homemade ball. We decided to create a composition of delicate white bells, so we needed a skein of white threads or floss threads with blue and white inserts. This combination will look very interesting and gentle.
    • Once the ball reaches a large enough size and there are no gaps or “bald” areas on it, you should let it dry.
    • After a few hours, you can return to working on your craft. Now you need to carefully cut off the excess from the ball, giving it the shape of a flower, in our case, a bell.
    • Carefully thread the wire through these buds and secure each bell to it, decorating the fastening area with beads.
    • To hide our wire stem, we again soak the thread with glue, this time we take a green thread and wind it around the wire.

    Below you can see photos of crafts made from threads. We hope that, inspired by one of them, you will be able to create your own masterpiece.

    Photos of crafts made from threads



    Various options for crafts made from threads

    The first thing that comes to mind when looking at threads is knitting. But you can make very beautiful products from any threads without using a hook or knitting needles.

    This could be various jewelry in the form of earrings, hair clips or scarves, as well as items for your home interior that will make it special.

    I offer some interesting ideas for things that you can make from threads with your own hands.

    Accessories made from threads

    Thread hairpin

    Most girls go to many stores to find a beautiful and unusual hair decoration. Hairpins and elastic bands are the most popular jewelry for women's hair.

    In order to make this accessory yourself you will need:

    • threads;
    • buttons;
    • rubber;
    • decorative elements.

    Preparation method:

    Wrap the thread around two fingers. Choose the thickness of the ball yourself. Once you have decided, rewind it once or twice in the middle. You should now have a bow. Glue a button in the middle. Its size should harmoniously fit into the size of the bow. Attach the resulting braid to an automatic or hair elastic. If desired, you can take several types of threads. Also suitable for decoration are beads and artificial pearl sequins.

    Wrist bracelets

    If you have old bracelets that have lost their appearance, do not throw them away. You can make interesting new products from them. Such decorations will only be available in one copy.

    To work you will need:

    • bright threads;
    • glue;
    • beads or other decorative elements.

    Manufacturing process:

    To make a new design, use threads of the desired color. Wrap them so that the base is not visible between the steps of the material. Secure the ends of the weave with super glue. But so that they are not visible. Decorate with beads, shiny sequins or decorative flowers.


    We all know that knitted scarves are very beautiful and stylish. For those who do not know how to knit, you can make a scarf with your own hands without knitting needles. If you need it only as a decoration, then this option is exactly what you need. Take the thickness of the thread that interests you and weave it into a thick braid. Try to keep the bindings the same distance. The weaving should not be very tight. Otherwise, the final result will be a loss of volume of the product. This type of scarf will not warm your neck in cold weather, but it will look amazing. There is another option that is more complicated.

    For it you will need:

    • threads;
    • glue;
    • fabric or leather;
    • scissors.

    Manufacturing process:

    Take a chair. Wrap the threads around its back several times. Tie in three or four different places with a small piece. These places need to be covered with small pieces of fabric or leather. It is best to attach them with glue. For greater individuality, you can sew sequins in certain places.

    Christmas tree decoration

    To make interesting hats for the New Year tree, you will need:

    • cardboard;
    • bright threads;
    • scissors.

    Preparation method:

    Cut the cardboard into small rings. Next we will wrap them with threads. Before this, the threads must be cut to a length of 20-25 centimeters. Weaving must be done very tightly. After the surface is covered, we pull both ends of the thread into the ring. They should come out the other side. We tie the elongated ends with the same thread color. Your DIY Christmas tree decoration is ready. In order to get a larger figure, use cardboard from the box, but it will need to be glued.


    This is already more troublesome work. It will take several hours of your personal time. But the result will please you. After all, I always wanted to see such a bird, and now I have the opportunity to watch it all the time.

    To make it you will need:

    • threads of three colors: gray, black and yellow;
    • cotton wool for filler or padding polyester;
    • a small piece of cardboard, approximately 14 by 20 centimeters.

    Manufacturing process:

    In advance, form a ball from cotton wool or soft filler, the diameter of which will be up to five centimeters. Then we begin to wind black threads onto the cut out cardboard. If your threads are thick, then 50 turns will be enough. If thin, then do more. After the threads are wound to the end, cut them completely on one side. You should end up with a ball of thread that is bent on both sides. Thus, we make gray and yellow threads.

    Take a yellow and black bunch. They need to be placed at right angles. In the middle of the thread you need to intertwine so that you get a loop. Let's move on to the gray beam. We must bandage it in the middle with the same color. To form the body, you need to take a gray bun and a ball, which you did earlier. We wrap the threads around the cotton wool. They need to be stretched so that the tit's belly is the same. To form a tail, you can tie the tip with the same color of thread.

    The back and head will be made from yellow and black skeins. This is a very delicate job, so you need to do it carefully. Yellow - you need to stretch it evenly on the sides. We also tie the ends. They can be cut off or left. On the upper part, in the middle, we stretch the thread that will form the head. The tit's neck does not stand out very much, so there is no need to tighten the weaving much.


    Another option for using threads could be a vase. More precisely, its design.

    For this work you need:

    Process :

    Thread rugs

    To work you will need:

    Production process:

    Making such rugs does not require a lot of time and money. We take the grid as a basis. If it is not possible to purchase such material, rugs can also be made on burlap. You need to cut out the required shape and size from it.

    Next, you need to select the appropriate threads for the rugs. It is better if they are thick and soft. They need to be cut about 10 centimeters long and attached to one side of future rugs. To do this, fold the thread in half, grab the resulting loop with a crochet hook and pull it from one hole to another. After this, insert the tail of the thread into the loop and tighten it tightly. These handmade rugs are very soft and beautiful.




    Video: how to make a rug from threads with your own hands

    A real housewife will not waste even a piece of thread. She will always find a use for them. Using our methods, your guests will be delighted with what they see. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and stylish than handmade products. Try, experiment and only then will you be the happiest person.


    Every person had to deal with threads in the household, especially if they needed to sew something up. Or, for example, in needlework to create beautiful knitted items or elegant embroidery. But not everyone will think that with the help of threads you can create an original product without using needles, hooks or knitting needles.

    What can be made from threads?

    It’s hard to believe, but such a simple material will be an excellent basis for original earrings, hairpins, scarves, or just an item that will highlight the originality of your home interior.

    How to create an original hairpin?

    Representatives of the fair sex can spend a lot of time in the store looking for a beautiful and exclusive hair accessory. This includes elastic bands and barrettes, which are the most popular accessories. But it will be very disappointing to then see some fashionista wearing exactly the same jewelry.

    To avoid unpleasant experiences, it is enough to put in a little effort and create a truly original craft from threads.

    What do you need for work?

    Before you start creating a hairpin, you need to acquire the following materials:

    • threads;
    • buttons;
    • rubber band;
    • decorating elements.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Step #1. Threads are wrapped around two fingers on the hand. If the working hand is the right one, then you need to wind it on the left; for left-handers everything is done the other way around. How many revolutions to make, everyone decides for themselves.

    Step #2. After the required number of threads has been wound around the fingers, it is necessary to secure the future decoration with another thread, which will pass in the middle between the fingers, the result should be a small bow.

    Step #3. For decoration you can use a button, a large bead, artificial pearls and much more. The selected decorative element is fixed in the middle. The last step is to secure the bow to the hair tie. To make the decoration more original, you can use threads of different colors.

    The original DIY thread craft is ready.

    How to make a bracelet?

    In this part of the article we will talk about making another piece of jewelry that will be useful for fashionistas. If you have old bracelets that have already lost their appearance, you should not rush to get rid of them. You can always give an old piece of jewelry a new life and at the same time be confident in the exclusivity of the resulting item.

    What should you have on hand?

    To work you will need the following things:

    • multi-colored threads;
    • glue;
    • decorating elements.

    How to do it?

    To make a craft from threads and glue, you need to select threads of the desired color, and then wrap them around the bracelet so that the base is not visible. All ends of the weave are secured with glue. For decoration, you can use beads, sequins, decorative flowers, in a word, everything that comes to the mind of the craftswoman.

    Christmas tree decoration

    Yes, threads can be used for such crafts. As a result, the New Year's tree will receive an original decoration, and all guests will certainly pay attention to such a memorable toy.

    It is worth noting that this option would be an ideal thread craft for children.

    Before you begin, you need to make sure you have the following materials on hand:

    • cardboards;
    • multi-colored threads;
    • scissors

    Manufacturing instructions

    The cardboard is cut into small rings, which will later be wrapped with thread. Before you start weaving, you need to cut the threads to a length of about 25 cm.

    Take one thread, fold it in half and fasten it to a cardboard ring so that the tails pass through the loop made. You need to do the same with all the other threads. All weaving is done tightly so that the cardboard is not visible. At the end of the work, the remaining tails are pulled through the ring to the opposite side, then they are tied with thread of the same color and cut to the required length. The result is an original hat that will serve as an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree.

    What else can you do?

    How to make a craft from threads on cardboard? There is nothing difficult about making an original painting. To work you will need the following things:

    • cardboard;
    • threads;
    • glue;
    • scissors.

    Stages of work

    First you need to apply the selected design to the cardboard, and then use finely cut threads instead of the usual pencils or felt-tip pens. They will be held in place by glue. Thus, you can create a fun craft for a child's room or a real work of art using threads of different colors.

    The resulting work will resemble satin stitch embroidery, and the painting itself can be made an original gift to a loved one for an upcoming celebration, or the masterpiece can be placed in its rightful place in the apartment, where it will become a real highlight of the interior.

    Another option for crafts from woolen threads is the creation of New Year's toys, valentines and other little things for gifts. Here you need to cut out any shape you like from cardboard, pierce holes along the contour of the workpiece using an awl, and then thread threads through them.

    How to make a three-dimensional toy?

    A voluminous toy will always be an interesting craft, then we will talk about how to make something similar. Preference here is best given to floss threads, which have a large number of colors. There is nothing complicated in the work, the main thing is to take care of the following materials in advance:

    • balloons;
    • office glue;
    • threads

    Step by Step Actions

    1. Inflate the balloons to the size of the planned toy. Due to the fact that you can buy balls of any shape in stores, there is a large scope for additional ideas for crafts.

    2. The surface is coated with glue so that the liquid is evenly distributed throughout the ball. Or you can pierce a container of glue and pull threads through the hole, where they will be saturated with the adhesive substance.

    3. The threads are wound around the ball in random order. It is recommended to use a colorless type of glue so that when it dries, it does not change the color of the threads. Before working on the toy further, you need to wait until the threads dry, this takes about 24 hours.

    4. At the last stage, you need to pierce the ball and pull it out.

    All of the steps listed are required to make this or that three-dimensional toy. Everything else depends on the master. The resulting balls can be used as decorative elements.

    But to make a charming snowman, you just need to fasten 3 balls together, draw a face, and attach a nose. A half of a plastic Kinder Surprise egg is quite suitable as a headdress.

    The article presented many options for all kinds of crafts made from threads, among which any craftswoman is sure to find something interesting for herself.

    Orange, red, purple - in capable hands threads turn into real masterpieces. You can make anything from threads: bookmarks, soft toys, bright flowers, jewelry and even lampshades. What can I say, see for yourself!

    Organizer for pens and pencils

    If pencils and pens are always scattered on your desktop, but you can never find the ones you need, the next thread craft is just for you. A cool one will not only bring them together, but will also become an original decoration for the room.

    To make a pen organizer, you will need: cardboard tube from toilet paper, thick cardboard, thread, felt.

    Cut out the bottom from cardboard and glue it to the pipe. Coat the pipe with glue and wrap it with colored threads. When the glue is completely dry, sew on a felt flower, beads, glitter, etc.

    By the same principle froman ordinary bottle can be made into a vase from threads.


    Another interesting product made from threads is. Fluffy floss pompoms will turn even the smartest encyclopedia into a cheerful flickering traffic light.

    You can read in detail about how to make a pompom from threads in the article, and I suggest you look at the diagram. I’m sure it will be very easy for you to figure it out, and now the page you need will never get lost.

    Kolobok made of threads

    Little dreamers and fairy tale lovers can make such a cute Kolobok from threads. All that is needed: yellow (white) threads or yarn, a balloon, PVA glue and colored paper.

    Wrap the threads around the inflated balloon, first passing them through the glue. Before winding, carefully wring out the yarn so that no excess glue remains on it. When the threads are completely dry, touch the ball with a needle. The rubber will burst, and the threads will hold the shape of a ball or kolobok. From colored paper, cut out our hero's eyes, nose, lips and cheeks. Glue them onto a ball of thread. And also come up with some interesting hat for Kolobok.

    Sun in hands or Dandelion made of threads

    Hold a warm ray of sunshine in your palms. Mmmm... How nice it is! Do you also want to catch a playful sunbeam? Easily! Madeba fluffy dandelion made of threads, and a piece of the sun will always be with you.

    The process for making a dandelion from threads is very simple and resembles the process of creating pom-poms from threads.

    Thread applications

    It turns out that threads can be used to create not only voluminous products, but also stunningly beautiful appliqués. Colored threads, a piece of linen, glue, small shells, cardboard, small cereals - and on your wall “a lonely sail is white.”

    How do you like this one? colorful cat Why so recklessly spilled milk on the floor?

    Garland of threads

    The New Year or a party at school will become even brighter if you decorate the festive hall with a garland of threads. The flickering cobwebs on the walls from floss lampshades will make the evening truly special and mysterious.

    Making such lampshades is not at all difficult: inflate a small ball, wrap it with threads coated with glue, and let it dry. Pop the balloon and put small lampshades on the bulbs of a regular garland. Enjoy the colorful holiday!

    Thread jewelry

    Great news for little fashionistas! Threads that seem ordinary at first glance can become an original decoration. A luxurious necklace, funny earrings, a stylish bracelet - you can make jewelry from threads to suit every taste. A little imagination and patience - and now you are the queen of the ball.

    Hedgehog made of threads

    If you are delighted with soft toys, but buying a new fluffy every time is too expensive, I offer a reasonable alternative. A funny hedgehog made from socks and thread pompoms will cheer anyone up! And making the animal is very simple. Here look.

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