• How to properly care for a pregnant woman. How to care for a pregnant cat. Breast care


    The desire to remain beautiful and attractive is common to all representatives of the fair sex, and women who are expecting the birth of a baby are no exception.

    Of course, you want to enjoy your reflection in the mirror, but on the other side of the scale is the health of the unborn baby.

    What cosmetics should I use to avoid causing harm? How to take care of your skin, hair and nails? Every lady faces these questions while waiting for a “miracle”.

    The main recommendation of experts: choose cosmetics and care products with organic and hypoallergenic composition. The key to safety is the absence or minimization of chemicals.

    Skin care for face and body

    Of course, you shouldn’t give up moisturizing and nourishing care for a nine-month period. First of all, pay attention to the specialized series and lines for pregnant women of popular cosmetic brands. Trust only brands with a proven reputation. You can also use light moisturizing organic face creams without aggressive active ingredients.

    It is strictly forbidden to use products with retinol (vitamin A), which, as a rule, is an ingredient in anti-aging cosmetic lines. It is not dangerous in itself, but in case of overdose it can lead to disturbances in the development of the baby. You should also stop thinking about skin bleaching or, conversely, using self-tanning products.

    If cosmetic corporations do not inspire confidence in you, then you can always prepare suitable care products yourself from natural and affordable products. But remember, if you are not a specialist in the field of cosmetology, then it is better to coordinate all experiments during pregnancy with the supervising doctor.

    Hair care

    Hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the fact that hair begins to actively grow, stops falling out if such a problem existed before, and generally looks healthy. Taking care of them becomes a pleasure, the main thing is to choose the right cosmetics.

    In the case of curls, the same rule applies: the more natural, the better. An unwelcome “guest” in shampoos is sodium lauryl sulfate, which is responsible for the thick white foam. It tends to accumulate in the body of mother and baby. When styling, try to avoid spray products that can be inhaled: replace fixing varnish with mousses and gels.

    Growing roots, if you used hair dye before pregnancy, will definitely not make you more beautiful. Of course, it is better to put aside ordinary paint for home use and persistent salon products for now. Gentle ammonia-free paints and tinting balms will help correct the situation. Also, natural henna and basma will not cause harm, but remember, after them, ordinary coloring becomes very difficult.

    Nail care

    A manicure and pedicure procedure can not only get your nails in order, but also give the expectant mother valuable moments of pleasure and relaxation. Pedicures are especially appreciated in the later stages, when you can’t reach your toes on your own. Experts do not see anything wrong with these procedures, but they advise to refrain from extensions, gel polish and regular varnish in order to minimize the inhalation of harmful fumes.

    Perfumes and decorative cosmetics

    Using high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics will not harm the baby. But still, due to hormonal changes, makeup should be kept to a minimum: in order not to clog enlarged pores, try to do without heavy foundations and powder. BB creams and fluids can become your reliable allies for toning your facial skin.

    Rich aromas can often cause mixed reactions in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Even once-loved perfumes can cause disgust. In order not to torment yourself, just put them off until the raging hormonal levels return to normal.

    All types of decorative, care products and perfumes that will help you stay beautiful and well-groomed in an “interesting situation” can be found on the website of the online beauty products store No. 1 MakeUp. You will find a wide selection of natural, organic cosmetics that are hypoallergenic and safe for use during pregnancy. Self-care and love can give you a good mood and positive emotions, and this is exactly what your baby needs.

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    Very often you can hear that a woman becomes especially beautiful when she is expecting a child. Sweet, soft, feminine, spiritual. She fulfills her most important purpose - she bears a new life. And in order for this little unborn man to feel comfortable under his mother’s heart, it is very important that the expectant mother’s mood is good and peaceful. How can you feel comfortable when your body is undergoing rapid restructuring?

    Hormones are boiling in the blood, throwing you into heat and cold, causing either bouts of joy or bitter tears for no reason. The vaunted figure slowly begins to fade, and telltale pimples appear on her always well-groomed, gently pink (to the envy of her friends) face. Willy-nilly you will doubt your attractiveness.

    It's no secret that during pregnancy the female body endures a huge load, and this does not always have the best effect on a woman's appearance.

    A kind of dual feeling covers a woman in “the situation”: joy from the fact that she will soon have a child, and at the same time worry: whether the condition of her hair, teeth and skin will worsen during pregnancy. She goes through her pre-pregnancy dresses and asks herself, will she be able to wear them after the baby is born? This is the time to calm down, look around you and see mothers of two and three children, whose figures young girls can envy. The most important thing to remember is that basic grooming and exercise will help you maintain your beauty!


    This issue is of great concern to pregnant women, since, according to many, pregnancy and breastfeeding worsen the shape of the mammary glands. This is not entirely true. Excellent physical health, good tissue condition and impeccable functioning of the endocrine system help the formation of beautiful female breasts in the postpartum period, even if the woman was breastfeeding. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is difficult to predict what shape the mammary glands will take after the baby stops breastfeeding, so it is necessary to take some measures to preserve the beauty of the breasts.

    Wear a good bra. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the mammary glands increase in size and become heavy. To prevent them from drooping, it is not recommended to remove your bra before going to bed. The bra cups should fit the mammary glands well, without squeezing them in any way. It is necessary to change bras as the size of the mammary glands increases.

    The mammary glands must be washed daily with soap and water at room temperature and wiped with a hard towel. Never apply wet compresses to the mammary glands!

    Several times a day, the mammary glands are given air baths for 10-15 minutes.

    Avoid the appearance of stretch marks (striae) on the skin. They may appear due to rupture of elastic tissues. Hormonal or vitamin preparations prepared on the basis of carotene help well. They are taken orally in pill form. Vitamin creams are also widely used to care for the mammary glands. Every evening before going to bed and every morning after hygienically washing the mammary glands and nipples with boiled water, lubricate them with cream. Using gentle massage movements with your fingers, rub the cream into the skin of the mammary glands and nipples.

    To prevent the appearance of cracks in the skin and maintain the elasticity and tenderness of the skin of the mammary glands, lubricate the skin with creams prepared on the basis of hormones or vitamins.

    During pregnancy, many women experience increased hair loss and worsening of their condition: oily hair becomes even greasy, and dry hair becomes drier.

    If your hair is too dry. Beef bone marrow is melted, filtered and mixed with rum (4:1). This composition is regularly rubbed into the scalp.

    If your hair is too oily. It is not recommended to comb them with a brush. It is advisable to wash your hair more often than usual with liquid acidic soap or special shampoo. Every evening before going to bed (you can in bed) it is useful to massage the scalp.

    The condition of your hair will improve if you get a short haircut.

    Often during pregnancy, the shape of the face changes: the face becomes wider and its features coarser. Talk to your hairdresser about a suitable hairstyle.

    During pregnancy, teeth become very fragile. So it is very important at this time:

    Eating foods containing calcium and vitamin C

    Reduce the sugar content in your diet to prevent the development of dental caries,

    Don't forget to brush your teeth 2 times a day,

    • systematically consult a doctor for a preventive dental examination.


    During pregnancy, rapid hormonal changes occur, and as a result, cosmetic skin defects sometimes occur. Among them is the appearance of age spots, so-called chloasma. In these cases, it is very important to increase your body's intake of vitamin C and use a cream with UV protection when exposed to the sun.

    As for various cosmetics, there is no reason to exclude them from everyday life. However, you should use proven cosmetic products purchased in special stores that do not cause an allergic reaction.

    How to choose clothes and shoes

    How often do women believe that clothing is a secondary issue for a pregnant woman, especially at home. This is not entirely true. A woman who is tastefully dressed has a higher vitality, because with a good mood she, as a rule, endures pregnancy more easily. At the same time, clothing must correspond to the state of the body: it is necessary that the dress is loose, light, appropriate for the season, and does not restrict movement.

    Bras need to be selected according to size so that they do not squeeze the chest and shoulders. The preferred underwear is cotton, which can be changed, washed and boiled more often. It is not recommended to wear underwear made of fabrics that impede the respiratory, excretory and thermoregulatory functions of the skin.

    If your outerwear is loose and does not press at the waist, it will hide your growing belly and make you look more elegant.

    The larger the belly, the more the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are stretched, and due to prolapse of the abdomen, the position of the fetus in the uterus changes. To prevent such complications, it is recommended to wear a special belt - a bandage, which serves as additional support for the abdomen and uterus. In addition, it helps maintain correct posture and slimness. The bandage is put on lying down and laced around the abdomen.

    It is not advisable to wear panties with tight elastic bands that squeeze the body. But you can wear wide, comfortable trousers, shorts, and tights.

    Wearing high-heeled shoes increases tension in the leg muscles and also increases the load on the joints. As a result, fatigue increases. For greater stability and to reduce stress on the forefoot, shoes with low, wide heels should be worn.

    Don't worry that your figure has become deformed during pregnancy. Try to dress fashionably and beautifully, of course, taking into account your condition. Moreover, today it is fashionable to be pregnant: clothes, more than ever, strive to emphasize the special position of a woman. Translucent blouses that emphasize the roundness of the belly, sundresses and tight-fitting (note: not tight, but tight-fitting!) dresses, jeans on the hips. Many stores boast a collection of beautiful and fashionable clothes for pregnant women. So it’s time to go shopping and pamper yourself and your beloved (now doubly) with an elegant and fashionable skirt or a spectacular sweater!



    During pregnancy, body growth by more than 10-12 kilograms is not allowed. If you exceed this limit, consult your doctor, who will prescribe an appropriate diet for you.

    If you have never exercised before, then pregnancy is not the best time to start exercising. But if you exercise regularly and your body is well-trained, there is no need to stop exercising completely. You should not engage in only those sports that involve significant stress on the body or the risk of falling.

    Long bicycle walks, skating and skiing, rowing, horse riding, carrying heavy backpacks, lifting heavy objects and excessively sudden movements are strictly prohibited.

      Get on your knees with your heels slightly wider than your shoulders. Try to sit (after several days of training this will work) on the floor. Yogis say: if a woman performs only this exercise daily for 5 minutes, childbirth will be painless.

      Sit on a mat on the floor, pull your heels towards your perineum, placing your feet together. Spread your knees as far apart as possible, trying to touch the floor with them. Perform for 2-3 minutes daily.

      Lie on the mat on the floor, inhale and slowly lift your legs and pelvis up; With your hands bent at the elbows, support your hips or buttocks, whichever is more convenient. Socks should be at eye level; breathe with your stomach, try to relax as much as possible; There should be a feeling that the perineum is being pulled inward. This exercise is called half birch. Being a favorite exercise of Indian women, it prevents the formation of congestion in the organs and tissues of the lower half of the body. Perform daily, starting from 15-30 seconds to 2-3 minutes - from the first months of pregnancy until it becomes difficult. After these exercises, and if there is time, then in between them, it is highly advisable to relax and rest, lying on the floor.

    Exercises from Alice Stockham’s book “Tocology”

      Stand up straight. On a count of 1-4, move your entire body forward and then back as far as possible, without lifting your heels or bending your knees.

      The starting position is the same. Tilt your torso to the left, then to the right. Don't bend your knees, don't move your feet.

      With your hands lightly on your hips (fingers forward), tilt your body slowly forward, then slowly rise and lean back, all the time keeping your head in line with your body.

      Deep breath. Lightly touch your shoulders with your fingertips. Slowly bring your elbows in front of your chest until they meet. Raise them as high as possible. Throw your elbows back and up, continuing to touch your shoulders with your fingers. Bring them to the starting position. Exhalation. This exercise lifts the ribs and expands the lower chest.

      Kneel on a pillow with your knees wide apart, stretch your arms up above your head, slowly tilt your torso back as far as possible, then forward without changing the position of your knees and feet. This is one of the best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis.

      The starting position is the same, hands are connected above the head. On the count of 1-4, slowly bend from side to side.

      The starting position is the same. The arms are extended forward at shoulder level. Fold them back in a straight line as far as possible. This can be done quickly or slowly, as if carrying a weight.

      Lying on your back, bend your knees and swing them from side to side.

      In the same position, bend and straighten your legs alternately.

      Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and swing your legs from right to left.

      In the same position, but with the participation of another person, bend and extend your legs, providing resistance.

      Same situation; leaning on your elbows, swing your shoulders from right to left.

      Same situation; Raise your body gradually, leaning only on your toes and elbows.

    Leg exercises(do it barefoot; in summer it’s better on the ground)

      Stand straight, legs parallel to each other. Rise onto your toes and lower yourself. Repeat 5-10 times.

      Stand on your toes and walk along an imaginary line on tiptoes ten steps there and ten steps back.

      Stand up straight, “roll”, moving the weight of the whole body either to the outside of the sole or to the inside. The same thing - from toe to heel. Repeat several times.

      Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out. Pull your toes forward and then upward with tension, while keeping your heels in place. Repeat several times.

      Sit on the floor, bend your knees, do not lift your feet off the floor. Squeeze and tuck your socks under you, move the sole along the floor, resembling a caterpillar, tensing and relaxing your legs, first forward, then backward (backward is a little more difficult).

      Having relaxed your legs, grab your toes with your hand and bend your foot in all directions, as if describing a circle with your foot, then change your arm and leg. Relax, breathe deeply. First turn clockwise, then back.

    It is advisable to perform all exercises in a well-ventilated room. Clothing should not restrict movement: in winter it is best to exercise in a training suit, in summer - in a cotton swimsuit. If you have never exercised, don't expect quick and miraculous results. It’s better to do the simplest exercises, little by little, but every day. If you experience discomfort or pain, choose other exercises that you like and can do better. Each organism has its own internal reserves, its own state of the muscular system and its own reaction of the cardiovascular system. Don't chase records: choose your own pace and monitor your well-being. Pregnancy is different for everyone. It's not about the timing of pregnancy, but about the well-being - your own and your child's. You need to overcome laziness, but under no circumstances bring yourself to the point of exhaustion. Remember, dear ladies, that during pregnancy the body does not warm up so quickly, and you need to breathe for two. So it’s better to do less exercise, but constantly, slowly increasing the load.

    Pregnant women are advised to walk as much as possible. But at the same time, overloads that lead to fatigue are unacceptable. Take short walks several times a day. Comfortable shoes made from high-quality materials will prevent fatigue when walking

    Swimming is an ideal sport for pregnant women

    Among the simple, accessible to every woman, but very effective exercises recommended by various doctors is walking up the stairs. You need to follow a few simple conditions: keep your mouth closed, exhale slowly and stay straight; then the diaphragm works especially actively, the role of which in ensuring the proper development of the fetus is extremely important.

    Today the motto: “It is advisable to give birth before the age of 25” is no longer relevant. Times are changing, women are making careers and starting to think about having a child, to put it mildly, later. But medicine does not stand still; the risk of complications during late pregnancy has become lower than twenty years ago. However, the later we decide to take this serious step, the more attentive we need to be to our health and preservation of beauty, because the older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to recover after childbirth. So, dear ladies, if your situation is called “interesting,” listen to the advice of “Passionate and Beautiful” and start taking timely measures to remain the most charming and attractive after pregnancy.

    A woman’s body undergoes enormous stress and changes during this period. Moreover, often these changes do not occur for the better. Perhaps every pregnant woman worries when she watches her waist disappear, her face swell, stretch marks form on her body, pigment spots appear, and rashes appear on her face and legs. Many problems can be avoided if you pay attention to the right ones. In this article we will talk about how to care for your skin during pregnancy so that it remains elastic, smooth, and has a healthy appearance.

    Did you know? During pregnancy, in addition to the growth of the uterus, the following changes can occur in a woman’s body: an 11-fold sharpening of the sense of smell, enlargement of the feet, heart and liver, and changes in brain activity. A heightened sense of smell, as intended by nature, is necessary for the expectant mother to protect her baby from bad foods.

    What happens to the skin of pregnant women

    Skin problems during pregnancy are mainly due to hormonal changes and lack of nutrients in the body. Let us immediately make a reservation that most often these problems are temporary, harmless and disappear a few weeks or months after the birth of the child, when the hormonal levels return to normal.

    The release of certain hormones to the fore during pregnancy is necessary for its normal course and activity. Some women may not react in any way to the change in hormones and may not notice it at all, while others acutely feel it and observe it on their body and condition.

    Hormonal changes can lead to the following changes:

    • stretch marks on the body: stomach, hips, chest;
    • increased hair growth;
    • acne on the face;
    • formation of papillomas;
    • the appearance of age spots, darkening of moles and freckles;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • the appearance of cellulite.
    A few words about each of these manifestations and why they occur.

    Stretch marks. They are scars in the form of red-violet lines, which most often appear on areas of the body that rapidly increase in volume during pregnancy: the abdomen, pelvis, thighs in 50-90% of women. Usually - at the 25th week. Over time they become white. Rarely cause itching and burning sensation.

    They are formed due to the fact that the skin has to stretch in a short time due to an increase in the volume of the body area. And its elasticity decreases due to the presence of large amounts of estrogen and cortisol hormones in the blood. This process, in turn, leads to less production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

    It is very difficult to get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared; expensive products and procedures will be required. This is the case when it is better to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences. To avoid the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary during pregnancy use the means- oils and creams that maintain normal water balance of the skin and its elasticity.

    Important! You should choose cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women..

    Massages with olive, castor and other vegetable oils are also used. To prevent stretch marks from appearing on the chest, it is important to choose the right bra, which should hold the chest well and not squeeze anything anywhere. It should be worn as often as possible. It is better to purchase it in a special store for pregnant women.

    To avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, after consultation with a gynecologist, you can purchase and wear special. There are three types of bandages: prenatal, postpartum and two in one.

    And, of course, body weight control is very important. Weight gain should be gradual - this will also reduce the risk of stretch marks.

    Enhanced hair growth. During pregnancy, a woman may notice that her condition has improved significantly - they have become thicker, fuller, more beautiful, and healthier in appearance. This is explained by the fact that hair on the head falls out less at this time.

    The appearance of hair on other parts of the body: the chin, upper lip, and abdomen provokes a predominance of male hormones in a woman’s blood at a certain stage.

    These changes are temporary and will most likely go away on their own after the baby is born.

    A woman may encounter serious problems associated with intense hair loss on her head within three months after giving birth. Hair can fall out so much that sometimes the mother may even notice that she has receding hairline. There is no need to be afraid of this condition - the hair will return after a while.

    Many people are upset by the fact that their face becomes covered with acne during pregnancy. Typically, a woman’s skin becomes oilier during this period, as the body produces more progesterone, which causes the sebaceous glands to work more actively. The problem can be reduced by using cleansing and moisturizing cosmetics.

    Important! When deciding which creams you can and cannot use during pregnancy,It is necessary to familiarize yourself with substances that are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

    Papillomas. Small neoplasms on the skin most often appear on the chest and armpits, in places that are subject to mechanical stress. They indicate the presence of human papillomavirus in the body and appear in greater numbers in pregnant women due to the deterioration of the immune system.

    Papillomas are safe for women and children. If they persist, they can be removed by visiting a dermatologist.

    Pigment spots and darkening of skin areas. During the period of bearing a child, a woman may have one or several pigment spots throughout her body - darker than the skin as a whole, or darkening of some areas of the body.

    For example, very often women find a dark stripe in the center of their abdomen, severe darkening of the nipples, and dark spots in the genital area. These spots and areas become especially dark and noticeable after exposure to the sun.

    This phenomenon, called chloasma in pregnancy, is associated with hormonal changes and should go away at the end of pregnancy. If it doesn’t go away, a dermatologist will help you get rid of the spots.

    There is also an opinion that regular consumption of foods rich in folic acid and the use of sunscreen help prevent the appearance of chloasma.

    Enlarged veins in the legs occur due to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. The growing uterus interferes with normal blood flow to the heart. Stagnation is also caused by swelling of the legs. In the early stages, a pregnant woman may only feel fatigue and heaviness in her legs. At a later date, the expansion of the veins will already be noticeable on the legs.

    Cellulite. This is perhaps one of the most unpleasant skin problems that not only pregnant women, but also most women fear and struggle with. There are several reasons for its appearance: changes in dominant hormones, weight gain and disruption of the water balance of the skin. This problem is also better to prevent than to treat. Eating the right foods, contrast showers, massages and using moisturizers will help.

    Skin care during pregnancy

    Many skin problems in pregnant women arise not only due to changes in the entire body. Some expectant mothers cannot cope, for example, with an increased feeling of hunger, they crave buns and sweets, prefer to lead a sedentary and lying lifestyle, or only move “work - home - work”.

    Previously, the following expression was popular: “Pregnancy is not a disease.” And if there are no medical contraindications, then a pregnant woman should be active, do gymnastics, travel, eat rationally and take care of her body.

    It is necessary not only to ensure that the child does not receive harmful substances, but also to ensure that the pregnant woman herself looks beautiful both during pregnancy and after. It has been noted that those women who adhered to a healthy diet during pregnancy quickly return to their previous shape.

    For good skin condition, it is especially necessary to regularly consume protein, fiber, etc. It is important to eat more fruits, vegetables, grain products, and vegetable oils. All of them not only nourish the body, but also help cleanse it of toxins, which also leave their negative mark on the skin.

    You need to drink enough liquids. However, only if there is no swelling.

    But it is better to avoid baking, sweets, soda, fast food, chips, coffee, alcohol and other foods and drinks containing bad carbohydrates, dyes and preservatives altogether.

    The beneficial effects of contrast showers on the skin have long been known. During pregnancy, you should not refuse this procedure, because it is an excellent and simple remedy that improves blood circulation and maintains skin elasticity.

    If you did not take a contrast shower before pregnancy, then the temperature difference should first be minimal. First, you can try alternating warm water and room temperature water. Gradually, the water temperature will need to be reduced, bringing it to cold. Take a shower with warm water for 30 seconds, and cold water for the next 30 seconds. Repetitions should be from three to five. The procedure must be completed with a cold shower.

    It is useful to massage with a gentle stream of water.

    After taking a shower, you need to thoroughly massage the areas that are prone to stretch marks, cellulite and varicose veins with a towel or massage mitt, rub in oil, a moisturizing cosmetic or stretch mark cream.

    Important! If you plan to take a contrast shower with warm and cold water, you must first consult a gynecologist, since such a procedure is prohibited if there is a threat of miscarriage.


    Body care during pregnancy also includes massage. It is especially effective if carried out with products for the prevention of stretch marks and cellulite, as well as non-hard brushes, washcloths, and mittens. You can massage your body with a finger massager.

    The massage is carried out with light circular movements, pinching - from the limbs to the heart.

    Cosmetical tools

    Cosmetics for face and body skin care during pregnancy only natural ones are allowed free of alcohol, fragrances, parabens, etc. Essential oils should be used with caution.

    You should definitely use cosmetics that include vitamins A and E, responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is advisable to start using them before your shape increases.

    If your skin is oily, you should use mild cleansing lotions. It is possible to use fruit or vegetable masks.

    And be prepared for the fact that some cosmetics that you used before pregnancy may now cause you to be allergic.

    Important! It is prohibited to use cosmetics that have expired.

    Folk remedies

    If you decide to make natural homemade masks, then here are several folk recipes that have been used by more than one generation of women.

    To prevent stretch marks, prepare a homemade scrub by taking one glass of sugar and salt each and adding ½ glass of vegetable oil. Apply the product with massage movements to areas prone to stretch marks. Then rinse it off and apply lotion or vegetable oil.

    Coffee scrub also works great against stretch marks. Take 100 g of natural finely ground coffee, pour in a small amount of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After forming a thick porridge and adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it, rub it with massage movements into the desired areas.

    A good mask for dry skin is a mixture of yolk, boiled potatoes and cream. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Then wash it off.

    A mask made from one egg white, cucumber, white clay and yogurt without sugar or additives will help oily skin. It is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Such masks can be done once or twice a week.

    Potentially hazardous substances

    During pregnancy you should exclude funds, which include:

    • carcinogens (DEA, BHT, TEA);
    • toxic substances (NDGA, Acide benzoique, additives E210-213, Octyldimethyl PABA, EDS, Padimate-O, PABA synthetiques);
    • allergens (isopropyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, petrolatum, talc, borax, propylene glycol, lanolin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone).
    Potentially hazardous substances are:
    • fluorocarbons;
    • formaldehyde;
    • animal Fat;
    • albumin;
    • colors.

    Salon treatments during pregnancy

    There is an opinion that during pregnancy you should not dye your hair with dyes containing chemicals or do a perm, since all the chemicals are absorbed through the scalp into the pregnant woman’s body and, perhaps, some of them can penetrate the placenta. It is better to prefer paints made from plant materials.

    Laser and photoepilation are contraindicated for pregnant women; at this time it is better to give preference to other methods of hair removal.

    It is not advisable to go for a hot stone massage, hot wraps, or a solarium. You should not resort to chemical peeling or lifting. If you prefer salon face masks to homemade ones, then you need to inform the cosmetologist about your situation. Then he will select for you a special complex approved for pregnant women.

    Procedures with sea salt, seaweed, and those that help you relax and relieve stress are not contraindicated.

    Did you know? The fetus, in which all the most important organs are formed, is only three centimeters long. His heart begins to beat on the 22nd day from conception. The brain starts working on the 43rd day.

    Here some tips that will help pregnant women take care of their skin:

    • To avoid swelling on the body and face, it is necessary to exclude fast food, smoked, fried and canned foods from the diet, and limit salt intake to 3 g per day. It is important to eat foods that remove fluid from the body.
    • Make it a habit to eat in the evening no later than three to four hours before bed. This will help you avoid excess weight and... Also try to eat small meals. The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is considered to be 9-15 kg.
    • Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women eat five servings of vegetables and fruits a day, including juices.
    • It is advisable to drink purified water, at least two liters per day.
    • There is no need to load your skin with cosmetics at night.
    • If you go on vacation at sea, don't forget to bring sunscreen. However, one that does not contain harmful substances.
    • If there are no contraindications, be sure to engage in permitted activities: water aerobics, fitness, Pilates, etc.
    • Remember that procedures such as sauna, steam bath, hot bath, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, are prohibited during pregnancy.
    • A pregnant woman should walk a lot (at least eight hours) (at least two hours a day).
    • Avoid tight clothes and heels while pregnant - the latter can cause both uterine tone and varicose veins.
    We hope our recommendations will help you avoid or overcome your skin problems. Take them into account, and pregnancy will be comfortable for you, without stress and troubles, and will become a wonderful and unforgettable period of your life.

    Many owners, having learned that their pet will soon become a mother, begin to worry unnecessarily, consult with veterinarians, read about how to care for a pregnant cat, what to feed it, what vitamins to give.

    Don't worry too much. Cats are already good mothers by nature, so they do not require special care.

    The owners should create the most favorable conditions for the animal so that the pregnancy goes smoothly and the cat gives birth to healthy kittens.


    Pregnancy in cats lasts 65 days (in the Siamese breed - up to 71 days). In order for it to go smoothly and strong babies to be born, you should establish the correct regime for your pet and the necessary diet.

    If your cat’s pregnancy is unplanned, then you can determine that your pet is in an interesting position quite early on. The animal's behavior changes, and some processes in the body are rearranged.

    If a cat is pregnant for the first time, she sometimes becomes restless. In the first week of pregnancy, the cat may gain a little weight, the nipples begin to swell and change color, and morning vomiting may also begin.

    Photo: you can tell if a cat is pregnant by its behavior

    Sometimes a cat refuses to eat or, conversely, asks for unexpected foods. Don't refuse her: offer a small piece of what she asks for; it won't do any harm - cats themselves know exactly what foods they shouldn't eat.

    A cat’s taste preferences may also change: they may suddenly not like their favorite food. Also, the expectant mother becomes less active, plays reluctantly and sleeps a lot, as if she is trying to gain strength.

    At such a moment, many owners begin to suspect that the cat is not healthy. But there is no need to worry: if there are no other symptoms of the disease, this is simply the cat’s reaction to its pregnancy.

    Within a few weeks, the pet’s pregnancy can be seen by its rounded tummy. If you still have doubts early on whether your cat is pregnant, you can contact your veterinarian.

    An experienced doctor can determine this by palpating the uterus. However, be careful: rough palpation can lead to miscarriage, it is better to wait - after a while everything will become visible.

    In the later stages of pregnancy, all signs become visible to the naked eye. The cat's tummy is rounded and takes on a pear shape. The nipples become very swollen due to milk accumulating in them.

    In the second half of pregnancy, the kittens begin to move in their stomachs: if you put your hand on them, you can even feel their movements.

    Sometimes the cat seems to be talking in them: she purrs something, looking at her tummy, and licks it thoroughly. The expectant mother begins to actively look for a secluded place to give birth.

    How to feed

    Since the cat’s body begins to rebuild during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs a lot of energy and vitamins. That is why it is necessary to provide her with the right balanced diet.


    The diet in the first and second weeks of pregnancy does not change much. Veterinarians and breeders recommend increasing the daily portion by 10%. The number of meals can be kept the same.

    Photo: natural food is very important for a pregnant cat

    Towards the end of pregnancy, from the seventh week until the kittens appear, it is worth reducing the cat's daily portion. Excess weight of the mother will lead to an increase in the size of each fetus, which will lead to a difficult birth.

    What food should you give?

    During this period, the cat needs nutrients and vitamins more than ever. That is why it is very important to choose good and proper food for your pet.

    It is best to abandon dry factory food and switch to natural food. During pregnancy, a cat's need for protein increases significantly.

    Photo: the bulk of a cat’s diet should be protein foods

    The diet should include:

    • boiled meat (beef, veal, sometimes pork) should be approximately half of the total daily requirement;
    • dairy products (cottage cheese or low-fat cheese);
    • vegetables or fruits (according to the mother cat’s preference);
    • cereals (can be in the form of porridge).

    It is better to include in the diet of the expectant mother low-fat boiled fish rich in vitamins and hard-boiled eggs no more than twice a week.

    If your cat is constipated, you should give her some vegetable oils, increase the amount of vegetables in her diet (it is best to give them in the form of purees), and also offer canned fish in oil.

    It is very important to add the necessary vitamins to your pet’s food, especially if you decide to feed her natural food. Buy supplements only from pet stores or veterinarians.

    It is better to consult a doctor about what vitamins can be given to a mother cat. Useful supplements are especially important if the animal’s body is weakened and pregnancy is difficult.

    Not all cats are accustomed to natural food. In such cases, you should switch to high-quality food intended for pregnant cats. They contain properly balanced nutrients.

    Photo: sprouted wheat sprouts are beneficial for a pregnant cat

    It is also useful for pregnant cats to chew sprouted wheat shoots.

    Plant them in an ordinary flower pot on the windowsill, and the cat will happily eat them in the quantities that her body requires.

    Do not try to feed your pregnant cat beyond measure: overeating is not at all healthy. Animals love to eat, sometimes they ask for food not because they are hungry, but simply wanting to make sure of your disposition towards them.

    When feeding a pregnant cat, you will try to give her an extra piece, and this can lead to obesity, which is so dangerous in her position, when the animal is not so active.

    Animal behavior

    Pregnant cats also change their behavior. From the first weeks, you can notice that expectant mothers become inactive: they will not play with you, jump, jump with the same desire, they prefer to spend more time lying down, sleeping longer.

    Sometimes a cat can show anxiety: look under furniture, sniff things, meow. Try to calm her down, and the worries will pass.

    Also, pets become more affectionate and sociable. They will follow the person and look for support, laying down next to you.

    Photo: pregnant cats are inactive

    The cat can climb onto your bed, snuggle and fall asleep, so she will feel calmer. Don't send her away. Spend time with your mother cat more often, this will help calm her down.

    Pregnant pets sometimes surprise their owners with sudden changes in mood and behavior. She may be sleepy in the morning, but start running in the evening. A usually sociable cat may become quiet for a while and try not to be seen.

    Don't be offended by her if she hisses at you for no apparent reason - pregnant cats are prone to mood swings. After a while, she will definitely come up with a purring apology.

    In the last weeks of pregnancy, cats become heavy and can no longer jump onto their favorite chair with the same ease. Try to help them. It will be better if by this time you have already made a “nest” that will stand on the floor.

    Caring for a pregnant cat

    No special care is required for expectant mother cats. The most important thing is to provide her with peace, which is sometimes quite difficult to do. Vigilant control over the activity of the pet falls on the responsible shoulders of its owners.

    Caring for a cat during pregnancy is one of the conditions for its successful course. The owners, who gave their pet care and attention, support her well and help her give birth calmly.

    In pregnant cats, the center of gravity of the body changes significantly due to a growing tummy. This is why attempts to jump (especially over long distances or at heights) can result in a fall and damage to the fetus.

    However, you should not completely limit your pet’s activity. It is very important to keep the animal's muscles in good shape. Play with the cat, but don't make her run and jump.

    As a rule, an interesting position forces the pet to move from active games to communication with its owners. Pet your cat and talk to her often.

    If there are other pets in the house, make sure that their intrusive games do not disturb the peace of the future mother cat.

    Is it possible to give medications?

    Many medications and products for both internal and external use are contraindicated for pregnant kitties.

    Various vaccinations, flea treatments, anthelmintic suspensions and tablets, and antibiotics can have a negative effect on growing kittens. Any questions you may have should be consulted with your veterinarian.

    Also, to make sure that your pet’s pregnancy is going well, you can take a blood test and do an ultrasound.


    It is very important to keep your home clean. The immunity of cats during pregnancy is significantly weakened, and the expectant mother can easily catch an infection.

    It is worth ventilating the premises so that your pet can breathe fresh air. It is also necessary to keep the cat's house clean, and do not forget to wash the bedding.

    "Nest" device

    The cat’s “nest” should be spacious, warm and quiet. By the sixth or seventh week, the louse begins to look for a secluded place to give birth.

    Most often these are cabinets, the space under a sofa or bed, a corner behind a closet or behind a curtain. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the nest for the expectant mother in advance.

    Photo: a cat’s nest should be spacious, warm and quiet

    A spacious box with medium sides is best suited for a pregnant cat. Place soft, clean cloths, diapers or soft paper towels in the nest so that the expectant mother can lie comfortably.

    After arranging a house for a cat and her future kittens, it should be placed in a dark, quiet place. It is advisable to keep it warm there.

    If the chosen box is too high, then you can cut a hole at a level inaccessible to kittens through which the cat can enter and exit.

    Before giving birth, the cat needs peace most of all. Try not to make noise near the shelter, fence it off from children and other animals.

    Stress can force a cat to abandon an already equipped nest and hastily look for a new one and hide. In this situation, it will be difficult to return the agitated pet to its original house.

    Possible problems and solutions

    The pregnancy period in cats is one of the most dangerous for the animal.

    At this time, the expectant mother’s body is greatly weakened, so the likelihood of getting injured as a result of an unsuccessful jump or contracting an infection increases.

    Owners who are experiencing a cat’s pregnancy for the first time may be overprotective of their pet, worry greatly about the most normal phenomena in this situation, fear for the health of the animal and constantly take it to the veterinarian.

    Photo: During pregnancy, a cat’s body is vulnerable to diseases and infections

    Sometimes people, wanting to provide the best care for a pregnant cat at home, overdo it, arrange luxurious spacious houses with heating pads or literally feed it with vitamins.

    Very soon a miracle will happen: your cat will give birth to cute fluffy kittens! And with them, your pet and you will have new worries.


    So happy together

    I wouldn't be surprised if many who read this headline jumped in amazement; but no, there will be no sensations. Although I am of quite childbearing age, I am going to write only about my past experience. This idea would never have occurred to me, but in the winter, in the comments to some post (I don’t even remember which one, for the life of me), I was asked to tell how I took care of myself during pregnancy. It seemed to me—and it still seems—that this story had lost its relevance over time, but they asked me convincingly, so I won’t break down, I’ll tell you. For me, the memories of pregnancy are quite pleasant, but they are very different, so don’t be surprised if I get carried away by questions of beauty: it’s difficult to talk about such a global life event, keeping within the framework of only one topic.

    My pregnancy was not only desired, but also planned - my husband and I were married for a year and a half before we decided it was time to share and multiply. For me, the issue of pregnancy planning is a very important topic, and here I cannot help but speak about the most pressing issue. I am truly horrified by the way the vast majority of Russian families approach having offspring. “God gave a bunny, he will also give me a lawn,” “I’m at the right age, what to expect,” “I’m giving birth for myself,” and other archaic horror. For some reason, it is young women who are completely indifferent to pregnancy and conception: a huge number of first pregnancies are accidental, and if a couple consciously decides to have a child, then all their preparation for this consists of throwing away, excuse me, condoms or oral contraceptives.

    For some reason, an insignificant percentage of expectant mothers go to get tested for infections, see an orthopedist and a dentist. Infections? “Well, come on, I’m not like that.” Will it be much easier for your unborn child if he or she gets lifelong chronic otitis media, pathology of the nervous system or dermatitis if he or she gets an infection that you picked up at home, and not during violent orgies?

    Infections, which can be detected even in a woman who is about to become a monk, are often very easy to treat - but only if you are not pregnant. Pregnancy excludes a bunch of antibiotics and antibacterial agents, so you can only take immunomodulatory drugs, helping the body somehow cope on its own. This is not the best option.

    Or, for example, an examination by an orthopedist is more than desirable, given how the load on the spine (and the musculoskeletal system in general) increases during pregnancy. It’s just that you can’t take x-rays during pregnancy, and a piercing look is not yet part of the orthopedist’s arsenal. This means that these examinations must be completed before conception. For example, with my weak intervertebral discs, I was immediately shown a support bandage - and I obediently wore it.

    Well, the most difficult and ugly topic is the preparation of future fathers. Unfortunately, the issue of taking care of your health among our male population is in a primitive state: some kind of delusional concept is cultivated: “you’re a man, be patient until it falls off.” Something there itches and itches - take a handful of pills that friend Vasya recommended and kill it.

    During pregnancy, a woman donates blood at least monthly, while men stand on their hind legs at the prospect of pricking their finger every two years. This is the stronger sex. There’s no need to even talk about a visit to an andrologist: or just a categorical refusal (with the justification, charming in its stupidity, “I’m all sorts of like this didn’t sleep”), or agreement, followed by crying, tears and groans, “You can’t imagine how they tortured me there!” Yes, but here we go to the gynecologist - it’s a spa with a gentle erotic massage with four hands, that’s why we go.

    It should be noted that my husband was amazingly understanding in this regard, and as soon as we planned the pregnancy, he went through all the examinations. I don’t know whether it’s my eloquence or the presence of his brains that is the reason - but, generally speaking, what could be clearer than the argument: “We will now spend a couple of months on examinations and treatment, if necessary, but problems with the child’s health may be all life. Let's approach the issue like adults." Actually, I would never choose a man as the father of my children who would brush aside the examinations and did not understand me on this issue. But I know so many examples of a completely different reaction (I had many conversations about this with friends, acquaintances and just random people on forums) that it’s just painfully offensive. Please, dear ladies, do not indulge these childish whims: if you are preparing to become a mother, then responsibility for the health of the child begins at this stage.

    Well, okay, I delayed with the medical part. Everything was fine here, we were both completely examined, everything was checked and treated.

    A couple of months before we started trying to conceive, we completely gave up alcohol (both of us had never smoked), I added more fruits, vegetables, juices and cottage cheese to our diet. who I've hated all my life. From the beginning of pregnancy, I took vitamins recommended by the doctor who saw me (they are no longer produced, so there is no point in naming the brand), plus iron (I had mild anemia before pregnancy), and at the end of pregnancy, calcium according to the doctor’s indications. In addition, I began to watch TV (although I rarely did so) only from the other end of the room, and simply put a moratorium on the computer (at that time I had a CRT monitor, so don’t laugh: it’s the same TV, in essence). At this point you can finally switch to beauty issues.

    I'll start with makeup, since this is the shortest point. During pregnancy, I applied my makeup as carefully and thoughtfully as always, but I gave up manicures. Perhaps this was unnecessary, but I was afraid of even the minimal toxic effects that can be obtained by inhaling vapors from nail polish remover and even from the polishes themselves. During my entire pregnancy, I painted my nails only once - for my grandparents' golden wedding.

    I even found a photo showing that same manicure!

    By the way, despite the magnificent assortment of champagne, wines and other alcohol (my grandfather was a fine connoisseur), at the holiday I did not sip anything stronger than tea. I don’t want to get into arguments with those who defend the right of pregnant women to a glass or two of wine - that was my choice. When I later received my second education, during the course of neuropathology we were clearly told that alcohol is toxic to the fetus, and even more so to the embryo. Unfortunately, references to examples like “but Masha drank a couple of glasses a week and nothing” do not cancel this scientific fact. Anything can happen; in orphanages there are quite healthy children of binge alcoholics, but this does not at all make a couple of bottles of vodka a day a safe diet for a pregnant woman. In addition, this notorious “nothing, she gave birth healthy” usually only means that the child does not have six fingers or Down syndrome; Masha didn’t show you a certificate from a neurologist, right? If after a couple of years the baby develops increased nervous excitability (or vice versa, lethargy), hyperactivity, fainting - everyone will already forget about these “a couple of glasses”, but meanwhile they may well be one of the catalysts.

    As you can see, I turned off the beauty again, climbed onto the armored car and broadcast; but from the topic of pregnancy I will not erase paragraphs “not about that”, because I think all this is important.

    Coming back to makeup; During pregnancy, I unexpectedly mastered facial modeling. Many people probably know that sometimes pregnant women’s noses begin to “creep”; It would seem that the nose, in principle, cannot get fat, but come on. This, of course, is simply the influence of hormones - then it “falls” into place, and this is expressed differently in everyone (and in some it is completely absent): for example, I know a girl whose face is due to this her nose changed so much that after a two-month break I hardly recognized her.

    I didn’t give up makeup, and in general I really liked myself during pregnancy

    My nose behaved relatively well - until the last month, the changes were barely noticeable, but I was still unhappy with it and tried to correct the problem. I had an unsuccessfully chosen concealer lying around, a shade darker than necessary, and I began to apply it to the sides of my nose, carefully blending the transition. The nose actually became optically narrower.

    Well, the most painful topic for many is stretch marks. Before pregnancy, I assumed any consequences for my figure, but not stretch marks: I simply did not know about them. At all. My mother didn’t have them, and if my friends who gave birth before me had them, they somehow didn’t brag about them. As a result, I did nothing at all to prevent them - and I paid the price. True, despite being pregnant with twins, they appeared on...the chest. Oddly enough, the stomach and thighs remained completely untouched. As soon as I saw them, I immediately rushed for a remedy for stretch marks: now, unfortunately, it is no longer there, it was a gel from the famous manufacturer of children's cosmetics, Chicco. It was discontinued and replaced with a similar cream in the first year after I gave birth - I also liked the cream, but now it is no longer in stock; I hope that the new version is no worse, but I can’t vouch for it. So, this gel and cream healed stretch marks well, as far as possible - the skin became noticeably smoother. Of course, it was necessary to take care of prevention, but that’s how it turned out.

    At first I was a little worried, but not one of my men, who saw breasts after childbirth and breastfeeding, ever paid any attention to stretch marks. They even told me, “What are you talking about? You don't have any." They still There is, I see them, but now I don’t worry at all: since they don’t make me less attractive, then why be upset? In addition, after looking at a selection of photos of women giving birth that were recently circulating on the Internet, I realized that I was still really doing well.

    And I also have a photo against the backdrop of a classic Soviet carpet! And I really love this photo.

    And you know, I sincerely hope that such results as those of the heroines of the photo shoot can be avoided with proper care. In this matter, it should be noted, the spears are still breaking: some believe that if stretch marks are destined to appear, then they will appear; others try to improve skin elasticity and prevent the problem. In fact, here everything is about the same as with lung cancer: you never know how many examples we heard that “my grandfather smoked cigarettes until he was 80 and nothing, he died healthy - and Vanka from the next door didn’t smoke all his life and died from cancer at thirty." This does not mean that cigarettes are not carcinogenic, nor that the narrator is lying. It’s just that, again, it’s everyone’s choice - to take risks or play it safe.

    Just because ten of your friends didn't have stretch marks without any care, that doesn't mean your skin isn't worth taking care of. If you have the same disgrace (forgive me this epithet) as in the photographs, how will memories of the example of your friends console you? Yes, the skin may still not withstand the load; or maybe withstand it, or at least endure it with less consequences. It can't get any worse anyway, so why not try?

    One more thing: I personally think that a pregnant woman’s figure is very beautiful. I thought so from my early youth. By the way, I remember how in kindergarten I noticed the teacher’s pregnancy and asked the other girls in surprise - what is it? A belly that certainly doesn't look anything like the belly of a fat person, but it's also very big! I always looked with pleasure at pregnant women, especially those who clearly do not forget about their femininity and walk themselves in makeup, beautiful clothes, and well-groomed hair. And during pregnancy, I constantly admired my belly, in recent months I generally walked around the house in a short top, looking in the mirrors and rejoicing at my “soccer ball”.

    Years later, I was surprised to read on some forums that a pregnant woman cannot excite a man, and I wanted to ask - are you kidding me? My husband really liked the metamorphosis of my figure, he constantly touched me, stroked me, hugged me - he hovered like a bee over a flower, and the enlarged breasts just didn’t make hearts flash in his eyes, like in cartoons.

    And I still believe that pregnancy is not only a wonderful, but also a beautiful period.

    I did not gain excess weight during pregnancy: a week or two after giving birth, I weighed almost the same as before pregnancy. There is no mysticism here: you just don’t need to fatten yourself for nine months, like a pig for slaughter. A layer of fat on the sides does not bring any benefit to the child - it is already surplus, as you understand. If you eat healthy and varied, you will round, but not thick.

    Less than a month after birth; I couldn’t find a more visual photograph, but in general the condition of the figure can be understood

    Unfortunately, I can’t tell you anything about fitness or yoga for pregnant women - due to multiple pregnancies and extremely low progesterone, all this was contraindicated for me.

    But what I can talk about is the shape of the abdomen and chest. Looking at the same photos, I’m trying to understand why many women have a “pouchy” belly - I didn’t have that. On the first morning after giving birth, I pulled myself into a postpartum bandage (it barely fit!) and then wore it every day; it became easier and easier to fit in, I could already pull it tighter, and then I completely bought a new, smaller one. I don’t know whether the preservation of the normal shape of the abdomen is entirely the merit of the bandage, but in any case, it is quite possible to make such a small sacrifice for the sake of beauty.

    Then, when I stopped breastfeeding, I worked on my abs more actively, on my own, at home. Regular exercises: sit-ups, crunches, leg raises - I did about 100-120 movements for each muscle group, divided into three approaches. And my abs had definition again: I didn’t want cubes or anything out of the ordinary, I was quite happy with this result:

    This photo was taken when the children were already eight years old; all these years the press normally maintained the “given” shape after feeding. As you can see, the joys of motherhood do not necessarily have to be combined with a hanging belly; and it's never too late to take care of yourself. And yes, of course, with a real trainer, in a fitness club, I would achieve amazing results, etc., etc.... and how many young mothers do not take care of themselves only because they do not have the opportunity to get out fitness? I want to explain: it is possible to practice simply at home, unprofessionally and without complex calculations. And it makes sense.

    And the second point is the chest. I breastfed for a very long time, and living with size five (or even more) was quite difficult. Since I was afraid that at the end of feeding my breasts would turn into rags, every day I did simple exercises for my breasts: join my hands in front of my breasts and press hard on them. If you do everything correctly, you will see the muscles in your chest tighten. I did this exercise every free minute (it’s very simple, you can read at the same time, watch a movie, sing a lullaby, sit in the park with a stroller - whatever), and I’m happy with the results. Not to brag, but so as not to be unfounded, I will add that more than once my friends who gave birth asked me the question: “How did you save your breasts?” You can add push-ups (at least against the wall), increase the load with dumbbells - it will be even better, but I’m talking about the simplest exercise that really helped.

    To summarize, I would like to note that there is no magic recipe for maintaining your figure and skin in good condition (during pregnancy, after it, and in life in general): everything comes with hard work. Whether you want to put in this effort or not is your choice; I'm just sharing my experience.

    But the most important thing both during pregnancy and after is to be happy.

    The text turned out to be gigantic, but there is still a feeling that I didn’t tell you something, that I forgot about something: but if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. And share your experience if you have your own thoughts, recipes and tips!

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