• Healing of lips after correction. Photos before and after applying permanent lip makeup Healed lips after permanent makeup


    Lip tattooing allows you to use pigment to make the color brighter and the contour more even and clear. When introducing the coloring composition, the master makes punctures with special needles, then shades the lines. Healing of the crust does not occur immediately; it lasts several days.

    Lip tattooing is a cosmetic procedure that allows you to permanently improve their shape, make their contour and color clearer. It should only be performed by a professional in a trusted salon, using high-quality paint and sterile instruments. Healing of punctures takes a long time, about 5-7 days. To understand what the sponges will look like immediately after leaving the master’s office and after a few days, just study the description and look at the step-by-step photos.

    Applying pigment and shading

    The lip tattoo procedure begins with choosing a suitable shade and drawing a border with a regular cosmetic pencil. After this, the master applies an anesthetic gel and covers it with film. This action will reduce pain during the injection of paint with needles. Next, the process of pigmenting the contour begins, followed by shading.

    Immediately after driving in the pigment, the following sensations are observed:

    • Quite severe swelling appears, which will gradually decrease and then disappear. How long it will last depends on the type of skin and the individual characteristics of the body.
    • There is pain and numbness of the lips from the anesthetic. To eliminate pain, a healing ointment and painkillers are prescribed.
    • The color of the tattoo takes on a bright shade, and the outline looks too clear and unnatural.

    Numbness or pain prevents many girls from eating their usual food for the first 24 hours. Sometimes you have to drink only juice or tea through a straw all evening so as not to hurt yourself.

    The photo below shows the result before the procedure and 2 hours after tattooing. The lips became plump, bright, and a noticeable border of a darker color appeared.

    The appearance of a dried crust

    If on the first day there is severe swelling and numbness around the area treated with needles, then on the second day these symptoms practically disappear. The swelling becomes barely noticeable, the pain goes away. A specialist cannot say how long it will take until complete healing. For some women, the process drags on for 7-10 days, while others are happy with the disappearance of the crust by the third day.

    Be sure to apply the ointment recommended by the salon workers to your lips. Do this in the morning and evening, carefully smearing each area with your fingertip. Hydrocortisone ointment has proven itself to promote the healing of punctures. This is what the sponges look like in the photo with a thick layer of antiseptic ointment applied.

    • Use Boro Plus or Rescue cream instead of ointment, applying them 3-4 times in a thin layer for about 5-7 days.
    • For those who have a tendency to develop herpes, take a course of acyclovir a week before the procedure.

    By the second or third day, the entire surface is covered with dried crusts. This is a normal phenomenon and indicates the beginning of the recovery period. Sometimes severe peeling of the skin begins, accompanied by unbearable itching.

    Combing or picking off dried ichor is prohibited, otherwise the pigment will be distributed unevenly. You need to wait until it disappears completely, lubricating your lips with medicinal creams every day.

    For those who are interested in what such a tattoo looks like, just study the photo below. By this time, the crusts are already beginning to disappear, but for some girls the recovery period lasts a little longer.

    Permanent makeup care

    After the crusts have come off, care consists of protecting the lips from the harmful effects of external factors. Until color correction is done, it is prohibited:

    • visit the solarium, sunbathe under the bright rays of the sun;
    • go to the bathhouse, sauna, swim in the pool, open water;
    • exercise in the gym according to an enhanced program;
    • use scrubs and alcohol-containing lotions;
    • apply decorative cosmetics: gloss, lipstick, pencil.

    The artist must explain how many weeks to wait for correction during the tattoo. It is usually done a month after pigmentation, when the color is fully developed and becomes close to natural. It would be a good idea to look at the photos in the salon catalog to get an idea of ​​what to expect from the procedure after a month, six months, or a longer period of time.

    You will definitely need to use hygienic lipstick, as your lips will become drier. How long the shape and chosen tone will last depends on proper care.

    It must be remembered that ultraviolet radiation causes complete fading of the pigment, and water in the first days contributes to premature peeling of the crust and the appearance of uneven spots over the entire surface.

    Completely healed lips should look plump, smooth, and natural. Below, for comparison, are photos with correctly applied permanent makeup and an unsuccessful result. In the second case, even correction will not help; uneven lines will have to be removed with a laser.

    In order for long-lasting permanent makeup to last for a long time, delighting its owner with a beautiful shape or rich color, you must strictly follow all the instructions of a specialist. Only correct application of ointments and following the recommendations will allow the pigment to be distributed evenly and appear in the desired shade.

    Cons of lip tattoo:

    • a protracted healing period, sometimes complications are possible - swelling that does not go away for a long time, herpetic rashes and others;
    • a crust always appears on the lips, which itches and interferes; over time, the shade begins to fade, you have to make adjustments;
    • the procedure is quite painful.

    What a bad lip tattoo looks like:

    • the appearance of a bluish tint;
    • curve and blurry outline.

    Read more in our article about the consequences of lip tattooing.

    Read in this article

    Cons of lip tattoo

    Daily makeup often takes a lot of time. Girls and women try to find various ways to make their lives easier and spend only a few minutes on it. Tattooing was invented in cosmetology especially for these purposes. It is used for eyes, eyebrows and lips. Women choose the latter in order to visually increase or decrease their volume, correct their shape and simply not wear makeup every day.

    How can you fix your lips with tattooing?

    In pursuit of bright and perfect lips, girls often do not think about the fact that micropigmentation has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. One of the consequences of tattooing is a prolonged healing period. Recovery does not always go smoothly. Sometimes a girl is faced with swelling that does not go away for a long time, herpetic rashes and other problems. Also, as a result of the procedure, a crust always appears on the lips, which itches and interferes.

    Despite the fact that tattooing suggests forgetting about the use of decorative cosmetics, Over time, the shade applied by pigments begins to fade. In this case, you will have to make adjustments and undergo interventions again.

    In addition, this the procedure is quite painful. Lip tattooing is carried out using a special device. During micropigmentation, the needle penetrates the epidermis, causing significant discomfort.

    We recommend reading the article about. From it you will learn about who should get it, the types of permanent tattooing, the advantages of natural tattooing, contraindications, features of choosing a tattoo artist, application technique, care and correction after a tattoo.

    Learn more about permanent lip makeup.


    Not every woman can change her image thanks to lip tattooing. There are contraindications, according to which some people are not recommended to do it. They are mainly associated with health problems:

    • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
    • the presence of malignant tumors;
    • reduced immunity, including as a result of HIV infection;
    • diabetes;
    • epilepsy.

    Also, pregnant and lactating women should avoid lip tattooing. People with allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases are at risk. It is unknown how their body will perceive filling their lips with pigment.

    If there are large moles or papillomas on the skin of the face, you should pay attention to where exactly they are located. If it is in close proximity to the lips, then tattooing can be done, but with extreme caution.

    Contraindications for lip tattooing

    Of course, a cosmetologist will not refer the client for a full medical examination. But he will definitely ask if he has any of these contraindications. Therefore, all responsibility will fall on the woman who decided to get a tattoo if she doesn’t say anything. In any case, it will definitely not be superfluous to consult your doctor.

    Reasons for poor results

    Unsuccessful consequences of lip tattooing can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of them directly depend on the level of skill of the cosmetologist, while others are caused by the actions of the girl herself who decided on permanent makeup. The reasons why lip tattooing does not look as desired include:

    • Failure to comply with the rules. To make healing faster, the specialist gives a number of recommendations. For example, it is necessary to maintain hygiene, not visit the sauna and bathhouse, beware of getting cosmetics on your lips, and use healing ointments. If a girl or woman does not adhere to these basic rules, negative consequences will not be long in coming.
    • Individual characteristics of the body. Women prone to scarring may experience connective tissue growth on their lips.
    • Poor quality or inappropriate pigment shade. It depends on the skill level of the cosmetologist. An inexperienced specialist may mix colors incorrectly or introduce too much pigment, causing the lips to look unnaturally bright. In addition, permanent makeup products can clog pores.

    Lip tattoo colors and shades
    • Master's incompetence. If you want to get a good lip tattoo, you should not choose a specialist based on the principle “as long as it’s inexpensive.” Often, home-grown cosmetologists without certificates or diplomas indicating qualifications make very serious mistakes when carrying out the procedure. It is unlikely that you will be able to leave the office of such a specialist with perfect lips.

    Possible negative consequences in the future

    It is not always possible to be satisfied with the good work of a cosmetologist. How positive the consequences of lip tattooing will be in the future depends on the level of the artist, the client’s health and many other factors. It often happens that various medical and cosmetic problems arise.


    One of the most common manifestations of unsuccessful lip tattooing is herpes. But it is unlikely that you will be able to become infected with the virus in a specialist’s office. After all, a good cosmetologist monitors cleanliness: he disinfects the patient’s hands and face, and performs his work exclusively while wearing gloves. Therefore, herpes can make itself known only in those women who are already carriers of the virus. After all, any intervention can cause rashes.

    Crooked outline

    Therefore, doctors recommend using ointments and preparations for preventive purposes that will help avoid such unpleasant consequences of lip tattooing. The most commonly used are acyclovir and valovir. They must be applied to the skin around the lips before and after the procedure for several days. Also, external agents can be easily replaced with tablets for the same purpose.

    If hygiene is not observed during the tattoo procedure, various infections can enter the body. This, in turn, will significantly increase the healing time of the lips. Infections can cause wounds and inflammation. To avoid such consequences, it is important to choose trusted professionals from good clinics. In high-level service establishments, great attention is paid to disinfection.

    When a professional works

    Another possible reaction of the body to external interference is an allergy. A woman may be found to be intolerant to the substances used to create the shade. But this is also easy to prevent: you need to find out if there is an allergy, and if so, then inform the cosmetologist about it.

    Among the unpleasant medical consequences is also the formation of scars after tattooing. To prevent such a problem from arising, it is necessary to apply wound-healing ointments or creams immediately after the procedure. If this is not taken care of in time, there is a risk of permanently ruining the appearance of the lips with scar tissue, which is then difficult to correct.

    Expert opinion

    Tatyana Somoilova

    Cosmetology expert

    Girls and women who have experienced unsuccessful tattooing for various reasons do not have to worry: in most cases it can be corrected. But for this you will have to attend at least three sessions.


    In addition to medical problems, undesirable effects of an aesthetic nature may occur. For example, the wrong color. But this does not always happen due to the fault of the specialist. Even a good and professional hairdresser can encounter such a problem, because it is never possible to predict how the body will react to pigmentation.

    Despite the fact that the shade prepared by a specialist from natural and mineral ingredients does not always look identical on the lips, this can be easily adjusted. The master can add missing colors.

    Unsuccessful contour after lip tattoo

    It happens that tattooing results in an incorrect and unsightly lip contour. A good specialist, before taking up the device for applying permanent makeup, will carefully discuss the desired result with the client. In addition, he can recommend a contour that will look best and maintain harmony on the face.

    Unprofessional cosmetologists can significantly worsen the appearance not only with an irregular contour. Sometimes the procedure results in asymmetry or blurred outline. The color begins to “spread”, going beyond the natural contour. Such a defect can only be corrected with cosmetics. And before it disappears completely, you need to wait for the pigment to resolve.

    About lip tattooing and its consequences, as well as how to avoid them, watch the video:

    What a bad lip tattoo looks like

    Looking in the mirror after the recovery process, sometimes a woman discovers that something has gone wrong. To understand what a bad lip tattoo looks like, you need to know what distinctive features it has. Most often, the woman herself understands that she definitely did not get the lips of her dreams. An unsuccessful tattoo is indicated by:

    • too sharp a lip contour that does not match the overall tone;
    • the pigment is present only along the perimeter, due to which it stands out strongly;
    • when the lip contour was enlarged, the color remained only on the skin around them;
    • the appearance of a bluish tint;
    • curve and blurry outline.

    Before you decide to tattoo your lips, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the procedure. Often, poor preparation for an upcoming intervention can result in a number of medical and cosmetic problems. Therefore, it is important before going to a beauty salon to make sure there are no contraindications, and also to prepare your lips for the procedure. And so that the result does not turn out to be disastrous, you must follow all the recommendations given by the cosmetologist.

    Permanent lip makeup involves applying colored dye under the skin. This type of tattoo allows you to visually increase the size of your lips, correct their shape, and also make them brighter and more attractive.

    To achieve the desired effect, you need to choose a good specialist, as well as provide proper care after the procedure.

    Lip tattooing is performed with a thin needle, under the influence of which soft tissues are damaged and the skin around it becomes inflamed. The most painful period is considered to be the first 5-7 days from the moment when permanent lip makeup was applied.

    A good result after a permanent lip makeup procedure depends half on proper care of the treated area.

    Care after the procedure at this time should be especially delicate and thrifty. These days, the lips look very swollen, their color becomes too bright and unnatural, asymmetry and uneven contours may appear.

    These symptoms should disappear a week after tattooing. Complete healing occurs within a month. The duration of the recovery period is influenced by the individual characteristics of each organism, skin type and compliance with all the recommendations of the specialist.

    What healing ointment to use after tattooing. How and how much to smear lips

    In order to facilitate the recovery period after tattooing, it is necessary to use special therapeutic agents. Their use should begin immediately after permanent lip makeup has been performed.

    Care after the permanent makeup procedure includes the use of ointments that have a wound-healing, disinfectant and moisturizing effect.

    Bepanten. The ointment contains dexpanthenol as an active substance, thanks to which rapid healing of wounds occurs. The composition also contains alcohol, which has a disinfecting effect.

    Excipients lanolin, beeswax and almond oil moisturize and nourish the skin. Apply a thin layer of ointment to damaged areas of the lips 2-3 times a day. It is very important to avoid contact of the drug with the eyes. Price from 400 rub.

    Bepanten plus. In addition to dexpanthenol, the ointment contains chlorhexidine, which is a well-known antiseptic. The ointment is applied to the lips 2-3 times a day. Price from 418 rub.

    D-Panthenol. The ointment relieves inflammation, promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissue, and also softens the skin. The drug is used 2 to 3 times a day. The ointment should not be used if you are allergic to one of the components.

    You should also exercise caution in case of chronic renal failure. The cost of the drug starts from 160 rubles. As analogues, you can use Panthenol (from 36 rubles) and Descapanthenol (from 88 rubles).

    Boro Plus. The drug consists of plant components and has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

    The product must be used at least 3 times a day. Price from 50 rub.

    Hydrocortisone. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, quickly heals wounds, relieves burning and itching on the lips, and also prevents the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

    Do not use the drug for viral infections and severe damage to the skin. The use of ointment is not recommended if you have diabetes. The price starts from 29 rubles.

    Rescuer. The ointment promotes natural healing of damaged areas, softens and soothes the skin, while preventing it from drying out.

    The drug also has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Cost from 130 rub.

    To care for your lips after permanent makeup, you can use cheap and readily available products such as chlorhexidine solution and Vaseline.

    The first product is used to disinfect damaged areas, the second will help soften and moisturize the lips.

    When your lips dry out, you can also use special balms, moisturizing ointments and creams, and cosmetic oils. It is important to use such products in moderation, without creating a steamy effect on the lips.

    It is important to know! Tattooing can cause the appearance of herpes on the lips.

    You should continue taking the medication throughout the first week from the date of tattooing.

    What water and how to wash?

    For the first 3 days after tattooing, it is necessary to limit your lips from contact with water.

    At this time, it is better to use wet wipes for washing. You can also wipe your face with toner, avoiding the mouth area.

    In the following days, until the skin has completely healed, it is recommended to use boiled water at room temperature for washing.

    After water procedures, use a clean towel or napkin to remove any remaining water. This should be done with careful movements, trying not to touch the damaged areas.

    What to do if your lips are very itchy?

    As soon as the sores on the lips begin to heal, itching may occur. It is worth remembering that the damaged area should never be scratched!

    This can lead to additional trauma and also interfere with the development of color pigment. If the itching intensifies, then you need to apply ointment to this area more often.

    What to do with crusts on your lips? Is it possible to rip them off?

    During the first day after tattooing, crusts begin to appear on the lips. Many people immediately have a desire to rip them off. But this cannot be done.

    The crust should fall off on its own, without outside intervention. This happens on days 3-7. If the crust comes off unnaturally, the color pigment will disappear along with it.

    What is prohibited in the first days after the procedure

    To achieve a successful result after lip tattooing, it is important to know not only about the features of care, but also about the restrictions that exist in the first days after the procedure. During this period it is prohibited:

    • consume hot drinks and food, as well as salty, sour and spicy foods;
    • lick lips;
    • swim in the pool and various bodies of water;
    • expose affected areas to direct sunlight;
    • visit the bathhouse and solarium;
    • take a hot bath;
    • touch the mouth area with dirty hands;
    • tear off, scratch and wet the crusts;
    • apply decorative cosmetics on the lips;
    • kiss;
    • cover wounds with plaster;
    • wash with soap;
    • exfoliate your face;
    • use ointments and creams that contain hormones and antibiotics in the area of ​​tattooing;
    • take blood thinners;
    • drink alcohol;
    • treat wounds with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol solutions;
    • expose yourself to intense physical activity.

    It is important to know! In order not to harm your health, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for tattooing. The procedure is strictly prohibited for people with serious diseases such as diabetes, oncology, epilepsy, HIV.

    Tattooing is contraindicated in case of poor blood clotting and during the acute period of any illness, during pregnancy and menstruation, and while breastfeeding.

    For women, the best time to get a tattoo is the middle of the menstrual cycle. A few days before the procedure, you should avoid drinking alcohol, as well as drinks with a high caffeine content.

    How to speed up the healing process?

    The healing process after lip tattooing is different for everyone. To speed it up, it is necessary to use special wound healing agents. It is also important to protect damaged areas from the negative effects of external factors, and to avoid premature removal of crusts.

    The general condition of the body is of great importance for the healing process. Tattooing is not recommended for severely weakened immunity, exhaustion and overexertion. In this case, the wounds heal much more slowly.

    After what time can I use cosmetics?

    Decorative cosmetics can be applied to the lips only after all affected areas have completely healed. This usually happens 2-3 weeks after the tattoo is applied.

    When performing tattooing, colored dye can be applied not only along the contour of the lips, but also on part of their surface. This method is called shading. To paint part of the lips, a lighter color is usually chosen than for the contour.

    This technique allows you to add additional volume to your lips. Basic care tips after permanent lip makeup with shading:

    • For the first 3 days, the affected areas of the lips are treated with an antiseptic, which can be a pharmaceutical solution of chlorhexidine. A small amount of the solution is applied to a cotton swab and gently applied to the wounds in the form of a lotion.
    • Over the next few days, healing ointment is used to care for injured tissues. The ointment must be applied to the lips and the skin around them in a thin layer, avoiding excessive moisture. Residues are removed with a napkin or cotton swab. The procedure will be repeated 2 to 4 times a day.

    • If your lips become dry, you can use Vaseline or baby cream.
    • Premature removal of crusts must be avoided.
    • After all wounds have completely healed, creams with vitamins D and A should be used as maintenance lip care.

    Good to know! During the recovery period, it is important to take into account the time of year in which permanent lip makeup was performed: care after the procedure, in winter and summer, has its own characteristics.

    In summer, it is necessary to take additional measures to protect your lips from exposure to ultraviolet rays. To do this, you should use sunscreens with the highest degree of protection. In winter, it is worth protecting your lips from low temperatures and strong winds.

    How to relieve swelling if it appears?

    Due to injury to soft tissues and skin during tattooing, swelling may appear on the lips. It usually goes away within 2-3 days.

    If after 3 days the swelling does not go away, you should take antiallergic drugs, such as: Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil, etc. Cold compresses will also help relieve swelling: ice cubes are wrapped in cloth and applied to the area of ​​swelling.

    It is important to know! If the body is prone to frequent allergic reactions, it is worth conducting a test a day before tattooing. To do this, apply a small amount of dye to a hidden area of ​​skin (for example, the area behind the ear) and observe the reaction.

    Permanent lip makeup will allow a woman to have bright and seductive lips 24 hours a day. Care after the procedure is simple, but the final result of the tattoo depends on it, as well as the duration of the recovery period after it.

    Why you shouldn’t get permanent lip makeup wet:

    Care after permanent makeup procedure:

    Lip tattooing with shading will help you forget about lipstick for a long time. A comparative photo allows you to evaluate the natural color of the skin after the procedure, as well as the corrected contours of the lips.

    Permanent lip makeup has a number of positive aspects and a number of certain disadvantages. The effect of the procedure depends on the experience of the specialist, the condition of the skin, and the age factor.

    The following advantages can be motivation for tattooing:

    Lip tattoo with shading - photo, natural skin color - you can get a full impression of the procedure by reading the catalogs of beauty salons.

    For all its attractiveness, tattooing also has several disadvantages:

    • There are a number of contraindications, and they must be taken into account so as not to harm your health.
    • Lip correction can last from 1 to 3 hours and may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
    • Depending on the structure and condition of the skin, the result may differ from the photographs in the catalog.
    • Lip care in the first 6-7 days will require strict adherence to all the recommendations of the specialist and the use of a special ointment.
    • There is a risk of infection and inflammation of the skin if this technique is used by an inexperienced technician or at home. It is also possible that the contour was applied unsuccessfully, which will be difficult to correct.

    Who should get a lip tattoo? Indications and contraindications

    The appearance, as well as the photo of the tattoo with shading, attracts attention due to the natural color of the lips and their well-groomed appearance. Such permanent makeup is usually in demand among women who would like to correct the contours of their lips, visually plump them up or, conversely, remove excess volume, revive their color, hide small scars and scars, and make asymmetry invisible.

    With all the busyness of modern women, the desire to always look decent without spending much time on beauty is also relevant - here tattooing is also very suitable. Having decided on the procedure, you need to consult with a beauty salon specialist about contraindications.

    As a rule, tattooing is temporarily or not recommended at all in the following cases:

    • the presence of dermatitis or inflammation of the skin of the lips (micropigmentation can be performed no earlier than a month after the last signs of dermatitis disappear);
    • hepatitis disease;
    • HIV infection or AIDS;
    • poor or increased blood clotting (which, at a minimum, will affect the rate and quality of healing);
    • weakened immunity (infectious complications are possible);
    • epileptic manifestations;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • detected oncology;
    • the presence of herpes (the procedure can be done only a month after its last manifestation);
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • the onset of the menstrual cycle (increased sensitivity and changes in hormonal levels are unfavorable when performing tattooing);
    • moles or congenital pigment spots in the areas of the procedure;
    • minor age.

    How to choose a color for lip tattoo

    In order for the lip color to look natural in life and in photos, when tattooing with shading, it is very important to take into account the color type of appearance, skin tone, reaction to ultraviolet radiation and the saturation of the paint used. A specialist, or maybe the client himself, can help you make the right choice if you know the basics of choosing paint.

    For this, there are palettes with a variety of tones and the Fitzpatrick Scale, which helps classify the skin by phototype, that is, by the intensity of the reaction of epidermal pigments to sunlight (dark skin perceives tanning better, light skin - worse).

    Any lip tattoo artist will suggest that the client choose discreet, pastel shades. This will allow you, if necessary, to change your image with lipstick, look natural and, over time, be able to get a tattoo refresh in a different color.

    When choosing paints for tattooing, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of skin types, as well as natural shades of gray or purple tones, which will need to be neutralized by pigmentation.

    For Celtic skin type

    The lightest tone, the skin visually appears transparent, very soft with a milky tint. She often has clearly visible freckles. People with Celtic skin types usually have light blue or green eyes. To create naturalness and naturalness For people with this skin type, pale pink pigments with the addition of scarlet are recommended.

    With the Nordic type

    The Nordic, also Scandinavian, or Aryan type is characterized by light skin, but somewhat darker than the Celtic. Freckles are less common on her, and they are not so noticeable.
    Eyes, as a rule, are green, gray, blue, hair is brown, light brown. At With this appearance, pigments of coral, caramel, and cherry shades are most often used.

    Dark European

    The dark European type, mixed in a different way, is one of the most common. The skin is darker than the Nordic type, mostly without freckles, complemented by brown, gray eyes, brown or dark brown hair. Lips in bronze, ocher, and beige will successfully complement the image.

    Southern European type

    The Southern European (also called Mediterranean) type differs from the previous ones in its olive skin tone, complete absence of freckles, rich brown eye color, and dark hair. The makeup artist will definitely advise you to get a tattoo in warm beige tones.

    Indonesian skin type

    Dark skin, sometimes reaching dark brown in shade, brunettes with searing black eyes - these are representatives of the Indonesian type, which is also called Middle Eastern.

    For people with a similar skin type, a specialist may suggest decorate brown-gray lips with golden-red, dark red or terracotta.

    African skin type

    The smallest group on our continent are people with African skin type. These are very dark (even black shades) brunettes with black eyes and specific facial features. The lips of people of this type often have a slight brownish-gray or brownish-violet tint, so red-brown or orange pigment with the addition of beige is a classic option.

    Technology of applying pigment with shading

    Before carrying out the procedure, you need to decide what the goal is: contour correction, color revitalization, visual effects, fashion trends.

    Tattooing with shading allows you to preserve the natural appearance and color of your lips, as can be clearly seen in the photo before and after the procedure

    All pigment application techniques have a common beginning: preliminary therapy against herpes, and, immediately before the procedure, degreasing the skin, treating it with an antiseptic, pain relief, selecting the necessary needles and coloring elements.

    Lip contour tattoo

    Contour tattooing with shading is one of the most complex types of work, so you should trust only an experienced artist.

    The contour of the lips is drawn with dark paint; the closer to the inner edge, the more you need to shade the pigment. Typically the width of the shading is 7-8 mm.

    2 types are used:

    • tattoo with partial shading (to correct lip contours);
    • tattoo with full shading (adjustment and replacement of lipstick).

    Natural light kajal

    The light kajal method is focused on drawing a light contour line in such a way that the lips appear more prominent and plump.
    This method involves increasing the contour and painting the skin under the lower lip. In this case, a minimum number of shades is used.

    Watercolor technique

    The watercolor method of tattooing can not only highlight the beauty of the lips, but also correct their shape. The necessary contour is made with a dark tone, and the rest of the surface is shaded with a lighter tone. The technique of applying permanent makeup in this case is aimed at simply changing the color of the lips, correcting them while maintaining the effect of naturalness and naturalness.

    When micropigmentation is done correctly, lips look like they did after applying gloss or balm. The procedure is carried out with a watercolor needle by shading the coloring matter, the session lasts about an hour. Under sterile conditions and with experience, tattooing can be performed at home.

    Ombre lip tattoo

    Ombre is considered the youngest, most sophisticated and high-quality method of lip tattooing. This kind of jewelry work must be performed by an experienced craftsman, so this service is provided, as a rule, in elite beauty salons.

    The ombre method uses 5 coloring pigments of different shades, used during 3 stages of work:

    • drawing a contour;
    • filling the labial folds with lines of various lengths;
    • creating a 3D effect using colors - lighter tones closer to the center, shorter lines.

    The complexity of the process lies not only in the “stuffed”, firm hand of a specialist, but also in the fact that the pigments appear after some time and experience and a sense of tone are required to correctly place all the shades on the lips.

    3D effect

    To achieve a 3D effect, use 2-3 shades of paint of the same tone. This method is used to achieve greater expressiveness of the lips by highlighting their contour with a darker pigment, and the entire surface with a lighter pigment.

    From the edge to the center, with very small intervals, almost filigree, thin lines of different shades are applied, which creates the effect of a play of shadows and light. This technique is in great demand among those with lip threads. To achieve this goal, needles of different diameters are used; this method allows you to visually enlarge your lips.

    Such a procedure can take 3 visits to a beauty salon due to the fact that the 3D effect involves the introduction of an increased amount of pigment. The final result appears on the third day after the procedure.

    Healing and correction of tattoos

    Healing time lasts from 3 to 7 days. Swelling may last 2-3 days.

    In the first days, the injured area may become wet; it must be carefully soaked with a napkin soaked in 0.01% miramistin or its substitute - crusts will form.

    After the surface of the lips has healed, after about 2-3 weeks, experts recommend undergoing correction. Healed skin will reveal all the weak points of the tattoo: insufficient color, whitish spots from the pigment that has come off along with the crusts, an individual local reaction in which the pigment has not taken root. The master will carry out “restorative” work on color and contour.

    The price of this procedure is either included in advance in the cost of the main tattoo or is no more than 10% of its cost and is paid separately. Correction allows you to enjoy your renewed lips longer and significantly extend the life of permanent makeup.

    How to care for your lips after the procedure

    The main thing in caring for the skin of the lips after tattooing is the proper healing of wounds and the prevention of dermatitis, herpes and other inflammations.

    The crusts formed after the procedure will fall off in about 10 days; until this time, they should not be touched or forcibly torn off - this can damage the uniformity of the coloring pigment coverage and cause whitish spots, as well as become an additional cause of herpes. To combat swelling, medicinal ointments are recommended: Bepanten or Panthenol.

    In addition, you must:

    • If possible, avoid exposure to cold and heat;
    • refrain from applying cosmetics;
    • try to limit skin care after eating to applying skin disinfectants recommended by a specialist.

    At first, it is very important to protect your lips from exposure to ultraviolet rays, protecting the skin with special creams and moisturizers.

    How long does a tattoo last, approximate prices

    In beauty salon catalogs you can see chronologically taken photos of lip tattoos with shading, where you can see how the natural color changes over time towards less saturation.

    On average, the pigment lasts at least 7-8 months, at most 3-4 years and depends on a number of factors:

    How much does the average consumer pay for a lip enhancement procedure? The price consists of several components: the confirmed education and qualifications of the artist, the chosen tattoo technique, compensation for the use of expensive equipment, the price of consumables, the cost of disinfection, sterilization, and of course, the status of the salon.

    As a result, the prices are approximately the following:

    • Contour with shading (up to 1.5 mm) - RUB 3,800. – 8000 rub.
    • Contour with shading (2-3 mm) - RUB 3,500. – 6000 rub.
    • Lip contour - 4300 rubles - 8000 rubles.
    • Lip filling - 4300 rubles - 8000 rubles.

    Saving time, natural lip color, always good photos - these are the bonuses of tattooing with shading, in which the price factor sometimes fades into the background.

    According to statistics, the stronger half of humanity, first of all, evaluates the expressiveness of the lips of a new acquaintance. Knowing this, women are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty. But to ensure that these sacrifices do not exceed reasonable limits, when deciding to do permanent makeup, you need to make inquiries and listen to reviews about the chosen beauty salon.

    You should also obtain confirmation of the qualifications of the craftsmen working there, ask what kind of paints they use (paints produced in the USA and Germany are considered to be of higher quality, resistant and hypoallergenic) and how modern the equipment and techniques are.

    Video, photo of lip tattoo with shading, permanent makeup in natural color

    Lip tattoo with shading: photos before and after the procedure:

    Permanent lip makeup colors:

    Natural lip makeup:

    The search for the secret of beauty is not inferior in intensity to the search for treasures. Women are trying to get a magical makeup product that will make your face perfect. Eyes should be expressive, eyebrows should be graphic, lips should be plump and seductive. Permanent makeup allowed women to get everything at once - durability and naturalness, and this, you see, is worth a lot.

    The essence of permanent lip makeup

    Tattooing is an alternative to plastic surgery. Seductive swelling of the lips is ensured by a correctly selected and applied shade without injections or other surgical intervention. Unlike ordinary tattooing, the pigment is not introduced so deeply, so it fades and disappears over time. But at the same time, it is durable enough to provide lips with a well-groomed appearance for up to three years.

    Using lip micropigmentation procedure you can adjust their size, shape, remove slight asymmetry or small scars. You choose the color yourself - from natural, repeating your own, to rich and noticeable.

    Types of lip tattoo

    Lip contour tattoo (before and after photos)

    The most popular and least painful type of tattoo. Master draws the outline with a color that the client herself finishes with lipstick. In this case, the lips remain beautifully defined and the lipstick does not smudge. But such a tattoo is too noticeable and requires constant application of color that perfectly matches the contour.

    Lip tattoo with color shading to a natural shade (before and after photos)

    The master outlines and slightly adjusts the shape and contour of the lips, after which the color is applied evenly over the entire surface. This type of tattoo will allow you to go without lipstick for some time and at the same time get seductive plump lips. The application technique is similar to the principle of pigment distribution.

    Watercolor lip tattoo (before and after photos)

    The sponges come out natural and evenly colored. The technique of applying pigment in small, thin strokes helps to achieve such a uniform shade. The pigment is driven in very shallowly, so the color chosen for tattooing is maximally displayed on the lips. The amount of dye is also minimal, so it creates not just the effect of lips painted, but simply slightly corrected with gloss.

    3D lip tattoo (before and after photos)

    Just recently, fashionistas were getting acquainted with something new, but today they are already mastering long-lasting 3D lip makeup. The similarity between these techniques is that the master applies several shades in one makeup, which allows you to make the color indistinguishable from your natural one. This is the most complex technique available today, so only the most experienced and well-trained professionals perform it.

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