• How to organize on-site registration. How to independently organize an unofficial (theatrical) exit marriage registration? How is off-site registration done?


    Recently, offsite marriage registration is gaining more and more popularity. Why? Because these are unforgettable emotions, first of all for newlyweds, which they cannot experience in the walls of the registry office. Today the registry office is becoming more and more a legal formality, and the guys give themselves a holiday directly, on the very day of the celebration. Off-site registration is a romantic fairy tale for two, in which there are cozy moments, experiencing which more than one guest will not remain indifferent, not to mention the mean male tear that our grooms have shed more than once) Emotions in our information and computerized age are becoming more and more valuable and I want to be sincere and real on such a significant day as a wedding, so that the guests have goosebumps from what is happening, so that you will forever remember these 30 minutes as something especially valuable, because it is at these moments that your family is born ...

    It is at the exit registration that you have a great opportunity to say to each other important words that are in your soul and overwhelm your heart in relation to each other, which you will not do in the registry office, where everything is put on stream like on a conveyor belt ... that you do not want to become part of this obsolete mechanism)))

    What the older generation says about on-site registration:

    "Guys, what we have just seen has turned our idea of \u200b\u200ba wedding upside down! Thank you for these emotions, thank you for this holiday, we could not imagine that it would be so touching!"

    The younger generation says:

    "Damn, cool! How great! I also want such a wedding, I want the same outdoor ceremony!"

    What our newlyweds say:

    “These emotions and feelings that we experienced on this fabulous day will remain with us for life! Thank you for giving people such happiness !!! All the guests were moved to the depths of their souls, rejoiced with us and wept! "

    How will your
    exit registration of marriage?

    11 easy steps for onsite registration,
    to which you will receive unforgettable emotions and 2 family traditions.
    "Standard package".

    1. Meeting guests.

    As a rule, before the start of registration, a buffet is organized for guests. Next, the visiting receptionist or wedding planner will seat the guests. While the guests are seated, romantic music sounds in order to tune the guests in the right way.

    2. Beginning.

    When everyone is already seated, the receptionist begins his beautiful speech and addresses the guests. Before meeting the newlyweds, we meet the groom's friends with cheerful music ... and, of course, with "Pretty Woman", a spectacular exit of the bridesmaids!

    3. Meeting of the bride and groom.

    On the path to family life, a groom appears and a beautiful woman who gave him life is walking next to him under his left hand. Well, to the chimes of bells, along a path covered with rose petals, accompanied by a loving father, guests meet a charming bride!

    4.1st family tradition *

    Rose is a symbol of love, family happiness and prosperity. From now on, this flower will remind you of this day and of the words that you said to each other in front of your family and friends.

    5. Wedding vows.

    It's time to answer a few questions while addressing your loved one. Sometimes the grooms say: I have been preparing a speech for a month, and now I want to say something completely different, something that itches in my chest, from which my eyes fill with moisture ... I LOVE YOU! It doesn't matter what you say to each other, the main thing is that every word you utter will be as sincere as possible, because when your hearts speak, it is impossible to lie!

    6. Painting.

    We declare you husband and wife. The family is assigned a common surname, or not assigned))) Solemn presentation of the certificate. From now on you are spouses!

    7. Betrothal.

    How symbolic the exchange of rings is, the field receptionist will tell everyone, while a little angel with wings takes them out on a pillow)

    8. 2nd family tradition *

    Two vessels, two destinies, two personalities ... You mix sand of 2 colors, symbolizing your reunion into a marriage. If at this moment you make a wish from a pure heart, it will certainly come true. Therefore, do not be afraid to dream and make plans for a joint future. Let's program the universe for family happiness together!

    9. Congratulations from guests.

    It's time to congratulate our newlyweds and hand them flowers. Shake the groom's right hand and kiss the bride on the cheek - for luck!

    10. Shooting the newlyweds and releasing balloons

    Freeing their hands from flowers, guests line up in a living corridor. We accompany the newlyweds along the path leading to family life and shower with rose petals. Further, the guests line up with a horseshoe behind our newlyweds and each is given a balloon, the newlyweds are given pigeons at will. We made wishes and for one, two or three together we release them into the sky!

    11. Surprises.

    A few more romantic moments, which we will keep silent about, so that you would be interested, and competitors did not use our full script for exit registration))))

    Find out more at the meeting with the organizer

    * Family tradition may vary depending on the style of the wedding and detailed work with the couple. Included in the organization of a turnkey wedding.

    You can see
    wedding registrations we have already done

    Price of exit registration of marriage in Moscow

    The registration price for the "Standard Package" described above includes:

    1. Visiting registrar
    2. Wedding planner / assistant
    3. DJ / sound engineer
    4. Flower arch / marquee
    5. Artificial floristry (made in Italy
    6. Track
    7. Table for painting
    8. Ring Carrying Pad
    9. Certificate folder
    10. Pen for painting
    11. Rose petals / baskets
    12. Ceremony script
    13. Sound equipment
    14. Musical cut for the script
    15. Author's vase (script) - as a gift
    16. Decanter in the shape of a heart (according to the script) - as a gift
    17. Colored sand

    Additionally included in the estimate:

    Rent of chairs for registration (delivery, installation)
    - lease of the site for registration
    - buffet table, welcome drinks
    - themed arrival of the newlyweds (by carriage, horseback, bicycle, etc.)
    - thematic meeting of guests (mimes, magicians, caricatures, etc.)
    - video filming of exit registration (video, 3 minutes)
    - symbolic release of birds from the cage (decorative cage, 3-4 birds)
    - release of pigeons (pair of white pigeons)
    - angels with wings (wings for rent, makeup, etc.)
    - live music (saxophone, violin, harp, etc.)

    Total, the price of turnkey field registration: 55,000 rubles *
    * excluding the cost of renting a site for registration, renting chairs.

    And much more we can offer you,
    at an introductory meeting!
    (contact our organizers for details)

    The destination wedding is huge. In fact, absolutely any space outside the registry office will do.

    The only exception will be the case when you strive for official registration with the departure of an employee of a state institution. Then you will have to focus on those cultural objects that are offered by the registry office. If you are satisfied with staged registration, then the choice of place depends mostly on your desires and finances.

    • Do you prefer unity with nature? Choose a picturesque corner of a park, a public garden, a charming meadow in the forest or a place on the river bank;
    • Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of the past? Old manors, palaces, museums at your disposal;
    • Do you value comfort and convenience? Pay attention to the cozy terraces of the restaurants;
    • If you are lovers of the water element, then exit registration is possible even on the ship;

    The possibility of on-site registration at the site of your choice (in most cases) is necessary agree with the administration.

    • If the territory is state-owned (city park, square, embankment, square), then you need to apply for permission from the administration of the city district, in whose department this territory is located.
    • To agree on exit registration on the territory of historical and cultural sites, you will need to conclude an agreement with their administration for the provision of paid services;
    • The most problem-free in terms of coordination are the vast zones of forest parks located far from the city. Nobody here will require special permission to hold a wedding ceremony. The same is the case with country houses and terraces of restaurants and cafes.


    The main the advantage of the visiting ceremony is the relative freedom in time, i.e. you yourself plan the start time of the event, and if unforeseen circumstances arise, you can slightly shift the time frame.

    When is it better to hold a celebration: morning, afternoon or evening?

    • Morning. The last preparations for the holiday (decorations, placement of attributes), taking care of the appearance of the bride and groom will take a lot of time, so you should not schedule an exit registration for the morning hours, even if you are early risers;
    • Day. Typically, the hottest hours are at noon and until 14-15.00. Outdoor weddings are especially popular in summer, so spending your holiday in the scorching heat is not the best option. The optimal time to start is 15-16 hours. After registration, you can safely have time for a banquet in a restaurant or cafe;
    • Evening. You can arrange a very romantic holiday in the evening. The beginning twilight will be set off by the soft light of miniature lanterns. If you decide to limit yourself to just a buffet table in the fresh air, then the evening is perfect. But if a restaurant is also planned, then the event risks being crumpled.

    Attention! Perhaps on this day you will need to visit the registry office to sign the documents and receive a marriage certificate. This must be taken into account when choosing the time for the ceremony.

    Choice of recorder and musical accompaniment

    How to have a ceremony without problems? You will need a registrar for this. It can be a registry office worker, a wedding host, an actor, or one of your friends with artistic data.

    What to look forchoosing such an important figure for your holiday?

    1. Feedback from previous clients;
    2. Portfolio with photo and video materials
    3. Appearance
    4. Communication skills, competent speech
    5. Artistry
    6. Resourcefulness, ability to control the situation.

    To help the facilitator, you will need musical accompaniment... You can order live music (saxophone, violin, harp) or use the services of a DJ who will select the appropriate compositions. A DJ is a budget option and will organically complement the event.

    Music performed live will cost more, but it sounds more effective and evokes more vivid emotions in those present.


    For an unusual wedding, a set of certain accessories is required.

    • The main decoration of the holiday will be, under the vault of which you will pronounce the words of the oath to each other. Usually it is decorated with flowers and ribbons, draped with beautiful fabric or lace;
    • A carpeted path runs between rows of guest chairs and leads to an archway;
    • Chairs for visitors, decorated with fabric and flowers;
    • The gazebo will be very appropriate when celebrating in the open air. In it you can hide from sudden bad weather, arrange tables for a buffet table.


    It is also better to plan the preparation of the buffet table in advance.... You can organize the organization yourself or trust the services of a catering company.

    • The buffet table usually becomes the final part of the wedding ceremony, therefore, if everything is thought out correctly, it is not so difficult to arrange it yourself. You need to take care of the arrangement of tables for treats and food. What can you offer guests? Wine or champagne, fruits, vegetables, such as canapés, light sandwiches. Remember that food should not be perishable. In nature, it is far from always possible to connect to electricity and take a refrigerator with you;
    • The catering company can take care of the preparation of the buffet table. That is, you just order certain dishes and snacks, and they will be delivered at the right time and tables are beautifully served;
    • Many couples do not refuse a traditional banquet in a restaurant or cafe. It is advisable to choose a place for further celebration near the site where the registration itself is done. This will save you and your guests time and energy. You should not schedule the banquet too late, it is preferable to go to a restaurant immediately after the end of the official part.

    The oath

    The culmination of the ceremony is oath of the bride and groomwith which they seal their union. The text of the oath should be taken care of in advance.

    It can be chosen from the options offered by the registrar or agency, written by individual order or by the newlyweds themselves. The text should be concise and express sincere feelings young.

    Read more about how to write an oath.

    Preparing the script

    Useful video

    Everything you need to know about onsite registration from Ekaterina Keschan:

    A wedding ceremony outside the strict walls of a state institution is undoubtedly a great effort in preparation, double financial costs, but also beauty, originality, brightness, sincerity and unforgettableness of your most important day in life.

    Registration of marriage is the most important event in the life of two people in love.

    Traditionally, painting is carried out in the registry office according to the standard scenario.

    However, today young people are increasingly choosing the Western option, in which the solemn wedding ceremony is held outside the registry office.

    How is the on-site marriage registration process and how much does it cost in 2020?

    Exit registration of marriage differs from the traditional one, which is carried out directly at the registry office. Such a ceremony is ideal for those who do not like crowds, rush, and mass.

    Going outside the registry office will allow you to embody any fantasies, provide an opportunity for a wide choice of places for the painting of the newlyweds.

    Let's list the most significant advantages of registration outside the registry office:

    As for the disadvantages of on-site registration, there are only two of them:

    1. Considerable cost of the service, which depends on the wishes of the event's customers.
    2. Dependence on weather conditions on the day of the celebration.

    There are 2 types of off-site registration: official and symbolic.

    Official registration is carried out, as a rule, by employees of the registry office and includes the entry of the newlyweds' murals in the Book of Acts right during the celebration.

    However, according to domestic legislation, exit registration is permissible only in certain cases, when, for example, one of the future newlyweds is seriously ill or is serving time in prison.

    Note! In Moscow, official exit registrations are allowed even in the absence of special conditions, however, they can only be held on certain days and in certain places.

    An exit ceremony in Moscow can only take place on the territory of the established cultural and historical sites of the city.

    Several wedding agencies offer assistance with formal offsite registrations. Employees of such agencies take upon themselves the solution of the issue of cooperation with employees of the registry office.

    Important! An employee of the registry office does not have the right to take the registration book out of the walls of the institution and, leaving the registry office, actually violate the law.

    Symbolic on-site registration is almost not limited by anything: neither place, nor time, nor the customer's fantasies. The only thing that can slow down the riot of desires is financial opportunities.

    Submit an application to the registry office, and then modestly take the finished marriage certificate. And hold the solemn ceremony, albeit symbolic, on the road and heartily.

    For all its merits, organizing an outdoor wedding ceremony is not an easy task. It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail and prepare well.

    The success of the celebration depends on several points, each of which is very important:

    • preparation of documents;
    • choice of venue;
    • decoration and decoration;
    • selection of the host of the ceremony;
    • musical arrangement;
    • vow of a couple in love.

    Before holding an exit wedding ceremony, you should prepare the necessary documents for this.

    List of required papers:

    Ceremonies organized against the background of picturesque nature, for example, a beautiful grove or a lake, look very romantic, since options for an enchanting appearance of the bride and groom immediately appear.

    If the celebration takes place during the cold season, then you need to choose an indoor space. The main requirements for the site: capacity, the possibility of solemn registration of the passage of the young.

    At the same time, you should not be afraid to go beyond the generally accepted norms: on the contrary, this will help make the ceremony unforgettable.

    It all depends on the tastes and personal preferences of the future spouses.

    In the classic version, a variety of arches are installed, decorated with natural and artificial flowers, ribbons, airy fabrics and other decorative elements.

    The path leading to the altar is made in a similar style. Floral arrangements, candles, graceful jardinieres, airy fabric and other original details are used for its decor.

    The traditional element is the table. Additional - chairs for guests, decorated with bows or covers.

    Choosing a host

    The presenter of the ceremony plays the most important role in the solemn field registration.

    This person should radiate positive, deliver his speech from the heart, sometimes be able to improvise.

    You can invite to the symbolic ceremony to be the leading theater actor who will perform in any role.

    The choice of music that will be played at the ceremony is very important.

    The bride and groom usually make a playlist of their favorite romantic songs, which will accompany them at such a solemn moment.

    The main composition is Mendelssohn's March. It is better to keep the tradition here.

    A special atmosphere will be created by an invited live ensemble, which will give the celebration of showiness, chic and romance.

    The beauty of the visiting ceremony is mostly in its fantastic design.

    To complete the wedding ceremony, you must prepare:

    • champagne glasses;
    • a pillow for wedding rings;
    • an elegant folder, which will contain the coveted marriage certificate;
    • baskets with rose petals.

    To make the bride's exit especially romantic, you can invite children disguised as angels from the agency; they will carry the train of the bride's dress and scatter rose petals around.

    The ceremony itself takes about 20 minutes on average. In the classic version, it goes like this:

    1. First, the leader approaches the altar.
    2. Then he addresses the guests with a welcoming speech.
    3. Next, the girlfriends and friends of the newlyweds come up in pairs.
    4. Future spouses appear solemnly.

    The only price norm for on-site registration is the payment of the State fee, which is 350 rubles.

    The rest of the costs directly depend on the desire and capabilities of the newlyweds and the company that will conduct the ceremony. In large cities, tariffs will be significantly higher than in the periphery.

    For example, in St. Petersburg, the price starts from 20,000 rubles. There is simply no upper price cap in this matter. In Moscow, the cost of an exit ceremony from the registry office on the territory of cultural sites ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles.

    This amount usually includes a set of mandatory services, such as:

    • rental of premises;
    • departure of the registrar;
    • musical accompaniment;
    • photography.

    You will have to pay an additional fee for registration, or the newlyweds decorate the place of registration on their own.

    In other cities, the tariffs for field receptionist services are more modest.

    So, exit registration is most often a symbolic ceremony. But this does not diminish its advantages in the least.

    Adhering to an unconventional approach to registering your marriage, you will immortalize this solemn moment in the memory of relatives and guests present at the holiday, in photo and video frames.

    Hello everyone, dear readers. With the beginning of the summer season, the number of outdoor weddings increases, which means that the number of off-site registrations increases significantly. Therefore, I think it will be very important to discuss, and what is it - the official exit registration of marriage in Moscow? ..

    Yes, it's official. So let's get started.

    Outside registration

    Exit check-in means bright nature, good weather and great mood. It is very beautiful and unusual. If you are a romantic person, a lover of fresh air and just do not want the stuffy walls of the regional registry office, then this option is definitely for you.

    And don't think that you will absolutely get rid of the walls of the registry office. No. In fact, all sites for registration on the road are assigned to a specific department of the registry office. And therefore the documents will have to be submitted according to the standard.

    Official part

    Beautiful venues

    As I said a little earlier, in order for registration to be official, it must take place in places specially allowed for this. In this case, we will focus on palaces and museums.

    Tsaritsyno State Historical, Architectural, Art Landscape Museum-Reserve

    The atmosphere of the 18th century awaits you here. Truly chic architecture, large halls can delight you and your guests. From June to September, official registrations take place here 4 days a week: from Wednesday to Saturday.

    In the rest of the months, it is possible to register your marriage only on Friday or Saturday. As I said above, all applications are submitted to the registry office attached to the place, so in this case the documents are submitted to its Shipilovsky department.

    State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskov Estate of the 18th century

    Registration takes place in the chic White Hall of the Italian house. As for dates, weddings are held here every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from October to April. During the wedding period from May to September, weddings take place every Friday and Saturday according to the schedule. The application and selection of dates is carried out in the Perovskiy department.

    Hotel complex "Danilovsky" on the territory of the Moscow Patriarchate at the Holy Danilovsky Monastery

    A beautiful landscape place against the background of the monastery opens its doors every week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This complex is assigned to the Wedding Palace No. 1.

    Petrovsky Travel Palace

    It is waiting for you in autumn, winter and spring twice a month, and in the summer season four times a month. More specific days are discussed with the administration and in the Tver department of the registry office.

    The estate of the princes Golitsyn "Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki"

    Registration takes place on the territory of the equestrian yard on Fridays from 11:00 to 17:00 hours in agreement with the administration. All necessary documents are submitted to the Ryazan department.

    N. A. Durasov's palace in the Lublino estate

    Here the wedding can take place on any day except Monday and Sunday. Of course, Friday and Saturday are most often chosen, but an ordinary weekday will also open its doors to you for a holiday. No matter how punishing it sounds, this palace is assigned to the Wedding Palace No. 3.

    In conclusion

    As you already understood, official exit registration is quite possible. Prices are not that cosmic. But, if you want to have a wedding, yes sooner, then you will be upset, because the queue for such registration is quite large.

    There aren't many days when officially sanctioned venues open their doors to get married, but don't be discouraged! The main desire is and then your day will become the way you dreamed.

    And, of course, what is the end of the article without the traditional farewell. And, as usual, I remind you: do not forget to write comments, tell your stories. Or maybe someone already had such a registration?

    Send photos, subscribe to blog news and share information with friends. All great mood and an unforgettable wedding, which you have always dreamed of. Everyone is happy. While.

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