• You don't know how to act. When you don't know what to do


    “Today you want one thing - to die, and tomorrow you wake up and realize that you just had to go down a few steps, grope for a switch on the wall and see life in a completely different light ...” Anna Gavalda

    Sometimes it happens that things get bad. Is it a crisis of age, depression or an understanding of the hopelessness of life? Together. What are you doing wrong? How to find your way and get out of the absorbing abyss?

    What to do if stuck at one point?

    1. You surrounded yourself with the wrong people. Time to change friends!

    Your environment is completely "foreign" people, even if you know them for a long time. You do not have common interests, goals, desires. These people serve not as a support, but as an anchor on the leg. Because of them, you are stuck at one point and slowly go to the bottom. They pull back, criticize, take time and effort. They make you a loser, just like they do. What to do in this case?

    Find those who will inspire, think like and motivate. Who can you grow with? Who is better. Who can you look up to. Find new acquaintances, friends and buddies. Surround yourself with strong people. Who do you want to be like.

    2. You got stuck and lost your grip. It's time to wake up and stop being shit!

    Crisis, fatigue and depression? What to do if you don't know what to do? Often the cause of unhappiness lies in the fact that you are stuck and have lost your grip. Run home from work. There are TV shows, the Internet, social networks, a TV and a sofa. On weekends, sleep until dinner, gatherings with friends, alcohol, entertainment and laziness. You understand that you are not doing anything right and right. For this reason, you are unhappy and go into the swamp of depression.

    It's time for you to start moving. Bring momentum into your life. To do at least something, and not go with the flow, like a weak-willed shit. Start learning a foreign language, go to courses, sign up for a gym, engage in self-education. Fluff up yourself.

    3. You are not doing what you want. Time to find goals!

    Many people work for a long time on goals that are far from their real desires. They work at jobs they hate. They do things that don't inspire. They are mired in the routine and meaninglessness of life.

    You are not doing what you want. You wasted your time and your potential at all on what was needed. What to do if you made a mistake in choosing the path? Set a new goal. new real purpose. Which you really want to achieve.

    Goals don't have to be whimsical or stupid. Now write down on a piece of paper what you most want to achieve. Make a detailed plan and tie it to the time.

    4. You are a fatalist. It's time to try your hand!

    It is easy to complain about circumstances, government, crisis, parents, detractors and other factors. Stop taking responsibility and nodding to fate. It's time to take full responsibility into your own hands.

    We are unhappy when we allow ourselves to waste our resources: time, effort, energy and potential. Make a plan to achieve your goal. Get out of the circle and try new things. Test yourself for strength. Rush into battle. Take a chance. You are unhappy for the reason that your "motor" does not growl and does not work at full strength.

    What to do if you don't know what to do? Find like-minded people, start doing at least something, find goals and rush into battle.

    Before everyone on Earth and more than once the question arose of what to do when you do not know what to do. The very occurrence of the question does not mean that the situation is necessarily tragically hopeless, it can simply be confusion due to the loss of some link in the chain of events or simply unwillingness to do anything. In the latter case, the exclamation is appropriate: “I don’t know what to do!”

    1. You just have to do something

    There is a saying that there are no hopeless situations. However, for a person in trouble, this is little consolation, because in a global sense, such a statement still implies death as a way out of the impasse. It's very dark. If we return to more life-affirming provisions, then in the situation of “what to do when you don’t know what to do”, the person who faced this question must be supported and together try to find a way out of the situation. Of course, in such moments it is very necessary that a loving person is nearby. Firstly, he will not rejoice at the misfortune that has fallen, which is already good. Secondly, as they say, two heads are better. Nowadays, hopeless situations most often arise due to lack of money. And there is only one way out - to try to find them. Advice can only be of a purely individual nature. A close person will tell you how to take some steps in the right direction. After all, he knows about the situation firsthand.

    2. Time is the best healer

    The situation “what to do when you don’t know what to do” acquires a tragic color in the event of the departure of a loved one. There can be only one advice here - you need to try to survive it somehow. Again, it is not in vain that folk wisdom claims that time is the best healer. That's why she is wisdom, which is made up of millions of similar situations. At the moment of acute experience, this is little consolation, but still. It remains only to enjoy the presence of the Internet! Having a friend is good. What if he suffers from tongue-tied tongue? On the Internet on this topic - poems, proverbs, advice and, most importantly, all kinds of trainings. Popular wisdom claims that you need to sleep with trouble, in the morning it will not be easier, but there will be a feeling that life goes on, and you have to fight for it. This is where trainings are appropriate, with the help of which a person will sooner or later be able to understand how to make the right decision.

    3. We must remember that life is "striped"

    It is impossible to distract a person at a moment of acute grief or when the situation seems completely hopeless to him, you must try to calm him down, most likely with the help of the necessary medicines. There are, of course, radical actions - a new stress, that is, as they say, a wedge with a wedge. Not every heart can handle it. One reasonable conclusion arises, following, again, from folk wisdom - if it grinds, there will be flour. That is, to the question of what to do when you don’t know what to do, there is an answer - you need to somehow continue to live. Songs are sung about this. What can be done in this situation? You need to somehow get together or at least try to do it. It is shameful, but necessary, in relation to this situation, to assert such truths as: "Proper nutrition and active outdoor sports will help you." However, this is true. Today a piece does not go down the throat, tomorrow the same thing, but the body will take its toll, and this will be the first step towards recovery. And when a person “resolves” the situation, his joy will be huge, sincere and incomparable with anything. Maybe it is these strong sensations that adrenaline hunters lack, who do not have hopeless situations. Although no extreme can be compared with the depth of feelings of sincere grief or joy.

    4. Not everything is always so scary

    The phrase "I don't even know what to do" can have a flirtatious connotation and mean the impossibility of choosing from a large number of excellent offers, and even admiring this situation. However, this happens very rarely. There are situations when a person who is subject to someone or something does not know what to do due to the lack of orders from above. There are many recommendations. Not the best of them, but suitable for certain situations, these are tips about what in this case it is better to do nothing. Better yet, relax, focus on the inner world (meditate) and, if possible, fall asleep. And this is the best of all recommendations. Meditation, like conversation with God, is not available to everyone. There are times when you just don't feel like doing something. If the form of this reluctance becomes severe, then this is called depression. A person loses interest in everything, his self-esteem is low - and then it’s time for those around him to exclaim: “I don’t know what to do simply!” Contact a doctor.

    5. The approach to the problem is always individual

    There are dozens of tips on what to do when you don't know what to do.
    They advise you to dig, nibble on a stick, take a step forward, even flip through a menu or go shopping.
    Each advice is deeply individual and implies a specific situation. It is much easier for a believer to collect his thoughts in a difficult situation.
    First, he is used to relying on God and believes that He will help him anyway. This belief in itself is a tangible part of the guarantee of a way out of the impasse. Secondly, a deeply religious person always has an interlocutor, or rather, one to whom one can turn with questions. The questions themselves and their own answers to them are mental activity, that is, the search for a way out of the situation. Conversation with God is both comfort and stress relief. These actions make sense only for people who deeply and sincerely believe. They are always protected. And if a person is an atheist or faith goes in parallel with real life?

    Finish the unfinished
    If the situation does not balance on the verge of life and death, then there are enough ways out of an ordinary impasse, which occurs often in life. There is no optimal recipe, except how to sit down and calm down, collect your thoughts. People are different, but most of them have accumulated a lot of things that they would like to do, but various circumstances interfered, or maybe they didn’t have enough strength for a hobby.
    It's time to clean up your collections.
    And now everything has changed - the main goal of life, its driving force, has disappeared for a while. It's time to do things that have been postponed for "later".
    You can put things in order in the house, you can review old films, read a book for which there was not enough time.
    You can leave and see long-desired places.
    Or, finally, just sit down at the computer, and on the Internet and read, and look, and see, and even put some things in order.
    Again, all this is possible in a situation where a person is full, healthy and nothing threatens life.
    In all other provisions, there is a goal - it is necessary to specifically look for a way out.

    Ecology of life. Psychology: Sometimes events occur, in the process or as a result of which we find ourselves in a situation where we don’t know ...

    When everything goes the way we are used to, in most cases we know without any problems what to do, how and when to do it.

    But this is not always the case, sometimes events occur, in the process or as a result of which we find ourselves in a situation where we don’t know what to do, but we need to do something.

    So what do you do when you don't know what to do?

    Today I will give an answer to this question, the answer is actually simple. Efficiency in general is very often associated with simplicity and obviousness, which are lost in the haste and panic of the unforeseen. And most importantly - help yourself - available to everyone.

    So, the first and main rule, it must be clearly understood and followed:when you don't know what to do - first of all do what you know(at a comfortable pace, rhythm, not forgetting to rest). Difficult, new or unfamiliar actions, as well as following impulses in important or difficult situations (issues) - most often lead to mistakes and deterioration of the state of affairs + doing what you know helps with regaining feelings of control and security that usually disappear in a difficult situations.

    Second rule: learn to plan. Highlight the goal, break the goal into tasks (preferably in writing). The plan in its general form should be as simple and understandable as possible, the more complex (global) the plan, the higher the probability of errors, since there are too many uncontrolled variables, as well as the possibility of forgetting or missing something.

    Third rule: wait for the result of the actions according to the plan. Even if the plan is of high quality and fully implemented, it takes time for the result to appear, difficult situations, as a rule, are not immediately and radically resolved. Therefore, after each step (action) according to the plan - make a stop (pause) to see and realize the result.

    Rule four:take better care of yourself.Oddly enough, but - we, most often, are our own worst critics and worst enemies. We can give chances and opportunities to other people, often for no reason, but we do not want to give ourselves the slightest indulgence, nor the right to make a mistake (weakness, procrastination).

    But we are - our main resource for solving situations, so you need to take care of yourself, give yourself chances - always!

    Rule five: ask for help and accept help. Doing everything yourself, no matter what, defiantly not asking for or accepting help - very often this is what prevents you from coping with the situation faster and more efficiently. But in most cases there are people nearby who are ready to help, you just need to ask (after all, they don’t read minds) and not refuse when help is offered. If in doubt, see rule four.

    Following such at first glance unpretentious rules will at least not hurt, but as a maximum it can really help and greatly facilitate the way out of an unforeseen difficult situation. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

    If you are wondering: "What do you do if you don't know what to do?", it means that you either don’t know what to do, that is, you haven’t decided what business you want to do in life, or you know what business you want to do, but don’t know where to start.

    If you belong to the first category, then welcome to the sections: and. After completing all the tasks in these sections, you will know exactly what you need to do in life. And you will find the business of your dreams. If the information in these sections is not enough for you, then you can familiarize yourself with the course.

    If you belong to the second category, that is, you know what you want to do, but do not know where to start, then this article is written especially for you. I wrote some tricks in the article -. But I think nothing terrible will happen if I repeat myself a little in this article.

    To be honest, I often ask myself: "What do you do when you don't know what to do?". Sometimes it happens that you seem to know what you want, but there is NO way or plan to achieve the goal, and if there is a way or plan to achieve the goal, then immediately there is NO OPPORTUNITY. For example, to achieve the goal there is not enough money, or you need to go to another city or country, or you don’t have enough knowledge, either ..., or .... I think you understand perfectly well what I'm talking about, because we all face such an absurd situation.

    So what do you do when you don't know what to do? Breaking your head is not an effective way, digging on the Internet is already closer, regularly asking yourself a question is exactly what you need. Yes that's right.

    The second answer to the question of what to do if you don’t know what to do is to look for information in various sources: the Internet, seminars. Sometimes the answer is in some or article. But again, look for answers without fanaticism. The easiest and at the same time difficult way to find the answer to your question is to ask a person who knows what needs to be done to come to such a result. In other words, you need to use someone else's experience.

    If you want to open a cafe, but do not know where to start, then you can ask your friend who is engaged in this business. Sounds simple. And if there are no acquaintances who are engaged in this business, then what? Find? YES!!! Now you understand why this method is complex and simple at the same time.

    In my life, I noticed that people are happy to share information, their experience about something specific. People love to tell their success story. But it also happens that people do not want to share information even for money. Nobody needs competitors. So try to find a person who has already achieved what you want to achieve. Let him be your mentor.

    What to do if you don't know what to do?

    Another category of people who wonder what to do if you don't know what to do- just found themselves in a dead end or hopeless situation in their opinion. For example, you were fired from a high-paying job when you have small children and an outstanding loan. Of course, the answer suggests itself. In such a situation, the first thing to do is to calm down. I know it's very difficult, but under the influence of emotions, the problem only gets worse. If I found myself in such a situation, then I would start looking for a new job and ask for help from relatives and friends.

    Never be afraid to ask for help if you find yourself in a desperate situation. I perfectly understand that you do not want to look pathetic in the eyes of other people, and pride does not allow you to make a call to your friend and, for example, ask them to lend you a certain amount. But if you do not ask for help, then you will continue to wonder - what to do when you don't know what to do?

    Sometimes situations like this just need to be dealt with. For example, you were dumped by a guy with whom you lived for quite a long time. Most likely, you consider him the only person, and you cannot imagine your life without him. It never crosses your mind that you can meet another guy with whom you will be much happier. Instead, you think . Just at such moments, the girl does not know what to do and how to behave so that the guy returns. Time passes, attempts to return the guy were unsuccessful, and the girl slowly begins to forget him. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. And after a while she meets the guy of her dreams.

    That is, it turns out that at the time of parting, she had no idea what to do. She thought that she was in a dead end, and after a while she is already making plans for the future with her new boyfriend. That is, sometimes it is better to let go of the situation, and then it will resolve itself.

    The same example can be given in relation to business. When a business collapses, entrepreneurs, no matter how hard they try, cannot save it. They don't know what they need to do to save their business. And so, sleepless nights they think about how to fix the current situation, but they can’t find an answer. As a result, the business collapses completely, and entrepreneurs, in their opinion, find themselves in a dead end. Having let go of the situation, after a while, the ruined entrepreneurs find new, better ideas.

    In short, if you don't know what to do, just shut up and do something useful. For example, read a book. The authors of this book answer in more detail the question of what to do if you do not know what to do.

    Sometimes in some cases you don't know what to do. You don't know what is right and what is wrong...

    Are you sure what is good and what is bad?

    I'll give you one example… You wake up in the morning and your child says to you: “I don't want to go to school!” You think it's very bad. But are you sure what is good and what is bad?

    Recently (I don't know if you remember this incident) a father was taking his child to school. Not far from the school, the robbers broke into a bank in Athens, in Kallithea, stole a large amount of money, went out into the street, armed, they had a Kalashnikov, fired four times into the air, intimidating people so that no one would approach them. The people wanted to catch them - they informed the police, and she tried to detain the robbers. During the general panic, they stopped a car passing by in order to run on it and so escape. But in the car they stopped, the father was taking his little daughter to school. And he, protecting the child, resisted them, resisted. The robbers beat both him and the child. Luckily, none of the two were killed. But the girl was hit right in the stomach! The child was taken to the hospital, the danger passed, but, be that as it may, the girl experienced a huge shock and received terrible experiences.

    And I think about this question: because if that child woke up that morning and cried and asked to stay at home and said: “I don’t want to go to school, because I don’t like school, because I’m something feel. I haven’t slept, I’m having a hard time, I haven’t learned my lessons,” then his parents would tell him, “It’s out of the question,” believing that if they give in, they will be detrimental to the success and well-being of the child. “It's out of the question for you to miss classes. You must go to school. You go, and leave your "I do not want." In any case, you will go to school!” And if I were in their place, I would do the same. Is not it so? Wouldn't you do the same? And you don't do the same thing every day? If your child protests what you think is "good", you say "this is good. And even more so the school, it is so useful. You can't miss school!" And you take him to school, whether your child wants to or not.

    Naturally, if that father knew that this whole nightmare would happen on the way to school that morning and that the robbers would shoot at his child and at him ... And he would probably say: “If I had known, I would never have taken him! But how was I to know! After all, going to school is “good” and obligatory.”

    So you're supposed to take some action, but you have no idea where they will lead you.

    I don’t know if something like this has happened to you: you think about buying something, going somewhere to travel, meeting this or that person, behaving in a certain way, and you don’t know if something good will come of it ( and from what). You are not sure what to do and what tomorrow will bring you. Even with regard to those actions that seem at first glance very positive, very charitable, blessed and holy. Agree? After all, what could be better than sending your child to school? And yet, that morning, if he had not gone to school, it would have been much better!

    Finally, what is the best and what is the worst? Dilemmas and questions that will be answered, I believe, at the end of our lives. And we will receive an exhaustive answer to all these dilemmas in eternity. On this earth, what we call "good" can bring us great pain. And what at first glance, as it seems, will bring us great pain, can lead us to something very “good” later on. And since we cannot discern it ourselves, we are left with one thing. I will talk about this further.

    I see confusion on your face. You want to know everything right now, and I'll tell you. I think we have one left. We do not know this, we are perplexed about it, we remain ignorant of many things. And you often write me messages, letters and emails and say: “I think I'm going to do something. Tell me: is this right? I don't know. The only thing I know, I'll tell you about it. A little later.

    I think how different things would be if we had a very lively and explicit . A very clear connection. That is, as when you see a person and turn to him, and he turns to you and clearly says what he thinks, so we could lively communicate with the Creator, with our God, the Lord. And then we would say to Him: “Lord, what should I do here?” And they would immediately hear His voice in response: “In this situation, do this. Walk straight. This is the surest way." Then, further: “Lord, is this movement correct?!” And He would answer you: “No, don't do it! It won't get you anywhere good. Do not continue. Change your plans." Now, if we had such a living and obvious connection with Him, our life would be wonderful.

    But we are not like that. Before us is uncertainty. We do not understand what God wants from us. We do not know what God wants from me personally and from you personally, for what He wants from me, He may not want from you. And vice versa. He doesn't want the same from everyone. Everyone has their own path. And so many mistakes that bring us great pain are made along the way. And years pass, we act blunders and worry. We go in a direction that we think will lead to good, but in the end it leads us to bad. Of course, if you look deeply at what is happening, there is no "bad" thing. Everything ultimately leads to good. But we are in pain. We are crying. And we perceive everything that happens to us as everyday troubles. We get frustrated and disappointed.

    Our perseverance must respect the signs given by the Lord to "Stop"

    Therefore, I have worked out the following tactic as a way out for some situations. There is a question that is bothering you. You don't "knock on the door" for long (regarding this question). Knock-knock - try. The door does not open. One more time: knock-knock. The door does not open. Of course, if you kick it with your foot and break it out, you will be able to get inside as a result, but this will happen through a burglary. The most beautiful door that the Lord opens in our life, in my opinion, is the one that opens easily and freely. Of course, with effort and perseverance, but without selfish pressure. So I think. At the same time, our perseverance should respect the signs given by the Lord, and not insist too much, but accept these signs that warn: "Stop." Then think about it: maybe this is a sign from God that I should not be too stubborn and change course?

    And one more clarification. Everything that I tell you today, as always, is not the ultimate truth. I don't know if I'm right. Or maybe it really isn't. But I say what I understood based on what you read, heard and told.

    Here, for example, one person goes to the airport. There are no tickets, and he is told: "We will put you on a waiting list." And so he waits his turn, and eagerly and prayerfully seeks to get a seat on this flight. He even prays and asks God: "I ask You, Lord, do something to get me on board, do what is best for me." Here are shouting out several names, his name is not called. In the end, he is left without a ticket. The plane takes off without him. He is very upset, upset, indignant, nerves on edge. What I am talking about has happened to many. Many, either because they were late to the airport, or because they did not have enough space, did not get on the right flight. A few minutes after the plane took off, everyone suddenly hears terrible news: the plane has crashed. And the man who just killed himself and lamented: “Well, why should I lose this flight ?!” falls to his knees, kisses the ground and exclaims with tears: “I escaped! I'm alive! I'm alive! If I had been on that plane, I would have died! And now I'm alive! But I so wanted to get on this flight at all costs, I persisted so, so instructed on my own, and here you are - it’s scary to imagine what would happen to me now!

    And "goes" one of those who crashed. He appears to me and says: “What do you say to me? Well, that one, the other one, he did not get on the flight and escaped. And I? Why did this happen to me?" And then you know what I do? I am silent. I don't know what to answer him. Because in reality the phenomenon of life, the mystery of life, surpasses our understanding. The only thing I can say to him is: “My brother, don't ask me. You ask Him Who is the Manager of our life. You ask Him Who defines and regulates and knows everything. And directs the circumstances where he directs, for each of us. He knows how long we will live, when we leave, under what circumstances the end will overtake us. He alone knows how and why. He knows everything. But I don’t know and I can’t answer that question for you.”

    I am really confused. But I know that the one who eventually survived becomes more mature after this, he looks at the world differently. He thinks: “Look what it can lead to! This means that in life it is not worth complaining and speaking the way I spoke at the moment when my plane took off; “Oh, how bad it turned out for me.” Because you do not know what is destined for you in the future and what is actually good and what is bad.

    We are left with one. I will talk about it now. I've kept you in suspense for quite some time. Necessary ! Some, upon hearing this proposal, say: “In other words, I don’t need to do anything at all then? No movement? Just sit back and wait?" Of course you need to take action. You need to do the things that you have to do, you need to make plans. And then trust in the love of God and say: “My Lord, now You bless my deeds and arrange everything Yourself. I don't know what I'll get out of what I'm starting to do. There may be mistakes, failures, problems. Maybe I'll be kicked out altogether. I start. Bless my life."

    "Good" does not mean that everything will be "in chocolate", easy and pleasant

    And I do not rely on the fact that everything will be fine in the sense of "cloudless". Be careful! Probably, this is the mistake people make in life, and you in yours, and I in mine. Different teachers, preachers, theologians - and I could make this mistake - brought us up from childhood and taught that when you are close to God, everything will be fine with you. But life came and disappointed us. Because they never explained to us what “good” means. After all, "good" does not mean that everything will be "in chocolate", easy and pleasant. Because in reality we saw that it works rather reverse. We realized that when you are close to God, your affairs do not always go well. You face adversity, and sorrow, and persecution, and sickness, and hardship, and failure - all sorts of unpleasant things. This is the truth of life. But through it you will learn maturity, inner enrichment, humility. Your soul, having gone through these misfortunes and problems, will become wise, intelligent, enlightened.

    Who said that a person next to God will not face unforeseen situations? And that something would not happen to him that he did not expect and did not even imagine that such a thing could happen in his life! No, do not even think that next to Christ, loving the Lord, you will not be subjected to life's trials. You will, and very many. With only one difference: you will know how to overcome them. You will overcome many worries and learn to stay above the waves and dive into the abyss in order to avoid the swift onslaught. And when a wave begins to come upon you to cover you and disappoint you, you will sink into humility, into love, into surrendering yourself to the will of God, into complete submission. You will surrender and say, “Lord, I cannot explain my life. But I know - and I enough- that you love me.

    A mother came to me for confession several years ago. I ask her: "Do you have a family?" She says yes. And I saw tears in her eyes. - "Do you have children?" - “There was a daughter, and I sent her by force on an excursion organized by the university. I forced her to go so that she would not be isolated and cut off from the guys, so that she could communicate with them, and not be alone, not close in on herself. I told her: go and you. They went abroad, to Tokyo, and there my daughter, father, was killed by lightning!” You understand?! Can you imagine how this mother feels? Did she really want to harm her child? Did she wish him something bad? She invited the girl to go so that she would be happy. Encouraged her to befriend the university company. “Come on,” he says to her, “break away from home, unwind a little, rejoice too. Take a break from the constant work." And in her thoughts she had nothing bad. And then lightning struck the balcony, where her daughter was sitting nonchalantly, and the child died. Imagine now this mother getting a phone call from Tokyo to announce her daughter's death!

    There are a lot of surprises in life, a lot. Sometimes, when you think about all this, you want to say: "I'd rather stay at home, I won't go anywhere, and then nothing will happen to me." You do not know anything. If you are a rationalist and have no trust in God, then you really think so. And this has its own logic.

    But if you love God and put Him into your life, then you are saying, "I put myself completely in the hands of God and where He will lead"! I can't be sure of anything. Of one thing I am certain: He loves me. “But how does He love you? asks another. “You yourself recently told me about a child who was shot with a rifle; about the girl who died; about a man who didn’t get on the plane and many others with whom I don’t know what else happened. Is this really all "love"?

    Listen. A few days ago I had a problem with my teeth. They got sick. While eating, I bit into something hard - it turned out to be my tooth! It broke: a small piece broke off. I went to treat him. The dentist is my spiritual daughter (she confesses to me). And when she comes to me, she stands before me with fear. And here I am sitting in an armchair and, just as she, the dentist, “trembles” before confession, so at these moments I put myself into her hands, and tremble, and say: “My God, what awaits me now?” Very painful moments! As a rule, visiting a dentist is an unpleasant experience for a patient. If you have a toothache, you understand what it is ... or an ear, or there was a migraine. These are terrible moments. And now the doctor gives me anesthesia - it's useless! The doctor makes enhanced anesthesia - and everything inside goes numb. Earned a drill, drills, a circle. I felt severe pain, my leg trembled, my nerves were tense, like a bowstring - unbearable. And I said to myself: “This doctor loves me so much and hurts me so much. How is it possible that she, who loves me so - I am sure of this - brought me such suffering ”? And even though she knew I was in pain, she continued. No kidding, she continued.

    Love does not always mean "stroking the head"

    So love - it does not always mean "stroking the head." it means hurting the one you love, and not stopping when the other groans in pain, or suffers, or suffers, if you know that there is no other way out. Who will give us the answer to this question: “Why is there no other way out?”? I think the answer is given by the Cross of Christ: "Behold, through the Cross the joy of the whole world has come." Through pain comes joy, through darkness of trial comes light of hope. And in the end, life lives on. I don't know how: it's a sacrament surpasses my understanding. But what I know is this: I can communicate with you today, because my favorite dentist did not take pity on me the day before yesterday, but hurt me, tormented me, immobilized my lips, I did not understand what was happening to me, became numb, felt dysphoric. However, all this brought me recovery (although at that moment I was terribly ill).

    What is the result? Man commits himself to God. There is no other way out.

    (To be continued)

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